11423 Repositories
Python Python-GTPS-Status-bot Libraries
Open Data Cube analyses continental scale Earth Observation data through time
Open Data Cube Core Overview The Open Data Cube Core provides an integrated gridded data analysis environment for decades of analysis ready earth obse
Toolchest provides APIs for scientific and bioinformatic data analysis.
Toolchest Python Client Toolchest provides APIs for scientific and bioinformatic data analysis. It allows you to abstract away the costliness of runni
A data analysis using python and pandas to showcase trends in school performance.
A data analysis using python and pandas to showcase trends in school performance. A data analysis to showcase trends in school performance using Panda
An end-to-end regression problem of predicting the price of properties in Bangalore.
Bangalore-House-Price-Prediction An end-to-end regression problem of predicting the price of properties in Bangalore. Deployed in Heroku using Flask.
Repositori untuk menyimpan material Long Course STMKGxHMGI tentang Geophysical Python for Seismic Data Analysis
Long Course "Geophysical Python for Seismic Data Analysis" Instruktur: Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, M.Si Dipersiapkan oleh: Anang Sahroni Waktu: Sesi 1
The OHSDI OMOP Common Data Model allows for the systematic analysis of healthcare observational databases.
The OHSDI OMOP Common Data Model allows for the systematic analysis of healthcare observational databases.
Python codes for the server and client end that facilitates file transfers. (Using AWS EC2 instance as the server)
Server-and-Client-File-Transfer Python codes for the server and client end that facilitates file transfers. I will be using an AWS EC2 instance as the
Acid's Utilities is a bot for my Discord server that alerts when I go live, welcomes new users, has some awesome games and so much more!
Acid's Utilities Acid's Utilities is a bot for my Discord server that alerts when I go live, welcomes new users, has some awesome games and so much mo
Simple Library Management made with Python
Installation pip install mysql-connector-python NOTE: You must make a database (library) & and table (books, student) to hold all data. Languange and
A hack for writing switch statements with type annotations in Python.
py_annotation_switch A hack for writing switch statements in type annotations for Python. Why should I use this? You most definitely should not use th
PetrickScanner is a simple Python OOP TCP Port Scanner
PetrickScanner PetrickScanner is a simple Python OOP TCP Port Scanner Functions Python TCP Port Scanner DNS Resolver Random Scanner PLEASE ANY PROBLEM
Neural Motion Learner With Python
Neural Motion Learner Introduction This work is to extract skeletal structure from volumetric observations and to learn motion dynamics from the detec
A python socket.io client for Roboteur
Roboteur Client Example TODO Basic setup Install the requirements: $ pip install -r requirements.txt Run the application: $ python -m roboteur_client
A simple hangman game for beginners trying to learn python
Hangman Game This is a simple hangman game for beginners trying to learn python. I have tried to keep it as simply as possible. Sample output Here is
This is an interactive MiniMap made with Python, PyQT5 & Pytesseract for the game
NWMM-New-World-MiniMap Features: Automatically grabs position from "New World" Instance Live visualisation of player position on MiniMap Circular & re
Basic Discord python bot
#How to Create a Discord Bot Account In order to work with the Python library and the Discord API, we must first create a Discord Bot account. Here ar
Bot Realm of the Mad God Exalt (ROTMG). (Auto_nexus, Auto_HP, Auto_Loot)
Bot_ROTMG Bot Realm of the Mad God Exalt (ROTMG). (Auto_nexus, Auto_HP, Auto_Loot) *Este projeto visa apenas o aprendizado, quem faz mal uso é o único
Python example making use of best practice file structure and multithreading.
Python example making use of best practice file structure and multithreading.
A Python package to easily create APIs in Python.
API_Easy An Python Package for easily create APIs in Python pip install easy-api-builder Requiremnets: = python 3.6 Required modules -- Flask Docume
A modular Telegram Python bot running on python3 with a sqlalchemy database
Nao Tomori Robot Found Me On Telegram As Nao Tomori 🌼 A modular Telegram Python bot running on python3 with a sqlalchemy database. How to setup/deplo
Cobalt Strike Sleep Python Bridge
This project is 'bridge' between the sleep and python language. It allows the control of a Cobalt Strike teamserver through python without the need for for the standard GUI client. NOTE: This project is very much in BETA. The goal is to provide a playground for testing and is in no way an officially support feature. Perhaps this could be something added in the future to the core product.
Python suite to construct benchmark machine learning datasets from the MIMIC-III clinical database.
MIMIC-III Benchmarks Python suite to construct benchmark machine learning datasets from the MIMIC-III clinical database. Currently, the benchmark data
HODEmu, is both an executable and a python library that is based on Ragagnin 2021 in prep.
HODEmu HODEmu, is both an executable and a python library that is based on Ragagnin 2021 in prep. and emulates satellite abundance as a function of co
SlideGraph+: Whole Slide Image Level Graphs to Predict HER2 Status in Breast Cancer
SlideGraph+: Whole Slide Image Level Graphs to Predict HER2 Status in Breast Cancer A novel graph neural network (GNN) based model (termed SlideGraph+
This is a simple bot that can be used to upload images to a third-party cloud (image hosting). Currently, only the imgbb.com website supports the bot. I Will do future updates
TGImageHosting This is a simple bot that can be used to upload images to a third party cloud (image hosting). Currently, only the imgbb.com website su
Sabe is a python framework written for easy web server setup.
Sabe is a python framework written for easy web server setup. Sabe, kolay web sunucusu kurulumu için yazılmış bir python çerçevesidir. Öğrenmesi kola
Download India Stocks Historical Data
Kite Helper - Download Stock Market Data 🌎 Website Simple Application to Download any stock market data in .csv format using Kite 🏃♂️ Running Serve
Command line tool for google dorks
CLI for google dorks This is the command line tool made with pytohn which allows the users to perform Google dorks easily Installation Install google
A replacement for Reddit /r/copypasta CummyBot2000 with extra measures to avoid it being banned.
CummyBot1984 A replacement for Reddit /r/copypasta's CummyBot2000 with extra measures to respect Reddit's API rules. Features Copies and replies to ev
A Telegram bot to all media and documents files to web link .
FileStreamBot A Telegram bot to all media and documents files to web link . Report a Bug | Request Feature 🍁 About This Bot : This bot will give you
Al-Quran dengan Terjemahan Indonesia
Al-Quran Rofi Al-Quran dengan Terjemahan / Tafsir Jalalayn Instalasi Al-Quran Rofi untuk Archlinux untuk pengguna distro Archlinux dengan paket manage
A script written in Python that generate output custom color (HEX or RGB input to x1b hexadecimal)
ColorShell ─ 1.5 Planned for v2: setup.sh for setup alias This script converts HEX and RGB code to x1b x1b is code for colorize outputs, works on ou
LightCSV - This CSV reader is implemented in just pure Python.
LightCSV Simple light CSV reader This CSV reader is implemented in just pure Python. It allows to specify a separator, a quote char and column titles
This discord bot preview user 42intra login picture.
42intra_Pic BOT This discord bot preview user 42intra login picture. created by: @YOPI#8626 Using: Python 3.9 (64-bit) (You don't need 3.9 but some fu
A high-level Python library for Quantum Natural Language Processing
lambeq About lambeq is a toolkit for quantum natural language processing (QNLP). Documentation: https://cqcl.github.io/lambeq/ Getting started Prerequ
Bypass 4xx HTTP response status codes.
Forbidden Bypass 4xx HTTP response status codes. To see all the test cases, check the source code - follow the NOTE comments. Script uses multithreadi
Written in Python, freezed into stand-alone executable with PyInstaller. This app will make sure you stay in New World without getting kicked for inactivity.
New World - AFK Written in Python, freezed into stand-alone executable with PyInstaller. This app will make sure you stay in New World without getting
Helpful functions for use alongside the rich Python library.
🔧 Rich Tools A python package with helpful functions for use alongside with the rich python library. The current features are: Convert a Pandas
Using with Jupyter making live crypto currency action
Make-Live-Crypto-Currency-With-Python Using with Jupyter making live crypto currency action 1.Note: 💣 You must Create a Binance account and also clic
This is an easy python software which allows to sort images with faces by gender and after by age.
Gender-age Classifier This is an easy python software which allows to sort images with faces by gender and after by age. Usage First install Deepface
Simple python tool created for downloading PDF.
PDFdownloader Usage Open PDF in full-screen mode Run scan.exe Enter how many pages you want to scan Focus PDF After scanning is done, run merge.exe En
Number calculator application.
Number calculator application.
An automatic django's update checker and MS teams notifier
Django Update Checker This is small script for checking any new updates/bugfixes/security fixes released in django News & Events and sending correspon
High performance Python GLMs with all the features!
High performance Python GLMs with all the features!
Json utils is a python module that you can use when working with json files.
Json-utils Json utils is a python module that you can use when working with json files. it comes packed with a lot of featrues Features Converting jso
A bot to display per user data from the Twitch Leak
twitch-leak-bot-discord A bot to display per user data from the Twitch Leak by username Where's the data? I can't and don't want to supply the .csv's
Python implementation of a blockchain.
The goal of this project is to explain and to make clearer how is a blockchain structured at the very core. It's not built with the intention to replicate an advanced blockchain like Bitcoin or Ethereum
PyAutoEasy is a extension / wrapper around the famous PyAutoGUI, a cross-platform GUI automation tool to replace your boooring repetitive tasks.
PyAutoEasy PyAutoEasy is a extension / wrapper around the famous PyAutoGUI, a cross-platform GUI automation tool to replace your boooring repetitive t
Telegram bot for searching videos in your PDisk account by @AbirHasan2005
PDisk-Videos-Search A Telegram bot for searching videos in your PDisk account by @AbirHasan2005. Configs API_ID - Get from @TeleORG_Bot API_HASH - Get
A MassDM selfbot which is working in 2021
mass-dm-discord - Little preview of the Logger and the Spammer Features Logging User IDS Sending DMs to the logged IDs Blacklist IDs (add the ID of th
Automatizando a criação de DAGs usando Jinja e YAML
Automatizando a criação de DAGs no Airflow usando Jinja e YAML Arquitetura do Repo: Pastas por contexto de negócio (ex: Marketing, Analytics, HR, etc)
Search users in Github. Created with Flask, PipEnv, Heroku and free time.
Search in Github Here search for users in Github and other stuff! This app is working with, Data Github API BackEnd Flask Language Python Package mana
Unarchive Bot for Telegram
Telegram UnArchiver Bot UnArchiveBot: 🇬🇧 Bot that allows you to extract supported archive formats in telegram. 🇹🇷 Desteklenen arşiv biçimleri tele
✨ A Telegram mirror/leech bot By SparkXcloud Group ✨
SparkXcloud-Gdrive-MirrorBot SparkXcloud-Gdrive-MirrorBot is a multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our b
Local Telegram Bot With FastAPI & Ngrok
An easy local telegram bot server with python, fastapi and ngrok.
Python Programmma DarkMap.py
DarkMap Python Programmma DarkMap.py O'rganish va rasmlarni ko'riosh https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1l1zybs_0Zy9z_trZYz5R72WrwsE6mFOh?usp=shar
A self-hosted Discord music bot.
Cassette A self-hosted Discord music bot. Requirements py-cord pynacl pytube Setup Intended to be hosted on Heroku. Fork or clone this repo. Create a
The Few-Shot Bot: Prompt-Based Learning for Dialogue Systems
Few-Shot Bot: Prompt-Based Learning for Dialogue Systems This repository includes the dataset, experiments results, and code for the paper: Few-Shot B
A discord bot that moderates your server!
Staff Bot para Discord O que é? É um bot que modera o seu servidor no Discord, apagando mensagens indesejadas que os usuários mandem! Como usar Primei
Random Number Generator
Application for generating a random number.
Django Admin Two-Factor Authentication, allows you to login django admin with google authenticator.
Django Admin Two-Factor Authentication Django Admin Two-Factor Authentication, allows you to login django admin with google authenticator. Why Django
Make discord server By Coding!
Discord Server Maker Make discord server by Coding! FAQ How can i get role permissons? Open discord with chrome developer tool, go to network and clic
DoSer.py - Simple DoSer in Python
DoSer.py - Simple DoSer in Python What is DoSer? DoSer is basically an HTTP Denial of Service attack that affects threaded servers. It works like this
Zero2 Discord bot is written with Discord.py using Python.
Zero2 Discord bot is written with Discord.py using Python.
A Python script to update Spotify Playlist data every 5 minutes.
Spotify Playlist Updater A Python script to update Spotify Playlist data every 5 minutes. Description An automatic playlist updater using Spotify API
Delphi's FireMonkey framework as a Python module for Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Android GUI development.
DelphiFMX4Python Delphi's FireMonkey framework as a Python module for Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Android GUI development. About: The delphifmx library
Project glow is an open source bot worked on by many people to create a good and safe moderation bot for all
Project Glow Greetings, I see you have stumbled upon project glow. Project glow is an open source bot worked on by many people to create a good and sa
This python script extracts all the video URLs from any youtube channel. Then it extracts all the information like the name of the youtube channel, published date, likes, dislikes, comments, views, etc for all the videos in that channel.
youtube-channel-video-url-extractor This python script extracts all the video URLs from any youtube channel. Then it extracts all the information like
Discord bot built using Python. through this you can get information about the upcoming matches, scoreboard, live score
IPL-bot This is a Discord bot built using Python. through this you can get information about the upcoming matches, scoreboard, live score, and many mo
Data Augmentation with Variational Autoencoders
Documentation Pyraug This library provides a way to perform Data Augmentation using Variational Autoencoders in a reliable way even in challenging con
StyleTransfer - Open source style transfer project, based on VGG19
StyleTransfer - Open source style transfer project, based on VGG19
Python module to work with Magneto Database directly without using broken Magento 2 core
Python module to work with Magneto Database directly without using broken Magento 2 core
A tool used to encrypt Python scripts version 2.7 and version 3.9
A tool used to encrypt Python scripts version 2.7 and version 3.9
Amanda-A next gen powerful telegram group manager bot for manage your groups and have fun with other cool modules.
Amanda-A next gen powerful telegram group manager bot for manage your groups and have fun with other cool modules.
Python file organizer application
Python file organizer application
term2048 is a terminal-based version of 2048.
term2048 is a terminal-based version of 2048.
Template repository to build PyTorch projects from source on any version of PyTorch/CUDA/cuDNN.
Template repository to build PyTorch projects from source on any version of PyTorch/CUDA/cuDNN.
This book will take you on an exploratory journey through the PDF format, and the borb Python library.
This book will take you on an exploratory journey through the PDF format, and the borb Python library.
A tool written in python to generate basic repo files from github
A tool written in python to generate basic repo files from github
Script that organizes the Google Takeout archive into one big chronological folder
Script that organizes the Google Takeout archive into one big chronological folder
Just a basic Telegram AI chat bot written in Python using Pyrogram.
Nikko ChatBot Just a basic Telegram AI chat bot written in Python using Pyrogram. Requirements Python 3.7 or higher. A bot token. Installation $ https
UP It is a script to notify of a new update of your project, done in python and using GitHub, to modify the versions to notify users.
UP-Updater UP It is a script to notify of a new update of your project, done in python and using GitHub, to modify the versions to notify users. Requi
A python program to detect rickrolls with just the youtube link.
rickroll_detector A python program to detect rickrolls with just the youtube link. Usage: clone this repo or download zip run the main.py file with py
Gamma ion pump QPC ethernet Python library & CLI utility
Unofficial Gamma ion pump ethernet control CLI utility and library This is a mini Python 3 library and utility that exposes some of the functions of t
A synchronous, object oriented API wrapper for thecatapi
cats.py A synchronous, object oriented API wrapper for thecatapi Table Of Content cats.py Table Of Content Installation Usage Contributing FAQ License
Manage gmail account using python, forget about imap and just code what you supposed to do.
GGmail Manage gmail account using python, forget about imap and just code what you supposed to do. Help See documentation for more details. Install In
hugeURLer 是一个基于 Python 和 GitHub action 的短链接服务
hugeURLer 是一个基于 Python 和 GitHub action 的短链接服务 如何使用 您需要把库 clone 到本地,然后在终端执行 python3 .\src\addNewRedirection.py url ,就能创建一个指向你设置的 url 的跳转页面。
Want to play What Would Rather on your Server? Invite the bot now! 😏
What is this Bot? 👀 What You Would Rather? is a Guessing game where you guess one thing. Long Description short Take this example: You typed r!rather
Os-Remoter with Python (Telegram Bot)
Remote-Os Os-Remoter with Python (Telegram Bot) [1] First install "python -m pip install --upgrade pip" [2] Second install the modules inside file ins
An audio-solving python funcaptcha solving module
funcapsolver funcapsolver is a funcaptcha audio-solving module, which allows captchas to be interacted with and solved with the use of google's speech
This Python script can be used to bypass IP source restrictions using HTTP headers.
ipsourcebypass This Python script can be used to bypass IP source restrictions using HTTP headers. Features 17 HTTP headers. Multithreading. JSON expo
Python library for sending emails.
Mail-py Python library for sending emails. Installation git clone https://github.com/SunPodder/Mail-py cd Mail-py python setup.py install Usage Imp
A Telegram user bot to count telegram channel subscriber or group member.
Subscriber Count Userbot A Telegram user bot to count telegram channel subscriber or group member. This tool is only for educational purpose. You coul
A python program to generate ANSI art from images and videos
ANSI Art Generator A python program that creates ASCII art (with true color support if enabled) from images and videos Dependencies The program runs u
A mini implementation of python library.
minipy author = RQDYSGN date = 2021.10.11 version = 0.2 1. 简介 基于python3.7环境,通过py原生库和leetcode上的一些习题构建的超小型py lib。 2. 环境 Python 3.7 2. 结构 ${project_name}
A Telegram bot to download from Youtube server.
IDN-YoutubeDL-Bot A Telegram bot to download from Youtube server. Configs 📖 API_ID - Your APP ID. Get it from my.telegram.org API_HASH - Your API_HAS
A python library for creating Slack slash commands using AWS Lambda Functions
slashbot Slashbot makes it easy to create slash commands using AWS Lambda functions. These can be handy for creating a secure way to execute automated
A simple digital clock made with the help of python
Digital-Clock ⏰ Description 📚 ✔️ A simple digital clock made with the help of python. The code is easy to understand and implement. With this reposit
Simple PoC script that allows you to exploit telegram's "send with timer" feature by saving any media sent with this functionality.
Simple PoC script that allows you to exploit telegram's "send with timer" feature by saving any media sent with this functionality.