11773 Repositories
Python Cancer-and-Tumor-Detection-Using-Inception-model Libraries
Bi-level feature alignment for versatile image translation and manipulation (Under submission of TPAMI)
Bi-level feature alignment for versatile image translation and manipulation (Under submission of TPAMI) Preparation Clone the Synchronized-BatchNorm-P
Contrastive unpaired image-to-image translation, faster and lighter training than cyclegan (ECCV 2020, in PyTorch)
Contrastive Unpaired Translation (CUT) video (1m) | video (10m) | website | paper We provide our PyTorch implementation of unpaired image-to-image tra
TSIT: A Simple and Versatile Framework for Image-to-Image Translation
TSIT: A Simple and Versatile Framework for Image-to-Image Translation This repository provides the official PyTorch implementation for the following p
An Unpaired Sketch-to-Photo Translation Model
Unpaired-Sketch-to-Photo-Translation We have released our code at https://github.com/rt219/Unsupervised-Sketch-to-Photo-Synthesis This project is the
Official tensorflow implementation for CVPR2020 paper “Learning to Cartoonize Using White-box Cartoon Representations”
Tensorflow implementation for CVPR2020 paper “Learning to Cartoonize Using White-box Cartoon Representations”.
STEFANN: Scene Text Editor using Font Adaptive Neural Network
STEFANN: Scene Text Editor using Font Adaptive Neural Network @ The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2020.
SAVI2I: Continuous and Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Signed Attribute Vectors
SAVI2I: Continuous and Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Signed Attribute Vectors [Paper] [Project Website] Pytorch implementation for SAVI2I. We
Net2net - Network-to-Network Translation with Conditional Invertible Neural Networks
Net2Net Code accompanying the NeurIPS 2020 oral paper Network-to-Network Translation with Conditional Invertible Neural Networks Robin Rombach*, Patri
PuppetGAN - Cross-Domain Feature Disentanglement and Manipulation just got way better! 🚀
Better Cross-Domain Feature Disentanglement and Manipulation with Improved PuppetGAN Quite cool... Right? Introduction This repo contains a TensorFlow
AttentionGAN for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation & Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation
AttentionGAN-v2 for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation AttentionGAN-v2 Framework The proposed generator learns both foreground and background attenti
PyTorch implementation of Histogram Layers from DeepHist: Differentiable Joint and Color Histogram Layers for Image-to-Image Translation
deep-hist PyTorch implementation of Histogram Layers from DeepHist: Differentiable Joint and Color Histogram Layers for Image-to-Image Translation PyT
A unified framework to jointly model images, text, and human attention traces.
connect-caption-and-trace This repository contains the reference code for our paper Connecting What to Say With Where to Look by Modeling Human Attent
Code and dataset for AAAI 2021 paper FixMyPose: Pose Correctional Describing and Retrieval Hyounghun Kim, Abhay Zala, Graham Burri, Mohit Bansal.
FixMyPose / फिक्समाइपोज़ Code and dataset for AAAI 2021 paper "FixMyPose: Pose Correctional Describing and Retrieval" Hyounghun Kim*, Abhay Zala*, Grah
LaBERT - A length-controllable and non-autoregressive image captioning model.
Length-Controllable Image Captioning (ECCV2020) This repo provides the implemetation of the paper Length-Controllable Image Captioning. Install conda
PyTorch code for: Learning to Generate Grounded Visual Captions without Localization Supervision
Learning to Generate Grounded Visual Captions without Localization Supervision This is the PyTorch implementation of our paper: Learning to Generate G
ECCV2020 paper: Fashion Captioning: Towards Generating Accurate Descriptions with Semantic Rewards. Code and Data.
This repo contains some of the codes for the following paper Fashion Captioning: Towards Generating Accurate Descriptions with Semantic Rewards. Code
Character Grounding and Re-Identification in Story of Videos and Text Descriptions
Character in Story Identification Network (CiSIN) This project hosts the code for our paper. Youngjae Yu, Jongseok Kim, Heeseung Yun, Jiwan Chung and
Moer Grounded Image Captioning by Distilling Image-Text Matching Model
Moer Grounded Image Captioning by Distilling Image-Text Matching Model Requirements Python 3.7 Pytorch 1.2 Prepare data Please use git clone --recurse
Show, Edit and Tell: A Framework for Editing Image Captions, CVPR 2020
Show, Edit and Tell: A Framework for Editing Image Captions | arXiv This contains the source code for Show, Edit and Tell: A Framework for Editing Ima
Implementation of 'X-Linear Attention Networks for Image Captioning' [CVPR 2020]
Introduction This repository is for X-Linear Attention Networks for Image Captioning (CVPR 2020). The original paper can be found here. Please cite wi
[CVPR 2020] Transform and Tell: Entity-Aware News Image Captioning
Transform and Tell: Entity-Aware News Image Captioning This repository contains the code to reproduce the results in our CVPR 2020 paper Transform and
This project provides the code and datasets for 'CapSal: Leveraging Captioning to Boost Semantics for Salient Object Detection', CVPR 2019.
Code-and-Dataset-for-CapSal This project provides the code and datasets for 'CapSal: Leveraging Captioning to Boost Semantics for Salient Object Detec
An e-commerce company wants to segment its customers and determine marketing strategies according to these segments.
customer_segmentation_with_rfm Business Problem : An e-commerce company wants to
Cricket game using PYQT
Cricket-game-using-PYQT This is a Fantasy cricket Desktop application build in p
Python-Text-editor: a simple text editor on Python and Tkinter
Python-Text-editor This is a simple text editor on Python and Tkinter. The proje
Control DJI Tello with Raspberry Pi and PS4 Controller
Control-DJI-Tello-with-Raspberry-Pi-and-PS4-Controller Demo of this project see
An app that mirrors your phone to your compute and maps controller input to the screen
What is 'Dragalia Control'? An app that mirrors your phone to your compute and maps controller input to the screen. Inputs are mapped specifically for
Using Streamlit to build a simple UI on top of the OpenSea API
OpenSea API Explorer Using Streamlit to build a simple UI on top of the OpenSea API. 🤝 Contributing Contributions, issues and feature requests are we
inding a method to objectively quantify skill versus chance in games, using reinforcement learning
Skill-vs-chance-games-analysis - Finding a method to objectively quantify skill versus chance in games, using reinforcement learning
Building a Robust IOT device which is customizable, encrypted, secure and user friendly
Building a Robust IOT device which is customizable, encrypted, secure and user friendly, which uses a single GPIO pin to extract multiple sensor values
Weird Sort-and-Compress Thing
Weird Sort-and-Compress Thing A weird integer sorting + compression algorithm inspired by a conversation with Luthingx (it probably already exists by
SeCl - A really easy to deploy and use made-on Flask API to manage your files remotely from Terminal
SeCl SeCl it's a really easy to deploy and use made-on Flask API to manage your
RetinaNet-PyTorch - A RetinaNet Pytorch Implementation on remote sensing images and has the similar mAP result with RetinaNet in MMdetection
🚀 RetinaNet Horizontal Detector Based PyTorch This is a horizontal detector Ret
Zotero2Readwise - A Python Library to retrieve annotations and notes from Zotero and upload them to your Readwise
Zotero ➡️ Readwise zotero2readwise is a Python library that retrieves all Zotero
Splore - a simple graphical interface for scrolling through and exploring data sets of molecules
Scroll through and exPLORE molecule sets The splore framework aims to offer a si
Micropython-wifimanager-esp8266 - Simple Wifi Manager for ESP8266 using MicroPython
micropython-wifimanager-esp8266 Simple Wifi Manager for ESP8266 using MicroPytho
Automated Attendance Project Using Face Recognition
dependencies for project: cmake 3.22.1 dlib 19.22.1 face-recognition 1.3.0 openc
Quantifiers and Negations in RE Documents
Quantifiers-and-Negations-in-RE-Documents This project was part of my work for a
Picot - A discord bot made to fetch images from Pexels and unsplash API and provide raw images directly in channels
Picot A discord bot made to fetch images from Pexels and unsplash API and provid
Face-Recognition-Attendence-System - This face recognition Attendence system using Python
Face-Recognition-Attendence-System I have developed this face recognition Attend
Test - Python project for Collection Server and API Server
QProjectPython Collection Server 와 API Server 를 위한 Python 프로젝트 입니다. [FastAPI참고]
DCGAN-tensorflow - A tensorflow implementation of Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks
DCGAN in Tensorflow Tensorflow implementation of Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks which is a stabilize Generative Adversarial Networ
Deeprl - Standard DQN and dueling network for simple games
DeepRL This code implements the standard deep Q-learning and dueling network with experience replay (memory buffer) for playing simple games. DQN algo
Deep Inside Convolutional Networks - This is a caffe implementation to visualize the learnt model
Deep Inside Convolutional Networks This is a caffe implementation to visualize the learnt model. Part of a class project at Georgia Tech Problem State
OverFeat is a Convolutional Network-based image classifier and feature extractor.
OverFeat OverFeat is a Convolutional Network-based image classifier and feature extractor. OverFeat was trained on the ImageNet dataset and participat
Tensorflow implementation of soft-attention mechanism for video caption generation.
SA-tensorflow Tensorflow implementation of soft-attention mechanism for video caption generation. An example of soft-attention mechanism. The attentio
Show-attend-and-tell - TensorFlow Implementation of "Show, Attend and Tell"
Show, Attend and Tell Update (December 2, 2016) TensorFlow implementation of Show, Attend and Tell: Neural Image Caption Generation with Visual Attent
Deep-Learning-Image-Captioning - Implementing convolutional and recurrent neural networks in Keras to generate sentence descriptions of images
Deep Learning - Image Captioning with Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Nets ========================================================================
Image captioning - Tensorflow implementation of Show, Attend and Tell: Neural Image Caption Generation with Visual Attention
Introduction This neural system for image captioning is roughly based on the paper "Show, Attend and Tell: Neural Image Caption Generation with Visual
DeepSpeech - Easy-to-use Speech Toolkit including SOTA ASR pipeline, influential TTS with text frontend and End-to-End Speech Simultaneous Translation.
(简体中文|English) Quick Start | Documents | Models List PaddleSpeech is an open-source toolkit on PaddlePaddle platform for a variety of critical tasks i
Preprossing-loan-data-with-NumPy - In this project, I have cleaned and pre-processed the loan data that belongs to an affiliate bank based in the United States.
Preprossing-loan-data-with-NumPy In this project, I have cleaned and pre-processed the loan data that belongs to an affiliate bank based in the United
Mall-Customers-Segmentation - Customer Segmentation Using K-Means Clustering
Overview Customer Segmentation is one the most important applications of unsupervised learning. Using clustering techniques, companies can identify th
Iowa Project - My second project done at General Assembly, focused on feature engineering and understanding Linear Regression as a concept
Project 2 - Ames Housing Data and Kaggle Challenge PROBLEM STATEMENT Inferring or Predicting? What's more valuable for a housing model? When creating
Telegram Music/ Video Streaming Bot Using Pytgcalls
Video Player 🔥 ᴢᴀɪᴅ ᴠᴄ ᴘʟᴀyᴇʀ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴛᴇʟᴇɢʀᴀᴍ ᴘʀᴏᴊᴇᴄᴛ ʙᴀꜱᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴘʏʀᴏɢʀᴀᴍ ꜰᴏʀ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄꜱ ɪɴ ᴠᴄ ᴄʜᴀᴛꜱ... 🅡🅔🅟🅞 🅢🅣🅐🅣🅢 ʀᴇQᴜɪʀᴇᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ 📝 FFmpeg NodeJ
Path tracing obj - (taichi course final project) a path tracing renderer that can import and render obj files
Path tracing obj - (taichi course final project) a path tracing renderer that can import and render obj files
Advanced Digital Envelope System Using Cryptography Techniques (Encryption & Decryption)
Advanced-Digital-Envelope-System Advanced Digital Envelope System Using Cryptography Encryption Techniques The digital envelope system is the techniqu
Hw-ci - Hardware CD/CI and Development Container
Hardware CI & Dev Containter These containers were created for my personal hardware development projects and courses duing my undergraduate degree. Pl
Computer-Vision-Paper-Reviews - Computer Vision Paper Reviews with Key Summary along Papers & Codes
Computer-Vision-Paper-Reviews Computer Vision Paper Reviews with Key Summary along Papers & Codes. Jonathan Choi 2021 50+ Papers across Computer Visio
NLP-Project - Used an API to scrape 2000 reddit posts, then used NLP analysis and created a classification model to mixed succcess
Project 3: Web APIs & NLP Problem Statement How do r/Libertarian and r/Neoliberal differ on Biden post-inaguration? The goal of the project is to see
Covid-ml-predictors - COVID predictions using AI.
COVID Predictions This repo contains ML models to be trained on COVID-19 data from the UK, sourced off of Kaggle here. This uses many different ML mod
Twitter-Sentiment-Analysis - Analysis of twitter posts' positive and negative score.
Twitter-Sentiment-Analysis The hands-on project is in Python 3 Programming class offered by University of Michigan via Coursera. The task is to build
OMDB-and-TasteDive-Mashup - Mashing up data from two different APIs to make movie recommendations.
OMDB-and-TasteDive-Mashup This hadns-on project is in the Python 3 Programming Specialization offered by University of Michigan via Coursera. Mashing
SAT Project - The first project I had done at General Assembly, performed EDA, data cleaning and created data visualizations
Project 1: Standardized Test Analysis by Adam Klesc Overview This project covers: Basic statistics and probability Many Python programming concepts Pr
A python project based on a TV show Wheel of Fortune
Wheel-of-Fortune-using-Python Wheel of Fortune in python this game is the hands-on project in Python 3 Programming Specialization offered By Universit
NFT-Price-Prediction-CNN - Using visual feature extraction, prices of NFTs are predicted via CNN (Alexnet and Resnet) architectures.
NFT-Price-Prediction-CNN - Using visual feature extraction, prices of NFTs are predicted via CNN (Alexnet and Resnet) architectures.
Automatically generates a TypeQL script for doing entity and relationship insertions from a .csv file, so you don't have to mess with writing TypeQL.
Automatically generates a TypeQL script for doing entity and relationship insertions from a .csv file, so you don't have to mess with writing TypeQL.
Anti Supercookie - Confusing the ISP & Escaping the Supercookie
Confusing the ISP & Escaping the Supercookie
PrivateRoom - Make your work private by building a system using arduino which instantly kills a program when someone enters your room/cabin
privateRoom Make your work private by building a system using arduino which instantly kills a program when someone enters your room/cabin STEPS: Uploa
Pacman-AI - AI project designed by UC Berkeley. Designed reflex and minimax agents for the game Pacman.
Pacman AI Jussi Doherty CAP 4601 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Fall 2020 Python version 3.0+ Source of this project This repo contains a
Web-scraping - A bot using Python with BeautifulSoup that scraps IRS website by form number and returns the results as json
Web-scraping - A bot using Python with BeautifulSoup that scraps IRS website (prior form publication) by form number and returns the results as json. It provides the option to download pdfs over a range of years.
Speckle-free Holography with Partially Coherent Light Sources and Camera-in-the-loop Calibration
Speckle-free Holography with Partially Coherent Light Sources and Camera-in-the-loop Calibration Project Page | Paper Yifan Peng*, Suyeon Choi*, Jongh
FaceAPI: AI-powered Face Detection & Rotation Tracking, Face Description & Recognition, Age & Gender & Emotion Prediction for Browser and NodeJS using TensorFlow/JS
FaceAPI AI-powered Face Detection & Rotation Tracking, Face Description & Recognition, Age & Gender & Emotion Prediction for Browser and NodeJS using
Lending-Club-Loans - Using TensorFlow to create an ANN model to predict whether people would charge off or pay back their loans.
Lending Club Loans: Brief Introduction LendingClub is a US peer-to-peer lending company, headquartered in San Francisco, California.[3] It was the fir
A video scene detection algorithm is designed to detect a variety of different scenes within a video
Scene-Change-Detection - A video scene detection algorithm is designed to detect a variety of different scenes within a video. There is a very simple definition for a scene: It is a series of logically and chronologically related shots taken in a specific order to depict an over-arching concept or story.
Churn-Prediction-Project - In this project, a churn prediction model is developed for a private bank as a term project for Data Mining class.
Churn-Prediction-Project In this project, a churn prediction model is developed for a private bank as a term project for Data Mining class. Project in
LSTM based Sentiment Classification using Tensorflow - Amazon Reviews Rating
LSTM based Sentiment Classification using Tensorflow - Amazon Reviews Rating (Dataset) The dataset is from Amazon Review Data (2018)
Both social media sentiment and stock market data are crucial for stock price prediction
Relating-Social-Media-to-Stock-Movement-Public - We explore the application of Machine Learning for predicting the return of the stock by using the information of stock returns. A trading strategy based on this analysis leads to increased trading profits up to three times compared with a simple buy and hold strategy.
Data Analytics: Modeling and Studying data relating to climate change and adoption of electric vehicles
Correlation-Study-Climate-Change-EV-Adoption Data Analytics: Modeling and Studying data relating to climate change and adoption of electric vehicles I
SuperMario - Python programming class ending assignment SuperMario, using pygame
SuperMario - Python programming class ending assignment SuperMario, using pygame
PenguinSpeciesPredictionML - Basic model to predict Penguin species based on beak size and sex.
Penguin Species Prediction (ML) 🐧 👨🏽💻 What? 💻 This project is a basic model using sklearn methods to predict Penguin species based on beak size
A web-based analysis toolkit for the System Usability Scale providing calculation, plotting, interpretation and contextualization utility
System Usability Scale Analysis Toolkit The System Usability Scale (SUS) Analysis Toolkit is a web-based python application that provides a compilatio
Trackthis - This library can be used to track USPS and UPS shipments.
Trackthis - This library can be used to track USPS and UPS shipments. It has the option of returning the raw API response, or optionally, it can be used to standardize the USPS and UPS responses so they are easier to work with.
Hybrid CenterNet - Hybrid-supervised object detection / Weakly semi-supervised object detection
Hybrid-Supervised Object Detection System Object detection system trained by hybrid-supervision/weakly semi-supervision (HSOD/WSSOD): This project is
Htmdf - html to pdf with support for variables using fastApi.
htmdf Converts html to pdf with support for variables using fastApi. Installation Clone this repository. git clone https://github.com/ShreehariVaasish
Doods2 - API for detecting objects in images and video streams using Tensorflow
DOODS2 - Return of DOODS Dedicated Open Object Detection Service - Yes, it's a b
Sparse Progressive Distillation: Resolving Overfitting under Pretrain-and-Finetune Paradigm
Sparse Progressive Distillation: Resolving Overfitting under Pretrain-and-Finetu
Recursive-Bucket-Sort - An efficient sorting algorithm (implemented in Python) inspired by the Bucket Sort and the Pigeonhole Sort
Recursive Bucket Sorting Algorithm An algorithm (implemented here in Python) mai
Video-Player - Telegram Music/ Video Streaming Bot Using Pytgcalls
Video Player 🔥 ᴢᴀɪᴅ ᴠᴄ ᴘʟᴀyᴇʀ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴛᴇʟᴇɢʀᴀᴍ ᴘʀᴏᴊᴇᴄᴛ ʙᴀꜱᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴘʏʀᴏɢʀᴀᴍ ꜰᴏʀ ᴘʟᴀʏ
Vinetrimmer-DRM-TOOL - Widevine DRM downloader and decrypter for AMZN|NF|STAN And all
🍃 ✂️ Vinetrimmer Widevine DRM downloader and decrypter. Thanks to wvleaks for t
Stroke-predictions-ml-model - Machine learning model to predict individuals chances of having a stroke
stroke-predictions-ml-model machine learning model to predict individuals chance
DataVisualization - The evolution of my arduino and python journey. New level of competence achieved
DataVisualization - The evolution of my arduino and python journey. New level of competence achieved
BraTs-VNet - BraTS(Brain Tumour Segmentation) using V-Net
BraTS(Brain Tumour Segmentation) using V-Net This project is an approach to dete
Control-Raspberry-Pi-Robot-using-Hand-Gestures - A 4WD Robot car based on Raspberry Pi that controlled by hand gestures(using openCV and mediapipe)
Control-Raspberry-Pi-Robot-using-Hand-Gestures you can see all details about thi
Key Logger - Key Logger using Python
Key_Logger Key Logger using Python This is the basic Keylogger that i have made
HinamiRobot - Telegram Group Manager Bot Written In Python Using Pyrogram
✨ HINAMI CHAN ✨ Telegram Group Manager Bot Written In Python Using Pyrogram. Rea
Augmented CLIP - Training simple models to predict CLIP image embeddings from text embeddings, and vice versa.
Train aug_clip against laion400m-embeddings found here: https://laion.ai/laion-400-open-dataset/ - note that this used the base ViT-B/32 CLIP model. S
Parameter-ensemble-differential-evolution - Shows how to do parameter ensembling using differential evolution.
Ensembling parameters with differential evolution This repository shows how to ensemble parameters of two trained neural networks using differential e
NasirKhusraw - The TSP solved using genetic algorithm and show TSP path overlaid on a map of the Iran provinces & their capitals.
Nasir Khusraw : Travelling Salesman Problem The TSP solved using genetic algorithm. This project show TSP path overlaid on a map of the Iran provinces
Auth-Starters - Different APIs using Django & Flask & FastAPI to see Authentication Service how its work
Auth-Starters Different APIs using Django & Flask & FastAPI to see Authentication Service how its work, and how to use it. This Repository based on my
Telop - Encode and decode messages using an interpretation of the telegraphic code devised by José María Mathé
telop Telop (TELégrafoÓPtico) - Utilidad para codificar y descodificar mensajes de texto empleando una interpretación del código telegráfico ideado po