8820 Repositories
Python Free-Course-Hunter-and-Enroller Libraries
AWSXenos will list all the trust relationships in all the IAM roles and S3 buckets
AWS External Account Scanner Xenos, is Greek for stranger. AWSXenos will list all the trust relationships in all the IAM roles, and S3 buckets, in an
PyBullet CartPole and Quadrotor environments—with CasADi symbolic a priori dynamics—for learning-based control and reinforcement learning
safe-control-gym Physics-based CartPole and Quadrotor Gym environments (using PyBullet) with symbolic a priori dynamics (using CasADi) for learning-ba
Easily turn large sets of image urls to an image dataset. Can download, resize and package 100M urls in 20h on one machine.
img2dataset Easily turn large sets of image urls to an image dataset. Can download, resize and package 100M urls in 20h on one machine. Also supports
Code and checkpoints for training the transformer-based Table QA models introduced in the paper TAPAS: Weakly Supervised Table Parsing via Pre-training.
End-to-end neural table-text understanding models.
Pyramid R-CNN: Towards Better Performance and Adaptability for 3D Object Detection
Pyramid R-CNN: Towards Better Performance and Adaptability for 3D Object Detection
✨Rubrix is a production-ready Python framework for exploring, annotating, and managing data in NLP projects.
✨A Python framework to explore, label, and monitor data for NLP projects
WebScan is a web vulnerability Scanning tool, which scans sites for SQL injection and XSS vulnerabilities
WebScan is a web vulnerability Scanning tool, which scans sites for SQL injection and XSS vulnerabilities Which is a great tool for web pentesters. Coded in python3, CLI. WebScan is capable of scanning and detecting sql injection vulnerabilities across HTTP and HTTP sites.
A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper improved and revived from original discord.py.
A Python API wrapper that is improved and revived from the original discord.py
Silk is a live profiling and inspection tool for the Django framework.
Silk is a live profiling and inspection tool for the Django framework. Silk intercepts and stores HTTP requests and database queries before presenting them in a user interface for further inspection:
Bridging Vision and Language Model
BriVL BriVL (Bridging Vision and Language Model) 是首个中文通用图文多模态大规模预训练模型。BriVL模型在图文检索任务上有着优异的效果,超过了同期其他常见的多模态预训练模型(例如UNITER、CLIP)。 BriVL论文:WenLan: Bridgi
Indoor Panorama Planar 3D Reconstruction via Divide and Conquer
HV-plane reconstruction from a single 360 image Code for our paper in CVPR 2021: Indoor Panorama Planar 3D Reconstruction via Divide and Conquer (pape
Unofficial pytorch implementation of paper "One-Shot Free-View Neural Talking-Head Synthesis for Video Conferencing"
One-Shot Free-View Neural Talking Head Synthesis Unofficial pytorch implementation of paper "One-Shot Free-View Neural Talking-Head Synthesis for Vide
A Python multilingual toolkit for Sentiment Analysis and Social NLP tasks
pysentimiento: A Python toolkit for Sentiment Analysis and Social NLP tasks A Transformer-based library for SocialNLP classification tasks. Currently
[ICCV 2021] Encoder-decoder with Multi-level Attention for 3D Human Shape and Pose Estimation
MAED: Encoder-decoder with Multi-level Attention for 3D Human Shape and Pose Estimation Getting Started Our codes are implemented and tested with pyth
Tensorflow 2 implementation of the paper: Learning and Evaluating Representations for Deep One-class Classification published at ICLR 2021
Deep Representation One-class Classification (DROC). This is not an officially supported Google product. Tensorflow 2 implementation of the paper: Lea
This is an official implementation for the WTW Dataset in "Parsing Table Structures in the Wild " on table detection and table structure recognition.
WTW-Dataset This is an official implementation for the WTW Dataset in "Parsing Table Structures in the Wild " on ICCV 2021. Here, you can download the
Code for "The Intrinsic Dimension of Images and Its Impact on Learning" - ICLR 2021 Spotlight
dimensions Estimating the instrinsic dimensionality of image datasets Code for: The Intrinsic Dimensionaity of Images and Its Impact On Learning - Phi
s-pass is a program that creates strong passwords and then encrypts the password and saves it to a file. To see the encrypted password, execute the decrypt.py file and paste the password in the txt file into the incoming question.
s-pass v1.1 s-pass is a program that creates strong passwords and then encrypts the password and saves it to a file. To see the encrypted password, ex
CLabel is a terminal-based cluster labeling tool that allows you to explore text data interactively and label clusters based on reviewing that data.
CLabel is a terminal-based cluster labeling tool that allows you to explore text data interactively and label clusters based on reviewing that
Simple Web scrapper Bot to scrap webpages using Requests, html5lib and Beautifulsoup.
WebScrapperRoBot Simple Web scrapper Bot to scrap webpages using Requests, html5lib and Beautifulsoup. Mark your Star ⭐ ⭐ What is Web Scraping ? Web s
PocketNet: Extreme Lightweight Face Recognition Network using Neural Architecture Search and Multi-Step Knowledge Distillation
PocketNet This is the official repository of the paper: PocketNet: Extreme Lightweight Face Recognition Network using Neural Architecture Search and M
Image Captioning using CNN and Transformers
Image-Captioning Keras/Tensorflow Image Captioning application using CNN and Transformer as encoder/decoder. In particulary, the architecture consists
TorchIO is a Medical image preprocessing and augmentation toolkit for deep learning. Part of the PyTorch Ecosystem.
Medical image preprocessing and augmentation toolkit for deep learning. Part of the PyTorch Ecosystem.
Multi-view 3D reconstruction using neural rendering. Unofficial implementation of UNISURF, VolSDF, NeuS and more.
Multi-view 3D reconstruction using neural rendering. Unofficial implementation of UNISURF, VolSDF, NeuS and more.
Lightweight stereo matching network based on MobileNetV1 and MobileNetV2
MobileStereoNet: Towards Lightweight Deep Networks for Stereo Matching
borb is a library for reading, creating and manipulating PDF files in python.
borb is a library for reading, creating and manipulating PDF files in python.
⚡ A really fast and powerful Discord Token Checker
discord-token-checker ⚡ A really fast and powerful Discord Token Checker How To Use? Do pip install -r requirements.txt in your command prompt Make to
BasicVSR: The Search for Essential Components in Video Super-Resolution and Beyond
BasicVSR BasicVSR: The Search for Essential Components in Video Super-Resolution and Beyond Ported from https://github.com/xinntao/BasicSR Dependencie
Solving a card game with three search algorithms: BFS, IDS, and A*
Search Algorithms Overview In this project, we want to solve a card game with three search algorithms. In this card game, we have to sort our cards by
Django API that scrapes and provides the last news of the city of Carlos Casares by semantic way (RDF format).
"Casares News" API Api that scrapes and provides the last news of the city of Carlos Casares by semantic way (RDF format). Usage Consume the articles
Download all your URI Online Judge source codes and upload to GitHub with simple steps.
URI-Code-Downloader Download all your URI Online Judge source codes and upload to GitHub with simple steps. Prerequisites Python 3.x Installing Downlo
Dockerizing Django with Postgres, Gunicorn, Nginx and Certbot. A fully Django starter project.
Dockerizing Django with Postgres, Gunicorn, Nginx and Certbot 🚀 Features A Django stater project with fully basic requirements for a production-ready
Bit is Python's fastest Bitcoin library and was designed from the beginning to feel intuitive, be effortless to use, and have readable source code.
Bit is Python's fastest Bitcoin library and was designed from the beginning to feel intuitive, be effortless to use, and have readable source code.
FLAML is a lightweight Python library that finds accurate machine learning models automatically, efficiently and economically
FLAML - Fast and Lightweight AutoML
A qq bot based on nonebot2 and go-cqhttp
Asoul-bot A qq bot based on nonebot and go-cqhttp 你可以将bot部署在本地,也可以加入bot测试群:784280070(全体禁言) 你可以通过临时会话的方式向bot发送指令,输入help获取帮助菜单 本地部署请参考:https://zhuanlan.
🎴 LearnQuick is a flashcard application that you can study with decks and cards.
🎴 LearnQuick is a flashcard application that you can study with decks and cards. The main function of the application is to show the front sides of the created cards to the user and ask them to guess the back of the card. As a result of self-assessment of user's ability to guess the back sides of the displayed cards, the cards that user weak against are shown more often, and the cards that user strong against are shown less frequently.
Creating low-level foundations and abstractions for asynchronous programming in Python.
DIY Async I/O Creating low-level foundations and abstractions for asynchronous programming in Python (i.e., implementing concurrency without using thr
💻 Open recent VS Code folders and files using Ulauncher
ulauncher-vscode-recent 💻 Open recent VS Code folders and files using Ulauncher. Quickly open recently-opened VS Code project directories and files.
The purpose of this code base is to add a specified signal-to-noise ratio noise from MUSAN dataset to a pure speech signal and to generate far-field speech data using room impulse response data from BUT Speech@FIT Reverb Database.
Add_noise_and_rir_to_speech The purpose of this code base is to add a specified signal-to-noise ratio noise from MUSAN dataset to a pure speech signal
IG Trading Algos and Scripts in Python
IG_Trading_Algo_Scripts_Python IG Trading Algos and Scripts in Python This project is a collection of my work over 2 years building IG Trading Algorit
A collection of free MIDI chords and progressions ready to be used in your DAW, Akai MPC, or Roland MC-707/101
A collection of free MIDI chords and progressions ready to be used in your DAW, Akai MPC, or Roland MC-707/101
pysentimiento: A Python toolkit for Sentiment Analysis and Social NLP tasks
A Python multilingual toolkit for Sentiment Analysis and Social NLP tasks
jq for Python programmers Process JSON and HTML on the command-line with familiar syntax.
jq for Python programmers Process JSON and HTML on the command-line with familiar syntax.
Prototype for Baby Action Detection and Classification
Baby Action Detection Table of Contents About Install Run Predictions Demo About An attempt to harness the power of Deep Learning to come up with a so
fishington.io bot with OpenCV and NumPy
fishington.io-bot fishington.io bot with using OpenCV and NumPy bot can continue to fishing fully automatically how to use Open cmd in fishington.io-b
The Devils Eye is an OSINT tool that searches the Darkweb for onion links and descriptions that match with the users query without requiring the use for Tor.
The Devil's Eye searches the darkweb for information relating to the user's query and returns the results including .onion links and their description
Cockpit is a visual and statistical debugger specifically designed for deep learning.
Cockpit: A Practical Debugging Tool for Training Deep Neural Networks
A Python interface between Earth Engine and xarray for processing weather and climate data
wxee What is wxee? wxee was built to make processing gridded, mesoscale time series weather and climate data quick and easy by integrating the data ca
A FORKED AND Modded version of TL:GD for 🅱️3R0K🧲support
for support join here working example group Leech Here For Any Issues/Imrovements or Discussions go here or here Please Leave A star And Fork this Rep
Dataset and Code for ICCV 2021 paper "Real-world Video Super-resolution: A Benchmark Dataset and A Decomposition based Learning Scheme"
Dataset and Code for RealVSR Real-world Video Super-resolution: A Benchmark Dataset and A Decomposition based Learning Scheme Xi Yang, Wangmeng Xiang,
Static Token And Credential Scanner
Static Token And Credential Scanner What is it? STACS is a YARA powered static credential scanner which suports binary file formats, analysis of neste
A data annotation pipeline to generate high-quality, large-scale speech datasets with machine pre-labeling and fully manual auditing.
About This repository provides data and code for the paper: Scalable Data Annotation Pipeline for High-Quality Large Speech Datasets Development (subm
Collection of NLP model explanations and accompanying analysis tools
Thermostat is a large collection of NLP model explanations and accompanying analysis tools. Combines explainability methods from the captum library wi
Fetch McDonald invoices from mailbox and merge them to one PDF file.
concatenate Fetch McDonald invoices from mailbox and merge them to one PDF file. Description This script will fetch all McDonald invoice pdfs from a p
Goblyn is a Python tool focused to enumeration and capture of website files metadata.
Goblyn Metadata Enumeration What's Goblyn? Goblyn is a tool focused to enumeration and capture of website files metadata. How it works? Goblyn will se
A Telegram Music Tag Editor Bot that can remove almost all usernames in the music tags and add own username instead.
Music Tag Editor Bot A Telegram Music Tag Editor Bot that can remove almost all usernames in the music tags and add own username instead. It can also
Ray-based parallel data preprocessing for NLP and ML.
Wrangl Ray-based parallel data preprocessing for NLP and ML. pip install wrangl # for latest pip install git+https://github.com/vzhong/wrangl See exa
Answer some questions and get your brawler csvs ready!
BRAWL-STARS-V11-BRAWLER-MAKER-TOOL Answer some questions and get your brawler csvs ready! HOW TO RUN on android: Install pydroid3 from playstore, and
Bill is a bot capable to Chat with you, search everything on web to you, and send message to yours contacts for you.
Bill Bot The inteligent Bot Bill is a intelligent bot, it can chat, search and send messages to you. Chat with You Send messages on WhatsApp for you S
ELF file deserializer and serializer library
elfo ELF file deserializer and serializer library. import elfo elf = elfo.ELF.from_path('main') elf ELF( header=ELFHeader( e_ident=e
smartpassgen - A cross-platform package of modules for generating, secure storage and recovery of complex, cryptographic, smart passwords on the fly.
smartpassgen - A cross-platform package of modules for generating, secure storage and recovery of complex, cryptographic, smart passwords on the fly.
Fuse radar and camera for detection
SAF-FCOS: Spatial Attention Fusion for Obstacle Detection using MmWave Radar and Vision Sensor This project hosts the code for implementing the SAF-FC
This repo uses a combination of logits and feature distillation method to teach the PSPNet model of ResNet18 backbone with the PSPNet model of ResNet50 backbone. All the models are trained and tested on the PASCAL-VOC2012 dataset.
PSPNet-logits and feature-distillation Introduction This repository is based on PSPNet and modified from semseg and Pixelwise_Knowledge_Distillation_P
Code and data for the EMNLP 2021 paper "Just Say No: Analyzing the Stance of Neural Dialogue Generation in Offensive Contexts". Coming soon!
ToxiChat Code and data for the EMNLP 2021 paper "Just Say No: Analyzing the Stance of Neural Dialogue Generation in Offensive Contexts". Install depen
Ptorch NLU, a Chinese text classification and sequence annotation toolkit, supports multi class and multi label classification tasks of Chinese long text and short text, and supports sequence annotation tasks such as Chinese named entity recognition, part of speech tagging and word segmentation.
Pytorch-NLU,一个中文文本分类、序列标注工具包,支持中文长文本、短文本的多类、多标签分类任务,支持中文命名实体识别、词性标注、分词等序列标注任务。 Ptorch NLU, a Chinese text classification and sequence annotation toolkit, supports multi class and multi label classification tasks of Chinese long text and short text, and supports sequence annotation tasks such as Chinese named entity recognition, part of speech tagging and word segmentation.
🍅🍅🍅YOLOv5-Lite: lighter, faster and easier to deploy. Evolved from yolov5 and the size of model is only 1.7M (int8) and 3.3M (fp16). It can reach 10+ FPS on the Raspberry Pi 4B when the input size is 320×320~
YOLOv5-Lite:lighter, faster and easier to deploy Perform a series of ablation experiments on yolov5 to make it lighter (smaller Flops, lower memory, a
Security-related flags and options for C compilers
Getting the maximum of your C compiler, for security
machine learning model deployment project of Iris classification model in a minimal UI using flask web framework and deployed it in Azure cloud using Azure app service
This is a machine learning model deployment project of Iris classification model in a minimal UI using flask web framework and deployed it in Azure cloud using Azure app service. We initially made this project as a requirement for an internship at Indian Servers. We are now making it open to contribution.
🐰 Bunnybook 🐰 A tiny social network (for bunnies), built with FastAPI and React+RxJs.
🐰 Bunnybook 🐰 A tiny social network (for bunnies), built with FastAPI and React+RxJs. Click here for live demo! Included features: 💬 chat 🔴 online
adb - A tool that allows you to search for vulnerable android devices across the world and exploit them.
adb - An exploitation tool for android devices. A tool that allows you to search for vulnerable android devices across the world and exploit them. Fea
This is a telegram bot hosted by a Raspberry Pi equipped with a temperature and humidity sensor. The bot is capable of sending plots and readings.
raspy-temperature-bot This is a telegram bot hosted by a Raspberry Pi equipped with a temperature and humidity sensor. The bot is capable of sending p
Convert ACSM files to DRM-free EPUB files with one command on Linux
Knock Convert ACSM files to DRM-free EPUB files using one command. This software does not utilize Adobe Digital Editions nor Wine. It is completely fr
This is a Django app that uses numerous Google APIs such as reCAPTURE, maps and waypoints
Django project that uses Googles APIs to auto populate fields, display maps and routes for multiple waypoints
DeOldify - A Deep Learning based project for colorizing and restoring old images (and video!)
DeOldify - A Deep Learning based project for colorizing and restoring old images (and video!)
Mail classification with tensorflow and MS Exchange Server (ham or spam).
Mail classification with tensorflow and MS Exchange Server (ham or spam).
VIL-100: A New Dataset and A Baseline Model for Video Instance Lane Detection (ICCV 2021)
Preparation Please see dataset/README.md to get more details about our datasets-VIL100 Please see INSTALL.md to install environment and evaluation too
Code for Blind Image Decomposition (BID) and Blind Image Decomposition network (BIDeN).
arXiv, porject page, paper Blind Image Decomposition (BID) Blind Image Decomposition is a novel task. The task requires separating a superimposed imag
🖥️ Windows Batch and powershell Discord Token grabber. Made for Troll (lmao)
Batched-Grabber Windows Batch and powershell Discord Token grabber. Made for Troll ! Setup. 1. pip(3) install numpy colored 2. python(3) Batched.py 3.
Tools to connect to and interact with the Mila cluster
milatools The milatools package provides the mila command, which is meant to help with connecting to and interacting with the Mila cluster. Install Re
GitHub action for sspanel automatically checks in to get free traffic quota
SSPanel_Checkin This is a dish chicken script for automatic check-in of sspanel for GitHub action, It is only applicable when there is no verification
A script to generate a profile picture and a banner that show the same image on Discord.
Discord profile picture & banner generator A script to generate a profile picture and a banner that show the same image on Discord. Installation / Upd
This solves the autonomous driving issue which is supported by deep learning technology. Given a video, it splits into images and predicts the angle of turning for each frame.
Self Driving Car An autonomous car (also known as a driverless car, self-driving car, and robotic car) is a vehicle that is capable of sensing its env
Libraries, tools and tasks created and used at DeepMind Robotics.
Libraries, tools and tasks created and used at DeepMind Robotics.
theHasher Tool created for generate strong and unbreakable passwords by using Hash Functions.Generate Hashes and store them in txt files.Use the txt files as lists to execute Brute Force Attacks!
$theHasher theHasher is a Tool for generating hashes using some of the most Famous Hashes Functions ever created. You can save your hashes to correspo
Voice of Pajlada with model and weights.
Pajlada TTS Stripped down version of ForwardTacotron (https://github.com/as-ideas/ForwardTacotron) with pretrained weights for Pajlada's (https://gith
Download Photo and Video from Wall of specific user or community
vkontakte-downloader Download Photo and Video from Wall of specific User or Community on https://vk.com Setup Clone the project git clone https://gith
This script just scrapes the most recent Nepali news from Kathmandu Post and notifies the user about current events at regular intervals.It sends out the most recent news at random!
Nepali-news-notifier This script just scrapes the most recent Nepali news from Kathmandu Post and notifies the user about current events at regular in
Terminal based YouTube player and downloader
termitube NOTE: THIS REPOSITORY IS A FORK OF mps-youtube as mps-youtube has been unmaintained for almost a year now. Features Search and play audio/vi
UdemyPy is a bot that hourly looks for Udemy free courses and post them in my Telegram Channel: Free Courses.
UdemyPy UdemyPy is a bot that hourly looks for Udemy free courses and post them in my Telegram Channel: Free Courses. How does it work? For publishing
FreezeUI is a python package that creates applications using cx_freeze and GUI by converting .py to .exe .
FreezeUI is a python package use to create cx_Freeze setup files and run them to create applications and msi from python scripts (converts .py to .exe or .msi .
A full-fledged discord bot with moderation and a lot more.
HOT-BOT-POL-POT ⭐ Star me on GitHub m'lady.... hot-bot-pol-pot is a moderation discord bot written using enhanced-dpy library with many functionalitie
A collection of design patterns and idioms in Python (With tests!).
Python Patterns Help the project financially: Donate: https://smartlegion.github.io/donate/ Yandex Money: https://yoomoney.ru/to/4100115206129186 PayP
A compatability shim between Discord.py and Hikari.
Usage as a partial shim: import discord import hikari import hikari_shim dpy_bot = discord.Client(intents=discord.Intents.all(), enable_debug_events=
🌈 PyTorch Implementation for EMNLP'21 Findings "Reasoning Visual Dialog with Sparse Graph Learning and Knowledge Transfer"
SGLKT-VisDial Pytorch Implementation for the paper: Reasoning Visual Dialog with Sparse Graph Learning and Knowledge Transfer Gi-Cheon Kang, Junseok P
Cross-platform config and manager for click console utilities.
climan Help the project financially: Donate: https://smartlegion.github.io/donate/ Yandex Money: https://yoomoney.ru/to/4100115206129186 PayPal: https
Python collections that are backended by sqlite3 DB and are compatible with the built-in collections
sqlitecollections Python collections that are backended by sqlite3 DB and are compatible with the built-in collections Installation $ pip install git+
Based Telegram Bot and Userbot To Play Music in Your Telegram Groups With Some Cool Extra Features! 🥰
CallMusicPlus69 This Repo base on! 🤗️ A CallsMusic Based Telegram Bot and Userbot To Play Music in Your Telegram Groups With Some Cool Extra Features
A custom prime algorithm, implementation, and performance code & review
Colander A custom prime algorithm, implementation, and performance code & review Pseudocode Algorithm 1. given a number of primes to find, the followi
📦 Opensource Python wrapper for Hiven's REST and WebSocket API
hiven.py 📦 Opensource Python wrapper for Hiven's REST and WebSocket API Installation pip install -U hiven.py Usage hiven.py is currently under devel
Official implementation of particle-based models (GNS and DPI-Net) on the Physion dataset.
Physion: Evaluating Physical Prediction from Vision in Humans and Machines [paper] Daniel M. Bear, Elias Wang, Damian Mrowca, Felix J. Binder, Hsiao-Y