1521 Repositories
Python tool Libraries
Python Eacc is a minimalist but flexible Lexer/Parser tool in Python.
Python Eacc is a parsing tool it implements a flexible lexer and a straightforward approach to analyze documents.
A django compressor tool that bundles css, js files to a single css, js file with webpack and updates your html files with respective css, js file path.
django-webpacker's documentation: Introduction: django-webpacker is a django compressor tool which bundles css, js files to a single css, js file with
Point cloud processing tool library.
Point Cloud ToolBox This point cloud processing tool library can be used to process point clouds, 3d meshes, and voxels. Environment python 3.7.5 Dep
"KeyLogger-WebService" Is a Keylogger Write In python.
KeyLogger-WebService "KeyLogger-WebService" Is a Keylogger Write In python. When you Inject the file on a computer once the file is opened on the comp
Tool for installing and updating MiSTer cores and other files
MiSTer Downloader This tool installs and updates all the cores and other extra files for your MiSTer. It also updates the menu core, the MiSTer firmwa
Easy to use phishing tool with 63 website templates. Author is not responsible for any misuse.
PyPhisher [+] Created By KasRoudra [+] Description : Ultimate phishing tool in python. Includes popular websites like facebook, twitter, instagram, gi
Small python script to look for common vulnerabilities on SMTP server.
BrokenSMTP BrokenSMTP is a python3 BugBounty/Pentesting tool to look for common vulnerabilities on SMTP server. Supported Vulnerability : Spoofing - T
Tool to add main subject to items on Wikidata using a WMFs CirrusSearch for named entity recognition or a manually supplied list of QIDs
ItemSubjector Tool made to add main subject statements to items based on the title using a home-brewed CirrusSearch-based Named Entity Recognition alg
Find information about an IP address, such as its location, ISP, hostname, region, country, and city.
Find information about an IP address, such as its location, ISP, hostname, region, country, and city. An IP address can be traced, tracked, and located.
TidyPy is a tool that encapsulates a number of other static analysis tools and makes it easy to configure, execute, and review their results.
TidyPy Contents Overview Features Usage Docker Configuration Ignoring Issues Included Tools Included Reporters Included Integrations Extending TidyPy
Goddard Image Analysis and Navigation Tool
Copyright 2021 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is clai
A twitter multi-tool for OSINT on twitter accounts.
TwitterCheckr A twitter multi-tool for OSINT on twitter accounts. Infomation TwitterCheckr also known as TCheckr is multi-tool for OSINT on twitter a
tool to automate exploitation of android degubg bridge vulnerability
Remote sensing change detection tool based on PaddlePaddle
PdRSCD PdRSCD(PaddlePaddle Remote Sensing Change Detection)是一个基于飞桨PaddlePaddle的遥感变化检测的项目,pypi包名为ppcd。目前0.2版本,最新支持图像列表输入的训练和预测,如多期影像、多源影像甚至多期多源影像。可以快速完
vFuzzer is a tool developed for fuzzing buffer overflows, For now, It can be used for fuzzing plain vanilla stack based buffer overflows
vFuzzer vFuzzer is a tool developed for fuzzing buffer overflows, For now, It can be used for fuzzing plain vanilla stack based buffer overflows, The
This is a simple python script to collect sub-domains from hackertarget API
Domain-Scraper 🌐 This is a simple python script to collect sub-domains from hackertarget API Note : This is tool is limited to 20 Queries / day with
Find existing email addresses by nickname using API/SMTP checking methods without user notification. Please, don't hesitate to improve cat's job! 🐱🔎 📬
mailcat The only cat who can find existing email addresses by nickname. Usage First install requirements: pip3 install -r requirements.txt Then just
mitm6 is a pentesting tool that exploits the default configuration of Windows to take over the default DNS server.
mitm6 is a pentesting tool that exploits the default configuration of Windows to take over the default DNS server.
Tool to automatically fix some issues reported by flake8 (forked from autoflake).
autoflake8 Introduction autoflake8 removes unused imports and unused variables from Python code. It makes use of pyflakes to do this. autoflake8 also
DirBruter is a Python based CLI tool. It looks for hidden or existing directories/files using brute force method. It basically works by launching a dictionary based attack against a webserver and analyse its response.
DirBruter DirBruter is a Python based CLI tool. It looks for hidden or existing directories/files using brute force method. It basically works by laun
A tool converting rpk (记乎) to apkg (Anki Package)
RpkConverter This tool is used to convert rpk file to Anki apkg. 如果遇到任何问题,请发起issue,并描述情况。如果转换rpk出现问题,请将文件发到邮箱 ssqyang [AT] outlook.com,我会debug并修复问题。 下
This tool uses Deep Learning to help you draw and write with your hand and webcam.
This tool uses Deep Learning to help you draw and write with your hand and webcam. A Deep Learning model is used to try to predict whether you want to have 'pencil up' or 'pencil down'.
basic tool for NFT. let's spam, this is the easiest way to generate a hell lotta image
NFT generator this is the easiest way to generate a hell lotta image buckle up and follow me! how to first have your image in .png (transparent backgr
Mysterium the first tool which permits you to retrieve the most part of a Python code even the .py or .pyc was extracted from an executable file, even it is encrypted with every existing encryptage. Mysterium don't make any difference between encrypted and non encrypted files, it can retrieve code from Pyarmor or .pyc files.
Mysterium the first tool which permits you to retrieve the most part of a Python code even the .py or .pyc was extracted from an executable file, even it is encrypted with every existing encryptage. Mysterium don't make any difference between encrypted and non encrypted files, it can retrieve code from Pyarmor or .pyc files.
The First Python Compatible Camera Hacking Tool
ZCam Hack webcam using python by sending malicious link. FEATURES : [+] Real-time Camera hacking [+] Python compatible [+] URL Shortener using bitly [
All Tools In One is a Script Developed with Python3. It gathers a total of 14 Discord tools (including a RAT, a Raid Tool, a Token Grabber, a Crash Video Maker, etc). It has a pleasant and intuitive interface to facilitate the use of all with help and explanations for each of them.
[Discord] - All Tools In One [Discord] - All Tools In One is a Script Gathering for Windows systems written in Python. Disclaimer This project was cre
A tool that detects the expensive Carbon Black watchlists.
A tool that detects the "expensive" Carbon Black watchlists.
Netflix Movies and TV Series Downloader Tool including CDM L1 which you guys can Donwload 4K Movies
NFRipper2.0 I could not shared all the code here Because its has lots of files inisde it https://new.gdtot.me/file/86651844 - Downoad File From Here.
A simple file sharing tool written in python
Share it A simple file sharing tool written in python Installation If you are using Windows os you can directly Run .exe file -- download If you are
A tool to fuck a video/audio quality using FFmpeg
Media quality fucker A tool to fuck a video/audio quality using FFmpeg How to use Download the source Download Python Extract FFmpeg Put what you want
Sail is a free CLI tool to deploy, manage and scale WordPress applications in the DigitalOcean cloud.
Deploy WordPress to DigitalOcean with Sail Sail is a free CLI tool to deploy, manage and scale WordPress applications in the DigitalOcean cloud. Conte
The easiest way to create beautiful CLI for your programs.
The Yandere is a program written in Python3, allowing you to create your own beautiful CLI tool.
Scaffold django rest apis like a champion 🚀
scaffold django rest apis like a champion 🚀
✨Rubrix is a production-ready Python framework for exploring, annotating, and managing data in NLP projects.
✨A Python framework to explore, label, and monitor data for NLP projects
WebScan is a web vulnerability Scanning tool, which scans sites for SQL injection and XSS vulnerabilities
WebScan is a web vulnerability Scanning tool, which scans sites for SQL injection and XSS vulnerabilities Which is a great tool for web pentesters. Coded in python3, CLI. WebScan is capable of scanning and detecting sql injection vulnerabilities across HTTP and HTTP sites.
pytest-django allows you to test your Django project/applications with the pytest testing tool.
pytest-django allows you to test your Django project/applications with the pytest testing tool.
Silk is a live profiling and inspection tool for the Django framework.
Silk is a live profiling and inspection tool for the Django framework. Silk intercepts and stores HTTP requests and database queries before presenting them in a user interface for further inspection:
debinstaller - A tool to install .deb files in any distro.
debinstaller A tool to install .deb files in any distro. Installation for debinstaller
CLabel is a terminal-based cluster labeling tool that allows you to explore text data interactively and label clusters based on reviewing that data.
CLabel is a terminal-based cluster labeling tool that allows you to explore text data interactively and label clusters based on reviewing that
Description Basic Recon tool for beginners. Especially those who faces issue on how to recon or what all tools to use
Description Basic Recon tool for beginners. Especially those who faces issue on how to recon or what all tools to use. Will try to add atleast 10 more tools currently use 7 sources to gather domains.Currenlty uses below mentioned tools and also sort live domains using HttpX.
command line tool for frequent nmigen tasks (generate sources, show design)
nmigen-tool command line tool for frequent nmigen tasks (generate sources, show design) Usage: generate verilog: nmigen generate verilog nmigen_librar
Open Source Tool - Cybersecurity Graph Database in Neo4j
GraphKer Open Source Tool - Cybersecurity Graph Database in Neo4j |G|r|a|p|h|K|e|r| { open source tool for a cybersecurity graph database in neo4j } W
Conduits - A Declarative Pipelining Tool For Pandas
Conduits - A Declarative Pipelining Tool For Pandas Traditional tools for declaring pipelines in Python suck. They are mostly imperative, and can some
This is a tool to make easier brawl stars modding using csv manipulation
Brawler Maker : Modding Tool for Brawl Stars This is a tool to make easier brawl stars modding using csv manipulation if you want to support me, just
skimpy is a light weight tool that provides summary statistics about variables in data frames within the console.
skimpy Welcome Welcome to skimpy! skimpy is a light weight tool that provides summary statistics about variables in data frames within the console. Th
The Devils Eye is an OSINT tool that searches the Darkweb for onion links and descriptions that match with the users query without requiring the use for Tor.
The Devil's Eye searches the darkweb for information relating to the user's query and returns the results including .onion links and their description
Python based tool to extract forensic info from EventTranscript.db (Windows Diagnostic Data)
EventTranscriptParser EventTranscriptParser is python based tool to extract forensically useful details from EventTranscript.db (Windows Diagnostic Da
OpenCVのGrabCut()を利用したセマンティックセグメンテーション向けアノテーションツール(Annotation tool using GrabCut() of OpenCV. It can be used to create datasets for semantic segmentation.)
[Japanese/English] GrabCut-Annotation-Tool GrabCut-Annotation-Tool.mp4 OpenCVのGrabCut()を利用したアノテーションツールです。 セマンティックセグメンテーション向けのデータセット作成にご使用いただけます。 ※Grab
Goblyn is a Python tool focused to enumeration and capture of website files metadata.
Goblyn Metadata Enumeration What's Goblyn? Goblyn is a tool focused to enumeration and capture of website files metadata. How it works? Goblyn will se
Answer some questions and get your brawler csvs ready!
BRAWL-STARS-V11-BRAWLER-MAKER-TOOL Answer some questions and get your brawler csvs ready! HOW TO RUN on android: Install pydroid3 from playstore, and
A fast tool to scan prototype pollution vulnerability
proto A fast tool to scan prototype pollution vulnerability Syntax python3 proto.py -l alive.txt Requirements Selenium Google Chrome Webdriver Note :
Tool to create 3D printable terrain with integrated path/road part files (Single material 3d printer)
BACKGROUND This has been an ongoing project of mine for a few months now. I run trails a lot and original the goal was to create a function to combine
A Tool that provides automatic kerning for ligature based OpenType fonts in Microsoft Volt
Kerning A Tool that provides automatic kerning for ligature based OpenType fonts in Microsoft Volt There are three stages of the algorithm. The first
scaffold django rest apis like a champion 🚀
dr_scaffold Scaffold django rest apis like a champion ⚡ . said no one before Overview This library will help you to scaffold full Restful API Resource
adb - A tool that allows you to search for vulnerable android devices across the world and exploit them.
adb - An exploitation tool for android devices. A tool that allows you to search for vulnerable android devices across the world and exploit them. Fea
E4GL3OS1NT - Simple Information Gathering Tool
E4GL30S1NT Features userrecon - username reconnaissance facedumper - dump facebook information mailfinder - find email with specific name godorker - d
Tool to compare smart contracts source code
smartdiffer Tool to compare smart contracts source code. Heavily relies on API of Etherscan and Diffchecker. Installation pip install smartdiffer API
A Fork of Gitlab's Permifrost tool for managing Snowflake Permissions
permifrost-fork This is a fork of the GitLab permifrost project. As the GitLab team is not currently maintaining the project, we've taken on maintenac
theHasher Tool created for generate strong and unbreakable passwords by using Hash Functions.Generate Hashes and store them in txt files.Use the txt files as lists to execute Brute Force Attacks!
$theHasher theHasher is a Tool for generating hashes using some of the most Famous Hashes Functions ever created. You can save your hashes to correspo
System monitor - A python-based real-time system monitoring tool
System monitor A python-based real-time system monitoring tool Screenshots Installation Run My project with these commands pip install -r requiremen
A Red Team tool for exfiltrating sensitive data from Jira tickets.
Jir-thief This Module will connect to Jira's API using an access token, export to a word .doc, and download the Jira issues that the target has access
Phomber is infomation grathering tool that reverse search phone numbers and get their details, written in python3.
A Infomation Grathering tool that reverse search phone numbers and get their details ! What is phomber? Phomber is one of the best tools available fo
Sink is a CLI tool that allows users to synchronize their local folders to their Google Drives. It is similar to the Git CLI and allows fast and reliable syncs with the drive.
Sink is a CLI synchronisation tool that enables a user to synchronise local system files and folders with their Google Drives. It follows a git C
Trex is a tool to match semantically similar functions based on transfer learning.
Trex is a tool to match semantically similar functions based on transfer learning.
A command line tool (and Python library) for archiving Twitter JSON
A command line tool (and Python library) for archiving Twitter JSON
Generate a bunch of malicious pdf files with phone-home functionality. Can be used with Burp Collaborator
Malicious PDF Generator ☠️ Generate ten different malicious pdf files with phone-home functionality. Can be used with Burp Collaborator. Used for pene
PyHook is an offensive API hooking tool written in python designed to catch various credentials within the API call.
PyHook is the python implementation of my SharpHook project, It uses various API hooks in order to give us the desired credentials. PyHook Uses
Stubmaker is an easy-to-use tool for generating python stubs.
Stubmaker is an easy-to-use tool for generating python stubs. Requirements Stubmaker is to be run under Python 3.7.4+ No side effects during
rclip - AI-Powered Command-Line Photo Search Tool
rclip is a command-line photo search tool based on the awesome OpenAI's CLIP neural network.
Simple tool/toolkit for evaluating NLG (Natural Language Generation) offering various automated metrics.
Simple tool/toolkit for evaluating NLG (Natural Language Generation) offering various automated metrics. Jury offers a smooth and easy-to-use interface. It uses datasets for underlying metric computation, and hence adding custom metric is easy as adopting datasets.Metric.
A tool to download program information from Bugcrowd, for use by researchers to compare programs they are eligible to participate in
Description bcstats is a tool which allows Bugcrowd researchers to download information about all accessible programs (public and private) into a sing
A simple armature retargeting tool for Blender
Simple-Retarget-Tool-Blender A simple armature retargeting tool for Blender Update V2: Set Rest Pose to easily apply rest pose. Preset Import/Export.
Cross-platform MachO/ObjC Static binary analysis tool & library. class-dump + otool + lipo + more
ktool Static Mach-O binary metadata analysis tool / information dumper pip3 install k2l Development is currently taking place on the @python3.10 branc
zoofs is a Python library for performing feature selection using an variety of nature inspired wrapper algorithms. The algorithms range from swarm-intelligence to physics based to Evolutionary. It's easy to use ,flexible and powerful tool to reduce your feature size.
zoofs is a Python library for performing feature selection using a variety of nature-inspired wrapper algorithms. The algorithms range from swarm-intelligence to physics-based to Evolutionary. It's easy to use , flexible and powerful tool to reduce your feature size.
Tool for generating Memory.scan() compatible instruction search patterns
scanpat Tool for generating Frida Memory.scan() compatible instruction search patterns. Powered by r2. Examples $ ./scanpat.py arm.ks:64 'sub sp, sp,
A graphical Semi-automatic annotation tool based on labelImg and Yolov5
💕YOLOV5 semi-automatic annotation tool (Based on labelImg)
CPOST is a CLI tool to assist with the proper sizing of Clara Deploy pipelines
CPOST (Clara Pipeline Operator Sizing Tool) Tool to measure resource usage of Clara Platform pipeline operators Cpost is a tool that will help you run
Tool to check whether a GCP bucket is public or not.
Tool to check publicly accessible GCP bucket. Blog https://justm0rph3u5.medium.com/gcp-inspector-auditing-publicly-exposed-gcp-bucket-ac6cad55618c Wha
Summary Explorer is a tool to visually explore the state-of-the-art in text summarization.
Summary Explorer Summary Explorer is a tool to visually inspect the summaries from several state-of-the-art neural summarization models across multipl
Malcolm is a powerful, easily deployable network traffic analysis tool suite for full packet capture artifacts (PCAP files) and Zeek logs.
Malcolm is a powerful, easily deployable network traffic analysis tool suite for full packet capture artifacts (PCAP files) and Zeek logs.
A tool helps build a talk preview image by combining the given background image and talk event description
talk-preview-img-builder A tool helps build a talk preview image by combining the given background image and talk event description Installation and U
Summary Explorer is a tool to visually explore the state-of-the-art in text summarization.
Summary Explorer is a tool to visually explore the state-of-the-art in text summarization.
MINERVA: An out-of-the-box GUI tool for offline deep reinforcement learning
MINERVA is an out-of-the-box GUI tool for offline deep reinforcement learning, designed for everyone including non-programmers to do reinforcement learning as a tool.
Telegram Remote Administration Tool
Telegram Remote Administration Tool DISCLAIMER | Telegram Remote Administration Tool can only be used at your PC. Do not be evil! Читайте на Русском |
switching computer? changing your setup? You need to automate the download of your current setup? This is the right tool for you :incoming_envelope:
🔮 setup_shift(SS.py) switching computer? changing your setup? You need to automate the download of your current setup? This is the right tool for you
A tool for testing improper put method vulnerability
Putter-CUP A tool for testing improper put method vulnerability Usage :- python3 put.py -f live-subs.txt Result :- The result in txt file "result.txt"
Google Maps keeps old satellite imagery around for a while – this tool collects what's available for a user-specified region in the form of a GIF.
google-maps-at-88-mph The folks maintaining Google Maps regularly update the satellite imagery it serves its users, but outdated versions of the image
A python based tool that executes various CVEs to gain root privileges as root on various MAC OS platforms.
MacPer A python based tool that executes various CVEs to gain root privileges as root on various MAC OS platforms. Not all of the exploits directly sp
AV Evasion, a Red Team Tool - Fiber, APC, PNG and UUID
AV Evasion, a Red Team Tool - Fiber, APC, PNG and UUID
A light-weight image labelling tool for Python designed for creating segmentation data sets.
An image labelling tool for creating segmentation data sets, for Django and Flask.
Enfilade: Tool to Detect Infections in MongoDB Instances
Enfilade: Tool to Detect Infections in MongoDB Instances
Creates a C array from a hex-string or a stream of binary data.
hex2array-c Creates a C array from a hex-string. Usage Usage: python3 hex2array_c.py HEX_STRING [-h|--help] Use '-' to read the hex string from STDIN.
Amazon Scraper: A command-line tool for scraping Amazon product data
Amazon Product Scraper: 2021 Description A command-line tool for scraping Amazon product data to CSV or JSON format(s). Requirements Python 3 pip3 Ins
A Data Annotation Tool for Semantic Segmentation, Object Detection and Lane Line Detection.(In Development Stage)
Data-Annotation-Tool How to Run this Tool? To run this software, follow the steps: git clone https://github.com/Autonomous-Car-Project/Data-Annotation
A python based all-in-one tool for Google Drive
gdrive-tools A python based all-in-one tool for Google Drive Uses For Gdrive-Tools ✓ generate SA ✓ Add the SA and Add them to TD automatically ✓ Gener
This tool ability to analyze software packages of different programming languages that are being or will be used in their codes, providing information that allows them to know in advance if this library complies with processes.
This tool gives developers, researchers and companies the ability to analyze software packages of different programming languages that are being or will be used in their codes, providing information that allows them to know in advance if this library complies with processes. secure development, if currently supported, possible backdoors (malicious embedded code), typosquatting analysis, the history of versions and reported vulnerabilities (CVEs) of the package.
DependConfusion-X Tool is written in Python3 that scans and monitors list of hosts for Dependency Confusion
DependConfusion-X Tool is written in Python3 which allows security researcher/bug bounty hunter to scan and monitor list of hosts for Dependency Confusion.
RESTler is the first stateful REST API fuzzing tool for automatically testing cloud services through their REST APIs and finding security and reliability bugs in these services.
RESTler is the first stateful REST API fuzzing tool for automatically testing cloud services through their REST APIs and finding security and reliability bugs in these services.
Python tool to Check running WebClient services on multiple targets based on @leechristensen
WebClient Service Scanner Python tool to Check running WebClient services on multiple targets based on @tifkin_ idea. This tool uses impacket project.