565 Repositories
Python Variance-Aware-MT-Test-Sets Libraries
A simple tool to test internet stability.
pingtest Description A personal project for testing internet stability, intended for use in Linux and Windows.
Stochastic Scene-Aware Motion Prediction
Stochastic Scene-Aware Motion Prediction [Project Page] [Paper] Description This repository contains the training code for MotionNet and GoalNet of SA
Efficient Sharpness-aware Minimization for Improved Training of Neural Networks
Efficient Sharpness-aware Minimization for Improved Training of Neural Networks Code for “Efficient Sharpness-aware Minimization for Improved Training
[SIGMETRICS 2022] One Proxy Device Is Enough for Hardware-Aware Neural Architecture Search
One Proxy Device Is Enough for Hardware-Aware Neural Architecture Search paper | website One Proxy Device Is Enough for Hardware-Aware Neural Architec
Source code for CIKM 2021 paper for Relation-aware Heterogeneous Graph for User Profiling
RHGN Source code for CIKM 2021 paper for Relation-aware Heterogeneous Graph for User Profiling Dependencies torch==1.6.0 torchvision==0.7.0 dgl==0.7.1
A Star Trek Online build tool in Python
SETS - STO Equipment and Trait Selector A Star Trek Online build tool in Python Description Pre-alpha version of build tool for STO Getting Started De
This tool allows to automatically test for Content Security Policy bypass payloads.
CSPass This tool allows to automatically test for Content Security Policy bypass payloads. Usage [cspass]$ ./cspass.py -h usage: cspass.py [-h] [--no-
Fast python tool to test apache path traversal CVE-2021-41773 in a List of url
CVE-2021-41773 Fast python tool to test apache path traversal CVE-2021-41773 in a List of url Usage :- create a live urls file and use the flag "-l" p
The codebase for our paper "Generative Occupancy Fields for 3D Surface-Aware Image Synthesis" (NeurIPS 2021)
Generative Occupancy Fields for 3D Surface-Aware Image Synthesis (NeurIPS 2021) Project Page | Paper Xudong Xu, Xingang Pan, Dahua Lin and Bo Dai GOF
Analysis code and Latex source of the manuscript describing the conditional permutation test of confounding bias in predictive modelling.
Git repositoty of the manuscript entitled Statistical quantification of confounding bias in predictive modelling by Tamas Spisak The manuscript descri
Elucidating Robust Learning with Uncertainty-Aware Corruption Pattern Estimation
Elucidating Robust Learning with Uncertainty-Aware Corruption Pattern Estimation Introduction 📋 Official implementation of Explainable Robust Learnin
Installation, test and evaluation of Scribosermo speech-to-text engine
Scribosermo STT Setup Scribosermo is a LGPL licensed, open-source speech recognition engine to "Train fast Speech-to-Text networks in different langua
A Shading-Guided Generative Implicit Model for Shape-Accurate 3D-Aware Image Synthesis
A Shading-Guided Generative Implicit Model for Shape-Accurate 3D-Aware Image Synthesis Figure: Shape-Accurate 3D-Aware Image Synthesis. A Shading-Guid
img-proof (IPA) provides a command line utility to test images in the Public Cloud
overview img-proof (IPA) provides a command line utility to test images in the Public Cloud (AWS, Azure, GCE, etc.). With img-proof you can now test c
Molecular Sets (MOSES): A benchmarking platform for molecular generation models
Molecular Sets (MOSES): A benchmarking platform for molecular generation models Deep generative models are rapidly becoming popular for the discovery
BMVC 2021 Oral: code for BI-GCN: Boundary-Aware Input-Dependent Graph Convolution for Biomedical Image Segmentation
BMVC 2021 BI-GConv: Boundary-Aware Input-Dependent Graph Convolution for Biomedical Image Segmentation Necassary Dependencies: PyTorch 1.2.0 Python 3.
OREO: Object-Aware Regularization for Addressing Causal Confusion in Imitation Learning (NeurIPS 2021)
OREO: Object-Aware Regularization for Addressing Causal Confusion in Imitation Learning (NeurIPS 2021) Video demo We here provide a video demo from co
Covid-19 Test AI (Deep Learning - NNs) Software. Accuracy is the %96.5, loss is the 0.09 :)
Covid-19 Test AI (Deep Learning - NNs) Software I developed a segmentation algorithm to understand whether Covid-19 Test Photos are positive or negati
Implementation of several Bayesian multi-target tracking algorithms, including Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture filters for sets of targets and sets of trajectories. The repository also includes the GOSPA metric and a metric for sets of trajectories to evaluate performance.
This repository contains the Matlab implementations for the following multi-target filtering/tracking algorithms: - Folder PMBM contains the implemen
Improving Transferability of Representations via Augmentation-Aware Self-Supervision
Improving Transferability of Representations via Augmentation-Aware Self-Supervision Accepted to NeurIPS 2021 TL;DR: Learning augmentation-aware infor
Security tool to test different bypass of forbidden
notForbidden Security tool to test different bypass of forbidden Usage python3 notForbidden.py URL Features Bypass with different methods (POST, OPT
Example project demonstrating using Django’s test runner with Coverage.py
Example project demonstrating using Django’s test runner with Coverage.py Set up with: python -m venv --prompt . venv source venv/bin/activate python
This codebase is the official implementation of Test-Time Classifier Adjustment Module for Model-Agnostic Domain Generalization (NeurIPS2021, Spotlight)
Test-Time Classifier Adjustment Module for Model-Agnostic Domain Generalization This codebase is the official implementation of Test-Time Classifier A
github action test, because I dont know it.
mad-y testing testing pip install -r requirements.txt add the DISCORD_TOKEN value to your env vars. and run mad-y how to Deploy ` docker build -t mad-
Building blocks for uncertainty-aware cycle consistency presented at NeurIPS'21.
UncertaintyAwareCycleConsistency This repository provides the building blocks and the API for the work presented in the NeurIPS'21 paper Robustness vi
A Context-aware Visual Attention-based training pipeline for Object Detection from a Webpage screenshot!
CoVA: Context-aware Visual Attention for Webpage Information Extraction Abstract Webpage information extraction (WIE) is an important step to create k
DECAF: Generating Fair Synthetic Data Using Causally-Aware Generative Networks
DECAF (DEbiasing CAusal Fairness) Code Author: Trent Kyono This repository contains the code used for the "DECAF: Generating Fair Synthetic Data Using
Estimating Example Difficulty using Variance of Gradients
Estimating Example Difficulty using Variance of Gradients This repository contains source code necessary to reproduce some of the main results in the
Test-Time Personalization with a Transformer for Human Pose Estimation, NeurIPS 2021
Transforming Self-Supervision in Test Time for Personalizing Human Pose Estimation This is an official implementation of the NeurIPS 2021 paper: Trans
This project calculates current internet upload and download speeds.
Internet-Speed-Calculator Project Description: In this project, are creating an internet speed calculator. Requirements: Following modules need to be
This is a practice on Airflow, which is building virtual env, installing Airflow and constructing data pipeline (DAGs)
airflow-test This is a practice on Airflow, which is Builing virtualbox env and setting Airflow on that env Installing Airflow using python virtual en
Official implementation for the paper: "Multi-label Classification with Partial Annotations using Class-aware Selective Loss"
Multi-label Classification with Partial Annotations using Class-aware Selective Loss Paper | Pretrained models Official PyTorch Implementation Emanuel
Identifying Stroke Indicators Using Rough Sets
Identifying Stroke Indicators Using Rough Sets With the spirit of reproducible research, this repository contains all the codes required to produce th
PyImpetus is a Markov Blanket based feature subset selection algorithm that considers features both separately and together as a group in order to provide not just the best set of features but also the best combination of features
PyImpetus PyImpetus is a Markov Blanket based feature selection algorithm that selects a subset of features by considering their performance both indi
Compares various time-series feature sets on computational performance, within-set structure, and between-set relationships.
feature-set-comp Compares various time-series feature sets on computational performance, within-set structure, and between-set relationships. Reposito
Official implementation for the paper: Multi-label Classification with Partial Annotations using Class-aware Selective Loss
Multi-label Classification with Partial Annotations using Class-aware Selective Loss Paper | Pretrained models Official PyTorch Implementation Emanuel
It's a simple tool for test vulnerability Apache Path Traversal
SimplesApachePathTraversal Simples Apache Path Traversal It's a simple tool for test vulnerability Apache Path Traversal https://blog.mrcl0wn.com/2021
Code and datasets for the paper "KnowPrompt: Knowledge-aware Prompt-tuning with Synergistic Optimization for Relation Extraction"
KnowPrompt Code and datasets for our paper "KnowPrompt: Knowledge-aware Prompt-tuning with Synergistic Optimization for Relation Extraction" Requireme
PyTorch implementation of the paper Ultra Fast Structure-aware Deep Lane Detection
PyTorch implementation of the paper Ultra Fast Structure-aware Deep Lane Detection
Given some test cases, this program automatically queries the oracle and tests your Cshanty compiler!
The Diviner A complement to The Oracle for compilers class. Given some test cases, this program automatically queries the oracle and tests your compil
Official PyTorch Implementation of Mask-aware IoU and maYOLACT Detector [BMVC2021]
The official implementation of Mask-aware IoU and maYOLACT detector. Our implementation is based on mmdetection. Mask-aware IoU for Anchor Assignment
Pytorch and Torch testing code of CartoonGAN
CartoonGAN-Test-Pytorch-Torch Pytorch and Torch testing code of CartoonGAN [Chen et al., CVPR18]. With the released pretrained models by the authors,
Building blocks for uncertainty-aware cycle consistency presented at NeurIPS'21.
UncertaintyAwareCycleConsistency This repository provides the building blocks and the API for the work presented in the NeurIPS'21 paper Robustness vi
Official PyTorch Implementation of HELP: Hardware-adaptive Efficient Latency Prediction for NAS via Meta-Learning (NeurIPS 2021 Spotlight)
[NeurIPS 2021 Spotlight] HELP: Hardware-adaptive Efficient Latency Prediction for NAS via Meta-Learning [Paper] This is Official PyTorch implementatio
Official PyTorch implementation of MAAD: A Model and Dataset for Attended Awareness
MAAD: A Model for Attended Awareness in Driving Install // Datasets // Training // Experiments // Analysis // License Official PyTorch implementation
This is the 3D Implementation of 《Inconsistency-aware Uncertainty Estimation for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation》
CoraNet This is the 3D Implementation of 《Inconsistency-aware Uncertainty Estimation for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation》 Environment pytor
Official implementation of deep-multi-trajectory-based single object tracking (IEEE T-CSVT 2021).
DeepMTA_PyTorch Officical PyTorch Implementation of "Dynamic Attention-guided Multi-TrajectoryAnalysis for Single Object Tracking", Xiao Wang, Zhe Che
Scalable implementation of Lee / Mykland (2012) and Ait-Sahalia / Jacod (2012) Jump tests for noisy high frequency data
JumpDetectR Name of QuantLet : JumpDetectR Published in : 'To be published as "Jump dynamics in high frequency crypto markets"' Description : 'Scala
3D-aware GANs based on NeRF (arXiv).
CIPS-3D This repository will contain the code of the paper, CIPS-3D: A 3D-Aware Generator of GANs Based on Conditionally-Independent Pixel Synthesis.
Official PyTorch Implementation of Mask-aware IoU and maYOLACT Detector [BMVC2021]
The official implementation of Mask-aware IoU and maYOLACT detector. Our implementation is based on mmdetection. Mask-aware IoU for Anchor Assignment
Code for the paper TestRank: Bringing Order into Unlabeled Test Instances for Deep Learning Tasks
TestRank in Pytorch Code for the paper TestRank: Bringing Order into Unlabeled Test Instances for Deep Learning Tasks by Yu Li, Min Li, Qiuxia Lai, Ya
API for obtaining results from the Beery-Bukenica test of the visomotor integration development (VMI) 4th edition.
VMI API API for obtaining results from the Beery-Bukenica test of the visomotor integration development (VMI) 4th edition. Install docker-compose up -
Knowledge-aware Coupled Graph Neural Network for Social Recommendation
KCGN AAAI-2021 《Knowledge-aware Coupled Graph Neural Network for Social Recommendation》 Environments python 3.8 pytorch-1.6 DGL 0.5.3 (https://github.
A tensorflow implementation of the RecoGCN model in a CIKM'19 paper, titled with "Relation-Aware Graph Convolutional Networks for Agent-Initiated Social E-Commerce Recommendation".
This repo contains a tensorflow implementation of RecoGCN and the experiment dataset Running the RecoGCN model python train.py Example training outp
Price-aware Recommendation with Graph Convolutional Networks,
PUP This is the official implementation of our ICDE'20 paper: Yu Zheng, Chen Gao, Xiangnan He, Yong Li, Depeng Jin, Price-aware Recommendation with Gr
Code for the paper "Location-aware Single Image Reflection Removal"
Location-aware Single Image Reflection Removal The shown images are provided by the datasets from IBCLN, ERRNet, SIR2 and the Internet images. The cod
PyTorch implementation of paper "StarEnhancer: Learning Real-Time and Style-Aware Image Enhancement" (ICCV 2021 Oral)
StarEnhancer StarEnhancer: Learning Real-Time and Style-Aware Image Enhancement (ICCV 2021 Oral) Abstract: Image enhancement is a subjective process w
Tools for making image cutouts from sets of TESS full frame images
Cutout tools for astronomical images Astrocut provides tools for making cutouts from sets of astronomical images with shared footprints. It is under a
Deeply Supervised, Layer-wise Prediction-aware (DSLP) Transformer for Non-autoregressive Neural Machine Translation
Non-Autoregressive Translation with Layer-Wise Prediction and Deep Supervision Training Efficiency We show the training efficiency of our DSLP model b
Code for the ICME 2021 paper "Exploring Driving-Aware Salient Object Detection via Knowledge Transfer"
TSOD Code for the ICME 2021 paper "Exploring Driving-Aware Salient Object Detection via Knowledge Transfer" Usage For training, open train_test, run p
Source Code for our paper: Understand me, if you refer to Aspect Knowledge: Knowledge-aware Gated Recurrent Memory Network
KaGRMN-DSG_ABSA This repository contains the PyTorch source Code for our paper: Understand me, if you refer to Aspect Knowledge: Knowledge-aware Gated
Test reproducibility of leiden/umap on different systems
Demonstrate that UMAP and Leiden analysis is not reproducible between different cpu architectures.
Implementation of "DeepOrder: Deep Learning for Test Case Prioritization in Continuous Integration Testing".
DeepOrder Implementation of DeepOrder for the paper "DeepOrder: Deep Learning for Test Case Prioritization in Continuous Integration Testing". Project
Deeply Supervised, Layer-wise Prediction-aware (DSLP) Transformer for Non-autoregressive Neural Machine Translation
Non-Autoregressive Translation with Layer-Wise Prediction and Deep Supervision Training Efficiency We show the training efficiency of our DSLP model b
Density-aware Single Image De-raining using a Multi-stream Dense Network (CVPR 2018)
DID-MDN Density-aware Single Image De-raining using a Multi-stream Dense Network He Zhang, Vishal M. Patel [Paper Link] (CVPR'18) We present a novel d
this is demo of tool dosploit for test and dos in network with python
this tool for dos and pentest vul SKILLS: syn flood udp flood $ git clone https://github.com/amicheh/demo_dosploit/ $ cd demo_dosploit $ python3 -m pi
Statistical Analysis 📈 focused on statistical analysis and exploration used on various data sets for personal and professional projects.
Statistical Analysis 📈 This repository focuses on statistical analysis and the exploration used on various data sets for personal and professional pr
Supplementary materials for ISMIR 2021 LBD paper "Evaluation of Latent Space Disentanglement in the Presence of Interdependent Attributes"
Evaluation of Latent Space Disentanglement in the Presence of Interdependent Attributes Supplementary materials for ISMIR 2021 LBD submission: K. N. W
This repository contains the files for running the Patchify GUI.
Repository Name Train-Test-Validation-Dataset-Generation App Name Patchify Description This app is designed for crop images and creating smal
(CVPR 2021) Lifting 2D StyleGAN for 3D-Aware Face Generation
Lifting 2D StyleGAN for 3D-Aware Face Generation Official implementation of paper "Lifting 2D StyleGAN for 3D-Aware Face Generation". Requirements You
Code for CodeT5: a new code-aware pre-trained encoder-decoder model.
CodeT5: Identifier-aware Unified Pre-trained Encoder-Decoder Models for Code Understanding and Generation This is the official PyTorch implementation
A test Django application with production-level docker setup
DockerApp A test Django application with production-level docker setup. Blog: https://medium.com/@siddharth.sahu/the-near-perfect-dockerfile-for-djang
Official code release for "GRAF: Generative Radiance Fields for 3D-Aware Image Synthesis"
GRAF This repository contains official code for the paper GRAF: Generative Radiance Fields for 3D-Aware Image Synthesis. You can find detailed usage i
Python desktop application to create, distribute, discover, and run codegames
Python desktop application to create, distribute, discover, and run codegames
This is a tool to automate the icons generation from sets of svg files into fonts and atlases.
SVG Icon processing tool for C++
[2021 MultiMedia] CONQUER: Contextual Query-aware Ranking for Video Corpus Moment Retrieval
CONQUER: Contexutal Query-aware Ranking for Video Corpus Moment Retreival PyTorch implementation of CONQUER: Contexutal Query-aware Ranking for Video
GANimation: Anatomically-aware Facial Animation from a Single Image (ECCV'18 Oral) [PyTorch]
GANimation: Anatomically-aware Facial Animation from a Single Image [Project] [Paper] Official implementation of GANimation. In this work we introduce
Wonk is a tool for combining a set of AWS policy files into smaller compiled policy sets.
Wonk is a tool for combining a set of AWS policy files into smaller compiled policy sets.
Official PyTorch implementation of "Camera Distance-aware Top-down Approach for 3D Multi-person Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image", ICCV 2019
PoseNet of "Camera Distance-aware Top-down Approach for 3D Multi-person Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image" Introduction This repo is official Py
A repository that shares tuning results of trained models generated by TensorFlow / Keras. Post-training quantization (Weight Quantization, Integer Quantization, Full Integer Quantization, Float16 Quantization), Quantization-aware training. TensorFlow Lite. OpenVINO. CoreML. TensorFlow.js. TF-TRT. MediaPipe. ONNX. [.tflite,.h5,.pb,saved_model,tfjs,tftrt,mlmodel,.xml/.bin, .onnx]
PINTO_model_zoo Please read the contents of the LICENSE file located directly under each folder before using the model. My model conversion scripts ar
GitGoat enables DevOps and Engineering teams to test security products intending to integrate with GitHub
GitGoat is an open source tool that was built to enable DevOps and Engineering teams to design and implement a sustainable misconfiguration prevention strategy. It can be used to test with products with access to GitHub repositories without a risk to your production environment.
This is the source code for: Context-aware Entity Typing in Knowledge Graphs.
This is the source code for: Context-aware Entity Typing in Knowledge Graphs.
Get a Django app up and running in dev, test, and production with best practices in 10 minutes
Django template for Docker + Heroku This is how I set up Django projects to get up and running as quick as possible. In includes a few neat things: De
On the Variance of the Adaptive Learning Rate and Beyond
RAdam On the Variance of the Adaptive Learning Rate and Beyond We are in an early-release beta. Expect some adventures and rough edges. Table of Conte
WIT (Wikipedia-based Image Text) Dataset is a large multimodal multilingual dataset comprising 37M+ image-text sets with 11M+ unique images across 100+ languages.
WIT (Wikipedia-based Image Text) Dataset is a large multimodal multilingual dataset comprising 37M+ image-text sets with 11M+ unique images across 100+ languages.
LeafSnap replicated using deep neural networks to test accuracy compared to traditional computer vision methods.
Deep-Leafsnap Convolutional Neural Networks have become largely popular in image tasks such as image classification recently largely due to to Krizhev
The pytest framework makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing
The pytest framework makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing for applications and libraries. An example o
Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you.
Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you. Whether you need to bootstrap your database, create good-looking XML documents, fill-in yo
Beta Distribution Guided Aspect-aware Graph for Aspect Category Sentiment Analysis with Affective Knowledge. Proceedings of EMNLP 2021
AAGCN-ACSA EMNLP 2021 Introduction This repository was used in our paper: Beta Distribution Guided Aspect-aware Graph for Aspect Category Sentiment An
Test utility for validating OpenAPI documentation
DRF OpenAPI Tester This is a test utility to validate DRF Test Responses against OpenAPI 2 and 3 schema. It has built-in support for: OpenAPI 2/3 yaml
Demonstration that AWS IAM policy evaluation docs are incorrect
The flowchart from the AWS IAM policy evaluation documentation page, as of 2021-09-12, and dating back to at least 2018-12-27, is the following: The f
Line as a Visual Sentence: Context-aware Line Descriptor for Visual Localization
Line as a Visual Sentence with LineTR This repository contains the inference code, pretrained model, and demo scripts of the following paper. It suppo
Demo for the paper "Overlap-aware low-latency online speaker diarization based on end-to-end local segmentation"
Streaming speaker diarization Overlap-aware low-latency online speaker diarization based on end-to-end local segmentation by Juan Manuel Coria, Hervé
Demo for the paper "Overlap-aware low-latency online speaker diarization based on end-to-end local segmentation"
Streaming speaker diarization Overlap-aware low-latency online speaker diarization based on end-to-end local segmentation by Juan Manuel Coria, Hervé
Object-aware Contrastive Learning for Debiased Scene Representation
Object-aware Contrastive Learning Official PyTorch implementation of "Object-aware Contrastive Learning for Debiased Scene Representation" by Sangwoo
Klara is a static analysis tools to automatic generate test case, based on SMT (z3) solver, with a powerful ast level inference system.
Automatic test case generation for python and static analysis library
This reporistory contains the test-dev data of the paper "xGQA: Cross-lingual Visual Question Answering".
This reporistory contains the test-dev data of the paper "xGQA: Cross-lingual Visual Question Answering".
This is a project for socks card label validation where the socks card is validated comparing with the correct socks card whose coordinates are stored in the database. When the test socks card is compared with the correct socks card(master socks card) the software checks whether both test and master socks card mathches or not.
Automation_in_socks_label_validation THEME: MACHINE LEARNING This is a project for socks card label validation where the socks card is validated compa
Official Pytorch implementation of Test-Agnostic Long-Tailed Recognition by Test-Time Aggregating Diverse Experts with Self-Supervision.
This repository is the official Pytorch implementation of Test-Agnostic Long-Tailed Recognition by Test-Time Aggregating Diverse Experts with Self-Supervision.
Official pytorch implementation of "Feature Stylization and Domain-aware Contrastive Loss for Domain Generalization" ACMMM 2021 (Oral)
Feature Stylization and Domain-aware Contrastive Loss for Domain Generalization This is an official implementation of "Feature Stylization and Domain-