8859 Repositories
Python Fantasy-Points-Prediction-and-Dream-Team-Formation Libraries
A Characther powerful in saints saiya anime and modular telegram group management bot built using python3
Kaneki Ken A Powerful and Modular Saint Aries is a Characther powerful in saints saiya anime and modular telegram group management bot built using pyt
An automation program that checks whether email addresses are real, whether they exist and whether they are a validated mail
Email Validator It is an automation program that checks whether email addresses are real, whether they exist and whether they are a validated mail. Re
All course materials for the Zero to Mastery Machine Learning and Data Science course.
Zero to Mastery Machine Learning Welcome! This repository contains all of the code, notebooks, images and other materials related to the Zero to Maste
This is the new and improved Plex Automatic Pre-roll script with a GUI
Plex-Automatic-Pre-roll-GUI This is the new and improved Plex Automatic Pre-roll script with a GUI! It should be stable but if you find a bug please l
to-requirements.txt allows to automatically add and delete modules to requirements.txt installing them using pip.
to-requirements.txt | Automatically update requirements.txt to-requirements.txt allows to automatically add and delete modules to requirements.txt ins
Uses MIT/MEDSL, New York Times, and US Census datasources to analyze per-county COVID-19 deaths.
Covid County Executive summary Setup Install miniconda, then in the command line, run conda create -n covid-county conda activate covid-county conda i
A python mailserver meant for friends who value privacy and a hard to use interface....
python-mail A python mailserver meant for friends who value privacy and a hard to use interface.... Basic info This mailserver was just a random proje
Help you understand Manual and w/ Clutch point while driving.
简体中文 forza_auto_gear forza_auto_gear is a tool for Forza Horizon 5. It will help us understand the best gear shift point using Manual or w/ Clutch in
Tensorflow 2.x implementation of Panoramic BlitzNet for object detection and semantic segmentation on indoor panoramic images.
Deep neural network for object detection and semantic segmentation on indoor panoramic images. The implementation is based on the papers:
🍰 ConnectMP - An easy and efficient way to share data between Processes in Python.
ConnectMP - Taking Multi-Process Data Sharing to the moon 🚀 Contribute · Community · Documentation 🎫 Introduction : 🍤 ConnectMP is the easiest and
A Python wrapper API for operating and working with the Neo4j Graph Data Science (GDS) library
gdsclient This repo hosts the sources for gdsclient, a Python wrapper API for operating and working with the Neo4j Graph Data Science (GDS) library. g
This repository contains the code, data, and models of the paper titled "CrossSum: Beyond English-Centric Cross-Lingual Abstractive Text Summarization for 1500+ Language Pairs".
CrossSum This repository contains the code, data, and models of the paper titled "CrossSum: Beyond English-Centric Cross-Lingual Abstractive Text Summ
Aircache is an open-source caching and security solution that can be integrated with most decoupled apps that use REST APIs for communicating.
AirCache Aircache is an open-source caching and security solution that can be integrated with most decoupled apps that use REST APIs for communicating
Auto Click by pyautogui and excel operations.
Auto Click by pyautogui and excel operations.
A Telegram bot to index Chinese and Japanese group contents, works with @lilydjwg/luoxu.
luoxu-bot luoxu-bot 是类似于 luoxu-web 的 CJK 友好的 Telegram Bot,依赖于 luoxu 所创建的后端。 测试环境 Python 3.7.9 pip 21.1.2 开发中使用到的 Telethon 需要 Python 3+ 配置 前往 luoxu 根据相
RapiDAST provides a framework for continuous, proactive and fully automated dynamic scanning against web apps/API.
RapiDAST RapiDAST provides a framework for continuous, proactive and fully automated dynamic scanning against web apps/API. Its core engine is OWASP Z
Fast and Simple Neural Vocoder, the Multiband RNNMS
Multiband RNN_MS Fast and Simple vocoder, Multiband RNN_MS. Demo Quick training How to Use System Details Results References Demo ToDO: Link super gre
Nmap XML output to CSV and HTTP/HTTPS URLS.
xml-to-csv-url Convert NMAP's XML output to CSV file and print URL addresses for HTTP/HTTPS ports. NOTE: OS Version Parsing is not working properly ye
This project aims to explore the deployment of Swin-Transformer based on TensorRT, including the test results of FP16 and INT8.
Swin Transformer This project aims to explore the deployment of SwinTransformer based on TensorRT, including the test results of FP16 and INT8. Introd
Extract continuous and discrete relaxation spectra from G(t)
pyReSpect-time Extract continuous and discrete relaxation spectra from stress relaxation modulus G(t). The papers which describe the method and test c
Fast (simple) spectral synthesis and emission-line fitting of DESI spectra.
FastSpecFit Introduction This repository contains code and documentation to perform fast, simple spectral synthesis and emission-line fitting of DESI
Matching python environment code for Lux AI 2021 Kaggle competition, and a gym interface for RL models.
Lux AI 2021 python game engine and gym This is a replica of the Lux AI 2021 game ported directly over to python. It also sets up a classic Reinforceme
A really easy-to-use and powerful sudoku solver.
SodukuSolver This is a really useful sudoku solver with a Qt gui. USAGE Enter the numbers in and click "RUN"! If you don't want to wait, simply press
Find exposed API keys based on RegEx and get exploitation methods for some of keys that are found
dora Features Blazing fast as we are using ripgrep in backend Exploit/PoC steps for many of the API key, allowing to write a good report for bug bount
Install and manage Proton-GE and Luxtorpeda for Steam and Wine-GE for Lutris with this graphical user interface. Based on AUNaseef's ProtonUp, made with Python 3 and Qt 6.
ProtonUp-Qt Qt-based graphical user interface to install and manage Proton-GE installations for Steam and Wine-GE installations for Lutris. Based on A
Terminal with builtin ortholinear keyboard and touch screen as a home automation interface.
OLKB-Terminal Terminal with builtin ortholinear keyboard and touch screen as a home automation interface. Features Step and STLs available for non-com
An orgizational tool to keep track of tasks/projects and the time spent on them.
Django-Task-Manager Task Tracker using Python Django About The Project This project is an orgizational tool to keep track of tasks/projects and the ti
Official codebase for running the small, filtered-data GLIDE model from GLIDE: Towards Photorealistic Image Generation and Editing with Text-Guided Diffusion Models.
GLIDE This is the official codebase for running the small, filtered-data GLIDE model from GLIDE: Towards Photorealistic Image Generation and Editing w
nettrace is a powerful tool to trace network packet and diagnose network problem inside kernel.
nettrace nettrace is is a powerful tool to trace network packet and diagnose network problem inside kernel on TencentOS. It make use of eBPF and BCC.
Code of paper Interact, Embed, and EnlargE (IEEE): Boosting Modality-specific Representations for Multi-Modal Person Re-identification.
Interact, Embed, and EnlargE (IEEE): Boosting Modality-specific Representations for Multi-Modal Person Re-identification We provide the codes for repr
Predict Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) using Naive Bayes
Naive-Bayes Predict Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) using Naive Bayes Downloading Data Set Use our Breast Cancer Wisconsin Data Set Also you can
Tracking (of choice) cryptocurrencies' daily prices and moving average.
Crypto-price-moving_average Tracking (of choice) cryptocurrencies' daily prices and moving average. About Alpha Vantage The Alpha Vantage library (htt
'Personal Finance' is a project where people can manage and track their expenses
Personal Finance by Abhiram Rishi Pratitpati 'Personal Finance' is a project where people can manage and track their expenses. It is hard to keep trac
Collection of useful command line utilities and snippets to help you organise your workspace and improve workflow.
Collection of useful command line utilities and snippets to help you organise your workspace and improve workflow.
📜 GPT-2 Rhyming Limerick and Haiku models using data augmentation
Well-formed Limericks and Haikus with GPT2 📜 GPT-2 Rhyming Limerick and Haiku models using data augmentation In collaboration with Matthew Korahais &
A morse code encoder and decoder utility.
morsedecode A morse code encoder and decoder utility. Installation Install it via pip: pip install morsedecode Alternatively, you can use pipx to run
An easy FASTA object handler, reader, writer and translator for small to medium size projects without dependencies.
miniFASTA An easy FASTA object handler, reader, writer and translator for small to medium size projects without dependencies. Installation Using pip /
This is a really simple text-to-speech app made with python and tkinter.
Tkinter Text-to-Speech App by Souvik Roy This is a really simple tkinter app which converts the text you have entered into a speech. It is created wit
AdaFruit Funhouse publishing Temperature, Humidity and Pressure to MQTT / Apache Pulsar
pulsar-adafruit-funhouse AdaFruit Funhouse publishing Temperature, Humidity and Pressure to MQTT / Apache Pulsar Device Get your own from adafruit Ada
An Advanced Python Playing Card Module that makes creating playing card games simple and easy!
playingcards.py An Advanced Python Playing Card Module that makes creating playing card games simple and easy! Features Easy to Understand Class Objec
pybind11 — Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
pybind11 — Seamless operability between C++11 and Python Setuptools example • Scikit-build example • CMake example pybind11 is a lightweight header-on
Clearly see and debug your celery cluster in real time!
Clearly see and debug your celery cluster in real time! Do you use celery, and monitor your tasks with flower? You'll probably like Clearly! 👍 Clearl
Visualizing and learning from games on chess.com
Better Your Chess What for? This project aims to help you learn from all the chess games you've played online, starting with a simple way to download
An exploration of a fantasy world, to autobattle your way to ruling the demesne.
Not Quite Paradise 2 (no relation to NQP, I just like the name enough to want to keep it.) Badges! Current position: Quality of last commit: Who dunni
A powerful, cool and well-made userbot for your Telegram profile with promising extension capabilities.
Telecharm userbot A powerful, fast and simple Telegram userbot written in Python 3 and based on Pyrogram 1.X. Currently in active WIP state, so feel f
A desktop application developed in Python with PyQt5 to predict demand and help monitor and schedule brewing processes for Barnaby's Brewhouse.
brewhouse-management A desktop application developed in Python with PyQt5 to predict demand and help monitor and schedule brewing processes for Barnab
A code base for python programs the goal is to integrate all the useful and essential functions
Base Dev EN This GitHub will be available in French and English FR Ce GitHub sera disponible en français et en anglais Author License Screen EN 🇬🇧 D
A script to search, scrape and scan for Apache Log4j CVE-2021-44228 affected files using Google dorks
Log4j dork scanner This is an auto script to search, scrape and scan for Apache Log4j CVE-2021-44228 affected files using Google dorks. Installation:
Source Code for AAAI 2022 paper "Graph Convolutional Networks with Dual Message Passing for Subgraph Isomorphism Counting and Matching"
Graph Convolutional Networks with Dual Message Passing for Subgraph Isomorphism Counting and Matching This repository is an official implementation of
PyTorch implementation of our paper: Decoupling and Recoupling Spatiotemporal Representation for RGB-D-based Motion Recognition
Decoupling and Recoupling Spatiotemporal Representation for RGB-D-based Motion Recognition, arxiv This is a PyTorch implementation of our paper. 1. Re
Resources related to our paper "CLIN-X: pre-trained language models and a study on cross-task transfer for concept extraction in the clinical domain"
CLIN-X (CLIN-X-ES) & (CLIN-X-EN) This repository holds the companion code for the system reported in the paper: "CLIN-X: pre-trained language models a
VIsually-Pivoted Audio and(N) Text
VIP-ANT: VIsually-Pivoted Audio and(N) Text Code for the paper Connecting the Dots between Audio and Text without Parallel Data through Visual Knowled
Automate and Manage Telegram Channels
Channel Automation Bot @ChannelAutomateBot A star ⭐ from you means a lot to us! Telegram bot to automate and manage channels. Usage Deploy to Heroku T
A basic duplicate image detection service using perceptual image hash functions and nearest neighbor search, implemented using faiss, fastapi, and imagehash
Duplicate Image Detection Getting Started Install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt Run service python main.py Testing Test with pytest How
Software Platform for solving and manipulating multiparametric programs in Python
PPOPT Python Parametric OPtimization Toolbox (PPOPT) is a software platform for solving and manipulating multiparametric programs in Python. This pack
A markdown wiki and dashboarding system for Datasette
datasette-notebook A markdown wiki and dashboarding system for Datasette This is an experimental alpha and everything about it is likely to change. In
Lightweight utility tools for the detection of multiple spellings, meanings, and language-specific terminology in British and American English
Breame ( British English and American English) Breame is a lightweight Python package with a number of utility tools to aid in the detection of words
In this project we will be using OpenCV to virtually drag a rectangle and drop it at a different location. It will be further used for Virtual Mouse.
Virtual Drag & Drog using OpenCV In this project we will be using OpenCV to virtually drag a rectangle and drop it at a different location. It will be
You can draw the corresponding bounding box into the image and save it according to the result file (txt format) run by the tracker.
You can draw the corresponding bounding box into the image and save it according to the result file (txt format) run by the tracker.
Auxiliary Raw Net (ARawNet) is a ASVSpoof detection model taking both raw waveform and handcrafted features as inputs, to balance the trade-off between performance and model complexity.
Overview This repository is an implementation of the Auxiliary Raw Net (ARawNet), which is ASVSpoof detection system taking both raw waveform and hand
Data and analysis relating to the 5.8M Melbourne quake of 2021
quake2021 Data and analysis relating to the 5.8M Melbourne quake of 2021 Monash University Woodside Living Lab Building The building is located here T
Tidy data structures, summaries, and visualisations for missing data
naniar naniar provides principled, tidy ways to summarise, visualise, and manipulate missing data with minimal deviations from the workflows in ggplot
Encode and decode cancro lang files to and from brainfuck
cancrolang Encode and decode cancro lang files to and from brainfuck. examples python3 main.py -f hello.cancro --run Hello World! the interpreter is n
A Superfast SMS & Call bomber for Linux And Termux
PSKR_BOMBER 💣 📱 💀 A Superfast SMS & Call bomber for Linux And Termux ! Disclaimer This tool is for educational purposes only ! Don't use this to ta
A fully automated, accurate, and extensive scanner for finding vulnerable log4j hosts
log4j-scan A fully automated, accurate, and extensive scanner for finding vulnerable log4j hosts Features Support for lists of URLs. Fuzzing for more
A Python package for faster, safer, and simpler ML processes
Bender 🤖 A Python package for faster, safer, and simpler ML processes. Why use bender? Bender will make your machine learning processes, faster, safe
Learn how modern web applications and microservice architecture work as you complete a creative assignment
Micro-service Создание микросервиса Цель работы Познакомиться с механизмом работы современных веб-приложений и микросервисной архитектуры в процессе в
A script helps the user to update Linux and Mac systems through the terminal
Description This script helps the user to update Linux and Mac systems through the terminal. All the user has to install some requirements and then ru
Header-only library for using Keras models in C++.
frugally-deep Use Keras models in C++ with ease Table of contents Introduction Usage Performance Requirements and Installation FAQ Introduction Would
Receptive Field Block Net for Accurate and Fast Object Detection, ECCV 2018
Receptive Field Block Net for Accurate and Fast Object Detection By Songtao Liu, Di Huang, Yunhong Wang Updatas (2021/07/23): YOLOX is here!, stronger
computer vision, image processing and machine learning on the web browser or node.
Image processing and Machine learning labs computer vision, image processing and machine learning on the web browser or node note Fast Fourier Trans
A way to integrate Latex, VSCode, and Inkscape in macOS. Adopted the whole workflow from Gilles Castel.
VSCode-LaTeX-Inkscape A way to integrate LaTeX, VSCode, and Inkscape in macOS Abstract I use LaTeX heavily in past two years for both academic work an
Convex optimization for fun and profit.
CFMM Optimal Routing This repository contains the code needed to generate the figures used in the paper Optimal Routing for Constant Function Market M
It takes time to start a Django Project and make it almost production-ready.
It takes time to start a Django Project and make it almost production-ready. A developer needs to spend a lot of time installing required libraries, setup a database, setup cache as well as hiding secrets, configuring `settings` files. With the help of django-setup-cli a developer can start an `almost production ready` project in a minute.
Build and Push docker image in Python (luigi + docker-py)
Docker build images workflow in Python Since docker hub stopped building images for free accounts, I've been looking for another way to do it. I could
A simple CLI based any Download Tool, that find files and let you stream or download thorugh WebTorrent CLI or Aria or any command tool
Privateer A simple CLI based any Download Tool, that find files and let you stream or download thorugh WebTorrent CLI or Aria or any command tool How
This is an OverPowered Vc Music Player! Will work for you and play music in Voice Chatz
VcPlayer This is an OverPowered Vc Music Player! Will work for you and play music in Voice Chatz Telegram Voice-Chat Bot [PyTGCalls] ⇝ Requirements ⇜
A simple Discord bot wrote with Python. Kizmeow let you track your NFT project and display some useful information
Kizmeow-OpenSea-and-Etherscan-Discord-Bot 中文版 | English Ver A Discord bot wrote with Python. Kizmeow let you track your NFT project and display some u
Python AVL Protocols Server for Codec 8 and Codec 8 Extended Protocols
pycodecs Package provides python AVL Protocols Server for Codec 8 and Codec 8 Extended Protocols This package will parse the AVL Data and log it in hu
Auto-Lama combines object detection and image inpainting to automate object removals
Auto-Lama Auto-Lama combines object detection and image inpainting to automate object removals. It is build on top of DE:TR from Facebook Research and
This is a web crawler that works on employ email data by gmane.org and visualizes it in different ways.
crawler_to_visual_gmane Analyzing an EMAIL Archive from gmane and vizualizing the data using the D3 JavaScript library. This is a set of tools that al
Public Mirror of Team 15's Code and Reports for RBE 3002 B21
RBE3002 Team 15 Lab Repository Team 15's Repository for all code written for RBE 3002 using the Robotis TurtleBot3 Written By Matthew Haahr, Leo Morri
Python script to automate the plotting and analysis of percentage depth dose and dose profile simulations in TOPAS.
topas-create-graphs A script to automatically plot the results of a topas simulation Works for percentage depth dose (pdd) and dose profiles (dp). Dep
This is a GUI interface which can process forest fire detection, smoke detection and fire segmentation
This is a GUI interface which can process forest fire detection, smoke detection and fire segmentation. Yolov5 is used to detect fire and smoke and unet is used to segment fire.
Base on browser-time to get har from network, and use python to analyze the data .
base on browser-time to get har from network, and use python to analyze the data
d4rk Ghost is all in one hacking framework For red team Pentesting
d4rk ghost is all in one Hacking framework For red team Pentesting it contains all modules , information_gathering exploitation + vulnerability scanning + ddos attacks with 12 methods + proxy scraper and wordpress vulnerability scanning and more
A Python module made to simplify the usage of Text To Speech and Speech Recognition.
Nav Module The solution for voice related stuff in Python Nav is a Python module which simplifies voice related stuff in Python. Just import the Modul
Text modding tools for FF7R (Final Fantasy VII Remake)
FF7R_text_mod_tools Subtitle modding tools for FF7R (Final Fantasy VII Remake) There are 3 tools I made. make_dualsub_mod.exe: Merges (or swaps) subti
Using computer vision method to recognize and calcutate the features of the architecture.
building-feature-recognition In this repository, we accomplished building feature recognition using traditional/dl-assisted computer vision method. Th
A tool to compare differences between dataframes and create a differences report in Excel
similarpanda A module to check for differences between pandas Dataframes, and generate a report in Excel format. This is helpful in a workplace settin
Exploiting CVE-2021-44228 in vCenter for remote code execution and more
Log4jCenter Exploiting CVE-2021-44228 in vCenter for remote code execution and more. Blog post detailing exploitation linked below: COMING SOON Why? P
Searches for potentially vulnerable websites to local file inclusion, throughout the web and then exploits them for LFI
LFI-Hunter Searches for potentially vulnerable websites to local file inclusion, throughout the web and then exploits them for LFI A script written in
Marine debris detection with commercial satellite imagery and deep learning.
Marine debris detection with commercial satellite imagery and deep learning. Floating marine debris is a global pollution problem which threatens mari
Materials (slides, code, assignments) for the NYU class I teach on NLP and ML Systems (Master of Engineering).
FREE_7773 Repo containing material for the NYU class (Master of Engineering) I teach on NLP, ML Sys etc. For context on what the class is trying to ac
Code Repository for Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn
Code Repository for Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn
TensorFlow implementation of "TokenLearner: What Can 8 Learned Tokens Do for Images and Videos?"
TokenLearner: What Can 8 Learned Tokens Do for Images and Videos? Source: Improving Vision Transformer Efficiency and Accuracy by Learning to Tokenize
A Telegram bot to transcribe audio, video and image into text.
Transcriber Bot A Telegram bot to transcribe audio, video and image into text. Deploy to Heroku Local Deploying Install the FFmpeg. Make sure you have
Malware for Discord, designed to steal passwords, tokens, and inject discord folders for long-term use.
Vital What is Vital? Vital is malware primarily used to collect and extract information from the Discord desktop client. While it has other features (
Autofilter with imdb bot || broakcast , imdb poster and imdb rating
LuciferMoringstar_Robot How To Deploy Video Subscribe YouTube Channel Added Features Imdb posters for autofilter. Imdb rating for autofilter. Custom c
SOCMINT tool to get personal infos from an Instagram account via analysis of its followers and/or following
S T E R R A 🔭 A SOCMINT tool to get infos from an Instagram acc via its Followers / Following Allows you to analyse someone's followers, following, a