Home / Python Deep Learning
7418 Repositories
The COVID-Net models provided here are intended to be used as reference models that can be built upon and enhanced as new data becomes available
Rayvens augments Ray with events. With Rayvens, Ray applications can subscribe to event streams, process and produce events. Rayvens leverages Apache
Frozen️ in Time ❄️ ️️️️ ⏳ A Joint Video and Image Encoder for End-to-End Retrieval project page | arXiv | webvid-data Repository containing the code,
LOST Pytorch implementation of the unsupervised object discovery method LOST. More details can be found in the paper: Localizing Objects with Self-Sup
Depthstillation Demo code for "Learning optical flow from still images", CVPR 2021. [Project page] - [Paper] - [Supplementary] This code is provided t
log4shell-detector Detector for Log4Shell exploitation attempts Idea The problem with the log4j CVE-2021-44228 exploitation is that the string can be
SmallInitEmb LayerNorm(SmallInit(Embedding)) in a Transformer I find that when t
DeepFilterNet A Low Complexity Speech Enhancement Framework for Full-Band Audio (48kHz) based on Deep Filtering. libDF contains Rust code used for dat
ProteinBERT - Pytorch (wip) Implementation of ProteinBERT in Pytorch. Original Repository Install $ pip install protein-bert-pytorch Usage import torc
Scribble-Supervised LiDAR Semantic Segmentation Dataset and code release for the paper Scribble-Supervised LiDAR Semantic Segmentation, CVPR 2022 (ORA
Follow the development of our desktop client here Paaster Paaster is a secure by default end-to-end encrypted pastebin built with the objective of sim
JOKR: Joint Keypoint Representation for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Motion Retargeting Pytorch implementation for the paper "JOKR: Joint Keypoint Repres
Segformer - Pytorch Implementation of Segformer, Attention + MLP neural network for segmentation, in Pytorch. Install $ pip install segformer-pytorch
HyperLib: Deep learning in the Hyperbolic space Background This library implements common Neural Network components in the hypberbolic space (using th
Update for using DQN to play sekiro 2021.2.2(English Version) This is the code of using DQN to play Sekiro . I am very glad to tell that I have writen
Sampyl May 29, 2018: version 0.3 Sampyl is a package for sampling from probability distributions using MCMC methods. Similar to PyMC3 using theano to
Distributionally Robust Neural Networks for Group Shifts: On the Importance of Regularization for Worst-Case Generalization This code implements the g
BudgetML is perfect for practitioners who would like to quickly deploy their models to an endpoint, but not waste a lot of time, money, and effort trying to figure out how to do this end-to-end.
Video Head Tracker 3D tracking library for human heads based on FLAME (a 3D morphable head model). The tracking algorithm is inspired by face2face. It
MaskCycleGAN-VC Unofficial PyTorch implementation of Kaneko et al.'s MaskCycleGAN-VC (2021) for non-parallel voice conversion. MaskCycleGAN-VC is the
iPOKE: Poking a Still Image for Controlled Stochastic Video Synthesis iPOKE: Poking a Still Image for Controlled Stochastic Video Synthesis Andreas Bl
Official repository of the paper Learning to Regress 3D Face Shape and Expression from an Image without 3D Supervision
CoTr: Efficient 3D Medical Image Segmentation by bridging CNN and Transformer This is the official pytorch implementation of the CoTr: Paper: CoTr: Ef
PAConv: Position Adaptive Convolution with Dynamic Kernel Assembling on Point Clouds by Mutian Xu*, Runyu Ding*, Hengshuang Zhao, and Xiaojuan Qi. Int
Medical-Transformer Pytorch Code for the paper "Medical Transformer: Gated Axial-Attention for Medical Image Segmentation" About this repo: This repo
DeepFRI Deep functional residue identification Citing @article {Gligorijevic2019, author = {Gligorijevic, Vladimir and Renfrew, P. Douglas and Koscio
TransformerFusion: Monocular RGB Scene Reconstruction using Transformers Project Page | Paper | Video TransformerFusion: Monocular RGB Scene Reconstru
CoReNet CoReNet is a technique for joint multi-object 3D reconstruction from a single RGB image. It produces coherent reconstructions, where all objec
Iran Open Source Hackathon is an open-source hackathon (duh) with the aim of encouraging participation in open-source contribution amongst Iranian dev
SimGNN ⠀⠀⠀ A PyTorch implementation of SimGNN: A Neural Network Approach to Fast Graph Similarity Computation (WSDM 2019). Abstract Graph similarity s
Stock Trading Market OpenAI Gym Environment with Deep Reinforcement Learning using Keras Overview This project provides a general environment for stoc
efficient_densenet_pytorch A PyTorch =1.0 implementation of DenseNets, optimized to save GPU memory. Recent updates Now works on PyTorch 1.0! It uses
Prototypical Pseudo Label Denoising and Target Structure Learning for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation (CVPR 2021, official Pytorch implementatio
TinyNeuralNetwork 简体中文 TinyNeuralNetwork is an efficient and easy-to-use deep learning model compression framework, which contains features like neura
LIIF This repository contains the official implementation for LIIF introduced in the following paper: Learning Continuous Image Representation with Lo
This is a Pytorch implementation of the paper: Self-Supervised Graph Transformer on Large-Scale Molecular Data.
QuadTree Image Segmentation Animation using QuadTree concepts. Usage usage: quad.py [-h] [-fps FPS] [-i ITERATIONS] [-ws WRITESTART] [-b] [-img] [-s S
Animating the Optimization Trajectory of Neural Nets loss-landscape-anim lets you create animated optimization path in a 2D slice of the loss landscap
Visualizing Adapted Knowledge in Domain Transfer @inproceedings{hou2021visualizing, title={Visualizing Adapted Knowledge in Domain Transfer}, auth
Efficient Self-Supervised Vision Transformers (EsViT) PyTorch implementation for EsViT, built with two techniques: A multi-stage Transformer architect
Not All Points Are Equal: Learning Highly Efficient Point-based Detectors for 3D LiDAR Point Clouds (CVPR 2022, Oral) This is the official implementat
nilearn Nilearn enables approachable and versatile analyses of brain volumes. It provides statistical and machine-learning tools, with instructive doc
EmbedSeg Introduction This repository hosts the version of the code used for the preprint Embedding-based Instance Segmentation of Microscopy Images.
Complete-IoU Loss and Cluster-NMS for Improving Object Detection and Instance Segmentation. Our paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
PoseNet of "Camera Distance-aware Top-down Approach for 3D Multi-person Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image" Introduction This repo is official Py
Industrial Image Anomaly Localization Based on Gaussian Clustering of Pre-trained Feature Q. Wan, L. Gao, X. Li and L. Wen, "Industrial Image Anomaly
___ __ __ -. .-. | __|(+) _ _ _ _\ \ / /(+) _ _ ___ .-. .- \ / \ | _| | | '_| ' \ \/
Unified Gesture Recognition and Fingertip Detection A unified convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm for both hand gesture recognition and finge
Exploiting the Intrinsic Neighborhood Structure for Source-free Domain Adaptation (NeurIPS 2021) Code for our NeurIPS 2021 paper 'Exploiting the Intri
SinGAN Project | Arxiv | CVF | Supplementary materials | Talk (ICCV`19) Official pytorch implementation of the paper: "SinGAN: Learning a Generative M
Lite-HRNet: A Lightweight High-Resolution Network Introduction This is an official pytorch implementation of Lite-HRNet: A Lightweight High-Resolution
NLopt is a library for nonlinear local and global optimization, for functions with and without gradient information. It is designed as a simple, unifi
ConSERT Code for our ACL 2021 paper - ConSERT: A Contrastive Framework for Self-Supervised Sentence Representation Transfer Requirements torch==1.6.0
Personalized Federated Learning using Hypernetworks This is an official implementation of Personalized Federated Learning using Hypernetworks paper. [