Pre-trained models for a Cascaded-FCN in caffe and tensorflow that segments



This repository contains the pre-trained models for a Cascaded-FCN in caffe and tensorflow that segments the liver and its lesions out of axial CT images and a python wrapper for dense 3D Conditional Random Fields 3D CRFs.

This work was published in MICCAI 2016 paper (arXiv link) titled :

Automatic Liver and Lesion Segmentation in CT Using Cascaded Fully Convolutional 
Neural Networks and 3D Conditional Random Fields


Quick Start

If you want to use our code we offer an docker image, which runs our code and has all dependencies installed including the correct caffe version. After having installed docker and nvidia docker:

sudo GPU=0 nvidia-docker run -v $(pwd):/data -P --net=host --workdir=/Cascaded-FCN -ti --privileged patrickchrist/cascadedfcn bash

And than start jupyter notebook and browse to localhost:8888

jupyter notebook


Please look at Readme and Documentation at


If you have used these models in your research please use the following BibTeX for citation :

title="Automatic Liver and Lesion Segmentation in CT Using Cascaded Fully Convolutional Neural Networks and 3D Conditional Random Fields",
author="Christ, Patrick Ferdinand and Elshaer, Mohamed Ezzeldin A. and Ettlinger, Florian and Tatavarty, Sunil and Bickel, Marc and Bilic, Patrick and Rempfler, Markus and Armbruster, Marco and Hofmann, Felix and D'Anastasi, Melvin and Sommer, Wieland H. and Ahmadi, Seyed-Ahmad and Menze, Bjoern H.",
editor="Ourselin, Sebastien and Joskowicz, Leo and Sabuncu, Mert R. and Unal, Gozde and Wells, William",
bookTitle="Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention -- MICCAI 2016: 19th International Conference, Athens, Greece, October 17-21, 2016, Proceedings, Part II",
publisher="Springer International Publishing",
   author = {{Christ}, P.~F. and {Ettlinger}, F. and {Gr{\"u}n}, F. and {Elshaera}, M.~E.~A. and 
	{Lipkova}, J. and {Schlecht}, S. and {Ahmaddy}, F. and {Tatavarty}, S. and 
	{Bickel}, M. and {Bilic}, P. and {Rempfler}, M. and {Hofmann}, F. and 
	{Anastasi}, M.~D and {Ahmadi}, S.-A. and {Kaissis}, G. and {Holch}, J. and 
	{Sommer}, W. and {Braren}, R. and {Heinemann}, V. and {Menze}, B.},
    title = "{Automatic Liver and Tumor Segmentation of CT and MRI Volumes using Cascaded Fully Convolutional Neural Networks}",
  journal = {ArXiv e-prints},
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
   eprint = {1702.05970},
 primaryClass = "cs.CV",
 keywords = {Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence},
     year = 2017,
  title={SurvivalNet: Predicting patient survival from diffusion weighted magnetic resonance images using cascaded fully convolutional and 3D convolutional neural networks},
  author={Patrick Ferdinand Christ and Florian Ettlinger and Georgios Kaissis and Sebastian Schlecht and Freba Ahmaddy and Felix Gr{\"{u}n and Alexander Valentinitsch and Seyed-Ahmad Ahmadi and Rickmer Braren and Bjoern H. Menze},


This work uses 2 cascaded UNETs,

  1. In step1, a UNET segments the liver from an axial abdominal CT slice. The segmentation output is a binary mask with bright pixels denoting the segmented object. By segmenting all slices in a volume we obtain a 3D segmentation.
  2. (Optional) We enhance the liver segmentation using 3D dense CRF (conditional random field). The resulting enhanced liver segmentation is then used further for step2.
  3. In step2 another UNET takes an enlarged liver slice and segments its lesions.

The input to both networks is 572x572 generated by applying reflection mirroring at all 4 sides of a 388x388 slice. The boundary 92 pixels are reflecting, resulting in (92+388+92)x(92+388+92) = 572x572.

An illustration of the pipeline is shown below :

Illustration of the CascadedFCN pipeline

For detailed Information have a look in our presentation

3D Conditional Random Field 3DCRF

You can find the 3D CRF at 3DCRF-python. Please follow the installation description in the Readme.


These models are published with unrestricted use for research and educational purposes. For commercial use, please refer to the paper authors.

  • model test problem

    model test problem

    Hi, I have tested your released model, my code is refer to your notebook. my code is

    `caffe.set_mode_gpu() caffe.set_device(2) net_liver = caffe.Net('/home/zhou/zou/Cascaded-FCN/models/cascadedfcn/step1/step1_deploy.prototxt', '/home/zhou/zou/Cascaded-FCN/models/cas cadedfcn/step1/step1_weights.caffemodel', caffe.TEST)

    img=read_dicom_series("../train_image/3Dircadb1.17/PATIENT_DICOM/") lbl=read_liver_lesion_masks("../train_image/3Dircadb1.17/MASKS_DICOM/") S = 90 img_p = step1_preprocess_img_slice(img[...,S]) lbl_p = preprocess_lbl_slice(lbl[...,S]) net_liver.blobs['data'].data[0,0,...] = img_p pred = net_liver.forward()['prob'][0,1] > 0.5 plt.figure(figsize=(3*5,10)) plt.subplot(1, 3, _1) plt.title('CT') plt.imshow(img_p[92:-92,92:-92], 'gray') plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) plt.title('GT') plt.imshow(lbl_p, 'gray') plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) plt.title('pred') plt.imshow(pred, 'gray')`

    but the result is very bad like this result

    opened by manutdzou 19
  • Regarding preprocessing(for step1)

    Regarding preprocessing(for step1)

    Hi, I am having trouble understanding pre-processing step. I have dicom images of liver of size 512x512. How do I proceed further?Do I have to resize it to 388x388 and add symmetrical padding of size 92?

    Any help would be appreciated.


    opened by cjayanth95 18
  • Example Docker does not work (crashes)

    Example Docker does not work (crashes)

    After I couldn't get the notebook to work on my own caffe installation (see #29) I tried running your prepared docker. However this line

    # Load network

    throws the following error

    F0509 19:58:49.805807    24 cudnn_relu_layer.cpp:15] Check failed: status == CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS (1 vs. 0)  CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED

    My host system is ubuntu 18.04, NVIDIA Driver Version 390.48, CUDA Version 9.1.85 (if that is any help) caffe is set to CPU mode in your example jupyter notebook

    Any help would be appreciated.

    opened by michaelschwier 6
  • Pretrained TensorFlow Models

    Pretrained TensorFlow Models

    Can you provide the pre-trained tensorflow model(including graph and ckpt) for us? Training from scratch really takes a lot of time and need gpus with big memory. Thank you very much!

    opened by zakizhou 5
  • Result is very worse followed by the ipynb file

    Result is very worse followed by the ipynb file

    Hi, I execute the cascaded_unet_inference.ipynb that doesn't report any questions, but the result is worse. The result of step1 is shown as follow: image

    Any one know the reason? Thank you very much

    opened by UpCoder 3
  • Batch normalization not used? Step2 dataset?

    Batch normalization not used? Step2 dataset?

    Hi, I studied u-net prototxt and your unet-overfit-python.prototxt . I found that you didn't use batch normalization layer. Can you explain why?

    In step1, the dataset contains 15 patients to train liver. And for step2, do you still use these 15 patients' CT scans? You crop the liver and resized and padded to fit the u-net. Then I thought there are two problems: 1, for each slice, liver size is different, if you crop just the tiny liver, comparing with those "big" liver, there will be noises. In Medical image processing, they often crop the liver by the volume size, not the liver size of a single slice. 2, for 15 patients, 2063 slices in total, 1572 of them have livers, and only 579 of them have tumors. You just crop all livers to train lesion in step2? Then will there be imbalance problem?

    opened by PiaoLiangHXD 3
  • training data format

    training data format

    Hi there,

    I was wondering what the format of the data was for you when you did the training of this model? I understand the preprocessing steps for the example, but when the training happened was it loaded in through .npy files? I was trying to figure it out by looking through but was having issues. Thanks for your help.

    opened by idinsmore1 2
  • Input image sizing

    Input image sizing


    If I understand right your input images size is increased from 388x388 to 572x572, the same dimensions as in the U-Net publication by Olaf Ronneberger, by extending all sides with mirrored copies of the image.

    But since the background of the CT scans has intensities near zero anyway, wouldn't it be possible to use zero padding instead and remain at the original size? The network should then be able to use less memory and to return a label map of the same size as the input, so I wonder if you found a reason not to use the zero padding that I have been missing so far.

    opened by mopladin 2
  • Finetune Ultrasound 2D Dataset.

    Finetune Ultrasound 2D Dataset.


    I would like to train my dataset , which consist of ultrasound 2D images, in gray-scale, for making automatic bone segmentation . I have no GPU, so I would like to finetune your model in order to do the training faster . My images are of different sizes( the height is fixed at 512, but the width varies between 300 and 512. Is there any special consideration in this case ? Your cand find attached an example of an image and the ground truth image_01_0541_croped image_01_0541_croped

    Thank you very much,


    Mateo Villa

    opened by mateovilla2 2
  • How to run 3D CRF?

    How to run 3D CRF?


    I'm trying to reproduce your results and I'm having trouble with the CRF step. Following the ipython notebook, I'm using image 17 from 3DIRCAdb1. I've made some modifications in the notebook to run the network for every slice. Without CRF, I got a dice score of 0.8573.

    I cloned and installed However, I'm not sure how I can use it. I'm trying the following:

    pro = CRFProcessor.CRF3DProcessor()
    result = pro.set_data_and_run(img_preprocessed, extended_labels)

    Where img_preprocessed is the preprocessed image without the padding reflections (dimensions (W,H,D); and extended_labels is the output of the predictions (direct probabilities, not thresholded bool) with dimensions (W,H,D,L) (where L = 1). I'm getting a (W,H,D) matrix with zeroes.

    Can you help me with this?

    opened by fabioperez 2
  • Incorrect output after step 1.

    Incorrect output after step 1.

    Hi, I have run the notebook and seemed to obtain an incorrect prediction after step1.

    For comparison, I have used the same example from

    This is my output:

    I have followed your instruction and built the caffe from the provided git.

    Could you help me on this issue?

    Thank you very much.

    Xiaonan Zang

    opened by XiaonanZang 2
  • How testing and training is done

    How testing and training is done

    On which dataset training is done and also how testing is performed (name of both datasets would be fine)

    Also could you pls highlight the evaluating function

    opened by Shrijeet16 0
  • TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method`

    TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method`

    Firstly, let me commend you on your effort for this paper and the repo that accompanies it. As a programmer myself, I know how difficult it is to write code especially for machine learning models.

    I successfully, reproduced the results through a GPU hardware and the code code ran up until:

    # Visualize results imshow(img_p, lbl_p, pred>0.5, title=['Slice','Ground truth', 'Prediction'])

    Besides, I also had to downgrade SCIPY to 1:00 because of the depreciated imgresize issue.

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ DeprecationWarning:imresizeis deprecated!imresizeis deprecated in SciPy 1.0.0, and will be removed in 1.2.0. Use ``skimage.transform.resize`` instead. /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ DeprecationWarning:imresizeis deprecated!imresizeis deprecated in SciPy 1.0.0, and will be removed in 1.2.0. Use ``skimage.transform.resize`` instead.

    perhaps you could look into these issues.

    Additionally, running: `# Prepare liver patch for step2

    net1 output is used to determine the predicted liver bounding box

    img_p2, bbox = step2_preprocess_img_slice(img_p, pred) imshow(img_p2)`

    gave the following error: `--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in () ----> 1 img_p2, bbox = step2_preprocess_img_slice(img_p, pred) 2 imshow(img_p2)

    in step2_preprocess_img_slice(img_p, step1_pred) 79 y2 = min(img.shape[0], y2+y_pad) 80 ---> 81 img = img[y1:y2+1, x1:x2+1] 82 pred = pred[y1:y2+1, x1:x2+1] 83

    TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an index method`

    these affected the rest of the executions such as:

    1. `# Visualize result

    extract liver portion as predicted by net1

    x1,x2,y1,y2 = bbox lbl_p_liver = lbl_p[y1:y2,x1:x2]

    Set labels to 0 and 1

    lbl_p_liver[lbl_p_liver==1]=0 lbl_p_liver[lbl_p_liver==2]=1 imshow(img_p2[92:-92,92:-92],lbl_p_liver, pred2>0.5)`

    1. # Load step2 network net2 = caffe.Net(STEP2_DEPLOY_PROTOTXT, STEP2_MODEL_WEIGHTS, caffe.TEST)

    and finally

    1. net2.blobs['data'].data[0,0,...] = img_p2 pred2 = net2.forward()['prob'][0,1] print (pred2.shape)

    Please could you kindly proffer solutions to these issues?

    opened by tobimichigan 0
  • Issue with prediction method

    Issue with prediction method

    OS: ubuntu 16.04 GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 105 The kernel dies while loading network when working from docker and when I set up my own environment I am able to run it through some layers only from net.forward() method but unable to get to the output, the kernel dies on forward pass. kindly suggest how to solve the issue as I am testing it only for one image right now as given in the notebook. Thank you

    screenshot from 2018-07-05 18-33-41

    opened by nerdykamil 0
  • Question:The results for  the code  are error

    Question:The results for the code are error

        1、I downloaded the 3Dircadb database.
        2、I downloaded the Cascaded-FCN code from
        3、I downloaded the step1_weights.caffemodel( and step2_weights.caffemodel(
       I run the cascaded_unet_inference.ipynb in the  Cascaded-FCN code. I find that the prediction is error, so I want to know why。The attachment is result of prediction.


    opened by wwlaoxi 11
  • A question about training sets and metrics

    A question about training sets and metrics

    There are some irrelevant images (without liver region) in the CT volumes. Do I need to remove these images or send all of them to the network as a training set? For metrics, I didn't get any prediction for small image with very small liver region. So some of the metrics cannot be calculated (Infinite). Do you get a predicted result for every single image, and compared with the ground-truth of foreground?

    opened by ginvermouth 0
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