Visualise Ansible execution time across playbooks, tasks, and hosts.



Visualise where time is spent in your Ansible playbooks: what tasks, and what hosts, so you can find where to optimise and decrease playbook latency.

An Ansible Callback Function which traces the execution time of Ansible playooks, outputting Chrome's Trace Event Format for visualising in the Perfetto in-browser trace UI.

Here's a trace of me deploying to my home Raspberry Pi cluster, with the default strategy: linear. You can see that now all the tasks are synchronized across hosts, with each host waiting for the slowest host before proceeding to the next task:

Perfetto window showing tasks all happening synchronized

Here's the same playbook ran with strategy: free so fast hosts run to completion without waiting for slow hosts:

Perfetto window showing durations

You can click on tasks to see details about them:

Perfetto window showing details showing arguments and filename of task

Interactive Example

  1. Download (Right-click -> Save Link As) example-trace.json.
  2. Open, and drag and drop in the downloaded example-trace.json.


  1. Copy into your Ansible's callback_plugins directory, or in other positions Ansible accepts, e.g.:

    ├── ansible.cfg
    ├── site.yml
    └── callback_plugins
  2. Enable the trace callback plugin in your ansible.cfg:

    callback_enabled = trace

    Or, enable it at the top of your playbook yml:

        CALLBACKS_ENABLED: trace
  3. Run your Ansible Playbook:

    $ ansible-playbook site.yml

    This will output trace.json in the TRACE_OUTPUT_DIR, defaulting to your current working directory.

  4. Open, and drag-and-drop in the trace.json.

    You don't have to wait for the trace to finish; you can open in-progress trace files.

Other Trace Viewers

Perfetto is the most mature trace viewer, but here are some other options:

  • chrome://tracing (aka Catapult Trace Viewer) is the older version of Perfetto. Supports generating a standalone HTML page.
  • Speedscope can open the traces, but only shows one host at a time.
  • Firefox Profiler can open the traces, showing trace spans in the "Marker Chart" tab: example.

Other Ansible Profiling Tools


ansible.posix.profile_tasks displays task timing as console output, but can't visualise gaps in the timing (e.g. with strategy: linear when fast hosts wait for slow hosts).

ansible-playbook -vvvv

Adding extra vs adds more debug info, -vvvv enables connection debugging.

Mitogen for Ansible

Mitogen promises to speed up your Ansible playbooks with a persistent interpreter. They profile their runs for bandwidth an time by analysing network packet captures.

You need to install from HEAD to support latest Ansible versions, because there hasn't been a tagged release since 2019.

  • feat(integration tests): Utilities for testing ansible-trace

    feat(integration tests): Utilities for testing ansible-trace

    Hello everyone :wave: !

    This is the first step for #10

    This proposition allow creating tests using pytest framework where we can chose strategy, inventory for the same playbook file (see tests/integration/tests/ I have also made some utilities functions that parse trace to ensure its integrity. This include also related github action CI.yml (here a sample)

    Waiting for your feedback, Thanks!

    opened by louisquentinjoucla 2
  • Cannot open trace file with either firefox profiler or chrome

    Cannot open trace file with either firefox profiler or chrome

    Actual Behavior


    Cannot open file. Error Message: image

    Firefox Profiler

    Cannot open file. Error Message: image

    Perfetto UI

    Trace is shown correctly: image

    Expected Behavior

    trace files can be open opened by all viewers that are mentioned in the readme, not just perfetto UI.


    • ansible: ansible 4.6.0 ansible-core 2.11.6
    • ansible-trace: main commit 8f9270205172554f760fe8bc61089f6b855fdbef
    • python: Python 3.9.2

    simple playbook used for testing

    - hosts: localhost
      gather_facts: true
        - name: "output if not debian 11"
            msg: "test"
          when: 'not (ansible_distribution == "Debian" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "11")'
        - name: "output if debian 11"
            msg: "test"
          when: (ansible_distribution == "Debian" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "11")

    output of trace callback for test playbook


      "args": {
        "name": "localhost"
      "cat": "process",
      "name": "process_name",
      "ph": "M",
      "pid": 1
      "args": {
        "args": null,
        "host": "localhost",
        "path": "/home/user/repos/ansible-test/testenv-test.yml:2",
        "task": "Gathering Facts"
      "cat": "runner",
      "id": 6508616308570991776,
      "name": "Gathering Facts",
      "ph": "B",
      "pid": 1,
      "ts": 1634299695390039.8
      "args": {
        "status": "ok"
      "cat": "runner",
      "id": 6508616308570991776,
      "name": "Gathering Facts",
      "ph": "E",
      "pid": 1,
      "ts": 1634299696186142.0
      "args": {
        "args": null,
        "host": "localhost",
        "path": "/home/user/repos/ansible-test/testenv-test.yml:5",
        "task": "output if not debian 11"
      "cat": "runner",
      "id": 746051916975514963,
      "name": "output if not debian 11",
      "ph": "B",
      "pid": 1,
      "ts": 1634299696197881.8
      "args": {
        "status": "skipped"
      "cat": "runner",
      "id": 746051916975514963,
      "name": "output if not debian 11",
      "ph": "E",
      "pid": 1,
      "ts": 1634299696210522.0
      "args": {
        "args": null,
        "host": "localhost",
        "path": "/home/user/repos/ansible-test/testenv-test.yml:10",
        "task": "output if debian 11"
      "cat": "runner",
      "id": 1296121251497600435,
      "name": "output if debian 11",
      "ph": "B",
      "pid": 1,
      "ts": 1634299696215914.5
      "args": {
        "status": "ok"
      "cat": "runner",
      "id": 1296121251497600435,
      "name": "output if debian 11",
      "ph": "E",
      "pid": 1,
      "ts": 1634299696230237.2

    modified trace file that i could open with perfettoUI, chrome and firefox profiler

      "args": {
        "name": "localhost"
      "cat": "process",
      "name": "process_name",
      "ph": "M",
      "pid": 1
      "args": {
        "args": null,
        "host": "localhost",
        "path": "/home/user/repos/ansible-test/testenv-test.yml:2",
        "task": "Gathering Facts"
      "cat": "runner",
      "id": 6508616308570991776,
      "name": "Gathering Facts",
      "ph": "B",
      "pid": 1,
      "ts": 1634299695390039.8
      "args": {
        "status": "ok"
      "cat": "runner",
      "id": 6508616308570991776,
      "name": "Gathering Facts",
      "ph": "E",
      "pid": 1,
      "ts": 1634299696186142.0
      "args": {
        "args": null,
        "host": "localhost",
        "path": "/home/user/repos/ansible-test/testenv-test.yml:5",
        "task": "output if not debian 11"
      "cat": "runner",
      "id": 746051916975514963,
      "name": "output if not debian 11",
      "ph": "B",
      "pid": 1,
      "ts": 1634299696197881.8
      "args": {
        "status": "skipped"
      "cat": "runner",
      "id": 746051916975514963,
      "name": "output if not debian 11",
      "ph": "E",
      "pid": 1,
      "ts": 1634299696210522.0
      "args": {
        "args": null,
        "host": "localhost",
        "path": "/home/user/repos/ansible-test/testenv-test.yml:10",
        "task": "output if debian 11"
      "cat": "runner",
      "id": 1296121251497600435,
      "name": "output if debian 11",
      "ph": "B",
      "pid": 1,
      "ts": 1634299696215914.5
      "args": {
        "status": "ok"
      "cat": "runner",
      "id": 1296121251497600435,
      "name": "output if debian 11",
      "ph": "E",
      "pid": 1,
      "ts": 1634299696230237.2
    opened by flodabo 2
  • feat(play): Add play level trace span

    feat(play): Add play level trace span

    Hey :wave: ,

    This PR close #3 ! Here how it does looks like with all playbooks with strategy free: image

    It is not accurate as we lack of callback to achieve this, but here how it is done: The play duration event will only be created right before when a task for a given host will start. At the start of a new play, we add an E event for all the plays we created before.

    We do one as well at the very end to handle the last play condition.

    Even if it is not accurate, it gives a better pictures of what is going on.

    Let me know if it is ok for you!

    opened by louisquentinjoucla 1
  • Handle task name interpolation

    Handle task name interpolation

    Hi everyone :wave: ,

    With Ansible you are able to interpolate task name in certain circumstances. One is when you use include_tasks, you are able to interpolate your tasks name in the included file like the following:

    - name: "Echo {{ include_message }}"
      shell: "echo {{ include_message }}"

    Unfortunately the task name is not yet interpolated in hook v2_runner_on_start for linear strategy, which cause B event to have a different name than the E event. As the E & B events name differs, the end is not catch, here is an example:


    Fortunately v2_playbook_on_task_start hook (which is triggered before v2_runner_on_start) returns the interpolated name. We could use that.

    opened by louisquentinjoucla 1
  • Support for python 3.6

    Support for python 3.6

    I have been experiencing the following warning with ansible-trace using python3.6:

    [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_runner_on_failed) in callback plugin (<ansible_collections.mhansen.ansible_trace.plugins.callback.trace.CallbackModule object at 0x7fcddc736358>):
    module 'time' has no attribute 'time_ns'

    It causes not having trace at all, such as:

      "args": {
        "name": "localhost"
      "cat": "process",
      "name": "process_name",
      "ph": "M",
      "pid": 1

    This issue is caused by the fact that python have implemented time.time_ns() since 3.7 only.

    For python 3.6 we could be using time.time() * 1000000 instead of time.time_ns() / 1000 when time_ns is not present in time package, such as:

    "ts": time.time_ns() / 1000 if "time_ns" in time.__dict__ else time.time() * 100000,

    for the follwing lines:


    The precision level seems to be good enough to don't impact the behavior of ansible-trace:


    opened by Xisabla 1
  • keep multiple traces

    keep multiple traces

    Currently this plugin keep only one trace.json, thus not allowing to run multiple plays and have the trace for each of them.

    I suggest to :

    • change the default output directory to ./trace (or something else) to avoid cluttering the current dir with too many files
    • change the output file to something like play-<timestamp>-<playbook_name>.json
    • add an option to set a rotation for these trace files (ie. keep only 30 of them)

    I already have proof of concept locally, if you are OK with i can submit a pull request that we can discuss further.

    opened by nikaro 0
  • Wrong time compute

    Wrong time compute

    :wave: , To compute the timestamp (in microseconds) we use:

    time.time_ns() / 1000  if "time_ns" in time.__dict__ else time.time() * 100000

    While the first one does the right conversion, the other one does not as time.time() gives time as second. So we need 10^6 and not 10^5

    opened by louisquentinjoucla 1
  • feat(spans): Add role level spans, item spans, rework test

    feat(spans): Add role level spans, item spans, rework test

    :wave: !

    Close #18 Close #1 Close #23

    Rework tests to take in account there can be multiple duration events with the same uuid As we are lacking of callback this is mostly hack atm

    Here some examples: image image

    And here an use case:


    Sorry for the noise, with all tests will fix it asap, Waiting for your review !

    opened by louisquentinjoucla 0
  • Add role level

    Add role level

    :wave: everyone !

    I'd like to do like #3 but for roles. I cannot see hooks that would allow us to do that easily, however I think we could manage it with some hacks.

    opened by louisquentinjoucla 1
  • Add trace spans for SSH connection

    Add trace spans for SSH connection

    Judging by how many blog posts there are about pipelining, this is an important aspect of overall latency.

    This definitely needs more callbacks though, we just don't have the hooks to achieve this yet.

    opened by mhansen 0
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