2840 Repositories
Python Project-Profile-REST-API Libraries
OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
OpenAPI Generator Master (5.3.1): 5.4.x (5.4.x): 6.0.x (6.0.x): ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ If you would like to contribute, please refer to guidelines and a list of open t
Easy OpenAPI specs and Swagger UI for your Flask API
Flasgger Easy Swagger UI for your Flask API Flasgger is a Flask extension to extract OpenAPI-Specification from all Flask views registered in your API
A pluggable API specification generator. Currently supports the OpenAPI Specification (f.k.a. the Swagger specification)..
apispec A pluggable API specification generator. Currently supports the OpenAPI Specification (f.k.a. the Swagger specification). Features Supports th
📘 OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation
Generate interactive API documentation from OpenAPI definitions This is the README for the 2.x version of Redoc (React-based). The README for the 1.x
swagger-codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition.
Master (2.4.25-SNAPSHOT): 3.0.31-SNAPSHOT: Maven Central ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ If you would like to contribute, please refer to guidelines and a list of open tasks. ⭐
Translate APIs described by OpenAPI Specifications (OAS) into GraphQL
OpenAPI-to-GraphQL Translate APIs described by OpenAPI Specifications (OAS) or Swagger into GraphQL. Getting started OpenAPI-to-GraphQL can be used in
📖 GitHub action schedular (cron) that posts a Hadith every hour on Twitter & Facebook.
Hadith Every Hour 📖 A bot that posts a Hadith every hour on Twitter & Facebook (Every 3 hours for now to avoid spamming) Follow on Twitter @HadithEve
Idea is to build a model which will take keywords as inputs and generate sentences as outputs.
keytotext Idea is to build a model which will take keywords as inputs and generate sentences as outputs. Potential use case can include: Marketing Sea
AI4Good project for detecting waste in the environment
Detect waste AI4Good project for detecting waste in environment. www.detectwaste.ml. Our latest results were published in Waste Management journal in
A Discord API Wrapper for Userbots/Selfbots written in Python.
DisCum A simple, easy to use, non-restrictive, synchronous Discord API Wrapper for Selfbots/Userbots written in Python. -using requests and websockets
Python client for the Datadog API
datadog-api-client-python This repository contains a Python API client for the Datadog API. The code is generated using openapi-generator and apigento
NAVER BoostCamp Final Project
CV 14조 final project Super Resolution and Deblur module Inference code & Pretrained weight Repo SwinIR Deblur 실행 방법 streamlit run WebServer/Server_SRD
Spotify API Recommnder System
This project will access your last listened songs on Spotify using its API, then it will request the user to select 5 favorite songs in that list, on which the API will proceed to make 50 recommendation of songs similar to them.
YouTube bot, this is just my introduction to api and requests, this isn't intended on being an actual view bot.
YouTube bot, this is just my introduction to api and requests, this isn't intended on being an actual view bot.
An open source movie recommendation WebApp build by movie buffs and mathematicians that uses cosine similarity on the backend.
Movie Pundit Find your next flick by asking the (almost) all-knowing Movie Pundit Jump to Project Source » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Ta
This is a graphql api build using ariadne python that serves a graphql-endpoint at port 3002 to perform language translation and identification using deep learning in python pytorch.
Language Translation and Identification this machine/deep learning api that will be served as a graphql-api using ariadne, to perform the following ta
A simple flashcard app built as a final project for a databases class.
CS2300 Final Project - Flashcard app 'FlashStudy' Tech stack Backend Python (Language) Django (Web framework) SQLite (Database) Frontend HTML/CSS/Java
Pyspark project that able to do joins on the spark data frames.
SPARK JOINS This project is to perform inner, all outer joins and semi joins. create_df.py: load_data.py : helps to put data into Spark data frames. d
Converts a text file of songs to a playlist on your Spotify account.
Playlist Converter Convert a text file of songs to a playlist on your Spotify account. Create your playlists faster instead of manually searching for
An async API wrapper for Dress To Impress written in Python.
dti.py An async API wrapper for Dress To Impress written in Python. Some notes: For the time being, there are no front-facing docs for this beyond doc
This repos is auto action which generating a wordcloud made by Twitter.
auto_tweet_wordcloud This repos is auto action which generating a wordcloud made by Twitter. Preconditions Install Python dependencies pip install -r
Python client for the iNaturalist APIs
pyinaturalist Introduction iNaturalist is a community science platform that helps people get involved in the natural world by observing and identifyin
A service made with Flask and Python to help you find the weather of your favorite cities.
Weather-App A service made with Flask and Python to help you find the weather of your favorite cities. Features Backend using Flask and Jinja Weather
A python wrapper for the mangadex API V5. Work in progress
mangadex A python wrapper for the mangadex API V5. It uses the requests library and all the aditional arguments can be viewed in the Official Mangadex
OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) Specification code generator. Supports C#, PowerShell, Go, Java, Node.js, TypeScript, Python
AutoRest The AutoRest tool generates client libraries for accessing RESTful web services. Input to AutoRest is a spec that describes the REST API usin
Generate modern Python clients from OpenAPI
openapi-python-client Generate modern Python clients from OpenAPI 3.x documents. This generator does not support OpenAPI 2.x FKA Swagger. If you need
A transport agnostic sync/async RPC library that focuses on exposing services with a well-defined API using popular protocols.
WARNING: This is from spyne's development branch. This version is not released yet! Latest stable release can be found in the 2_13 branch. If you like
OpenTracing API for Python
OpenTracing API for Python This library is a Python platform API for OpenTracing. Required Reading In order to understand the Python platform API, one
OpenTelemetry Python API and SDK
Getting Started • API Documentation • Getting In Touch (GitHub Discussions) Contributing • Examples OpenTelemetry Python This page describes the Pytho
🦍 The Cloud-Native API Gateway
Kong or Kong API Gateway is a cloud-native, platform-agnostic, scalable API Gateway distinguished for its high performance and extensibility via plugi
Tyk Open Source API Gateway written in Go, supporting REST, GraphQL, TCP and gRPC protocols
Tyk API Gateway Tyk is an open source Enterprise API Gateway, supporting REST, GraphQL, TCP and gRPC protocols. Tyk Gateway is provided ‘Batteries-inc
Easily configurable, chart dashboards from any arbitrary API endpoint. JSON config only
Flask JSONDash Easily configurable, chart dashboards from any arbitrary API endpoint. JSON config only. Ready to go. This project is a flask blueprint
Cookiecutter Django is a framework for jumpstarting production-ready Django projects quickly.
Cookiecutter Django Powered by Cookiecutter, Cookiecutter Django is a framework for jumpstarting production-ready Django projects quickly. Documentati
The second project in Python course on FCC
Assignment Write a function named add_time that takes in two required parameters and one optional parameter: a start time in the 12-hour clock format
Leverage Twitter API v2 to analyze tweet metrics such as impressions and profile clicks over time.
Tweetmetric Tweetmetric allows you to track various metrics on your most recent tweets, such as impressions, retweets and clicks on your profile. The
This repository is an individual project made at BME with the topic of self-driving car simulator and control algorithm.
BME individual project - NEAT based self-driving car This repository is an individual project made at BME with the topic of self-driving car simulator
Ml based project which uses regression technique to predict the price.
Price-Predictor Ml based project which uses regression technique to predict the price. I have used various regression models and finds the model with
AERO 421: Spacecraft Attitude, Dynamics, and Control Final Project.
AERO - 421 Final Project Redevelopment Spacecraft Attitude, Dynamics, and Control: Simulation to determine and control a satellite's attitude in LEO.
Baserow is an open source no-code database tool and Airtable alternative
Baserow is an open source no-code database tool and Airtable alternative
Project of the MSEC_LDD . group
HackathonJuntionXHN Project of team MSEC_LQĐ What did we do? Building application to generate whitelist regex for Web application firewall How to setu
Rule Based Classification Project For Python
Rule-Based-Classification-Project (ENG) Business Problem: A game company wants to create new level-based customer definitions (personas) by using some
Rule Based Classification Project
Kural Tabanlı Sınıflandırma ile Potansiyel Müşteri Getirisi Hesaplama İş Problemi: Bir oyun şirketi müşterilerinin bazı özelliklerini kullanaraknseviy
Archive of the image generator stuff from my API
alex_api_archive Archive of the image generator stuff from my API FAQ Q: Why? A: Because I am removing these components from the API Q: How do I run i
Python bindings for the Plex API.
Python-PlexAPI Overview Unofficial Python bindings for the Plex API. Our goal is to match all capabilities of the official Plex Web Client. A few of t
Making it easy to query APIs via SQL
Shillelagh Shillelagh (ʃɪˈleɪlɪ) is an implementation of the Python DB API 2.0 based on SQLite (using the APSW library): from shillelagh.backends.apsw
CLI Eight Puzzle mini-game featuring BFS, DFS, Greedy and A* searches as solver algorithms.
🕹 Eight Puzzle CLI Jogo do quebra-cabeças de 8 peças em linha de comando desenvolvido para a disciplina de Inteligência Artificial. Escrito em python
HTTP Request & Response Service, written in Python + Flask.
httpbin(1): HTTP Request & Response Service
Fork of pathlib aiming to support the full stdlib Python API.
pathlib2 Fork of pathlib aiming to support the full stdlib Python API. The old pathlib module on bitbucket is in bugfix-only mode. The goal of pathlib
wxPython's Project Phoenix. A new implementation of wxPython, better, stronger, faster than he was before.
wxPython Project Phoenix Introduction Welcome to wxPython's Project Phoenix! Phoenix is the improved next-generation wxPython, "better, stronger, fast
Project for viewing the cheapest flight deals from Netherlands to other countries.
Flight_Deals_AMS Project for viewing the cheapest flight deals from Netherlands to other countries.
Microsoft Azure provides a wide number of services for managing and storing data
Microsoft Azure provides a wide number of services for managing and storing data. One product is Microsoft Azure SQL. Which gives us the capability to create and manage instances of SQL Servers hosted in the cloud. This project, demonstrates how to use these services to manage data we collect from different sources.
Computer Vision Script to recognize first person motion, developed as final project for the course "Machine Learning and Deep Learning"
Overview of The Code BaseColab/MLDL_FPAR.pdf: it contains the full explanation of our work Base Colab: it contains the base colab used to perform all
Comprehensive OpenAPI schema generator for Django based on pydantic
🗡️ Djagger Automated OpenAPI documentation generator for Django. Djagger helps you generate a complete and comprehensive API documentation of your Dj
Reference management solution using Python and Notion.
notion-scholar Reference management solution using Python and Notion. The main idea of this app is to allow to furnish a Notion database using a BibTe
📽 Streamlit application powered by a PyScaffold project setup
streamlit-demo Streamlit application powered by a PyScaffold project setup. Work in progress: The idea of this repo is to demonstrate how to package a
Final-project-robokeeper created by GitHub Classroom
RoboKeeper! Jonny Bosnich, Joshua Cho, Lio Liang, Marco Morales, Cody Nichoson Demonstration Videos Grabbing the paddle: https://youtu.be/N0HPvFNHrTw
pandas-gbq is a package providing an interface to the Google BigQuery API from pandas
pandas-gbq pandas-gbq is a package providing an interface to the Google BigQuery API from pandas Installation Install latest release version via conda
A Python DB-API and SQLAlchemy dialect to Google Spreasheets
Note: shillelagh is a drop-in replacement for gsheets-db-api, with many additional features. You should use it instead. If you're using SQLAlchemy all
Pseudo API for Google Trends
pytrends Introduction Unofficial API for Google Trends Allows simple interface for automating downloading of reports from Google Trends. Only good unt
Deezer client for python
Deezer Python Client A friendly Python wrapper around the Deezer API. Installation The package is published on PyPI and can be installed by running: p
A community made discord bot coded in Python and running on AWS.
Pogbot Project Open Group Discord This is an open source community ran project. Join the discord for more information on how to participate. Coded in
A bot that updates about the most subscribed artist' channels on YouTube
A bot that updates about the most subscribed artist' channels on YouTube. A weekly top chart report is provided every Monday. It posts updates on Twitter
Python Dash app that tracks whale activity in cryptocurrency markets.
Introduction Welcome! This is a Python-based Dash app meant to track whale activity in buy / sell walls on crypto-currency exchanges (presently just o
FollowSpot is a comprehensive audition tracking fullstack web application for entertainment industry professionals.
FollowSpot is a comprehensive audition tracking fullstack web application for entertainment industry professionals. This app allows users to store information/media for all of their auditions while also compiling data and displaying statistics to help track progress.
Python API Client for Twitter API v2
🐍 Python Client For Twitter API v2 🚀 Why Twitter Stream ? Twitter-Stream.py a python API client for Twitter API v2 now supports FilteredStream, Samp
A python-generated website for visualizing the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) data for Greece.
COVID-19-Greece A python-generated website for visualizing the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) data for Greece. Data sources Data provided by Johns Hopki
A(Sync) Interface for internal Audible API written in pure Python.
Audible Audible is a Python low-level interface to communicate with the non-publicly Audible API. It enables Python developers to create there own Aud
Simple Telegram AI Chat bot made using OpenAI and Luna API
Yui Yui, is a simple telegram chat bot made using OpenAI and Luna Chat bot Deployment 👀 Deploying is easy 🤫 ! You can deploy this bot in Heroku or i
Project made to analyse movie trends
MovieTrends Project to analyse the daily movie trends from the website The Movie DataBase. The main idea is upload the results to a PostgreSQL server
In this project, we'll be creating a virtual personal assistant for ourselves using our favorite programming language
In this project, we'll be creating a virtual personal assistant for ourselves using our favorite programming language, Python. We can perform several offline as well as online operations using the bot.
FLSim a flexible, standalone library written in PyTorch that simulates FL settings with a minimal, easy-to-use API
Federated Learning Simulator (FLSim) is a flexible, standalone core library that simulates FL settings with a minimal, easy-to-use API. FLSim is domain-agnostic and accommodates many use cases such as vision and text.
Python script that extract data via YouTube Api and manipulates it.
UNLIMITED README for the Unlimited game [Mining game] Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About The Project
API using python and Fastapi framework
Welcome 👋 CFCApi is a API DEVELOPMENT PROJECT UNDER CODE FOR COMMUNITY ! Project Walkthrough 🚀 CFCApi run on Python using FASTapi Framework Docs The
Python SDK for interacting with the Frame.io API.
python-frameio-client Frame.io Frame.io is a cloud-based collaboration hub that allows video professionals to share files, comment on clips real-time,
A free, minimal, lightweight, cross-platform, easily expandable Twitch IRC/API bot.
parky's twitch bot A free, minimal, lightweight, cross-platform, easily expandable Twitch IRC/API bot. Features 🔌 Connect to Twitch IRC chat! 🔌 Conn
Python client library for Bigcommerce API
Bigcommerce API Python Client Wrapper over the requests library for communicating with the Bigcommerce v2 API. Install with pip install bigcommerce or
A wrapper for The Movie Database API v3 and v4 that only uses the read access token (not api key).
fulltmdb A wrapper for The Movie Database API v3 and v4 that only uses the read access token (not api key). Installation Use the package manager pip t
A reddit bot that imitates the popular reddit bot "u/repostsleuthbot" to trick people into clicking on a rickroll
Reddit-Rickroll-Bot A reddit bot that imitates the popular reddit bot "u/repostsleuthbot" to trick people into clicking on a rickroll Made with The Py
An async python wrapper to interact with the Steam API and its CMs
steam.py A modern, easy to use, and async ready package to interact with the Steam API. Heavily inspired by discord.py and borrowing functionality fro
⛑ REDCap API interface in Python
REDCap API in Python Description Supports structured data extraction for REDCap projects. The API module d3b_redcap_api.redcap.REDCapStudy can be logi
Ansible Inventory Plugin, created to get hosts from HTTP API.
ansible-ws-inventory-plugin Ansible Inventory Plugin, created to get hosts from HTTP API. Features: Database compatible with MongoDB and Filesystem (J
The Python client library for the Tuneup Technology App.
Tuneup Technology App Python Client Library The Python client library for the Tuneup Technology App. This library allows you to interact with the cust
Easy way to add GoogleMaps to Flask applications. maintainer: @getcake
Flask Google Maps Easy to use Google Maps in your Flask application requires Jinja Flask A google api key get here Contribute To contribute with the p
Easy OpenAPI specs and Swagger UI for your Flask API
Flasgger Easy Swagger UI for your Flask API Flasgger is a Flask extension to extract OpenAPI-Specification from all Flask views registered in your API
Best badge generator API to count visitors of your Repository / Account 🥇
github visitors badge A badge generator service to count visitors of your markdown file. Hello every one! In this post, I will tell you the story of m
Final term project for Bayesian Machine Learning Lecture (XAI-623)
Mixquality_AL Final Term Project For Bayesian Machine Learning Lecture (XAI-623) Youtube Link The presentation is given in YoutubeLink Problem Formula
API RestFull web de pontos turisticos de certa região
##RESTful Web API para exposição de pontos turísticos de uma região## Propor um novo ponto turístico Moderação dos pontos turísticos cadastrados Lista
A Nepali Dictionary API made using FastAPI.
Nepali Dictionary API A Nepali dictionary api created using Fast API and inspired from https://github.com/nirooj56/Nepdict. You can say this is just t
API RestFull de uma clinica, onde vai efetuar os agendamentos dos pacientes e mostrar o historicos de cada agendamentos
API REstFull O que tem na API Usado para clinicas. Cadastro de pacientes. Agendamentos de pacientes. Históricos dos agendamentos vinculados com a tabe
An ETL framework + Monitoring UI/API (experimental project for learning purposes)
Fastlane An ETL framework for building pipelines, and Flask based web API/UI for monitoring pipelines. Project structure fastlane |- fastlane: (ETL fr
Add your recently blog and douban states in your GitHub Profile
Add your recently blog and douban states in your GitHub Profile
REST API con Python, Django y MySQL (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
django_api_mysql REST API con Python, Django y MySQL (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) REST API con Python, Django y MySQL (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
🔥 Campus-Run Django Server🔥
🏫 Campus-Run Campus-Run is a 3D racing game set on a college campus. Designed this service to comfort university students who are unable to visit the
Domain To Api [ PYTHON ]
Domain To IP Usage You Open Terminal For Run The Program python ip.py Input & Output Input Your List e.g domain.txt Output ( For Save Output File )
A small timeseries transformation API built on Flask and Pandas
#Mcflyin ###A timeseries transformation API built on Pandas and Flask This is a small demo of an API to do timeseries transformations built on Flask a
Template for a rest app with flask, flask-rest and more...
Flask REST Template About the project (some comments): The ideia behind the project is to create an useful and simple template for an rest app . Besid
A library that makes consuming a RESTful API easier and more convenient
Slumber is a Python library that provides a convenient yet powerful object-oriented interface to ReSTful APIs. It acts as a wrapper around the excellent requests library and abstracts away the handling of URLs, serialization, and request processing.
A collection of models, views, middlewares, and forms to help secure a Django project.
Django-Security This package offers a number of models, views, middlewares and forms to facilitate security hardening of Django applications. Full doc
[NeurIPS 2020] This project provides a strong single-stage baseline for Long-Tailed Classification, Detection, and Instance Segmentation (LVIS).
A Strong Single-Stage Baseline for Long-Tailed Problems This project provides a strong single-stage baseline for Long-Tailed Classification (under Ima
My first Python project is a simple Mad Libs program.
Python CLI Mad Libs Game My first Python project is a simple Mad Libs program. Mad Libs is a phrasal template word game created by Leonard Stern and R