10428 Repositories
Python practical-python-zh Libraries
Type4Py: Deep Similarity Learning-Based Type Inference for Python
Type4Py: Deep Similarity Learning-Based Type Inference for Python This repository contains the implementation of Type4Py and instructions for re-produ
A GitHub action that suggests type annotations for Python using machine learning.
Typilus: Suggest Python Type Annotations A GitHub action that suggests type annotations for Python using machine learning. This action makes suggestio
mypy plugin to type check Kubernetes resources
kubernetes-typed mypy plugin to dynamically define types for Kubernetes objects. Features Type checking for Custom Resources Type checking forkubernet
Plugin for mypy to support zope.interface
Plugin for mypy to support zope.interface The goal is to be able to make zope interfaces to be treated as types in mypy sense. Usage Install both mypy
The mypy playground. Try mypy with your web browser.
mypy-playground The mypy playground provides Web UI to run mypy in the sandbox: Features Web UI and sandbox for running mypy eas
A simple plugin that allows running mypy from PyCharm and navigate between errors
mypy-PyCharm-plugin The plugin provides a simple terminal to run fast mypy daemon from PyCharm with a single click or hotkey and easily navigate throu
JustPy is an object-oriented, component based, high-level Python Web Framework
JustPy Docs and Tutorials Introduction JustPy is an object-oriented, component based, high-level Python Web Framework that requires no front-en
Ready-to-use and customizable users management for FastAPI
FastAPI Users Ready-to-use and customizable users management for FastAPI Documentation: https://fastapi-users.github.io/fastapi-users/ Source Code: ht
Accurately separate the TLD from the registered domain and subdomains of a URL, using the Public Suffix List.
tldextract Python Module tldextract accurately separates the gTLD or ccTLD (generic or country code top-level domain) from the registered domain and s
Simple python library to deal with URI Templates.
uritemplate Documentation -- GitHub -- Travis-CI Simple python library to deal with URI Templates. The API looks like from uritemplate import URITempl
A pluggable API specification generator. Currently supports the OpenAPI Specification (f.k.a. the Swagger specification)..
apispec A pluggable API specification generator. Currently supports the OpenAPI Specification (f.k.a. the Swagger specification). Features Supports th
OpenAPI Spec validator
OpenAPI Spec validator About OpenAPI Spec Validator is a Python library that validates OpenAPI Specs against the OpenAPI 2.0 (aka Swagger) and OpenAPI
Read and write life sciences file formats
Python-bioformats is a Python wrapper for Bio-Formats, a standalone Java library for reading and writing life sciences image file formats. Bio-Formats
Python bindings to OpenSlide
OpenSlide Python OpenSlide Python is a Python interface to the OpenSlide library. OpenSlide is a C library that provides a simple interface for readin
PyLibTiff - a wrapper to the libtiff library to Python using ctypes
PyLibTiff is a package that provides: a wrapper to the libtiff library to Python using ctypes. a pure Python module for reading and writing TIFF and L
SimpleITK is an image analysis toolkit with a large number of components supporting general filtering operations, image segmentation and registration
SimpleITK is an image analysis toolkit with a large number of components supporting general filtering operations, image segmentation and registration
Python modules to work with large multiresolution images.
Large Image Python modules to work with large, multiresolution images. Large Image is developed and maintained by the Data & Analytics group at Kitwar
A tiny Python library for writing multi-channel TIFF stacks.
xtiff A tiny Python library for writing multi-channel TIFF stacks. The aim of this library is to provide an easy way to write multi-channel image stac
Pure Python tools for reading and writing all TIFF IFDs, sub-IFDs, and tags.
Tiff Tools Pure Python tools for reading and writing all TIFF IFDs, sub-IFDs, and tags. Developed by Kitware, Inc. with funding from The National Canc
A python library to convert arbitrary strings representing business opening hours into a JSON format that's easier to use in code
A python library to convert arbitrary strings representing business opening hours into a JSON format that's easier to use in code
📖 GitHub action schedular (cron) that posts a Hadith every hour on Twitter & Facebook.
Hadith Every Hour 📖 A bot that posts a Hadith every hour on Twitter & Facebook (Every 3 hours for now to avoid spamming) Follow on Twitter @HadithEve
A python script for Homeassistant that counts down the days to birthdays, anniversaries etc
Date Countdown A python script for Homeassistant that counts down the days to birthdays, anniversaries etc Important note I no longer use homeassistan
Simulation and Parameter Estimation in Geophysics
Simulation and Parameter Estimation in Geophysics - A python package for simulation and gradient based parameter estimation in the context of geophysical applications.
Clustergram - Visualization and diagnostics for cluster analysis in Python
Clustergram Visualization and diagnostics for cluster analysis Clustergram is a diagram proposed by Matthias Schonlau in his paper The clustergram: A
AI4Good project for detecting waste in the environment
Detect waste AI4Good project for detecting waste in environment. www.detectwaste.ml. Our latest results were published in Waste Management journal in
A python game engine.
PursuedPyBear, also known as ppb, exists to be an educational resource. Most obviously used to teach computer science, it can be a useful tool for any topic that a simulation can be helpful.
A Discord API Wrapper for Userbots/Selfbots written in Python.
DisCum A simple, easy to use, non-restrictive, synchronous Discord API Wrapper for Selfbots/Userbots written in Python. -using requests and websockets
Marshall python objects to and from JSON
Pymarshaler - Marshal and Unmarshal Python Objects Disclaimer This tool is in no way production ready About Pymarshaler allows you to marshal and unma
Estoult - a Python toolkit for data mapping with an integrated query builder for SQL databases
Estoult Estoult is a Python toolkit for data mapping with an integrated query builder for SQL databases. It currently supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, and
Python client for the Datadog API
datadog-api-client-python This repository contains a Python API client for the Datadog API. The code is generated using openapi-generator and apigento
Python programming language Test
Exercise You are tasked with creating a data-processing app that pre-processes and enriches the data coming from crawlers, with the following requirem
Space Ship Simulator using python
FlyOver Basic space-ship simulator using python How to run? Just double click run.py What modules do i need? All modules that i currently using is bui
This simple Python script allows you to download songs on Telegram🌸❤️😁
SongsDownloaderTgBot 📺 YouTube Song Downloader Bot For Telegram 🔮 3X Fast Telethon Based Bot ⚜ Open Source Bot 👨🏻💻 Demo : 𝗔𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲 - 𝗘𝗹𝗶𝘇?
Python3 script for scanning CVE-2021-44228 (Log4shell) vulnerable machines.
Log4j_checker.py (CVE-2021-44228) Description This Python3 script tries to look for servers vulnerable to CVE-2021-44228, also known as Log4Shell, a v
Coursera learning course Python the basics. Programming exercises and tasks
HSE_Python_the_basics Welcome to BAsics programming Python! You’re joining thousands of learners currently enrolled in the course. I'm excited to have
CYGNUS, the Cynical AI, combines snarky responses with uncanny aggression.
New & (hopefully) Improved CYGNUS with several API updates, user updates, and online/offline operations added!!!
A real-time financial data streaming pipeline and visualization platform using Apache Kafka, Cassandra, and Bokeh.
Realtime Financial Market Data Visualization and Analysis Introduction This repo shows my project about real-time stock data pipeline. All the code is
Video Matting Refinement For Python
Video-matting refinement Library (use pip to install) scikit-image numpy av matplotlib Run Static background python path_to_video.mp4 Moving backgroun
This is a graphql api build using ariadne python that serves a graphql-endpoint at port 3002 to perform language translation and identification using deep learning in python pytorch.
Language Translation and Identification this machine/deep learning api that will be served as a graphql-api using ariadne, to perform the following ta
Python's simple login system concept - Advanced level
Simple login system with Python - For beginners Creating a simple login system using python for beginners this repository aims to provide a simple ove
Weighted K Nearest Neighbors (kNN) algorithm implemented on python from scratch.
kNN_From_Scratch I implemented the k nearest neighbors (kNN) classification algorithm on python. This algorithm is used to predict the classes of new
A small Python module for BMP image processing.
micropython-microbmp A small Python module for BMP image processing. It supports BMP image of 1/2/4/8/24-bit colour depth. Loading supports compressio
A minimal python script for generating bip39 seed phrases, and corresponding Seed Signer Seed seed phrase qr code ready for offline printing.
A minimal python script for generating bip39 seed phrases, and corresponding Seed Signer Seed seed phrase qr code ready for offline printing.
Simple Python 3 script to detect the "Log4j" Java library vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228) for a list of URL with multithreading
log4j-detect Simple Python 3 script to detect the "Log4j" Java library vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228) for a list of URL with multithreading The script
A Simple , ☁️ Lightweight , 💪 Efficent JSON based database for 🐍 Python.
A Simple, Lightweight, Efficent JSON based DataBase for Python The current stable version is v1.6.1 pip install pysondb==1.6.1 Support the project her
Simple Python Library to convert JSON to XML
json2xml Simple Python Library to convert JSON to XML
Converts a text file of songs to a playlist on your Spotify account.
Playlist Converter Convert a text file of songs to a playlist on your Spotify account. Create your playlists faster instead of manually searching for
yt is an open-source, permissively-licensed Python library for analyzing and visualizing volumetric data.
The yt Project yt is an open-source, permissively-licensed Python library for analyzing and visualizing volumetric data. yt supports structured, varia
An async API wrapper for Dress To Impress written in Python.
dti.py An async API wrapper for Dress To Impress written in Python. Some notes: For the time being, there are no front-facing docs for this beyond doc
TileDB-Py is a Python interface to the TileDB Storage Engine.
TileDB-Py TileDB-Py is a Python interface to the TileDB Storage Engine. Quick Links Installation Build Instructions TileDB Documentation Python API re
A voice assistant which can be used to interact with your computer and controls your pc operations
Introduction 👨💻 It is a voice assistant which can be used to interact with your computer and also you have been seeing it in Iron man movies, but t
This repos is auto action which generating a wordcloud made by Twitter.
auto_tweet_wordcloud This repos is auto action which generating a wordcloud made by Twitter. Preconditions Install Python dependencies pip install -r
Python client for the iNaturalist APIs
pyinaturalist Introduction iNaturalist is a community science platform that helps people get involved in the natural world by observing and identifyin
GebPy is a Python-based, open source tool for the generation of geological data of minerals, rocks and complete lithological sequences.
GebPy is a Python-based, open source tool for the generation of geological data of minerals, rocks and complete lithological sequences. The data can be generated randomly or with respect to user-defined constraints, for example a specific element concentration within minerals and rocks or the order of units within a complete lithological profile.
A service made with Flask and Python to help you find the weather of your favorite cities.
Weather-App A service made with Flask and Python to help you find the weather of your favorite cities. Features Backend using Flask and Jinja Weather
Beautifully colored, quick and simple Python logging
Python Quick Logging | QLogging Beautifully colored, quick and simple Python logging. This logger is based on Python logging package Screenshots: Term
A simple Python Module for sending cross-platform desktop notifications on Windows, macOS and Linux
notify.py Cross platform desktop notifications for Python scripts and applications. Docs You can read the docs on this Git's Wiki, or here Supported P
Python renderer for OpenStreetMap with custom icons intended to display as many map features as possible
Map Machine project consists of Python OpenStreetMap renderer: SVG map generation, SVG and PNG tile generation, Röntgen icon set: unique CC-BY 4.0 map
A python interface for training Reinforcement Learning bots to battle on pokemon showdown
The pokemon showdown Python environment A Python interface to create battling pokemon agents. poke-env offers an easy-to-use interface for creating ru
CONCEPT (COsmological N-body CodE in PyThon) is a free and open-source simulation code for cosmological structure formation
CONCEPT (COsmological N-body CodE in PyThon) is a free and open-source simulation code for cosmological structure formation. The code should run on any Linux system, from massively parallel computer clusters to laptops.
A lightweight, pure-Python mobile robot simulator designed for experiments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning, especially for Jupyter Notebooks
aitk.robots A lightweight Python robot simulator for JupyterLab, Notebooks, and other Python environments. Goals A lightweight mobile robotics simulat
Cylc: a workflow engine for cycling systems
Cylc: a workflow engine for cycling systems. Repository master branch: core meta-scheduler component of cylc-8 (in development); Repository 7.8.x branch: full cylc-7 system.
The most annoying bot on Discord
FBot The most annoying bot on discord Features Lots of fun stuff Message responses, sort of our main feature, no big deal. FBot can respond to a wide
Predicting Baseball Metric Clusters: Clustering Application in Python Using scikit-learn
Clustering Clustering Application in Python Using scikit-learn This repository contains the prediction of baseball metric clusters using MLB Statcast
PyGAD, a Python 3 library for building the genetic algorithm and training machine learning algorithms (Keras & PyTorch).
PyGAD: Genetic Algorithm in Python PyGAD is an open-source easy-to-use Python 3 library for building the genetic algorithm and optimizing machine lear
Markdown documentation generator from Google docstrings
mkgendocs A Python package for automatically generating documentation pages in markdown for Python source files by parsing Google style docstring. The
A python wrapper for the mangadex API V5. Work in progress
mangadex A python wrapper for the mangadex API V5. It uses the requests library and all the aditional arguments can be viewed in the Official Mangadex
Discord Bot written in Python that plays music in your voice channel
Discord Bot that plays music! I decided to create a simple Discord bot using Python in order to advance my coding skills. Please don't ask me for help
A python package simulating the quasi-2D pseudospin-1/2 Gross-Pitaevskii equation with NVIDIA GPU acceleration.
A python package simulating the quasi-2D pseudospin-1/2 Gross-Pitaevskii equation with NVIDIA GPU acceleration. Introduction spinor-gpe is high-level,
A heraldry-related bot, designed for the Heraldry Community.
Heraldtron A heraldry-related bot, designed for the Heraldry Community. Requirements Python 3.9+ discord.py aiohttp (comes installed with discord.py)
Percolation simulation using python
PythonPercolation Percolation simulation using python Exemple de percolation : Etude statistique sur le pourcentage de remplissage jusqu'à percolation
A Home Assistant custom component for Lobe. Lobe is an AI tool that can classify images.
Lobe This is a Home Assistant custom component for Lobe. Lobe is an AI tool that can classify images. This component lets you easily use an exported m
A Straightforward Markdown Journal
Introducing Pepys: A straightforward markdown journal "It is rightly made for those who love to document their daily life events" - FOSSBytes Pepys is
A 3D structural engineering finite element library for Python.
An easy to use elastic 3D structural engineering finite element analysis library for Python.
Telegram bot that can do a lot of things related to PDF files.
Telegram PDF Bot A Telegram bot that can: Compress, crop, decrypt, encrypt, merge, preview, rename, rotate, scale and split PDF files Compare text dif
p5 is a Python package based on the core ideas of Processing.
p5 p5 is a Python library that provides high level drawing functionality to help you quickly create simulations and interactive art using Python. It c
OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) Specification code generator. Supports C#, PowerShell, Go, Java, Node.js, TypeScript, Python
AutoRest The AutoRest tool generates client libraries for accessing RESTful web services. Input to AutoRest is a spec that describes the REST API usin
Openapi-core is a Python library that adds client-side and server-side support for the OpenAPI Specification v3.
Openapi-core is a Python library that adds client-side and server-side support for the OpenAPI Specification v3.
Pydantic model generator for easy conversion of JSON, OpenAPI, JSON Schema, and YAML data sources.
datamodel-code-generator This code generator creates pydantic model from an openapi file and others. Help See documentation for more details. Supporte
Generate modern Python clients from OpenAPI
openapi-python-client Generate modern Python clients from OpenAPI 3.x documents. This generator does not support OpenAPI 2.x FKA Swagger. If you need
Pyramid addon for OpenAPI3 validation of requests and responses.
Validate Pyramid views against an OpenAPI 3.0 document Peace of Mind The reason this package exists is to give you peace of mind when providing a REST
Simple GraphQL client for Python 2.7+
python-graphql-client Simple GraphQL client for Python 2.7+ Install pip install graphqlclient Usage from graphqlclient import GraphQLClient client =
RPyC (Remote Python Call) - A transparent and symmetric RPC library for python
RPyC (pronounced like are-pie-see), or Remote Python Call, is a transparent library for symmetrical remote procedure calls, clustering, and distribute
A transport agnostic sync/async RPC library that focuses on exposing services with a well-defined API using popular protocols.
WARNING: This is from spyne's development branch. This version is not released yet! Latest stable release can be found in the 2_13 branch. If you like
Python Serverless Microframework for AWS
AWS Chalice Chalice is a framework for writing serverless apps in python. It allows you to quickly create and deploy applications that use AWS Lambda.
Flask like web framework for AWS Lambda
lambdarest Python routing mini-framework for AWS Lambda with optional JSON-schema validation. ⚠️ A user study is currently happening here, and your op
Simple integration of Flask and WTForms, including CSRF, file upload and Recaptcha integration.
Flask-WTF Simple integration of Flask and WTForms, including CSRF, file upload, and reCAPTCHA. Links Documentation: https://flask-wtf.readthedocs.io/
OpenTracing API for Python
OpenTracing API for Python This library is a Python platform API for OpenTracing. Required Reading In order to understand the Python platform API, one
OpenTelemetry Python API and SDK
Getting Started • API Documentation • Getting In Touch (GitHub Discussions) Contributing • Examples OpenTelemetry Python This page describes the Pytho
Realtime Web Apps and Dashboards for Python and R
H2O Wave Realtime Web Apps and Dashboards for Python and R New! R Language API Build and control Wave dashboards using R! New! Easily integrate AI/ML
A Django app that creates automatic web UIs for Python scripts.
Wooey is a simple web interface to run command line Python scripts. Think of it as an easy way to get your scripts up on the web for routine data anal
Create highly interactive web pages purely in Python
A package for building highly interactive user interfaces in pure Python inspired by ReactJS.
A caching extension for Flask
A fork of the Flask-cache extension which adds easy cache support to Flask.
Cookiecutter Django is a framework for jumpstarting production-ready Django projects quickly.
Cookiecutter Django Powered by Cookiecutter, Cookiecutter Django is a framework for jumpstarting production-ready Django projects quickly. Documentati
Certifi: Python SSL Certificates
(Python Distribution) A carefully curated collection of Root Certificates for validating the trustworthiness of SSL certificates while verifying the identity of TLS hosts.
Certbot is EFF's tool to obtain certs from Let's Encrypt and (optionally) auto-enable HTTPS on your server.
Certbot is EFF's tool to obtain certs from Let's Encrypt and (optionally) auto-enable HTTPS on your server. It can also act as a client for any other CA that uses the ACME protocol.
Dnspython is a DNS toolkit for Python.
dnspython is a DNS toolkit for Python. It supports almost all record types. It can be used for queries, zone transfers, and dynamic updates. It supports TSIG authenticated messages and EDNS0.
A python interface for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and ecosystem.
Web3.py A Python library for interacting with Ethereum, inspired by web3.js. Python 3.6+ support Quickstart Get started in 5 minutes or take a tour of
RDFLib is a Python library for working with RDF, a simple yet powerful language for representing information.
RDFLib RDFLib is a pure Python package for working with RDF. RDFLib contains most things you need to work with RDF, including: parsers and serializers
Event-driven networking engine written in Python.
Twisted For information on changes in this release, see the NEWS file. What is this? Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications, su