10767 Repositories
Python python-web Libraries
Minterpy - Multidimensional interpolation in Python.
minterpy is an open-source Python package for a multivariate generalization of the classical Newton and Lagrange interpolation schemes as well as related tasks.
GradAttack is a Python library for easy evaluation of privacy risks in public gradients in Federated Learning
GradAttack is a Python library for easy evaluation of privacy risks in public gradients in Federated Learning, as well as corresponding mitigation strategies.
TikTok Username Swapper/Claimer/etc
TikTok-Turbo TikTok Username Swapper/Claimer/etc I wanted to create it as fast as possible but i eventually gave up and recoded it many many many many
A python script to search for k-uniform Euclidean tilings.
k-uniform-solver A python script to search for k-uniform Euclidean tilings. This project's aim is to replicate and extend the list of k-uniform Euclid
Buscar y descargar canciones de YouTube automáticamente desde la web
🎶 DescargarCanciones 🎶 Buscar y descargar canciones o playlist de Spotify o YouTube automáticamente con todos los metadatos de la canciones en forma
Hcl.py is an Amino client for Python
Hcl.py Hcl.py Hcl.py is an Amino client for Python. It provides to access aminoapps Web, app and socket servers. Developed BY Kapidev And Upgraded BY
New time-based UUID formats which are suited for use as a database key
uuid6 New time-based UUID formats which are suited for use as a database key. This module extends immutable UUID objects (the UUID class) with the fun
Discord Auto bumper made in python, just a simple auto bumper that I made.
Discord Auto bumper made in python, just a simple auto bumper that I made.
GIMP script to export bitmap as GRAPHICS 4 file (aka SCREEN 5)
gimpfu-msx-gr4.py GIMP script to export bitmap as GRAPHICS 4 file (aka SCREEN 5). GRAPHICS 4 specs are: 256x212 (or 256x192); 16 color palette (from 5
Full ELT process on GCP environment.
Rent Houses Germany - GCP Pipeline Project: The goal of the project is to extract data about house rentals in Germany, store, process and analyze it u
This python cheat utilizes PyMeow, PyMem, and others to enhance your CS:GO experience ;).
CSGO-Python-Cheat This python cheat utilizes PyMeow, PyMem, and others to enhance your CS:GO experience ;). Features Esp Tracers Chams (More to come)
A Python program for calculating the 95%CI for GNSS-derived site velocities
GNSS_Vel_95%CI A Python program for calculating the 95%CI for GNSS-derived site velocities Function_GNSS_95CI.py is a Python function for calculating
My Discord Bot that I used to learn Python. Please disregard the unstructured code!
Botsche My personal Discord Bot. To run this bot, change TOKEN in config.ini to your Discord Bot Token, which can be retrieved from your Discord Dev
A simple python implementation of A* and bfs algorithm solving Eight-Puzzle
A simple python implementation of A* and bfs algorithm solving Eight-Puzzle
"Cambio de monedas" Change-making problem with Python, dynamic programming best solutions,
Change-making-problem / Cambio de monedas Entendiendo el problema Dada una cantidad de dinero y una lista de denominaciones de monedas, encontrar el n
Wechat based auto reply with pyautogui
Python-微信 自动回复 练手~ 一直想做个给微信发个消息,就可以跑Python程序,并将结果发送给我的东西,之前看了 B站@不高兴就喝水 的视频,终于有了灵感~ 使用的是模拟点击方案,请求期间是不能操作了。 库 pyautogui 用于模拟鼠标键盘操作和定位操作位置 pyperclip 剪贴板
Automatically check for free Anmeldung appointments.
Berlin Anmeldung Appointments (Python) This Python script will automatically check for free Anmeldung appointments in Berlin, and find them for you. T
Python tools for 3D face: 3DMM, Mesh processing(transform, camera, light, render), 3D face representations.
face3d: Python tools for processing 3D face Introduction This project implements some basic functions related to 3D faces. You can use this to process
Wappalyzer CLI tool to find Web Technologies
Wappalyzer CLI tool to find Web Technologies
🛰️ Scripts démontrant l'utilisation de l'imagerie RADARSAT-1 à partir d'un seau AWS | 🛰️ Scripts demonstrating the use of RADARSAT-1 imagery from an AWS bucket
🛰️ Scripts démontrant l'utilisation de l'imagerie RADARSAT-1 à partir d'un seau AWS | 🛰️ Scripts demonstrating the use of RADARSAT-1 imagery from an AWS bucket
A simple command line virtual operating system, written in python
Virtual operating system A simple virtual operating system written in python. (Under development). Currently, the following commands are supported: Co
Meu primeiro jogo desenvolvido em Python, usado o módulo do Pygame
📖 Sobre Esse repositório é dedicado ao meu primeiro jogo feito em Python, utilizando o módulo do pygame. O jogo foi desenvolvido seguindo o tutorial
Generate a backend and frontend stack using Python and json-ld, including interactive API documentation.
d4 - Base Project Generator Generate a backend and frontend stack using Python and json-ld, including interactive API documentation. d4? What is d4 fo
Practice-python is a simple Fast api project for dealing with modern rest api technologies.
Practice Python Practice-python is a simple Fast api project for dealing with modern rest api technologies. Deployment with docker Go to the project r
A Python Program to determine Degree of Profanity of Tweets
tweetx tweetx is a program to detect racial slurs in Twitter Tweets. Racial Abuse on Twitter is becoming quite a serious issue in recent times. tweetx
Imperial Valley Geomorphology Map
Roughly maps the extent of basins, basin edges, and mountains in the Imperial Valley by grouping terrain classes from the Iwahashi et al. 2021 California terrian classification model.
This is a python script to grab data from Zyxel NSA310 NAS and display in Home Asisstant as sensors.
Home-Assistant Python Scripts Python Scripts for Home-Assistant (http://www.home-assistant.io) Zyxel-NSA310-Home-Assistant Monitoring This is a python
Dominate is a Python library for creating and manipulating HTML documents using an elegant DOM API
Dominate Dominate is a Python library for creating and manipulating HTML documents using an elegant DOM API. It allows you to write HTML pages in pure
Easy to use Python camera interface for NVIDIA Jetson
JetCam JetCam is an easy to use Python camera interface for NVIDIA Jetson. Works with various USB and CSI cameras using Jetson's Accelerated GStreamer
Import Python modules from any file system path
pathimp Import Python modules from any file system path. Installation pip3 install pathimp Usage import pathimp
The Classic Fruit Collecting game made in python with pygame
FruitCollect A classic fruit Collecting game made with pygame Install pygame before running: "pip install pygame" Rules: Random fruits will drop from
A markdown template manager for writing API docs in python.
DocsGen-py A markdown template manager for writing API docs in python. Contents Usage API Reference Usage You can install the latest commit of this re
Automated Birthday Wisher built using Python
Automated Birthday Wisher This Automation of wishing Birthday is achieved using Python. Never forget to wish birthday! Table of contents Overview Scre
A python package for AxisVM
PyAxisVM The package is under development. Follow us on social media, where we'll announce the first release! Overview The PyAxisVM project offers a h
A simple python script to pregenerate minecraft worlds.
mcloady mcloady is a lightweight python script used to pre-generate Minecraft terrain using MCRcon and carpet mod (optional). Inspired by Pre-Generati
Simple AoC helper program you can use to develop your own solutions in python.
AoC-Compabion Simple AoC helper program you can use to develop your own solutions in python. Simply install it in your python environment using pip fr
A Python-based non-fungible token (NFT) generator built using Samilla and Matplotlib
PyNFT A Pythonic NF (non-fungible token) generator built using Samilla and Matplotlib Use python pynft.py [amount] The intention behind this generato
A lightweight and fast-to-use Markdown document generator based on Python
A lightweight and fast-to-use Markdown document generator based on Python
AI assistant built in python.the features are it can display time,say weather,open-google,youtube,instagram.
AI assistant built in python.the features are it can display time,say weather,open-google,youtube,instagram.
Python Library and CLI for exporting MySQL databases
expdb Python library and CLI for exporting MySQL databases Installation Pre-requisites MySQL server Python 3.9+ Using git Clone the repository to your
These are my solutions to Advent of Code problems.
Advent of Code These are my solutions to Advent of Code problems. If you want to join my leaderboard, the code is 540750-9589f56d. When I solve for sp
A Discord bot themed around the Swedish heavy metal band Sabaton! (Python)
A Discord bot themed around the Swedish heavy metal band Sabaton! (Python)
Graphical impimetaion of Conway's Game of Life in Python using pyglet
Conway's Game of Life in Python Konstantin Opora Conway's Game of Life: graphical implementation in python using pyglet. developed in Python 3.10.0 Re
Complet and easy to run Port Scanner with Python
Port_Scanner Complet and easy to run Port Scanner with Python Installation 1- git clone https://github.com/s120000/Port_Scanner 2- cd Port_Scanner 3-
A package that provides you Latest Cyber/Hacker News from website using Web-Scraping.
cybernews A package that provides you Latest Cyber/Hacker News from website using Web-Scraping. Latest Cyber/Hacker News Using Webscraping Developed b
A Python framework for interacting with Solana's Pyth network.
Pyth Network A basic Python framework for reading and decoding data regarding the Pyth network
A modular Telegram group management bot running with Python based on Pyrogram.
A modular Telegram group management bot running with Python based on Pyrogram.
Selenium Page Object Model with Python
Page-object-model (POM) is a pattern that you can apply it to develop efficient automation framework.
Flexible time series feature extraction & processing
tsflex is a toolkit for flexible time series processing & feature extraction, that is efficient and makes few assumptions about sequence data. Useful
IMBENS: class-imbalanced ensemble learning in Python.
IMBENS: class-imbalanced ensemble learning in Python. Links: [Documentation] [Gallery] [PyPI] [Changelog] [Source] [Download] [知乎/Zhihu] [中文README] [a
Python NZ COVID Pass Verifier/Generator
Python NZ COVID Pass Verifier/Generator This is quick proof of concept verifier I coded up in a few hours using various libraries to parse and generat
Simple command line tool to train and deploy your machine learning models with AWS SageMaker
metamaker Simple command line tool to train and deploy your machine learning models with AWS SageMaker Features metamaker enables you to: Build a dock
A working roblox account generator it doesnt bypass the capcha stuff cuz these didnt showed up in my test runs
A working roblox account generator (state 11.5.2021) it doesnt bypass the capcha stuff cuz these didnt showed up in my test runs
Let’s Play with Python3
Python3-FirstEdition a bunch of python programs and stuff Super Important Notice THIS IS LICENSED UNDER GNU PUBLIC LICENSE V3 also, refer to Contribut
🍞 Create dynamic spreadsheets with arbitrary layouts using Python
🍞 tartine What this is Installation Usage example Fetching some data Getting started Adding a header Linking more cells Cell formatting API reference
Low-level Python CFFI Bindings for Argon2
Low-level Python CFFI Bindings for Argon2 argon2-cffi-bindings provides low-level CFFI bindings to the Argon2 password hashing algorithm including a v
Python tools for experimenting with differentiable intonation cost measures
Differentiable Intonation Tools The Differentiable Intonation Tools (dit) are a collection of Python functions to analyze the intonation in multitrack
Token Manager written in Python
Discord-API-Token-Entrance Description This is a Token Manager that allows your token to enter your discord server, written in python. Packages Requir
A very simple and lightweight ToDo app using python that can be used from the command line
A very simple and lightweight ToDo app using python that can be used from the command line
Databank is an easy-to-use Python library for making raw SQL queries in a multi-threaded environment.
Databank Databank is an easy-to-use Python library for making raw SQL queries in a multi-threaded environment. No ORM, no frills. Thread-safe. Only ra
Program that automates the bump of the Disboard Bot. Done 100% in Python with PyAutoGUI library
Auto-Discord-Bump Program that automates the bump of the Disboard Bot done 100% in python with PyAutoGUI How to configue You will need 3 things before
Gathering data of likes on Tinder within the past 7 days
tinder_likes_data Gathering data of Likes Sent on Tinder within the past 7 days. Versions November 25th, 2021 - Functionality to get the name and age
Paxos in Python, tested with Jepsen
Python implementation of Multi-Paxos with a stable leader and reconfiguration, roughly following "Paxos Made Moderately Complex". Run python3 paxos/st
Empresas do Brasil (CNPJs)
Biblioteca em Python que coleta informações cadastrais de empresas do Brasil (CNPJ) obtidas de fontes oficiais (Receita Federal) e exporta para um formato legível por humanos (CSV ou JSON).
Simple programming language built on Python.
Serial Another programming language. Built on Python. Building and running program In order to run the program on serial, unfortunately you still need
OpenSea Python Bot coded purely in Python3.
OpenSea Python Bot coded purely in Python3. It utilises everything from OpenSea API to continuously monitor NFT's. It can be used to snipe or monitor if something falls below floor value.
Helicopter animation in terminal
helicopter-helicopter Helicopter animation in terminal (scroll down for instructions) Why does this exist? It's because of a meme Click for details Se
Redis OM Python makes it easy to model Redis data in your Python applications.
Object mapping, and more, for Redis and Python Redis OM Python makes it easy to model Redis data in your Python applications. Redis OM Python | Redis
A terminal written in Python.
PyDOS Read the title and then you'll figure out what this actually is. Running First, download or clone this repo. Next, run run.py. After this, you c
Text-Based zombie apocalyptic decision-making game in Python
Inspiration We shared university first year game coursework.[to gauge previous experience and start brainstorming] Adapted a particular nuclear fallou
Python package to read and display segregated file names present in a directory based on type of the file
tpyfilestructure Python package to read and display segregated file names present in a directory based on type of the file. Installation You can insta
Mentos Music Bot With Python
Mentos Music Bot For Any Query Join Our Support Group 👥 Special Thanks - @OfficialYukki Hey Welcome To Here 💫 💫 You Can Make Your Own Music Bot Fo
🌐 Local tile server for viewing geospatial raster files with ipyleaflet or folium
🌐 Local Tile Server for Geospatial Rasters Need to visualize a rather large (gigabytes) raster you have locally? This is for you. A Flask application
A python script that automatically farms the Discord bot 'Dank Memer'.
Dank Farmer A python script that automatically farms the Discord bot 'Dank Memer'. Requirements pynput Disclaimer DO NOT use if you are not willing to
Rottentomatoes, Goodreads and IMDB sites crawler. Semantic Web final project.
Crawler Rottentomatoes, Goodreads and IMDB sites crawler. Crawler written by beautifulsoup, selenium and lxml to gather books and films information an
Nexum is an open-source, remote administration tool written in Python 3
A full-featured remote administration tool written in Python 3. The goal of this project is to make the use of a remote administration tool as simple
VIT - VideoInTerminal. A quick piece of code to play videos in your terminal using python
VIT VIT - VideoInTerminal. A quick piece of code to play videos in your terminal using python.
PyPC is a very simple tool that creates Python projects from templates.
PyPC (Python Project Creator) PyPC is a very simple tool that creates Python projects from templates. In 0.1v#alpha, custom template creation will be
Shypan, a simple, easy to use, full-featured library written in Python.
Shypan, a simple, easy to use, full-featured library written in Python.
The lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research. Scale your models, not the boilerplate.
The lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research. Scale your models, not the boilerplate. Website • Key Features • How To Use • Docs •
A simple dork generator written in python that outputs dorks with the domain extensions you enter
Dork Gen A simple dork generator written in python that outputs dorks with the domain extensions you enter in a ".txt file". Usage The code is pretty
This is tools hacking for scan vuln in port web, happy using
Xnuvers007 PortInjection this is tools hacking for scan vuln in port web, happy using view/show python 3.9 solo coder (tangerang) 19 y/o installation
Pythonic Lucene - A simplified python impelementaiton of Apache Lucene
A simplified python impelementaiton of Apache Lucene, mabye helps to understand how an enterprise search engine really works.
A database-based CDN node supporting PostgreSQL and MongoDB backends.
A simple to use database-based deployable CDN node for hobbyist developers who wish to have their own CDN!
Web frontend to play games from 2008 Miniclip - uses Ruffle for playback
cliparchive Description A set of scripts to download games from the Wayback Machine's archive of Miniclip.com, and a Web frontend to play them using r
A Simple Web Scraper made to Extract Download Links from Todaytvseries2.com
TDTV2-Direct Version 1.00.1 • A Simple Web Scraper made to Extract Download Links from Todaytvseries2.com :) How to Works?? install all dependancies v
Colors in Terminal - Python Lang
🎨 Colorate - Python 🎨 About Colorate is an Open Source project that makes it easy to use Python color coding in your projects. After downloading the
✂️ EyeLipCropper is a Python tool to crop eyes and mouth ROIs of the given video.
EyeLipCropper EyeLipCropper is a Python tool to crop eyes and mouth ROIs of the given video. The whole process consists of three parts: frame extracti
Calculator in command line using python programming language
Calculator in command line using python programming language University of the People Python fundamental Chapter 5 Conditionals and recursion The main
Project based on pure python with OOP
Object oriented programming review Object oriented programming (OOP) is among the most used programming paradigms (if not the most common) in the indu
CupScript is a simple programing language made with python
CupScript CupScript is a simple programming language made with python It includes some basic functions, variables, loops, and some other built in func
Just a simple Tic Tac Toe game, built with Python
TicTacToe Author: Gabriel Lima Table of Contents About Getting Started Linux Windows About This is one of the first projects I built when I first star
A discord bot written in python
arch-bot A discord bot written in python prefix: . help: .help Installation Requirements A discord bot token Your user id Python installed. For window
This repository contain sample code of gRPC Communication between Python and GoLang
This repository contain sample code of gRPC Communication between Python and GoLang, the Server is running on GoLang while Python is running the client
Make desktop applications using HTML and CSS with python
Neutron Make desktop applications using HTML and CSS with python What is Neutron Neutron will allow developers to design modern applications in python
spade is the next-generation networking command line tool.
spade is the next-generation networking command line tool. Say goodbye to the likes of dig, ping and traceroute with more accessible, more informative and prettier output.
Bromelia-hss implements an HSS by using the Python micro framework Bromélia.
Bromélia HSS bromelia-hss is the second official implementation of a Diameter-based protocol application by using the Python micro framework Bromélia.
Py-Parser est un parser de code python en python encore en plien dévlopement.
PY - PARSER Py-Parser est un parser de code python en python encore en plien dévlopement. Une fois achevé, il servira a de nombreux projets comme glad
CinnaMon is a Python library which offers a number of tools to detect, explain, and correct data drift in a machine learning system
CinnaMon is a Python library which offers a number of tools to detect, explain, and correct data drift in a machine learning system