246 Repositories
Python convert-svg-to-png Libraries
Convert shellcode into :sparkles: different :sparkles: formats!
Bluffy Convert shellcode into ✨ different ✨ formats! Bluffy is a utility which was used in experiments to bypass Anti-Virus products (statically) by f
Convert dog pictures into various painting styles. Try LimnPet
LimnPet Cartoon stylization service project Try our service » Home page · Team notion · Members 목차 프로젝트 소개 프로젝트 목표 사용한 기술스택과 수행도구 팀원 구현 기능 주요 기능 추가 기능
csv2ir is a script to convert ir .csv files to .ir files for the flipper.
csv2ir csv2ir is a script to convert ir .csv files to .ir files for the flipper. For a repo of .ir files, please see https://github.com/logickworkshop
Convert scikit-learn models to PyTorch modules
sk2torch sk2torch converts scikit-learn models into PyTorch modules that can be tuned with backpropagation and even compiled as TorchScript. Problems
Let's create a tool to convert Thailand budget from PDF to CSV.
thailand-budget-pdf2csv Let's create a tool to convert Thailand Government Budgeting from PDF to CSV! รวมพลัง Dev แปลงงบ จาก PDF สู่ Machine-readable
Convert game ISO and archives to CD CHD for emulation on Linux.
tochd Convert game ISO and archives to CD CHD for emulation. Author: Tuncay D. Source: https://github.com/thingsiplay/tochd Releases: https://github.c
Generate PNG filles from NFO files.
Installation git clone https://github.com/pcroland/nfopng cd nfopng pip install -r requirements.txt Usage ❯ ./nfopng.py usage: nfopng.py [-h] [-v] [-i
Pgn2tex - Scripts to convert pgn files to latex document. Useful to build books or pdf from pgn studies
Pgn2Latex (WIP) A simple script to make pdf from pgn files and studies. It's sti
Wats2PDF - Convert whatsapp exported chat(without media) into a readable pdf format
Wats2PDF convert whatsApp exported chat into a readable pdf format. convert with
Simple-System-Convert--C--F - Simple System Convert With Python
Simple-System-Convert--C--F REQUIREMENTS Python version : 3 HOW TO USE Run the c
Casefy (/keɪsfaɪ/) is a lightweight Python package to convert the casing of strings
Casefy (/keɪsfaɪ/) is a lightweight Python package to convert the casing of strings. It has no third-party dependencies and supports Unicode.
Convert PDF to AudioBook and Audio Speech to PDF
In this Python project, we will build a GUI-based PDF to Audio and Audio to PDF converter using the Tkinter, OS, path, pyttsx3, SpeechRecognition, PyPDF4, and Pydub libraries and the messagebox module of the Tkinter library.
A working (ish) python script to convert text to a gradient.
verticle-horiontal-gradient-script A working (ish) python script to convert text to a gradient. This script is poorly made with the well known python
Two scripts help you to convert csv file to md file by template
Two scripts help you to convert csv file to md file by template. One help you generate multiple md files with different filenames from the first colume of csv file. Another can generate one md file with several blocks.
Collection of SVG diagrams about how UTF-8 works
Diagrams Repository of diagrams made for articles on my blog. All diagrams are created using diagrams.net. UTF-8 Licenses Copyright 2022 Seth Michael
Convert BART models to ONNX with quantization. 3X reduction in size, and upto 3X boost in inference speed
fast-Bart Reduction of BART model size by 3X, and boost in inference speed up to 3X BART implementation of the fastT5 library (https://github.com/Ki6a
Convert Mission Planner (ArduCopter) Waypoint Missions to Litchi CSV Format to execute on DJI Drones
Mission Planner to Litchi Convert Mission Planner (ArduCopter) Waypoint Surveys to Litchi CSV Format to execute on DJI Drones Litchi doesn't support S
Split given PDF document into 4 page groups and convert them to booklet format
PUTO: PDF to Booklet converter Split given PDF document into 4 page groups and convert them to booklet format. It creates a PDF like shown below: Fir
Simple Python package to convert an image into a quantized image using a customizable palette
Simple Python package to convert an image into a quantized image using a customizable palette. Resulting image can be displayed by ePaper displays such as Waveshare displays.
Convert Pytorch model to onnx or tflite, and the converted model can be visualized by Netron
Convert Pytorch model to onnx or tflite, and the converted model can be visualized by Netron
A simple program written in python to convert: USD, EUR & BTC to BRL
CoinsPrice This is a simple program written in python to convert: USD EUR BTC to BRL, and I used an API to get coins price. Take a look at the window
Convert MD files to PDF automatically (with CSS) 📄🚀
MD2PDF Action Convert MD files to PDF automatically (with CSS)! Converts a pattern described set of markdown files and converts them to pdf whilst app
Scripts to convert the Ted-MDB corpora into the formats for DISRPT shared task and the converted corpora
Scripts to convert the Ted-MDB corpora into the formats for DISRPT shared task and the converted corpora.
Python wrapper and CLI utility to render LaTeX markup and equations as SVG using dvisvgm and svgo.
latex2svg Python wrapper and CLI utility to render LaTeX markup and equations as SVG using dvisvgm and svgo. Based on the original work by Tino Wagner
UFDR2DIR - A script to convert a Cellebrite UFDR to the original file structure
UFDR2DIR A script to convert a Cellebrite UFDR to it's original file and directo
Discord-Token-Formatter - A simple script to convert discord tokens from email token to token only format
Discord-Token-Formatter A simple script to convert discord tokens from email:pas
An python script to convert images to upscaled versions made out of one-colour emojis.
ABOUT This is an python script to convert png, jpg and gif(output isnt animated :( ) images to scaled versions made out of one-colour emojis. Please n
Convert monolithic Jupyter notebooks into Ploomber pipelines.
Soorgeon Join our community | Newsletter | Contact us | Blog | Website | YouTube Convert monolithic Jupyter notebooks into Ploomber pipelines. soorgeo
Svg2pdfgen - Svg To PDF gen with python
Svg2pdfgen - Svg To PDF gen with python
A command line tool that can convert Day One data into markdown files.
Introduction Features Before Start Export data from Day One Check Integrity Special Cases for Photo Extension Name Audio Extension Name Usage Known Is
Python script to backup/convert your Spotify playlists into the XSPF format.
Python script to backup/convert your Spotify playlists into the XSPF format.
Linus-png.github.io - Versionsverwaltung & Open Source Hausaufgabe
Let's Git - Versionsverwaltung & Open Source Hausaufgabe Herzlich Willkommen zu
A library to easily convert climbing route grades between different grading systems.
pyclimb A library to easily convert climbing route grades between different grading systems. In rock climbing, mountaineering, and other climbing disc
Convert HDR photos taken by iPhone 12 (or later) to regular HDR images
heif-hdrgainmap-decode Convert HDR photos taken by iPhone 12 (or later) to regular HDR images. Installation First, make sure you have the following pa
Convert excel xlsx file's table to csv file, A GUI application on top of python/pyqt and other opensource softwares.
Convert excel xlsx file's table to csv file, A GUI application on top of python/pyqt and other opensource softwares.
Convert any binary data to a PNG image file and vice versa.
What is PngBin? The name PngBin comes from an image format file extension PNG (Portable Network Graphics) and the word Binary. An image produced by Pn
Convert shellcode generated using pe_2_shellcode to cdb format.
pe2shc-to-cdb This tool will convert shellcode generated using pe_to_shellcode to cdb format. Cdb.exe is a LOLBIN which can help evade detection & app
Pyconvert is a python script that you can use to convert image files to another image format! (eg. PNG to ICO)
Pyconvert is a python script that you can use to convert image files to another image format! (eg. PNG to ICO)
An anime themed telegram bot that can convert telegram media.
ShoukoKomiRobot • 𝕎𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕟 𝕀𝕟 Python3 • 𝕃𝕚𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕣𝕪 𝕌𝕤𝕖𝕕 Pyrogram • 𝕊𝕠𝕗𝕥𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕌𝕤𝕖𝕕 Ebook-convert Deploy 𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕜 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕣
Text editor on python tkinter to convert english text to other languages with the help of ployglot.
Transliterator Text Editor This is a simple transliteration program which is used to convert english word to phonetically matching word in another lan
Mercury: easily convert Python notebook to web app and share with others
Mercury Share your Python notebooks with others Easily convert your Python notebooks into interactive web apps by adding parameters in YAML. Simply ad
A simple code to convert image format and channel as well as resizing and renaming multiple images.
Rename-Resize-and-convert-multiple-images A simple code to convert image format and channel as well as resizing and renaming multiple images. This cod
Simple helper library to convert a collection of numpy data to tfrecord, and build a tensorflow dataset from the tfrecord.
numpy2tfrecord Simple helper library to convert a collection of numpy data to tfrecord, and build a tensorflow dataset from the tfrecord. Installation
Convert BMS songs to osu! With options to convert keysounds and convert to 7key.
bmx2osu Convert BMS to osu! With options to: convert keysounds to one song file using BMX2WAV include 7k version change Overall Difficulty and HP Drai
A simple CLI to convert snapshots into EAVT log, and EAVT log into SCD.
EAVT helper CLI Simple CLI to convert snapshots into eavt log, and eavt log into slowly changing dimensions Usage Installation Snapshot to EAVT log EA
Generate SVG (dark/light) images visualizing (private/public) GitHub repo statistics for profile/website.
Generate daily updated visualizations of GitHub user and repository statistics from the GitHub API using GitHub Actions for any combination of private and public repositories, whether owned or contributed to - no server required.
👾 Python project to help you convert any image into a pixel art.
👾 Pixel Art Generator Python project to help you convert any image into a pixel art. ⚙️ Developer's Guide Things you need to get started with this co
A simple program to recolour simple png icon-like pictures with just one colour + transparent or white background. Resulting images all have transparent background and a new colour.
A simple program to recolour simple png icon-like pictures with just one colour + transparent or white background. Resulting images all have transparent background and a new colour.
Convert Photoshop curves (acv) to xmp presets for Lightroom
acv2xmp Convert Photoshop curves (acv) to Lightroom preset (xmp) acv2xmp.py Basic command prompt that relies on standard library only and can be used
Open CV - Convert a picture to look like a cartoon sketch in python
Use the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7cVPGpnels for initial learning.
Text editor on python to convert english text to malayalam(Romanization/Transiteration).
Manglish Text Editor This is a simple transiteration (romanization ) program which is used to convert manglish to malayalam (converts njaan to ഞാൻ ).
Convert Beat Saber maps to Tesla light shows!
Tesla x Beat Saber - Light Show Converter Convert Beat Saber maps to Tesla light shows! This project requires FFMPEG and all packages from requirement
Apply a perspective transformation to a raster image inside Inkscape (no need to use an external software such as GIMP or Krita).
Raster Perspective Apply a perspective transformation to bitmap image using the selected path as envelope, without the need to use an external softwar
Speech recognition tool to convert audio to text transcripts, for Linux and Raspberry Pi.
Spchcat Speech recognition tool to convert audio to text transcripts, for Linux and Raspberry Pi. Description spchcat is a command-line tool that read
Various converters to convert value sets from CSV to JSON, etc.
ValueSet Converters Tools for converting value sets in different formats. Such as converting extensional value sets in CSV format to JSON format able
Creating a python package to convert /transfer excelsheet data to a mysql Database Table
Creating a python package to convert /transfer excelsheet data to a mysql Database Table
Svg-turtle - Use the Python turtle to write SVG files
SaVaGe Turtle Use the Python turtle to write SVG files If you're using the Pytho
ShoukoKomiRobot - An anime themed telegram bot that can convert telegram media
ShoukoKomiRobot • 𝕎𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕟 𝕀𝕟 Python3 • 𝕃𝕚𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕣𝕪 𝕌𝕤𝕖𝕕 Pyrogram
Video-to-GIF-Converter - A small code snippet that can be used to convert any video to a gif
Video to GIF Converter Project Description: This is a small code snippet that ca
Convert scans of handwritten notes to beautiful, compact PDFs
Convert scans of handwritten notes to beautiful, compact PDFs
Convert your Gyrosco.pe travels to GPX files
gyroscope2gpx This little python joint will do you a favor of taking your "Travel" export from Gyroscope (https://gyrosco.pe) and turn it into a bunch
Simple telegram bot to convert files into direct download link.you can use telegram as a file server 🪁
TGCLOUD 🪁 Simple telegram bot to convert files into direct download link.you can use telegram as a file server 🪁 Features Easy to Deploy Heroku Supp
It is a Blender Tool which can convert the Object Data Attributes in face corner to the UVs or Vertex Color.
Blender_ObjectDataAttributesConvertTool It is a Blender Tool which can convert the Object Data Attributes in face corner to the UVs or Vertex Color. D
python script to convert .OBJ files into Minecraft, rendering them in game with a core shader.
samples: random notes about the tool general output format: (animation not supported yet but planned) vertex id Minecraft's gl_VertexID isn't per mode
A Python Script to convert Normal PNG Image to Apple iDOT PNG Image.
idot-png-encoder A Python Script to convert Normal PNG Image to Apple iDOT PNG Image (Multi-threaded Decoding PNG). Usage idotpngencoder.py -i inputf
Reverse the infix string. Note that while reversing the string you must interchange left and right parentheses
Reverse the infix string. Note that while reversing the string you must interchange left and right parentheses. Obtain the postfix expression of the infix expression Step 1.Reverse the postfix expression to get the prefix expression
Convert All TXT Files To One File.
AllToOne Convert All TXT Files To One File. Hi 👋 , I'm Alireza A Python Developer Boy 🔭 I’m currently working on my C# projects 🌱 I’m currently Lea
Calibre recipe to convert latest issue of Analyse & Kritik into an ebook
Calibre Recipe für "Analyse & Kritik" Dies ist ein "Recipe" für die Konvertierung der aktuellen Ausgabe der Zeitung Analyse & Kritik in ein Ebook. Es
Png-to-stl - Converts PNG and text to SVG, and then extrudes that based on parameters
have ansible installed locally run ansible-playbook setup_application.yml this sets up directories, installs system packages, and sets up python envir
Easyeda2kicad.py - Convert any LCSC components (including EasyEDA) to KiCad library
easyeda2kicad.py A Python script that convert any electronic components from LCSC or EasyEDA to a Kicad library Installation git clone https://github.
Proquabet - Convert your prose into proquints and then you essentially have Vogon poetry
Proquabet Turn your prose into a constant stream of encrypted and meaningless-so
Gbs-image-colorizer - A tool to convert colorful pictures to GB Studio-compatible colorized backgrounds.
GB Studio Image Colorizer A tool to convert colorful pictures to GB Studio-compatible colorized backgrounds. Made by NalaFala/Yousurname/Y0UR-U5ERNAME
Xmas-Tree-GIF-Tool - Convert any given animated gif file into an animation in GIFT CSV format
This repo is made to participate in Matt Parker's XmasTree 2021 event. Convert a
This can be use to convert text in a file to handwritten text.
TextToHandwriting This can be used to convert text to handwriting. Clone this project or download the code. Run TextToImage.py give the filename of th
python wrapper for simple-icons
simpleicons Use a wide-range of icons derived from the simple-icons repo in python. Go to their website for a full list of icons. The slug version mus
With this simple py script you will be able to get all the .png from a folder and generate a yml for Oraxen
Oraxen-item-to-yml With this simple py script you will be able to get all the .png from a folder and generate a yml for Oraxen How to use Install the
A stable and Fast telegram video convertor bot which can compress, convert(video into audio and other video formats), rename with permanent thumbnail and trim.
ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴠᴇʀᴛᴏʀ A stable and Fast telegram video convertor bot which can compress, convert(video into audio and other video formats), rename and trim.
Tools to convert SQLAlchemy models to Pydantic models
Pydantic-SQLAlchemy Tools to generate Pydantic models from SQLAlchemy models. Still experimental. How to use Quick example: from typing import List f
The ability of computer software to identify words and phrases in spoken language and convert them to human-readable text
speech-recognition-py Speech recognition is the ability of computer software to identify words and phrases in spoken language and convert them to huma
🛹 Turn an SVG into an STL for stencil creation purposes
svg2stl This repository provides a script which takes as input an SVG such as this one: It outputs an STL file like this one: You can also see an inte
Create SVG drawings from vector geodata files (SHP, geojson, etc).
SVGIS Create SVG drawings from vector geodata files (SHP, geojson, etc). SVGIS is great for: creating small multiples, combining lots of datasets in a
Use any of the 1k+ free FontAwesome icons in your tkinter application.
TkFontAwesome A library that enables you to use FontAwesome icons in your tkinter application. You may use any of the 1k+ free FontAwesome 5.0 icons.
Convert text with ANSI color codes to HTML or to LaTeX.
Convert text with ANSI color codes to HTML or to LaTeX.
Convert complex chord names to midi notes
ezchord Simple python script that can convert complex chord names to midi notes Prerequisites pip install midiutil Usage ./ezchord.py Dmin7 G7 C timi
Here is some Python code that allows you to read in SVG files and approximate their paths using a Fourier series.
Here is some Python code that allows you to read in SVG files and approximate their paths using a Fourier series. The Fourier series can be animated and visualized, the function can be output as a two dimensional vector for Desmos and there is a method to output the coefficients as LaTeX code.
Convert Table data to approximate values with GUI
Table_Editor Convert Table data to approximate values with GUIs... usage - Import methods for extension Tables. Imported method supposed to have only
Convert human motion from video to .bvh
video_to_bvh Convert human motion from video to .bvh with Google Colab Usage 1. Open video_to_bvh.ipynb in Google Colab Go to https://colab.research.g
Agile SVG maker for python
Agile SVG Maker Need to draw hundreds of frames for a GIF? Need to change the style of all pictures in a PPT? Need to draw similar images with differe
Convert given source code into .pdf with syntax highlighting and more features
Code2pdf 📠 Convert given source code into .pdf with syntax highlighting and more features Build Status Version Downloads Python Demo Installation Bui
Convert Roman numerals to modern numerals and vice-versa
Roman Numeral Conversion Utilities This is a utility module for converting from and to Roman numerals. It supports numbers upto 3,999,999, using the v
Craft PNG files that appear completely different in Apple software
Ambiguous PNG Packer Craft PNG files that appear completely different in Apple software
A proof-of-concept implementation of a parallel-decodable PNG format
mtpng A parallelized PNG encoder in Rust by Brion Vibber brion@pobox.com Background Compressing PNG files is a relatively slow operation at large imag
Convert onnx models to pytorch.
onnx2torch onnx2torch is an ONNX to PyTorch converter. Our converter: Is easy to use – Convert the ONNX model with the function call convert; Is easy
A python library to convert arbitrary strings representing business opening hours into a JSON format that's easier to use in code
A python library to convert arbitrary strings representing business opening hours into a JSON format that's easier to use in code
Simple Python Library to convert JSON to XML
json2xml Simple Python Library to convert JSON to XML
Python renderer for OpenStreetMap with custom icons intended to display as many map features as possible
Map Machine project consists of Python OpenStreetMap renderer: SVG map generation, SVG and PNG tile generation, Röntgen icon set: unique CC-BY 4.0 map
Convert long numbers into a human-readable format in Python
Convert long numbers into a human-readable format in Python
A python code to convert Keras pre-trained weights to Pytorch version
Weights_Keras_2_Pytorch 最近想在Pytorch项目里使用一下谷歌的NIMA,但是发现没有预训练好的pytorch权重,于是整理了一下将Keras预训练权重转为Pytorch的代码,目前是支持Keras的Conv2D, Dense, DepthwiseConv2D, Batch
A common, beautiful interface to tabular data, no matter the format
rows No matter in which format your tabular data is: rows will import it, automatically detect types and give you high-level Python objects so you can
Convert CSV files into a SQLite database
csvs-to-sqlite Convert CSV files into a SQLite database. Browse and publish that SQLite database with Datasette. Basic usage: csvs-to-sqlite myfile.cs