11773 Repositories
Python Cancer-and-Tumor-Detection-Using-Inception-model Libraries
A honey token manager and alert system for AWS.
SpaceSiren SpaceSiren is a honey token manager and alert system for AWS. With this fully serverless application, you can create and manage honey token
Flexible and scalable monitoring framework
Presentation of the Shinken project Welcome to the Shinken project. Shinken is a modern, Nagios compatible monitoring framework, written in Python. It
Ralph is the CMDB / Asset Management system for data center and back office hardware.
Ralph Ralph is full-featured Asset Management, DCIM and CMDB system for data centers and back offices. Features: keep track of assets purchases and th
Oncall is a calendar tool designed for scheduling and managing on-call shifts. It can be used as source of dynamic ownership info for paging systems like http://iris.claims.
Oncall See admin docs for information on how to run and manage Oncall. Development setup Prerequisites Debian/Ubuntu - sudo apt-get install libsasl2-d
IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool.
NetBox is an IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool. Initially conceived by the network engineering team a
Iris is a highly configurable and flexible service for paging and messaging.
Iris Iris core, API, UI and sender service. For third-party integration support, see iris-relay, a stateless proxy designed to sit at the edge of a pr
gunicorn 'Green Unicorn' is a WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX, fast clients and sleepy applications.
Gunicorn Gunicorn 'Green Unicorn' is a Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX. It's a pre-fork worker model ported from Ruby's Unicorn project. The Gunicorn
Glances an Eye on your system. A top/htop alternative for GNU/Linux, BSD, Mac OS and Windows operating systems.
Glances - An eye on your system Summary Glances is a cross-platform monitoring tool which aims to present a large amount of monitoring information thr
Ganeti is a virtual machine cluster management tool built on top of existing virtualization technologies such as Xen or KVM and other open source software.
Ganeti 3.0 =========== For installation instructions, read the INSTALL and the doc/install.rst files. For a brief introduction, read the ganeti(7) m
Daemon to ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors
__ _ _ ___ _ / _|__ _(_) |_ ) |__ __ _ _ _ | _/ _` | | |/ /| '_ \/ _` | ' \
Ajenti Core and stock plugins
Ajenti is a Linux & BSD modular server admin panel. Ajenti 2 provides a new interface and a better architecture, developed with Python3 and AngularJS.
Apache Airflow - A platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows
Apache Airflow Apache Airflow (or simply Airflow) is a platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows. When workflows are define
Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool
sqlmap sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of
Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting
A REPL for Postgres This is a postgres client that does auto-completion and syntax highlighting. Home Page: http://pgcli.com MySQL Equivalent: http://
A Terminal Client for MySQL with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting.
mycli A command line client for MySQL that can do auto-completion and syntax highlighting. HomePage: http://mycli.net Documentation: http://mycli.net/
A generic JSON document store with sharing and synchronisation capabilities.
Kinto Kinto is a minimalist JSON storage service with synchronisation and sharing abilities. Online documentation Tutorial Issue tracker Contributing
An open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data
Datasette An open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data Datasette is a tool for exploring and publishing data. It helps people take data
Barman - Backup and Recovery Manager for PostgreSQL
Barman, Backup and Recovery Manager for PostgreSQL Barman (Backup and Recovery Manager) is an open-source administration tool for disaster recovery of
An extensible and friendly code review tool for projects and companies of all sizes.
Review Board Review Board is an open source, web-based code and document review tool built to help companies, open source projects, and other organiza
ViewVC is a browser interface for CVS and Subversion version control repositories.
ViewVC - Version Control Browser Interface ViewVC is a browser interface for CVS and Subversion version control repositories. It generates templatized
Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects (mirror)
About Trac Trac is a minimalistic web-based software project management and bug/issue tracking system. It provides an interface to the Git and Subvers
Patchwork is a web-based patch tracking system designed to facilitate the contribution and management of contributions to an open-source project.
Patchwork Patchwork is a patch tracking system for community-based projects. It is intended to make the patch management process easier for both the p
A flexible package manager that supports multiple versions, configurations, platforms, and compilers.
Spack Spack is a multi-platform package manager that builds and installs multiple versions and configurations of software. It works on Linux, macOS, a
Package manager based on libdnf and libsolv. Replaces YUM.
Dandified YUM Dandified YUM (DNF) is the next upcoming major version of YUM. It does package management using RPM, libsolv and hawkey libraries. For m
A declarative website generator designed for high-quality websites, with a focus on easy maintenance and localization.
Grow Grow is a declarative tool for rapidly building, launching, and maintaining high-quality static HTML. Easy installation Jinja template engine Con
Static site generator for designers. Uses Python and Django templates.
News Cactus 3 is out! We're happy to announce Cactus 3. It brings a set of great new features like asset fingerprinting, an asset pipeline, pretty url
Python library to make development of portfolio analysis faster and easier
Trafalgar Python library to make development of portfolio analysis faster and easier Installation 🔥 For the moment, Trafalgar is still in beta develo
Finds Jobs on LinkedIn using web-scraping
Find Jobs on LinkedIn 📔 This program finds jobs by scraping on LinkedIn 👨‍💻 Relies on User Input. Accepts: Country, City, State 📑 Data about jobs
Django app for building dashboards using raw SQL queries
django-sql-dashboard Django app for building dashboards using raw SQL queries Brings a useful subset of Datasette to Django. Currently only works with
Dogs classification with Deep Metric Learning using some popular losses
Tsinghua Dogs classification with Deep Metric Learning 1. Introduction Tsinghua Dogs dataset Tsinghua Dogs is a fine-grained classification dataset fo
Character Controllers using Motion VAEs
Character Controllers using Motion VAEs This repo is the codebase for the SIGGRAPH 2020 paper with the title above. Please find the paper and demo at
This project is the official implementation of our accepted ICLR 2021 paper BiPointNet: Binary Neural Network for Point Clouds.
BiPointNet: Binary Neural Network for Point Clouds Created by Haotong Qin, Zhongang Cai, Mingyuan Zhang, Yifu Ding, Haiyu Zhao, Shuai Yi, Xianglong Li
SSL_SLAM2: Lightweight 3-D Localization and Mapping for Solid-State LiDAR (mapping and localization separated) ICRA 2021
SSL_SLAM2 Lightweight 3-D Localization and Mapping for Solid-State LiDAR (Intel Realsense L515 as an example) This repo is an extension work of SSL_SL
CoTr: Efficiently Bridging CNN and Transformer for 3D Medical Image Segmentation
CoTr: Efficient 3D Medical Image Segmentation by bridging CNN and Transformer This is the official pytorch implementation of the CoTr: Paper: CoTr: Ef
Repo for CVPR2021 paper "QPIC: Query-Based Pairwise Human-Object Interaction Detection with Image-Wide Contextual Information"
QPIC: Query-Based Pairwise Human-Object Interaction Detection with Image-Wide Contextual Information by Masato Tamura, Hiroki Ohashi, and Tomoaki Yosh
Official implementation of our paper "LLA: Loss-aware Label Assignment for Dense Pedestrian Detection" in Pytorch.
LLA: Loss-aware Label Assignment for Dense Pedestrian Detection This project provides an implementation for "LLA: Loss-aware Label Assignment for Dens
Tensorflow 2 Object Detection API kurulumu, GPU desteği, custom model hazırlama
Tensorflow 2 Object Detection API Bu tutorial, TensorFlow 2.x'in kararlı sürümü olan TensorFlow 2.3'ye yöneliktir. Bu, görüntülerde / videoda nesne a
Pytorch Lightning Distributed Accelerators using Ray
Distributed PyTorch Lightning Training on Ray This library adds new PyTorch Lightning accelerators for distributed training using the Ray distributed
This Bot can extract audios and subtitles from video files
Send any valid video file and the bot shows you available streams in it that can be extracted!!
Code for ICLR 2021 Paper, "Anytime Sampling for Autoregressive Models via Ordered Autoencoding"
Anytime Autoregressive Model Anytime Sampling for Autoregressive Models via Ordered Autoencoding , ICLR 21 Yilun Xu, Yang Song, Sahaj Gara, Linyuan Go
DeFMO: Deblurring and Shape Recovery of Fast Moving Objects (CVPR 2021)
Evaluation, Training, Demo, and Inference of DeFMO DeFMO: Deblurring and Shape Recovery of Fast Moving Objects (CVPR 2021) Denys Rozumnyi, Martin R. O
[CVPR 2021] Involution: Inverting the Inherence of Convolution for Visual Recognition, a brand new neural operator
involution Official implementation of a neural operator as described in Involution: Inverting the Inherence of Convolution for Visual Recognition (CVP
[CVPR 2021] Anycost GANs for Interactive Image Synthesis and Editing
Anycost GAN video | paper | website Anycost GANs for Interactive Image Synthesis and Editing Ji Lin, Richard Zhang, Frieder Ganz, Song Han, Jun-Yan Zh
[CVPR2021 Oral] UP-DETR: Unsupervised Pre-training for Object Detection with Transformers
UP-DETR: Unsupervised Pre-training for Object Detection with Transformers This is the official PyTorch implementation and models for UP-DETR paper: @a
Sentello is python script that simulates the anti-evasion and anti-analysis techniques used by malware.
sentello Sentello is a python script that simulates the anti-evasion and anti-analysis techniques used by malware. For techniques that are difficult t
Share constant definitions between programming languages and make your constants constant again
Introduction Reconstant lets you share constant and enum definitions between programming languages. Constants are defined in a yaml file and converted
A PC remote controller for YouTube and Twitch
Lazynite Lazynite is a PC remote controller for YouTube and Twitch on Telegram. Features Volume control; Browser fullscreen / video fullscreen; PC shu
Retrieve information from DBLP and update BibTex files automatically
Rebib TLDR: This script retrieves information from DBLP to update your BibTex files. python rebib.py --bibfile xxx.bib It first parses the bib entries
This repo provides the official code for TransBTS: Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Transformer (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2103.04430.pdf).
TransBTS: Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Transformer This repo is the official implementation for TransBTS: Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmenta
This script will pull and analyze syscalls in given application(s) allowing for easier security research purposes
SyscallExtractorAnalyzer This script will pull and analyze syscalls in given application(s) allowing for easier security research purposes Goals Teach
Official pytorch implementation of paper "Inception Convolution with Efficient Dilation Search" (CVPR 2021 Oral).
IC-Conv This repository is an official implementation of the paper Inception Convolution with Efficient Dilation Search. Getting Started Download Imag
All the essential resources and template code needed to understand and practice data structures and algorithms in python with few small projects to demonstrate their practical application.
Data Structures and Algorithms Python INDEX 1. Resources - Books Data Structures - Reema Thareja competitiveCoding Big-O Cheat Sheet DAA Syllabus Inte
Navigating StyleGAN2 w latent space using CLIP
Navigating StyleGAN2 w latent space using CLIP an attempt to build sth with the official SG2-ADA Pytorch impl kinda inspired by Generating Images from
BBB streaming without Xorg and Pulseaudio and Chromium and other nonsense (heavily WIP)
BBB Streamer NG? Makes a conference like this... ...streamable like this! I also recorded a small video showing the basic features: https://www.youtub
Track live sentiment for stocks from Reddit and Twitter and identify growing stocks
Market Sentiment About This repository can mainly be used for two things. a. Tracking the live sentiment of stocks from Reddit and Twitter b. Tracking
A complete end-to-end demonstration in which we collect training data in Unity and use that data to train a deep neural network to predict the pose of a cube. This model is then deployed in a simulated robotic pick-and-place task.
Object Pose Estimation Demo This tutorial will go through the steps necessary to perform pose estimation with a UR3 robotic arm in Unity. You’ll gain
Scripts of Machine Learning Algorithms from Scratch. Implementations of machine learning models and algorithms using nothing but NumPy with a focus on accessibility. Aims to cover everything from basic to advance.
Algo-ScriptML Python implementations of some of the fundamental Machine Learning models and algorithms from scratch. The goal of this project is not t
Object Depth via Motion and Detection Dataset
ODMD Dataset ODMD is the first dataset for learning Object Depth via Motion and Detection. ODMD training data are configurable and extensible, with ea
Easy saving and switching between multiple KDE configurations.
Konfsave Konfsave is a config manager. That is, it allows you to save, back up, and easily switch between different (per-user) system configurations.
Django project starter on steroids: quickly create a Django app AND generate source code for data models + REST/GraphQL APIs (the generated code is auto-linted and has 100% test coverage).
Create Django App đź’› We're a Django project starter on steroids! One-line command to create a Django app with all the dependencies auto-installed AND
Bot simply search for the files from provided channel according to given query and gives link to those files as buttons!
Auto Filter Bot ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ You can call this as an Auto Filter Bot if you like :D Bot simply search for the files from provided channel according
A Telegram mirror bot which can be deployed using Heroku.
Slam Mirror Bot This is a telegram bot writen in python for mirroring files on the internet to our beloved Google Drive. Getting Google OAuth API cred
Simulating Sycamore quantum circuits classically using tensor network algorithm.
Simulating the Sycamore quantum supremacy circuit This repo contains data we have obtained in simulating the Sycamore quantum supremacy circuits with
Code for Multiple Instance Active Learning for Object Detection, CVPR 2021
Language: 简体ä¸ć–‡ | English Introduction This is the code for Multiple Instance Active Learning for Object Detection, CVPR 2021. Installation A Linux pla
Let Python optimize the best stop loss and take profits for your TradingView strategy.
TradingView Machine Learning TradeView is a free and open source Trading View bot written in Python. It is designed to support all major exchanges. It
Ready-to-use code and tutorial notebooks to boost your way into few-shot image classification.
Easy Few-Shot Learning Ready-to-use code and tutorial notebooks to boost your way into few-shot image classification. This repository is made for you
Capture all information throughout your model's development in a reproducible way and tie results directly to the model code!
Rubicon Purpose Rubicon is a data science tool that captures and stores model training and execution information, like parameters and outcomes, in a r
QT Py Media Knob using rotary encoder & neopixel ring
QTPy-Knob QT Py USB Media Knob using rotary encoder & neopixel ring The QTPy-Knob features: Media knob for volume up/down/mute with "qtpy-knob.py" Cir
Code associated with the "Data Augmentation using Pre-trained Transformer Models" paper
Data Augmentation using Pre-trained Transformer Models Code associated with the Data Augmentation using Pre-trained Transformer Models paper Code cont
MMdnn is a set of tools to help users inter-operate among different deep learning frameworks. E.g. model conversion and visualization. Convert models between Caffe, Keras, MXNet, Tensorflow, CNTK, PyTorch Onnx and CoreML.
MMdnn MMdnn is a comprehensive and cross-framework tool to convert, visualize and diagnose deep learning (DL) models. The "MM" stands for model manage
Framework and Library for Distributed Online Machine Learning
Jubatus The Jubatus library is an online machine learning framework which runs in distributed environment. See http://jubat.us/ for details. Quick Sta
Distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet.
Horovod Horovod is a distributed deep learning training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet. The goal of Horovod is to make dis
Pandas-based utility to calculate weighted means, medians, distributions, standard deviations, and more.
weightedcalcs weightedcalcs is a pandas-based Python library for calculating weighted means, medians, standard deviations, and more. Features Plays we
Fast image augmentation library and easy to use wrapper around other libraries. Documentation: https://albumentations.ai/docs/ Paper about library: https://www.mdpi.com/2078-2489/11/2/125
Albumentations Albumentations is a Python library for image augmentation. Image augmentation is used in deep learning and computer vision tasks to inc
Python audio and music signal processing library
madmom Madmom is an audio signal processing library written in Python with a strong focus on music information retrieval (MIR) tasks. The library is i
Marsyas - Music Analysis, Retrieval and Synthesis for Audio Signals
Welcome to MARSYAS. MARSYAS is a software framework for rapid prototyping of audio applications, with flexibility and extensibility as primary concer
C++ library for audio and music analysis, description and synthesis, including Python bindings
Essentia Essentia is an open-source C++ library for audio analysis and audio-based music information retrieval released under the Affero GPL license.
a library for audio and music analysis
aubio aubio is a library to label music and sounds. It listens to audio signals and attempts to detect events. For instance, when a drum is hit, at wh
library for nonlinear optimization, wrapping many algorithms for global and local, constrained or unconstrained, optimization
NLopt is a library for nonlinear local and global optimization, for functions with and without gradient information. It is designed as a simple, unifi
Hyperparameter Optimization for TensorFlow, Keras and PyTorch
Hyperparameter Optimization for Keras Talos • Key Features • Examples • Install • Support • Docs • Issues • License • Download Talos radically changes
Bayesian Optimization using GPflow
Note: This package is for use with GPFlow 1. For Bayesian optimization using GPFlow 2 please see Trieste, a joint effort with Secondmind. GPflowOpt GP
A Free and Open Source Python Library for Multiobjective Optimization
Platypus What is Platypus? Platypus is a framework for evolutionary computing in Python with a focus on multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs)
Sequential model-based optimization with a `scipy.optimize` interface
Scikit-Optimize Scikit-Optimize, or skopt, is a simple and efficient library to minimize (very) expensive and noisy black-box functions. It implements
Sequential Model-based Algorithm Configuration
SMAC v3 Project Copyright (C) 2016-2018 AutoML Group Attention: This package is a reimplementation of the original SMAC tool (see reference below). Ho
A Genetic Programming platform for Python with TensorFlow for wicked-fast CPU and GPU support.
Karoo GP Karoo GP is an evolutionary algorithm, a genetic programming application suite written in Python which supports both symbolic regression and
A highly efficient and modular implementation of Gaussian Processes in PyTorch
GPyTorch GPyTorch is a Gaussian process library implemented using PyTorch. GPyTorch is designed for creating scalable, flexible, and modular Gaussian
Probabilistic Programming and Statistical Inference in PyTorch
PtStat Probabilistic Programming and Statistical Inference in PyTorch. Introduction This project is being developed during my time at Cogent Labs. The
A bare-bones TensorFlow framework for Bayesian deep learning and Gaussian process approximation
Aboleth A bare-bones TensorFlow framework for Bayesian deep learning and Gaussian process approximation [1] with stochastic gradient variational Bayes
Deep universal probabilistic programming with Python and PyTorch
Getting Started | Documentation | Community | Contributing Pyro is a flexible, scalable deep probabilistic programming library built on PyTorch. Notab
TF-Agents: A reliable, scalable and easy to use TensorFlow library for Contextual Bandits and Reinforcement Learning.
TF-Agents: A reliable, scalable and easy to use TensorFlow library for Contextual Bandits and Reinforcement Learning. TF-Agents makes implementing, de
A set of tools for creating and testing machine learning features, with a scikit-learn compatible API
Feature Forge This library provides a set of tools that can be useful in many machine learning applications (classification, clustering, regression, e
Build, test, deploy, iterate - Dev and prod tool for data science pipelines
Prodmodel is a build system for data science pipelines. Users, testers, contributors are welcome! Motivation · Concepts · Installation · Usage · Contr
BatchFlow helps you conveniently work with random or sequential batches of your data and define data processing and machine learning workflows even for datasets that do not fit into memory.
BatchFlow BatchFlow helps you conveniently work with random or sequential batches of your data and define data processing and machine learning workflo
Out-of-Core DataFrames for Python, ML, visualize and explore big tabular data at a billion rows per second 🚀
What is Vaex? Vaex is a high performance Python library for lazy Out-of-Core DataFrames (similar to Pandas), to visualize and explore big tabular data
High performance datastore for time series and tick data
Arctic TimeSeries and Tick store Arctic is a high performance datastore for numeric data. It supports Pandas, numpy arrays and pickled objects out-of-
A pure Python implementation of Apache Spark's RDD and DStream interfaces.
pysparkling Pysparkling provides a faster, more responsive way to develop programs for PySpark. It enables code intended for Spark applications to exe
NumPy and Pandas interface to Big Data
Blaze translates a subset of modified NumPy and Pandas-like syntax to databases and other computing systems. Blaze allows Python users a familiar inte
tensorboard for pytorch (and chainer, mxnet, numpy, ...)
tensorboardX Write TensorBoard events with simple function call. The current release (v2.1) is tested on anaconda3, with PyTorch 1.5.1 / torchvision 0
Visualizer for neural network, deep learning, and machine learning models
Netron is a viewer for neural network, deep learning and machine learning models. Netron supports ONNX (.onnx, .pb, .pbtxt), Keras (.h5, .keras), Tens
A collection of infrastructure and tools for research in neural network interpretability.
Lucid Lucid is a collection of infrastructure and tools for research in neural network interpretability. We're not currently supporting tensorflow 2!