565 Repositories
Python Variance-Aware-MT-Test-Sets Libraries
Official code for CVPR2022 paper: Depth-Aware Generative Adversarial Network for Talking Head Video Generation
📖 Depth-Aware Generative Adversarial Network for Talking Head Video Generation (CVPR 2022) 🔥 If DaGAN is helpful in your photos/projects, please hel
Pop-Out Motion: 3D-Aware Image Deformation via Learning the Shape Laplacian (CVPR 2022)
Pop-Out Motion Pop-Out Motion: 3D-Aware Image Deformation via Learning the Shape Laplacian (CVPR 2022) Jihyun Lee*, Minhyuk Sung*, Hyunjin Kim, Tae-Ky
Official repository accompanying a CVPR 2022 paper EMOCA: Emotion Driven Monocular Face Capture And Animation. EMOCA takes a single image of a face as input and produces a 3D reconstruction. EMOCA sets the new standard on reconstructing highly emotional images in-the-wild
EMOCA: Emotion Driven Monocular Face Capture and Animation Radek Daněček · Michael J. Black · Timo Bolkart CVPR 2022 This repository is the official i
MAT: Mask-Aware Transformer for Large Hole Image Inpainting
MAT: Mask-Aware Transformer for Large Hole Image Inpainting (CVPR2022, Oral) Wenbo Li, Zhe Lin, Kun Zhou, Lu Qi, Yi Wang, Jiaya Jia [Paper] News This
Data types specify the different sizes and values that can be stored in the variable. For example, Python stores numbers, strings, and a list of values using different data types. Learn different types of Python data types along with their respective in-built functions and methods.
02_Python_Datatypes Introduction 👋 Data types specify the different sizes and values that can be stored in the variable. For example, Python stores n
scene-linear test images
Scene-Referred Image Collection A collection of OpenEXR Scene-Referred images, encoded as max 2048px width, DWAA 80 compression. All exrs are encoded
Symmetry and Uncertainty-Aware Object SLAM for 6DoF Object Pose Estimation
SUO-SLAM This repository hosts the code for our CVPR 2022 paper "Symmetry and Uncertainty-Aware Object SLAM for 6DoF Object Pose Estimation". ArXiv li
python package to showcase, test and build your own version of Pickhardt Payments
Pickhardt Payments Package The pickhardtpayments package is a collection of classes and interfaces that help you to test and implement your dialect of
Web3 Ethereum DeFi toolkit for smart contracts, Uniswap and PancakeSwap trades, Ethereum JSON-RPC utilities, wallets and automated test suites.
Web3 Ethereum Defi This project contains common Ethereum smart contracts and utilities, for trading, wallets,automated test suites and backend integra
ML-Test-Client Introduction What is this? This Test Client App is to be used to crowd-test machine learning models with the goal of finding the best c
ACL 2022: CAKE: A Scalable Commonsense-Aware Framework For Multi-View Knowledge Graph Completion
CAKE ACL 2022: CAKE: A Scalable Commonsense-Aware Framework For Multi-View Knowledge Graph Completion Introduction This is the PyTorch implementation
Point Density-Aware Voxels for LiDAR 3D Object Detection (CVPR 2022)
PDV PDV is LiDAR 3D object detection method. This repository is based off [OpenPCDet]. Point Density-Aware Voxels for LiDAR 3D Object Detection Jordan
Multi-View Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for 3D-aware Image Synthesis (CVPR2022)
Multi-View Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for 3D-aware Image Synthesis Multi-View Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for 3D-aware
This is the open source implementation of the ICLR2022 paper "StyleNeRF: A Style-based 3D-Aware Generator for High-resolution Image Synthesis"
StyleNeRF: A Style-based 3D-Aware Generator for High-resolution Image Synthesis StyleNeRF: A Style-based 3D-Aware Generator for High-resolution Image
Potato Disease Classification - Training, Rest APIs, and Frontend to test.
Potato Disease Classification Setup for Python: Install Python (Setup instructions) Install Python packages pip3 install -r training/requirements.txt
Package towards building Explainable Forecasting and Nowcasting Models with State-of-the-art Deep Neural Networks and Dynamic Factor Model on Time Series data sets with single line of code. Also, provides utilify facility for time-series signal similarities matching, and removing noise from timeseries signals.
DeepXF: Explainable Forecasting and Nowcasting with State-of-the-art Deep Neural Networks and Dynamic Factor Model Also, verify TS signal similarities
[CVPR 2022] CoTTA Code for our CVPR 2022 paper Continual Test-Time Domain Adaptation
CoTTA Code for our CVPR 2022 paper Continual Test-Time Domain Adaptation Prerequisite Please create and activate the following conda envrionment. To r
Official Implementation of HRDA: Context-Aware High-Resolution Domain-Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
HRDA: Context-Aware High-Resolution Domain-Adaptive Semantic Segmentation by Lukas Hoyer, Dengxin Dai, and Luc Van Gool [Arxiv] [Paper] Overview Unsup
Semi-automated OpenVINO benchmark_app with variable parameters
Semi-automated OpenVINO benchmark_app with variable parameters. User can specify multiple options for any parameters in the benchmark_app and the progam runs the benchmark with all combinations of given options.
Official repository for "Exploiting Session Information in BERT-based Session-aware Sequential Recommendation", SIGIR 2022 short.
Session-aware BERT4Rec Official repository for "Exploiting Session Information in BERT-based Session-aware Sequential Recommendation", SIGIR 2022 shor
Official public repository of paper "Intention Adaptive Graph Neural Network for Category-Aware Session-Based Recommendation"
Intention Adaptive Graph Neural Network (IAGNN) This is the official repository of paper Intention Adaptive Graph Neural Network for Category-Aware Se
AoT is a system for automatically generating off-target test harness by using build information.
AoT: Auto off-Target Automatically generating off-target test harness by using build information. Brought to you by the Mobile Security Team at Samsun
In this project we predict the forest cover type using the cartographic variables in the training/test datasets.
Kaggle Competition: Forest Cover Type Prediction In this project we predict the forest cover type (the predominant kind of tree cover) using the carto
My implementation of Safaricom Machine Learning Codility test. The code has bugs, logical I guess I made errors and any correction will be appreciated.
Safaricom_Codility Machine Learning 2022 The test entails two questions. Question 1 was on Machine Learning. Question 2 was on SQL I ran out of time.
Codes for coreference-aware machine reading comprehension
Data and code for the paper "Tracing Origins: Coreference-aware Machine Reading Comprehension" at ACL2022. Dataset There are three folders for our thr
Code base for "On-the-Fly Test-time Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation"
On-the-Fly Adaptation Official Pytorch Code base for On-the-Fly Test-time Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation Paper Introduction One major probl
Code for Findings of ACL 2022 Paper "Sentiment Word Aware Multimodal Refinement for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis with ASR Errors"
SWRM Code for Findings of ACL 2022 Paper "Sentiment Word Aware Multimodal Refinement for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis with ASR Errors" Clone Clone th
MAU: A Motion-Aware Unit for Video Prediction and Beyond, NeurIPS2021
MAU (NeurIPS2021) Zheng Chang, Xinfeng Zhang, Shanshe Wang, Siwei Ma, Yan Ye, Xinguang Xiang, Wen GAo. Official PyTorch Code for "MAU: A Motion-Aware
Digan - Official PyTorch implementation of Generating Videos with Dynamics-aware Implicit Generative Adversarial Networks
DIGAN (ICLR 2022) Official PyTorch implementation of "Generating Videos with Dyn
Cairo-integer-types - A library for bitwise integer types (e.g. int64 or uint32) in Cairo, with a test suite
The Cairo bitwise integer library (cairo-bitwise-int v0.1.1) The Cairo smart tes
Static-test - A playground to play with ideas related to testing the comparability of the code
Static test playground ⚠️ The code is just an experiment. Compiles and runs on U
Speed-Test - You can check your intenet speed using this tool
Speed-Test Tool By Hez_X AVAILABLE ON : Termux & Kali linux & Ubuntu (Linux E
Federated Learning - Including common test models for federated learning, like CNN, Resnet18 and lstm, controlled by different parser
Federated_Learning 💻 This projest include common test models for federated lear
fair-test is a library to build and deploy FAIR metrics tests APIs supporting the specifications used by the FAIRMetrics working group.
☑️ FAIR test fair-test is a library to build and deploy FAIR metrics tests APIs supporting the specifications used by the FAIRMetrics working group. I
This repository contnains sample problems with test cases using Cormen-Lib
Cormen Lib Sample Problems Description This repository contnains sample problems with test cases using Cormen-Lib. These problems were made for the pu
CATE: Computation-aware Neural Architecture Encoding with Transformers
CATE: Computation-aware Neural Architecture Encoding with Transformers Code for paper: CATE: Computation-aware Neural Architecture Encoding with Trans
These are Simple python scripts to test/scan your network
Disclaimer This tool is for Educational purpose only. We do not promote or encourage any illegal activities. Summary These are Simple python scripts t
A small tool to test and visualize protein embeddings and amino acid proportions.
polyprotein_stats A small tool to test and visualize protein embeddings and amino acid proportions. Currently deployed on streamlit.io. Given a set of
Code for reproducible experiments presented in KSD Aggregated Goodness-of-fit Test.
Code for KSDAgg: a KSD aggregated goodness-of-fit test This GitHub repository contains the code for the reproducible experiments presented in our pape
This is a tool to develop, build and test PHP extensions in Docker containers.
Develop, Build and Test PHP Extensions This is a tool to develop, build and test PHP extensions in Docker containers. Installation Clone this reposito
A test repository to build a python package and publish the package to Artifact Registry using GCB
A test repository to build a python package and publish the package to Artifact Registry using GCB. Then have the package be a dependency in a GCF function.
This repository has automation content to test Arista devices.
Network tests automation Network tests automation About this repository Requirements Requirements on your laptop Requirements on the switches Quick te
Test app for importing contact information in CSV files.
Contact Import TestApp Test app for importing contact information in CSV files. Explore the docs » · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents Ab
Mock smart contracts for writing Ethereum test suites
Mock smart contracts for writing Ethereum test suites This package contains comm
Pytest-typechecker - Pytest plugin to test how type checkers respond to code
pytest-typechecker this is a plugin for pytest that allows you to create tests t
A python package to adjust the bias of probabilistic forecasts/hindcasts using "Mean and Variance Adjustment" method.
Documentation A python package to adjust the bias of probabilistic forecasts/hindcasts using "Mean and Variance Adjustment" method. Read documentation
CAMPARI: Camera-Aware Decomposed Generative Neural Radiance Fields
CAMPARI: Camera-Aware Decomposed Generative Neural Radiance Fields Paper | Supplementary | Video | Poster If you find our code or paper useful, please
Baseline for the Spoofing-aware Speaker Verification Challenge 2022
Introduction This repository contains several materials that supplements the Spoofing-Aware Speaker Verification (SASV) Challenge 2022 including: calc
[ECE NTUA] 👁 Computer Vision - Lab Projects & Theoretical Problem Sets (2020-2021)
Computer Vision - NTUA (2020-2021) This repository hosts the lab projects and theoretical problem sets of the Computer Vision course held by ECE NTUA
Pytest modified env
Pytest plugin to fail a test if it leaves modified os.environ afterwards.
Using Machine Learning to Test Causal Hypotheses in Conjoint Analysis
Readme File for "Using Machine Learning to Test Causal Hypotheses in Conjoint Analysis" by Ham, Imai, and Janson. (2022) All scripts were written and
A PyTorch implementation for our paper "Dual Contrastive Learning: Text Classification via Label-Aware Data Augmentation".
Dual-Contrastive-Learning A PyTorch implementation for our paper "Dual Contrastive Learning: Text Classification via Label-Aware Data Augmentation". Y
Leaf: Multiple-Choice Question Generation
Leaf: Multiple-Choice Question Generation Easy to use and understand multiple-choice question generation algorithm using T5 Transformers. The applicat
This repository is for Contrastive Embedding Distribution Refinement and Entropy-Aware Attention Network (CEDR)
CEDR This repository is for Contrastive Embedding Distribution Refinement and Entropy-Aware Attention Network (CEDR) introduced in the following paper
A small automated test structure using python to test *.cpp codes
Get Started Insert C++ Codes Add Test Code Run Test Samples Check Coverages Insert C++ Codes you can easily add c++ files in /inputs directory there i
Data-sets from the survey and analysis
bachelor-thesis "Umfragewerte.xlsx" contains the orginal survey results. "umfrage_alle.csv" contains the survey results but one participant is cancele
Feedback is important: response-aware feedback mechanism for background based conversation
RFM The code for the paper: "Feedback is important: response-aware feedback mechanism for background based conversation." Requirements python 3.7 pyto
Snek-test - An operating system kernel made in python and assembly
pythonOS An operating system kernel made in python and assembly Wait what? It us
Raster Vision is an open source Python framework for building computer vision models on satellite, aerial, and other large imagery sets
Raster Vision is an open source Python framework for building computer vision models on satellite, aerial, and other large imagery sets (including obl
Ab testing - basically a statistical test in which two or more variants
Ab testing - basically a statistical test in which two or more variants
⚡ Yuriko Robot ⚡ - A Powerful, Smart And Simple Group Manager Written with AioGram , Pyrogram and Telethon
⚡ Yuriko Robot ⚡ - A Powerful, Smart And Simple Group Manager Written with AioGram , Pyrogram and Telethon
This project has been created for statistical usage, purposing for determining ATL takers and nontakers using LCG ttest and Euclidean Method, especially for internal business case in Telkomsel.
TransMVSNet: Global Context-aware Multi-view Stereo Network with Transformers.
TransMVSNet This repository contains the official implementation of the paper: "TransMVSNet: Global Context-aware Multi-view Stereo Network with Trans
A simple serverless create api test repository. Please Ignore.
serverless-create-api-test A simple serverless create api test repository. Please Ignore. Things to remember: Setup workflow Change Name in workflow e
All Assignments , Test , Quizzes and Exams with solutions from NIT Patna B.Tech CSE 5th Semester.
A 🌟 to repo would be delightful, just do it ✔️ it is inexpensive. All Assignments , Quizzes and Exam papers at one place with clean and elegant solut
[SDM 2022] Towards Similarity-Aware Time-Series Classification
SimTSC This is the PyTorch implementation of SDM2022 paper Towards Similarity-Aware Time-Series Classification. We propose Similarity-Aware Time-Serie
Python dilinin Selenium kütüphanesini kullanarak; Amazon, LinkedIn ve ÇiçekSepeti üzerinde test işlemleri yaptığımız bir case study reposudur.
Python dilinin Selenium kütüphanesini kullanarak; Amazon, LinkedIn ve ÇiçekSepeti üzerinde test işlemleri yaptığımız bir case study reposudur. LinkedI
An official PyTorch Implementation of Boundary-aware Self-supervised Learning for Video Scene Segmentation (BaSSL)
An official PyTorch Implementation of Boundary-aware Self-supervised Learning for Video Scene Segmentation (BaSSL)
Ab testing - The using AB test to test of difference of conversion rate
Facebook recently introduced a new type of offer that is an alternative to the current type of bidding called maximum bidding he introduced average bidding.
BADet: Boundary-Aware 3D Object Detection from Point Clouds (Pattern Recognition 2022)
BADet: Boundary-Aware 3D Object Detection from Point Clouds (Pattern Recognition
This is a Web scraping project using BeautifulSoup and Python to scrape basic information of all the Test matches played till Jan 2022.
Scraping-test-matches-data This is a Web scraping project using BeautifulSoup and Python to scrape basic information of all the Test matches played ti
This was my test project when i started to learn Python Tkinter. Its the simplest interface possible.
Rock-Paper-Scissors-Game- Project Description: This was my test project when i started to learn Python Tkinter. Its the simplest interface possible. R
Official PyTorch Implementation of "AgentFormer: Agent-Aware Transformers for Socio-Temporal Multi-Agent Forecasting".
AgentFormer This repo contains the official implementation of our paper: AgentFormer: Agent-Aware Transformers for Socio-Temporal Multi-Agent Forecast
Official PyTorch implementation of Time-aware Large Kernel (TaLK) Convolutions (ICML 2020)
Time-aware Large Kernel (TaLK) Convolutions (Lioutas et al., 2020) This repository contains the source code, pre-trained models, as well as instructio
A cpp project template that uses CMake to build and Google Test / Github Actions to provide a CI
A cpp project template that uses CMake to build and Google Test / Github Actions to provide a CI
Implementation of Hire-MLP: Vision MLP via Hierarchical Rearrangement and An Image Patch is a Wave: Phase-Aware Vision MLP.
Hire-Wave-MLP.pytorch Implementation of Hire-MLP: Vision MLP via Hierarchical Rearrangement and An Image Patch is a Wave: Phase-Aware Vision MLP Resul
CVPR2021 Content-Aware GAN Compression
Content-Aware GAN Compression [ArXiv] Paper accepted to CVPR2021. @inproceedings{liu2021content, title = {Content-Aware GAN Compression}, auth
Intel® Neural Compressor is an open-source Python library running on Intel CPUs and GPUs
Intel® Neural Compressor targeting to provide unified APIs for network compression technologies, such as low precision quantization, sparsity, pruning, knowledge distillation, across different deep learning frameworks to pursue optimal inference performance.
Depth-Aware Video Frame Interpolation (CVPR 2019)
DAIN (Depth-Aware Video Frame Interpolation) Project | Paper Wenbo Bao, Wei-Sheng Lai, Chao Ma, Xiaoyun Zhang, Zhiyong Gao, and Ming-Hsuan Yang IEEE C
My usage of Real-ESRGAN to upscale anime, some test and results in the test_img folder
anime upscaler My usage of Real-ESRGAN to upscale anime, I hope to use this on a proper GPU cuz doing this on CPU is completely shit 😂 , I even tried
AB-test-analyzer - Python class to perform AB test analysis
AB-test-analyzer Python class to perform AB test analysis Overview This repo con
Using knowledge-informed machine learning on the PRONOSTIA (FEMTO) and IMS bearing data sets. Predict remaining-useful-life (RUL).
Knowledge Informed Machine Learning using a Weibull-based Loss Function Exploring the concept of knowledge-informed machine learning with the use of a
Discriminative Condition-Aware PLDA
DCA-PLDA This repository implements the Discriminative Condition-Aware Backend described in the paper: L. Ferrer, M. McLaren, and N. Brümmer, "A Speak
[SDM 2022] Towards Similarity-Aware Time-Series Classification
SimTSC This is the PyTorch implementation of SDM2022 paper Towards Similarity-Aware Time-Series Classification. We propose Similarity-Aware Time-Serie
This package implements the algorithms introduced in Smucler, Sapienza, and Rotnitzky (2020) to compute optimal adjustment sets in causal graphical models.
optimaladj: A library for computing optimal adjustment sets in causal graphical models This package implements the algorithms introduced in Smucler, S
In this repository you will find the test carried out to enter, as a python developer, the company Keeper Solutions.
Bookmarks In this repository you will find the test carried out to enter, as a python developer, the company Keeper Solutions. First it is necessary t
Script that creates graphical representations of Julia an Mandelbrot sets.
Julia and Mandelbrot Picture Maker This simple functions create simple plots of the Julia and Mandelbrot sets. The Julia set require the important par
[CVPR 2020] 3D Photography using Context-aware Layered Depth Inpainting
[CVPR 2020] 3D Photography using Context-aware Layered Depth Inpainting [Paper] [Project Website] [Google Colab] We propose a method for converting a
A library for demo trading | backtest and forward test simulation
Trade Engine a library for demo trading | backtest and forward test simulation Features Limit/Market orders: you can place a Limit or Market order in
Syntax-aware Multi-spans Generation for Reading Comprehension (TASLP 2022)
SyntaxGen Syntax-aware Multi-spans Generation for Reading Comprehension (TASLP 2022) In this repo, we upload all the scripts for this work. Due to siz
Robot Swerve Test Public With Python
Robot-Swerve-Test-Public The codebase for our swerve drivetrain prototype robot.
Blender Add-on that sets a Material's Base Color to one of Pantone's Colors of the Year
Blender PCOY (Pantone Color of the Year) MCMC (Mid-Century Modern Colors) HG71 (House & Garden Colors 1971) Blender Add-ons That Assign a Custom Color
CLI tool to build, test, debug, and deploy Serverless applications using AWS SAM
AWS SAM The AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) is an open-source framework for building serverless applications. It provides shorthand syntax to e
Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator perfect for personal, project, or organization sites.
Jekyll Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator perfect for personal, project, or organization sites. Think of it like a file-based CMS,
Python3 / PyTorch implementation of the following paper: Fine-grained Semantics-aware Representation Enhancement for Self-supervisedMonocular Depth Estimation. ICCV 2021 (oral)
FSRE-Depth This is a Python3 / PyTorch implementation of FSRE-Depth, as described in the following paper: Fine-grained Semantics-aware Representation
Cleaned test data list of DukeMTMC-reID, ICCV2021
Cleaned DukeMTMC-reID Cleaned data list of DukeMTMC-reID released with our paper accepted by ICCV 2021: Learning Instance-level Spatial-Temporal Patte
deep learning model with only python and numpy with test accuracy 99 % on mnist dataset and different optimization choices
deep_nn_model_with_only_python_100%_test_accuracy deep learning model with only python and numpy with test accuracy 99 % on mnist dataset and differen
Контрольная работа по математическим методам машинного обучения
ML-MathMethods-Test Контрольная работа по математическим методам машинного обучения. Вычисление основных статистик, диаграмм и графиков, проверка разл
A simple test repo created following docker docs.
docker_sampleRepo A simple test repo created following docker docs. Link to docs: https://docs.docker.com/language/python/develop/ Other links: https:
Various converters to convert value sets from CSV to JSON, etc.
ValueSet Converters Tools for converting value sets in different formats. Such as converting extensional value sets in CSV format to JSON format able