11773 Repositories
Python Cancer-and-Tumor-Detection-Using-Inception-model Libraries
[ICCV 2021] Official Pytorch implementation for Discriminative Region-based Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning SOTA results on NUS-WIDE and OpenImages
Discriminative Region-based Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning (ICCV 2021) [arXiv][Project page coming soon] Sanath Narayan*, Akshita Gupta*, Salman Kh
A command line tool (and Python library) for archiving Twitter JSON
A command line tool (and Python library) for archiving Twitter JSON
TorchDistiller - a collection of the open source pytorch code for knowledge distillation, especially for the perception tasks, including semantic segmentation, depth estimation, object detection and instance segmentation.
This project is a collection of the open source pytorch code for knowledge distillation, especially for the perception tasks, including semantic segmentation, depth estimation, object detection and instance segmentation.
Base pretrained models and datasets in pytorch (MNIST, SVHN, CIFAR10, CIFAR100, STL10, AlexNet, VGG16, VGG19, ResNet, Inception, SqueezeNet)
This is a playground for pytorch beginners, which contains predefined models on popular dataset. Currently we support mnist, svhn cifar10, cifar100 st
Minimal But Practical Image Classifier Pipline Using Pytorch, Finetune on ResNet18, Got 99% Accuracy on Own Small Datasets.
PyTorch Image Classifier Updates As for many users request, I released a new version of standared pytorch immage classification example at here: http:
PyTorch Implementation of CycleGAN and SSGAN for Domain Transfer (Minimal)
MNIST-to-SVHN and SVHN-to-MNIST PyTorch Implementation of CycleGAN and Semi-Supervised GAN for Domain Transfer. Prerequites Python 3.5 PyTorch 0.1.12
Implement Decoupled Neural Interfaces using Synthetic Gradients in Pytorch
disclaimer: this code is modified from pytorch-tutorial Image classification with synthetic gradient in Pytorch I implement the Decoupled Neural Inter
Intent parsing and slot filling in PyTorch with seq2seq + attention
PyTorch Seq2Seq Intent Parsing Reframing intent parsing as a human - machine translation task. Work in progress successor to torch-seq2seq-intent-pars
Re-implementation of the Noise Contrastive Estimation algorithm for pyTorch, following "Noise-contrastive estimation: A new estimation principle for unnormalized statistical models." (Gutmann and Hyvarinen, AISTATS 2010)
Noise Contrastive Estimation for pyTorch Overview This repository contains a re-implementation of the Noise Contrastive Estimation algorithm, implemen
Code for "On the Effects of Batch and Weight Normalization in Generative Adversarial Networks"
Note: this repo has been discontinued, please check code for newer version of the paper here Weight Normalized GAN Code for the paper "On the Effects
Implementations of polygamma, lgamma, and beta functions for PyTorch
lgamma Implementations of polygamma, lgamma, and beta functions for PyTorch. It's very hacky, but that's usually ok for research use. To build, run: .
Transfer Learning Shootout for PyTorch's model zoo (torchvision)
pytorch-retraining Transfer Learning shootout for PyTorch's model zoo (torchvision). Load any pretrained model with custom final layer (num_classes) f
Many Class Activation Map methods implemented in Pytorch for CNNs and Vision Transformers. Including Grad-CAM, Grad-CAM++, Score-CAM, Ablation-CAM and XGrad-CAM
Class Activation Map methods implemented in Pytorch pip install grad-cam ⭐ Tested on many Common CNN Networks and Vision Transformers. ⭐ Includes smoo
Code in PyTorch for the convex combination linear IAF and the Householder Flow, J.M. Tomczak & M. Welling
VAE with Volume-Preserving Flows This is a PyTorch implementation of two volume-preserving flows as described in the following papers: Tomczak, J. M.,
Principled Detection of Out-of-Distribution Examples in Neural Networks
ODIN: Out-of-Distribution Detector for Neural Networks This is a PyTorch implementation for detecting out-of-distribution examples in neural networks.
Code for the paper "Adversarially Regularized Autoencoders (ICML 2018)" by Zhao, Kim, Zhang, Rush and LeCun
ARAE Code for the paper "Adversarially Regularized Autoencoders (ICML 2018)" by Zhao, Kim, Zhang, Rush and LeCun https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.04223 Disc
Pytorch implementation of "Forward Thinking: Building and Training Neural Networks One Layer at a Time"
forward-thinking-pytorch Pytorch implementation of Forward Thinking: Building and Training Neural Networks One Layer at a Time Requirements Python 2.7
A PyTorch implementation of the Transformer model in "Attention is All You Need".
Attention is all you need: A Pytorch Implementation This is a PyTorch implementation of the Transformer model in "Attention is All You Need" (Ashish V
Sequence-to-Sequence learning using PyTorch
Seq2Seq in PyTorch This is a complete suite for training sequence-to-sequence models in PyTorch. It consists of several models and code to both train
PyTorch implementation of SampleRNN: An Unconditional End-to-End Neural Audio Generation Model
samplernn-pytorch A PyTorch implementation of SampleRNN: An Unconditional End-to-End Neural Audio Generation Model. It's based on the reference implem
pytorch implementation for Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network arXiv:1609.04802
PyTorch SRResNet Implementation of Paper: "Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network"(https://arxiv.org/abs
PyTorch implementation of the supervised learning experiments from the paper Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML)
pytorch-maml This is a PyTorch implementation of the supervised learning experiments from the paper Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML): https://arxiv
PyTorch implementation of Tacotron speech synthesis model.
tacotron_pytorch PyTorch implementation of Tacotron speech synthesis model. Inspired from keithito/tacotron. Currently not as much good speech quality
Automatically detect obfuscated code and other state machines
Scripts to automatically detect obfuscated code and state machines in binaries.
A fast python implementation of Ray Tracing in One Weekend using python and Taichi
ray-tracing-one-weekend-taichi A fast python implementation of Ray Tracing in One Weekend using python and Taichi. Taichi is a simple "Domain specific
Simple and efficient RevNet-Library with DeepSpeed support
RevLib Simple and efficient RevNet-Library with DeepSpeed support Features Half the constant memory usage and faster than RevNet libraries Less memory
DIT is a DTLS MitM proxy implemented in Python 3. It can intercept, manipulate and suppress datagrams between two DTLS endpoints and supports psk-based and certificate-based authentication schemes (RSA + ECC).
DIT - DTLS Interception Tool DIT is a MitM proxy tool to intercept DTLS traffic. It can intercept, manipulate and/or suppress DTLS datagrams between t
An AutoML Library made with Optuna and PyTorch Lightning
An AutoML Library made with Optuna and PyTorch Lightning Installation Recommended pip install -U gradsflow From source pip install git+https://github.
Generate vibrant and detailed images using only text.
CLIP Guided Diffusion From RiversHaveWings. Generate vibrant and detailed images using only text. See captions and more generations in the Gallery See
Unofficial Alias-Free GAN implementation. Based on rosinality's version with expanded training and inference options.
Alias-Free GAN An unofficial version of Alias-Free Generative Adversarial Networks (https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.12423). This repository was heavily bas
Flask Sugar is a web framework for building APIs with Flask, Pydantic and Python 3.6+ type hints.
Flask Sugar is a web framework for building APIs with Flask, Pydantic and Python 3.6+ type hints. check parameters and generate API documents automatically. Flask Sugar是一个基于flask,pyddantic,类型注解的API框架, 可以检查参数并自动生成API文档
Official PyTorch code for WACV 2022 paper "CFLOW-AD: Real-Time Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Localization via Conditional Normalizing Flows"
CFLOW-AD: Real-Time Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Localization via Conditional Normalizing Flows WACV 2022 preprint:https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.1
Industrial knn-based anomaly detection for images. Visit streamlit link to check out the demo.
Industrial KNN-based Anomaly Detection ⭐ Now has streamlit support! ⭐ Run $ streamlit run streamlit_app.py This repo aims to reproduce the results of
Implementation of a Transformer that Ponders, using the scheme from the PonderNet paper
Ponder(ing) Transformer Implementation of a Transformer that learns to adapt the number of computational steps it takes depending on the difficulty of
An open-source, low-cost, image-based weed detection device for fallow scenarios.
Welcome to the OpenWeedLocator (OWL) project, an opensource hardware and software green-on-brown weed detector that uses entirely off-the-shelf compon
Etranslate is a free and unlimited python library for transiting your texts
Etranslate is a free and unlimited python library for transiting your texts
A command-line based, minimal torrent streaming client made using Python and Webtorrent-cli. Stream your favorite shows straight from the command line.
A command-line based, minimal torrent streaming client made using Python and Webtorrent-cli. Installation pip install -r requirements.txt It use
Deep Unsupervised 3D SfM Face Reconstruction Based on Massive Landmark Bundle Adjustment.
(ACMMM 2021 Oral) SfM Face Reconstruction Based on Massive Landmark Bundle Adjustment This repository shows two tasks: Face landmark detection and Fac
Evidence enables analysts to deliver a polished business intelligence system using SQL and markdown.
Evidence enables analysts to deliver a polished business intelligence system using SQL and markdown
Implementation of Token Shift GPT - An autoregressive model that solely relies on shifting the sequence space for mixing
Token Shift GPT Implementation of Token Shift GPT - An autoregressive model that relies solely on shifting along the sequence dimension and feedforwar
Simple torch.nn.module implementation of Alias-Free-GAN style filter and resample
Alias-Free-Torch Simple torch module implementation of Alias-Free GAN. This repository including Alias-Free GAN style lowpass sinc filter @filter.py A
Using a raspberry pi, we listen to the coffee machine and count the number of coffee consumption
A typical datarootsian consumes high-quality fresh coffee in their office environment. The board of dataroots had a very critical decision by the end of 2021-Q2 regarding coffee consumption.
GAN encoders in PyTorch that could match PGGAN, StyleGAN v1/v2, and BigGAN. Code also integrates the implementation of these GANs.
MTV-TSA: Adaptable GAN Encoders for Image Reconstruction via Multi-type Latent Vectors with Two-scale Attentions. This is the official code release fo
Monitor and log Network and Disks statistics in MegaBytes per second.
iometrics Monitor and log Network and Disks statistics in MegaBytes per second. Install pip install iometrics Usage Pytorch-lightning integration from
Code for the ICCV 2021 paper "Pixel Difference Networks for Efficient Edge Detection" (Oral).
Pixel Difference Convolution This repository contains the PyTorch implementation for "Pixel Difference Networks for Efficient Edge Detection" by Zhuo
Open-source Monocular Python HawkEye for Tennis
Tennis Tracking 🎾 Objectives Track the ball Detect court lines Detect the players To track the ball we used TrackNet - deep learning network for trac
This Binance trading bot detects new coins as soon as they are listed on the Binance exchange and automatically places sell and buy orders. It comes with trailing stop loss and other features. If you like this project please consider donating via Brave.
binance-trading-bot-new-coins This Binance trading bot detects new coins as soon as they are listed on the Binance exchange and automatically places s
Music Source Separation; Train & Eval & Inference piplines and pretrained models we used for 2021 ISMIR MDX Challenge.
Music Source Separation with Channel-wise Subband Phase Aware ResUnet (CWS-PResUNet) Introduction This repo contains the pretrained Music Source Separ
Deep learning models for change detection of remote sensing images
Change Detection Models (Remote Sensing) Python library with Neural Networks for Change Detection based on PyTorch. ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ I am trying to build this pr
a Pytorch easy re-implement of "YOLOX: Exceeding YOLO Series in 2021"
A pytorch easy re-implement of "YOLOX: Exceeding YOLO Series in 2021" 1. Notes This is a pytorch easy re-implement of "YOLOX: Exceeding YOLO Series in
Generate YARA rules for OOXML documents using ZIP local header metadata.
apooxml Generate YARA rules for OOXML documents using ZIP local header metadata. To learn more about this tool and the methodology behind it, check ou
Deploy an inference API on AWS (EC2) using FastAPI Docker and Github Actions
Deploy an inference API on AWS (EC2) using FastAPI Docker and Github Actions To learn more about this project: medium blog post The goal of this proje
Public API client for GETTR, a "non-bias [sic] social network," designed for data archival and analysis.
GoGettr GoGettr is an API client for GETTR, a "non-bias [sic] social network." (We will not reward their domain with a hyperlink.) GoGettr is built an
Blockchain-Enabled IoT Sensor Framework that uses Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence.
Arduino + Raspberry Pi + Unity3D + Cloud + Hyperledger Our Mission: Keep it simple, leave no one behind. Blockchain-Enabled Smart Sensor Framework usi
shufflev2-yolov5:lighter, faster and easier to deploy
shufflev2-yolov5: lighter, faster and easier to deploy. Evolved from yolov5 and the size of model is only 1.7M (int8) and 3.3M (fp16). It can reach 10+ FPS on the Raspberry Pi 4B when the input size is 320×320~
A Survey of Natural Language Generation in Task-Oriented Dialogue System (TOD): Recent Advances and New Frontiers
A Survey of Natural Language Generation in Task-Oriented Dialogue System (TOD): Recent Advances and New Frontiers
This repository contains the code and models for the following paper.
DC-ShadowNet Introduction This is an implementation of the following paper DC-ShadowNet: Single-Image Hard and Soft Shadow Removal Using Unsupervised
Experiments on Flood Segmentation on Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery with Cyclical Pseudo Labeling and Noisy Student Training
Flood Detection Challenge This repository contains code for our submission to the ETCI 2021 Competition on Flood Detection (Winning Solution #2). Acco
Image transformations designed for Scene Text Recognition (STR) data augmentation. Published at ICCV 2021 Workshop on Interactive Labeling and Data Augmentation for Vision.
Data Augmentation for Scene Text Recognition (ICCV 2021 Workshop) (Pronounced as "strog") Paper Arxiv Why it matters? Scene Text Recognition (STR) req
[TIP 2021] SADRNet: Self-Aligned Dual Face Regression Networks for Robust 3D Dense Face Alignment and Reconstruction
SADRNet Paper link: SADRNet: Self-Aligned Dual Face Regression Networks for Robust 3D Dense Face Alignment and Reconstruction Requirements python
Official code for paper "Demystifying Local Vision Transformer: Sparse Connectivity, Weight Sharing, and Dynamic Weight"
Demysitifing Local Vision Transformer, arxiv This is the official PyTorch implementation of our paper. We simply replace local self attention by (dyna
Look Who’s Talking: Active Speaker Detection in the Wild
Look Who's Talking: Active Speaker Detection in the Wild Dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt In addition to the Python dependencies, ffmpeg
Exploring Classification Equilibrium in Long-Tailed Object Detection, ICCV2021
Exploring Classification Equilibrium in Long-Tailed Object Detection (LOCE, ICCV 2021) Paper Introduction The conventional detectors tend to make imba
We present a framework for training multi-modal deep learning models on unlabelled video data by forcing the network to learn invariances to transformations applied to both the audio and video streams.
Multi-Modal Self-Supervision using GDT and StiCa This is an official pytorch implementation of papers: Multi-modal Self-Supervision from Generalized D
Simple and Effective Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition with Structured Nearest Neighbor Learning
structshot Code and data for paper "Simple and Effective Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition with Structured Nearest Neighbor Learning", Yi Yang and Arz
X-modaler is a versatile and high-performance codebase for cross-modal analytics.
X-modaler X-modaler is a versatile and high-performance codebase for cross-modal analytics. This codebase unifies comprehensive high-quality modules i
COD-Rank-Localize-and-Segment (CVPR2021)
COD-Rank-Localize-and-Segment (CVPR2021) Simultaneously Localize, Segment and Rank the Camouflaged Objects Full camouflage fixation training dataset i
TOOD: Task-aligned One-stage Object Detection, ICCV2021 Oral
One-stage object detection is commonly implemented by optimizing two sub-tasks: object classification and localization, using heads with two parallel branches, which might lead to a certain level of spatial misalignment in predictions between the two tasks.
Empower Sequence Labeling with Task-Aware Language Model
LM-LSTM-CRF Check Our New NER Toolkit 🚀 🚀 🚀 Inference: LightNER: inference w. models pre-trained / trained w. any following tools, efficiently. Tra
PyTorch implementation of Advantage Actor Critic (A2C), Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), Scalable trust-region method for deep reinforcement learning using Kronecker-factored approximation (ACKTR) and Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL).
pytorch-a2c-ppo-acktr Update (April 12th, 2021) PPO is great, but Soft Actor Critic can be better for many continuous control tasks. Please check out
Easy and secure implementation of Azure AD for your FastAPI APIs 🔒
FastAPI-Azure-auth Azure AD Authentication for FastAPI apps made easy. 🚀 Description FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for
Using this you can control your PC/Laptop volume by Hand Gestures (pinch-in, pinch-out) created with Python.
Hand Gesture Volume Controller Using this you can control your PC/Laptop volume by Hand Gestures (pinch-in, pinch-out). Code Firstly I have created a
Youtube videos and channels scraper python wrapper!
YouTubeCrawle Wrapper for python Why This wrapper? This is wrapper is not limited to videos only it can scrape both channel and videos seperately ;D
Easy compression and extraction for any compression or archival format.
Tzar: Tar, Zip, Anything Really Easy compression and extraction for any compression or archival format. Usage/Examples tzar compress large-dir compres
Evaluation suite for large-scale language models.
This repo contains code for running the evaluations and reproducing the results from the Jurassic-1 Technical Paper (see blog post), with current support for running the tasks through both the AI21 Studio API and OpenAI's GPT3 API.
Import, visualize, and analyze SpiderFoot OSINT data in Neo4j, a graph database
SpiderFoot Neo4j Tools Import, visualize, and analyze SpiderFoot OSINT data in Neo4j, a graph database Step 1: Installation NOTE: This installs the sf
A curated list of resources for Image and Video Deblurring
A curated list of resources for Image and Video Deblurring
zoofs is a Python library for performing feature selection using an variety of nature inspired wrapper algorithms. The algorithms range from swarm-intelligence to physics based to Evolutionary. It's easy to use ,flexible and powerful tool to reduce your feature size.
zoofs is a Python library for performing feature selection using a variety of nature-inspired wrapper algorithms. The algorithms range from swarm-intelligence to physics-based to Evolutionary. It's easy to use , flexible and powerful tool to reduce your feature size.
An attendance bot that joins google meet automatically according to schedule and marks present in the google meet.
Google-meet-self-attendance-bot An attendance bot which joins google meet automatically according to schedule and marks present in the google meet. I
Experimental bridges between Telegram calls and other platforms.
Bridges by Calls Music Experimental bridges between Telegram calls and other platforms. Current bridges Bridge 1 (YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, etc...) B
yolox_backbone is a deep-learning library and is a collection of YOLOX Backbone models.
YOLOX-Backbone yolox-backbone is a deep-learning library and is a collection of YOLOX backbone models. Install pip install yolox-backbone Load a Pret
An implementation of paper `Real-time Convolutional Neural Networks for Emotion and Gender Classification` with PaddlePaddle.
简介 通过PaddlePaddle框架复现了论文 Real-time Convolutional Neural Networks for Emotion and Gender Classification 中提出的两个模型,分别是SimpleCNN和MiniXception。利用 imdb_crop
the swiss army knife in the hash field. fast, reliable and easy to use
hexxus Hexxus is a fast hash cracking tool which checks more than 30 thousand passwords in under 4 seconds and can crack the following types bcrypt sh
Broken Link Finder is a Burp Extension to detect broken links for a passive scanning domains and links.
Broken Link Finder Broken Link Finder is a Burp Extension to detect broken links for a passive scanning domains and links. Inspired by InitRoot's link
3D cascade RCNN for object detection on point cloud
3D Cascade RCNN This is the implementation of 3D Cascade RCNN: High Quality Object Detection in Point Clouds. We designed a 3D object detection model
7th place solution
SIIM-FISABIO-RSNA-COVID-19-Detection 7th place solution Validation: We used iterative-stratification with 5 folds (https://github.com/trent-b/iterativ
Transformer model implemented with Pytorch
transformer-pytorch Transformer model implemented with Pytorch Attention is all you need-[Paper] Architecture Self-Attention self_attention.py class
A graphical Semi-automatic annotation tool based on labelImg and Yolov5
💕YOLOV5 semi-automatic annotation tool (Based on labelImg)
Use Raspberry Pi and CircuitSetup's power monitor hardware to publish electrical usage to MQTT
This repo has code and notes for whole home electrical power monitoring using a Raspberry Pi and CircuitSetup modules. Beyond just collecting data, it
YOLOv5 🚀 is a family of object detection architectures and models pretrained on the COCO dataset
YOLOv5 🚀 is a family of object detection architectures and models pretrained on the COCO dataset, and represents Ultralytics open-source research int
Korean Simple Contrastive Learning of Sentence Embeddings using SKT KoBERT and kakaobrain KorNLU dataset
KoSimCSE Korean Simple Contrastive Learning of Sentence Embeddings implementation using pytorch SimCSE Installation git clone https://github.com/BM-K/
A Pythonic Data Catalog powered by Ray that brings exabyte-level scalability and fast, ACID-compliant, change-data-capture to your big data workloads.
DeltaCAT DeltaCAT is a Pythonic Data Catalog powered by Ray. Its data storage model allows you to define and manage fast, scalable, ACID-compliant dat
A toolkit to automatically crawl the paper list and download paper pdfs of ACL Ahthology.
ACL-Anthology-Crawler A toolkit to automatically crawl the paper list and download paper pdfs of ACL Anthology
A management system designed for the employees of MIRAS (Art Gallery). It is used to sell/cancel tickets, book/cancel events and keeps track of all upcoming events.
Art-Galleria-Management-System Its a management system designed for the employees of MIRAS (Art Gallery). Backend : Python Frontend : Django Database
Fog Simulation on Real LiDAR Point Clouds for 3D Object Detection in Adverse Weather
LiDAR fog simulation Created by Martin Hahner at the Computer Vision Lab of ETH Zurich. This is the official code release of the paper Fog Simulation
Hotpotato is a recipe portfolio App that assists users to discover and comment new recipes.
Hotpotato Hotpotato is a recipe portfolio App that assists users to discover and comment new recipes. It is a fullstack React App made with a Redux st
a simple python script that monitors the binance hotwallet and refunds the withdrawal fee to encourage people to withdraw their Nano and help decentralisation
Nano_Binance_Refund_Bot a simple python script that monitors the binance hotwallet and refunds the withdrawal fee to encourage people to withdraw thei
An ActivityWatch watcher to pose questions to the user and record her answers.
aw-watcher-ask An ActivityWatch watcher to pose questions to the user and record her answers. This watcher uses Zenity to present dialog boxes to the
Composed Image Retrieval using Pretrained LANguage Transformers (CIRPLANT)
CIRPLANT This repository contains the code and pre-trained models for Composed Image Retrieval using Pretrained LANguage Transformers (CIRPLANT) For d
FPS, fast pluggable server, is a framework designed to compose and run a web-server based on plugins.
FPS, fast pluggable server, is a framework designed to compose and run a web-server based on plugins. It is based on top of fastAPI, uvicorn, typer, and pluggy.