2800 Repositories
Python advent-of-code-custom Libraries
Transformer training code for sequential tasks
Sequential Transformer This is a code for training Transformers on sequential tasks such as language modeling. Unlike the original Transformer archite
The code for two papers: Feedback Transformer and Expire-Span.
transformer-sequential This repo contains the code for two papers: Feedback Transformer Expire-Span The training code is structured for long sequentia
Code for ACL 2020 paper "Rigid Formats Controlled Text Generation"
SongNet SongNet: SongCi + Song (Lyrics) + Sonnet + etc. @inproceedings{li-etal-2020-rigid, title = "Rigid Formats Controlled Text Generation",
Code for EMNLP20 paper: "ProphetNet: Predicting Future N-gram for Sequence-to-Sequence Pre-training"
ProphetNet-X This repo provides the code for reproducing the experiments in ProphetNet. In the paper, we propose a new pre-trained language model call
Code for the paper "VisualBERT: A Simple and Performant Baseline for Vision and Language"
This repository contains code for the following two papers: VisualBERT: A Simple and Performant Baseline for Vision and Language (arxiv) with a short
This repository contains the code for running the character-level Sandwich Transformers from our ACL 2020 paper on Improving Transformer Models by Reordering their Sublayers.
Improving Transformer Models by Reordering their Sublayers This repository contains the code for running the character-level Sandwich Transformers fro
Source code of paper "BP-Transformer: Modelling Long-Range Context via Binary Partitioning"
BP-Transformer This repo contains the code for our paper BP-Transformer: Modeling Long-Range Context via Binary Partition Zihao Ye, Qipeng Guo, Quan G
Code voor mijn Master project omtrent VideoBERT
Code voor masterproef Deze repository bevat de code voor het project van mijn masterproef omtrent VideoBERT. De code in deze repository is gebaseerd o
Code for the paper "Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners"
Status: Archive (code is provided as-is, no updates expected) gpt-2 Code and models from the paper "Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learner
Code for Crowd counting via unsupervised cross-domain feature adaptation.
CDFA-pytorch Code for Unsupervised crowd counting via cross-domain feature adaptation. Pre-trained models Google Drive Baidu Cloud : t4qc Environment
A collection and example code of every topic you need to know about in the basics of Python.
The Python Beginners Guide: Master The Python Basics Tonight This guide is a collection of every topic you need to know about in the basics of Python.
Code for paper "Learning to Reweight Examples for Robust Deep Learning"
learning-to-reweight-examples Code for paper Learning to Reweight Examples for Robust Deep Learning. [arxiv] Environment We tested the code on tensorf
[WACV21] Code for our paper: Samuel, Atzmon and Chechik, "From Generalized zero-shot learning to long-tail with class descriptors"
DRAGON: From Generalized zero-shot learning to long-tail with class descriptors Paper Project Website Video Overview DRAGON learns to correct the bias
Learn the Deep Learning for Computer Vision in three steps: theory from base to SotA, code in PyTorch, and space-repetition with Anki
DeepCourse: Deep Learning for Computer Vision arthurdouillard.com/deepcourse/ This is a course I'm giving to the French engineering school EPITA each
My solutions for the 2021's Advent of Code
Advent of Code 2021 My solutions for Advent of Code 2021. This year I am practicing Python 🐍 and also trying to develop my own language, Chocolate 🍫
Code for Massive-scale Decoding for Text Generation using Lattices
Massive-scale Decoding for Text Generation using Lattices Jiacheng Xu, Greg Durrett TL;DR: a new search algorithm to construct lattices encoding many
A simple python application for generating a WiFi QR code for ease of connection
A simple python application for generating a WiFi QR code Initialize the class by providing QR code values WiFi_QR_Code(self, error_correction: int =
Learning from Guided Play: A Scheduled Hierarchical Approach for Improving Exploration in Adversarial Imitation Learning Source Code
Learning from Guided Play: A Scheduled Hierarchical Approach for Improving Exploration in Adversarial Imitation Learning Source Code
Code to scrape , download and upload to youtube daily
Youtube_Automated_Channel Code to scrape , download and upload to youtube daily INSTRUCTIONS Download the Github Repository Download and install Pytho
Create custom desktop notificatons using python
Create custom desktop notificatons using python In this video i am going to use a module called plyer
An official source code for paper Deep Graph Clustering via Dual Correlation Reduction, accepted by AAAI 2022
Dual Correlation Reduction Network An official source code for paper Deep Graph Clustering via Dual Correlation Reduction, accepted by AAAI 2022. Any
The RDT protocol (RDT3.0,GBN,SR) implementation and performance evaluation code using socket
소켓을 이용한 RDT protocols (RDT3.0,GBN,SR) 구현 및 성능 평가 코드 입니다. 코드를 실행할때 리시버를 먼저 실행하세요. 성능 평가 코드는 패킷 전송 과정을 제외하고 시간당 전송률을 출력합니다. RDT3.0 GBN SR(버그 발견으로 구현중 입니
The datasets and code of ACL 2021 paper "Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple Extraction with Implicit Aspects and Opinions".
Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment (ACOS) Quadruple Extraction This repo contains the data sets and source code of our paper: Aspect-Category-Opinion-S
Code for Temporally Abstract Partial Models
Code for Temporally Abstract Partial Models Accompanies the code for the experimental section of the paper: Temporally Abstract Partial Models, Khetar
Code for WECHSEL: Effective initialization of subword embeddings for cross-lingual transfer of monolingual language models.
WECHSEL Code for WECHSEL: Effective initialization of subword embeddings for cross-lingual transfer of monolingual language models. arXiv: https://arx
Official code repository for Continual Learning In Environments With Polynomial Mixing Times
Official code for Continual Learning In Environments With Polynomial Mixing Times Continual Learning in Environments with Polynomial Mixing Times This
Code for Contrastive-Geometry Networks for Generalized 3D Pose Transfer
CGTransformer Code for our AAAI 2022 paper "Contrastive-Geometry Transformer network for Generalized 3D Pose Transfer" Contrastive-Geometry Transforme
Official code base for the poster "On the use of Cortical Magnification and Saccades as Biological Proxies for Data Augmentation" published in NeurIPS 2021 Workshop (SVRHM)
Self-Supervised Learning (SimCLR) with Biological Plausible Image Augmentations Official code base for the poster "On the use of Cortical Magnificatio
Boto3 code assistance for any API in any IDE, always up to date
botostubs Gives you code assistance for any boto3 API in any IDE. Get started by running pip install botostubs Demo Features PyPI package automaticall
Silence mypy by adding or removing code comments
mypy-silent Automatically add or remove # type: ignore commends to silence mypy. Inspired by pylint-silent Why? Imagine you want to add type check for
Code for "Typilus: Neural Type Hints" PLDI 2020
Typilus A deep learning algorithm for predicting types in Python. Please find a preprint here. This repository contains its implementation (src/) and
A python library to convert arbitrary strings representing business opening hours into a JSON format that's easier to use in code
A python library to convert arbitrary strings representing business opening hours into a JSON format that's easier to use in code
Source code for Django for Beginners 3.2
The official source code for https://djangoforbeginners.com/. Available as an ebook or in Paperback. If you have the 3.1 version, please refer to this
The source code of the paper "SHGNN: Structure-Aware Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network"
SHGNN: Structure-Aware Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network The source code and dataset of the paper: SHGNN: Structure-Aware Heterogeneous Graph Neural
Code for WECHSEL: Effective initialization of subword embeddings for cross-lingual transfer of monolingual language models.
WECHSEL Code for WECHSEL: Effective initialization of subword embeddings for cross-lingual transfer of monolingual language models. arXiv: https://arx
Log4j-Scanner with Bind-Receipt and custom hostnames
Hrafna - Log4j-Scanner for the masses Features Scanning-system designed to check your own infra for vulnerable log4j-installations start and stop scan
Some code of the implements of Geological Modeling Using 3D Pixel-Adaptive and Deformable Convolutional Neural Network
3D-GMPDCNN Geological Modeling Using 3D Pixel-Adaptive and Deformable Convolutional Neural Network PyTorch implementation of "Geological Modeling Usin
A minimal python script for generating bip39 seed phrases, and corresponding Seed Signer Seed seed phrase qr code ready for offline printing.
A minimal python script for generating bip39 seed phrases, and corresponding Seed Signer Seed seed phrase qr code ready for offline printing.
Python renderer for OpenStreetMap with custom icons intended to display as many map features as possible
Map Machine project consists of Python OpenStreetMap renderer: SVG map generation, SVG and PNG tile generation, Röntgen icon set: unique CC-BY 4.0 map
CONCEPT (COsmological N-body CodE in PyThon) is a free and open-source simulation code for cosmological structure formation
CONCEPT (COsmological N-body CodE in PyThon) is a free and open-source simulation code for cosmological structure formation. The code should run on any Linux system, from massively parallel computer clusters to laptops.
A Home Assistant custom component for Lobe. Lobe is an AI tool that can classify images.
Lobe This is a Home Assistant custom component for Lobe. Lobe is an AI tool that can classify images. This component lets you easily use an exported m
This is the official source code of "BiCAT: Bi-Chronological Augmentation of Transformer for Sequential Recommendation".
BiCAT This is our TensorFlow implementation for the paper: "BiCAT: Sequential Recommendation with Bidirectional Chronological Augmentation of Transfor
The code of "Dependency Learning for Legal Judgment Prediction with a Unified Text-to-Text Transformer".
Code data_preprocess.py: preprocess data for Dependent-T5. parameters.py: define parameters of Dependent-T5. train_tools.py: traning and evaluation co
Code of the paper "Shaping Visual Representations with Attributes for Few-Shot Learning (ASL)".
Shaping Visual Representations with Attributes for Few-Shot Learning This code implements the Shaping Visual Representations with Attributes for Few-S
OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) Specification code generator. Supports C#, PowerShell, Go, Java, Node.js, TypeScript, Python
AutoRest The AutoRest tool generates client libraries for accessing RESTful web services. Input to AutoRest is a spec that describes the REST API usin
Pydantic model generator for easy conversion of JSON, OpenAPI, JSON Schema, and YAML data sources.
datamodel-code-generator This code generator creates pydantic model from an openapi file and others. Help See documentation for more details. Supporte
Superset custom path for python
It is a common requirement to have superset running under a base url, (https://mydomain.at/analytics/ instead of https://mydomain.at/). I created the
A code to clean and extract a bib file based on keywords.
These are two scripts I use to generate clean bib files. clean_bibfile.py: Removes superfluous fields (which are not included in fields_to_keep.json)
A minimal code for fairseq vq-wav2vec model inference.
vq-wav2vec inference A minimal code for fairseq vq-wav2vec model inference. Runs without installing the fairseq toolkit and its dependencies. Usage ex
Official code for Next Check-ins Prediction via History and Friendship on Location-Based Social Networks (MDM 2018)
MUC Next Check-ins Prediction via History and Friendship on Location-Based Social Networks (MDM 2018) Performance Details for Accuracy: | Dataset
[TNNLS 2021] The official code for the paper "Learning Deep Context-Sensitive Decomposition for Low-Light Image Enhancement"
CSDNet-CSDGAN this is the code for the paper "Learning Deep Context-Sensitive Decomposition for Low-Light Image Enhancement" Environment Preparing pyt
Code for paper: "Spinning Language Models for Propaganda-As-A-Service"
Spinning Language Models for Propaganda-As-A-Service This is the source code for the Arxiv version of the paper. You can use this Google Colab to expl
Code repository for our paper regarding the L3D dataset.
The Large Labelled Logo Dataset (L3D): A Multipurpose and Hand-Labelled Continuously Growing Dataset Website: https://lhf-labs.github.io/tm-dataset Da
Code, environments, and scripts for the paper: "How Private Is Your RL Policy? An Inverse RL Based Analysis Framework"
Privacy-Aware Inverse RL (PRIL) Analysis Framework Code, environments, and scripts for the paper: "How Private Is Your RL Policy? An Inverse RL Based
Code for the submitted paper Surrogate-based cross-correlation for particle image velocimetry
Surrogate-based cross-correlation (SBCC) This repository contains code for the submitted paper Surrogate-based cross-correlation for particle image ve
Code for the paper "Learning-Augmented Algorithms for Online Steiner Tree"
Learning-Augmented Algorithms for Online Steiner Tree This is the code for the paper "Learning-Augmented Algorithms for Online Steiner Tree". Requirem
Code basis for the paper "Camera Condition Monitoring and Readjustment by means of Noise and Blur" (2021)
Camera Condition Monitoring and Readjustment by means of Noise and Blur This repository contains the source code of the paper: Wischow, M., Gallego, G
Code for 'Blockwise Sequential Model Learning for Partially Observable Reinforcement Learning' (AAAI 2022)
Blockwise Sequential Model Learning Code for 'Blockwise Sequential Model Learning for Partially Observable Reinforcement Learning' (AAAI 2022) For ins
Python module that parse power builder file (PBD) and analyze code
PowerBuilder-decompile Python module that parse power builder file (PBD) and analyze code (Incomplete) this tool is composed of: pbd_dump.py pbd file
Authenticate your League of legends account on riot client in a few lines of code.
lol-authenticator v1.0.0 Content index Project Setup Dependencies Project Setup Dependencies Python v3.9.6 If you don't have Python installed on your
Code for Contrastive-Geometry Networks for Generalized 3D Pose Transfer
Code for Contrastive-Geometry Networks for Generalized 3D Pose Transfer
Baserow is an open source no-code database tool and Airtable alternative
Baserow is an open source no-code database tool and Airtable alternative
Python solution of advent-of-code 2021
Advent of code 2021 Python solutions of Advent of Code 2021 written by Eric Bouteillon Requirements The solutions were developed and tested using Pyth
Library to manage your own custom RPC on your desktop
Info I don't recommend novices setting this up yourself. It requires Redis, a server to host the API on, and a bit of understanding of Windows & Pytho
Automatically Send Custom Named Certificates via Mail
Welcome to Certificate Launchpad 🚀 Automatically Send Custom Named Certificates via Email Intro After any event, sending certificates to attendees or
Pulumi - Developer-First Infrastructure as Code. Your Cloud, Your Language, Your Way 🚀
Pulumi's Infrastructure as Code SDK is the easiest way to create and deploy cloud software that use containers, serverless functions, hosted services,
♟️ QR Code display for P4wnP1 (SSH, VNC, any text / URL)
♟️ Display QR Codes on P4wnP1 (p4wnsolo-qr) 🟢 QR Code display for P4wnP1 w/OLED (SSH, VNC, P4wnP1 WebGUI, any text / URL / exfiltrated data) Note: Th
The source code of the bot that displays erotic images on Discord
説明 このコードはDiscord.pyとNeko APIを使ったNsfw画像表示ボットのソースコードです。 成人向けコンテンツを含むボットなので、不快になる方はこのボットの作成中止をおすすめします。 使い方 まず、install.batを起動してください。 そのあとに、config.json を開き
Users can free try their models on SIDD dataset based on this code
SIDD benchmark 1 Train python train.py If you want to train your network, just modify the yaml in the options folder. 2 Validation python validation.p
The code for "Deep Level Set for Box-supervised Instance Segmentation in Aerial Images".
Deep Levelset for Box-supervised Instance Segmentation in Aerial Images Wentong Li, Yijie Chen, Wenyu Liu, Jianke Zhu* Any questions or discussions ar
A very small (15 lines of code) and beautiful fetch script (exclusively for Arch Linux).
minifetch A very small (15 lines of code) and beautiful fetch script (exclusively for Arch Linux). There are many fetch scripts out there but I wanted
A python code to convert Keras pre-trained weights to Pytorch version
Weights_Keras_2_Pytorch 最近想在Pytorch项目里使用一下谷歌的NIMA,但是发现没有预训练好的pytorch权重,于是整理了一下将Keras预训练权重转为Pytorch的代码,目前是支持Keras的Conv2D, Dense, DepthwiseConv2D, Batch
An Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels.
Advent of Code 2021 The Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be sol
Detect secret in source code, scan your repo for leaks. Find secrets with GitGuardian and prevent leaked credentials. GitGuardian is an automated secrets detection & remediation service.
GitGuardian Shield: protect your secrets with GitGuardian GitGuardian shield (ggshield) is a CLI application that runs in your local environment or in
A pytest plugin that enables you to test your code that relies on a running Elasticsearch search engine
pytest-elasticsearch What is this? This is a pytest plugin that enables you to test your code that relies on a running Elasticsearch search engine. It
A pytest plugin, that enables you to test your code that relies on a running PostgreSQL Database
This is a pytest plugin, that enables you to test your code that relies on a running PostgreSQL Database. It allows you to specify fixtures for PostgreSQL process and client.
Code, final versions, and information on the Sparkfun Graphical Datasheets
Graphical Datasheets Code, final versions, and information on the SparkFun Graphical Datasheets. Generated Cells After Running Script Example Complete
Official code of IterMVS
IterMVS official source code of paper 'IterMVS: Iterative Probability Estimation for Efficient Multi-View Stereo' Introduction IterMVS is a novel lear
A custom advent of code I am completing
advent-of-code-custom A custom advent of code I am doing in python. The link to the problems I am solving is here: https://github.com/seldoncode/Adven
Code for ShadeGAN (NeurIPS2021) A Shading-Guided Generative Implicit Model for Shape-Accurate 3D-Aware Image Synthesis
A Shading-Guided Generative Implicit Model for Shape-Accurate 3D-Aware Image Synthesis Project Page | Paper A Shading-Guided Generative Implicit Model
Official code for "Maximum Likelihood Training of Score-Based Diffusion Models", NeurIPS 2021 (spotlight)
Maximum Likelihood Training of Score-Based Diffusion Models This repo contains the official implementation for the paper Maximum Likelihood Training o
HACS gives you a powerful UI to handle downloads of all your custom needs.
HACS (Home Assistant Community Store) Manage (Install, track, upgrade) and discover custom elements for Home Assistant directly from the UI. What? HAC
EduuRobot Telegram bot source code.
EduuRobot A multipurpose Telegram Bot made with Pyrogram and asynchronous programming. Requirements Python 3.6+ An Unix-like operating system (Running
in-progress decompilation of Gauntlet Legends decompression code on the N64
Gauntlet-Legends A in-progress decompilation of Gauntlet-Legends (N64) decompression code. This project currently supports the US release. Building (L
Code for the AAAI-2022 paper: Imagine by Reasoning: A Reasoning-Based Implicit Semantic Data Augmentation for Long-Tailed Classification
Imagine by Reasoning: A Reasoning-Based Implicit Semantic Data Augmentation for Long-Tailed Classification (AAAI 2022) Prerequisite PyTorch = 1.2.0 P
Official Code for "Constrained Mean Shift Using Distant Yet Related Neighbors for Representation Learning"
CMSF Official Code for "Constrained Mean Shift Using Distant Yet Related Neighbors for Representation Learning" Requirements Python = 3.7.6 PyTorch
The source code for Adaptive Kernel Graph Neural Network at AAAI2022
AKGNN The source code for Adaptive Kernel Graph Neural Network at AAAI2022. Please cite our paper if you think our work is helpful to you: @inproceedi
Code accompanying "Adaptive Methods for Aggregated Domain Generalization"
Adaptive Methods for Aggregated Domain Generalization (AdaClust) Official Pytorch Implementation of Adaptive Methods for Aggregated Domain Generalizat
Code for the paper “The Peril of Popular Deep Learning Uncertainty Estimation Methods”
Uncertainty Estimation Methods Code for the paper “The Peril of Popular Deep Learning Uncertainty Estimation Methods” Reference If you use this code,
This repo contains the source code and a benchmark for predicting user's utilities with Machine Learning techniques for Computational Persuasion
Machine Learning for Argument-Based Computational Persuasion This repo contains the source code and a benchmark for predicting user's utilities with M
Code for the paper "Combining Textual Features for the Detection of Hateful and Offensive Language"
The repository provides the source code for the paper "Combining Textual Features for the Detection of Hateful and Offensive Language" submitted to HA
This is the official code for the paper "Learning with Nested Scene Modeling and Cooperative Architecture Search for Low-Light Vision"
RUAS This is the official code for the paper "Learning with Nested Scene Modeling and Cooperative Architecture Search for Low-Light Vision" A prelimin
Official source code of paper 'IterMVS: Iterative Probability Estimation for Efficient Multi-View Stereo'
IterMVS official source code of paper 'IterMVS: Iterative Probability Estimation for Efficient Multi-View Stereo' Introduction IterMVS is a novel lear
The ldapconsole script allows you to perform custom LDAP requests to a Windows domain
ldapconsole The ldapconsole script allows you to perform custom LDAP requests to a Windows domain. Features Authenticate with password Authenticate wi
This is the paddle code for SeBoW(Self-Born wiring for neural trees), a kind of neural tree born form a large search space
SeBoW: Self-Born Wiring for neural trees(PaddlePaddle version) This is the paddle code for SeBoW(Self-Born wiring for neural trees), a kind of neural
The test data, code and detailed description of the AW t-SNE algorithm
AW-t-SNE The test data, code and result of the AW t-SNE algorithm Structure of the folder Datasets: This folder contains two datasets, the MNIST datas
Jack Morgan's Advent of Code Solutions
Advent-of-Code Jack Morgan's Advent of Code Solutions Usage Run . initiate.sh year day To initiate a day. This sets up a template python file, and pul
A dashboard for your code. A build system.
NOTICE: THIS REPO IS NO LONGER UPDATED Changes Changes is a build coordinator and reporting solution written in Python. The project is primarily built
VarCLR: Variable Semantic Representation Pre-training via Contrastive Learning
VarCLR: Variable Representation Pre-training via Contrastive Learning New: Paper accepted by ICSE 2022. Preprint at arXiv! This repository contain
Plenoxels: Radiance Fields without Neural Networks, Code release WIP
Plenoxels: Radiance Fields without Neural Networks Alex Yu*, Sara Fridovich-Keil*, Matthew Tancik, Qinhong Chen, Benjamin Recht, Angjoo Kanazawa UC Be