10381 Repositories
Python python-wheels Libraries
Project made in Qt Designer + Python, for evaluation in the subject Introduction to Programming in IFPE - Paulista campus.
Project made in Qt Designer + Python, for evaluation in the subject Introduction to Programming in IFPE - Paulista campus.
Basic browser based on PyQt5
goneDev-browser "basic browser based on PyQt5" This application is primarily built on macOS with more adaptibility for MacOS than Windows. v1.0 will s
Simple Covid-19 shooter game in python.
Covid_game 🍹 Simple Single Player Covid Game Using Python. 🍹 Has amazing background music theme. 😄 Game Instructions: Initial Health is 5, try to s
DeepFaceLive - Live Deep Fake in python, Real-time face swap for PC streaming or video calls
DeepFaceLive - Live Deep Fake in python, Real-time face swap for PC streaming or video calls
This is a python project which detects color of an image when you double click on it.
This is a python project which detects color of an image when you double click on it. You have to press ESC button to close the pop-up Image window. There are mainly two library CV2 and Pandas that are used in this project.
Cute study buddy that helps you study with the Pomodoro technique!
study-buddy Cute study buddy that helps you study with the Pomodoro (or Animedoro) technique! Kirby The Kirby folder has a Kirby, pink-themed Pomodoro
Extract the windows major and minor build numbers from an ISO file, and automatically sort the iso files.
WindowsBuildFromISO Extract the windows major and minor build numbers from an ISO file, and automatically sort the iso files. Features Parse multiple
A tiny Configuration File Parser for Python Projects
A tiny Configuration File Parser for Python Projects. Currently working on JSON Config Files only.
A fast and small Torrent client made with Python 3.
pico-torrent A fast and small Torrent client made with Python 3. History and context It was programmed by a hacker known as Jazz_Man, around January o
MainCoon - an automated recon framework
MainCoon is an automated recon framework meant for gathering information during penetration testing of web applications.
Auto-researching tool generating word documents.
About ResearchTE automates researching by generating document with answers to given questions. Supports getting results from: Google DuckDuckGo (with
Find live blooket games easy with python.
Blooket-pin-finder Find live blooket games easy with python. info when you start you will see what looks like error DON'T STOP those are just the thre
MM1 and MMC Queue Simulation using python - Results and parameters in excel and csv files
implementation of MM1 and MMC Queue on randomly generated data and evaluate simulation results then compare with analytical results and draw a plot curve for them, simulate some integrals and compare results and run monte carlo algorithm with them
A python snake game based on pygame.
PySnake A python snake game based on pygame. Requirements Package version pygame = 2.1.2 opencv-python = Run Windows python main.py Linux &
An ongoing process to make a physics engine using python.
Simple_Physics_Engine An ongoing process to make a physics engine using python. I am using this goal as a way to learn python in and out. I am trying
Process your transactions from etherscan (and other forks) into excel file for easier manipulation.
DEGEN TRACKER Read first This is my first Python open source project and it is very likely full of bad practices and security issues. You should not u
A very minimalistic python module that lets you track the time your code snippets take to run.
Clock Keeper A very minimalistic python module that lets you track the time your code snippets take to run. This package is available on PyPI! Run the
A Python script to implement Hill's Cipher Encryption and Decryption.
Hill_Cipher-Encryption_and_Decryption A Python script to implement Hill's Cipher Encryption and Decryption. Initially in the Encryption part, the Plai
Python package for caching HTTP response based on etag
Etag cache implementation for HTTP requests, to save request bandwidth for a non-modified response. Returns high-speed accessed dictionary data as cache.
This simple Python program calculates a love score based on your and your crush's full names in English
This simple Python program calculates a love score based on your and your crush's full names in English. There is no logic or reason in the calculation behind the love score. The calculation could have been anything different from what's shown in this code.
Python YAML Environment (ymlenv) by Problem Fighter Library
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. PF-PY-YMLEnv Documentation Install and update using pip: pip install -U PF-PY-YMLEnv Please
Python PID Tuner - Makes a model of the System from a Process Reaction Curve and calculates PID Gains
PythonPID_Tuner_SOPDT Step 1: Takes a Process Reaction Curve in csv format - assumes data at 100ms interval (column names CV and PV) Step 2: Makes a r
A combination between python-flask, that fetch and send data from league client during champion select thanks to LCU
A combination between python-flask, that fetch data and send from league client during champion select thanks to LCU and compare picked champs to the gamesDataBase that we need to collect using my other python script and then send the games result to localhost:5000/members that will be read by electron-reactJS script to present the results as a GUI on browser (localhost:5000)
PyWordle: A Python-made wordle manual solver
PyWordle: A Python-made wordle manual solver How to use it Start the program with python3 pywordlesolver.py. How it works The program has a simple 5-l
Cool little Python scripts & projects I've made.
Little Python Projects A repository for neat little Python scripts I've made! How to run a script: *NOTE: You'll need to install Python v3 or higher.
A file-based quote bot written in Python
Let's Write a Python Quote Bot! This repository will get you started with building a quote bot in Python. It's meant to be used along with the Learnin
天勤量化开发包, 期货量化, 实时行情/历史数据/实盘交易
TqSdk 天勤量化交易策略程序开发包 TqSdk 是一个由信易科技发起并贡献主要代码的开源 python 库. 依托快期多年积累成熟的交易及行情服务器体系, TqSdk 支持用户使用极少的代码量构建各种类型的量化交易策略程序, 并提供包含期货、期权、股票的 历史数据-实时数据-开发调试-策略回测-
QPT - Quick packaging tool 快捷封装工具 GitHub主页 | Gitee主页 QPT是一款可以“模拟”开发环境的多功能封装工具,最短只需一行命令即可将普通的Python脚本打包成EXE可执行程序,并选择性添加CUDA和NoAVX的支持,尽可能兼容更多的用户环境。 感觉还可
Translators - is a library which aims to bring free, multiple, enjoyable translation to individuals and students in Python
Translators - is a library which aims to bring free, multiple, enjoyable translation to individuals and students in Python
open source online judge based on Vue, Django and Docker
An onlinejudge system based on Python and Vue
30 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days
30 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than100 days, follow your own pace.
Game Boy emulator written in Python
If you have any questions, or just want to chat, join us on Discord. It is highly recommended to read the report to get a light introduction to Game B
Repository to store sample python programs for python learning
py Repository to store sample Python programs. This repository is meant for beginners to assist them in their learning of Python. The repository cover
Visual Python and C++ nanosecond profiler, logger, tests enabler
Look into Palanteer and get an omniscient view of your program Palanteer is a set of lean and efficient tools to improve the quality of software, for
Flow-based visual scripting for Python
A simple visual node editor for Python Ryven combines flow-based visual scripting with Python. It gives you absolute freedom for your nodes and a simp
Python Computer Vision from Scratch
This repository explores the variety of techniques commonly used to analyze and interpret images. It also describes challenging real-world applications where vision is being successfully used, both for specialized applications such as medical imaging, and for fun, consumer-level tasks such as image editing and stitching, which students can apply to their own personal photos and videos.
Using DST's API with Python
A short guide on how to access Denmark's Statistics API with python, together with a helper class that facilitates the collection of data and metadata from any DST's table
This is the repository for The Machine Learning Workshops, published by AI DOJO
This is the repository for The Machine Learning Workshops, published by AI DOJO. It contains all the workshop's code with supporting project files necessary to work through the code.
Firebase + Cloudrun + Machine learning
A simple end to end consumer lending decision engine powered by Google Cloud Platform (firebase hosting and cloudrun)
100 Days of Code Learning program to keep a habit of coding daily and learn things at your own pace with help from our remote community.
100 Days of Code Learning program to keep a habit of coding daily and learn things at your own pace with help from our remote community.
Gender Classification Machine Learning Model using Sk-learn in Python with 97%+ accuracy and deployment
Gender-classification This is a ML model to classify Male and Females using some physical characterstics Data. Python Libraries like Pandas,Numpy and
A gRPC-Web implementation for Python
Sonora Sonora is a Python-first implementation of gRPC-Web built on top of standard Python APIs like WSGI and ASGI for easy integration. Why? Regular
A flexible python library for building your own cron-like system, with REST APIs and a Web UI.
Nextdoor Scheduler ndscheduler is a flexible python library for building your own cron-like system to schedule jobs, which is to run a tornado process
Python Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning framework
- Please pay attention to the version of SC2 you are using for your experiments. - Performance is *not* always comparable between versions. - The re
Jira-cache - Jira cache with python
Direct queries to Jira have two issues: they are sloooooow many queries are impo
Random Number Generator Analysis With Python
Random-Number-Generator-Analysis Governor's Honors Program Project to determine
MeSH2Matrix - A set of Python codes for the generation of biomedical ontologies from the MeSH keywords of the PubMed scholarly publications
A set of Python codes for the generation of biomedical ontologies from the MeSH keywords of the PubMed scholarly publications
Python-boilerplate - Python Boilerplate Project Structure
python-boilerplate Python Boilerplate Project Structure Folder Structure .github
BiliBili-live-barrage-transceiver - A simple python program for sending and receiving barrage in bilibili live room
BiliBili-live-barrage-transceiver - A simple python program for sending and receiving barrage in bilibili live room
TFOD-MASKRCNN - Tensorflow MaskRCNN With Python
Tensorflow- MaskRCNN Steps git clone https://github.com/amalaj7/TFOD-MASKRCNN.gi
Evil-stalker - A simple tool written in python, it is so simple that it is based on google dorks
evil-stalker How to run First of all, you must install the necessary libraries.
CS50x-AI - Artificial Intelligence with Python from Harvard University
CS50x-AI Artificial Intelligence with Python from Harvard University 📖 Table of
Words-per-minute - A terminal app written in python utilizing the curses module that tests the user's ability to type
words-per-minute A terminal app written in python utilizing the curses module th
Minecraft Hack Detection With Python
Minecraft Hack Detection An attempt to try and use crowd sourced replays to find
Implémentation en pyhton de l'article Depixelizing pixel art de Johannes Kopf et Dani Lischinski
Implémentation en pyhton de l'article Depixelizing pixel art de Johannes Kopf et Dani Lischinski
Python implementation of the Lox language from Robert Nystrom's Crafting Interpreters
pylox Python implementation of the Lox language from Robert Nystrom's Crafting Interpreters. https://craftinginterpreters.com. This only implements th
Proof of concept of CVE-2022-21907 Double Free in http.sys driver, triggering a kernel crash on IIS servers
CVE-2022-21907 - Double Free in http.sys driver Summary An unauthenticated attacker can send an HTTP request with an "Accept-Encoding" HTTP request he
A Multipurpose bot with many Commands made using Pycord
This repo has all of the commands you will ever need in a discord bot. a Multipurpose discord bot
Python implementation of 3D facial mesh exaggeration using the techniques described in the paper: Computational Caricaturization of Surfaces.
Python implementation of 3D facial mesh exaggeration using the techniques described in the paper: Computational Caricaturization of Surfaces.
A backend for mdbook in Python for generating PDF based on Chrome DevTools Protocol.
mdbook-pdf A backend for mdbook written in Python for generating PDF based on Chrome DevTools Protocol. Python library dependency Usage Put mdbook-pdf
A Discord bot for viewing any currency you want comfortably.
Dost Dost is a Discord bot for viewing currencies. Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local
Used Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and XGBoost to predict the outcome of Search & Destroy games from the Call of Duty World League for the 2018 and 2019 seasons.
Call of Duty World League: Search & Destroy Outcome Predictions Growing up as an avid Call of Duty player, I was always curious about what factors led
Booky - A command line utility for bookmarking files on your terminal!
Booky A command line utility for bookmarking files for quick access With it you can: Bookmark and delete your (aliases of) files at demand Launch them
Python pyside2 kütüphanesi ile oluşturduğum drone için yer kontrol istasyonu yazılımı.
Ground Control Station (Yer Kontrol İstasyonu) Teknofest yarışmasında yerlilik kısmında Yer Kontrol İstasyonu yazılımı seçeneği bulunuyordu. Bu yüzden
Example Python code for building RPi-controlled robotic systems
RPi Example Code Example Python code for building RPi-controlled robotic systems These python files have been compiled / developed by the Neurobionics
A complete python calculator with 2 modes Float and Int numbers.
Python Calculator This program is made for learning purpose. Getting started This Program runs using python, install it via terminal or from thier ofi
lets learn Python language with basic examples. highly recommended for beginners who just start coding.
Lets Learn Python 🐍 Learn python from basic programs. learn python from scratch. 1.Online python compiler: https://www.onlinegdb.com/online_python_co
It is convenient to quickly import Python packages from the network.
It is convenient to quickly import Python packages from the network.
A simple and usefull python calculator.
simplepy-calculator Your simple and fresh calculator. Getting Started Install python3 from the oficial python website or via terminal. Clone this repo
Convert any binary data to a PNG image file and vice versa.
What is PngBin? The name PngBin comes from an image format file extension PNG (Portable Network Graphics) and the word Binary. An image produced by Pn
Animal Sound Classification (Cats Vrs Dogs Audio Sentiment Classification)
this is a simple artificial neural network model using deep learning and torch-audio to classify cats and dog sounds.
⛤Keylogger Generator for Windows written in Python⛤
⛤Keylogger Generator for Windows written in Python⛤
Developer centric, performant and extensible Python ASGI framework
Introduction xpresso is an ASGI web framework built on top of Starlette, Pydantic and di, with heavy inspiration from FastAPI. Some of the standout fe
Port of dplyr and other related R packages in python, using pipda.
Unlike other similar packages in python that just mimic the piping syntax, datar follows the API designs from the original packages as much as possible, and is tested thoroughly with the cases from the original packages
In this Notebook I've build some machine-learning and deep-learning to classify corona virus tweets, in both multi class classification and binary classification.
Hello, This Notebook Contains Example of Corona Virus Tweets Multi Class Classification. - Classes is: Extremely Positive, Positive, Extremely Negativ
This is the material used in my free Persian course: Machine Learning with Python
This is the material used in my free Persian course: Machine Learning with Python
Detect roadway lanes using Python OpenCV for project during the 5th semester at DHBW Stuttgart for lecture in digital image processing.
Find Line Detection (Image Processing) Identifying lanes of the road is very common task that human driver performs. It's important to keep the vehicl
SimplePyBLE - Python bindings for SimpleBLE
The ultimate fully-fledged cross-platform Python BLE library, designed for simplicity and ease of use.
Exploring the Top ML and DL GitHub Repositories
This repository contains my work related to my project where I scraped data on the most popular machine learning and deep learning GitHub repositories in order to further visualize and analyze it.
Terminal-based music player written in Python for the best music in the world 🎵 🎧 💻
audius-terminal-player Terminal-based music player written in Python for the best music in the world 🎵 🎧 💻 Browse and listen to Audius from the com
LibMTL: A PyTorch Library for Multi-Task Learning
LibMTL LibMTL is an open-source library built on PyTorch for Multi-Task Learning (MTL). See the latest documentation for detailed introductions and AP
Python dilinin Selenium kütüphanesini kullanarak; Amazon, LinkedIn ve ÇiçekSepeti üzerinde test işlemleri yaptığımız bir case study reposudur.
Python dilinin Selenium kütüphanesini kullanarak; Amazon, LinkedIn ve ÇiçekSepeti üzerinde test işlemleri yaptığımız bir case study reposudur. LinkedI
A Python library to retrieve annotations and notes from Zotero and save them into Markdown files.
Zotero to Markdown Generate Markdown files from Zotero annotations and notes. With new Zotero PDF Reader, all highlights are saved in the Zotero datab
Pyjiting is a experimental Python-JIT compiler, which is the product of my undergraduate thesis
Pyjiting is a experimental Python-JIT compiler, which is the product of my undergraduate thesis. The goal is to implement a light-weight miniature general-purpose Python JIT compiler.
Bayesian A/B testing
bayesian_testing is a small package for a quick evaluation of A/B (or A/B/C/...) tests using Bayesian approach.
Yesitsme - Simple OSINT script to find Instagram profiles by name and e-mail/phone
Simple OSINT script to find Instagram profiles by name and e-mail/phone
Dependency injection in python with autoconfiguration
The base is a DynamicContainer to autoconfigure services using the decorators @services for regular services and @command_handler for using command pattern.
YouTube-Downloader - YouTube Video Downloader made using python
YouTube-Downloader YouTube Videos Downloder made using python.
Click2call for asterisk with python
Click2call para Asterisk com Python Este projeto disponibiliza uma API construíd
Brainly-Scrambler - Brainly Scrambler With Python
Brainly-Scrambler Untuk admin brainly jangan lupa pasang captcha mu Note: Kamu
Genpyteal - Experiment to rewrite Python into PyTeal using RedBaron
genpyteal Converts Python to PyTeal. Your mileage will vary depending on how muc
TurtleBot Control App - TurtleBot Control App With Python
TURTLEBOT CONTROL APP INDEX: 1. Introduction 2. Environments 2.1. Simulated Envi
Pretty-doc - Composable text objects with python
pretty-doc from __future__ import annotations from dataclasses import dataclass
OGE-2022-na-Python - Solving problems in python for the OGE 2022
OGE-2022-na-Python Решение задачек на питоне для ОГЭ 2022 Тут разобраны разные в
Footballmapies - Football mapies for learning webscraping and use of gmplot module in python
Footballmapies - Football mapies for learning webscraping and use of gmplot module in python
a little project to make custom discord invites over a url
custom-dc-invite a little project to make custom discord invites over a url how it works you create a account for
Binance harvester - A Python 3 script to harvest data from the Binance socket stream and calculate popular TA indicators and produce lists of top trending coins
Binance harvester - A Python 3 script to harvest data from the Binance socket stream and calculate popular TA indicators and produce lists of top trending coins
Plux - A dynamic code loading framework for building plugable Python distributions
Plux plux is the dynamic code loading framework used in LocalStack. Overview The
Deasciify-highlighted - A Python script for deasciifying text to Turkish and copying clipboard
deasciify-highlighted is a Python script for deasciifying text to Turkish and copying clipboard.
OneShot Learning-based hotword detection.
EfficientWord-Net Hotword detection based on one-shot learning Home assistants require special phrases called hotwords to get activated (eg:"ok google