235 Repositories
Python multiple-roi Libraries
Split your patch similarly to `git add -p` but supporting multiple buckets
split-patch.py This is git add -p on steroids for patches. Given a my.patch you can run ./split-patch.py my.patch You can choose in which bucket to p
DDoS Script (DDoS Panel) with Multiple Bypass ( Cloudflare UAM,CAPTCHA,BFM,NOSEC / DDoS Guard / Google Shield / V Shield / Amazon / etc.. )
KARMA DDoS DDoS Script (DDoS Panel) with Multiple Bypass ( Cloudflare UAM,CAPTCHA,BFM,NOSEC / DDoS Guard / Google Shield / V Shield / Amazon / etc.. )
A large-scale (194k), Multiple-Choice Question Answering (MCQA) dataset designed to address realworld medical entrance exam questions.
MedMCQA MedMCQA : A Large-scale Multi-Subject Multi-Choice Dataset for Medical domain Question Answering A large-scale, Multiple-Choice Question Answe
A Rich renderable for viewing Multiple Sequence Alignments in the terminal.
rich-msa A simple module to render colorful Multiple Sequence Alignment with rich in the terminal. 🔧 Installing Install the rich-msa package directly
A wordlist generator tool, that allows you to supply a set of words, giving you the possibility to craft multiple variations from the given words, creating a unique and ideal wordlist to use regarding a specific target.
A wordlist generator tool, that allows you to supply a set of words, giving you the possibility to craft multiple variations from the given words, creating a unique and ideal wordlist to use regarding a specific target.
Official code for "Bridging Video-text Retrieval with Multiple Choice Questions", CVPR 2022 (Oral).
Bridging Video-text Retrieval with Multiple Choice Questions, CVPR 2022 (Oral) Paper | Project Page | Pre-trained Model | CLIP-Initialized Pre-trained
Multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) with Electre, Promethee, Weighted Sum and Pareto
EasyMCDM - Quick Installation methods Install with PyPI Once you have created your Python environment (Python 3.6+) you can simply type: pip3 install
Using this repository you can send mails to multiple recipients.Was created in support of Ukraine, to turn society`s attention to war.
mails-in-support-of-UA Using this repository you can send mails to multiple recipients.Was created in support of Ukraine, to turn society`s attention
Meraki-apiv0-audit - CLI application that will export all Meraki Dashboard v0 API calls for one, multiple, or all Meraki Dashboard Organizations
Meraki Audit v0 API Requests (v0audit.py) (Note: this API key belongs to the Mer
Gclone-Discord-Utilities - A Pycord bot for running GClone, an RClone mod that allows multiple Google Service Account configuration
Gclone Discord Utilities Features Clone - Clone a public/private google drive fi
Yolox-bytetrack-sample - Python sample of MOT (Multiple Object Tracking) using YOLOX and ByteTrack
yolox-bytetrack-sample YOLOXとByteTrackを用いたMOT(Multiple Object Tracking)のPythonサン
Multiple-requests-poster - A tool to send multiple requests to a particular website written in Python
Multiple-requests-poster - A tool to send multiple requests to a particular website written in Python
Searches a document for hash tags. Support multiple natural languages. Works in various contexts.
ht-getter Searches a document for hash tags. Supports multiple natural languages. Works in various contexts. This package uses a non-regex approach an
A simple chat room using socket and threading for handle multiple connections.
• Socket Chat Room was a little project for socket study. It works with a server handling the incoming connections from the clients. Clients send encoded messages while waiting for others clients messages simultaneously. And the server receive all the messages and delivers to the other clients.
The main objective of the game is to destroy multiple waves of asteroids with the help of a blaster mounted on the spaceship.
Astronomia: let the exploration begin The main objective of the game is to destroy multiple waves of asteroids with the help of a blaster mounted on t
A simple but fully functional calculator that will take multiple operations.
Functional-Calculator A simple but fully functional calculator that will take multiple operations. Usage Run the following command through terminal: p
Python code to fuse multiple RGB-D images into a TSDF voxel volume.
Volumetric TSDF Fusion of RGB-D Images in Python This is a lightweight python script that fuses multiple registered color and depth images into a proj
Image-based Navigation in Real-World Environments via Multiple Mid-level Representations: Fusion Models Benchmark and Efficient Evaluation
Image-based Navigation in Real-World Environments via Multiple Mid-level Representations: Fusion Models Benchmark and Efficient Evaluation This reposi
Multiple Linear Regression using the LinearRegression class from sklearn.linear_model library
Multiple-Linear-Regression-master - A python program to implement Multiple Linear Regression using the LinearRegression class from sklearn.linear model library
A clipboard where a user can add and retrieve multiple items to and from (resp) from the clipboard cache.
A clipboard where a user can add and retrieve multiple items to and from (resp) from the clipboard cache.
jarbou3 is rat tool coded in python with C&C which can accept multiple connections from clients
jarbou3 Jarbou3 is rat tool with coded in python with C&C which can accept multi
A server hosts a FastAPI application and multiple clients can be connected to it via SocketIO.
FastAPI_and_SocketIO A server hosts a FastAPI application and multiple clients can be connected to it via SocketIO. Executing server.py sets up the se
Create a random fluent image based on multiple colors.
FluentGenerator Create a random fluent image based on multiple colors. Navigation Example Install Update Usage In Python console FluentGenerator Fluen
GTK and Python based, simple multiple image editor tool
System Monitoring Center GTK3 and Python3 based, simple multiple image editor tool. Note: Development of this application is not completed yet. The ap
Discord spam bots with multiple account support and more
Discord spam bots with multiple account support and more. PLEASE READ EVERYTHING BEFORE WRITING AN ISSUE!! Server Messages Text Image Dm Messages Text
Create an application to visualize single/multiple Xandar Kardian people counting sensors detection result for a indoor area.
Program Design Purpose: We want to create an application to visualize single/multiple Xandar Kardian people counting sensors detection result for a indoor area.
A web app builds using streamlit API with python backend to analyze and pick insides from multiple data formats.
Data-Analysis-Web-App Data Analysis Web App can analysis data in multiple formates(csv, txt, xls, xlsx, ods, odt) and gives shows you the analysis in
Leaf: Multiple-Choice Question Generation
Leaf: Multiple-Choice Question Generation Easy to use and understand multiple-choice question generation algorithm using T5 Transformers. The applicat
Model Agnostic Interpretability for Multiple Instance Learning
MIL Model Agnostic Interpretability This repo contains the code for "Model Agnostic Interpretability for Multiple Instance Learning". Overview Executa
TransMIL: Transformer based Correlated Multiple Instance Learning for Whole Slide Image Classification
TransMIL: Transformer based Correlated Multiple Instance Learning for Whole Slide Image Classification [NeurIPS 2021] Abstract Multiple instance learn
A boosting-based Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) package that includes MIL-Boost and MCIL-Boost
A boosting-based Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) package that includes MIL-Boost and MCIL-Boost
Cervix ROI Segmentation Using U-NET
Cervix ROI Segmentation Using U-NET Overview This code illustrate how to segment the ROI in cervical images using U-NET. The ROI here meant to include
Multiple Object Extraction from Aerial Imagery with Convolutional Neural Networks
This is an implementation of Volodymyr Mnih's dissertation methods on his Massachusetts road & building dataset and my original methods that are publi
WATTS provides a set of Python classes that can manage simulation workflows for multiple codes where information is exchanged at a coarse level
WATTS (Workflow and Template Toolkit for Simulation) provides a set of Python classes that can manage simulation workflows for multiple codes where information is exchanged at a coarse level.
A python script for combining multiple native SU2 format meshes into one mesh file for multi-zone simulations.
A python script for combining multiple native SU2 format meshes into one mesh file for multi-zone simulations.
PrimaryBid - Transform application Lifecycle Data and Design and ETL pipeline architecture for ingesting data from multiple sources to redshift
Transform application Lifecycle Data and Design and ETL pipeline architecture for ingesting data from multiple sources to redshift This project is composed of two parts: Part1 and Part2
Translators - is a library which aims to bring free, multiple, enjoyable translation to individuals and students in Python
Translators - is a library which aims to bring free, multiple, enjoyable translation to individuals and students in Python
Simple function to plot multiple barplots in the same figure.
Simple function to plot multiple barplots in the same figure. Supports padding and custom color.
Cross-platform-profile-pic-changer - Script to change profile pictures across multiple platforms
cross-platform-profile-pic-changer script to change profile pictures across mult
A tool to brute force a gmail account. Use this tool to crack multiple accounts
A tool to brute force a gmail account. Use this tool to crack multiple accounts. This tool is developed to crack multiple accounts
Official repository of "DeepMIH: Deep Invertible Network for Multiple Image Hiding", TPAMI 2022.
DeepMIH: Deep Invertible Network for Multiple Image Hiding (TPAMI 2022) This repo is the official code for DeepMIH: Deep Invertible Network for Multip
Fast and easy way to rollout on multiple GitLab project file a particular content.
Volatile Fast and easy way to rollout on multiple GitLab project file a particular content. Why ? After looking for a tool to simply enforce a develop
A simple code to convert image format and channel as well as resizing and renaming multiple images.
Rename-Resize-and-convert-multiple-images A simple code to convert image format and channel as well as resizing and renaming multiple images. This cod
Discord bot script for sending multiple media files to a discord channel according to discord limitations.
Discord Bulk Image Sending Bot Send bulk images to Discord channel. This is a bot script that will allow you to send multiple images to Discord channe
A Python script that wraps the gitleaks tool to enable scanning of multiple repositories in parallel
mpgitleaks A Python script that wraps the gitleaks tool to enable scanning of multiple repositories in parallel. The motivation behind writing this sc
Implements a polyglot REPL which supports multiple languages and shared meta-object protocol scope between REPLs.
MetaCall Polyglot REPL Description This repository implements a Polyglot REPL which shares the state of the meta-object protocol between the REPLs. Us
A concurrent sync tool which works with multiple sources and targets.
Concurrent Sync A concurrent sync tool which works similar to rsync. It supports syncing given sources with multiple targets concurrently. Requirement
MLops tools review for execution on multiple cluster types: slurm, kubernetes, dask...
MLops tools review focused on execution using multiple cluster types: slurm, kubernetes, dask...
Anomaly detection analysis and labeling tool, specifically for multiple time series (one time series per category)
taganomaly Anomaly detection labeling tool, specifically for multiple time series (one time series per category). Taganomaly is a tool for creating la
examify-io is an online examination system that offers automatic grading , exam statistics , proctoring and programming tests , multiple user roles
examify-io is an online examination system that offers automatic grading , exam statistics , proctoring and programming tests , multiple user roles ( Examiner , Supervisor , Student )
BART aids transcribe tasks by taking a source audio file and creating automatic repeated loops, allowing transcribers to listen to fragments multiple times
BART (Beyond Audio Replay Technology) aids transcribe tasks by taking a source audio file and creating automatic repeated loops, allowing transcribers to listen to fragments multiple times (with possible overlap between segments).
Free python/telegram bot for easy execution and surveillance of crypto trading plans on multiple exchanges.
EazeBot Introduction Have you ever traded cryptocurrencies and lost overview of your planned buys/sells? Have you encountered the experience that your
Diff Match Patch is a high-performance library in multiple languages that manipulates plain text.
The Diff Match and Patch libraries offer robust algorithms to perform the operations required for synchronizing plain text. Diff: Compare two blocks o
Python package for multiple object tracking research with focus on laboratory animals tracking.
motutils is a Python package for multiple object tracking research with focus on laboratory animals tracking. Features loads: MOTChallenge CSV, sleap
Tool made for the FWA Yearbook Team to resize multiple images quickly.
ImageResize Tool Tool made for the FWA Yearbook Team to resize multiple images quickly. Make sure to check this repo for future updates How to Use The
PyTorch code for 'Efficient Single Image Super-Resolution Using Dual Path Connections with Multiple Scale Learning'
Efficient Single Image Super-Resolution Using Dual Path Connections with Multiple Scale Learning This repository is for EMSRDPN introduced in the foll
Python directory buster, multiple threads, gobuster-like CLI, web server brute-forcer, URL replace pattern feature.
pybuster v1.1 pybuster is a tool that is used to brute-force URLs of web servers. Features Directory busting (URI) URL replace patterns (put PYBUSTER
PyTorch code for 'Efficient Single Image Super-Resolution Using Dual Path Connections with Multiple Scale Learning'
Efficient Single Image Super-Resolution Using Dual Path Connections with Multiple Scale Learning This repository is for EMSRDPN introduced in the foll
Distributed Grid Descent: an algorithm for hyperparameter tuning guided by Bayesian inference, designed to run on multiple processes and potentially many machines with no central point of control
Distributed Grid Descent: an algorithm for hyperparameter tuning guided by Bayesian inference, designed to run on multiple processes and potentially many machines with no central point of control.
TB Set color display - Add-on for Blender to set multiple objects and material Display Color at once.
TB_Set_color_display Add-on for Blender with operations to transfer name between object, data, materials and action names Set groups of object's or ma
Minecraft-Bedrock-Modpack-Maker - Simple tool to combine multiple addons into one. Not finished
Minecraft-Bedrock-Modpack-Maker Simple tool to combine multiple addons into one. Not finished! Any contributing is welcome. How to use: Move all .mcpa
Face_mosaic - Mosaic blur processing is applied to multiple faces appearing in the video
動機 face_recognitionを使用して得られる顔座標は長方形であり、この座標をそのまま用いてぼかし処理を行った場合得られる画像は醜い。 それに対してモ
Multiple GNOME terminals in one window
Terminator by Chris Jones cmsj@tenshu.net and others. Description Terminator was originally developed by Chris Jones in 2007 as a simple, 300-ish line
Scalable and Elastic Deep Reinforcement Learning Using PyTorch. Please star. 🔥
ElegantRL “小雅”: Scalable and Elastic Deep Reinforcement Learning ElegantRL is developed for researchers and practitioners with the following advantage
Slice a single image into multiple pieces and create a dataset from them
OpenCV Image to Dataset Converter Slice a single image of Persian digits into mu
Terraform wrapper to manage state across multiple cloud providers(AWS, GCP, and Azure)
Terraform Remote State Manager(tfremote) tf is a python package for managing terraform remote state for: Google(Gcloud), AWS, and Azure. It sets a def
Bot for mirroring one or multiple Twitter accounts in Pleroma/Mastodon.
Stork (pleroma-bot) Mirror one or multiple Twitter accounts in Pleroma/Mastodon. Introduction After using the pretty cool mastodon-bot for a while, I
Rofi script to minimize / unminimize multiple windows in qtile
Qminimize Rofi script to minimize / unminimize multiple windows in qtile Additional requirements : EWMH module fuzzywuzzy module How to use it : - Clo
Using multiple API sources, create an app that allows users to filter through random locations based on their temperature range choices.
World_weather_analysis Overview Using multiple API sources, create an app that allows users to filter through random locations based on their temperat
OpenAI CLIP text encoders for multiple languages!
Multilingual-CLIP OpenAI CLIP text encoders for any language Colab Notebook · Pre-trained Models · Report Bug Overview OpenAI recently released the pa
Run python scripts and pass data between multiple python and node processes using this npm module
Run python scripts and pass data between multiple python and node processes using this npm module. process-communication has a event based architecture for interacting with python data and errors inside nodejs.
PatZilla is a modular patent information research platform and data integration toolkit with a modern user interface and access to multiple data sources.
PatZilla is a modular patent information research platform and data integration toolkit with a modern user interface and access to multiple data sources.
A python library for parsing multiple types of config files, envvars & command line arguments that takes the headache out of setting app configurations.
parse_it A python library for parsing multiple types of config files, envvars and command line arguments that takes the headache out of setting app co
Send Multiple Mail From List With Python
Send Multiple Mail From List With Python You can send multiple e-mail using HTML themes with Python. Here is the e-mail information to be sent. #The m
TLaunch: Launch Programs on Multiple Hosts
TLaunch: Launch Programs on Multiple Hosts Introduction Deepmind launchpad is a library that helps writing distributed program in a simple way. But cu
Quick tutorial on orchest.io that shows how to build multiple deep learning models on your data with a single line of code using python
Deep AutoViML Pipeline for orchest.io Quickstart Build Deep Learning models with a single line of code: deep_autoviml Deep AutoViML helps you build te
Implementation of the ALPHAMEPOL algorithm, presented in Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning in Multiple Environments.
ALPHAMEPOL This repository contains the implementation of the ALPHAMEPOL algorithm, presented in Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning in Multiple Envir
Lightweight utility tools for the detection of multiple spellings, meanings, and language-specific terminology in British and American English
Breame ( British English and American English) Breame is a lightweight Python package with a number of utility tools to aid in the detection of words
Build documentation in multiple repos into one site.
mkdocs-multirepo-plugin Build documentation in multiple repos into one site. Setup Install plugin using pip: pip install git+https://github.com/jdoiro
Python script to combine the statistical results of a TOPAS simulation that was split up into multiple batches.
topas-merge-simulations Python script to combine the statistical results of a TOPAS simulation that was split up into multiple batches At the top of t
The aim is to contain multiple models for materials discovery under a common interface
Aviary The aviary contains: - roost, - wren, cgcnn. The aim is to contain multiple models for materials discovery under a common interface Environment
A study project using the AA-RMVSNet to reconstruct buildings from multiple images
3d-building-reconstruction This is part of a study project using the AA-RMVSNet to reconstruct buildings from multiple images. Introduction It is exci
A web application (with multiple API project options) that uses MariaDB HTAP!
Bookings Bookings is a web application that, backed by the power of the MariaDB Connectors and the MariaDB X4 Platform, unleashes the power of smart t
A module grouping multiple translation APIs
translatepy (originally: translate) An aggregation of multiple translation API Translate, transliterate, get the language of texts in no time with the
WBMS automates sending of message to multiple numbers via WhatsApp Web
WhatsApp Bulk Message Sender - WBMS WBMS automates sending of message to multiple numbers via WhatsApp Web. Report Bug · Request Feature Love the proj
A python program to download one or multiple videos from YouTube.
YouTube-Video-Downloader A python program to download one or multiple videos from YouTube. Quick Start guide First Clone The Project git clone https:/
Code for TIP 2017 paper --- Illumination Decomposition for Photograph with Multiple Light Sources.
Illumination_Decomposition Code for TIP 2017 paper --- Illumination Decomposition for Photograph with Multiple Light Sources. This code implements the
AdelaiDet is an open source toolbox for multiple instance-level detection and recognition tasks.
AdelaiDet is an open source toolbox for multiple instance-level detection and recognition tasks.
An extensive password manager built using Python, multiple implementations. Something to meet everyone's taste.
An awesome open-sourced password manager! Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature 🐍 Python Password Manager 🔐 An extensive passw
Flask Multiple Database Login
Flask Multiple Database Login Handle login with flask using two diferent databases: UE | European; BR | Brazilian; These databases are separed to resp
Just imagine normal bancho, but you can have multiple profiles and funorange speed up maps ranked
Local osu! server Just imagine normal bancho, but you can have multiple profiles and funorange speed up maps ranked (coming soon)! Windows Setup Insta
A Python Based Utility for Processing GST-Return JSON Files to Multiple Formats
GSTR 1/2A Utility by Shan.tk Open Source GSTR 1/GSTR 2A JSON to Excel utility based on Python. Useful for Auditors in Verifying GSTR 1 Return Invoices
ProxyBroker is an open source tool that asynchronously finds public proxies from multiple sources and concurrently checks them
ProxyBroker is an open source tool that asynchronously finds public proxies from multiple sources and concurrently checks them. Features F
Simple VLC-based media player that can play multiple videos at the same time
Screenshots About Simple VLC-based media player that can play multiple videos at the same time. You can play as many videos as you like, the only limi
Demonstration on how to use async python to control multiple playwright browsers for web-scraping
Playwright Browser Pool This example illustrates how it's possible to use a pool of browsers to retrieve page urls in a single asynchronous process. i
Learning multiple gaits of quadruped robot using hierarchical reinforcement learning
Learning multiple gaits of quadruped robot using hierarchical reinforcement learning We propose a method to learn multiple gaits of quadruped robot us
A telegram bot to track whales activities on multiple blockchains.
Telegram Bot : Whale Watcher A straightforward telegram bot written in python to track whales activity on multiple blockchains, using whale-alert API
Code for "Learning From Multiple Experts: Self-paced Knowledge Distillation for Long-tailed Classification", ECCV 2020 Spotlight
Learning From Multiple Experts: Self-paced Knowledge Distillation for Long-tailed Classification Implementation of "Learning From Multiple Experts: Se
Torchrecipes provides a set of reproduci-able, re-usable, ready-to-run RECIPES for training different types of models, across multiple domains, on PyTorch Lightning.
Recipes are a standard, well supported set of blueprints for machine learning engineers to rapidly train models using the latest research techniques without significant engineering overhead.Specifically, recipes aims to provide- Consistent access to pre-trained SOTA models ready for production- Reference implementations for SOTA research reproducibility, and infrastructure to guarantee correctness, efficiency, and interoperability.
Version three of the Accounting Project. You can now connect multiple computers together who are on the same IP (I'm sure I could set it up so it would work on different IP's) and add to a distributed ledger verified by blockchain.
Accounting_Cycle_V3 As I talked about in the second iteration of the accoutning project, I was going to add networking capabilities to the project. Re