8796 Repositories
Python Control-DJI-Tello-with-Raspberry-Pi-and-PS4-Controller Libraries
An application that allows you to design and test your own stock trading algorithms in an attempt to beat the market.
StockBot is a Python application for designing and testing your own daily stock trading algorithms. Installation Use the
Simple command line tool for text to image generation using OpenAI's CLIP and Siren (Implicit neural representation network)
Deep Daze mist over green hills shattered plates on the grass cosmic love and attention a time traveler in the crowd life during the plague meditative
Command-line tool for looking up colors and palettes.
Colorpedia Colorpedia is a command-line tool for looking up colors, shades and palettes. Supported color models: HEX, RGB, HSL, HSV, CMYK. Requirement
A simple command line tool for text to image generation, using OpenAI's CLIP and a BigGAN
artificial intelligence cosmic love and attention fire in the sky a pyramid made of ice a lonely house in the woods marriage in the mountains lantern
A Python tool used to automate the execution of the following tools : Nmap , Nikto and Dirsearch but also to automate the report generation during a Web Penetration Testing
📡 WebMap A Python tool used to automate the execution of the following tools : Nmap , Nikto and Dirsearch but also to automate the report generation
This repository is an unoffical PyTorch implementation of Medical segmentation in 3D and 2D.
Pytorch Medical Segmentation Read Chinese Introduction:Here! Recent Updates 2021.1.8 The train and test codes are released. 2021.2.6 A bug in dice was
🏆 A ranked list of awesome python developer tools and libraries. Updated weekly.
Best-of Python Developer Tools 🏆 A ranked list of awesome python developer tools and libraries. Updated weekly. This curated list contains 250 awesom
Solve a Rubiks Cube using Python Opencv and Kociemba module
Rubiks_Cube_Solver Solve a Rubiks Cube using Python Opencv and Kociemba module Main Steps Get the countours of the cube check whether there are tota
Create a secure tunnel from a custom domain to localhost using Fly and WireGuard.
Fly Dev Tunnel Developers commonly use apps like ngrok, localtunnel, or cloudflared to expose a local web service at a publicly-accessible URL. This i
img2pose: Face Alignment and Detection via 6DoF, Face Pose Estimation
img2pose: Face Alignment and Detection via 6DoF, Face Pose Estimation Figure 1: We estimate the 6DoF rigid transformation of a 3D face (rendered in si
A machine learning benchmark of in-the-wild distribution shifts, with data loaders, evaluators, and default models.
WILDS is a benchmark of in-the-wild distribution shifts spanning diverse data modalities and applications, from tumor identification to wildlife monitoring to poverty mapping.
Code, Models and Datasets for OpenViDial Dataset
OpenViDial This repo contains downloading instructions for the OpenViDial dataset in 《OpenViDial: A Large-Scale, Open-Domain Dialogue Dataset with Vis
ProtOSINT is a Python script that helps you investigate Protonmail accounts and ProtonVPN IP addresses
ProtOSINT ProtOSINT is a Python script that helps you investigate ProtonMail accounts and ProtonVPN IP addresses. Description This tool can help you i
A free and open-source chess improvement app that combines the power of Lichess and Anki.
A free and open-source chess improvement app that combines the power of Lichess and Anki. Chessli Project Activity & Issue Tracking PyPI Build & Healt
A Python library to simulate a Zoom H6 recorder remote control
H6 A Python library to emulate a Zoom H6 recorder remote control Introduction This library allows you to control your Zoom H6 recorder from your compu
This is a js front-end encryption blasting account and password tools
Author:0xAXSDD By Gamma安全实验室 version:1.0 explain:这是一款用户绕过前端js加密进行密码爆破的工具,你无需在意js加密的细节,只需要输入你想要爆破url,以及username输入框的classname,password输入框的clas
Safe temperature monitor for baby's room. Made for Raspberry Pi Pico.
Baby Safe Temperature Monitor This project is meant to build a temperature safety monitor for a baby or small child's room. Studies have shown the ris
This program goes thru reddit, finds the most mentioned tickers and uses Vader SentimentIntensityAnalyzer to calculate the ticker compound value.
This program goes thru reddit, finds the most mentioned tickers and uses Vader SentimentIntensityAnalyzer to calculate the ticker compound value.
A curses based mpd client with basic functionality and album art.
Miniplayer A curses based mpd client with basic functionality and album art. After installation, the player can be opened from the terminal with minip
Joint detection and tracking model named DEFT, or ``Detection Embeddings for Tracking.
DEFT: Detection Embeddings for Tracking DEFT: Detection Embeddings for Tracking, Mohamed Chaabane, Peter Zhang, J. Ross Beveridge, Stephen O'Hara
PhoNLP: A BERT-based multi-task learning toolkit for part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition and dependency parsing
PhoNLP is a multi-task learning model for joint part-of-speech (POS) tagging, named entity recognition (NER) and dependency parsing. Experiments on Vietnamese benchmark datasets show that PhoNLP produces state-of-the-art results, outperforming a single-task learning approach that fine-tunes the pre-trained Vietnamese language model PhoBERT for each task independently.
A collection of over 5.1 million sub-domains and assets belonging to public bug bounty programs, compiled into a repo, for performing bulk operations.
📂 Public Bug Bounty Targets Data By BugBountyResources A collection of over 5.1M sub-domains and assets belonging to bug bounty targets, all put in a
An API serving data on all creatures, monsters, materials, equipment, and treasure in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Hyrule Compendium API An API serving data on all creatures, monsters, materials, equipment, and treasure in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. B
The algorithm performs a simple user registration (Name, CPF, E-mail and Telephone) in an Amazon RDS database and also performs the storage, training and facial recognition of the user's face to identify the users already registered in the system in a next time the user is seen.
Registration form with RDS AWS database and facial recognition via OpenCV The algorithm performs a simple user registration (Name, CPF, E-mail and Tel
PaddleRobotics is an open-source algorithm library for robots based on Paddle, including open-source parts such as human-robot interaction, complex motion control, environment perception, SLAM positioning, and navigation.
简体中文 | English PaddleRobotics paddleRobotics是基于paddle的机器人开源算法库集,包括人机交互、复杂运动控制、环境感知、slam定位导航等开源算法部分。 人机交互 主动多模交互技术TFVT-HRI 主动多模交互技术是通过视觉、语音、触摸传感器等输入机器人
Implementation of Supervised Contrastive Learning with AMP, EMA, SWA, and many other tricks
SupCon-Framework The repo is an implementation of Supervised Contrastive Learning. It's based on another implementation, but with several differencies
Easy, fast, effective, and automatic g-code compression!
Getting to the meat of g-code. Easy, fast, effective, and automatic g-code compression! MeatPack nearly doubles the effective data rate of a standard
Age and Gender prediction using Keras
cnn_age_gender Age and Gender prediction using Keras Dataset example : Description : UTKFace dataset is a large-scale face dataset with long age span
Neural Magic Eye: Learning to See and Understand the Scene Behind an Autostereogram, arXiv:2012.15692.
Neural Magic Eye Preprint | Project Page | Colab Runtime Official PyTorch implementation of the preprint paper "NeuralMagicEye: Learning to See and Un
[ECCV 2020] Reimplementation of 3DDFAv2, including face mesh, head pose, landmarks, and more.
Stable Head Pose Estimation and Landmark Regression via 3D Dense Face Reconstruction Reimplementation of (ECCV 2020) Towards Fast, Accurate and Stable
When doing audio and video sentiment recognition, I found that a lot of code is duplicated, often a function in different time debugging for a long time, based on this problem, I want to manage all the previous work, organized into an open source library can be iterative. For their own use and others.
FastAudioVisual Our project is developed here. The goal finish time is March 01, 2021 What is FastAudioVisual? FastAudioVisual is a tool that allows u
Open source vulnerability DB and triage service.
OSV - Open Source Vulnerabilities OSV is a vulnerability database and triage infrastructure for open source projects aimed at helping both open source
Automatic privilege escalation for misconfigured capabilities, sudo and suid binaries
GTFONow Automatic privilege escalation for misconfigured capabilities, sudo and suid binaries. Features Automatically escalate privileges using miscon
Soda SQL Data testing, monitoring and profiling for SQL accessible data.
Soda SQL Data testing, monitoring and profiling for SQL accessible data. What does Soda SQL do? Soda SQL allows you to Stop your pipeline when bad dat
Client library to download and publish models and other files on the huggingface.co hub
huggingface_hub Client library to download and publish models and other files on the huggingface.co hub Do you have an open source ML library? We're l
Proxy server that records responses for UI testing (and other things)
Welcome to playback-proxy 👋 A proxy tool that records communication (requests, websockets) between client and server. This recording can later be use
Freqtrade is a free and open source crypto trading bot written in Python
Freqtrade is a free and open source crypto trading bot written in Python. It is designed to support all major exchanges and be controlled via Telegram. It contains backtesting, plotting and money management tools as well as strategy optimization by machine learning.
A simple script that will watch a stream for you and earn the channel points.
Credits Main idea: https://github.com/gottagofaster236/Twitch-Channel-Points-Miner Bet system (Selenium): https://github.com/ClementRoyer/TwitchAutoCo
Utilizing the freqtrade high-frequency cryptocurrency trading framework to build and optimize trading strategies. The bot runs nonstop on a Rasberry Pi.
Freqtrade Strategy Repository Please test all scripts and dry run them before using them in live mode Contact me on discord if you have any questions!
Jarvis is a simple Chatbot with a GUI capable of chatting and retrieving information and daily news from the internet for it's user.
J.A.R.V.I.S Kindly consider starring this repository if you like the program :-) What/Who is J.A.R.V.I.S? J.A.R.V.I.S is an chatbot written that is bu
A GridMixup augmentation, inspired by GridMask and CutMix
GridMixup A GridMixup augmentation, inspired by GridMask and CutMix Easy install pip install git+https://github.com/IlyaDobrynin/GridMixup.git Overvie
PyTorch implementation of "A Full-Band and Sub-Band Fusion Model for Real-Time Single-Channel Speech Enhancement."
FullSubNet This Git repository for the official PyTorch implementation of "A Full-Band and Sub-Band Fusion Model for Real-Time Single-Channel Speech E
This is a repository for a No-Code object detection inference API using the OpenVINO. It's supported on both Windows and Linux Operating systems.
OpenVINO Inference API This is a repository for an object detection inference API using the OpenVINO. It's supported on both Windows and Linux Operati
For holding anime-related object classification and detection models
Animesion An end-to-end framework for anime-related object classification, detection, segmentation, and other models. Update: 01/22/2020. Due to time-
This repository contains code examples and documentation for learning how applications can be developed with Kubernetes
BigBitBus KAT Components Click on the diagram to enlarge, or follow this link for detailed documentation Introduction Welcome to the BigBitBus Kuberne
Generate saved_model, tfjs, tf-trt, EdgeTPU, CoreML, quantized tflite and .pb from .tflite.
tflite2tensorflow Generate saved_model, tfjs, tf-trt, EdgeTPU, CoreML, quantized tflite and .pb from .tflite. 1. Supported Layers No. TFLite Layer TF
A folder automation made using Watch-dog, it only works in linux for now but I assume, it will be adaptable to mac and PC as well
folder-automation A folder automation made using Watch-dog, it only works in linux for now but I assume, it will be adaptable to mac and PC as well Th
Use an air-gapped Raspberry Pi Zero to sign for Bitcoin transactions! (and do other cool stuff)
Hello World! Build your own offline, airgapped Bitcoin transaction signing device for less than $35! Also generate seed word 24 or generate a seed phr
A framework for joint super-resolution and image synthesis, without requiring real training data
SynthSR This repository contains code to train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for Super-resolution (SR), or joint SR and data synthesis. The met
This repository is related to an Arabic tutorial, within the tutorial we discuss the common data structure and algorithms and their worst and best case for each, then implement the code using Python.
Data Structure and Algorithms with Python This repository is related to the Arabic tutorial here, within the tutorial we discuss the common data struc
Applications using the GTN library and code to reproduce experiments in "Differentiable Weighted Finite-State Transducers"
gtn_applications An applications library using GTN. Current examples include: Offline handwriting recognition Automatic speech recognition Installing
Meta package to combine turbo-django and stimulus-django
Hotwire + Django This repository aims to help you integrate Hotwire with Django 🚀 Inspiration might be taken from @hotwired/hotwire-rails. We are sti
Discord Bot for server hosts, devs, and admins. Analyzes timings reports & uploads text files to hastebin. Developed by https://birdflop.com.
"Botflop" Click here to invite Botflop to your server. Current abilities Analyze timings reports Paste a timings report to review an in-depth descript
a library for using WS2812b leds (aka neopixels) with Raspberry Pi Pico
pico_ws2812b a library for using WS2812b leds (aka neopixels) with Raspberry Pi Pico You'll first need to save the ws2812b.py file to your device (for
Implementation of Geometric Vector Perceptron, a simple circuit for 3d rotation equivariance for learning over large biomolecules, in Pytorch. Idea proposed and accepted at ICLR 2021
Geometric Vector Perceptron Implementation of Geometric Vector Perceptron, a simple circuit with 3d rotation equivariance for learning over large biom
Code of paper: A Recurrent Vision-and-Language BERT for Navigation
Recurrent VLN-BERT Code of the Recurrent-VLN-BERT paper: A Recurrent Vision-and-Language BERT for Navigation Yicong Hong, Qi Wu, Yuankai Qi, Cristian
Torchserve server using a YoloV5 model running on docker with GPU and static batch inference to perform production ready inference.
Yolov5 running on TorchServe (GPU compatible) ! This is a dockerfile to run TorchServe for Yolo v5 object detection model. (TorchServe (PyTorch librar
A html canvas based screencasting server with occasional ground-truth updates via screenshots and very fast input drawing
rm2canvas A html canvas based screencasting server for the reMarkable 1/2 digital paper systems. It draws live on the canvas from the remarkables touc
Motor - the async Python driver for MongoDB and Tornado or asyncio
Motor Info: Motor is a full-featured, non-blocking MongoDB driver for Python Tornado and asyncio applications. Documentation: Available at motor.readt
Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool
sqlmap sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of
RPyC (Remote Python Call) - A transparent and symmetric RPC library for python
RPyC (pronounced like are-pie-see), or Remote Python Call, is a transparent library for symmetrical remote procedure calls, clustering, and distribute
A Python library that provides an easy way to identify devices like mobile phones, tablets and their capabilities by parsing (browser) user agent strings.
Python User Agents user_agents is a Python library that provides an easy way to identify/detect devices like mobile phones, tablets and their capabili
A generator library for concise, unambiguous and URL-safe UUIDs.
Description shortuuid is a simple python library that generates concise, unambiguous, URL-safe UUIDs. Often, one needs to use non-sequential IDs in pl
Implementation of hashids (http://hashids.org) in Python. Compatible with Python 2 and Python 3
hashids for Python 2.7 & 3 A python port of the JavaScript hashids implementation. It generates YouTube-like hashes from one or many numbers. Use hash
The Levenshtein Python C extension module contains functions for fast computation of Levenshtein distance and string similarity
Contents Maintainer wanted Introduction Installation Documentation License History Source code Authors Maintainer wanted I am looking for a new mainta
Fixes mojibake and other glitches in Unicode text, after the fact.
ftfy: fixes text for you print(fix_encoding("(ง'⌣')ง")) (ง'⌣')ง Full documentation: https://ftfy.readthedocs.org Testimonials “My life is li
An open source robotics benchmark for meta- and multi-task reinforcement learning
Meta-World Meta-World is an open-source simulated benchmark for meta-reinforcement learning and multi-task learning consisting of 50 distinct robotic
A toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.
Status: Maintenance (expect bug fixes and minor updates) OpenAI Gym OpenAI Gym is a toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algori
Python interface to the World Bank Indicators and Climate APIs
wbpy A Python interface to the World Bank Indicators and Climate APIs. Readthedocs Github source World Bank API docs The Indicators API lets you acces
Python module and command line script client for http://urbandictionary.com
py-urbandict py-urbandict is a client for urbandictionary.com. Project page on github: https://github.com/novel/py-urbandict PyPI: https://pypi.org/pr
Wrapper around the UPS API for creating shipping labels and fetching a package's tracking status.
ClassicUPS: A Useful UPS Library ClassicUPS is an Apache2 Licensed wrapper around the UPS API for creating shipping labels and fetching a package's tr
A Python module for communicating with the Twilio API and generating TwiML.
twilio-python The default branch name for this repository has been changed to main as of 07/27/2020. Documentation The documentation for the Twilio AP
A Python interface module to the SAS System. It works with Linux, Windows, and mainframe SAS. It supports the sas_kernel project (a Jupyter Notebook kernel for SAS) or can be used on its own.
A Python interface to MVA SAS Overview This module creates a bridge between Python and SAS 9.4. This module enables a Python developer, familiar with
Polar devices Python API and CLI.
loophole - Polar devices API About Python API for Polar devices. Command line interface included. Tested with: A360 Loop M400 Installation pip install
Official python API for Phish.AI public and private API to detect zero-day phishing websites
phish-ai-api Summary Official python API for Phish.AI public and private API to detect zero-day phishing websites How it Works (TLDR) Essentially we h
Official Python client for the MonkeyLearn API. Build and consume machine learning models for language processing from your Python apps.
MonkeyLearn API for Python Official Python client for the MonkeyLearn API. Build and run machine learning models for language processing from your Pyt
A Python API to retrieve and read MLB GameDay data
mlbgame mlbgame is a Python API to retrieve and read MLB GameDay data. mlbgame works with real time data, getting information as games are being playe
Mixcloud API wrapper for Python and Async IO
aiomixcloud Mixcloud API wrapper for Python and Async IO aiomixcloud is a wrapper library for the HTTP API of Mixcloud. It supports asynchronous opera
Unofficial Medium Python Flask API and SDK
PyMedium - Unofficial Medium API PyMedium is an unofficial Medium API written in python flask. It provides developers to access to user, post list and
A Python Library to interface with LinkedIn API, OAuth and JSON responses
#Overview Here's another library based on the LinkedIn API, OAuth and JSON responses. Hope this documentation explains everything you need to get star
A fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting (GBT, GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework based on decision tree algorithms, used for ranking, classification and many other machine learning tasks.
Light Gradient Boosting Machine LightGBM is a gradient boosting framework that uses tree based learning algorithms. It is designed to be distributed a
Backtest 1000s of minute-by-minute trading algorithms for training AI with automated pricing data from: IEX, Tradier and FinViz. Datasets and trading performance automatically published to S3 for building AI training datasets for teaching DNNs how to trade. Runs on Kubernetes and docker-compose. 150 million trading history rows generated from +5000 algorithms. Heads up: Yahoo's Finance API was disabled on 2019-01-03 https://developer.yahoo.com/yql/
Stock Analysis Engine Build and tune investment algorithms for use with artificial intelligence (deep neural networks) with a distributed stack for ru
python3.5+ hubspot client based on hapipy, but modified to use the newer endpoints and non-legacy python
A python wrapper around HubSpot's APIs, for python 3.5+. Built initially around hapipy, but heavily modified. Check out the documentation here! (thank
Documentation and Samples for the Official HN API
Hacker News API Overview In partnership with Firebase, we're making the public Hacker News data available in near real time. Firebase enables easy acc
Download song lyrics and metadata from Genius.com 🎶🎤
LyricsGenius: a Python client for the Genius.com API lyricsgenius provides a simple interface to the song, artist, and lyrics data stored on Genius.co
A Python interface to AFL, allowing for easy injection of testcases and other functionality.
Fuzzer This module provides a Python wrapper for interacting with AFL (American Fuzzy Lop: http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/). It supports starting an A
Actively maintained, pure Python wrapper for the Twitter API. Supports both normal and streaming Twitter APIs.
Twython Twython is a Python library providing an easy way to access Twitter data. Supports Python 3. It's been battle tested by companies, educational
WordPress models and views for Django.
django-wordpress Models and views for reading a WordPress database. Compatible with WordPress version 3.5+. django-wordpress is a project of ISL and t
A friendly library for parsing HTTP request arguments, with built-in support for popular web frameworks, including Flask, Django, Bottle, Tornado, Pyramid, webapp2, Falcon, and aiohttp.
webargs Homepage: https://webargs.readthedocs.io/ webargs is a Python library for parsing and validating HTTP request objects, with built-in support f
A simple, immutable URL class with a clean API for interrogation and manipulation.
purl - A simple Python URL class A simple, immutable URL class with a clean API for interrogation and manipulation. Supports Pythons 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.
🌐 URL parsing and manipulation made easy.
furl is a small Python library that makes parsing and manipulating URLs easy. Python's standard urllib and urlparse modules provide a number of URL re
High-performance cross-platform Video Processing Python framework powerpacked with unique trailblazing features :fire:
Releases | Gears | Documentation | Installation | License VidGear is a High-Performance Video Processing Python Library that provides an easy-to-use,
Compresses linked and inline javascript or CSS into a single cached file.
Django Compressor Django Compressor processes, combines and minifies linked and inline Javascript or CSS in a Django template into cacheable static fi
Module for automatic summarization of text documents and HTML pages.
Automatic text summarizer Simple library and command line utility for extracting summary from HTML pages or plain texts. The package also contains sim
News, full-text, and article metadata extraction in Python 3. Advanced docs:
Newspaper3k: Article scraping & curation Inspired by requests for its simplicity and powered by lxml for its speed: "Newspaper is an amazing python li
Library for building WebSocket servers and clients in Python
What is websockets? websockets is a library for building WebSocket servers and clients in Python with a focus on correctness and simplicity. Built on
WebSocket and WAMP in Python for Twisted and asyncio
Autobahn|Python WebSocket & WAMP for Python on Twisted and asyncio. Quick Links: Source Code - Documentation - WebSocket Examples - WAMP Examples Comm
Mixer -- Is a fixtures replacement. Supported Django, Flask, SqlAlchemy and custom python objects.
The Mixer is a helper to generate instances of Django or SQLAlchemy models. It's useful for testing and fixture replacement. Fast and convenient test-
Automatically mock your HTTP interactions to simplify and speed up testing
VCR.py 📼 This is a Python version of Ruby's VCR library. Source code https://github.com/kevin1024/vcrpy Documentation https://vcrpy.readthedocs.io/ R
A modern API testing tool for web applications built with Open API and GraphQL specifications.
Schemathesis Schemathesis is a modern API testing tool for web applications built with Open API and GraphQL specifications. It reads the application s