10386 Repositories
Python python-imap Libraries
Python pygame project that turns your images to matrix rain
Matrix-Rain-An-Image This project implements the classic Matrix digital rain effect in python with pygame to build up an image provided with multiple
A Web API for automatic background removal using Deep Learning. App is made using Flask and deployed on Heroku.
Automatic_Background_Remover A Web API for automatic background removal using Deep Learning. App is made using Flask and deployed on Heroku. 👉 https:
missing-pixel-filler is a python package that, given images that may contain missing data regions (like satellite imagery with swath gaps), returns these images with the regions filled.
Missing Pixel Filler This is the official code repository for the Missing Pixel Filler by SpaceML. missing-pixel-filler is a python package that, give
Simple to use image handler for python sqlite3.
SQLite Image Handler Simple to use image handler for python sqlite3. Functions Function Name Parameters Returns init databasePath : str tableName : st
Photini - A free, easy to use, digital photograph metadata (Exif, IPTC, XMP) editing application for Linux, Windows and MacOS.
A free, easy to use, digital photograph metadata (Exif, IPTC, XMP) editing application for Linux, Windows and MacOS. "Metadata" is said to mea
ImageScraper is a cross-platform tool for downloading a specified count from xkcd, Astronomy Picture of the Day and Existential Comics
ImageScraper The ImageScraper is a cross-platform tool for downloading a specified count from xkcd, Astronomy Picture of the Day and Existential Comic
QSIprep: Preprocessing and analysis of q-space images
QSIprep: Preprocessing and analysis of q-space images Full documentation at https://qsiprep.readthedocs.io About qsiprep configures pipelines for proc
Python FFI bindings for libsecp256k1 (maintained)
secp256k1-py Python FFI bindings for libsecp256k1 (an experimental and optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1). Previously maintaine
Ivan Telegram Userbot with python
Riviani Ramadhan Ivan-Ubot Pada Dasarnya Ivan-Ubot adalah userbot Telegram modular yang berjalan di Python3 dengan database sqlalchemy. Berbasis Paper
Ebook downloader built using python
ebook-downloader Getting Started Open a terminal and run the following commands. git clone github.com/georgemunyoro/ebook-downloader cd ./ebook-downlo
MIT-Machine Learning with Python–From Linear Models to Deep Learning
MIT-Machine Learning with Python–From Linear Models to Deep Learning | One of the 5 courses in MIT MicroMasters in Statistics & Data Science Welcome t
Web-Broswer simple using PyQt5 tools
Web-Broswer Simple web broswer made using PyQt Completely simple and easy to use How to set it up git clone https://github.com/AsjadOooO/Web-Broswer.g
A raspberrypi tools for python
raspberrypi-tools how to install: first clone this project: git clone https://github.com/Ardumine/rpi-tools.git then go to the folder cd rpi-tools and
Containerize a python web application
containerize a python web application introduction this document is part of GDSC at the university of bahrain you don't need to follow along, fell fre
Deep Web Miner Python | Spyder Crawler
Webcrawler written in Python. This crawler does dig in till the 3 level of inside addressed and mine the respective data accordingly
PyNews 📰 Simple newsletter made with python 🐍🗞️
PyNews 📰 Simple newsletter made with python Install dependencies This project has some dependencies (see requirements.txt) that are not included in t
This repo is a C++ version of yolov5_deepsort_tensorrt. Packing all C++ programs into .so files, using Python script to call C++ programs further.
yolov5_deepsort_tensorrt_cpp Introduction This repo is a C++ version of yolov5_deepsort_tensorrt. And packing all C++ programs into .so files, using P
PyPacker: a dumb little script for turning Python apps into standalone executable packages on Windows
PyPacker: a dumb little script for turning Python apps into standalone executable packages on Windows PyPacker is my attempt at creating a way to make
Python program for installing many tools automatically
Tool Installer is a script made with python which help user in installing tools automatically
A template repository implementing HTML5 Boilerplate 8.0 in Sanic using the Domonic framework.
sanic-domonic-h5bp A template repository implementing HTML5 Boilerplate 8.0 in Sanic using the Domonic framework. If you need frontend interactivity,
This repository requires you to solve a problem by writing some basic python code.
Can You Solve a Problem? A beginner friendly repository that requires you to solve familiar problems with python. This could be as simple as implement
realsense d400 - jpg + csv
Realsense-capture realsense d400 - jpg + csv Requirements RealSense sdk : Installation Python3 pyrealsense2 (RealSense SDK) Numpy OpenCV Tkinter Run
Inteligência artificial criada para realizar interação social com idosos.
IA SONIA 4.0 A SONIA foi inspirada no assistente mais famoso do mundo e muito bem conhecido JARVIS. Todo mundo algum dia ja sonhou em ter o seu própri
B-Pkg is a simple tool in python for installing all basic package in termux
Basic-Pkg 👉🏻 Basic-Pkg 👈🏻 B-Pkg is a simple tool in python for installing all basic package in termux This is my first tool, I hope you will like
Multi-Glimpse Network With Python
Multi-Glimpse Network Our code requires Python ≥ 3.8 Installation For example, venv + pip: $ python3 -m venv env $ source env/bin/activate (env) $ pyt
Python library for ascii graphics
Python library for ascii graphics
Construindo API's robustas utilizando Python
🐂 Construindo API's robustas utilizando Python Neste tutorial vamos aprender a construir API's utilizando Python e FastAPI, integrá-las a serviços ex
arweave-nft-uploader is a Python tool to improve the experience of uploading NFTs to the Arweave storage for use with the Metaplex Candy Machine.
arweave-nft-uploader arweave-nft-uploader is a Python tool to improve the experience of uploading NFTs to the Arweave storage for use with the Metaple
AWS SQS event redrive Lambda With Python
AWS SQS event redrive Lambda This repository contains one simple AWS Lambda function in Python to redrive AWS SQS events from source queue to destinat
Python SDK for accessing the Hanko Authentication API
Hanko Authentication SDK for Python This package is maintained by Hanko. Contents Introduction Documentation Installation Usage Prerequisites Create a
POC de uma AWS lambda que executa a consulta de preços de criptomoedas, e é implantada na AWS usando Github actions.
Cryptocurrency Prices Overview Instalação Repositório Configuração CI/CD Roadmap Testes Overview A ideia deste projeto é aplicar o conteúdo estudado s
Python For Finance Cookbook - Code Repository
Python For Finance Cookbook - Code Repository
JINS MEME(2021年モデル)のJINS MEME LoggerをPythonのWebSocketサーバーで受信するサンプル
JINS-MEME-Python-WebSocketServer-Sample JINS MEME(2021年モデル)のJINS MEME LoggerをPythonのWebSocketサーバーで受信するサンプルです。 Logging Data 以下のデータに対応しています。 各データの定義はJIN
A BlackJack simulator in Python to simulate thousands or millions of hands using different strategies.
BlackJack Simulator (in Python) A BlackJack simulator to play any number of hands using different strategies The Rules To keep the code relatively sim
A simple DHCP server and client simulation with python
About The Project This is a simple DHCP server and client simulation. I implemented it for computer network course spring 2021 The client can request
Improved Python UI to convert Youtube URL to .mp3 file.
YT-MP3 Improved Python UI to convert Youtube URL to .mp3 file. How to use? Just run python3 main.py Enter the URL of the video Enter the PATH of where
Mass Reverse IP Dibuat Dengan Python 3 Dan Ada Fitur Filter.
Reverse IP Tools Description. Reverse IP is a method to map an IP address to a sub domain. This tool is made in the python 3 programming language. Fea
Organizer is a python program that organizes your downloads folder
Organizer Organizer is a python program that organizes your downloads folder, it can run as a service and so will start along with the system, and the
This is a pretty basic but relatively nice looking Python Pomodoro Timer.
Python Pomodoro-Timer This is a pretty basic but relatively nice looking Pomodoro Timer. Currently its set to a very basic mode, but the funcationalit
Strawberry Benchmark With Python
Strawberry benchmarks these benchmarks have been made to compare the performance of dataloaders and joined database queries. How to use You can run th
Multi-choice answer sheet correction system using computer vision with opencv & python.
Multi choice answer correction 🔴 5 answer sheet samples with a specific solution for detecting answers and sheet correction. 🔴 By running the soluti
Python utilities for writing cross-version compatible libraries
Python utilities for writing cross-version compatible libraries
Uncompress DEFLATE streams in pure Python
stream-inflate Uncompress DEFLATE streams in pure Python. Installation pip install stream-inflate Usage from stream_inflate import stream_inflate impo
Multiparametric Image Analysis
Documentation The documentation is available on populse_mia's website here Installation From PyPI, for users By cloning the package, for developers Fr
Tools for making image cutouts from sets of TESS full frame images
Cutout tools for astronomical images Astrocut provides tools for making cutouts from sets of astronomical images with shared footprints. It is under a
A pure python implementation of the GIMP XCF image format. Use this to interact with GIMP image formats
Pure Python implementation of the GIMP image formats (.xcf projects as well as brushes, patterns, etc)
Photonix Photo Manager - a photo management application based on web technologies
A modern, web-based photo management server. Run it on your home server and it will let you find the right photo from your collection on any device. Smart filtering is made possible by object recognition, face recognition, location awareness, color analysis and other ML algorithms.
impy is an all-in-one image analysis library, equipped with parallel processing, GPU support, GUI based tools and so on.
impy is All You Need in Image Analysis impy is an all-in-one image analysis library, equipped with parallel processing, GPU support, GUI based tools a
Kimimaro: Skeletonize Densely Labeled Images
Kimimaro: Skeletonize Densely Labeled Images # Produce SWC files from volumetric images. kimimaro forge labels.npy --progress # writes to ./kimimaro_o
Vignette is a Python library to create and manage thumbnails following the FreeDesktop standard.
Vignette Vignette is a Python library to create and manage thumbnails following the FreeDesktop standard. Thumbnails are stored in a shared directory
Fast Style Transfer in TensorFlow
Fast Style Transfer in TensorFlow Add styles from famous paintings to any photo in a fraction of a second! You can even style videos! It takes 100ms o
ScreenTeX is a tool that grabs all text when taking a screenshot rather than getting an image.
The ScreenTeX project By: Seanpm2001 / ScreenTeX, Et; Al. Top README.md Read this article in a different language 🌐 List of languages Sorted by: A-Z
Command line utility for converting images to seamless tiles
img2texture Command line utility for converting images to seamless tiles. The resulting tiles can be used as textures in games, compositing and 3D mod
Computer art based on joining transparent images
Computer Art There is no must in art because art is free. Introduction The following tutorial exaplains how to generate computer art based on a series
Python script for performing depth completion from sparse depth and rgb images using the msg_chn_wacv20. model in Tensorflow Lite.
TFLite-msg_chn_wacv20-depth-completion Python script for performing depth completion from sparse depth and rgb images using the msg_chn_wacv20. model
GAN Image Generator and Characterwise Image Recognizer with python
MODEL SUMMARY 모델의 구조는 크게 6단계로 나뉩니다. STEP 0: Input Image Predict 할 이미지를 모델에 입력합니다. STEP 1: Make Black and White Image STEP 1 은 입력받은 이미지의 글자를 흑색으로, 배경을
Lale is a Python library for semi-automated data science.
Lale is a Python library for semi-automated data science. Lale makes it easy to automatically select algorithms and tune hyperparameters of pipelines that are compatible with scikit-learn, in a type-safe fashion.
Glue is a python project to link visualizations of scientific datasets across many files.
Glue Glue is a python project to link visualizations of scientific datasets across many files. Click on the image for a quick demo: Features Interacti
Transform-Invariant Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
Transform-Invariant Non-Negative Matrix Factorization A comprehensive Python package for Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) with a focus on learn
PsychoPy is an open-source package for creating experiments in behavioral science.
PsychoPy is an open-source package for creating experiments in behavioral science. It aims to provide a single package that is: precise enoug
A Python and R autograding solution
Otter-Grader Otter Grader is a light-weight, modular open-source autograder developed by the Data Science Education Program at UC Berkeley. It is desi
A collection of neat and practical data science and machine learning projects
Data Science A collection of neat and practical data science and machine learning projects Explore the docs » Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Co
A logical, reasonably standardized, but flexible project structure for doing and sharing data science work.
Cookiecutter Data Science A logical, reasonably standardized, but flexible project structure for doing and sharing data science work. Project homepage
eyes is a Public Opinion Mining System focusing on taiwanese forums such as PTT, Dcard.
eyes is a Public Opinion Mining System focusing on taiwanese forums such as PTT, Dcard. Features 🔥 Article monitor: helps you capture the trend at a
🌌 Economics Observatory Visualisation Repository
Economics Observatory Visualisation Repository Website | Visualisations | Data | Here you will find all the data visualisations and infographics attac
CadQuery is an intuitive, easy-to-use Python module for building parametric 3D CAD models.
A python parametric CAD scripting framework based on OCCT
LGPL Pure Python OPC-UA Client and Server
LGPL Pure Python OPC-UA Client and Server
A python software that can help blind people find things like laptops, phones, etc the same way a guide dog guides a blind person in finding his way.
GuidEye A python software that can help blind people find things like laptops, phones, etc the same way a guide dog guides a blind person in finding h
Audio Steganography is a technique used to transmit hidden information by modifying an audio signal in an imperceptible manner.
Audio Steganography Audio Steganography is a technique used to transmit hidden information by modifying an audio signal in an imperceptible manner. Ab
Create a Web Component (a Custom Element) from a python file
wyc Create a Web Component (a Custom Element) from a python file (transpile python code to javascript (es2015)). Features Use python to define your cu
Barbot is a discord bot made from discord.py and python, barbot is most to fun and roleplay for servers!
BarBot Main source of barbot Overview Barbot is a discord bot made from discord.py and python, barbot is most to fun and roleplay for servers! Links i
A Python library for adversarial machine learning focusing on benchmarking adversarial robustness.
ARES This repository contains the code for ARES (Adversarial Robustness Evaluation for Safety), a Python library for adversarial machine learning rese
rliable is an open-source Python library for reliable evaluation, even with a handful of runs, on reinforcement learning and machine learnings benchmarks.
Open-source library for reliable evaluation on reinforcement learning and machine learning benchmarks. See NeurIPS 2021 oral for details.
Documentation and issues for Pylance - Fast, feature-rich language support for Python
Documentation and issues for Pylance - Fast, feature-rich language support for Python
Simply scrape / download all the media from an fansly account.
Simply scrape / download all the media from an fansly account. Providing updates as long as its continuously gaining popularity, so hit the ⭐ button!
Offline reverse geocoder in Python using sqlite3
rgeocode Offline reverse geocoder rgeocode accepts a geographic coordinate pair (latitude and longitude) and returns a list containing the name of: A
the objective of this project is to create a Node Js server with a Python client
Socket.io-Server-client Objective The objective of this project is to send data real time ,we use socket.io(server, client) on this project Server Nod
Unofficial Open Corporates CLI: OpenCorporates is a website that shares data on corporations under the copyleft Open Database License. This is an unofficial open corporates python command line tool.
Unofficial Open Corporates CLI OpenCorporates is a website that shares data on corporations under the copyleft Open Database License. This is an unoff
Classes and functions for animated text and graphics on an LED display
LEDarcade A collection of classes and functions for animated text and graphics on an Adafruit LED Matrix.
TicTacToe using Socket Server
TicTacToe using Socket Server This is a project for the class : 18CSC302J - Computer Networks by Dr. S.Babu Contributors Suvodeep Sinha RA191100301010
30 Days of google cloud leaderboard website
30 Days of Cloud Leaderboard This is a leaderboard for the students of Thapar, Patiala who are participating in the 2021 30 days of Google Cloud Platf
Cryptocurrency Exchange Websocket Data Feed Handler
Cryptocurrency Exchange Websocket Data Feed Handler
Python implementation for PetitPotam
PetitPotam Coerce NTLM authentication from Windows hosts Installtion $ pip3 install impacket Usage usage: petitpotam.py [-h] [-debug] [-port [destinat
Python implementation for PrintNightmare (CVE-2021-1675 / CVE-2021-34527) using standard Impacket.
PrintNightmare Python implementation for PrintNightmare (CVE-2021-1675 / CVE-2021-34527) using standard Impacket. Installtion $ pip3 install impacket
Python implementation for Active Directory certificate abuse
Certipy is a Python tool to enumerate and abuse misconfigurations in Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS). Based on the C# variant Ce
Brute Force Guess the password for Instgram accounts with python
Brute-Force-instagram Guess the password for Instgram accounts Tool features : It has two modes: 1- Combo system from you 2- Automatic (random) system
Module is created to build a spam filter using Python and the multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm.
Naive-Bayes Spam Classificator Module is created to build a spam filter using Python and the multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm. Main goal is to code a
Moleey Panel with python 3
Painel-Moleey pkg upgrade && pkg update pkg install python3 pip install pyfiglet pip install colored pip install requests pip install phonenumbers pkg
python3 flask based python-url-shortener microservice.
python-url-shortener This repository is for managing all public/private entity specific api endpoints for an organisation. In this case we have entity
Create a QR-code Generator app using only Python.
QR-code_Generator Create a QR-code Generator app using only Python. This apps generated a QR code for a single link. Libraryes used in this app -- py
Python code to generate art with Generative Adversarial Network
GAN_Canvas_Maker Generating Art using Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) Python code to generate art with Generative Adversarial Network: https://to
=|= the MsgRoom bot for Windows 96
=|= bot A MsgRoom bot in Python 3 for Windows96.net. The bot joins as =|=, if parameter name_lasts is not true and default_name is =|=. The full
Datashredder is a simple data corruption engine written in python. You can corrupt anything text, images and video.
Datashredder is a simple data corruption engine written in python. You can corrupt anything text, images and video. You can chose the cha
A Python tool to generate and refresh Amazon access tokens.
amazon_auth A Python tool to generate and refresh Amazon access tokens. Description This tool generates and outputs Amazon access and refresh tokens f
Privfiles - Encrypted file storage using Fernet with zero Javascript
Privfiles - Encrypted file storage using Fernet with zero Javascript Source code for the onion service: l3n6v6dm63frml22tlmzacnasvp7co7wylu4hhcs34ukxe
Simple Denial of Service Program yang di bikin menggunakan bahasa pemograman Python,
Peringatan Tujuan kami share code Indo-DoS hanya untuk bertujuan edukasi / pembelajaran! Dilarang memperjual belikan source ini / memperjual-belikan s
Monitor creation, deletion and changes to LDAP objects live during your pentest or system administration!
LDAP Monitor Monitor creation, deletion and changes to LDAP objects live during your pentest or system administration! With this tool you can quickly
Tindicators is a Python library to calculate the values of various technical indicators
Tindicators is a Python library to calculate the values of various technical indicators
Trading through Binance's API using Python & sqlite
pycrypt Automate trading crypto using Python to pull data from Binance's API and analyse trends. May or may not consistently lose money but oh well it
This is an open source python repository for various python tests
Welcome to Py-tests This is an open source python repository for various python tests. This is in response to the hacktoberfest2021 challenge. It is a