1731 Repositories
Python weather-api Libraries
LabGraph is a a Python-first framework used to build sophisticated research systems with real-time streaming, graph API, and parallelism.
LabGraph is a a Python-first framework used to build sophisticated research systems with real-time streaming, graph API, and parallelism.
Dev-meme - A repository that contains memes just for people like us
A repository that contains memes just for people like us. Coders are constantly
This package accesses nitrotype's official api along with its unofficial user api
NitrotypePy This package accesses nitrotype's official api along with its unofficial user api. Currently still in development. Install To install, run
Hellomotoot - PSTN Mastodon Client using Mastodon.py and the Twilio API
Hello MoToot PSTN Mastodon Client using Mastodon.py and the Twilio API. Allows f
Api for getting bin info and getting encrypted card details for adyen.
Bin Info And Adyen Cse Enc Python api for getting bin info and getting encrypted
A simple quiz app using API and GUI
GUI-Quiz-APP It's a simple quiz app using API and GUI.
Send OpenWeatherMap alerts (One Call API) to telegram users.
OpenWeatherMap Telegram Alert Send OpenWeatherMap alerts (One Call API) to telegram users. Installation Requirements: $ apt install python3-yaml pytho
Spotify User Token Generator Template
Spotify User Token Generator Template Quick Start $ pip3 install -r requirements
A voice control utility for Spotify
Spotify Voice Control A voice control utility for Spotify · Report Bug · Request
Music, Album and Playlist downloader for JioSaavn
jiosaavn-dl Music, Album and Playlist downloader for JioSaavn Features Downloads tracks, albums and playlists in maximum available quality (320kbps AA
Python wrapper for the Equibles cryptos API.
Equibles Cryptos API for Python Requirements. Python 2.7 and 3.4+ Installation & Usage pip install If the python package is hosted on Github, you can
YouTube-Discord-Bot - Discord Bot to Search YouTube
YouTube Bot Info YouTube Bot is a discord bot where you can search for anything
A Python script to create customised Spotify playlists using the JSON, Spotipy Library and Spotify Web API, based on seed tracks in your history.
A Python script to create customised Spotify playlists using the JSON, Spotipy Library and Spotify Web API, based on seed tracks in your history.
A powerful application to automatically deploy GitHub Release.
A powerful application to automatically deploy GitHub Release.
CloudFormation Drift Remediation - Use Cloud Control API to remediate drift that was detected on a CloudFormation stack
CloudFormation Drift Remediation - Use Cloud Control API to remediate drift that was detected on a CloudFormation stack
RDMAss - A Python Discord bot creating an interaction with RDM API
RDMAss A Python Discord bot creating an interaction with RDM API. Features Assig
Notion4ever - Python tool for export all your content of Notion page using official Notion API
NOTION4EVER Notion4ever is a small python tool that allows you to free your cont
Compare-pdf - A Flask driven restful API for comparing two PDF files
COMPARE-PDF A Flask driven restful API for comparing two PDF files. Description
Aio-binance-library - Async library for connecting to the Binance API on Python
aio-binance-library Async library for connecting to the Binance API on Python Th
A simplified prototype for an as-built tracking database with API
Asbuilt_Trax A simplified prototype for an as-built tracking database with API The purpose of this project is to: Model a database that tracks constru
A GUI frontend for the Kamyroll-API using Python and PySide6
Kamyroll-GUI A GUI frontend for the Kamyroll-API using Python and PySide6 Usage When starting the application you will be presented with a list and so
This is the core of the program which takes 5k SYMBOLS and looks back N years to pull in the daily OHLC data of those symbols and saves them to disc.
This is the core of the program which takes 5k SYMBOLS and looks back N years to pull in the daily OHLC data of those symbols and saves them to disc.
An API wrapper for Henrik's Unofficial VALORANT API
ValorantAPI.py An API wrapper for Henrik's Unofficial VALORANT API Warning!! This project is still in beta and only contains barely anything yet. If y
Ecommerce app using Django, Rest API and ElasticSearch
e-commerce-app Ecommerce app using Django, Rest API, Docker and ElasticSearch Sort pipfile pipfile-sort Runserver with Werkzeug (django-extensions) .
Python tool that takes the OCR.space JSON output as input and draws a text overlay on top of the image.
OCR.space OCR Result Checker = Draw OCR overlay on top of image Python tool that takes the OCR.space JSON output as input, and draws an overlay on to
Eureka is a Rest-API framework scraper based on FastAPI for cleaning and organizing data, designed for the Eureka by Turing project of the National University of Colombia
Eureka is a Rest-API framework scraper based on FastAPI for cleaning and organizing data, designed for the Eureka by Turing project of the National University of Colombia
Whatsapp-APi Wrapper From rzawapi.my.id
Whatsapp-APi Wrapper From rzawapi.my.id
Valorant store offer discord-bot
Valorant store checker - Discord Bot Discord bot that shows your daily store offer without open the VALORANT by using the Ingame API. written using Py
A web app builds using streamlit API with python backend to analyze and pick insides from multiple data formats.
Data-Analysis-Web-App Data Analysis Web App can analysis data in multiple formates(csv, txt, xls, xlsx, ods, odt) and gives shows you the analysis in
WikiPron - a command-line tool and Python API for mining multilingual pronunciation data from Wiktionary
WikiPron WikiPron is a command-line tool and Python API for mining multilingual pronunciation data from Wiktionary, as well as a database of pronuncia
Dead simple CSRF security middleware for Starlette ⭐ and Fast API ⚡
csrf-starlette-fastapi Dead simple CSRF security middleware for Starlette ⭐ and Fast API ⚡ Will work with either a input type="hidden" field or ajax
Python scripts to interact with the CakeCMS API.
Python scripts to interact with the CakeCMS API. Installation of the python module Prerequisites The cakecms module has to be installed first. Install
Simple flask api. Countdown to next train for each station in the subway system.
Simple flask api. Countdown to next train for each station in the subway system.
Rock API is an API that allows you to view rocks and find the ratings on them
Rock API The best Rock API What is Rock API? Rock API is an API that allows you to view rocks and find the ratings on them. However, this isn't a regu
An Unofficial API for 1337x, Piratebay, Nyaasi, Torlock, Torrent Galaxy, Zooqle, Kickass, Bitsearch, and MagnetDL
An Unofficial API for 1337x, Piratebay, Nyaasi, Torlock, Torrent Galaxy, Zooqle, Kickass, Bitsearch, and MagnetDL
SickNerd aims to slowly enumerate Google Dorks via the googlesearch API then requests found pages for metadata
CLI tool for making Google Dorking a passive recon experience. With the ability to fetch and filter dorks from GHDB.
UUID_ApiGenerator - This an API that will return a key-value pair of randomly generated UUID
This an API that will return a key-value pair of randomly generated UUID. Key will be a timestamp and value will be UUID. While the
Spotify Top Lists - get the current top lists of a user from the Spotify API and display them in a Flask app
Spotify Top Lists This is a simple script that will get the current top lists of a user from the Spotify API and display them in a Flask app. Requirem
Minimal Python client for the Iris API, built on top of Authlib and httpx.
🕸️ Iris Python Client Minimal Python client for the Iris API, built on top of Authlib and httpx. Installation pip install dioptra-iris-client Usage f
FAIR Enough Metrics is an API for various FAIR Metrics Tests, written in python
☑️ FAIR Enough metrics for research FAIR Enough Metrics is an API for various FAIR Metrics Tests, written in python, conforming to the specifications
PYthon Warframe Market API(pywmapi)
pywmapi PYthon Warframe Market API(pywmapi) API for warframe market, written in Python. For now, the implemented function is listed below: auth sign i
Stack Overflow Error Parser
A python tool that executes python files and opens respective Stack Overflow threads in browser for errors encountered.
A CRUD and REST api with mongodb atlas.
Movies_api A CRUD and REST api with mongodb atlas. Setup First import all the python dependencies in your virtual environment or globally by the follo
Aws-lambda-requests-wrapper - Request/Response wrapper for AWS Lambda with API Gateway
AWS Lambda Requests Wrapper Request/Response wrapper for AWS Lambda with API Gat
DomainMonitor is a web project that has a RESTful API to get a domain's subdomains and whois data.
DomainMonitor is a web project that has a RESTful API to get a domain's subdomains and whois data.
This is an API developed in python with the FastApi framework and putting into practice the recommendations of the book Clean Architecture in Python by Leonardo Giordani,
This is an API developed in python with the FastApi framework and putting into practice the recommendations of the book Clean Architecture in Python by Leonardo Giordani,
A reference implementation for processing the content.log files found at opendata.dwd.de/weather
A reference implementation for processing the content.log files found at opendata.dwd.de/weather.
Django SMTP Protocol with Gmail
Django SMTP Protocol with Gmail This is the free service from gmail to send and receive emails. What we need for this things done, Python/pip install
Django-gmailapi-json-backend - Email backend for Django which sends email via the Gmail API through a JSON credential
django-gmailapi-json-backend Email backend for Django which sends email via the
Meme-videos - Scrapes memes and turn them into a video compilations
Meme Videos Scrapes memes from reddit using praw and request and then converts t
This is a Deep Leaning API for classifying emotions from human face and human audios.
Emotion AI This is a Deep Leaning API for classifying emotions from human face and human audios. Starting the server To start the server first you nee
Twitter API monitor with fastAPI + MongoDB
Twitter API monitor with fastAPI + MongoDB You need to have a file .env with the following variables: DB_URL="mongodb+srv://mongodb_path" DB_URL2=
Mlflow-rest-client - Python client for MLflow REST API
Python Client for MLflow Python client for MLflow REST API. Features: Minimal de
Pypixiv - A fully-typed, asynchronous api wrapper for pixiv
pypixiv this library is a fully-typed, asynchronous api wrapper for pixiv. featu
Bitbucket Server API Wrapper
A simple wrapper for the Atlassian's Bitbucket Server / Bitbucket Datacenter (formerly Stash) REST API, written in Python.
CheckList-Api - Created with django rest framework and JWT(Json Web Tokens for Authentication)
CheckList Api created with django rest framework and JWT(Json Web Tokens for Aut
Weather-API-GUI-Tkinter - A weather tool made using tkinter which works by fetching query city weather using an API
Weather-API-GUI-Tkinter ☁️ ❄️ version- 1️⃣ . 0️⃣ . 0️⃣ This repo contains a weat
Starlite-tile38 - Showcase using Tile38 via pyle38 in a Starlite application
Starlite-Tile38 Showcase using Tile38 via pyle38 in a Starlite application. Repo
A JSON API for returning Godspeak sentences. Based on the works of Terry A Davis (Rest in Peace, King)
GodspeakAPI A simple API for generating random words ("godspeaks"), inspired by the works of Terrence Andrew Davis (Rest In Peace, King). Installation
CS50 pset9: Using flask API to create a web application to exchange stocks' shares.
C$50 Finance In this guide we want to implement a website via which users can “register”, “login” “buy” and “sell” stocks, like below: Background If y
This is an API written in python that uses FastAPI. It is a simple API that can detect discord tokens in Images.
Welcome This is an API written in python that uses FastAPI. It is a simple API that can detect discord tokens in Images. Installation There are curren
Python Wrapper for handling payment requests through the Daraja MPESA API
Python Daraja Description Python Wrapper for handling payment requests through the Daraja MPESA API Contribution Refer to the CONTRIBUTING GUIDE. Usag
A simple discord bot written in python which can surf subreddits, send a random meme, jokes and also weather of a given place
A simple Discord Bot A simple discord bot written in python which can surf subreddits, send a random meme, jokes and also weather of a given place. We
Verify your Accounts by Tempphone using this Discordbot
Verify your Accounts by Tempphone using this Discordbot 5sim.net is a service, that offer you temp phonenumbers for otp verification. It include a lot
Exadel CompreFace is a free and open-source face recognition GitHub project
Exadel CompreFace is a leading free and open-source face recognition system Exadel CompreFace is a free and open-source face recognition service that
Iss-tracker - ISS tracking script in python using NASA's API
ISS Tracker Tracking International Space Station using NASA's API and plotting i
Mmdb-server - An open source fast API server to lookup IP addresses for their geographic location
mmdb-server mmdb-server is an open source fast API server to lookup IP addresses
Guildead - Guilded api wrapper written in python
Guildead Guilded api wrapper written in python. I have found "exploit" (guilded
Aula-API - a school system widely used in Denmark, as you can see and read about in the python file
Information : Hello, thank you for reading this first of all. This is a Aula-API
Send song lyrics to iMessage users using the Genius lyrics API
pyMessage Send song lyrics to iMessage users using the Genius lyrics API. Setup 1.) Open the main.py file, and add your API key on line 7. 2.) Install
A simple bot which using an API , detects reported discord scams and kicks the user if possible while deleting the message
A simple bot which using an API , detects reported discord scams and kicks the user if possible while deleting the message
Synthetic data need to preserve the statistical properties of real data in terms of their individual behavior and (inter-)dependences
Synthetic data need to preserve the statistical properties of real data in terms of their individual behavior and (inter-)dependences. Copula and functional Principle Component Analysis (fPCA) are statistical models that allow these properties to be simulated (Joe 2014). As such, copula generated data have shown potential to improve the generalization of machine learning (ML) emulators (Meyer et al. 2021) or anonymize real-data datasets (Patki et al. 2016).
Equibles Stocks API for Python
Equibles Stocks API for Python Requirements. Python 2.7 and 3.4+ Installation & Usage pip install If the python package is hosted on Github, you can i
Coinbase Listing Sniper
Coinbase Listing Sniper Script that listens to the @CoinbaseAssets twitter to find information about new Coinbase listings, and automatically buys 100
Async (trio) KuCoin minimal REST API + Websocket
Minimal Async KuCoin REST API + WebSocket using trio Coded by π (pi@pipad.org TG: @pipad) 22 January 2022 KuCoin needs an async Python client This cod
A simple document management REST based API for collaboratively interacting with documents
documan_api A simple document management REST based API for collaboratively interacting with documents.
Python library wrapping and enhancing the Invenio RDM REST API.
Iridium The metal Iridium is used to refine and enhance metal alloys. Similarly, this package provides an enhanced coating around the Invenio RDM APIs
Minecraft - Online Players Overlay Generator
Minecraft - Online Players Overlay Generator Contents About Quick Start Download Pre-Built Binary Run from Source Configuration Command-Line Options F
A python library created to make life easier for Telegram API Developers.
opentele A python library created to make life easier for Telegram API Developers. Read the documentation Features Convert Telegram Desktop tdata sess
An interactive App to play with Spotify data, both from the Spotify Web API and from CSV datasets.
An interactive App to play with Spotify data, both from the Spotify Web API and from CSV datasets.
WIOpy - Walmart Affiliate API Python wrapper
WalmartIO Python Wrapper - WIOpy A python wrapper for the Walmart io API. Only s
Event-driven-model-serving - Unified API of Apache Kafka and Google PubSub
event-driven-model-serving Unified API of Apache Kafka and Google PubSub 1. Proj
Sample code helps get you started with a simple Python web service using AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway
Welcome to the AWS CodeStar sample web service This sample code helps get you started with a simple Python web service using AWS Lambda and Amazon API
CO2Ampel - This RaspberryPi project uses weather data to estimate the share of renewable energy in the power grid
CO2Ampel This RaspberryPi project uses weather data to estimate the share of ren
Deepl - DeepL Free API For Python
DeepL DeepL Free API Notice Since I don't want to make my AuthKey public, if you
Project made in Qt Designer + Python, for evaluation in the subject Introduction to Programming in IFPE - Paulista campus.
Project made in Qt Designer + Python, for evaluation in the subject Introduction to Programming in IFPE - Paulista campus.
Using DST's API with Python
A short guide on how to access Denmark's Statistics API with python, together with a helper class that facilitates the collection of data and metadata from any DST's table
DIAL(Did I Alert Lambda?) is a centralised security misconfiguration detection framework which completely runs on AWS Managed services like AWS API Gateway, AWS Event Bridge & AWS Lambda
DIAL(Did I Alert Lambda?) is a centralised security misconfiguration detection framework which completely runs on AWS Managed services like AWS API Gateway, AWS Event Bridge & AWS Lambda
A simple API that will return a key-value pair of randomly generated UUID
A simple API that will return a key-value pair of randomly generated UUID. Key will be a timestamp and value will be UUID. While the server is running, whenever the API is called, it should return all the previous UUIDs ever generated by the API alongside a new UUID.
A simple serverless create api test repository. Please Ignore.
serverless-create-api-test A simple serverless create api test repository. Please Ignore. Things to remember: Setup workflow Change Name in workflow e
Developer centric, performant and extensible Python ASGI framework
Introduction xpresso is an ASGI web framework built on top of Starlette, Pydantic and di, with heavy inspiration from FastAPI. Some of the standout fe
pyhakuna is a client to access the API of the time keeping service hakuna.ch.
pyhakuna pyhakuna is a client to access the API of the time keeping service hakuna.ch. The Hakuna API is – unfortunately – personal and currently does
AirDrive lets you store unlimited files to cloud for free. Upload & download files from your personal drive at any time using its super-fast API.
AirDrive lets you store unlimited files to cloud for free. Upload & download files from your personal drive at any time using its super-fast API.
A recipe sharing API built using Django rest framework.
Recipe Sharing API This is the backend API for the recipe sharing platform at https://mesob-recipe.netlify.app/ This API allows users to share recipes
Script for YouTube creators to share dislike count with their viewers.
Stahování disliků z YouTube - milafon Tento skript slouží jako možnost zobrazit divákům počet disliků u YouTube videí. Vyžaduje implementaci ze strany
Box CRUD API With Python
Box CRUD API: Consider a store which has an inventory of boxes which are all cuboid(which have length breadth and height). Each Cuboid has been added
FilmMikirAPI - A simple rest-api which is used for scrapping on the Kincir website using the Python and Flask package
FilmMikirAPI - A simple rest-api which is used for scrapping on the Kincir website using the Python and Flask package
Just a python library to make reddit post caching easier
Reddist Just a python library to make reddit post caching easier. Caching Options In Memory Caching Redis Caching Pickle Caching Usage Installation: D
100 Days of Code The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022
100-Day-With-Python 100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022. In this course, I spend with python language over 100 days, and I up
Telegram Bot Repo Capable of fetching the following Info via Anilist API inspired from AniFluid and Nepgear
Telegram Bot Repo Capable of fetching the following Info via Anilist API inspired from AniFluid and Nepgear Anime Airing Manga Character Scheduled Top