3372 Repositories
Python Image-Colorization-API Libraries
A simple rest api that classifies pneumonia infection weather it is Normal, Pneumonia Virus or Pneumonia Bacteria from a chest-x-ray image.
This is a simple rest api that classifies pneumonia infection weather it is Normal, Pneumonia Virus or Pneumonia Bacteria from a chest-x-ray image.
Cube-CRUD is a simple example of a REST API CRUD in a context of rubik's cube review service.
Cube-CRUD is a simple example of a REST API CRUD in a context of rubik's cube review service. It uses Sqlalchemy ORM to manage the connection and database operations.
A simple python project that can find Tangkeke in a given image.
A simple python project that can find Tangkeke in a given image. Make the real Tangkeke image as a kernel to convolute the target image. The area wher
This is a GUI program that will generate a word search puzzle image
Word Search Puzzle Generator Table of Contents About The Project Built With Getting Started Prerequisites Installation Usage Roadmap Contributing Cont
Easy to use API Wrapper for somerandomapi.ml.
Overview somerandomapi is an API Wrapper for some-random-api.ml Examples Asynchronous from somerandomapi import Animal
WACV 2022 Paper - Is An Image Worth Five Sentences? A New Look into Semantics for Image-Text Matching
Is An Image Worth Five Sentences? A New Look into Semantics for Image-Text Matching Code based on our WACV 2022 Accepted Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/
An unofficial Python wrapper for the 'Binance exchange REST API'
Welcome to binex_f v0.1.0 many interfaces are heavily used by myself in product environment, the websocket is reliable (re)connected. Latest version:
GLIP: Grounded Language-Image Pre-training
GLIP: Grounded Language-Image Pre-training Updates 12/06/2021: GLIP paper on arxiv https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.03857. Code and Model are under internal
Pytorch code for paper "Image Compressed Sensing Using Non-local Neural Network" TMM 2021.
NL-CSNet-Pytorch Pytorch code for paper "Image Compressed Sensing Using Non-local Neural Network" TMM 2021. Note: this repo only shows the strategy of
Code for Fully Context-Aware Image Inpainting with a Learned Semantic Pyramid
SPN: Fully Context-Aware Image Inpainting with a Learned Semantic Pyramid Code for Fully Context-Aware Image Inpainting with a Learned Semantic Pyrami
The 1st Place Solution of the Facebook AI Image Similarity Challenge (ISC21) : Descriptor Track.
ISC21-Descriptor-Track-1st The 1st Place Solution of the Facebook AI Image Similarity Challenge (ISC21) : Descriptor Track. You can check our solution
This repository contains the official MATLAB implementation of the TDA method for reverse image filtering
ReverseFilter TDA This repository contains the official MATLAB implementation of the TDA method for reverse image filtering proposed in the paper: "Re
Python wrapper for GitHub API v3
Pygithub3 Pygithub3 is a wrapper to the Github API v3, written in Python. It has been developed with extensibility in mind, because the API is in a be
Logo DYS (Doküman Yönetim Sitemi) API Python Implementation
dys-connector Logo DYS (Dokuman Yonetim Sistemi) API Python Implementation Python Package: https://pypi.org/project/dys-connector Quick Start from dys
An Implementation of Transformer in Transformer in TensorFlow for image classification, attention inside local patches
Transformer-in-Transformer An Implementation of the Transformer in Transformer paper by Han et al. for image classification, attention inside local pa
ImageBART: Bidirectional Context with Multinomial Diffusion for Autoregressive Image Synthesis
ImageBART NeurIPS 2021 Patrick Esser*, Robin Rombach*, Andreas Blattmann*, Björn Ommer * equal contribution arXiv | BibTeX | Poster Requirements A sui
A basic implementation of the Battlesnake API in Python
Getting started with Battlesnake and Python This is a basic implementation of the Battlesnake API in Python. It's a great starting point for anyone wa
An executor that performs image segmentation on fashion items
ClothingSegmenter U2NET fashion image/clothing segmenter based on https://github.com/levindabhi/cloth-segmentation Overview The ClothingSegmenter exec
Project developed as part of a selection process for the company Denox
📝 Tabela de conteúdos Sobre Requisitos para rodar o projeto Instalação Rotas da API Observações 🧐 Sobre Projeto desenvolvido como parte de um proces
Convert PDF/Image to TXT using EasyOcr - the best OCR engine available!
PDFImage2TXT - DOWNLOAD INSTALLER HERE What can you do with it? Convert scanned PDFs to TXT. Convert scanned Documents to TXT. No coding required!! In
This script aims to make the dynamic public ip of your local server, public.
EZ DDNS CLOUDFLARE This script aims to make the dynamic ip of your local server, public. It does this by regularly updating cloudflare's dns record. B
Two factor authentication system using azure services and python language and its api's
Town / City geolocations with FastAPI & Mongo
geolocations-api United Kingdom Town / City geolocations with FastAPI & Mongo Build container To build a custom image or extend the api run the follow
Downloads data from OSM API and uploads it to the mapping sandbox.
OpenStreetMap To Sandbox This is a script to download data from OSM API and upload it to the mapping sandbox. Note that it clears all data in the sand
Make low level API wrapper in fast, easy.
The lowrapper is a library for quickly and easily creating an environment for tapping the API without implementation.
Basic auth for Django.
Authware API wrapper for Python 3.5+
AuthwarePy Asynchronous wrapper for Authware in Python 3.5+ View our documentation 📲 Installation Run this to install the library via pip: pip instal
The easiest tool for extracting radiomics features and training ML models on them.
Simple pipeline for experimenting with radiomics features Installation git clone https://github.com/piotrekwoznicki/ClassyRadiomics.git cd classrad pi
ASC - Api Server Controller
ASC - Api Server Controller
Python library to connect to Firebots API
This is a firebot library to connect to Firebots API. https://firebot.app/ From Firebots Website: "Firebot is a fully featured open-source bot that c
An Web Scraping API for MDL(My Drama List) for Python.
PyMDL An API for MyDramaList(MDL) based on webscraping for python. Description An API for MDL to make your life easier in retriving and working on dat
Generative Adversarial Text to Image Synthesis
Text To Image Synthesis This is a tensorflow implementation of synthesizing images. The images are synthesized using the GAN-CLS Algorithm from the pa
Unsupervised Image to Image Translation with Generative Adversarial Networks
Unsupervised Image to Image Translation with Generative Adversarial Networks Paper: Unsupervised Image to Image Translation with Generative Adversaria
Translate darknet to tensorflow. Load trained weights, retrain/fine-tune using tensorflow, export constant graph def to mobile devices
Intro Real-time object detection and classification. Paper: version 1, version 2. Read more about YOLO (in darknet) and download weight files here. In
🗺 General purpose U-Network implemented in Keras for image segmentation
TF-Unet General purpose U-Network implemented in Keras for image segmentation Getting started • Training • Evaluation Getting started Looking for Jupy
Sarus implementation of classical ML models. The models are implemented using the Keras API of tensorflow 2. Vizualization are implemented and can be seen in tensorboard.
Sarus published models Sarus implementation of classical ML models. The models are implemented using the Keras API of tensorflow 2. Vizualization are
This repository contains a Ruby API for utilizing TensorFlow.
tensorflow.rb Description This repository contains a Ruby API for utilizing TensorFlow. Linux CPU Linux GPU PIP Mac OS CPU Not Configured Not Configur
Local server that gives you your OAuth 2.0 tokens needed to interact with the Conta Azul's API
What's this? This is a django project meant to be run locally that gives you your OAuth 2.0 tokens needed to interact with Conta Azul's API Prerequisi
Book search Django web project that uses requests python library and openlibrary API.
Book Search API Developer: Vladimir Vojtenko Book search Django web project that uses requests python library and openlibrary API. #requests #openlibr
Easy to use API Wrapper for somerandomapi.ml.
Overview somerandomapi is an API Wrapper for some-random-api.ml Examples Asynchronous from somerandomapi import Animal import asyncio async def main
A simple GitHub Action that physically puts your senses on alert when your build/release fails
GH Release Paniker A simple GitHub Action that physically puts your senses on alert when your build/release fails Usage Requirements: Raspberry Pi, LE
CryptoCo-py is a Python CLI application that uses CoinGecko API to allow the user to query cryptocurrency information by typing simple commands.
CryptoCo-py is a Python CLI application that uses CoinGecko API to allow the user to query cryptocurrency information by typing simple com
Scratch2py or S2py is a easy to use, versatile tool to communicate with the Scratch API Based of Scratch2py
Scratch2py Scratch2py or S2py is a easy to use, versatile tool to communicate with the Scratch API Based of Scratch2py Installation Run this command i
Unofficial Implementation of MLP-Mixer, Image Classification Model
MLP-Mixer Unoffical Implementation of MLP-Mixer, easy to use with terminal. Train and test easly. https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.01601 MLP-Mixer is an arc
A python script for extracting/removing exif data from images by @AbirHasan2005
Image-Exif A Python script for extracting exif metadata from images. How to use? Using this script you can extract exif data from image and save in .c
A discord bot to crop an NFT image living on the Solana blockchain.
NFT Discord Cropper This discord bot crops an NFT in your set measures by getting it through the .cache file which has been used to make a candy machi
Basic auth for Django.
Basic auth for Django.
Pytorch code for paper "Image Compressed Sensing Using Non-local Neural Network" TMM 2021.
NL-CSNet-Pytorch Pytorch code for paper "Image Compressed Sensing Using Non-local Neural Network" TMM 2021. Note: this repo only shows the strategy of
Code for generating Tiktok X-Gorgon, X-Khronos and etc. parameters
TikTok-Algorithm I found this python file from a source which was later deleted. Although the test api functions no longer seem to work, surprisingly
An unofficial wrapper for Engineer Man's Piston API
Pistonpy Pistonpy is an API wrapper for the Piston code execution engine by Engineer Man. Key Features Simple modern and efficient Pythonic API using
Python implementation of Spotify's authorization flow.
Spotify API Apps 🎷 🎶 🎼 This repository consists of many strange codes that make you think why the hell this guy doing this. Well... I got some reas
A simple library that implements CLIP guided loss in PyTorch.
pytorch_clip_guided_loss: Pytorch implementation of the CLIP guided loss for Text-To-Image, Image-To-Image, or Image-To-Text generation. A simple libr
The code for 'Deep Residual Fourier Transformation for Single Image Deblurring'
Deep Residual Fourier Transformation for Single Image Deblurring Xintian Mao, Yiming Liu, Wei Shen, Qingli Li and Yan Wang News 2021.12.5 Release Deep
Fully automated YouTube Channel. Using Reddit and YouTube API.
Fully Automated YouTube Shorts Channel This code will show you how to setup and fully autmated YouTube Channel. Content is gathered from Reddit using
Self-adjusting, auto-compounding multi-pair DCA crypto trading bot using Python, AWS Lambda & 3Commas API
Self-adjusting, auto-compounding multi-pair DCA crypto trading bot using Python, AWS Lambda & 3Commas API The following code describes how we can leve
Reading streams of Twitter data, save them to Kafka, then process with Kafka Stream API and Spark Streaming
Using Streaming Twitter Data with Kafka and Spark Reading streams of Twitter data, publishing them to Kafka topic, process message using Kafka Stream
FedTorch is an open-source Python package for distributed and federated training of machine learning models using PyTorch distributed API
FedTorch is a generic repository for benchmarking different federated and distributed learning algorithms using PyTorch Distributed API.
API which returns cusswords , can be used to check cusswords in bots etc.
Anti-abuse-api-flask API which returns cusswords , can be used to check cusswords in bots etc. Run pip install -r requirements.txt py app.py API Endpo
FuseDream: Training-Free Text-to-Image Generationwith Improved CLIP+GAN Space OptimizationFuseDream: Training-Free Text-to-Image Generationwith Improved CLIP+GAN Space Optimization
FuseDream This repo contains code for our paper (paper link): FuseDream: Training-Free Text-to-Image Generation with Improved CLIP+GAN Space Optimizat
Object Detection with YOLOv3
Object Detection with YOLOv3 Bu projede YOLOv3-608 modeli kullanılmıştır. Requirements Python 3.8 OpenCV Numpy Documentation Yolo ile ilgili detaylı b
PyTorch implementation of MICCAI 2018 paper "Liver Lesion Detection from Weakly-labeled Multi-phase CT Volumes with a Grouped Single Shot MultiBox Detector"
Grouped SSD (GSSD) for liver lesion detection from multi-phase CT Note: the MICCAI 2018 paper only covers the multi-phase lesion detection part of thi
Official PyTorch implementation of our AAAI22 paper: TransMEF: A Transformer-Based Multi-Exposure Image Fusion Framework via Self-Supervised Multi-Task Learning. Code will be available soon.
Official-PyTorch-Implementation-of-TransMEF Official PyTorch implementation of our AAAI22 paper: TransMEF: A Transformer-Based Multi-Exposure Image Fu
Official implementation for “Unsupervised Low-Light Image Enhancement via Histogram Equalization Prior”
Unsupervised Low-Light Image Enhancement via Histogram Equalization Prior. The code will release soon. Implementation Python3 PyTorch=1.0 NVIDIA GPU+
Lama-cleaner: Image inpainting tool powered by LaMa
Lama-cleaner: Image inpainting tool powered by LaMa
Stenography encryption script
ImageCrypt Project description Installation Usage Project description Project AlexGyver on Python by TheK4n Design by Пашушка Byte packing in decimal
A package, and script, to perform imaging transcriptomics on a neuroimaging scan.
Imaging Transcriptomics Imaging transcriptomics is a methodology that allows to identify patterns of correlation between gene expression and some prop
Great script for sending and spaming emails! gmail, yahoo, outlook, hotmail.
• License • Issues • Project • Wikipedia • Я не несу ответственности за ваши действия. Скачивая программное обеспечение из этого репозитория, вы согла
Self-Supervised Generative Style Transfer for One-Shot Medical Image Segmentation
Self-Supervised Generative Style Transfer for One-Shot Medical Image Segmentation This repository contains the Pytorch implementation of the proposed
Enables you to execute scripts and perform API requests in MikroTik router
HomeAssistant component: MikroTik API The mikrotik_api platform enables you to execute scripts and perform API requests in MikroTik router To enable M
The first public repository that provides free BUBT website scraping API script on Github.
BUBT WEBSITE SCRAPPING SCRIPT I think this is the first public repository that provides free BUBT website scraping API script on github. When I was do
Blender addon - convert empty image reference to image plane
Reference to image plane Convert reference images to a textured image mesh plane. As if it was imported with import image as plane Use on drag'n'dropp
An API wrapper around Discord API written in Python
Diskord This library is a maintained fork of now archived library, discord.py. A modern and easy to use API wrapper around Discord API written in Pyth
An audnexus client, providing rich author and audiobook data to Plex via it's legacy plugin agent system.
Audnexus.bundle An audnex.us client, providing rich author and audiobook data to Plex via it's legacy plugin agent system. 📝 Table of Contents About
Demonstrate a Dataflow pipeline that saves data from an API into BigQuery table
Overview dataflow-mvp provides a basic example pipeline that pulls data from an API and writes it to a BigQuery table using GCP's Dataflow (i.e., Apac
A PG3D API Made with Python
PG3D Python API A Pixel Gun 3D Python API (Public Ver) Features Count: 29 How To Use? import api as pbn Examples pbn.isBanned(192819483) - True pbn.f
Code for paper "Adversarial score matching and improved sampling for image generation"
Adversarial score matching and improved sampling for image generation This repo contains the official implementation for the ICLR 2021 paper Adversari
Official Pytorch implementation of "CLIPstyler:Image Style Transfer with a Single Text Condition"
CLIPstyler Official Pytorch implementation of "CLIPstyler:Image Style Transfer with a Single Text Condition" Environment Pytorch 1.7.1, Python 3.6 $ c
A Python Script to automate searching of available vaccination centers in the city and hence booking
Cowin Vaccine Availability Notifier Cowin Vaccine Availability Notifier takes your City or PIN code as an input and automatically notifies you via ema
Simple Weather Check base on Hefeng api, Work on raspberry Pi
Simple Weather Check base on Hefeng api, Work on raspberry Pi
Advanced Developing of Python Apps Final Exercise
Advanced-Developing-of-Python-Apps-Final-Exercise This is an exercise that I did for a python advanced learning course. The exercise is divided into t
Simple API for UCI Machine Learning Dataset Repository (search, download, analyze)
A simple API for working with University of California, Irvine (UCI) Machine Learning (ML) repository Table of Contents Introduction About Page of the
A pure python media player that can be used in AI media API development.
A pure python media player that can be used in AI media API development.
CLIP (Contrastive Language–Image Pre-training) trained on Indonesian data
CLIP-Indonesian CLIP (Radford et al., 2021) is a multimodal model that can connect images and text by training a vision encoder and a text encoder joi
Translates English into Mandalorian (Mando'a) utilizing a "funtranslations" free API
Mandalorian Translator Translates English into Mandalorian (Mando'a) utilizing a "funtranslations" free API About I created this app to experiment wit
An automated bot for twitter using Tweepy!
Tweeby An automated bot for twitter using Tweepy! About This bot will look for tweets that contain certain hashtags, if found. It'll send them a messa
Monochrome's API, implemented with Deta Base and Deta Drive.
Monochrome Monochrome's API, implemented with Deta Base and Deta Drive. Create a free account on Deta to test this out! Most users will prefer the Mon
Vision-Language Pre-training for Image Captioning and Question Answering
VLP This repo hosts the source code for our AAAI2020 work Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP). We have released the pre-trained model on Conceptual Cap
Research code for ECCV 2020 paper "UNITER: UNiversal Image-TExt Representation Learning"
UNITER: UNiversal Image-TExt Representation Learning This is the official repository of UNITER (ECCV 2020). This repository currently supports finetun
Oscar and VinVL
Oscar: Object-Semantics Aligned Pre-training for Vision-and-Language Tasks VinVL: Revisiting Visual Representations in Vision-Language Models Updates
Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining
CLIP [Blog] [Paper] [Model Card] [Colab] CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training) is a neural network trained on a variety of (image, text) pair
[CVPR 2021] VirTex: Learning Visual Representations from Textual Annotations
VirTex: Learning Visual Representations from Textual Annotations Karan Desai and Justin Johnson University of Michigan CVPR 2021 arxiv.org/abs/2006.06
Code release for "Masked-attention Mask Transformer for Universal Image Segmentation"
Mask2Former: Masked-attention Mask Transformer for Universal Image Segmentation Bowen Cheng, Ishan Misra, Alexander G. Schwing, Alexander Kirillov, Ro
Translation-equivariant Image Quantizer for Bi-directional Image-Text Generation
Translation-equivariant Image Quantizer for Bi-directional Image-Text Generation Woncheol Shin1, Gyubok Lee1, Jiyoung Lee1, Joonseok Lee2,3, Edward Ch
[NeurIPS'21 Spotlight] PyTorch code for our paper "Aligned Structured Sparsity Learning for Efficient Image Super-Resolution"
ASSL This repository is for a new network pruning method (Aligned Structured Sparsity Learning, ASSL) for efficient single image super-resolution (SR)
MonoScene: Monocular 3D Semantic Scene Completion
MonoScene: Monocular 3D Semantic Scene Completion MonoScene: Monocular 3D Semantic Scene Completion] [arXiv + supp] | [Project page] Anh-Quan Cao, Rao
Official Pytorch implementation of "CLIPstyler:Image Style Transfer with a Single Text Condition"
CLIPstyler Official Pytorch implementation of "CLIPstyler:Image Style Transfer with a Single Text Condition" Environment Pytorch 1.7.1, Python 3.6 $ c
Code of Adverse Weather Image Translation with Asymmetric and Uncertainty aware GAN
Adverse Weather Image Translation with Asymmetric and Uncertainty-aware GAN (AU-GAN) Official Tensorflow implementation of Adverse Weather Image Trans
An open-source, multipurpose, configurable discord bot that does it all
Spacebot is an open source discord bot that is designed to be fun, easy to use, and replace every other discord bot out there!! Feel free to add a star ⭐ to the repository to promote the project!
A discord bot that utilizes Google's Rest API for Calendar, Drive, and Sheets
Bott This is a discord bot that utilizes Google's Rest API for Calendar, Drive, and Sheets. The bot first takes the sheet from the schedule manager in
Messing around with GitHub API to look at omicron build times
gh-workflow-runs This is a very simple tool to dump out basic information about workflow runs for a GitHub repo. The structure is based on gh-subscrip