12792 Repositories
Python Attendance-Monitoring-with-Face-Recognition-using-Python Libraries
Terminal based chat - networking project with sockets in python
Terminal based chat - networking project with sockets in python
Solutions to the language assignment for Internship in JALA Technologies.
Python Assignment Solutions (JALA Technologies) Solutions to the language assignment for Internship in JALA Technologies. Features Properly formatted
Localization and multifractal properties of the long-range Kitaev chain in the presence of an Aubry-André-Harper modulation
This repository contains the code for the paper Localization and multifractal properties of the long-range Kitaev chain in the presence of an Aubry-André-Harper modulation.
Exam Schedule Generator using Genetic Algorithm
Exam Schedule Generator using Genetic Algorithm Requirements Use any kind of crossover Choose any justifiable rate of mutation Use roulette wheel sele
Sentiment-Analysis and EDA on the IMDB Movie Review Dataset
Sentiment-Analysis and EDA on the IMDB Movie Review Dataset The main part of the work focuses on the exploration and study of different approaches whi
Better Giveaways is a bot that will change the experience of using a giveaway bot forever.
Better-Giveaways Better Giveaways is a bot that will change the experience of using a giveaway bot forever. VoxelBotUtils/Novus, latest PyPi releases
This is a simple analogue clock made with turtle in python...
Analogue-Clock This is a simple analogue clock made with turtle in python... Requirements None, only you need to have windows 😉 ...Enjoy! Installatio
iso6.9 is a Discord bot written in Python and is used to make your Discord experience better
iso6.9-2.6stable (debloated) iso.bot is originally made by notsniped#4573. This is a remix of iso.bot by αrchιshα#5518. iso6.9 is a Discord bot writte
NFT collection generator. Generates layered images
NFT collection generator Generates layered images, whole collections. Provides additional functionality. Repository includes three scripts generate.py
MotorcycleParts DataAnalysis python
We work with the accounting department of a company that sells motorcycle parts. The company operates three warehouses in a large metropolitan area.
Sync Laravel queue with Python. Provides an interface for communication between Laravel and Python.
Python Laravel Queue Queue sync between Python and Laravel using Redis driver. You can process jobs dispatched from Laravel in Python. NOTE: This pack
A webdav demo using a virtual filesystem that serves a random status of whether a cat in a box is dead or alive.
A webdav demo using a virtual filesystem that serves a random status of whether a cat in a box is dead or alive.
Video Games Web Scraper is a project that crawls websites and APIs and extracts video game related data from their pages.
Video Games Web Scraper Video Games Web Scraper is a project that crawls websites and APIs and extracts video game related data from their pages. This
Create pinned requirements.txt inside a Docker image using pip-tools
Pin your Python dependencies! pin-requirements.py is a script that lets you pin your Python dependencies inside a Docker container. Pinning your depen
A Python Bytecode Disassembler helping reverse engineers in dissecting Python binaries
A Python Bytecode Disassembler helping reverse engineers in dissecting Python binaries by disassembling and analyzing the compiled python byte-code(.pyc) files across all python versions (including Python 3.10.*)
Socket programming is a way of connecting two nodes on a network to communicate with each other
Socket Programming in Python Socket programming is a way of connecting two nodes on a network to communicate with each other. One socket(node) listens
Coded in Python 3 - I make for education, easily clone simple website.
Simple Website Cloner - Single Page Coded in Python 3 - I make for education, easily clone simple website. How to use ? Install Python 3 first. Instal
Face uncertainty quantification or estimation using PyTorch.
Face-uncertainty-pytorch This is a demo code of face uncertainty quantification or estimation using PyTorch. The uncertainty of face recognition is af
Program your own vulkan.gpuinfo.org query in Python. Used to determine baseline hardware for WebGPU.
query-gpuinfo-data License This software is not presently released under a license. The data in data/ is obtained under CC BY 4.0 as specified there.
Double pendulum simulator using a symplectic Euler's method and Hamiltonian mechanics
Symplectic Double Pendulum Simulator Double pendulum simulator using a symplectic Euler's method. The program calculates the momentum and position of
A Very simple free proxy list scraper.
Scrappp A Very simple free proxy list scraper, made in python The tool scrape proxy from diffrent sites and api's. Screenshots About the script !!! RE
Simple project to learn more about Bézier curves
Python Quadratic Bézier Simple project to learn more about Bézier curves. On this project i used some api's to graphics and gui pygame thorpy in theor
Construção de um jogo Dominó na linguagem python com base em algoritmos personalizados.
Domino (projecto-python) Construção de um jogo Dominó na linguaguem python com base em algoritmos personalizados e na: Monografia apresentada ao curso
Código python para automatizar a junção de arquivos CSV's e salva-los em uma pasta final de destino.
merge_csv Código python para automatizar a junção de arquivos CSV's e salva-los em uma pasta final de destino. Esse projeto é usado pra unir alguns ar
Osmopy - osmo python client library
osmopy Version 0.0.2 Tools for Osmosis wallet management and offline transaction
Farlimit - FastAPI rate limit with python
FastAPIRateLimit Contributing is F&E (free&easy) Y Usage pip install farlimit N
OpenSea-Python-Bot - OpenSea Python Bot can be used in 2 modes
OpenSea-Python-Bot OpenSea Python Bot can be used in 2 modes. When --nft paramet
Designed a greedy algorithm based on Markov sequential decision-making process in MATLAB/Python to optimize using Gurobi solver
Designed a greedy algorithm based on Markov sequential decision-making process in MATLAB/Python to optimize using Gurobi solver, the wheel size, gear shifting sequence by modeling drivetrain constraints to achieve maximum laps in a race with a 2-hour time window.
Train Yolov4 using NBX-Jobs
yolov4-trainer-nbox Train Yolov4 using NBX-Jobs. Use the powerfull functionality available in nbox-SDK repo to train a tiny-Yolo v4 model on Pascal VO
MariaDB connector using python and flask
MariaDB connector using python and flask This should work with flask and to be deployed on docker. Setting up stuff 1. Docker build and run docker bui
A command line tool to publish ads on ebay-kleinanzeigen.de
kleinanzeigen-bot Feedback and high-quality pull requests are highly welcome! About Installation Usage Development Notes License About kleinanzeigen-b
Monitoring plugin to check disk io with Icinga, Nagios and other compatible monitoring solutions
check_disk_io - Monitor disk io This is a monitoring plugin for Icinga, Nagios and other compatible monitoring solutions to check the disk io. It uses
An implementation of an interpreter for the Brainfuck esoteric language in Python
Brainfuck Interpreter in Python An implementation of an interpreter for the Brainfuck esoteric language in Python. 🧠 The Brainfuck Language Created i
Mapping a variable-length sentence to a fixed-length vector using BERT model
Are you looking for X-as-service? Try the Cloud-Native Neural Search Framework for Any Kind of Data bert-as-service Using BERT model as a sentence enc
100 numpy exercises (with solutions)
100 numpy exercises This is a collection of numpy exercises from numpy mailing list, stack overflow, and numpy documentation. I've also created some p
Practical Python Programming
Welcome! When I first learned Python nearly 25 years ago, I was immediately struck by how I could productively apply it to all sorts of messy work pro
Companion code to my O'Reilly book "Flask Web Development", second edition.
Flasky This repository contains the source code examples for the second edition of my O'Reilly book Flask Web Development. The commits and tags in thi
A supercharged Git/GitHub command line interface (CLI)
A supercharged Git/GitHub command line interface (CLI).
Financial portfolio optimisation in python, including classical efficient frontier, Black-Litterman, Hierarchical Risk Parity
PyPortfolioOpt has recently been published in the Journal of Open Source Software 🎉 PyPortfolioOpt is a library that implements portfolio optimizatio
Think DSP: Digital Signal Processing in Python, by Allen B. Downey.
ThinkDSP LaTeX source and Python code for Think DSP: Digital Signal Processing in Python, by Allen B. Downey. The premise of this book (and the other
A python tutorial on bayesian modeling techniques (PyMC3)
Bayesian Modelling in Python Welcome to "Bayesian Modelling in Python" - a tutorial for those interested in learning how to apply bayesian modelling t
Python Machine Learning Jupyter Notebooks (ML website)
Python Machine Learning Jupyter Notebooks (ML website) Dr. Tirthajyoti Sarkar, Fremont, California (Please feel free to connect on LinkedIn here) Also
Tech Resources for Academic Communities
Free tech resources for faculty, students, researchers, life-long learners, and academic community builders for use in tech based courses, workshops, and hackathons.
A sequence of Jupyter notebooks featuring the 12 Steps to Navier-Stokes
CFD Python Please cite as: Barba, Lorena A., and Forsyth, Gilbert F. (2018). CFD Python: the 12 steps to Navier-Stokes equations. Journal of Open Sour
Jupyter notebooks for using & learning Keras
deep-learning-with-keras-notebooks 這個github的repository主要是個人在學習Keras的一些記錄及練習。希望在學習過程中發現到一些好的資訊與範例也可以對想要學習使用 Keras來解決問題的同好,或是對深度學習有興趣的在學學生可以有一些方便理解與上手範例
Face Depixelizer based on "PULSE: Self-Supervised Photo Upsampling via Latent Space Exploration of Generative Models" repository.
NOTE We have noticed a lot of concern that PULSE will be used to identify individuals whose faces have been blurred out. We want to emphasize that thi
A proof-of-concept jupyter extension which converts english queries into relevant python code
Text2Code for Jupyter notebook A proof-of-concept jupyter extension which converts english queries into relevant python code. Blog post with more deta
Lectures for Udemy - Complete Python Bootcamp Course
Complete-Python-Bootcamp Welcome to the Repository for the Complete Python Bootcamp! This is the Repository for the Udemy course - "Complete Python Bo
Practical Machine Learning with Python
Master the essential skills needed to recognize and solve complex real-world problems with Machine Learning and Deep Learning by leveraging the highly popular Python Machine Learning Eco-system.
Semi-Automated Data Processing
Perform semi automated exploratory data analysis, feature engineering and feature selection on provided dataset by visualizing every possibilities on each step and assisting the user to make a meaningful decision to achieve a low-bias and low-variance model.
SpautiNoFay - A simple and beautiful music player created with Python
SpautiNoFay A simple and beautiful music player created with Python Why SpautiNo
Generate FastAPI projects for high performance applications
Generate FastAPI projects for high performance applications. Based on MVC architectural pattern, WSGI + ASGI. Includes tests, pipeline, base utilities, Helm chart, and script for bootstrapping local Minikube with high available Redis cluster.
Minutaria is a basic educational Python timer used to learn python and software testing libraries.
minutaria minutaria is a basic educational Python timer. The project is educational, it aims to teach myself programming, python programming, python's
An effective, simple, and async security library for the Sanic framework.
Sanic Security An effective, simple, and async security library for the Sanic framework. Table of Contents About the Project Getting Started Prerequis
The bidirectional mapping library for Python.
bidict The bidirectional mapping library for Python. Status bidict: has been used for many years by several teams at Google, Venmo, CERN, Bank of Amer
Python package for handling and analyzing PSRFITS files
PyPulse A pure-Python package for handling and analyzing PSRFITS files. Read the documentation here. This is an alternate code base from PSRCHIVE. Req
Klangbecken: The RaBe Endless Music Player
Klangbecken Klangbecken is the minimalistic endless music player for Radio Bern RaBe based on liquidsoap. It supports configurable and editable playli
Python apps to assist with Gas Blending
Welcome to DiveTools Gas Blending This tool is for testing and educational use. It is not intended to confirm the mix of breathing gases. If this tool
Fast, efficient Blowfish cipher implementation in pure Python (3.4+).
blowfish This module implements the Blowfish cipher using only Python (3.4+). Blowfish is a block cipher that can be used for symmetric-key encryption
QuickStart specific rules for cfn-python-lint
AWS Quick Start cfn-lint rules This repo provides CloudFormation linting rules specific to AWS Quick Start guidelines, for more information see the Co
Python Library to get fast extensive Dummy Data for testing
Dumda Python Library to get fast extensive Dummy Data for testing https://pypi.org/project/dumda/ Installation pip install dumda Usage: Cities from d
pybotnet - A Python Library for building Botnet , Trojan or BackDoor for windows and linux with Telegram control panel
pybotnet A Python Library for building botnet , trojan or backdoor for windows and linux with Telegram control panel Disclaimer: Please note that this
A Python script that wraps the gitleaks tool to enable scanning of multiple repositories in parallel
mpgitleaks A Python script that wraps the gitleaks tool to enable scanning of multiple repositories in parallel. The motivation behind writing this sc
A full featured game of falling pieces using python's pygame library.
A full featured game of falling shapes using python's pygame library. Key Features • How To Play • Download • Contributing • License Key Features Sing
Displaying plot of death rates from past years in Poland. Data source from these years is in readme
Average-Death-Rate Displaying plot of death rates from past years in Poland The goal collect the data from a CSV file count the ADR (Average Death Rat
Advanced raster and geometry manipulations
buzzard In a nutshell, the buzzard library provides powerful abstractions to manipulate together images and geometries that come from different kind o
Blender Add-on to Add Metal Materials to Your Scene
Blender QMM (Quick Metal Materials) Blender Addon to Add Metal Materials to Your Scene Installation Download the latest ZIP from Releases. Usage This
Security audit Python project dependencies against security advisory databases.
Security audit Python project dependencies against security advisory databases.
An Amazon Music client for Linux (unpretentious)
Amusiz An Amazon Music client for Linux (unpretentious) ↗️ Install You can install Amusiz in multiple ways, choose your favorite. 🚀 AppImage Here you
Download and process GOES-16 and GOES-17 data from NOAA's archive on AWS using Python.
Download and display GOES-East and GOES-West data GOES-East and GOES-West satellite data are made available on Amazon Web Services through NOAA's Big
A collection of command-line interface games written in python
Command Line Interface Python Games Collection of some starter python game projects for beginners How to play these games Clone this repository git cl
Programmatic interface to Synapse services for Python
A Python client for Sage Bionetworks' Synapse, a collaborative, open-source research platform that allows teams to share data, track analyses, and collaborate
Shelf DB is a tiny document database for Python to stores documents or JSON-like data
Shelf DB Introduction Shelf DB is a tiny document database for Python to stores documents or JSON-like data. Get it $ pip install shelfdb shelfquery S
Python library to interact with Move Hub / PoweredUp Hubs
Python library to interact with Move Hub / PoweredUp Hubs Move Hub is central controller block of LEGO® Boost Robotics Set. In fact, Move Hub is just
Helper to organize your windows on your desktop.
The script of positionsing windows on the screen. How does it work? Select your window to move/res
A platform which give you info about the newest video on a channel
youtube A platform which give you info about the newest video on a channel. This uses web scraping, a better implementation will be to use the API. BR
Implements a polyglot REPL which supports multiple languages and shared meta-object protocol scope between REPLs.
MetaCall Polyglot REPL Description This repository implements a Polyglot REPL which shares the state of the meta-object protocol between the REPLs. Us
An interactive and multi-function Telegram bot, made especially for Telegram groups.
PyKorone An interaction and fun bot for Telegram groups, having some useful and other useless commands. Created as an experiment and learning bot but
Exploratory Data Analysis of the 2019 Indian General Elections using a dataset from Kaggle.
2019-indian-election-eda Exploratory Data Analysis of the 2019 Indian General Elections using a dataset from Kaggle. This project is a part of the Cou
I explore rock vs. mine prediction using a SONAR dataset
I explore rock vs. mine prediction using a SONAR dataset. Using a Logistic Regression Model for my prediction algorithm, I intend on predicting what an object is based on supervised learning.
Just a simple python script to generate graphs of salt state requisites.
saltstatevis Just a simple python script to generate graphs of salt state requisites. Installation Requirements You will need to install graphviz to r
Mina - A Telegram Music Bot 5 mandatory Assistant written in Python using Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls
Mina - A Telegram Music Bot 5 mandatory Assistant written in Python using Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls
Bypass ReCaptcha: A Python script for dealing with recaptcha
Bypass ReCaptcha Bypass ReCaptcha is a Python script for dealing with recaptcha.
A guide to building basic malware in Python by implementing a keylogger application
Keylogger-Malware-Project A guide to building basic malware in Python by implementing a keylogger application. If you want even more detail on the Pro
The GUI application by Python3.8. Using QT Design draw UI and generator UI XML file provides to PySide2 build GUI components
The GUI application by Python3.8. Using QT Design draw UI and generator UI XML file provides to PySide2 build GUI components. Total adopt OOD design class, service, and abstract class. OOP implemented this project.
A simple python script to send files into your telegram Bot form your PC, Server etc.
telegramSend A simple python script to send files into your telegram Bot form your PC, Server etc. How to Use Install requirements.txt pip3 install -r
👾 Python project to help you convert any image into a pixel art.
👾 Pixel Art Generator Python project to help you convert any image into a pixel art. ⚙️ Developer's Guide Things you need to get started with this co
A Python library to create and validate authentication tokens
handshake A Python library to create and validate authentication tokens. handshake is used to generate and validate arbitrary authentication tokens th
To design and implement the Identification of Iris Flower species using machine learning using Python and the tool Scikit-Learn.
To design and implement the Identification of Iris Flower species using machine learning using Python and the tool Scikit-Learn.
A Telegram bot written in python.
telegram_bot This bot is currently a beta project. Features A telegram bot which can: Send current COVID-19 cases/stats of Germany Send current worth
Simple proxy scraper made by using ProxyScrape's api.
What is Moon? Moon is a lightweight and fast proxy scraper made by using ProxyScrape's api. What can i do with this? You can use proxies for varietys
A Discord webhook spammer made in Python
A Python made Discord webhook spammer usually used for token loggers to spam them/delete them original by cattyn changes listed below.
A self-bot for discord, written in Python, which will send you notifications to your desktop if it detects an intruder on your discord server
A self-bot for discord, written in Python, which will send you notifications to your desktop if it detects an intruder on your discord server
Python 3.9.4 Graphics and Compute Shader Framework and Primitives with no external module dependencies
pyshader Python 3.9.4 Graphics and Compute Shader Framework and Primitives with no external module dependencies Fully programmable shader model (even
Python implementation of MULTIseq barcode alignment using fuzzy string matching and GMM barcode assignment
Python implementation of MULTIseq barcode alignment using fuzzy string matching and GMM barcode assignment.
Some custom tweaks to the results produced by pytkdocs.
pytkdocs_tweaks Some custom tweaks for pytkdocs. For use as part of the documentation-generation-for-Python stack that comprises mkdocs, mkdocs-materi
Anaglyph 3D Converter - A python script that adds a 3D anaglyph style effect to an image using the Pillow image processing package.
Anaglyph 3D Converter - A python script that adds a 3D anaglyph style effect to an image using the Pillow image processing package.
imager is a modern ecommerce & social network platform that helps users to find the most matching products
imager is a modern ecommerce & social network platform that helps users to find the most matching products. Users can follow their favourite brands and to be aware of friends' actions. If you have selling products you can also enroll like a brand and sell your products without fee.
Monitoring plugin to check network interfaces with Icinga, Nagios and other compatible monitoring solutions
check_network_interface - Monitor network interfaces This is a monitoring plugin for Icinga, Nagios and other compatible monitoring solutions to check
Fi - A simple Python 3.9+ command-line application for managing Fidelity portfolios
fi fi is a simple Python 3.9+ command-line application for managing Fidelity por