2916 Repositories
Python aws-s3-copy-sync-using-batch Libraries
Youtube-downloader-using-Python - Youtube downloader using Python
Youtube-downloader-using-Python Hii guys !! Fancy to see here Welcome! built by
Aws-cidr-finder - A Python CLI tool for finding unused CIDR blocks in AWS VPCs
aws-cidr-finder Overview An Example Installation Configuration Contributing Over
Alpha-Zero - Telegram Group Manager Bot Written In Python Using Pyrogram
✨ Alpha Zero Bot ✨ Telegram Group Manager Bot + Userbot Written In Python Using
Hl classification bc - A Network-Based High-Level Data Classification Algorithm Using Betweenness Centrality
A Network-Based High-Level Data Classification Algorithm Using Betweenness Centr
Url-check-migration-python - A python script using Apica API's to migrate URL checks between environments
url-check-migration-python A python script using Apica API's to migrate URL chec
Django-discord-bot - Framework for creating Discord bots using Django
django-discord-bot Framework for creating Discord bots using Django Uses ASGI fo
Frbmclust - Clusterize FRB profiles using hierarchical clustering, plot corresponding parameters distributions
frbmclust Getting Started Clusterize FRB profiles using hierarchical clustering,
Event sourced bank - A wide-and-shallow example using the Python event sourcing library
Event Sourced Bank A "wide but shallow" example of using the Python event sourci
Ghostbuster - Eliminate dangling elastic IPs by performing analysis on your resources within all your AWS accounts
Table of Contents Table of Contents Ghostbuster The problem Project Features Ins
Crypto-trading-simulator - Cryptocurrency trading simulator using Python, Streamlit
Crypto Trading Simulator Run streamlit run main.py Dependency Python 3 streamli
LyricsGenerator - A simple GUI made using Python(Tkinter) for generating song lyrics
Lyrics Generator Reference :- https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/create-a-gui-to-extr
Connexion-faker - Auto-generate mocks from your Connexion API using OpenAPI
Connexion Faker Get Started Install With poetry: poetry add connexion-faker # a
OS Algo Visualization - Operating system algorithm visualization using python pygame library
OS_Algo_Visualization Operating system algorithm visualization using python pyga
Speed-Test - You can check your intenet speed using this tool
Speed-Test Tool By Hez_X AVAILABLE ON : Termux & Kali linux & Ubuntu (Linux E
Frwdit-V1 - A Simple Bot can copy any media to a private channel provided
📠 Auto Forward V2 A Simple Bot can copy any media to a private channel provided
ProjectManagementWebsite - Project management website for CMSC495 built using the Django stack
ProjectManagementWebsite A minimal project management website for CMSC495 built
Hashcrack: Hash Bruteforse tool using python
HashCrack Hash Bruteforse tool Usage hashcrack.py -n 6 -c lower -l 5 -a md5 -t 3
Python-Strongest-Encrypter - Transform your text into encrypted symbols using their dictionary
How does the encrypter works? Transform your text into encrypted symbols using t
Connect-4-AI - AI that plays Connect-4 using the minimax algorithm
Connect-4-AI Brief overview I coded up the Connect-4 (or four-in-a-row) game in
Transcript-Extractor-Bot - Yet another Telegram Voice Recognition bot but using vosk and supports 20+ languages
transcript extractor Yet another Telegram Voice Recognition bot but using vosk a
Text-Summarization-using-NLP - Text Summarization using NLP to fetch BBC News Article and summarize its text and also it includes custom article Summarization
Text-Summarization-using-NLP Text Summarization using NLP to fetch BBC News Arti
GUIOfTemperatureConverterUsingPython - GUI Of Temperature Converter Using Python
Fahrenheit To Celcius GUI Of Temperature Converter Below Video is the Output Of
Yolox-bytetrack-sample - Python sample of MOT (Multiple Object Tracking) using YOLOX and ByteTrack
yolox-bytetrack-sample YOLOXとByteTrackを用いたMOT(Multiple Object Tracking)のPythonサン
Ma2tl - macOS forensic timeline generator using the analysis result DBs of mac apt
ma2tl (mac_apt to timeline) This is a DFIR tool for generating a macOS forensic
Using PyTorch Perform intent classification using three different models to see which one is better for this task
Using PyTorch Perform intent classification using three different models to see which one is better for this task
Detecting drunk people through thermal images using Deep Learning (CNN)
Drunk Detection CNN Detecting drunk people through thermal images using Deep Learning (CNN) Dataset We used thermal images provided by Electronics Lab
Dinamopy is a python helper library for dynamodb
Dinamopy is a python helper library for dynamodb. You can define your access patterns in a json file and can use dynamic method names to make operations.
Object detection evaluation metrics using Python.
Object detection evaluation metrics using Python.
Python Command Line Application (CLI) using Typer, SQLModel, Async-PostgrSQL, and FastAPI
pyflycli is a command-line interface application built with Typer that allows you to view flights above your location.
Skforecast is a python library that eases using scikit-learn regressors as multi-step forecasters
Skforecast is a python library that eases using scikit-learn regressors as multi-step forecasters. It also works with any regressor compatible with the scikit-learn API (pipelines, CatBoost, LightGBM, XGBoost, Ranger...).
An open software package to develop BCI based brain and cognitive computing technology for recognizing user's intention using deep learning
An open software package to develop BCI based brain and cognitive computing technology for recognizing user's intention using deep learning
Using deep learning model to detect breast cancer.
Breast-Cancer-Detection Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer among women, with around one in every 19 women at risk. The number of cases of breas
ONNX-PackNet-SfM: Python scripts for performing monocular depth estimation using the PackNet-SfM model in ONNX
Python scripts for performing monocular depth estimation using the PackNet-SfM model in ONNX
Brain tumor detection using CNN (InceptionResNetV2 Model)
Brain-Tumor-Detection Building a detection model using a convolutional neural network in Tensorflow & Keras. Used brain MRI images. InceptionResNetV2
Using Python to derive insights on particular Pokemon, Types, Generations, and Stats
Pokémon Analysis Andreas Nikolaidis February 2022 Introduction Exploratory Analysis Correlations & Descriptive Statistics Principal Component Analysis
Interact remotely with the computer using Python and MQTT protocol 💻
Comandos_Remotos Interagir remotamento com o computador através do Python e protocolo MQTT. 💻 Status: em desenvolvimento 🚦 Objetivo: Interagir com o
DAMPP (gui) is a Python based program to run simple webservers using MySQL, Php, Apache and PhpMyAdmin inside of Docker containers.
DAMPP (gui) is a Python based program to run simple webservers using MySQL, Php, Apache and PhpMyAdmin inside of Docker containers.
This repository contnains sample problems with test cases using Cormen-Lib
Cormen Lib Sample Problems Description This repository contnains sample problems with test cases using Cormen-Lib. These problems were made for the pu
Simple Email Sender using Python 3.
Email Sender 使用 Python 3 实现的简单邮件发送工具。 Version: 0.1.2 (Beta) 主要功能 使用 SMTP 协议发送邮件 支持 SSL/TLS 、 STARTTLS 加密(为保证安全,强制加密发送) 支持邮件模板与邮件生成 支持向多人群发邮件 日志记录 脚本执行
Using Opencv ,based on Augmental Reality(AR) and will show the feature matching of image and then by finding its matching
Using Opencv ,this project is based on Augmental Reality(AR) and will show the feature matching of image and then by finding its matching ,it will just mask that image . This project ,if used in cctv then it will detect black listed people if mentioned properly with their images.
An interactive document scanner built in Python using OpenCV
The scanner takes a poorly scanned image, finds the corners of the document, applies the perspective transformation to get a top-down view of the document, sharpens the image, and applies an adaptive color threshold to clean up the image.
GUI based app made in python using tkinter
Virtual Keyboard A GUI application made in python using tkinter This is my first ever proper GUI based application project after learning tkinter rece
Learned model to estimate number of distinct values (NDV) of a population using a small sample.
Learned NDV estimator Learned model to estimate number of distinct values (NDV) of a population using a small sample. The model approximates the maxim
Citation Intent Classification in scientific papers using the Scicite dataset an Pytorch
Citation Intent Classification Table of Contents About the Project Built With Installation Usage Acknowledgments About The Project Citation Intent Cla
A GUI based CRUD database management system built using mysql and python
A GUI based CRUD database management system built using mysql and python
Handwritten Character Recognition using CNN
Handwritten Character Recognition using CNN Problem Definition The main objective of this project is to solve the problem of handwritten character rec
Implemenets the Contourlet-CNN as described in C-CNN: Contourlet Convolutional Neural Networks, using PyTorch
C-CNN: Contourlet Convolutional Neural Networks This repo implemenets the Contourlet-CNN as described in C-CNN: Contourlet Convolutional Neural Networ
A rubiks cube timer using a distance sensor and a raspberry pi 4, and possibly the pi pico to reduce size and cost.
distance sensor cube timer A rubiks cube timer using a distance sensor and a raspberry pi 4, and possibly the pi pico to reduce size and cost. How to
An Optical Character Recognition system using Pytesseract/Extracting data from Blood Pressure Reports.
Optical_Character_Recognition An Optical Character Recognition system using Pytesseract/Extracting data from Blood Pressure Reports. As an IOT/Compute
A particular navigation route using satellite feed and can help in toll operations & traffic managemen
How about adding some info that can quanitfy the stress on a particular navigation route using satellite feed and can help in toll operations & traffic management The current analysis is on the satellite image frame, but if we can add this info to a live feed it can help in developing smoother navigation systems based on real time traffic scenario
VG-Scraper is a python program using the module called BeautifulSoup which allows anyone to scrape something off an website. This program lets you put in a number trough an input and a number is 1 news article.
VG-Scraper VG-Scraper is a convinient program where you can find all the news articles instead of finding one yourself. Installing [Linux] Open a term
A simple chat room using socket and threading for handle multiple connections.
• Socket Chat Room was a little project for socket study. It works with a server handling the incoming connections from the clients. Clients send encoded messages while waiting for others clients messages simultaneously. And the server receive all the messages and delivers to the other clients.
Copy only text-like files from the folder
copy-only-text-like-files-from-folder-python copy only text-like files from the folder This project is for those who want to copy only source code or
A visual indicator of what environment/system you're using in django
A visual indicator of what environment/system you're using in django
Create a simple static website using python and jinja templates.
Simple Static Create a simple static website using python and jinja templates. Simple Static has four pieces: A build command that renders jinja templ
Notebook and code to synthesize complex and highly dimensional datasets using Gretel APIs.
Gretel Trainer This code is designed to help users successfully train synthetic models on complex datasets with high row and column counts. The code w
Self-Correcting Quantum Many-Body Control using Reinforcement Learning with Tensor Networks
Self-Correcting Quantum Many-Body Control using Reinforcement Learning with Tensor Networks This repository contains the code and data for the corresp
NovaMusic is a music sharing robot. Users can get music and music lyrics using inline queries.
A music sharing telegram robot using Redis database and Telebot python library using Redis database.
PacketPy is an open-source solution for stress testing network devices using different testing methods
PacketPy About PacketPy is an open-source solution for stress testing network devices using different testing methods. Currently, there are only two c
File-based TF-IDF: Calculates keywords in a document, using a word corpus.
File-based TF-IDF Calculates keywords in a document, using a word corpus. Why? Because I found myself with hundreds of plain text files, with no way t
Password manager using MySQL and Python 3.10.2
Password Manager Password manager using MySQL and Python 3.10.2 Installation Install my-project with github git clone https://github.com/AyaanSiddiq
Neural Radiance Fields Using PyTorch
This project is a PyTorch implementation of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) for reproduction of results whilst running at a faster speed.
MLOps pipeline project using Amazon SageMaker Pipelines
This project shows steps to build an end to end MLOps architecture that covers data prep, model training, realtime and batch inference, build model registry, track lineage of artifacts and model drift detection. It utilizes SageMaker Pipelines that offers machine learning (ML) to orchestrate SageMaker jobs and author reproducible ML pipelines.
Company clustering with K-means/GMM and visualization with PCA, t-SNE, using SSAN relation extraction
RE results graph visualization and company clustering Installation pip install -r requirements.txt python -m nltk.downloader stopwords python3.7 main.
Demonstrating attacks, mitigations, and monitoring on AWS
About Inspectaroo is a web app which allows users to upload images to view metadata. It is designed to show off many AWS services including EC2, Lambd
A Student/ School management application built using Django and Python.
Student Management An awesome student management app built using Django.! Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Content
HiPAL: A Deep Framework for Physician Burnout Prediction Using Activity Logs in Electronic Health Records
HiPAL Code for KDD'22 Applied Data Science Track submission -- HiPAL: A Deep Framework for Physician Burnout Prediction Using Activity Logs in Electro
Using Data Science with Machine Learning techniques (ETL pipeline and ML pipeline) to classify received messages after disasters.
Using Data Science with Machine Learning techniques (ETL pipeline and ML pipeline) to classify received messages after disasters.
A Numba-based two-point correlation function calculator using a grid decomposition
A Numba-based two-point correlation function (2PCF) calculator using a grid decomposition. Like Corrfunc, but written in Numba, with simplicity and hackability in mind.
An async Python library to automate solving ReCAPTCHA v2 by audio using Playwright.
Playwright nonoCAPTCHA An async Python library to automate solving ReCAPTCHA v2 by audio using Playwright. Disclaimer This project is for educational
CDK Template of Table Definition AWS Lambda for RDB
CDK Template of Table Definition AWS Lambda for RDB Overview This sample deploys Amazon Aurora of PostgreSQL or MySQL with AWS Lambda that can define
A training task for web scraping using python multithreading and a real-time-updated list of available proxy servers.
Parallel web scraping The project is a training task for web scraping using python multithreading and a real-time-updated list of available proxy serv
Some embedding layer implementation using ivy library
ivy-manual-embeddings Some embedding layer implementation using ivy library. Just for fun. It is based on NYCTaxiFare dataset from kaggle (cut down to
Deploying a production-ready Django project using Nginx and Gunicorn
django-nginx-gunicorn This project is for deploying a production-ready Django project using Nginx and Gunicorn. Running a local server of Django is no
Twitter Sentiment Analysis using #tag, words and username
Twitter Sentment Analysis Web App using #tag, words and username to fetch data finds Insides of data and Tells Sentiment of the perticular #tag, words or username.
Cado Response Integration with Amazon GuardDuty using AWS Lambda
Cado Response Integration with Amazon GuardDuty using AWS Lambda This repository contains a simple example where: An alert is triggered by GuardDuty T
A small python script which runs a speedtest using speedtest.net and inserts it into a Google Docs Spreadsheet.
speedtest-google-sheets This is a small python script which runs a speedtest using speedtest.net and inserts it into a Google Docs Spreadsheet. Setup
A python package for batch import of resume attachments to be parsed in HrFlow.
HrFlow Importer Description A python package for batch import of resume attachments to be parsed in HrFlow. hrflow-importer is an open-source project
User-interest mock backend server implemnted using flask restful, and SQLAlchemy ORM confiugred with sqlite
Flask_Restful_SQLAlchemy_server User-interest mock backend server implemnted using flask restful, and SQLAlchemy ORM confiugred with sqlite. Backend b
Youtube Downloader is a simple but highly efficient Youtube Video Downloader, made completly using Python
Youtube Downloader is a simple but highly efficient Youtube Video Downloader, made completly using Python
Simple local RPG turn-based to play while learn something using the anki system
Simple local RPG turn-based to play while learn something using the anki system
Simple Python package to convert an image into a quantized image using a customizable palette
Simple Python package to convert an image into a quantized image using a customizable palette. Resulting image can be displayed by ePaper displays such as Waveshare displays.
Visualize a molecule and its conformations in Jupyter notebooks/lab using py3dmol
Mol Viewer This is a simple package wrapping py3dmol for a single command visualization of a RDKit molecule and its conformations (embed as Conformer
A demo project to elaborate how Machine Learn Models are deployed on production using Flask API
This is a salary prediction website developed with the help of machine learning, this makes prediction of salary on basis of few parameters like interview score, experience test score.
Data Augmentation Using Keras and Python
Data-Augmentation-Using-Keras-and-Python Data augmentation is the process of increasing the number of training dataset. Keras library offers a simple
Object Detection using YOLO from PyImageSearch
Object Detection using YOLO from PyImageSearch By applying object detection, you’ll not only be able to determine what is in an image, but also where
Definitive Guide to Creating a SQL Database on Cloud with AWS and Python
Definitive Guide to Creating a SQL Database on Cloud with AWS and Python An easy-to-follow comprehensive guide on integrating Amazon RDS, MySQL Workbe
Project in which we modelise an Among Us problem using graph theories.
Python-AmongUsProblem Project in which we modelise an Among Us problem using graph theories. The rules are as following: Total of 100 players 10 playe
To classify the News into Real/Fake using Features from the Text Content of the article
Hoax-Detector Authenticity of news has now become a major problem. The Idea is to classify the News into Real/Fake using Features from the Text Conten
A test repository to build a python package and publish the package to Artifact Registry using GCB
A test repository to build a python package and publish the package to Artifact Registry using GCB. Then have the package be a dependency in a GCF function.
This is a basic Todo Application API using Django Rest Framework
Todo Application This is a basic Todo Application API using Django Rest Framework. Todo Section - User can View his previously added todo items, creat
Find Transposon Element insertions using long reads (nanopore), by alignment directly. (minimap2)
find_te_ins find_te_ins is designed to find Transposon Element (TE) insertions using long reads (nanopore), by alignment directly. (minimap2) Install
A python script to decrypt media files encrypted using the Android application 'Decrypting 'LOCKED Secret Calculator Vault''. Will identify PIN / pattern.
A python script to decrypt media files encrypted using the Android application 'Decrypting 'LOCKED Secret Calculator Vault''. Will identify PIN / pattern.
FBGen is simple facebook user based wordlist generator using Username/ID and cookie.
FBGen is simple facebook user based wordlist generator using Username/ID and cookie.
An unofficial API for lyricsfreak.com using django and django rest framework.
An unofficial API for lyricsfreak.com using django and django rest framework.
This repository contains the implementation of the paper Contrastive Instance Association for 4D Panoptic Segmentation using Sequences of 3D LiDAR Scans
Contrastive Instance Association for 4D Panoptic Segmentation using Sequences of 3D LiDAR Scans This repository contains the implementation of the pap
Official PyTorch implementation of the paper "Likelihood Training of Schrödinger Bridge using Forward-Backward SDEs Theory (SB-FBSDE)"
Official PyTorch implementation of the paper "Likelihood Training of Schrödinger Bridge using Forward-Backward SDEs Theory (SB-FBSDE)" which introduces a new class of deep generative models that generalizes score-based models to fully nonlinear forward and backward diffusions.
Check AWS S3 instances for read/write/delete access
s3sec Test AWS S3 buckets for read/write/delete access This tool was developed to quickly test a list of s3 buckets for public read, write and delete
Sleep stages are classified with the help of ML. We have used 4 different ML algorithms (SVM, KNN, RF, NN) to demonstrate them
Sleep stages are classified with the help of ML. We have used 4 different ML algorithms (SVM, KNN, RF, NN) to demonstrate them.
Trafffic prediction analysis using hybrid models - Machine Learning
Hybrid Machine learning Model Clone the Repository Create a new Directory as assests and download the model from the below link Model Link To Start th