371 Repositories
Python julia-gpu-course Libraries
DL course co-developed by YSDA, HSE and Skoltech
Deep learning course This repo supplements Deep Learning course taught at YSDA and HSE @fall'21. For previous iteration visit the spring21 branch. Lec
Scalene: a high-performance, high-precision CPU, GPU, and memory profiler for Python
Scalene: a high-performance CPU, GPU and memory profiler for Python by Emery Berger, Sam Stern, and Juan Altmayer Pizzorno. Scalene community Slack Ab
The fundamentals of Python!
The fundamentals of Python Author: Mohamed NIANG, Staff ML Scientist Presentation This repository contains notebooks on the fundamentals of Python. Th
Iris prediction model is used to classify iris species created julia's DecisionTree, DataFrames, JLD2, PlotlyJS and Statistics packages.
Iris Species Predictor Iris prediction is used to classify iris species using their sepal length, sepal width, petal length and petal width created us
It is a simple library to speed up CLIP inference up to 3x (K80 GPU)
CLIP-ONNX It is a simple library to speed up CLIP inference up to 3x (K80 GPU) Usage Install clip-onnx module and requirements first. Use this trick !
Streamlit apps done following data professor's course on YouTube
streamlit-twelve-apps Streamlit apps done following data professor's course on YouTube Español Curso de apps de data science hecho por Data Professor
Data science on SDGs - Udemy Online Course Material: Data Science on Sustainable Development Goals
Data Science on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Udemy Online Course Material: Data Science on Sustainable Development Goals https://bit.ly/data_s
Tf alloc - Simplication of GPU allocation for Tensorflow2
tf_alloc Simpliying GPU allocation for Tensorflow Developer: korkite (Junseo Ko)
Path tracing obj - (taichi course final project) a path tracing renderer that can import and render obj files
Path tracing obj - (taichi course final project) a path tracing renderer that can import and render obj files
NLP-SentimentAnalysis - Coursera Course ( Duration : 5 weeks ) offered by DeepLearning.AI
Coursera Natural Language Processing Specialization This repository contains material related to Coursera Natural Language Processing Specialization.
Notes, programming assignments and quizzes from all courses within the Coursera Deep Learning specialization offered by deeplearning.ai
Coursera-deep-learning-specialization - Notes, programming assignments and quizzes from all courses within the Coursera Deep Learning specialization offered by deeplearning.ai: (i) Neural Networks and Deep Learning; (ii) Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization; (iii) Structuring Machine Learning Projects; (iv) Convolutional Neural Networks; (v) Sequence Models
DAT4 - General Assembly's Data Science course in Washington, DC
DAT4 Course Repository Course materials for General Assembly's Data Science course in Washington, DC (12/15/14 - 3/16/15). Instructors: Sinan Ozdemir
Python Deep Dive Course - Accompanying Materials
Python Deep Dive Various Jupyter notebooks and Python sources associated with my Udemy Python 3 Deep Dive course series: Part 1: Mainly functional pro
ML course - EPFL Machine Learning Course, Fall 2021
EPFL Machine Learning Course CS-433 Machine Learning Course, Fall 2021 Repository for all lecture notes, labs and projects - resources, code templates
Statistical-Rethinking-with-Python-and-PyMC3 - Python/PyMC3 port of the examples in " Statistical Rethinking A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan" by Richard McElreath
Statistical Rethinking with Python and PyMC3 This repository has been deprecated in favour of this one, please check that repository for updates, for
Intro-to-dl - Resources for "Introduction to Deep Learning" course.
Introduction to Deep Learning course resources https://www.coursera.org/learn/intro-to-deep-learning Running on Google Colab (tested for all weeks) Go
NumQMBasic - A mini-course offered to Undergrad physics students
The best way to use this material is by forking it by click the Fork button at the top, right corner. Then you will get your own copy to play with! Th
This Crash Course will cover all you need to know to start using Plotly in your projects.
Plotly Crash Course This course was designed to help you get started using Plotly. If you ever felt like your data visualization skills could use an u
Python-Course-V1 - This Repo contains a series of Python Jupyter Notebooks and assignments
This Repo contains a series of Python Jupyter Notebooks and assignments. The assignments are taken from Python Crash Course book by Eric Matthes.
Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course Using CmdStanPy and Plotnine
Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course Using CmdStanPy and Plotnine Intro This repo contains the python/stan version of the Statistical Rethinking
Hyperopt for solving CIFAR-100 with a convolutional neural network (CNN) built with Keras and TensorFlow, GPU backend
Hyperopt for solving CIFAR-100 with a convolutional neural network (CNN) built with Keras and TensorFlow, GPU backend This project acts as both a tuto
Memory-efficient optimum einsum using opt_einsum planning and PyTorch kernels.
opt-einsum-torch There have been many implementations of Einstein's summation. numpy's numpy.einsum is the least efficient one as it only runs in sing
A simplistic and efficient pure-python neural network library from Phys Whiz with CPU and GPU support.
A simplistic and efficient pure-python neural network library from Phys Whiz with CPU and GPU support.
Scalable and Elastic Deep Reinforcement Learning Using PyTorch. Please star. 🔥
ElegantRL “小雅”: Scalable and Elastic Deep Reinforcement Learning ElegantRL is developed for researchers and practitioners with the following advantage
Python & Julia port of codes in excellent R books
X4DS This repo is a collection of Python & Julia port of codes in the following excellent R books: An Introduction to Statistical Learning (ISLR) Stat
Includes Chapters for Python Crash Course session.
python-crash-course Includes Chapters for Python Crash Course session. What will you learn: Python Essentials Creating Server Writing REST API Writing
Machine Learning Course Project, IMDB movie review sentiment analysis by lstm, cnn, and transformer
IMDB Sentiment Analysis This is the final project of Machine Learning Courses in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Artificial I
A little software to generate and save Julia or Mandelbrot's Fractals.
Julia-Mandelbrot-s-Fractals A little software to generate and save Julia or Mandelbrot's Fractals. Dependencies : Python 3.7 or more. (Also possible t
Implementation of the final project of the course DDA6309 Probabilistic Graphical Model
Task-aware Joint CWS and POS (TCwsPos) This is the implementation of the final project of the course DDA6309 Probabilistic Graphical Models, The Chine
Final Project for the CS238: Decision Making Under Uncertainty course at Stanford University in Autumn '21.
Final Project for the CS238: Decision Making Under Uncertainty course at Stanford University in Autumn '21. We optimized wind turbine placement in a wind farm, subject to wake effects, using Q-learning.
The reference baseline of final exam for XMU machine learning course
Mini-NICO Baseline The baseline is a reference method for the final exam of machine learning course. Requirements Installation we use /python3.7 /torc
All the code and files related to the MI-Lab of UE19CS305 course in sem 5
Machine-Intelligence-Lab-CS305 The compilation of all the code an drelated files from MI-Lab UE19CS305 (of batch 2019-2023) offered by PES University
Python and Julia in harmony.
PythonCall & JuliaCall Bringing Python® and Julia together in seamless harmony: Call Python code from Julia and Julia code from Python via a symmetric
All course materials for the Zero to Mastery Machine Learning and Data Science course.
Zero to Mastery Machine Learning Welcome! This repository contains all of the code, notebooks, images and other materials related to the Zero to Maste
Code for the project carried out fulfilling the course requirements for Fall 2021 NLP at NYU
Introduction Fairseq(-py) is a sequence modeling toolkit that allows researchers and developers to train custom models for translation, summarization,
Taichi Course Homework Template
太极图形课S1-标题部分 这个作业未来或将是你的开源项目,标题的内容可以来自作业中的核心关键词,让读者一眼看出你所完成的工作/做出的好玩demo 如果暂时未想好,起名时可以参考“太极图形课S1-xxx作业” 如下是作业(项目)展开说明的方法,可以帮大家理清思路,并且也对读者非常友好,请小伙伴们多多参
Arp-spoofing, this script was written for people who want to spoof any vulnerable machine such as Wİndows, of course it could have been more sophisticatedly created but these repos will be updated constantly
ARP-SPOOF ARP spoofing is a type of attack in which a malicious actor sends falsified ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) messages over a local area net
Stochastic Tensor Optimization for Robot Motion - A GPU Robot Motion Toolkit
STORM Stochastic Tensor Optimization for Robot Motion - A GPU Robot Motion Toolkit [Install Instructions] [Paper] [Website] This package contains code
Real-Time and Accurate Full-Body Multi-Person Pose Estimation&Tracking System
News! Aug 2020: v0.4.0 version of AlphaPose is released! Stronger tracking! Include whole body(face,hand,foot) keypoints! Colab now available. Dec 201
Robotics with GPU computing
Robotics with GPU computing Cupoch is a library that implements rapid 3D data processing for robotics using CUDA. The goal of this library is to imple
Computational Methods Course at UdeA. Forked and size reduced from:
Computational Methods for Physics & Astronomy Book version at: https://restrepo.github.io/ComputationalMethods by: Sebastian Bustamante 2014/2015 Dieg
Efficient and Scalable Physics-Informed Deep Learning and Scientific Machine Learning on top of Tensorflow for multi-worker distributed computing
Notice: Support for Python 3.6 will be dropped in v.0.2.1, please plan accordingly! Efficient and Scalable Physics-Informed Deep Learning Collocation-
The versatile ocean simulator, in pure Python, powered by JAX.
Veros is the versatile ocean simulator -- it aims to be a powerful tool that makes high-performance ocean modeling approachable and fun. Because Veros
Learn the Deep Learning for Computer Vision in three steps: theory from base to SotA, code in PyTorch, and space-repetition with Anki
DeepCourse: Deep Learning for Computer Vision arthurdouillard.com/deepcourse/ This is a course I'm giving to the French engineering school EPITA each
✔️ Visual, reactive testing library for Julia. Time machine included.
PlutoTest.jl (alpha release) Visual, reactive testing library for Julia A macro @test that you can use to verify your code's correctness. But instead
Webtesting for course Data Structures & Algorithms
Selenium job to automate queries to check last posts of Module Data Structures & Algorithms Web-testing for course Data Structures & Algorithms Struct
A high-performance distributed deep learning system targeting large-scale and automated distributed training.
HETU Documentation | Examples Hetu is a high-performance distributed deep learning system targeting trillions of parameters DL model training, develop
Coursera learning course Python the basics. Programming exercises and tasks
HSE_Python_the_basics Welcome to BAsics programming Python! You’re joining thousands of learners currently enrolled in the course. I'm excited to have
A python package simulating the quasi-2D pseudospin-1/2 Gross-Pitaevskii equation with NVIDIA GPU acceleration.
A python package simulating the quasi-2D pseudospin-1/2 Gross-Pitaevskii equation with NVIDIA GPU acceleration. Introduction spinor-gpe is high-level,
The second project in Python course on FCC
Assignment Write a function named add_time that takes in two required parameters and one optional parameter: a start time in the 12-hour clock format
Computer Vision Script to recognize first person motion, developed as final project for the course "Machine Learning and Deep Learning"
Overview of The Code BaseColab/MLDL_FPAR.pdf: it contains the full explanation of our work Base Colab: it contains the base colab used to perform all
Jupyter Notebooks as Markdown Documents, Julia, Python or R scripts
Have you always wished Jupyter notebooks were plain text documents? Wished you could edit them in your favorite IDE? And get clear and meaningful diff
GTK and Python based, system performance and usage monitoring tool
System Monitoring Center GTK3 and Python 3 based, system performance and usage monitoring tool. Features: Detailed system performance and usage usage
Hardware-accelerated DNN model inference ROS2 packages using NVIDIA Triton/TensorRT for both Jetson and x86_64 with CUDA-capable GPU
Isaac ROS DNN Inference Overview This repository provides two NVIDIA GPU-accelerated ROS2 nodes that perform deep learning inference using custom mode
A short code in python, Enchpyter, is able to encrypt and decrypt words as you determine, of course
Enchpyter Enchpyter is a program do encrypt and decrypt any word you want (just letters). You enter how many letters jumps and write the word, so, the
A short code in python, Enchpyter, is able to encrypt and decrypt words as you determine, of course
Enchpyter Enchpyter is a program do encrypt and decrypt any word you want (just letters). You enter how many letters jumps and write the word, so, the
Julia package for multiway (inverse) covariance estimation.
TensorGraphicalModels TensorGraphicalModels.jl is a suite of Julia tools for estimating high-dimensional multiway (tensor-variate) covariance and inve
Enchpyter, is able to encrypt and decrypt words as you determine, of course, according to the alphabet.
Enchpyter is a program do encrypt and decrypt any word you want (just letters). You enter how many letters jumps and write the word, so, the program encrypt for you in seconds.
Portfolio project for Code Institute Full Stack software development course.
Comic Sales tracker This project is the third milestone project for the Code Institute Diploma in Full Stack Software Development. You can see the fin
Massively parallel Monte Carlo diffusion MR simulator written in Python.
Disimpy Disimpy is a Python package for generating simulated diffusion-weighted MR signals that can be useful in the development and validation of dat
Run Keras models in the browser, with GPU support using WebGL
**This project is no longer active. Please check out TensorFlow.js.** The Keras.js demos still work but is no longer updated. Run Keras models in the
Course project of NLP@UCAS
NaiveMT Prepare Clone this repository git clone git@github.com:Poeroz/NaiveMT.git Install Please first install PyTorch = 1.5.0, then type the followi
An assignment from my grad-level data mining course demonstrating some experience with NLP/neural networks/Pytorch
NLP-Pytorch-Assignment An assignment from my grad-level data mining course (before I started personal projects) demonstrating some experience with NLP
Deploying a Text Summarization NLP use case on Docker Container Utilizing Nvidia GPU
GPU Docker NLP Application Deployment Deploying a Text Summarization NLP use case on Docker Container Utilizing Nvidia GPU, to setup the enviroment on
Train Dense Passage Retriever (DPR) with a single GPU
Gradient Cached Dense Passage Retrieval Gradient Cached Dense Passage Retrieval (GC-DPR) - is an extension of the original DPR library. We introduce G
Repository for a project of the course EP2520 Building Networked Systems Security
EP2520_ACME_Project Repository for a project of the course EP2520 Building Networked Systems Security in Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockhol
DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training easy, efficient, and effective.
DeepSpeed+Megatron trained the world's most powerful language model: MT-530B DeepSpeed is hiring, come join us! DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimizat
Efficient training of deep recommenders on cloud.
HybridBackend Introduction HybridBackend is a training framework for deep recommenders which bridges the gap between evolving cloud infrastructure and
⚡️Optimizing einsum functions in NumPy, Tensorflow, Dask, and more with contraction order optimization.
Optimized Einsum Optimized Einsum: A tensor contraction order optimizer Optimized einsum can significantly reduce the overall execution time of einsum
Numba-accelerated Pythonic implementation of MPDATA with examples in Python, Julia and Matlab
PyMPDATA PyMPDATA is a high-performance Numba-accelerated Pythonic implementation of the MPDATA algorithm of Smolarkiewicz et al. used in geophysical
High performance Cross-platform Inference-engine, you could run Anakin on x86-cpu,arm, nv-gpu, amd-gpu,bitmain and cambricon devices.
Anakin2.0 Welcome to the Anakin GitHub. Anakin is a cross-platform, high-performance inference engine, which is originally developed by Baidu engineer
Publish GPU miner info to MQTT
Miner2MQTT Доступ к вашему GPU майнеру через MQTT. Изменения 1.0 EXE файл для Windows 1.1 Управление вентиляторами видеокарт (Linux) Упраление power l
Convex Optimisation MVA course - Assignment
Convex Optimisation MVA course - Assignment This repository contains the coding files of the third assignment in the MVA Convex Optimisation course. U
Our implementation used for the MICCAI 2021 FLARE Challenge titled 'Efficient Multi-Organ Segmentation Using SpatialConfiguartion-Net with Low GPU Memory Requirements'.
Efficient Multi-Organ Segmentation Using SpatialConfiguartion-Net with Low GPU Memory Requirements Our implementation used for the MICCAI 2021 FLARE C
Fast and simple implementation of RL algorithms, designed to run fully on GPU.
RSL RL Fast and simple implementation of RL algorithms, designed to run fully on GPU. This code is an evolution of rl-pytorch provided with NVIDIA's I
Course material for the Multi-agents and computer graphics course
TC2008B Course material for the Multi-agents and computer graphics course. Setup instructions Strongly recommend using a custom conda environment. Ins
Build and run Docker containers leveraging NVIDIA GPUs
NVIDIA Container Toolkit Introduction The NVIDIA Container Toolkit allows users to build and run GPU accelerated Docker containers. The toolkit includ
📚 Papermill is a tool for parameterizing, executing, and analyzing Jupyter Notebooks.
papermill is a tool for parameterizing, executing, and analyzing Jupyter Notebooks. Papermill lets you: parameterize notebooks execute notebooks This
Optimized primitives for collective multi-GPU communication
NCCL Optimized primitives for inter-GPU communication. Introduction NCCL (pronounced "Nickel") is a stand-alone library of standard communication rout
R interface to fast.ai
R interface to fastai The fastai package provides R wrappers to fastai. The fastai library simplifies training fast and accurate neural nets using mod
Repository of best practices for deep learning in Julia, inspired by fastai
FastAI Docs: Stable | Dev FastAI.jl is inspired by fastai, and is a repository of best practices for deep learning in Julia. Its goal is to easily ena
🔊 Audio and fastai v2
Fastaudio An audio module for fastai v2. We want to help you build audio machine learning applications while minimizing the need for audio domain expe
An easy to use Natural Language Processing library and framework for predicting, training, fine-tuning, and serving up state-of-the-art NLP models.
Welcome to AdaptNLP A high level framework and library for running, training, and deploying state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP) models
PyCaret is an open-source, low-code machine learning library in Python that automates machine learning workflows.
An open-source, low-code machine learning library in Python 🚀 Version 2.3.5 out now! Check out the release notes here. Official • Docs • Install • Tu
MacroTools provides a library of tools for working with Julia code and expressions.
MacroTools.jl MacroTools provides a library of tools for working with Julia code and expressions. This includes a powerful template-matching system an
Multiple types of NN model optimization environments. It is possible to directly access the host PC GUI and the camera to verify the operation. Intel iHD GPU (iGPU) support. NVIDIA GPU (dGPU) support.
mtomo Multiple types of NN model optimization environments. It is possible to directly access the host PC GUI and the camera to verify the operation.
A GPU-optional modular synthesizer in pytorch, 16200x faster than realtime, for audio ML researchers.
torchsynth The fastest synth in the universe. Introduction torchsynth is based upon traditional modular synthesis written in pytorch. It is GPU-option
Management of exclusive GPU access for distributed machine learning workloads
TensorHive is an open source tool for managing computing resources used by multiple users across distributed hosts. It focuses on granting
A crash course in six episodes for software developers who want to become machine learning practitioners.
Featured code sample tensorflow-planespotting Code from the Google Cloud NEXT 2018 session "Tensorflow, deep learning and modern convnets, without a P
Resources for "Natural Language Processing" Coursera course.
Natural Language Processing course resources This github contains practical assignments for Natural Language Processing course by Higher School of Eco
Deep learning for NLP crash course at ABBYY.
Deep NLP Course at ABBYY Deep learning for NLP crash course at ABBYY. Suggested textbook: Neural Network Methods in Natural Language Processing by Yoa
Material for the ros2 crash course
Material for the ros2 crash course
Taichi is a parallel programming language for high-performance numerical computations.
Taichi is a parallel programming language for high-performance numerical computations.
An introduction course for Python provided by VetsInTech
Introduction to Python This is an introduction course for Python provided by VetsInTech. For every "boot camp", there usually is a pre-req, but becaus
LowRankModels.jl is a julia package for modeling and fitting generalized low rank models.
LowRankModels.jl LowRankModels.jl is a Julia package for modeling and fitting generalized low rank models (GLRMs). GLRMs model a data array by a low r
Computations and statistics on manifolds with geometric structures.
Geomstats Code Continuous Integration Code coverage (numpy) Code coverage (autograd, tensorflow, pytorch) Documentation Community NEWS: Geomstats is r
Calling Julia from Python - an experiment on data loading
Calling Julia from Python - an experiment on data loading See the slides. TLDR After reading Patrick's blog post, we decided to try to replace C++ wit
Julia and Matlab codes to simulated all problems in El-Hachem, McCue and Simpson (2021)
Substrate_Mediated_Invasion Julia and Matlab codes to simulated all problems in El-Hachem, McCue and Simpson (2021) 2DSolver.jl reproduces the simulat
kitty - the fast, feature-rich, cross-platform, GPU based terminal
kitty - the fast, feature-rich, cross-platform, GPU based terminal
AdaNet is a lightweight TensorFlow-based framework for automatically learning high-quality models with minimal expert intervention
AdaNet is a lightweight TensorFlow-based framework for automatically learning high-quality models with minimal expert intervention. AdaNet buil