Grad2Task: Improved Few-shot Text Classification Using Gradients for Task Representation


Grad2Task: Improved Few-shot Text Classification Using Gradients for Task Representation


This repo is built upon a local copy of transformers==2.1.1. This repo has been tested on torch==1.4.0 with python 3.7 and CUDA 10.1.

To start, create a new environment and install:

conda create -n grad2task python=3.7
conda activate grad2task
cd Grad2Task
pip install -e .

We use wandb for logging. Please set it up following this doc and specify your project name on wandb in


Download the dataset and unzip it under the main folder:

If need to place it somewhere else, specify its path in

Train & Evaluation

To train/evaluate models:


where [MODEL_NAME] refers to model name, [MODE] is experiment model and [EXP_ID] is an optional experiment id used for mark different runs using the same model. Options for [MODEL_NAM] and MODE are listed as follow:

[MODE] Description
train Training models.
test_best Test the model with the best validation performance.
test_latest Test the latest checkpoint.
test Test model without meta-training. Only applicable to the fine-tune-baseline model.
[MODEL_NAME] Description
fine-tune-baseline Fine-tuning BERT for each task separately.
bert-protonet-euc ProtoNet with BERT as encoder, using Euclidean distance as distance metric.
bert-protonet-euc-bn ProtoNet with BERT+Bottleneck Adapters as encoder, using Euclidean distance as distance metric.
bert-protonet ProtoNet with BERT as encoder, using cosine distance as distance metric.
bert-protonet-bn ProtoNet with BERT+Bottleneck Adapters as encoder, using cosine distance as distance metric.
bert-leopard Leopard with pretrained BERT [1].
bert-leopard-fixlr Leopard but with fixed learning rates.
bert-cnap-bn-euc-context-cls-shift-scale-ar Our proposed approach using gradients as task representation.
bert-cnap-bn-euc-context-cls-shift-scale-ar-X Our proposed approach using average input encoding as task representation.
bert-cnap-bn-euc-context-cls-shift-scale-ar-XGrad Our proposed approach using both gradients and input encoding as task representation.
bert-cnap-bn-euc-context-cls-shift-scale-ar-XY Our proposed approach using input and textual label encoding as task representation.
bert-cnap-bn-euc-context-shift-scale-ar Same with our proposed approach except adapting all tokens instead of just the [CLS] token as we do.
bert-cnap-bn-pretrained-taskemb Our proposed approach with pretrained task embedding model.
bert-cnap-bn-hyper A hypernetwork based approach.

To run a model with different hyperparameters, first name this run by [EXP_ID] and then specify the new hyperparameters in run/ For example, if one wants to run bert-protonet-euc with a smaller learning rate, they could modify run/ as:

elif [ $1 == "bert-protonet-bn" ]; then # ProtoNet with cosince distance
    export LEARNING_RATE=2e-5
    export CHECKPOINT_FREQ=1000
    if [ ${EXP_ID} == *"lr1e-5" ]; then
        export LEARNING_RATE=1e-5
        export CHECKPOINT_FREQ=2000
        # modify other hyperparameters here

and then run:

bash bert-protonet-bn train lr1e-5


[1] T. Bansal, R. Jha, and A. McCallum. Learning to few-shot learn across diverse natural language classification tasks. In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, pages 5108–5123, 2020.

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