2840 Repositories
Python Project-Profile-REST-API Libraries
PROJECT - Az Residential Real Estate Analysis
AZ RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS -Decided on libraries to import. Includes pa
Udacity-api-reporting-pipeline - Udacity api reporting pipeline
udacity-api-reporting-pipeline In this exercise, you'll use portions of each of
CryptoBar - A simple MenuBar app that shows the price of 3 cryptocurrencies
CryptoBar A very simple MenuBar app that shows the price of the following crypto
ProjectManagementWebsite - Project management website for CMSC495 built using the Django stack
ProjectManagementWebsite A minimal project management website for CMSC495 built
Py hec token mgr - Create HEC tokens in Cribl Stream through the API
Add HEC tokens via API calls This script is intended as an example of how to aut
GitNews: Github webhooks for Telegram
GitNews - Github webhooks for Telegram Setup: server: clone repo git clone https
VHub - An API that permits uploading of vulnerability datasets and return of the serialized data
VHub - An API that permits uploading of vulnerability datasets and return of the serialized data
Python-samples - This project is to help someone need some practices when learning python language
Python-samples - This project is to help someone need some practices when learning python language
Explore-bikeshare-data - GitHub project as part of the Programming for Data Science with Python Nanodegree from Udacity
Date created February 10, 2022 Project Title Explore US Bikeshare Data Descripti
General Vision Benchmark, a project from OpenGVLab
Introduction We build GV-B(General Vision Benchmark) on Classification, Detection, Segmentation and Depth Estimation including 26 datasets for model e
The aim of this project is to build an AI bot that can play the Wordle game, or more generally Squabble
Wordle RL The aim of this project is to build an AI bot that can play the Wordle game, or more generally Squabble I know there are more deterministic
An arduino/ESP project that can play back G-Force data previously recorded
An arduino/ESP project that can play back G-Force data previously recorded
Image generation API.
Image Generator API This is an api im working on Currently its just a test project Im trying to make custom readme images with your discord account pr
A simple REST API to manage postal addresses, written in Python/Django.
A simple REST API to manage postal addresses, written in Python/Django.
Yummy Django API, it's the exclusive API used for the e-yummy-ke vue web app
Yummy Django API, it's the exclusive API used for the e-yummy-ke vue web app
Python wrapper to simplify calls to AncestryDNA API.
AncestryDNA API wrapper Ancestry exposes an undocumented REST API for its DNA features. This Python wrapper inventories the available calls, and expos
A small module to communicate with Triller's API
A small, UNOFFICIAL module to communicate with Triller's API. I plan to add more features/methods in the future.
A slightly opinionated template for iPython configuration for interactive development
A slightly opinionated template for iPython configuration for interactive development. Auto-reload and no imports for packages and modules in the project.
Spodcast is a caching Spotify podcast to RSS proxy
Spodcast Spodcast is a caching Spotify podcast to RSS proxy. Using Spodcast you can follow Spotify-hosted netcasts/podcasts using any player which sup
Transfer style api - An API to use with Tranfer Style App, where you can use two image and transfer the style
Transfer Style API It's an API to use with Tranfer Style App, where you can use
Companion code for the paper Theoretical characterization of uncertainty in high-dimensional linear classification
Companion code for the paper Theoretical characterization of uncertainty in high-dimensional linear classification Usage The required packages are lis
A example project's description is a high-level overview of why you’re doing a project.
A example project's description is a high-level overview of why you’re doing a project.
Python based Web Scraper which can discover javascript files and parse them for juicy information (API keys, IP's, Hidden Paths etc)
Python based Web Scraper which can discover javascript files and parse them for juicy information (API keys, IP's, Hidden Paths etc).
Data science project for exploratory analysis on the kcse grades dataset (Kamilimu Data Science Track)
Kcse-Data-Analysis Data science project for exploratory analysis on the kcse grades dataset (Kamilimu Data Science Track) Findings The performance of
This is my research project for the Irving Center for Cancer Dynamics/Azizi Lab, Columbia University.
bayesian_uncertainty This is my research project for the Irving Center for Cancer Dynamics/Azizi Lab, Columbia University. In this project I build a s
Automatic game data translator for RPGMaker-MV
RPGMaker-MV Translator 🕹️ 🎮 Use AI to translate all the dialogs and texts of your RPGMaker automatically. 👊 You worked hard to make your game, now
An Advance Discord Generator Written in python Verified Email and Phone Number For Free!
Intro An Advance Discord Generator Written in python It can generate nearly fully verified tokens USAGE put server invite code inside ( invitecode = "
Easy-to-setup bot, ChatOps project for handling telegram chat logging over docker-compose services, being runned as one of them.
Easy-to-setup bot, ChatOps project for handling telegram chat logging over docker-compose services, being runned as one of them.
Student Result Management System Project in tkinter created based on python, tkinter, and SQLITE3 Database
Student-Result-Management-System This Student Result Management System Project in tkinter created based on python, tkinter, and SQLITE3 Database. The
A simple machine learning python sign language detection project.
SST Coursework 2022 About the app A python application that utilises the tensorflow object detection algorithm to achieve automatic detection of ameri
Geospatial data-science analysis on reasons behind delay in Grab ride-share services
Grab x Pulis Detailed analysis done to investigate possible reasons for delay in Grab services for NUS Data Analytics Competition 2022, to be found in
metedraw is a project mainly for data visualization projects of Atmospheric Science, Marine Science, Environmental Science or other majors
It is mainly for data visualization projects of Atmospheric Science, Marine Science, Environmental Science or other majors.
Get charts, top artists and top songs WITHOUT LastFM API
LastFM Get charts, top artists and top songs WITHOUT LastFM API Usage Get stats (charts) We provide many filters and options to customize. Geo filter
OpenStats is a library built on top of streamlit that extracts data from the Github API and shows the main KPIs
Open Stats Discover and share the KPIs of your OpenSource project. OpenStats is a library built on top of streamlit that extracts data from the Github
NovaMusic is a music sharing robot. Users can get music and music lyrics using inline queries.
A music sharing telegram robot using Redis database and Telebot python library using Redis database.
A high level library for building Discord bots.
Qord A high level library for building Discord bots. 🚧 This library is currently in development. Questions that you are having What is this? This is
Building Ellee — A GPT-3 and Computer Vision Powered Talking Robotic Teddy Bear With Human Level Conversation Intelligence
Using an object detection and facial recognition system built on MobileNetSSDV2 and Dlib and running on an NVIDIA Jetson Nano, a GPT-3 model, Google Speech Recognition, Amazon Polly and servo motors, I built Ellee - a robotic teddy bear who can move her head and converse naturally.
MLOps pipeline project using Amazon SageMaker Pipelines
This project shows steps to build an end to end MLOps architecture that covers data prep, model training, realtime and batch inference, build model registry, track lineage of artifacts and model drift detection. It utilizes SageMaker Pipelines that offers machine learning (ML) to orchestrate SageMaker jobs and author reproducible ML pipelines.
Personal project about genus-0 meshes, spherical harmonics and a cow
How to transform a cow into spherical harmonics ? Spot the cow, from Keenan Crane's blog Context In the field of Deep Learning, training on images or
Connect is a Python Flask project within the cloud-native ecosystem
Connect is a Python Flask project within the cloud-native ecosystem. Second project of Udacity's Cloud Native Nanodegree program, focusing on documenting and architecting a monolith migration to microservices.
Mock authentication API that acceccpts email and password and returns authentication result.
Mock authentication API that acceccpts email and password and returns authentication result.
This project is helps to download contents from Streamtape by utilizing the API
It scrapes Streamtape api and download contents from the site.
Using Data Science with Machine Learning techniques (ETL pipeline and ML pipeline) to classify received messages after disasters.
Using Data Science with Machine Learning techniques (ETL pipeline and ML pipeline) to classify received messages after disasters.
Quick Project made to help scrape Lexile and Atos(AR) levels from ISBN
Lexile-Atos-Scraper Quick Project made to help scrape Lexile and Atos(AR) levels from ISBN You will need to install the chrome webdriver if you have n
Project: Netflix Data Analysis and Visualization with Python
Project: Netflix Data Analysis and Visualization with Python Table of Contents General Info Installation Demo Usage and Main Functionalities Contribut
A python scripts that uses 3 different feature extraction methods such as SIFT, SURF and ORB to find a book in a video clip and project trailer of a movie based on that book, on to it.
A python scripts that uses 3 different feature extraction methods such as SIFT, SURF and ORB to find a book in a video clip and project trailer of a movie based on that book, on to it.
GetRepo-py is a command line client that queries GitHub API and searches repositories by given arguments
GetRepo-py is a command line client that queries GitHub API and searches repositories by given arguments
Computational inteligence project on faces in the wild dataset
Table of Contents The general idea How these scripts work? Loading data Needed modules and global variables Parsing the arrays in dataset Extracting a
DSpace REST API Client Library
DSpace Python REST Client Library This client library allows Python 3 scripts (Python 2 probably compatible but not officially supported) to interact
An API to send emails through python3's smtplib module.
An API to send emails through python3's smtplib module. Just configure your SMTP server credentials and you are ready to send a lot of emails through API, designed to be used as a newsletter service.
This project uses ViT to perform image classification tasks on DATA set CIFAR10.
Vision-Transformer-Multiprocess-DistributedDataParallel-Apex Introduction This project uses ViT to perform image classification tasks on DATA set CIFA
Deploying a production-ready Django project using Nginx and Gunicorn
django-nginx-gunicorn This project is for deploying a production-ready Django project using Nginx and Gunicorn. Running a local server of Django is no
This is an independent project to track Nubank expenses
Nubank expense tracker This is an independent project to track Nubank expenses. To fetch Nubank data we are going to use an unofficial Nubank API, tha
Running in outer Django project folder (cd django_project)
Django Running in outer Django project folder (cd django_project) Make Migrations python manage.py makemigrations Migrate to Database python manage.py
Python script that automates the tasks involved in starting a new coding project
Auto Project Builder Automates the repetitive tasks while starting a new project Installation Use the REQUIREMENTS.txt file to install the dependencie
Project aims to map out common user behavior on the computer
User-Behavior-Mapping-Tool Project aims to map out common user behavior on the computer. Most of the code is based on the research by kacos2000 found
16-bit PvP platform minigame made for a final high-school project
16-bit PvP platform minigame made for a final high-school project
Docker Sample Project - FastAPI + NGINX
Docker Sample Project - FastAPI + NGINX Run FastAPI and Nginx using Docker container Installation Make sure Docker is installed on your local machine
A demo project to elaborate how Machine Learn Models are deployed on production using Flask API
This is a salary prediction website developed with the help of machine learning, this makes prediction of salary on basis of few parameters like interview score, experience test score.
Project in which we modelise an Among Us problem using graph theories.
Python-AmongUsProblem Project in which we modelise an Among Us problem using graph theories. The rules are as following: Total of 100 players 10 playe
This program analizes films database with adresses, and creates a folium map with closest films to the coordinates
Films-map-project UCU CS lab 1.2, 1st year This program analizes films database with adresses, and creates a folium map with closest films to the coor
This is a basic Todo Application API using Django Rest Framework
Todo Application This is a basic Todo Application API using Django Rest Framework. Todo Section - User can View his previously added todo items, creat
An unofficial API for lyricsfreak.com using django and django rest framework.
An unofficial API for lyricsfreak.com using django and django rest framework.
This repository contains Python code examples using the MoneyMoov API
Python Examples This repository contains Python code examples using the MoneyMoov API. The examples are written to operate in the NoFrixion sandbox en
MidTerm Project for the Data Analysis FT Bootcamp, Adam Tycner and Florent ZAHOUI
MidTerm Project for the Data Analysis FT Bootcamp, Adam Tycner and Florent ZAHOUI Hallo
An API which returns random AOT quote everytime it's invoked
An API which returns random AOT quote everytime it's invoked
FastAPI Auth Starter Project
This is a template for FastAPI that comes with authentication preconfigured.
Tracks how much money a profile has in their bank and graphs it, as long as they enable the bank api
Tracks how much money a profile has in their bank and graphs it, as long as they enable the bank api. (you could really use this to track anything from the hypixel api)
Use a real time weather API to apply wind to your mouse cursor.
wind-cursor Use a real time weather API to apply wind to your mouse cursor. Requirements PyAutoGUI pyowm Usage This program uses the OpenWeatherMap AP
Weather Tracker, made with Python using Open Weather API
Weather Tracker Weather Tracker, made with Python using Open Weather API
Python project that aims to discover CDP neighbors and map their Layer-2 topology within a shareable medium like Visio or Draw.io.
Python project that aims to discover CDP neighbors and map their Layer-2 topology within a shareable medium like Visio or Draw.io.
Email-bomber - Email bomber unlike other email bombers u don't need your gmail email id to use this
Email-bomber - Email bomber unlike other email bombers u don't need your gmail email id to use this
BreakFastApi 🍣 🍔 🍕 The most delicious API on the web
BreakFastApi 🍣 🍔 🍕 The most delicious API on the web. Just send a request and you'll receive the most mouth watering dish recipe with estimated coo
Face recognition project by matching the features extracted using SIFT.
MV_FaceDetectionWithSIFT Face recognition project by matching the features extracted using SIFT. By : Aria Radmehr Professor : Ali Amiri Dependencies
A project to find out all the words in a crossword.
A project to find out all the words in a crossword.
Mnist API server w/ FastAPI
Mnist API server w/ FastAPI
API that provides Wordle (ES) solutions in JSON format
Wordle (ES) solutions API that provides Wordle (ES) solutions in JSON format.
A basic template for Creating Odoo Module
Odoo ERP Boilerplate A basic template for Creating Odoo Module. Folders inside this repository consist of snippet code and a module example. Folders w
Library written in Python that wraps Halo Infinite API.
haloinfinite Library written in Python that wraps Halo Infinite API. Before start It's unofficial, reverse-engineered, neither stable nor production r
Hex-brawl-v25 - Simple Brawl Stars v25.107 server emulator written in Python
Hex Brawl Simple Brawl Stars v25.107 server emulator written in Python. Requirem
InverterApi - This project has been designed to take monitoring data from Voltronic, Axpert, Mppsolar PIP, Voltacon, Effekta
InverterApi - This project has been designed to take monitoring data from Voltronic, Axpert, Mppsolar PIP, Voltacon, Effekta
Algorithm and Structured Programming course project for the first semester of the Internet Systems course at IFPB
Algorithm and Structured Programming course project for the first semester of the Internet Systems course at IFPB
Yts-cli-streamer - A CLI movie streaming client which works on yts.mx API written in python
YTSP It is a CLI movie streaming client which works on yts.mx API written in pyt
This project aims at providing a concise, easy-to-use, modifiable reference implementation for semantic segmentation models using PyTorch.
Semantic Segmentation on PyTorch (include FCN, PSPNet, Deeplabv3, Deeplabv3+, DANet, DenseASPP, BiSeNet, EncNet, DUNet, ICNet, ENet, OCNet, CCNet, PSANet, CGNet, ESPNet, LEDNet, DFANet)
Example of semantic segmentation in Keras
keras-semantic-segmentation-example Example of semantic segmentation in Keras Single class example: Generated data: random ellipse with random color o
API wrapper for VCS hosting system.
PythonVCS API wrapper for VCS hosting system. Supported platforms Gitea Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket support will not, until that packages is not updated
A voice based calculator by using termux api in Android
termux_voice_calculator This is. A voice based calculator by using termux api in Android Instagram account 👉 👈 Requirements and installation Downloa
Tekken-python-ml - A project of playing tekken game using python
Tekken Python Description Hi this is new project of playing tekken game using py
LabGraph is a a Python-first framework used to build sophisticated research systems with real-time streaming, graph API, and parallelism.
LabGraph is a a Python-first framework used to build sophisticated research systems with real-time streaming, graph API, and parallelism.
Dev-meme - A repository that contains memes just for people like us
A repository that contains memes just for people like us. Coders are constantly
Challenge2022 - A backend of a Chia project donation platform
Overview This is a backend of a Chia project donation platform. People can publi
This project is an exciting fun game for beginners to build up
This project is an exciting fun game for beginners to build up. The program generates a random number from 1 to 10, or 1 to 100 any range that is specified and the user must guess the number after a hint from the computer.
This project is based on discord.py and is meant to be a 'Quick Start Bot' to cut down on the time it takes to write complex discord bots.
This project is based on discord.py and is meant to be a 'Quick Start Bot' to cut down on the time it takes to write complex discord bots.
This project proposes a camera vision based cursor control system, using hand moment captured from a webcam through a landmarks of hand by using Mideapipe module
This project proposes a camera vision based cursor control system, using hand moment captured from a webcam through a landmarks of hand by using Mideapipe module
This package accesses nitrotype's official api along with its unofficial user api
NitrotypePy This package accesses nitrotype's official api along with its unofficial user api. Currently still in development. Install To install, run
Hellomotoot - PSTN Mastodon Client using Mastodon.py and the Twilio API
Hello MoToot PSTN Mastodon Client using Mastodon.py and the Twilio API. Allows f
Api for getting bin info and getting encrypted card details for adyen.
Bin Info And Adyen Cse Enc Python api for getting bin info and getting encrypted
A simple quiz app using API and GUI
GUI-Quiz-APP It's a simple quiz app using API and GUI.
Send OpenWeatherMap alerts (One Call API) to telegram users.
OpenWeatherMap Telegram Alert Send OpenWeatherMap alerts (One Call API) to telegram users. Installation Requirements: $ apt install python3-yaml pytho
Spotify User Token Generator Template
Spotify User Token Generator Template Quick Start $ pip3 install -r requirements