8820 Repositories
Python Free-Course-Hunter-and-Enroller Libraries
APIs for a Chat app. Written with Django Rest framework and Django channels.
ChatAPI APIs for a Chat app. Written with Django Rest framework and Django channels. The documentation for the http end points can be found here This
A host-guest based app in which host can CREATE the room. and guest can join room with room code and vote for song to skip. User is authenticated using Spotify API
A host-guest based app in which host can CREATE the room. and guest can join room with room code and vote for song to skip. User is authenticated using Spotify API
Sample project showing reliable data ingestion application using FastAPI and dramatiq
Create and deploy a reliable data ingestion service with FastAPI, SQLModel and Dramatiq This is the source code for the data ingestion service explain
✔️ Create to-do lists to easily manage your ideas and work.
Todo List + Add task + Remove task + List completed task + List not completed task + Set clock task time + View task statistics by date Changelog v 1.
🦊 Powerfull Discord Nitro Generator
🦊 Follow me here 🦊 Discord | YouTube | Github ☕ Usage 💻 Downloading git clone https://github.com/KanekiWeb/Nitro-Generator/new/main pip insta
Query protocol and response
whois Query protocol and response _MᵃˢᵗᵉʳBᵘʳⁿᵗ_ _ ( ) _ ( )( ) _ | | ( ) | || |__ _ (_) ___ | | | | | || _ `\ /'_`\ | |/',__) |
This is a simple python script to collect sub-domains from hackertarget API
Domain-Scraper 🌐 This is a simple python script to collect sub-domains from hackertarget API Note : This is tool is limited to 20 Queries / day with
Kedro is an open-source Python framework for creating reproducible, maintainable and modular data science code
A Python framework for creating reproducible, maintainable and modular data science code.
Calculates carbon footprint based on fuel mix and discharge profile at the utility selected. Can create graphs and tabular output for fuel mix based on input file of series of power drawn over a period of time.
carbon-footprint-calculator Conda distribution ~/anaconda3/bin/conda install anaconda-client conda-build ~/anaconda3/bin/conda config --set anaconda_u
A Screen Translator/OCR Translator made by using Python and Tesseract, the user interface are made using Tkinter. All code written in python.
About An OCR translator tool. Made by me by utilizing Tesseract, compiled to .exe using pyinstaller. I made this program to learn more about python. I
Code and data for "Broaden the Vision: Geo-Diverse Visual Commonsense Reasoning" (EMNLP 2021).
GD-VCR Code for Broaden the Vision: Geo-Diverse Visual Commonsense Reasoning (EMNLP 2021). Research Questions and Aims: How well can a model perform o
FwordCTF 2021 Infrastructure and Source code of Web/Bash challenges
FwordCTF 2021 You can find here the source code of the challenges I wrote (Web and Bash) in FwordCTF 2021 and the source code of the platform with our
An extension for asreview implements a version of the tf-idf feature extractor that saves the matrix and the vocabulary.
Extension - matrix and vocabulary extractor for TF-IDF and Doc2Vec An extension for ASReview that adds a tf-idf extractor that saves the matrix and th
A simple script & container to pull COVID data from covidlive.com.au and post a summary to a slack channel
CovidLive AU Summary Slackbot This bot is a very simple slackbot that pulls data, summarises and posts up to date AU COVID stats to a provided slack c
Python package for handwriting and sketching in Jupyter cells
ipysketch A Python package for handwriting and sketching in Jupyter notebooks. Usage A movie is worth a thousand pictures is worth a million words...
“Hey there 👋 I'm szrosebot .A Powerful, Smart And Simple Group Manager with some extra features..
A Powerful, Smart And Simple Group Manager szrose bot This is the clone of DewmiBotit is a Powerful, Smart And Simple Group Manager bot made by hiruna
Implementation of Common Image Evaluation Metrics by Sayed Nadim (sayednadim.github.io). The repo is built based on full reference image quality metrics such as L1, L2, PSNR, SSIM, LPIPS. and feature-level quality metrics such as FID, IS. It can be used for evaluating image denoising, colorization, inpainting, deraining, dehazing etc. where we have access to ground truth.
Image Quality Evaluation Metrics Implementation of some common full reference image quality metrics. The repo is built based on full reference image q
PyDownloader - Downloads files and folders at high speed (based on your interent speed).
PyDownloader - Downloads files and folders at high speed (based on your interent speed).
Telegram bot which has truecaller and smsbomber features
Truecaller-telegram_bot Add your telegram bot api key in main.py and you are good to go To get a api key Goto telegram and search BotFather From the c
A command-line based, minimal torrent streaming client made using Python and Webtorrent-cli.
ABOUT A command-line based, minimal torrent streaming client made using Python and Webtorrent-cli. Installation pip install -r requirements.txt It use
A Blender python script for getting asset browser custom preview images for objects and collections.
asset_snapshot A Blender python script for getting asset browser custom preview images for objects and collections. Installation: Click the code butto
An HTTP server to easily download and upload files.
httpsweet An HTTP server to easily download and upload files. It was created with flexibility in mind, allowing be used in many different situations,
Advance Image Downloader/Extractor (Job) is a Python-Flask web-based app, which will help the user download the any kind of Images at any date and time over the internet. These images will get downloaded as a job and then let user know that the images have been downloaded by sending them a link over an email.
Advance Image Downloader/Extractor(Job) Advance Image Downloader/Extractor (Job) is a Python-Flask web-based app, which will help the user download th
DirBruter is a Python based CLI tool. It looks for hidden or existing directories/files using brute force method. It basically works by launching a dictionary based attack against a webserver and analyse its response.
DirBruter DirBruter is a Python based CLI tool. It looks for hidden or existing directories/files using brute force method. It basically works by laun
Using Youtube downloader is the fast and easy way to download and save any YouTube video.
Youtube video downloader using Django Using Django as a backend along with pytube module to create Youtbue Video Downloader. https://yt-videos-downloa
Using Python to scrape some basic player information from www.premierleague.com and then use Pandas to analyse said data.
PremiershipPlayerAnalysis Using Python to scrape some basic player information from www.premierleague.com and then use Pandas to analyse said data. No
Utility to play with ADCS, allows to request tickets and collect information about related objects
certi Utility to play with ADCS, allows to request tickets and collect information about related objects. Basically, it's the impacket copy of Certify
Signatures and IoCs from public Volexity blog posts.
threat-intel This repository contains IoCs related to Volexity public threat intelligence blog posts. They are organised by year, and within each year
A Python obfuscator using HTTP Requests and Hastebin.
🔨 Jawbreaker 🔨 Jawbreaker is a Python obfuscator written in Python3, using double encoding in base16, base32, base64, HTTP requests and a Hastebin-l
Extract and visualize information from Gurobi log files
GRBlogtools Extract information from Gurobi log files and generate pandas DataFrames or Excel worksheets for further processing. Also includes a wrapp
Selene is a Python library and command line interface for training deep neural networks from biological sequence data such as genomes.
Selene is a Python library and command line interface for training deep neural networks from biological sequence data such as genomes.
This bot can mention members upto 10,000 in groups and can mention members upto 200 in channels !
Mention All Bot This bot can mention members upto 10,000 in groups and can mention members upto 200 in channels ! 🏷 Infomation Language: Python. Tele
Deploy a STAC API and a dynamic mosaic tiler API using AWS CDK.
Earth Observation API Deploy a STAC API and a dynamic mosaic tiler API using AWS CDK.
A hand tracking demo made with mediapipe where you can control lights with pinching your fingers and moving your hand up/down.
HandTrackingBrightnessControl A hand tracking demo made with mediapipe where you can control lights with pinching your fingers and moving your hand up
[ICCV 2021] Counterfactual Attention Learning for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization and Re-identification
Counterfactual Attention Learning Created by Yongming Rao*, Guangyi Chen*, Jiwen Lu, Jie Zhou This repository contains PyTorch implementation for ICCV
An experimental Fang Song style Chinese font generated with skeleton-tracing and pix2pix
An experimental Fang Song style Chinese font generated with skeleton-tracing and pix2pix, with glyphs based on cwTeXFangSong. The font is optimised fo
This repo contain builders of cab file, html file, and docx file for CVE-2021-40444 exploit
CVE-2021-40444 builders This repo contain builders of cab file, html file, and docx file for CVE-2021-40444 exploit. This repo is just for testing, re
A Video Streaming Telegram Bot written in Python with Pyrogram and PyTgcalls
Video Stream Bot A Video Streaming Telegram Bot written in Python using Pyrogram and PyTgcalls Requirements Python 3.9 Telegram API Telegram Bot Token
[EMNLP 2021] Distantly-Supervised Named Entity Recognition with Noise-Robust Learning and Language Model Augmented Self-Training
RoSTER The source code used for Distantly-Supervised Named Entity Recognition with Noise-Robust Learning and Language Model Augmented Self-Training, p
This tool uses Deep Learning to help you draw and write with your hand and webcam.
This tool uses Deep Learning to help you draw and write with your hand and webcam. A Deep Learning model is used to try to predict whether you want to have 'pencil up' or 'pencil down'.
A discord bot for tracking Iranian Minecraft servers and showing the statistics of them
A discord bot for tracking Iranian Minecraft servers and showing the statistics of them
Hasher Hash, Compare and Verify your files Translations
Hasher Hash, Compare and Verify your files Translations In order to translate Hasher to a language you must add a folder with the language abbreviatio
Official pytorch implementation of "Feature Stylization and Domain-aware Contrastive Loss for Domain Generalization" ACMMM 2021 (Oral)
Feature Stylization and Domain-aware Contrastive Loss for Domain Generalization This is an official implementation of "Feature Stylization and Domain-
Single Page App with Flask and Vue.js
Developing a Single Page App with FastAPI and Vue.js Want to learn how to build this? Check out the post. Want to use this project? Build the images a
A fluid medium for storing, relating, and surfacing thoughts.
Conceptarium A fluid medium for storing, relating, and surfacing thoughts. Read more... Instructions The conceptarium takes up about 1GB RAM when runn
Demonstrates how to divide a DL model into multiple IR model files (division) and introduce a simplest way to implement a custom layer works with OpenVINO IR models.
Demonstration of OpenVINO techniques - Model-division and a simplest-way to support custom layers Description: Model Optimizer in Intel(r) OpenVINO(tm
Finds snippets in iambic pentameter in English-language text and tries to combine them to a rhyming sonnet.
Sonnet finder Finds snippets in iambic pentameter in English-language text and tries to combine them to a rhyming sonnet. Usage This is a Python scrip
Network automation lab using nornir, scrapli, and containerlab with Arista EOS
nornir-scrapli-eos-lab Network automation lab using nornir, scrapli, and containerlab with Arista EOS. Objectives Deploy base configs to 4xArista devi
A minimalistic manga reader for desktop built with React and Django
smanga A minimalistic manga reader/server for serving local manga images on desktop browser. Provides a two-page view layout just as reading a physica
Wrappers around the most common maya.cmds and maya.api use cases
Maya FunctionSet (maya_fn) A package that decompose core maya.cmds and maya.api features to a set of simple functions. Tests The recommended approach
Send Emails through the terminal , fast and secure
Send Emails through the terminal , fast and secure
nuub-bot is a multi-purpose designed and developed in python3
nuub-bot About Nuub-Bot is an open source, fully customizable Discord bot that is constantly growing. You can invite it to your Discord server using t
This is discord nitro code generator and checker made with python. This will generate nitro codes and checks if the code is valid or not. If code is valid then it will print the code leaving 2 lines and if not then it will print '*'.
Discord Nitro Generator And Checker ⚙️ Rᴜɴ Oɴ Rᴇᴘʟɪᴛ 🛠️ Lᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇs Aɴᴅ Tᴏᴏʟs If you are taking code from this repository without a fork, then atleast
Do you need a screensaver for CircuitPython? Of course you do
circuitpython_screensaver Do you need a screensaver for CircuitPython? Of course you do Demo video of dvdlogo screensaver: screensaver_dvdlogo.mp4 Dem
Asynchronous and also synchronous non-official QvaPay client for asyncio and Python language.
Asynchronous and also synchronous non-official QvaPay client for asyncio and Python language. This library is still under development, the interface could be changed.
Lux Academy & Data Science East Africa Python Boot Camp, Building and Deploying Flask Application Using Docker Demo App.
Flask and Docker Application Demo A Docker image is a read-only, inert template that comes with instructions for deploying containers. In Docker, ever
A simple, configurable application and set of services to monitor multiple raspberry pi's on a network.
rpi-info-monitor A simple, configurable application and set of services to monitor multiple raspberry pi's on a network. It can be used in a terminal
Archive tweets and make them searchable
Tweeter Archive and search your tweets and liked tweets using AWS Lambda, DynamoDB and Elasticsearch. Note: this project is primarily being used a tes
Dear PyGui Extensions is a collection of useful tools, abstractions, and simplification layers built with/for Dear PyGui users.
Dear PyGui Extensions: A collection of useful tools, abstractions, and simplification layers built with/for Dear PyGui users.
UniLM AI - Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-training across Tasks, Languages, and Modalities
Pre-trained (foundation) models across tasks (understanding, generation and translation), languages (100+ languages), and modalities (language, image, audio, vision + language, audio + language, etc.)
BasicVSR++: Improving Video Super-Resolution with Enhanced Propagation and Alignment
BasicVSR++: Improving Video Super-Resolution with Enhanced Propagation and Alignment
A simple Telegram bot that can broadcast messages and media to the bot subscribers. with mongo DB support
𝘽𝙧𝙤𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝘽𝙤𝙩 A simple Telegram bot that can broadcast messages and media to the bot subscribers using MongoDB. Features Support mongodb.c
Easily map device and application controls to a midi controller
pymidicontroller Introduction Easily map device and application controls to a midi controller
Efficient Conformer: Progressive Downsampling and Grouped Attention for Automatic Speech Recognition
Efficient Conformer: Progressive Downsampling and Grouped Attention for Automatic Speech Recognition Official implementation of the Efficient Conforme
Mysterium the first tool which permits you to retrieve the most part of a Python code even the .py or .pyc was extracted from an executable file, even it is encrypted with every existing encryptage. Mysterium don't make any difference between encrypted and non encrypted files, it can retrieve code from Pyarmor or .pyc files.
Mysterium the first tool which permits you to retrieve the most part of a Python code even the .py or .pyc was extracted from an executable file, even it is encrypted with every existing encryptage. Mysterium don't make any difference between encrypted and non encrypted files, it can retrieve code from Pyarmor or .pyc files.
A library for interacting with Path of Exile game and economy data, and a unique loot filter generation framework.
wraeblast A library for interfacing with Path of Exile game and economy data, and a set of item filters geared towards trade league players. Filter Ge
This repository contains the official release of the model "BanglaBERT" and associated downstream finetuning code and datasets introduced in the paper titled "BanglaBERT: Combating Embedding Barrier in Multilingual Models for Low-Resource Language Understanding".
BanglaBERT This repository contains the official release of the model "BanglaBERT" and associated downstream finetuning code and datasets introduced i
🍊 PAUSE (Positive and Annealed Unlabeled Sentence Embedding), accepted by EMNLP'2021 🌴
PAUSE: Positive and Annealed Unlabeled Sentence Embedding Sentence embedding refers to a set of effective and versatile techniques for converting raw
This is a virtual picture dragging application. Users may virtually slide photos across the screen. The distance between the index and middle fingers determines the movement. Smaller distances indicate click and motion, whereas bigger distances indicate only hand movement.
Virtual_Image_Dragger This is a virtual picture dragging application. Users may virtually slide photos across the screen. The distance between the ind
Automated network configuration backups using Github actions and git-scraping
Network Config Scraper This repository demonstrates the use of Github Actions and git-scraping to build an automated backup solution for network confi
Download Apple Music Cover Artwork in the best Quality by providing an Apple Music Link. It downloads the jpg, png and webp version since they often differ from another.
amogus.py - Version 0.0.5 amogus - Apple Music Hi-Res Artwork Fetcher this is my first real python tool so sorry if its bad amogus is a Python script
All Tools In One is a Script Developed with Python3. It gathers a total of 14 Discord tools (including a RAT, a Raid Tool, a Token Grabber, a Crash Video Maker, etc). It has a pleasant and intuitive interface to facilitate the use of all with help and explanations for each of them.
[Discord] - All Tools In One [Discord] - All Tools In One is a Script Gathering for Windows systems written in Python. Disclaimer This project was cre
SinglepassTextCluster, an TextCluster tools based on Singlepass cluster algorithm that use tfidf vector and doc2vec,which can be used for individual real-time corpus cluster task。基于single-pass算法思想的自动文本聚类小组件,内置tfidf和doc2vec两种文本向量方法,可自动输出聚类数目、类簇文档集合和簇类大小,用于自有实时数据的聚类任务。
项目的背景 SinglepassTextCluster, an TextCluster tool based on Singlepass cluster algorithm that use tfidf vector and doc2vec,which can be used for individ
Control the classic General Instrument SP0256-AL2 speech chip and AY-3-8910 sound generator with a Raspberry Pi and this Python library.
GI-Pi Control the classic General Instrument SP0256-AL2 speech chip and AY-3-8910 sound generator with a Raspberry Pi and this Python library. The SP0
Docker containerized Python Flask API that uses selenium to scrape and interact with websites
Docker containerized Python Flask API that uses selenium to scrape and interact with websites
txtai executes machine-learning workflows to transform data and build AI-powered semantic search applications.
txtai executes machine-learning workflows to transform data and build AI-powered semantic search applications.
This repository will contain python scripts for hackers and pentesters
This repository will contain python scripts for hackers and pentesters. stop being limited with availble tools. Build your own.
Netflix Movies and TV Series Downloader Tool including CDM L1 which you guys can Donwload 4K Movies
NFRipper2.0 I could not shared all the code here Because its has lots of files inisde it https://new.gdtot.me/file/86651844 - Downoad File From Here.
Astvuln is a simple AST scanner which recursively scans a directory, parses each file as AST and runs specified method.
Astvuln Astvuln is a simple AST scanner which recursively scans a directory, parses each file as AST and runs specified method. Some search methods ar
This python module is an easy-to-use port of the text normalization used in the paper "Not low-resource anymore: Aligner ensembling, batch filtering, and new datasets for Bengali-English machine translation". It is intended to be used for normalizing / cleaning Bengali and English text.
normalizer This python module is an easy-to-use port of the text normalization used in the paper "Not low-resource anymore: Aligner ensembling, batch
Nutrify - take a photo of food and learn about it
Nutrify - take a photo of food and learn about it Work in progress. To make this a thing, we're going to need lots of food images... Start uploading y
git-partial-submodule is a command-line script for setting up and working with submodules while enabling them to use git's partial clone and sparse checkout features.
Partial Submodules for Git git-partial-submodule is a command-line script for setting up and working with submodules while enabling them to use git's
A general-purpose, flexible, and easy-to-use simulator alongside an OpenAI Gym trading environment for MetaTrader 5 trading platform (Approved by OpenAI Gym)
gym-mtsim: OpenAI Gym - MetaTrader 5 Simulator MtSim is a simulator for the MetaTrader 5 trading platform alongside an OpenAI Gym environment for rein
An easy way to build PyTorch datasets. Modularly build datasets and automatically cache processed results
EasyDatas An easy way to build PyTorch datasets. Modularly build datasets and automatically cache processed results Installation pip install git+https
Classifying audio using Wavelet transform and deep learning
Audio Classification using Wavelet Transform and Deep Learning A step-by-step tutorial to classify audio signals using continuous wavelet transform (C
This is a project to detect gestures to zoom in or out, using the real-time distance between the index finger and the thumb. It's based on OpenCV and Mediapipe.
Pinch-zoom This is a python project based on real-time hand-gesture detection, to zoom in or out, using the distance between the index finger and the
Code for Boundary-Aware Segmentation Network for Mobile and Web Applications
BASNet Boundary-Aware Segmentation Network for Mobile and Web Applications This repository contain implementation of BASNet in tensorflow/keras. comme
Telegram bot to stream videos in telegram voicechat for both groups and channels. Supports live strams, YouTube videos and telegram media.
Telegram VCVideoPlayBot An Telegram Bot By @ZauteKm To Stream Videos in Telegram Voice Chat. NOTE: Make sure you have started a VoiceChat in your Grou
Realtime Face Anti Spoofing with Face Detector based on Deep Learning using Tensorflow/Keras and OpenCV
Realtime Face Anti-Spoofing Detection 🤖 Realtime Face Anti Spoofing Detection with Face Detector to detect real and fake faces Please star this repo
A collection of self-contained and well-documented issues for newcomers to start contributing with
fedora-easyfix A collection of self-contained and well-documented issues for newcomers to start contributing with How to setup the local development e
A free and open-source discord webhook spammer.
Discord-Webhook-Spammer A free and open-source discord webhook spammer. Usage Depending on your python installation your commands may vary. Below are
Kyrie Eleison - The best and unique way to encrypt some data or a file safely
Encrypt your important data and files easily and safely with Kyrie Eleison.
An open source CMS, in python and integrable in Django
Python CMS based on the Django Framework
personal finance tracker, written in python 3 and using the wxPython GUI toolkit.
personal finance tracker, written in python 3 and using the wxPython GUI toolkit.
📷 Python package and CLI utility to create photo mosaics.
📷 Python package and CLI utility to create photo mosaics.
LGVL helper script to batch and convert with lvgl offline image converter
script to batch and convert with lvgl offline image converter
python based clash stars made by grade 7 and 5
clash_stars python based clash stars made by grade 7 and 5 How to play: PLAYER ONE (LEFT PLAYER) Move: W,A,S,D Shoot: SHIFT PLAYER TWO (RIGHT PLAYER)
Repository detailing Choice Coin's Creation and Documentation
Choice Coin V1 This Repository provides code and documentation detailing Choice Coin V1, a utility token built on the Algorand Blockchain. Choice Coin
Sail is a free CLI tool to deploy, manage and scale WordPress applications in the DigitalOcean cloud.
Deploy WordPress to DigitalOcean with Sail Sail is a free CLI tool to deploy, manage and scale WordPress applications in the DigitalOcean cloud. Conte
🔑 Password manager and password generator
Password-Manager Create Account Quick Login Generate Password Save Password Offline App Passwords are stored on your system and no one has access to t