1925 Repositories
Python windows-api Libraries
Python package for Calendly API v2
PyCalendly Python package to use Calendly API-v2. Installation Install with pip $ pip install PyCalendly Usage Getting Started See Getting Started wi
A Simple, LightWeight, Statically-Typed Python3 API wrapper for GogoAnime.
AniKimi API A Simple, LightWeight, Statically-Typed Python3 API wrapper for GogoAnime The v2 of gogoanimeapi (depreciated) Made with JavaScript and Py
The official wrapper for spyse.com API, written in Python, aimed to help developers build their integrations with Spyse.
Python wrapper for Spyse API The official wrapper for spyse.com API, written in Python, aimed to help developers build their integrations with Spyse.
Submit issues and feature requests for our API here.
AIx GPT API Submit issues and feature requests for our API here. See https://apps.aixsolutionsgroup.com for more info. Python Quick Start pip install
Tile Map Service and OGC Tiles API for QGIS Server
Tiles API Add tiles API to QGIS Server Tiles Map Service API OGC Tiles API Tile Map Service API - TMS The TMS API provides these URLs: /tms/? to get i
Asynchronous Python Wrapper for the GoFile API
Asynchronous Python Wrapper for the GoFile API
Estudo de como criar uma api para o gerenciamento de livros usando a django restframework
Boa parte do projeto foi beaseado nesse vídeo e nesse artigo. Se assim como eu, você entrou agora no mundo BackEnd, recomendo fortemente tais materiai
Example Starlette REST API application
The idea of this project is to show how Starlette, Marshmallow, and SQLAlchemy can be combined to create a RESTful HTTP API application that is modular, lightweight, and capable of dealing with many simultaneous requests.
A Discord BOT that uses Google Sheets for storing the roles and permissions of a discord server.
Discord Role Manager Bot Role Manager is a discord BOT that utilizes Google Sheets for the organization of a server's hierarchy and permissions. Detai
A boilerplate Flask API for a Fullstack Project with some additional packages and configuration prebuilt. ⚙
Flask Boilerplate to quickly get started with production grade flask application with some additional packages and configuration prebuilt.
Mventory is an API-driven solution for Makerspaces, Tinkerers, and Hackers.
Mventory is an API-driven inventory solution for Makers, Makerspaces, Hackspaces, and just about anyone else who needs to keep track of "stuff".
View your VALORANT performance in different areas of every map in the game!
Valorant-Zone-Stats Inspired by Leetify's awesome Map Zones Tool for CS:GO A simple desktop program to view your VALORANT performance in different are
REST API for sentence tokenization and embedding using Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder.
MUSE stands for Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder - multilingual extension (supports 16 languages) of Universal Sentence Encoder (USE).
Automated Integration Testing and Live Documentation for your API
Automated Integration Testing and Live Documentation for your API
The tool helps to find hidden parameters that can be vulnerable or can reveal interesting functionality that other hunters miss.
The tool helps to find hidden parameters that can be vulnerable or can reveal interesting functionality that other hunters miss. Greater accuracy is achieved thanks to the line-by-line comparison of pages, comparison of response code and reflections.
This is an implementation of the proximal policy optimization algorithm for the C++ API of Pytorch
This is an implementation of the proximal policy optimization algorithm for the C++ API of Pytorch. It uses a simple TestEnvironment to test the algorithm
A Python library to utilize AWS API Gateway's large IP pool as a proxy to generate pseudo-infinite IPs for web scraping and brute forcing.
A Python library to utilize AWS API Gateway's large IP pool as a proxy to generate pseudo-infinite IPs for web scraping and brute forcing.
edgedressing leverages a Windows "feature" in order to force a target's Edge browser to open. This browser is then directed to a URL of choice.
edgedressing One day while experimenting with airpwn-ng, I noticed unexpected GET requests on the target node. The node in question happened to be a W
evtx-hunter helps to quickly spot interesting security-related activity in Windows Event Viewer (EVTX) files.
Introduction evtx-hunter helps to quickly spot interesting security-related activity in Windows Event Viewer (EVTX) files. It can process a high numbe
Quickly and efficiently delete your entire tweet history with the help of your Twitter archive without worrying about the pointless 3200 tweet limit imposed by Twitter.
Twitter Nuke Quickly and efficiently delete your entire tweet history with the help of your Twitter archive without worrying about the puny and pointl
Newsemble is an API that provides easy access to the current news for programmatic analysis
Newsemble is an API that provides easy access to the current news for programmatic analysis. It has been built using Python, BeautifulSoup and MongoDB.
Open API to list Viet Nam administrative divisions
Viet Nam province API Homepage: https://provinces.open-api.vn This is online tool to let my VietnamProvinces library reach more users. VietnamProvince
Pytorch code for ICRA'21 paper: "Hierarchical Cross-Modal Agent for Robotics Vision-and-Language Navigation"
Hierarchical Cross-Modal Agent for Robotics Vision-and-Language Navigation This repository is the pytorch implementation of our paper: Hierarchical Cr
A passive recon suite designed for fetching the information about web application
FREAK Suite designed for passive recon Usage: python3 setup.py python3 freak.py warning This tool will throw error if you doesn't provide valid api ke
Django Project with Rest and Graphql API's
Django-Rest-and-Graphql # 1. Django Project Setup With virtual environment: mkdir {project_name}. To install virtual Environment sudo apt-get install
A boilerplate Flask API for a Fullstack Project :rocket:
Flask Boilerplate to quickly get started with production grade flask application with some additional packages and configuration prebuilt.
Using Tensorflow Object Detection API to detect Waymo open dataset
Waymo-2D-Object-Detection Using Tensorflow Object Detection API to detect Waymo open dataset Result CenterNet Training Loss SSD ResNet Training Loss C
A few Windows specific scripts for PyTorch
It is a repo that contains scripts that makes using PyTorch on Windows easier. Easy Installation Update: Starting from 0.4.0, you can go to the offici
Rust bindings for the C++ api of PyTorch.
tch-rs Rust bindings for the C++ api of PyTorch. The goal of the tch crate is to provide some thin wrappers around the C++ PyTorch api (a.k.a. libtorc
An unoffcial python API client for primeuploads.com
primeuploads-py An unoffcial python API wrapper for primeuploads.com Installation pip3 install primeuploads-py Usage example from prime import PrimeUp
Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) in locally, no API key, no signup required
Local SERP Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) in locally, no API key, no signup required Make sure the chromedriver and required package are in
Notion API Database Python Implementation
Python Notion Database Notion API Database Python Implementation created only by database from the official Notion API. Installing / Getting started p
A discord bot consuming Notion API to add, retrieve data to Notion databases.
Notion-DiscordBot A discord bot consuming Notion API to add and retrieve data from Notion databases. Instructions to use the bot: Pre-Requisites: a)In
Integrating Amazon API Gateway private endpoints with on-premises networks
Integrating Amazon API Gateway private endpoints with on-premises networks Read the blog about this application: Integrating Amazon API Gateway privat
An API wrapper around the pythonanywhere's API.
pyaww An API wrapper around the pythonanywhere's API. The name stands for pythonanywherewrapper. 100% api coverage most of the codebase is documented
News search API developed for the purposes of the ColdCase Project.
Saxion - Cold Case - News Search API Setup Local – Linux/MacOS Make sure you have python 3.9 and pip 21 installed. This project uses a MySQL database,
A GETTR API client written in Python.
GUTTR A GETTR client library written in Python. I rushed to get this out so it's a bit janky. Open an issue if something is broken or missing. Getting
A Spider for BiliBili comments with a simple API server.
BiliComment A spider for BiliBili comment. Spider Usage Put config.json into config directory, and then python . ./config/config.json. A example confi
Format SSSD Raw Kerberos Payloads into CCACHE files for use on Windows systems
KCMTicketFormatter This tools takes the output from https://github.com/fireeye/SSSDKCMExtractor and turns it into properly formatted CCACHE files for
a url shortener with fastapi and tortoise-orm
fastapi-tortoise-orm-url-shortener a url shortener with fastapi and tortoise-orm
A collection of metrics for evaluating timbre dissimilarity using the TorchMetrics API
Timbre Dissimilarity Metrics A collection of metrics for evaluating timbre dissimilarity using the TorchMetrics API Installation pip install -e . Usag
Unofficial implementation of "Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows" (https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.14030)
Swin-Transformer-Tensorflow A direct translation of the official PyTorch implementation of "Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Sh
Bifrost C2. Open-source post-exploitation using Discord API
Bifrost Command and Control What's Bifrost? Bifrost is an open-source Discord BOT that works as Command and Control (C2). This C2 uses Discord API for
🐎🖥《赛马娘》(ウマ娘: Pretty Derby)辅助脚本
auto-derby 自动化养马 育成结果 Nurturing result 功能 支持客户端 DMM (前台) 实验性 安卓 ADB 连接(后台)开发基于 1080x1920 分辨率 团队赛 (Team race) 有胜利确定奖励时吃帕菲 日常赛 (Daily race) PvP 活动赛 (Cha
WhyNotWin11 - Detection Script to help identify why your PC isn't Windows 11 Release Ready
WhyNotWin11 - Detection Script to help identify why your PC isn't Windows 11 Release Ready
Restful Api developed with Flask using Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring and containerization with Docker :rocket:
Hephaestus 🚀 In Greek mythology, Hephaestus was either the son of Zeus and Hera or he was Hera's parthenogenous child. ... As a smithing god, Hephaes
A tiny python web application based on Flask to set, get, expire, delete keys of Redis database easily with direct link at the browser.
First Redis Python (CRUD) A tiny python web application based on Flask to set, get, expire, delete keys of Redis database easily with direct link at t
A Flask API REST to access words' definition
A Flask API to access words' definitions
Visual Weather api. Returns beautiful pictures with the current weather.
VWapi Visual Weather api. Returns beautiful pictures with the current weather. Installation: sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt instal
A python to scratch API connector. Can fetch data from the API and send it back in cloud variables.
Scratch2py Scratch2py or S2py is a easy to use, versatile tool to communicate with the Scratch API Based of scratchclient by Raihan142857 Installation
A course on getting started with the Twitter API v2 for academic research
Getting started with the Twitter API v2 for academic research Welcome to this '101 course' on getting started with academic research using the Twitter
ETL python utilizando API do Spotify
Processo de ETL com Python e Airflow usando API do Spotify Sobre Projeto de ETL(Extract, Transform e Load) utilizando Python com API do Spotify e Airf
An API-driven solution for Makerspaces, Tinkerers, and Hackers.
Mventory is an API-driven inventory solution for Makers, Makerspaces, Hackspaces, and just about anyone else who needs to keep track of "stuff".
Senginta is All in one Search Engine Scrapper for used by API or Python Module. It's Free!
Senginta is All in one Search Engine Scrapper. With traditional scrapping, Senginta can be powerful to get result from any Search Engine, and convert to Json. Now support only for Google Product Search Engine (GShop, GVideo and many too) and Baidu Search Engine.
É uma API feita em Python e Flask que pesquisa informações em uma tabela .xlsx e retorna o resultado.
API de rastreamento de pacotes É uma API feita em Python e Flask que pesquisa informações de rastreamento de pacotes em uma tabela .xlsx e retorna o r
API to get the details of the characters in the Money heist TV show.
Project Heist Description: Project Heist is a RESTful API made using Python and Flask. This API is inspired by the popular Spanish TV show Money Heist
A basic CRUD application built in flask using postgres as database
flask-postgres-CRUD A basic CRUD application built in flask using postgres as database Taks list Dockerfile Initial docker-compose - It is working Dat
Isearch (OSINT) 🔎 Face recognition reverse image search on Instagram profile feed photos.
isearch is an OSINT tool on Instagram. Offers a face recognition reverse image search on Instagram profile feed photos.
Simples Keylogger para Windows com um autoboot implementado no sistema
MKW Keylogger Keylogger simples para Windos com um autoboot implementado no sistema, o malware irá capturar pressionamentos de tecla e armazená-lo em
As Slack no longer provides an API to invite people, this is a Selenium Python script to do so
As Slack no longer provides an API to invite people, this is a Selenium Python script to do so
A simple Discord Bot that uses the free CryptoCompare API to display cryptocurrency prices
What is this? This is a simple Discord Bot coded in Python that uses the free CryptoCompare API to display cryptocurrency prices Download Use git to c
touch command for Windows
Touch touch command for Windows Setup: Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/g-paras/touch.git cd touch Install touch module python setup.
Tutorial to set up TensorFlow Object Detection API on the Raspberry Pi
A tutorial showing how to set up TensorFlow's Object Detection API on the Raspberry Pi
This is a python based web scraping bot for windows to download all ACCEPTED submissions of any user on Codeforces
CODEFORCES DOWNLOADER This is a python based web scraping bot for windows to download all ACCEPTED submissions of any user on Codeforces Requirements
music downloader written in python. (Uses jiosaavn API)
music downloader written in python. (Uses jiosaavn API)
A wrapper for the Discord Python Pixels API.
DPYPX A simple wrapper around Python Discord Pixels. Requires Python 3.7+ (3.x where x = 7). Requires pillow and aiohttp from pip. Example import dpy
Simple Python API for the Ergo Platform Explorer
Ergo is a "Resilient Platform for Contractual Money." It is designed to be a platform for applications with the main focus to provide an efficient, se
Telegram PHub Bot using ARQ Api and Pyrogram. This Bot can Download and Send PHub HQ videos in Telegram using ARQ API.
Tg_PHub_Bot Telegram PHub Bot using ARQ Api and Pyrogram. This Bot can Download and Send PHub HQ videos in Telegram using ARQ API. OS Support All linu
easySpeech is an open-source Python wrapper for google speech to text API that doesn't require PyAudio(So you especially windows user don't have to deal with the errors while installing PyAudio) and also works with hugging face transformers
easySpeech easySpeech is an open source python wrapper for google speech to text api that doesn't require PyAaudio(So you specially windows user don't
alpaca-trade-api-python is a python library for the Alpaca Commission Free Trading API.
alpaca-trade-api-python is a python library for the Alpaca Commission Free Trading API. It allows rapid trading algo development easily, with support for both REST and streaming data interfaces
Assassination API for getting random quotes from Assassination Classroom.
Assassination API Take advantage of what you have, while you have it. Quotes from Assassination Classroom Assassination classroom is one of best anime
Python Package For MTN Zambia Momo API. This package can also be used by MTN momo in other countries.
MTN MoMo API Lite Python Client Power your apps with Lite-Python MTN MoMo API Usage Installation Add the latest version of the library to your project
📺 YouTube Song Downloader Bot For Telegram 🔮
📺 YouTube Song Downloader Bot For Telegram 🔮 Powerd By TamilBots.
REST API for sentence tokenization and embedding using Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder.
What is MUSE? MUSE stands for Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder - multilingual extension (16 languages) of Universal Sentence Encoder (USE). MUS
Generate product descriptions, blogs, ads and more using GPT architecture with a single request to TextCortex API a.k.a Hemingwai
TextCortex - HemingwAI Generate product descriptions, blogs, ads and more using GPT architecture with a single request to TextCortex API a.k.a Hemingw
render sprites into your desktop environment as shaped windows using GTK
spritegtk render static or animated sprites into your desktop environment as dynamic shaped windows using GTK requires pycairo and PYGobject: pip inst
A small repository with convenience functions for working with the Notion API.
Welcome! Within this respository are a few convenience functions to assist with the pulling and pushing of data from the Notion API.
Provide Prometheus url_sd compatible API Endpoint with data from Netbox
netbox-plugin-prometheus-sd Provide Prometheus http_sd compatible API Endpoint with data from Netbox. HTTP SD is a new feature in Prometheus and not a
Replacement for the default Dark Sky Home Assistant integration using Pirate Weather
Pirate Weather Integrations This integration is designed to replace the default Dark Sky integration in Home Assistant with a slightly modified, but f
BuddyPress is an open source WordPress plugin to build a community site. In releases of BuddyPress from 5.0.0 before 7.2.1 it's possible for a non-privileged, regular user to obtain administrator rights by exploiting an issue in the REST API members endpoint. The vulnerability has been fixed in BuddyPress 7.2.1. Existing installations of the plugin should be updated to this version to mitigate the issue.
CVE-2021-21389 BuddyPress 7.2.1 - REST API Privilege Escalation to RCE PoC (Full) Affected version: 5.0.0 to 7.2.0 User requirement: Subscriber user
Estudo e desenvolvimento de uma API REST
Estudo e desenvolvimento de uma API REST 🧑💻 Tecnologias Esse projeto utilizará as seguintes tecnologias: Git Python Flask DBeaver Vscode SQLite 🎯
Telegram anime bot that uses Anilist API
Telegram Bot Repo Capable of fetching the following Info via Anilist API inspired from AniFluid and Nepgear Anime Airing Manga Character Scheduled Top
Python API for working with RESQML models
resqpy: Python API for working with RESQML models Introduction resqpy is a pure python package which provides a programming interface (API) for readin
One Ansible Module for using LINE notify API to send notification. It can be required in the collection list.
Ansible Collection - hazel_shen.line_notify Documentation for the collection. ansible-galaxy collection install hazel_shen.line_notify --ignore-certs
You can share your Chegg account for answers using this bot with your friends without getting your account blocked/flagged
Chegg-Answer-Bot You can share your Chegg account for answers using this bot with your friends without getting your account blocked/flagged Reuirement
A Python Script to automate searching of available vaccination centers in the city and hence booking
Cowin Vaccine Availability Notifier Cowin Vaccine Availability Notifier takes your City or PIN code as an input and automatically notifies you via ema
Discord Blogger Integration Using Blogger API
It's a very simple discord bot created in python using blogger api in order to search and send your website articles in your discord chat in form of an embedded message. It's pretty useful for people who are on the blogger platform as there are not much you can do with blogger because of the restrictions.
Trans is a dependency-free CLI for Google Translate
Trans is a dependency-free CLI for Google Translate
Narya API allows you track soccer player from camera inputs, and evaluate them with an Expected Discounted Goal (EDG) Agent
Narya The Narya API allows you track soccer player from camera inputs, and evaluate them with an Expected Discounted Goal (EDG) Agent. This repository
Basic Python3 request wrapper for the PancakeSwap API
🐍 Python Pancakes 🥞 A simple request wrapper for the Pancake-Swap API. Installation Install package # Using pip $ pip install pythonpancakes # Or f
Home Assistant for Opendata CWB. Get the weather forecast of the city in Taiwan.
Home assistant support for Opendata CWB. The readme in Traditional Chinese. This integration is based on OpenWeatherMap (@csparpa, pyowm) to develop.
This is a simple unofficial async Api-wrapper for tio.run
Async-Tio This is a simple unofficial async Api-wrapper for tio.run
Rest API Written In Python To Classify NSFW Images.
✨ NSFW Classifier API ✨ Rest API Written In Python To Classify NSFW Images. Fastest Solution If you don't want to selfhost it, there's already an inst
AutoGiphyMovie lets you search giphy for gifs, converts them to videos, attach a soundtrack and stitches it all together into a movie!
AutoGiphyMovie lets you search giphy for gifs, converts them to videos, attach a soundtrack and stitches it all together into a movie!
Simple, hackable offline speech to text - using the VOSK-API.
Nerd Dictation Offline Speech to Text for Desktop Linux. This is a utility that provides simple access speech to text for using in Linux without being
An IVR Chatbot which can exponentially reduce the burden of companies as well as can improve the consumer/end user experience.
IVR-Chatbot Achievements 🏆 Team Uhtred won the Maverick 2.0 Bot-a-thon 2021 organized by AbInbev India. ❓ Problem Statement As we all know that, lot
A simple weather tool. I made this as a way for me to learn Python, API, and PyPi packaging.
A simple weather tool. I made this as a way for me to learn Python, API, and PyPi packaging.
Unofficial YooMoney API python library
API Yoomoney - unofficial python library This is an unofficial YooMoney API python library. Summary Introduction Features Installation Quick start Acc
Django REST API with React BoilerPlate
This is a setup of Authentication and Registration Integrated with React.js inside the Django Templates for web apps
Terminal-Trade(Panel API) For Binance
Binance-Trade-Project Binance Futures Terminal-Trade(API) & Binance This Project Worth Around 500 Bucks. **I Did This Project For SomeOne And He