4752 Repositories
Python Keras-Image-Embeddings-using-Contrastive-Loss Libraries
Hardware-accelerated ROS2 packages for camera image processing.
Isaac ROS Image Pipeline Overview This metapackage offers similar functionality as the standard, CPU-based image_pipeline metapackage, but does so by
Use Youdao OCR API to covert your clipboard image to text.
Alfred Clipboard OCR 注:本仓库基于 oott123/alfred-clipboard-ocr 的逻辑用 Python 重写,换用了有道 AI 的 API,准确率更高,有效防止百度导致隐私泄露等问题,并且有道 AI 初始提供的 50 元体验金对于其资费而言个人用户基本可以永久使用
Identify the emotion of multiple speakers in an Audio Segment
MevonAI - Speech Emotion Recognition Identify the emotion of multiple speakers in a Audio Segment Report Bug · Request Feature Try the Demo Here Table
Image Reading, Metadata Conversion, and Image Writing for Microscopy Images in Python
AICSImageIO Image Reading, Metadata Conversion, and Image Writing for Microscopy Images in Pure Python Features Supports reading metadata and imaging
Image-Viewer is a Windows image viewer based on Python 3.
Image-Viewer Hi! Image-Viewer is a Windows image viewer based on Python 3. Using You must download Image-Viewer.exe from the root of the repository. T
BeeRef — A Simple Reference Image Viewer
BeeRef — A Simple Reference Image Viewer BeeRef lets you quickly arrange your reference images and view them while you create. Its minimal interface i
ICS 4u HD project, start before-wards. A curtain shooting game using python.
Touhou-Star-Salvation HDCH ICS 4u HD project, start before-wards. A curtain shooting game using python and pygame. By Jason Li For arts and gameplay,
Surrogate- and Invariance-Boosted Contrastive Learning (SIB-CL)
Surrogate- and Invariance-Boosted Contrastive Learning (SIB-CL) This repository contains all source code used to generate the results in the article "
User-friendly bulk RNAseq deconvolution using simulated annealing
Welcome to cellanneal - The user-friendly application for deconvolving omics data sets. cellanneal is an application for deconvolving biological mixtu
A hifiasm fork for metagenome assembly using Hifi reads.
hifiasm_meta - de novo metagenome assembler, based on hifiasm, a haplotype-resolved de novo assembler for PacBio Hifi reads.
Individual Tree Crown classification on WorldView-2 Images using Autoencoder -- Group 9 Weak learners - Final Project (Machine Learning 2020 Course)
Created by Olga Sutyrina, Sarah Elemili, Abduragim Shtanchaev and Artur Bille Individual Tree Crown classification on WorldView-2 Images using Autoenc
Deep Learning Based EDM Subgenre Classification using Mel-Spectrogram and Tempogram Features"
EDM-subgenre-classifier This repository contains the code for "Deep Learning Based EDM Subgenre Classification using Mel-Spectrogram and Tempogram Fea
PixelPyramids: Exact Inference Models from Lossless Image Pyramids (ICCV 2021)
PixelPyramids: Exact Inference Models from Lossless Image Pyramids This repository contains the PyTorch implementation of the paper PixelPyramids: Exa
Link prediction using Multiple Order Local Information (MOLI)
Understanding the network formation pattern for better link prediction Authors: [email protected] [email protected] Overview: Link prediction using M
Using Clinical Drug Representations for Improving Mortality and Length of Stay Predictions
Using Clinical Drug Representations for Improving Mortality and Length of Stay Predictions Usage Clone the code to local. https://github.com/tanlab/MI
This is the 3D Implementation of 《Inconsistency-aware Uncertainty Estimation for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation》
CoraNet This is the 3D Implementation of 《Inconsistency-aware Uncertainty Estimation for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation》 Environment pytor
Out-of-distribution detection using the pNML regret. NeurIPS2021
OOD Detection Load conda environment conda env create -f environment.yml or install requirements: while read requirement; do conda install --yes $requ
Multi-Objective Loss Balancing for Physics-Informed Deep Learning
Multi-Objective Loss Balancing for Physics-Informed Deep Learning Code for ReLoBRaLo. Abstract Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINN) are algorithms
Dynamic hair modeling from monocular videos using deep neural networks
Dynamic Hair Modeling The source code of the networks for our paper "Dynamic hair modeling from monocular videos using deep neural networks" (SIGGRAPH
🦙 LaMa Image Inpainting, Resolution-robust Large Mask Inpainting with Fourier Convolutions, WACV 2022
🦙 LaMa Image Inpainting, Resolution-robust Large Mask Inpainting with Fourier Convolutions, WACV 2022
The PyTorch re-implement of a 3D CNN Tracker to extract coronary artery centerlines with state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance. (paper: 'Coronary artery centerline extraction in cardiac CT angiography using a CNN-based orientation classifier')
The PyTorch re-implement of a 3D CNN Tracker to extract coronary artery centerlines with state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance. (paper: 'Coronary artery centerline extraction in cardiac CT angiography using a CNN-based orientation classifier')
Python Image Optimizer Script
Image-Optimizer Download and Install git clone https://github.com/stefankumpan/Image-Optimizer-Script.git cd Image-Optimizer-Script pip install -r req
TumorInsight is a Brain Tumor Detection and Classification model built using RESNET50 architecture.
A Brain Tumor Detection and Classification Model built using RESNET50 architecture. The model is also deployed as a web application using Flask framework.
Generates a message from the infamous Jerma Impostor image
Generate your very own jerma sus imposter message. Modes: Default Mode: Only supports the characters " ", !, a, b, c, d, e, h, i, m, n, o, p, q, r, s,
NudeNet: Neural Nets for Nudity Classification, Detection and selective censoring
NudeNet: Neural Nets for Nudity Classification, Detection and selective censoring Uncensored version of the following image can be found at https://i.
Next-generation of the non-destructive, node-based 2D image graphics editor
Non-destructive, node-based 2D image graphics editor written in Python, focused on simplicity, speed, elegance, and usability
Amazon Forest Computer Vision: Satellite Image tagging code using PyTorch / Keras with lots of PyTorch tricks
Amazon Forest Computer Vision Satellite Image tagging code using PyTorch / Keras Here is a sample of images we had to work with Source: https://www.ka
A Web API for automatic background removal using Deep Learning. App is made using Flask and deployed on Heroku.
Automatic_Background_Remover A Web API for automatic background removal using Deep Learning. App is made using Flask and deployed on Heroku. 👉 https:
missing-pixel-filler is a python package that, given images that may contain missing data regions (like satellite imagery with swath gaps), returns these images with the regions filled.
Missing Pixel Filler This is the official code repository for the Missing Pixel Filler by SpaceML. missing-pixel-filler is a python package that, give
Simple to use image handler for python sqlite3.
SQLite Image Handler Simple to use image handler for python sqlite3. Functions Function Name Parameters Returns init databasePath : str tableName : st
Ebook downloader built using python
ebook-downloader Getting Started Open a terminal and run the following commands. git clone github.com/georgemunyoro/ebook-downloader cd ./ebook-downlo
This repository outlines deploying a local Kubeflow v1.3 instance on microk8s and deploying a simple MNIST classifier using KFServing.
Zero to Inference with Kubeflow Getting Started This repository houses all of the tools, utilities, and example pipeline implementations for exploring
Wafer Fault Detection using MlOps Integration
Wafer Fault Detection using MlOps Integration This is an end to end machine learning project with MlOps integration for predicting the quality of wafe
Web-Broswer simple using PyQt5 tools
Web-Broswer Simple web broswer made using PyQt Completely simple and easy to use How to set it up git clone https://github.com/AsjadOooO/Web-Broswer.g
A solution to the 2D Ising model of ferromagnetism, implemented using the Metropolis algorithm
Solving the Ising model on a 2D lattice using the Metropolis Algorithm Introduction The Ising model is a simplified model of ferromagnetism, the pheno
This repo is a C++ version of yolov5_deepsort_tensorrt. Packing all C++ programs into .so files, using Python script to call C++ programs further.
yolov5_deepsort_tensorrt_cpp Introduction This repo is a C++ version of yolov5_deepsort_tensorrt. And packing all C++ programs into .so files, using P
A template repository implementing HTML5 Boilerplate 8.0 in Sanic using the Domonic framework.
sanic-domonic-h5bp A template repository implementing HTML5 Boilerplate 8.0 in Sanic using the Domonic framework. If you need frontend interactivity,
PoseViz – Multi-person, multi-camera 3D human pose visualization tool built using Mayavi.
PoseViz – 3D Human Pose Visualizer Multi-person, multi-camera 3D human pose visualization tool built using Mayavi. As used in MeTRAbs visualizations.
Monitor robot of Apple Store's products, using DingTalk notification.
概述 本项目应用主要用来监测Apple Store线下直营店货源情况,主要使用Python实现。 首先感谢iPhone-Pickup-Monitor项目带来的灵感,同时有些实现也直接使用了该项目的一些代码。 本项目在iPhone-Pickup-Monitor原有功能的基础上去掉了声音通知,但添加了多
A BlackJack simulator in Python to simulate thousands or millions of hands using different strategies.
BlackJack Simulator (in Python) A BlackJack simulator to play any number of hands using different strategies The Rules To keep the code relatively sim
Copy Paste positive polyp using poisson image blending for medical image segmentation
Copy Paste positive polyp using poisson image blending for medical image segmentation According poisson image blending I've completely used it for bio
Multi-choice answer sheet correction system using computer vision with opencv & python.
Multi choice answer correction 🔴 5 answer sheet samples with a specific solution for detecting answers and sheet correction. 🔴 By running the soluti
PyTorch wrappers for using your model in audacity!
PyTorch wrappers for using your model in audacity!
Code for ICML2019 Paper "Compositional Invariance Constraints for Graph Embeddings"
Dependencies NOTE: This code has been updated, if you were using this repo earlier and experienced issues that was due to an outaded codebase. Please
Handling Information Loss of Graph Neural Networks for Session-based Recommendation
LESSR A PyTorch implementation of LESSR (Lossless Edge-order preserving aggregation and Shortcut graph attention for Session-based Recommendation) fro
Code for the paper "Location-aware Single Image Reflection Removal"
Location-aware Single Image Reflection Removal The shown images are provided by the datasets from IBCLN, ERRNet, SIR2 and the Internet images. The cod
ALL Snow Removed: Single Image Desnowing Algorithm Using Hierarchical Dual-tree Complex Wavelet Representation and Contradict Channel Loss (HDCWNet)
ALL Snow Removed: Single Image Desnowing Algorithm Using Hierarchical Dual-tree Complex Wavelet Representation and Contradict Channel Loss (HDCWNet) (
[ICCV 2021] Focal Frequency Loss for Image Reconstruction and Synthesis
Focal Frequency Loss - Official PyTorch Implementation This repository provides the official PyTorch implementation for the following paper: Focal Fre
Official implementation of "Variable-Rate Deep Image Compression through Spatially-Adaptive Feature Transform", ICCV 2021
Variable-Rate Deep Image Compression through Spatially-Adaptive Feature Transform This repository is the implementation of "Variable-Rate Deep Image C
PyTorch implementation of paper "StarEnhancer: Learning Real-Time and Style-Aware Image Enhancement" (ICCV 2021 Oral)
StarEnhancer StarEnhancer: Learning Real-Time and Style-Aware Image Enhancement (ICCV 2021 Oral) Abstract: Image enhancement is a subjective process w
Designing a Practical Degradation Model for Deep Blind Image Super-Resolution (ICCV, 2021) (PyTorch) - We released the training code!
Designing a Practical Degradation Model for Deep Blind Image Super-Resolution Kai Zhang, Jingyun Liang, Luc Van Gool, Radu Timofte Computer Vision Lab
CR-Fill: Generative Image Inpainting with Auxiliary Contextual Reconstruction. ICCV 2021
crfill Usage | Web App | | Paper | Supplementary Material | More results | code for paper ``CR-Fill: Generative Image Inpainting with Auxiliary Contex
A Collection of Papers and Codes for ICCV2021 Low Level Vision and Image Generation
A Collection of Papers and Codes for ICCV2021 Low Level Vision and Image Generation
High-Fidelity Pluralistic Image Completion with Transformers (ICCV 2021)
Image Completion Transformer (ICT) Project Page | Paper (ArXiv) | Pre-trained Models | Supplemental Material This repository is the official pytorch i
Multiparametric Image Analysis
Documentation The documentation is available on populse_mia's website here Installation From PyPI, for users By cloning the package, for developers Fr
Tools for making image cutouts from sets of TESS full frame images
Cutout tools for astronomical images Astrocut provides tools for making cutouts from sets of astronomical images with shared footprints. It is under a
A pure python implementation of the GIMP XCF image format. Use this to interact with GIMP image formats
Pure Python implementation of the GIMP image formats (.xcf projects as well as brushes, patterns, etc)
Photonix Photo Manager - a photo management application based on web technologies
A modern, web-based photo management server. Run it on your home server and it will let you find the right photo from your collection on any device. Smart filtering is made possible by object recognition, face recognition, location awareness, color analysis and other ML algorithms.
impy is an all-in-one image analysis library, equipped with parallel processing, GPU support, GUI based tools and so on.
impy is All You Need in Image Analysis impy is an all-in-one image analysis library, equipped with parallel processing, GPU support, GUI based tools a
Kimimaro: Skeletonize Densely Labeled Images
Kimimaro: Skeletonize Densely Labeled Images # Produce SWC files from volumetric images. kimimaro forge labels.npy --progress # writes to ./kimimaro_o
Vignette is a Python library to create and manage thumbnails following the FreeDesktop standard.
Vignette Vignette is a Python library to create and manage thumbnails following the FreeDesktop standard. Thumbnails are stored in a shared directory
ScreenTeX is a tool that grabs all text when taking a screenshot rather than getting an image.
The ScreenTeX project By: Seanpm2001 / ScreenTeX, Et; Al. Top README.md Read this article in a different language 🌐 List of languages Sorted by: A-Z
An Image Captioning codebase
An Image Captioning codebase This is a codebase for image captioning research. It supports: Self critical training from Self-critical Sequence Trainin
Command line utility for converting images to seamless tiles
img2texture Command line utility for converting images to seamless tiles. The resulting tiles can be used as textures in games, compositing and 3D mod
A Multi-attribute Controllable Generative Model for Histopathology Image Synthesis
A Multi-attribute Controllable Generative Model for Histopathology Image Synthesis This is the pytorch implementation for our MICCAI 2021 paper. A Mul
Python script for performing depth completion from sparse depth and rgb images using the msg_chn_wacv20. model in Tensorflow Lite.
TFLite-msg_chn_wacv20-depth-completion Python script for performing depth completion from sparse depth and rgb images using the msg_chn_wacv20. model
GAN Image Generator and Characterwise Image Recognizer with python
MODEL SUMMARY 모델의 구조는 크게 6단계로 나뉩니다. STEP 0: Input Image Predict 할 이미지를 모델에 입력합니다. STEP 1: Make Black and White Image STEP 1 은 입력받은 이미지의 글자를 흑색으로, 배경을
A collection of neat and practical data science and machine learning projects
Data Science A collection of neat and practical data science and machine learning projects Explore the docs » Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Co
PyTorch implementation of TSception V2 using DEAP dataset
TSception This is the PyTorch implementation of TSception V2 using DEAP dataset in our paper: Yi Ding, Neethu Robinson, Su Zhang, Qiuhao Zeng, Cuntai
Acoustic mosquito detection code with Bayesian Neural Networks
HumBugDB Acoustic mosquito detection with Bayesian Neural Networks. Extract audio or features from our large-scale dataset on Zenodo. This repository
Residual2Vec: Debiasing graph embedding using random graphs
Residual2Vec: Debiasing graph embedding using random graphs This repository contains the code for S. Kojaku, J. Yoon, I. Constantino, and Y.-Y. Ahn, R
Source code for CAST - Crisis Domain Adaptation Using Sequence-to-sequence Transformers (Accepted to ISCRAM 2021, CorePaper).
Source code for CAST: Crisis Domain Adaptation UsingSequence-to-sequenceTransformers (Paper, BibTeX, Accepted to ISCRAM 2021, CorePaper) Quick start D
translate using your voice
speech-to-text-translator Usage translate using your voice description this project makes translating a word easy, all you have to do is speak and...
CPC-big and k-means clustering for zero-resource speech processing
The CPC-big model and k-means checkpoints used in Analyzing Speaker Information in Self-Supervised Models to Improve Zero-Resource Speech Processing.
Hexagon game. Two players: AI and User. Implemented using Alpha-Beta pruning to find optimal solution for agent.
Hexagon game. Two players: AI and User. Implemented using Alpha-Beta pruning to find optimal solution for agent.
Offline reverse geocoder in Python using sqlite3
rgeocode Offline reverse geocoder rgeocode accepts a geographic coordinate pair (latitude and longitude) and returns a list containing the name of: A
TicTacToe using Socket Server
TicTacToe using Socket Server This is a project for the class : 18CSC302J - Computer Networks by Dr. S.Babu Contributors Suvodeep Sinha RA191100301010
Python implementation for PrintNightmare (CVE-2021-1675 / CVE-2021-34527) using standard Impacket.
PrintNightmare Python implementation for PrintNightmare (CVE-2021-1675 / CVE-2021-34527) using standard Impacket. Installtion $ pip3 install impacket
Module is created to build a spam filter using Python and the multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm.
Naive-Bayes Spam Classificator Module is created to build a spam filter using Python and the multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm. Main goal is to code a
This source code is implemented using keras library based on "Automatic ocular artifacts removal in EEG using deep learning"
CSP_Deep_EEG This source code is implemented using keras library based on "Automatic ocular artifacts removal in EEG using deep learning" {https://www
Create a QR-code Generator app using only Python.
QR-code_Generator Create a QR-code Generator app using only Python. This apps generated a QR code for a single link. Libraryes used in this app -- py
PyTorch implementation of our method for adversarial attacks and defenses in hyperspectral image classification.
Self-Attention Context Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification PyTorch implementation of our method for adversarial attacks and defenses in hyp
SocksFlood, a DoS tools that sends attacks using Socks5 & Socks4
Information SocksFlood, a DoS tools that sends attacks using Socks5 and Socks4 Requirements Python 3.10.0 A little bit knowledge of sockets IDE / Code
[ACM MM 2021] Diverse Image Inpainting with Bidirectional and Autoregressive Transformers
Diverse Image Inpainting with Bidirectional and Autoregressive Transformers Installation pip install -r requirements.txt Dataset Preparation Given the
Privfiles - Encrypted file storage using Fernet with zero Javascript
Privfiles - Encrypted file storage using Fernet with zero Javascript Source code for the onion service: l3n6v6dm63frml22tlmzacnasvp7co7wylu4hhcs34ukxe
Pytorch reimplementation of the Vision Transformer (An Image is Worth 16x16 Words: Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale)
Vision Transformer Pytorch reimplementation of Google's repository for the ViT model that was released with the paper An Image is Worth 16x16 Words: T
Trading through Binance's API using Python & sqlite
pycrypt Automate trading crypto using Python to pull data from Binance's API and analyse trends. May or may not consistently lose money but oh well it
Automatic Image Background Subtraction
Automatic Image Background Subtraction This repo contains set of scripts for automatic one-shot image background subtraction task using the following
An helper library to scrape data from TikTok in one line, using the Influencer Hunters APIs.
TikTok Scraper An utility library to scrape data from TikTok hassle-free Go to the website » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature About The Projec
Implementation of ConvMixer in TensorFlow and Keras
ConvMixer ConvMixer, an extremely simple model that is similar in spirit to the ViT and the even-more-basic MLP-Mixer in that it operates directly on
Deep Learning as a Cloud API Service.
Deep API Deep Learning as Cloud APIs. This project provides pre-trained deep learning models as a cloud API service. A web interface is available as w
Traffic4D: Single View Reconstruction of Repetitious Activity Using Longitudinal Self-Supervision
Traffic4D: Single View Reconstruction of Repetitious Activity Using Longitudinal Self-Supervision Project | PDF | Poster Fangyu Li, N. Dinesh Reddy, X
Unofficial PyTorch Implementation of "DOLG: Single-Stage Image Retrieval with Deep Orthogonal Fusion of Local and Global Features"
Pytorch Implementation of Deep Orthogonal Fusion of Local and Global Features (DOLG) This is the unofficial PyTorch Implementation of "DOLG: Single-St
Shellmon is a tool used to create and control a webshell remotely, created using the Python3
An Simple PHP Webshell Manager Description Shellmon is a tool used to create and control a webshell remotely, created using the Python3 programming la
Pendulum Simulation using Pygame
Pendulum project, built using pygame and math modules.
Privfiles - Encrypted file storage using Fernet with zero Javascript
Privfiles - Encrypted file storage using Fernet with zero Javascript Source code for the onion service: l3n6v6dm63frml22tlmzacnasvp7co7wylu4hhcs34ukxe
A public API written in Python using the Flask web framework to determine the direction of a road sign using AI
python-public-API This repository is a public API for solving the problem of the final of the AIIJC competition. The task is to create an AI for the c
Push Container Image To Docker Registry In Python
push-container-image-to-docker-registry 概要 push-container-image-to-docker-registry は、エッジコンピューティング環境において、特定のエッジ端末上の Private Docker Registry に特定のコンテナイメー
Remove Background from Image With Python
Install Library pypi $ pip3 install xremovebg