12002 Repositories
Python Wheel-of-Fortune-using-Python Libraries
A TODO-list tool written in Python
PyTD A TODO-list tool written in Python. Its goal is to provide a stable posibility to get a good view over all your TODOs motivate you to actually fi
A simple chat room using socket and threading for handle multiple connections.
• Socket Chat Room was a little project for socket study. It works with a server handling the incoming connections from the clients. Clients send encoded messages while waiting for others clients messages simultaneously. And the server receive all the messages and delivers to the other clients.
This is an implementation of NeuronJ work with python.
NeuronJ This is an implementation of NeuronJ work with python. NeuronJ is a plug-in for ImageJ that allows you to create and edit neurons masks. Image
Uses OpenCV and Python Code to detect a face on the screen
Simple-Face-Detection This code uses OpenCV and Python Code to detect a face on the screen. This serves as an example program. Important prerequisites
Student Result Management System Project in tkinter created based on python, tkinter, and SQLITE3 Database
Student-Result-Management-System This Student Result Management System Project in tkinter created based on python, tkinter, and SQLITE3 Database. The
Copy only text-like files from the folder
copy-only-text-like-files-from-folder-python copy only text-like files from the folder This project is for those who want to copy only source code or
A Python implementation of a Youtube Subscription manager & feed viewer, also does thumbnails
BUILDING Building requires python3.10, and the build package, which can be installed via pip: python3.10 -m pip install build To install, run python3.
AI Games and its programming solution with Python.
Problem: Save the princess: Problem defination on Hackerrank: https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/saveprincess About problem: Princess Peach is trap
A visual indicator of what environment/system you're using in django
A visual indicator of what environment/system you're using in django
Crowd-Kit is a powerful Python library that implements commonly-used aggregation methods for crowdsourced annotation and offers the relevant metrics and datasets
Crowd-Kit: Computational Quality Control for Crowdsourcing Documentation Crowd-Kit is a powerful Python library that implements commonly-used aggregat
Loopy belief propagation for factor graphs on discrete variables, in JAX!
PGMax implements general factor graphs for discrete probabilistic graphical models (PGMs), and hardware-accelerated differentiable loopy belief propagation (LBP) in JAX.
Create a simple static website using python and jinja templates.
Simple Static Create a simple static website using python and jinja templates. Simple Static has four pieces: A build command that renders jinja templ
Customizing Visual Styles in Plotly
Customizing Visual Styles in Plotly Code for a workshop originally developed for an Unconference session during the Outlier Conference hosted by Data
Dashboard to view a stock's basic information, RSI, Bollinger bands, EMA, SMA, sentiment analysis via Python
Your One And Only Trading Bot No seriously, we mean it! Contributors Jihad Al-Hussain John Gaffney Shanel Kuchera Kazuki Takehashi Patrick Thornquist
NCAR/UCAR virtual Python Tutorial Seminar Series lesson on MetPy.
The Project Pythia Python Tutorial Seminar Series continues with a lesson on MetPy on Wednesday, 2 February 2022 at 1 PM Mountain Standard Time.
Price Prediction model is used to develop an LSTM model to predict the future market price of Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Price Prediction model is used to develop an LSTM model to predict the future market price of Bitcoin and Ethereum.
A simple machine learning python sign language detection project.
SST Coursework 2022 About the app A python application that utilises the tensorflow object detection algorithm to achieve automatic detection of ameri
Community and sentiment analysis based on tweets
The project has set itself the goal of analyzing the thoughts and interaction of Italian users through the social posts expressed through the Twitter platform on the day of the entry into force of the new measures. In particular, we want to research the reference hubs present on the network, but also the sentiment and emotions of peoples with respect to the new limitations.
Notebook and code to synthesize complex and highly dimensional datasets using Gretel APIs.
Gretel Trainer This code is designed to help users successfully train synthetic models on complex datasets with high row and column counts. The code w
Self-Correcting Quantum Many-Body Control using Reinforcement Learning with Tensor Networks
Self-Correcting Quantum Many-Body Control using Reinforcement Learning with Tensor Networks This repository contains the code and data for the corresp
These are Simple python scripts to test/scan your network
Disclaimer This tool is for Educational purpose only. We do not promote or encourage any illegal activities. Summary These are Simple python scripts t
A general purpose low level programming language written in Python.
A general purpose low level programming language written in Python. Basal is an easy mid level programming language compiling to C. It has an easy syntax, similar to Python, Rust etc.
hashily is a Python module that provides a variety of text decoding and encoding operations.
hashily is a python module that performs a variety of text decoding and encoding functions. It also various functions for encrypting and decrypting text using various ciphers.
A pure-Python Wordle and Absurdle solver
Pyrdle A pure-Python Wordle and Absurdle solver Find the originals here: Wordle Absurdle Basic solving: Wordle To solve today's Wordle, simply run: ./
NovaMusic is a music sharing robot. Users can get music and music lyrics using inline queries.
A music sharing telegram robot using Redis database and Telebot python library using Redis database.
A high level library for building Discord bots.
Qord A high level library for building Discord bots. 🚧 This library is currently in development. Questions that you are having What is this? This is
Streamlit component to display topics from Streamlit's community forum related to any exception.
streamlit-forum Streamlit component to display topics from Streamlit's community forum related to any exception. Installation pip install streamlit-fo
Twayback: Downloading deleted Tweets from the Wayback Machine, made easy
Finding and downloading deleted Tweets takes a lot of time. Thankfully, with this tool, it becomes a piece of cake! 🎂
Credit Card And SK Checker Written In Python
💳 Credit Card Checker (CC Checker) & Mass SK Checker & Generator 💳
PacketPy is an open-source solution for stress testing network devices using different testing methods
PacketPy About PacketPy is an open-source solution for stress testing network devices using different testing methods. Currently, there are only two c
A research of IT labor market based especially on hh.ru. Salaries, rate of technologies and etc.
hh_ru_research Проект реализован в учебных целях анализа рынка труда, в особенности по hh.ru Input data В качестве входных данных используются сериали
Oblique Strategies for Python
Oblique Strategies for Python
A Python implementation of red-black trees
Python red-black trees A Python implementation of red-black trees. This code was originally copied from programiz.com, but I have made a few tweaks to
File-based TF-IDF: Calculates keywords in a document, using a word corpus.
File-based TF-IDF Calculates keywords in a document, using a word corpus. Why? Because I found myself with hundreds of plain text files, with no way t
A python script to solve Wordle puzzles
Wordle solver A python script to solve Wordle puzzles.
pyLodeRunner - Classic Lode Runner clone made in pyxel (Python)
pyLodeRunner Classic Lode Runner clone made in pyxel (Python) Controls arrow key : move the player X : dig right side Z : dig left side ESC : quit gam
Password manager using MySQL and Python 3.10.2
Password Manager Password manager using MySQL and Python 3.10.2 Installation Install my-project with github git clone https://github.com/AyaanSiddiq
QR code python application which can read(decode) and generate(encode) QR codes.
QR Code Application This is a basic QR Code application. Using this application you can generate QR code for you text/links. Using this application yo
Neural Radiance Fields Using PyTorch
This project is a PyTorch implementation of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) for reproduction of results whilst running at a faster speed.
MLOps pipeline project using Amazon SageMaker Pipelines
This project shows steps to build an end to end MLOps architecture that covers data prep, model training, realtime and batch inference, build model registry, track lineage of artifacts and model drift detection. It utilizes SageMaker Pipelines that offers machine learning (ML) to orchestrate SageMaker jobs and author reproducible ML pipelines.
PLVRA is a TUI (Terminal User Interface) implementation of wordle / termo in portuguese, written in Python
PLVRA is a TUI (Terminal User Interface) implementation of wordle / termo in portuguese, written in Python
This package helps you to directly download an APK from Google Play by providing the package id of the app
Apk Downloader About | Features | Technologies | Requirements | Starting | License | Author 🎯 About This package helps you to directly download an AP
Company clustering with K-means/GMM and visualization with PCA, t-SNE, using SSAN relation extraction
RE results graph visualization and company clustering Installation pip install -r requirements.txt python -m nltk.downloader stopwords python3.7 main.
This is a Python script to detect rapid upwards price changes (pumps) in a cryptocurrency pairing
A python script to detect a rapid upwards price brekout (pump) in a cryptocurrency pairing, through pandas and Binance API.
Python game engine for 2D multiplayer online games.
LAN-Caster The goal of LAN-Caster is to provide an easy-to-use code base (game engine) for developing 2D multiplayer online games. LAN-Caster original
Connect is a Python Flask project within the cloud-native ecosystem
Connect is a Python Flask project within the cloud-native ecosystem. Second project of Udacity's Cloud Native Nanodegree program, focusing on documenting and architecting a monolith migration to microservices.
A Student/ School management application built using Django and Python.
Student Management An awesome student management app built using Django.! Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Content
HiPAL: A Deep Framework for Physician Burnout Prediction Using Activity Logs in Electronic Health Records
HiPAL Code for KDD'22 Applied Data Science Track submission -- HiPAL: A Deep Framework for Physician Burnout Prediction Using Activity Logs in Electro
Using Data Science with Machine Learning techniques (ETL pipeline and ML pipeline) to classify received messages after disasters.
Using Data Science with Machine Learning techniques (ETL pipeline and ML pipeline) to classify received messages after disasters.
A simple stopwatch for measuring code performance with static typing.
A simple stopwatch for measuring code performance. This is a fork from python-stopwatch, which adds static typing and a few other things.
Project: Netflix Data Analysis and Visualization with Python
Project: Netflix Data Analysis and Visualization with Python Table of Contents General Info Installation Demo Usage and Main Functionalities Contribut
Easily handle day to day CLI operation via Python instead of regular Bash programs.
pz Ever wished to use Python in Bash? Would you choose the Python syntax over sed, awk, ...? Should you exactly know what command would you use in Pyt
Implementation of linesearch Optimization Algorithms in Python
Nonlinear Optimization Algorithms During my time as Scientific Assistant at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) I implemented various Opti
A python scripts that uses 3 different feature extraction methods such as SIFT, SURF and ORB to find a book in a video clip and project trailer of a movie based on that book, on to it.
A python scripts that uses 3 different feature extraction methods such as SIFT, SURF and ORB to find a book in a video clip and project trailer of a movie based on that book, on to it.
Python Wrapper For sqlite3 and aiosqlite
Python Wrapper For sqlite3 and aiosqlite
A Numba-based two-point correlation function calculator using a grid decomposition
A Numba-based two-point correlation function (2PCF) calculator using a grid decomposition. Like Corrfunc, but written in Numba, with simplicity and hackability in mind.
An async Python library to automate solving ReCAPTCHA v2 by audio using Playwright.
Playwright nonoCAPTCHA An async Python library to automate solving ReCAPTCHA v2 by audio using Playwright. Disclaimer This project is for educational
A Python script that can be used to check if a SAP system is affected by CVE-2022-22536
Vulnerability assessment for CVE-2022-22536 This repository contains a Python script that can be used to check if a SAP system is affected by CVE-2022
PyHarmonize: Adding harmony lines to recorded melodies in Python
PyHarmonize: Adding harmony lines to recorded melodies in Python About To use this module, the user provides a wav file containing a melody, the key i
Discord RPC for Notion written in Python
Discord RPC for Notion This is a program that allows you to add your Notion workspace activities to your Discord profile. This project is currently un
A training task for web scraping using python multithreading and a real-time-updated list of available proxy servers.
Parallel web scraping The project is a training task for web scraping using python multithreading and a real-time-updated list of available proxy serv
DSpace REST API Client Library
DSpace Python REST Client Library This client library allows Python 3 scripts (Python 2 probably compatible but not officially supported) to interact
Tool for Path of Exile game to automatically scan Archemesis inventory and display related information
poe-archnemesis-scanner Tool for Path of Exile game to automatically scan Archemesis inventory and display related information Features Controls When
A script for generating WireGuard configs from Surfshark VPN
Surfshark WireGuard A script for generating WireGuard configs from Surfshark VPN. You must have python3 available on your machine. Usage Currently we
Code-autocomplete, a code completion plugin for Python
Code AutoComplete code-autocomplete, a code completion plugin for Python.
KinectFusion implemented in Python with PyTorch
KinectFusion implemented in Python with PyTorch This is a lightweight Python implementation of KinectFusion. All the core functions (TSDF volume, fram
Termordle - a terminal based wordle clone in python
Termordle - a terminal based wordle clone in python
Some embedding layer implementation using ivy library
ivy-manual-embeddings Some embedding layer implementation using ivy library. Just for fun. It is based on NYCTaxiFare dataset from kaggle (cut down to
A Python function for Slurm, to monitor the GPU information
Gpu-Monitor A Python function for Slurm, where I couldn't use nvidia-smi to monitor the GPU information. whole repo is not finish Installation TODO Mo
Deploying a production-ready Django project using Nginx and Gunicorn
django-nginx-gunicorn This project is for deploying a production-ready Django project using Nginx and Gunicorn. Running a local server of Django is no
Qrcode Attendence System with Opencv and Pyzbar
Setup process Creates a virtual environment (Scripts that ensure executed Python code uses the Python interpreter and site packages installed inside t
Twitter Sentiment Analysis using #tag, words and username
Twitter Sentment Analysis Web App using #tag, words and username to fetch data finds Insides of data and Tells Sentiment of the perticular #tag, words or username.
MEDIALpy: MEDIcal Abbreviations Lookup in Python
A small python package that allows the user to look up common medical abbreviations.
Minimal command-line music player written in Python
pyms Minimal command-line music player written in Python. Designed with elegance and minimalism. Resizes dynamically with your terminal. Dependencies
PyTorch implementation of the ExORL: Exploratory Data for Offline Reinforcement Learning
ExORL: Exploratory Data for Offline Reinforcement Learning This is an original PyTorch implementation of the ExORL framework from Don't Change the Alg
Cado Response Integration with Amazon GuardDuty using AWS Lambda
Cado Response Integration with Amazon GuardDuty using AWS Lambda This repository contains a simple example where: An alert is triggered by GuardDuty T
This library attempts to abstract the handling of Sigma rules in Python
This library attempts to abstract the handling of Sigma rules in Python. The rules are parsed using a schema defined with pydantic, and can be easily loaded from YAML files into a structured Python object.
A small python script which runs a speedtest using speedtest.net and inserts it into a Google Docs Spreadsheet.
speedtest-google-sheets This is a small python script which runs a speedtest using speedtest.net and inserts it into a Google Docs Spreadsheet. Setup
A python script that will automate the boring task of login to the captive portal again and again
A python script that will automate the boring task of login to the captive portal again and again
Wordle is a word game reminiscent of mastermind
Wordle is a word game reminiscent of mastermind. The player tries to guess a five letter word within six attempts. After each attempt, hints are given. Green tiles show that the letter is in the right position.
Python code to fuse multiple RGB-D images into a TSDF voxel volume.
Volumetric TSDF Fusion of RGB-D Images in Python This is a lightweight python script that fuses multiple registered color and depth images into a proj
Chat In Terminal - Chat-App in python
Chat In Terminal Hello all. 😉 Sockets and servers are vey important for connection and importantly chatting with others. 😂 😁 I have thought of maki
Python script to Funge NFTs.
Python script to Funge NFTs. It scrapes OpenSea for a given list of NFT collections and downloads a certain number of NFTs from each collection or the entire collections.
A script to disable steam servers regionwise. [Works on Windows only]
Csgo-server-blocker A script to disable steam servers regionwise. [Works on Windows only] Dependencies python3.x Usage: pip install requirements.txt I
Deepface is a lightweight face recognition and facial attribute analysis (age, gender, emotion and race) framework for python
deepface Deepface is a lightweight face recognition and facial attribute analysis (age, gender, emotion and race) framework for python. It is a hybrid
A python package for batch import of resume attachments to be parsed in HrFlow.
HrFlow Importer Description A python package for batch import of resume attachments to be parsed in HrFlow. hrflow-importer is an open-source project
Automatization of BoxPlot graph usin Python MatPlotLib and Excel
BoxPlotGraphAutomation Automatization of BoxPlot graph usin Python / Excel. This file is an automation of BoxPlot-Graph using python graph library mat
Python script that automates the tasks involved in starting a new coding project
Auto Project Builder Automates the repetitive tasks while starting a new project Installation Use the REQUIREMENTS.txt file to install the dependencie
User-interest mock backend server implemnted using flask restful, and SQLAlchemy ORM confiugred with sqlite
Flask_Restful_SQLAlchemy_server User-interest mock backend server implemnted using flask restful, and SQLAlchemy ORM confiugred with sqlite. Backend b
Module 2's katas from Launch X's python introduction course.
Module2Katas Module 2's katas from Launch X's python introduction course. Virtual environment creation process (on Windows): Create a folder in any de
Stock game is a python program that simulates real-life stock marketing, saving, and investments
Stock game is a python program that simulates real-life stock marketing, saving, and investments. Users get to trade and manage their portfolio and manage their 100,000 dollar portfolio.
league-connection is a python package to communicate to riot client and league client
league-connection is a python package to communicate to riot client and league client.
A Python based command line ARP Spoofer utility, which takes input as arguments for the exact target IP and gateway IP for which you wish to Spoof ARP request
A Python based command line ARP Spoofer utility, which takes input as arguments for the exact target IP and gateway IP for which you wish to Spoof ARP request
Youtube Downloader is a simple but highly efficient Youtube Video Downloader, made completly using Python
Youtube Downloader is a simple but highly efficient Youtube Video Downloader, made completly using Python
obj-encrypt is an encryption library based on the AES-256 algorithm.
obj-encrypt is an encryption library based on the AES-256 algorithm. It uses Python objects as the basic unit, which can convert objects into binary ciphertext and support decryption. Objects encrypted with obj-encrypt support TCP communication, database storage, and more.
Simple local RPG turn-based to play while learn something using the anki system
Simple local RPG turn-based to play while learn something using the anki system
PyZebrascope - an open-source Python platform for brain-wide neural activity imaging in behaving zebrafish
PyZebrascope - an open-source Python platform for brain-wide neural activity imaging in behaving zebrafish
Simple Python package to convert an image into a quantized image using a customizable palette
Simple Python package to convert an image into a quantized image using a customizable palette. Resulting image can be displayed by ePaper displays such as Waveshare displays.
Visualize a molecule and its conformations in Jupyter notebooks/lab using py3dmol
Mol Viewer This is a simple package wrapping py3dmol for a single command visualization of a RDKit molecule and its conformations (embed as Conformer