60 Repositories
Python contributions-calendar Libraries
🙌Kart of 210+ projects based on machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing and all. Show your support by ✨ this repository.
ML-ProjectKart 📌 Repository This kart showcases the finest collection of all projects based on machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, natu
You can submit any PR and have SWAGS. Happy Hacktoberfest !
Excluded project Repository 🔴 🔴 🔴 - PR limit is reached. Please use another Repository Hacktoberfest 2021 🎉 🗣 Hacktoberfest encourages participat
SystemSix is an e-Ink "desk accessory" running on a Raspberry Pi. It is a bit of nostalgia that can function as a calendar, display the weather
SystemSix is an e-Ink "desk accessory" running on a Raspberry Pi. It is a bit of nostalgia that can function as a calendar, display the weather, the c
As we all know the BGMI Loot Crate comes with so many resources for the gamers, this ML Crate will be the hub of various ML projects which will be the resources for the ML enthusiasts! Open Source Program: SWOC 2021 and JWOC 2022.
Machine Learning Loot Crate 💻 🧰 🔴 Welcome contributors! As we all know the BGMI Loot Crate comes with so many resources for the gamers, this ML Cra
It's just a simple script to add all contest from site to your Google Calendar and make two reminder for them one before the contest one day, and another before half an hour, the event on Google Calendar have the registration link of the contest.
CP-Calendar It's just a simple script to add all contest from site to your Google Calendar and make two reminder for them one before the contest one d
Automatically generate GitHub activity!
Commit Bot Automatically generate GitHub activity! We've all wanted to be the developer that commits every day, but that requires a lot of work. Let's
Small Python script to generate a calendar (.ics) file from SIMASTER courses schedule.
simaster.ics Small Python script to generate a calendar (.ics) file from SIMASTER courses schedule. Usage Getting the events.json file from SIMASTER O
Element selection for functional materials discovery by integrated machine learning of atomic contributions to properties
Element selection for functional materials discovery by integrated machine learning of atomic contributions to properties 8.11.2021 Andrij Vasylenko I
PyHoroscope - Observational Indian lunisolar calendar, horoscope and matching using the Swiss ephemeris
PyHoroscope Observational Indian lunisolar calendar, horoscope and matching usin
🧹 Create symlinks for .m2ts files and classify them into directories in yyyy-mm format.
🧹 Create symlinks for .m2ts files and classify them into directories in yyyy-mm format.
Tweets your monthly GitHub Contributions as Wordle grid
Tweets your monthly GitHub Contributions as Wordle grid
Python Projects is an Open Source to enhance your python skills
Welcome! 👋🏽 Python Project is Open Source to enhance your python skills. You're free to contribute. 🤓 You just need to give us your scripts written
A Discord bot for viewing any currency you want comfortably.
Dost Dost is a Discord bot for viewing currencies. Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local
Calendar heatmaps from Pandas time series data
Note: See MarvinT/calmap for the maintained version of the project. That is also the version that gets published to PyPI and it has received several f
A collection of command-line interface games written in python
Command Line Interface Python Games Collection of some starter python game projects for beginners How to play these games Clone this repository git cl
Python library for Spurwing API to schedule appointments, manage calendars and custom integrations.
Spurwing API Python Library Lightweight Python library for Spurwing's API. Spurwing's API makes it easy to add robust scheduling and booking to your a
GitHub Activity Generator - A script that helps you instantly generate a beautiful GitHub Contributions Graph for the last year.
GitHub Activity Generator A script that helps you instantly generate a beautiful GitHub Contributions Graph for the last year. Before 😐 😶 😒 After ?
A Calendar subscribe server for python
cn-holiday-ics-server A calendar subscribe server 直接使用我搭建的服务 订阅节假日:https://cdxy.fun:9999/holiday 订阅调休上班:https://cdxy.fun:9999/workday 节假日和调休上班在一起的版本:h
A graphical user interface calendar with python
GUI-Calendar A graphical user interface calendar with python In this project I used tkinter module If you dont have tkinter module you can install it
scikit-learn models hyperparameters tuning and feature selection, using evolutionary algorithms.
Sklearn-genetic-opt scikit-learn models hyperparameters tuning and feature selection, using evolutionary algorithms. This is meant to be an alternativ
An Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels.
Advent of Code 2021 The Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be sol
Generates images of calendar month tables and can paste them onto suitable photos.
📆 calendizer README Generates images of calendar month tables and can paste them onto suitable photos. A quick way to make your own calendar for prin
Takes upcoming items from a Google Calendar and posts them to Slack.
Google Calendar to Slack by Jason Snell - jsnell@sixcolors.com This Python script scrapes upcoming items from Google Calendar HTML and posts them to S
Unofficial calendar integration with Gradescope
Gradescope-Calendar This script scrapes your Gradescope account for courses and assignment details. Assignment details currently can be transferred to
Sprint planner considering JIRA issues and google calendar meetings schedule.
Sprint planner Sprint planner is a Python script for planning your Jira tasks based on your calendar availability. Installation Use the package manage
Bezlik Year Calendar Planner
Bezlik Year Calendar Planner Scribus script for creating year planners on one page A1 paper format. Script is based on Year-Calendar-Script-for-Scribu
This synchronizes my appearances with my calendar
Josh's Schedule Synchronizer Here's the "problem:" I use a Google Sheets spreadsheet to maintain all my public appearances.
A discord bot that utilizes Google's Rest API for Calendar, Drive, and Sheets
Bott This is a discord bot that utilizes Google's Rest API for Calendar, Drive, and Sheets. The bot first takes the sheet from the schedule manager in
Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like.
Advent Of Code 2021 - Python English Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels th
A pandas extension that solves all problems of Jalai/Iraninan/Shamsi dates
Jalali Pandas Extentsion A pandas extension that solves all problems of Jalai/Iraninan/Shamsi dates Features Series Extenstion Convert string to Jalal
Apps related to Odoo it's calendar features
calendar Apps related to Odoo it's calendar/appointments features: online_appointment_locations: allow setting an online URL per employee online_appoi
Using graph_nets for pion classification and energy regression. Contributions from LLNL and LBNL
nbdev template Use this template to more easily create your nbdev project. If you are using an older version of this template, and want to upgrade to
Create animated ASCII-art for the command line almost instantly!
clippy Create and play colored 🟥 🟩 🟦 or colorless ⬛️ ⬜️ animated, or static, ASCII-art in the command line! clippy can help if you are wanting to;
Django backend of Helium's planner application
Helium Platform Project Prerequisites Python (= 3.6) Pip (= 9.0) MySQL (= 5.7) Redis (= 3.2) Getting Started The Platform is developed using Pytho
to learn how to do pull request and do contribution to other's repo
Hacktoberfest-2021 - open-source-contribution An Open Source repository to Teach people How to contribute to open sources. 💥 🔥 JOIN PVX PROGRAMMING
📅 Calendar file generator for triathlonlive.tv upcoming events
Triathlon Live Calendar Calendar file generator for triathlonlive.tv upcoming events. Install Requires Python 3.9.4 and Poetry. $ poetry install Runni
Cutting-edge GitHub page customization tool
Cutting-edge GitHub page customization tool Want to customize your GitHub user page, but don't know how? Now you can make your profile unique and attr
Market calendar RESTful API with holiday, late open, and early close. Over 50+ unique exchange calendars for global equity and futures markets.
Trading Calendar Market calendar RESTful API with holiday, late open, and early close. Over 50+ unique exchange calendars for global equity and future
this synchronizes my appearances with my calendar
Josh's Schedule Synchronizer Here's the "problem:" I use a spreadsheet to maintain all my public appearances. I check the spreadsheet as often as poss
E-Ink Magic Calendar that automatically syncs to Google Calendar and runs off a battery powered Raspberry Pi Zero
E-Ink Magic Calendar that automatically syncs to Google Calendar and runs off a battery powered Raspberry Pi Zero
E-Ink Magic Calendar that automatically syncs to Google Calendar and runs off a battery powered Raspberry Pi Zero
E-Ink Magic Calendar that automatically syncs to Google Calendar and runs off a battery powered Raspberry Pi Zero
E-Ink Magic Calendar that automatically syncs to Google Calendar and runs off a battery powered Raspberry Pi Zero
MagInkCal This repo contains the code needed to drive an E-Ink Magic Calendar that uses a battery powered (PiSugar2) Raspberry Pi Zero WH to retrieve
Display your calendar on the wallpaper.
wallCal Have your calendar appear as the wallpaper. disclaimer Use at your own risk. Don't blame me if you miss a meeting :-) Some parts of the script
Pythonic and easy iCalendar library (rfc5545)
ics.py 0.8.0-dev : iCalendar for Humans Original repository (GitHub) - Bugtracker and issues (GitHub) - PyPi package (ics) - Documentation (Read The D
An awesome script to convert the University Of Oviedo web calendar to Google or Outlook calendars.
autoUniCalendar Un script en Python para convertir el calendario de la intranet de la Universidad de Oviedo en un calendario de Outlook o Google Calen
Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers However, 'security' is a top request on Docker's public roadmap This project aims at vulnerability check for such docker containers. New contributions are accepted
Docker-Vulnerability-Check Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications OS-level virtualization to deliver software i
This repository is to support contributions for tools for the Project CodeNet dataset hosted in DAX
The goal of Project CodeNet is to provide the AI-for-Code research community with a large scale, diverse, and high quality curated dataset to drive innovation in AI techniques.
- Auto join teams teams ( from calendar invite )
Auto Join Teams Meetings Requirements: Python 3.7 or higher Latest Google Chrome This script automatically logins to your account and joins the meetin
Jalali version of python calendar :date:
jcalendar jcalendar is Jalali implementation of Python's calendar module Status Install pip install jcalendar Documents This module almost follows Py
Incident Response Process and Playbooks | Goal: Playbooks to be Mapped to MITRE Attack Techniques
PURPOSE OF PROJECT That this project will be created by the SOC/Incident Response Community Develop a Catalog of Incident Response Playbook for every
Import Notion Tasks to
Notion-to-Google-Calendar (1 way) Import Notion Tasks to Google Calendar NO MORE UPDATES WILL BE MADE TO THIS REPO. Attention has been put on a 2-way
A Curated Collection of Awesome Python Scripts
A Curated Collection of Awesome Python Scripts that will make you go wow. This repository will help you in getting those green squares. Hop in and enjoy the journey of open source. 🚀
IACR Events Scraper
IACR Events Scraper This scrapes https://iacr.org/events/ and exports it as a calendar file. I host a version of this for myself under https://arrrr.c
An IVR Chatbot which can exponentially reduce the burden of companies as well as can improve the consumer/end user experience.
IVR-Chatbot Achievements 🏆 Team Uhtred won the Maverick 2.0 Bot-a-thon 2021 organized by AbInbev India. ❓ Problem Statement As we all know that, lot
2 Way Sync Between Notion Database and Google Calendar
Notion-and-Google-Calendar-2-Way-Sync 2 Way Sync Between a Notion Database and Google Calendar WARNING: This repo will be undergoing a good bit of cha
Generate a 3D Skyline in STL format and a OpenSCAD file from Gitlab contributions
Your Gitlab's contributions in a 3D Skyline gitlab-skyline is a Python command to generate a skyline figure from Gitlab contributions as Github did at
Oncall is a calendar tool designed for scheduling and managing on-call shifts. It can be used as source of dynamic ownership info for paging systems like http://iris.claims.
Oncall See admin docs for information on how to run and manage Oncall. Development setup Prerequisites Debian/Ubuntu - sudo apt-get install libsasl2-d
Patchwork is a web-based patch tracking system designed to facilitate the contribution and management of contributions to an open-source project.
Patchwork Patchwork is a patch tracking system for community-based projects. It is intended to make the patch management process easier for both the p
Keras community contributions
keras-contrib : Keras community contributions Keras-contrib is deprecated. Use TensorFlow Addons. The future of Keras-contrib: We're migrating to tens
CONTRIBUTIONS ONLY: Voluptuous, despite the name, is a Python data validation library.
CONTRIBUTIONS ONLY What does this mean? I do not have time to fix issues myself. The only way fixes or new features will be added is by people submitt