12305 Repositories
Python Processing-data-with-python Libraries
Easily pull telemetry data and create beautiful visualizations for analysis.
This repository is a work in progress. Anything and everything is subject to change. Porpo Table of Contents Porpo Table of Contents General Informati
A python-image-classification web application project, written in Python and served through the Flask Microframework. This Project implements the VGG16 covolutional neural network, through Keras and Tensorflow wrappers, to make predictions on uploaded images.
Image Classification in Python Implementing image classification in Flask using Keras. The VGG16 is a convolution neural network model architecture th
PyExtractor is a decompiler that can fully decompile exe's compiled with pyinstaller or py2exe
PyExtractor is a decompiler that can fully decompile exe's compiled with pyinstaller or py2exe with additional features such as malware checker/detector! Also checks file(s) for suspicious words, discord webhooks, discord invites, pastebins, ips etc..
Regress.me is an easy to use data visualization tool powered by Dash/Plotly.
Regress.me Regress.me is an easy to use data visualization tool powered by Dash/Plotly. Regress.me.-.Google.Chrome.2022-05-10.15-58-59.mp4 Get Started
Use the state-of-the-art m2m100 to translate large data on CPU/GPU/TPU. Super Easy!
Easy-Translate is a script for translating large text files in your machine using the M2M100 models from Facebook/Meta AI. We also privide a script fo
This is a free python bot program that crosses you to farm with auto click in space crypto NFT game, having fun :) Creator: Marlon Zanardi
🚀 Space Crypto auto click bot ready-to-use 🚀 This is a free python bot program that crosses you to farm with auto click in space crypto NFT game, ha
Paaster is a secure by default end-to-end encrypted pastebin built with the objective of simplicity.
Follow the development of our desktop client here Paaster Paaster is a secure by default end-to-end encrypted pastebin built with the objective of sim
An attempt to map the areas with active conflict in Ukraine using open source twitter data.
Live Action Map (LAM) An attempt to use open source data on Twitter to map areas with active conflict. Right now it is used for the Ukraine-Russia con
Shared, streaming Python dict
UltraDict Sychronized, streaming Python dictionary that uses shared memory as a backend Warning: This is an early hack. There are only few unit tests
Practical Blind Denoising via Swin-Conv-UNet and Data Synthesis
Practical Blind Denoising via Swin-Conv-UNet and Data Synthesis [Paper] [Online Demo] The following results are obtained by our SCUNet with purely syn
Detecting silent model failure. NannyML estimates performance with an algorithm called Confidence-based Performance estimation (CBPE), developed by core contributors. It is the only open-source algorithm capable of fully capturing the impact of data drift on performance.
Website • Docs • Community Slack 💡 What is NannyML? NannyML is an open-source python library that allows you to estimate post-deployment model perfor
A Python library that enables ML teams to share, load, and transform data in a collaborative, flexible, and efficient way :chestnut:
Squirrel Core Share, load, and transform data in a collaborative, flexible, and efficient way What is Squirrel? Squirrel is a Python library that enab
A modular, primitive-first, python-first PyTorch library for Reinforcement Learning.
TorchRL Disclaimer This library is not officially released yet and is subject to change. The features are available before an official release so that
Natural Language Processing - Sommer Semester 2022
Natural Language Processing (DIS25a/NLP) This course can be taken for the Bachelor Programm Data and Information Science (DIS25a) or the Master Progra
The most Advanced yet simple Multi Cloud tool to transfer Your Data from any cloud to any cloud remotely based on Rclone.⚡
Multi Cloud Transfer (Advanced!) 🔥 1.Setup and Start using Rclone on Google Colab and Create/Edit/View and delete your Rclone config file and keep th
Arabic Car License Recognition. A solution to the kaggle competition Machathon 3.0.
Transformers Arabic licence plate recognition 🚗 Solution to the kaggle competition Machathon 3.0. Ranked in the top 6️⃣ at the final evaluation phase
Easy Parallel Library (EPL) is a general and efficient deep learning framework for distributed model training.
English | 简体中文 Easy Parallel Library Overview Easy Parallel Library (EPL) is a general and efficient library for distributed model training. Usability
Web3 Ethereum DeFi toolkit for smart contracts, Uniswap and PancakeSwap trades, Ethereum JSON-RPC utilities, wallets and automated test suites.
Web3 Ethereum Defi This project contains common Ethereum smart contracts and utilities, for trading, wallets,automated test suites and backend integra
Awesome Remote Sensing Toolkit based on PaddlePaddle.
基于飞桨框架开发的高性能遥感图像处理开发套件,端到端地完成从训练到部署的全流程遥感深度学习应用。 最新动态 PaddleRS 即将发布alpha版本!欢迎大家试用 简介 PaddleRS是遥感科研院所、相关高校共同基于飞桨开发的遥感处理平台,支持遥感图像分类,目标检测,图像分割,以及变化检测等常用遥
Python library to receive live stream events like comments and gifts in realtime from TikTok LIVE.
TikTokLive A python library to connect to and read events from TikTok's LIVE service A python library to receive and decode livestream events such as
Repo for "Benchmarking Robustness of 3D Point Cloud Recognition against Common Corruptions" https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.12296
Benchmarking Robustness of 3D Point Cloud Recognition against Common Corruptions This repo contains the dataset and code for the paper Benchmarking Ro
GTK4 + Python tutorial with code examples
Taiko's GTK4 Python tutorial Wanna make apps for Linux but not sure how to start with GTK? This guide will hopefully help! The intent is to show you h
Simple Python script to download images and videos from public subreddits without using Reddit's API 😎
Subreddit Media Downloader Download images and videos from any public subreddit without using Reddit's API Made with ❤ by Nico 💬 About: This script a
Boilerplate template formwork for a Python Flask application with Mysql,Build dynamic websites rapidly.
Overview English | 简体中文 How to Build dynamic web rapidly? We choose Formwork-Flask. Formwork is a highly packaged Flask Demo. It's intergrates various
My Implementation for the paper EDA: Easy Data Augmentation Techniques for Boosting Performance on Text Classification Tasks using Tensorflow
Easy Data Augmentation Implementation This repository contains my Implementation for the paper EDA: Easy Data Augmentation Techniques for Boosting Per
An introduction to free, automated web scraping with GitHub’s powerful new Actions framework.
An introduction to free, automated web scraping with GitHub’s powerful new Actions framework Published at palewi.re/docs/first-github-scraper/ Contrib
[Arxiv preprint] Causality-inspired Single-source Domain Generalization for Medical Image Segmentation (code&data-processing pipeline)
Causality-inspired Single-source Domain Generalization for Medical Image Segmentation Arxiv preprint Repository under construction. Might still be bug
Ana's Portfolio
Ana's Portfolio ✌️ Welcome to my Portfolio! You will find here different Projects I have worked on (from scratch) 💪 Projects 💻 1️⃣ Hangman game (Mad
clock_plot provides a simple way to visualize timeseries data, mapping 24 hours onto the 360 degrees of a polar plot
clock_plot clock_plot provides a simple way to visualize timeseries data mapping 24 hours onto the 360 degrees of a polar plot. For usage, please see
A Power BI/Google Studio Dashboard to analyze previous OTC CatchUps
OTC CatchUp Dashboard A Power BI/Google Studio dashboard analyzing OTC CatchUps. File Contents * ├───data ├───old summaries ─── *.md ├
SentimentArcs: a large ensemble of dozens of sentiment analysis models to analyze emotion in text over time
SentimentArcs - Emotion in Text An end-to-end pipeline based on Jupyter notebooks to detect, extract, process and anlayze emotion over time in text. E
Материалы для курса VK Углубленный Python, весна 2022
VK Углубленный Python, весна 2022 Материалы для курса VK Углубленный Python, весна 2022 Лекции и материалы (слайды, домашки, код с занятий) Введение,
A python package for generating, analyzing and visualizing building shadows
pybdshadow Introduction pybdshadow is a python package for generating, analyzing and visualizing building shadows from large scale building geographic
Containerized Demo of Apache Spark MLlib on a Data Lakehouse (2022)
Spark-DeltaLake-Demo Reliable, Scalable Machine Learning (2022) This project was completed in an attempt to become better acquainted with the latest b
torchlm is aims to build a high level pipeline for face landmarks detection, it supports training, evaluating, exporting, inference(Python/C++) and 100+ data augmentations
💎A high level pipeline for face landmarks detection, supports training, evaluating, exporting, inference and 100+ data augmentations, compatible with torchvision and albumentations, can easily install with pip.
A tool for generating skill map/tree like diagram
skillmap A tool for generating skill map/tree like diagram. What is a skill map/tree? Skill tree is a term used in video games, and it can be used for
dyld_shared_cache processing / Single-Image loading for BinaryNinja
Dyld Shared Cache Parser Author: cynder (kat) Dyld Shared Cache Support for BinaryNinja Without any of the fuss of requiring manually loading several
Code for intrusion detection system (IDS) development using CNN models and transfer learning
Intrusion-Detection-System-Using-CNN-and-Transfer-Learning This is the code for the paper entitled "A Transfer Learning and Optimized CNN Based Intrus
DLO8012: Natural Language Processing & CSL804: Computational Lab - II Semester VIII
Material for my PyConDE & PyData Berlin 2022 Talk "5 Steps to Speed Up Your Data-Analysis on a Single Core"
5 Steps to Speed Up Your Data-Analysis on a Single Core Material for my talk at the PyConDE & PyData Berlin 2022 Description Your data analysis pipeli
Python code to control laboratory hardware and perform Bayesian reaction optimization on the MIT Make-It system for chemical synthesis
Description This repository contains code accompanying the following paper on the Make-It robotic flow chemistry platform developed by the Jensen Rese
Scalable Optical Flow-based Image Montaging and Alignment
SOFIMA SOFIMA (Scalable Optical Flow-based Image Montaging and Alignment) is a tool for stitching, aligning and warping large 2d, 3d and 4d microscopy
Resources complimenting the Machine Learning Course led in the Faculty of mathematics and informatics part of Sofia University.
Machine Learning and Data Mining, Summer 2021-2022 How to learn data science and machine learning? Programming. Learn Python. Basic Statistics. Take a
Bot developed in python, 100% open-source, compatible with Windows and Linux.
Bombcrypto Bot [Family JOW] Bot desenvolvido em python, 100% do código é aberto, para aqueles que tenham conhecimento validarem que não existe nenhum
An open source development framework to help you build data workflows and modern data architecture on AWS.
AWS DataOps Development Kit (DDK) The AWS DataOps Development Kit is an open source development framework for customers that build data workflows and
Esse é o meu primeiro repo tratando de fim a fim, uma pipeline de dados abertos do governo brasileiro relacionado a compras de contrato e cronogramas anuais com spark, em pyspark e SQL!
Olá! Esse é o meu primeiro repo tratando de fim a fim, uma pipeline de dados abertos do governo brasileiro relacionado a compras de contrato e cronogr
On Uncertainty, Tempering, and Data Augmentation in Bayesian Classification
Understanding Bayesian Classification This repository hosts the code to reproduce the results presented in the paper On Uncertainty, Tempering, and Da
This repository contains helper functions which can help you generate additional data points depending on your NLP task.
NLP Albumentations For Data Augmentation This repository contains helper functions which can help you generate additional data points depending on you
MarcoPolo is a clustering-free approach to the exploration of bimodally expressed genes along with group information in single-cell RNA-seq data
MarcoPolo is a method to discover differentially expressed genes in single-cell RNA-seq data without depending on prior clustering Overview MarcoPolo
Sample data associated with the Aurora-BP study
The Aurora-BP Study and Dataset This repository contains sample code, sample data, and explanatory information for working with the Aurora-BP dataset
IEEE-WIE presents WIE Week of Code (WIEWoC), a 3-days long open-source contribution event starting from 1st March, highlighting different python spaces including web development, machine learning, game development, data structures and algorithms, and substantially more! We are creating an open source repository on Python along with all its applications!
WIE-WoC IEEE-WIE presents WIE Week of Code (WIEWoC), a 3-days long open-source contribution event starting from 1st March, highlighting different pyth
A toolkit for Lagrangian-based constrained optimization in Pytorch
Cooper About Cooper is a toolkit for Lagrangian-based constrained optimization in Pytorch. This library aims to encourage and facilitate the study of
Contains the code and data for our #ICSE2022 paper titled as "CodeFill: Multi-token Code Completion by Jointly Learning from Structure and Naming Sequences"
CodeFill This repository contains the code for our paper titled as "CodeFill: Multi-token Code Completion by Jointly Learning from Structure and Namin
A spatial genome aligner for analyzing multiplexed DNA-FISH imaging data.
jie jie is a spatial genome aligner. This package parses true chromatin imaging signal from noise by aligning signals to a reference DNA polymer model
Download & Install mods for your favorit game with a few simple clicks
Husko's SteamWorkshop Downloader 🔴 IMPORTANT ❗ 🔴 The Tool is currently being rewritten so updates will be slow and only on the dev branch until it i
Telegram Group Calls Streaming bot with some useful features, written in Python with Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls. Supporting platforms like Youtube, Spotify, Resso, AppleMusic, Soundcloud and M3u8 Links.
Yukki Music Bot Yukki Music Bot is a Powerful Telegram Music+Video Bot written in Python using Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls by which you can stream songs,
Machine learning beginner to Kaggle competitor in 30 days. Non-coders welcome. The program starts Monday, August 2, and lasts four weeks. It's designed for people who want to learn machine learning.
30-Days-of-ML-Kaggle 🔥 About the Hands On Program 💻 Machine learning beginner → Kaggle competitor in 30 days. Non-coders welcome The program starts
A workshop on data visualization in Python with notebooks and exercises for following along.
Beyond the Basics: Data Visualization in Python The human brain excels at finding patterns in visual representations, which is why data visualizations
Tutorial repo for an end-to-end Data Science project
End-to-end Data Science project This is the repo with the notebooks, code, and additional material used in the ITI's workshop. The goal of the session
AI Summer's complete catalog of articles
Learn Deep Learning with AI Summer A collection of all articles (almost 100) written for the AI Summer blog organized by topic. Deep Learning Theory M
1000+ ready code templates to kickstart your next AI experiment
AI Seed Projects Start with ready code for your next AI experiment. Choose from 1000+ code templates, across a wide variety of use cases. All examples
Get started with Machine Learning with Python - An introduction with Python programming examples
Machine Learning With Python Get started with Machine Learning with Python An engaging introduction to Machine Learning with Python TL;DR Download all
Open-source data observability for modern data teams
Use cases Monitor your data warehouse in minutes: Data anomalies monitoring as dbt tests Data lineage made simple, reliable, and automated dbt operati
CaskDB is a disk-based, embedded, persistent, key-value store based on the Riak's bitcask paper, written in Python.
CaskDB - Disk based Log Structured Hash Table Store CaskDB is a disk-based, embedded, persistent, key-value store based on the Riak's bitcask paper, w
A Python Library for Graph Outlier Detection (Anomaly Detection)
PyGOD is a Python library for graph outlier detection (anomaly detection). This exciting yet challenging field has many key applications, e.g., detect
StyleGAN-Human: A Data-Centric Odyssey of Human Generation
StyleGAN-Human: A Data-Centric Odyssey of Human Generation Abstract: Unconditional human image generation is an important task in vision and graphics,
Doing dirty (but extremely useful) things with equals.
Doing dirty (but extremely useful) things with equals. Documentation: dirty-equals.helpmanual.io Source Code: github.com/samuelcolvin/dirty-equals dir
Light, Flexible and Extensible ASGI API framework
Starlite Starlite is a light and flexible ASGI API framework. Using Starlette and pydantic as foundations. Check out the Starlite documentation 📚 Cor
This is a repository built by the community for the community.
Nutshell Machine Learning Machines can see, hear and learn. Welcome to the future 🌍 The repository was built with a tree-like structure in mind, it c
Applied Natural Language Processing in the Enterprise - An O'Reilly Media Publication
Applied Natural Language Processing in the Enterprise This is the companion repo for Applied Natural Language Processing in the Enterprise, an O'Reill
A Traffic Sign Recognition Project which can help the driver recognise the signs via text as well as audio. Can be used at Night also.
Traffic-Sign-Recognition In this report, we propose a Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) for traffic sign classification that achieves outstanding perf
Only valid pull requests will be allowed. Use python only and readme changes will not be accepted.
❌ This repo is excluded from hacktoberfest This repo is for python beginners and contains lot of beginner python projects for practice. You can also s
Implements VQGAN+CLIP for image and video generation, and style transfers, based on text and image prompts. Emphasis on ease-of-use, documentation, and smooth video creation.
VQGAN-CLIP-GENERATOR Overview This is a package (with available notebook) for running VQGAN+CLIP locally, with a focus on ease of use, good documentat
SQLAlchemy Admin for Starlette/FastAPI
SQLAlchemy Admin for Starlette/FastAPI SQLAdmin is a flexible Admin interface for SQLAlchemy models. Main features include: SQLAlchemy sync/async engi
ipyvizzu - Jupyter notebook integration of Vizzu
ipyvizzu - Jupyter notebook integration of Vizzu. Tutorial · Examples · Repository About The Project ipyvizzu is the Jupyter Notebook integration of V
ML powered analytics engine for outlier detection and root cause analysis.
Website • Docs • Blog • LinkedIn • Community Slack ML powered analytics engine for outlier detection and root cause analysis ✨ What is Chaos Genius? C
Analyzes your GitHub Profile and presents you with a report on how likely you are to become the next MLH Fellow!
Fellowship Prediction GitHub Profile Comparative Analysis Tool Built with BentoML Table of Contents: Features Disclaimer Technologies Used Contributin
This is a repo of basic Machine Learning!
Basic Machine Learning This repository contains a topic-wise curated list of Machine Learning and Deep Learning tutorials, articles and other resource
Data, notebooks, and articles associated with the RSNA AI Deep Learning Lab at RSNA 2021
RSNA AI Deep Learning Lab 2021 Intro Welcome Deep Learners! This document provides all the information you need to participate in the RSNA AI Deep Lea
Implementation of the famous Image Manipulation\Forgery Detector "ManTraNet" in Pytorch
Who has never met a forged picture on the web ? No one ! Everyday we are constantly facing fake pictures touched up in Photoshop but it is not always
Research on Tabular Deep Learning (Python package & papers)
Research on Tabular Deep Learning For paper implementations, see the section "Papers and projects". rtdl is a PyTorch-based package providing a user-f
A discord token nuker With loads of options that will screw an account up real bad, also has inbuilt massreport, GroupChat Spammer and Token/Password/Creditcard grabber and so much more!
Installation | Important | Changelogs | Discord NOTE: Hazard is not finished! You can expect bugs, crashes, and non-working functions. Please make an
Wik is use to get information about anything on the shell using Wikipedia.
WIK wik is a tool to view wikipedia pages from your terminal. It also let you search for any wikipedia up to date article on one query from your termi
Dude is a very simple framework for writing web scrapers using Python decorators
Dude is a very simple framework for writing web scrapers using Python decorators. The design, inspired by Flask, was to easily build a web scraper in just a few lines of code. Dude has an easy-to-learn syntax.
Red Team Toolkit is an Open-Source Django Offensive Web-App which is keeping the useful offensive tools used in the red-teaming together.
RedTeam Toolkit Note: Only legal activities should be conducted with this project. Red Team Toolkit is an Open-Source Django Offensive Web-App contain
Hacktoberfest 2021 contribution repository✨
🎃 HacktoberFest-2021 🎃 Repository for Hacktoberfest Note: Although, We are actively focusing on Machine Learning, Data Science and Tricky Python pro
Tutorial on Tempo, Beat and Downbeat estimation
Tempo, Beat and Downbeat Estimation By Matthew E. P. Davies, Sebastian Böck and Magdalena Fuentes Resources and Jupyter Book for the ISMIR 2021 tutori
Make your first PR. A beginner friendly repository made specifically for open source beginners. Add any program under any language (it can be anything from a simple program to a complex data structure algorithm). Happy coding...
Hacktober Fest 2021 Upload Different Types of Programs in any Language Use this project to make your first contribution to an open source project on G
Data labels and scripts for fastMRI.org
fastMRI+: Clinical pathology annotations for the fastMRI dataset The fastMRI dataset is a publicly available MRI raw (k-space) dataset. It has been us
learning and feeling SLAM together with hands-on-experiments
modern-slam-tutorial-python Learning and feeling SLAM together with hands-on-experiments 😀 😃 😆 Dependencies Most of the examples are based on GTSAM
⚓ Eurybia monitor model drift over time and securize model deployment with data validation
View Demo · Documentation · Medium article 🔍 Overview Eurybia is a Python library which aims to help in : Detecting data drift and model drift Valida
As we all know the BGMI Loot Crate comes with so many resources for the gamers, this ML Crate will be the hub of various ML projects which will be the resources for the ML enthusiasts! Open Source Program: SWOC 2021 and JWOC 2022.
Machine Learning Loot Crate 💻 🧰 🔴 Welcome contributors! As we all know the BGMI Loot Crate comes with so many resources for the gamers, this ML Cra
Soomvaar is the repo which 🏩 contains different collection of 👨💻🚀code in Python and 💫✨Machine 👬🏼 learning algorithms📗📕 that is made during 📃 my practice and learning of ML and Python✨💥
Soomvaar 📌 Introduction Soomvaar is the collection of various codes implement in machine learning and machine learning algorithms with python on coll
Learn Data Science with focus on adding value with the most efficient tech stack.
DataScienceWithPython Get started with Data Science with Python An engaging journey to become a Data Scientist with Python TL;DR Download all Jupyter
Package towards building Explainable Forecasting and Nowcasting Models with State-of-the-art Deep Neural Networks and Dynamic Factor Model on Time Series data sets with single line of code. Also, provides utilify facility for time-series signal similarities matching, and removing noise from timeseries signals.
DeepXF: Explainable Forecasting and Nowcasting with State-of-the-art Deep Neural Networks and Dynamic Factor Model Also, verify TS signal similarities
An end-to-end framework for mixed-integer optimization with data-driven learned constraints.
OptiCL OptiCL is an end-to-end framework for mixed-integer optimization (MIO) with data-driven learned constraints. We address a problem setting in wh
Data Inspector is an open-source python library that brings 15++ types of different functions to make EDA, data cleaning easier.
Data Inspector Data Inspector is an open-source python library that brings 15 types of different functions to make EDA, data cleaning easier. Author:
HiQ - A Modern Observability System
🦉 A Modern Observability System HiQ is a declarative, non-intrusive, dynamic and transparent tracking system for both monolithic application and dist
Uses Sharphound, Bloodhound and Neo4j to produce an actionable list of attack paths for targeted remediation.
GoodHound ______ ____ __ __ / ____/___ ____ ____/ / / / /___ __ ______ ____/ / / / __/ __ \/ __ \/ __
VPN Overall Reconnaissance, Testing, Enumeration and eXploitation Toolkit
Vortex VPN Overall Reconnaissance, Testing, Enumeration and Exploitation Toolkit Overview A very simple Python framework, inspired by SprayingToolkit,