8505 Repositories
Python drag-and-drop Libraries
Microservice example with Python, Faust-Streaming and Kafka (Redpanda)
Microservices Orchestration with Python, Faust-Streaming and Kafka (Redpanda) Example project for PythonBenin meetup. It demonstrates how to use Faust
A Python Covid-19 cases tracker that scrapes data off the web and presents the number of Cases, Recovered Cases, and Deaths that occurred because of the pandemic.
A Python Covid-19 cases tracker that scrapes data off the web and presents the number of Cases, Recovered Cases, and Deaths that occurred because of the pandemic.
A python lib for generate random string and digits and special characters or A combination of them
A python lib for generate random string and digits and special characters or A combination of them
Meeting, rendezvous, confluence (Finnish kohtaaminen) mark up, down, and up again.
kohtaaminen Meeting, rendezvous, confluence (Finnish kohtaaminen) mark up, down, and up again. Given a zip file containing a tree of html and media fi
In the works, creating a new Chess Board and way to Play...
sWJz4Chess date started on github.com 11-13-2021 In the works, creating a new Chess Board and way to Play... starting to write this in Pygame, any ind
A small project where I identify notes and key harmonies in a piece of music and use them further to recreate and generate the same piece of music through Python
A small project where I identify notes and key harmonies in a piece of music and use them further to recreate and generate the same piece of music through Python
Reads Data from given Excel File and exports Single PDFs and a complete PDF grouped by Gateway
E-Shelter Excel2QR Reads Data from given Excel File and exports Single PDFs and a complete PDF grouped by Gateway Features Reads Excel 2021 Export Sin
View images in the terminal using ansi escape codes and python
terminal-photo-viewer view images in the terminal using ansi escape codes and python !! Only tested on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS with python version 3.8.10 D
Dribble sign up screen built in python and kivy
Dribble sign up screen built in python and kivy contains Dribble icon with icon position and shadow animation.
Convert text to morse code and play morse code sound.
Convert text(english) to morse codes and play morse sound!
History Aware Multimodal Transformer for Vision-and-Language Navigation
History Aware Multimodal Transformer for Vision-and-Language Navigation This repository is the official implementation of History Aware Multimodal Tra
Telegram bot to trim and download videos from youtube.
Inline-YouTube-Trim-Bot Telegram bot to trim and download youtube videos Deploy You can deploy this bot anywhere. Demo - YouTubeBot Required Variables
Blind Image Super-resolution with Elaborate Degradation Modeling on Noise and Kernel
Blind Image Super-resolution with Elaborate Degradation Modeling on Noise and Kernel This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of BSRDM w
A PyTorch Image-Classification With AlexNet And ResNet50.
PyTorch 图像分类 依赖库的下载与安装 在终端中执行 pip install -r -requirements.txt 完成项目依赖库的安装 使用方式 数据集的准备 STL10 数据集 下载:STL-10 Dataset 存储位置:将下载后的数据集中 train_X.bin,train_y.b
Utilities for pycharm code formatting (flake8 and black)
Pycharm External Tools Extentions to Pycharm code formatting tools. Currently supported are flake8 and black on a selected code block. Usage Flake8 [P
A repo to record how I prepare my Interview, and really hope it can help you as well. Really appreciate Kieran's help in the pattern's part.
Project Overview The purpose of this repo is to help others to find solutions and explaintion I will commit a solution and explanation to every proble
A simple log parser and summariser for IIS web server logs
IISLogFileParser A basic parser tool for IIS Logs which summarises findings from the log file. Inspired by the Gist https://gist.github.com/wh13371/e7
Xbps-install wrapper written in Python that doesn't care about case sensitiveness and package versions
xbi Xbps-install wrapper written in Python that doesn't care about case sensitiveness and package versions. Description This Python script can be easi
Stream deck using Arduino and Python
Stream deck using Arduino and Python This is a little project I started due to the fact that I wanted to stream and didn't want to spend lots on a sim
This project uses word frequency and Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency to summarize a text.
Text Summarizer This project uses word frequency and Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency to summarize a text. Team Members This mini-project was
Implementation of the state of the art beat-detection, downbeat-detection and tempo-estimation model
The ISMIR 2020 Beat Detection, Downbeat Detection and Tempo Estimation Model Implementation. This is an implementation in TensorFlow to implement the
This is a sport analytics project that combines the knowledge of OOP and Webscraping
This is a sport analytics project that combines the knowledge of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and Webscraping, the weekly scraping of the English Premier league table is carried out to assess the performance of each club from the beginning of the season to the end.
Secure connection between tenhou Window client and server.
tenhou-secure The tenhou Windows client looks awesome. However, the traffic between the client and tenhou server is NOT encrypted, including your uniq
Pulse sequence builder and compiler for q1asm
q1pulse Pulse sequence builder and compiler for q1asm. q1pulse is a simple library to compile pulse sequence to q1asm, the assembly language of Qblox
Small Python application that links a Digico console and Reaper, handling automatic marker insertion and tracking.
Digico-Reaper-Link This is a small GUI based helper application designed to help with using Digico's Copy Audio function with a Reaper DAW used for re
This Is A Python Program To Showcase Two Modules (Gratient And Fade)
Hellooo, It's PndaBoi Here! This Is A Python Program To Showcase Two Modules (Gratient And Fade). I Really Like Both Of These Modules So I Decided To
A quick-and-dirty script to scrape the daily menu of Leipzig University Mensa and send it to a telegram channel.
Feed me Mensa UL A quick-and-dirty script to scrape the daily menu of Leipzig University Mensa and send it to a telegram channel. For food and cat lov
NexScanner is a tool which allows you to scan a website and find the admin login panel and sub-domains
NexScanner NexScanner is a tool which helps you scan a website for sub-domains and also to find login pages in the website like the admin login panel
Build custom OSINT tools and APIs (Ping, Traceroute, Scans, Archives, DNS, Scrape, Whois, Metadata & built-in database for more info) with this python package
Build custom OSINT tools and APIs with this python package - It includes different OSINT modules (Ping, Traceroute, Scans, Archives, DNS, Scrape, Whoi
A Python port and library-fication of the midicsv tool by John Walker.
A Python port and library-fication of the midicsv tool by John Walker. If you need to convert MIDI files to human-readable text files and back, this is the library for you.
A Simple modular tool to fetch and parse data related to the stock market.
🐒 stonks-o-fetcher A Simple modular tool to fetch and parse data related to the stock market. Getting started For the moment the only source is this
CiteURL is an extensible tool that parses legal citations and makes links to websites where you can read the cited language for free.
CiteURL is an extensible tool that parses legal citations and makes links to websites where you can read the cited language for free. It can be used t
Free components that wrap up Python into Delphi and Lazarus (FPC)
Python for Delphi (P4D) is a set of free components that wrap up the Python DLL into Delphi and Lazarus (FPC). They let you easily execute Python scri
A Python Tool to encrypt all types of files using AES and XOR Algorithm.
DataShield This project intends to protect user’s data, it stores files in encrypted format in device provided the passcode and path of the file. AES
MetPy is a collection of tools in Python for reading, visualizing and performing calculations with weather data.
MetPy MetPy is a collection of tools in Python for reading, visualizing and performing calculations with weather data. MetPy follows semantic versioni
MagTape is a Policy-as-Code tool for Kubernetes that allows for evaluating Kubernetes resources against a set of defined policies to inform and enforce best practice configurations.
MagTape is a Policy-as-Code tool for Kubernetes that allows for evaluating Kubernetes resources against a set of defined policies to inform and enforce best practice configurations. MagTape includes variable policy enforcement, notifications, and targeted metrics.
Generate music from midi files using BPE and markov model
Generate music from midi files using BPE and markov model
A free, multiplatform SDK for real-time facial motion capture using blendshapes, and rigid head pose in 3D space from any RGB camera, photo, or video.
mocap4face by Facemoji mocap4face by Facemoji is a free, multiplatform SDK for real-time facial motion capture based on Facial Action Coding System or
Efficient and intelligent interactive segmentation annotation software
Efficient and intelligent interactive segmentation annotation software
Generative Art Using Neural Visual Grammars and Dual Encoders
Generative Art Using Neural Visual Grammars and Dual Encoders Arnheim 1 The original algorithm from the paper Generative Art Using Neural Visual Gramm
Code and datasets for TPAMI 2021
SkeletonNet This repository constains the codes and ShapeNetV1-Surface-Skeleton,ShapNetV1-SkeletalVolume and 2d image datasets ShapeNetRendering. Plea
Zeyuan Chen, Yangchao Wang, Yang Yang and Dong Liu.
Principled S2R Dehazing This repository contains the official implementation for PSD Framework introduced in the following paper: PSD: Principled Synt
[NeurIPS 2021] Large Scale Learning on Non-Homophilous Graphs: New Benchmarks and Strong Simple Methods
Large Scale Learning on Non-Homophilous Graphs: New Benchmarks and Strong Simple Methods Large Scale Learning on Non-Homophilous Graphs: New Benchmark
Aydin is a user-friendly, feature-rich, and fast image denoising tool
Aydin is a user-friendly, feature-rich, and fast image denoising tool that provides a number of self-supervised, auto-tuned, and unsupervised image denoising algorithms.
AAI supports interdisciplinary research to help better understand human, animal, and artificial cognition.
AnimalAI 3 AAI supports interdisciplinary research to help better understand human, animal, and artificial cognition. It aims to support AI research t
Code and models for "Pano3D: A Holistic Benchmark and a Solid Baseline for 360 Depth Estimation", OmniCV Workshop @ CVPR21.
Pano3D A Holistic Benchmark and a Solid Baseline for 360o Depth Estimation Pano3D is a new benchmark for depth estimation from spherical panoramas. We
A telegram user and chat info extractor with pyrogram python module
Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License License - https://github.com/FayasNoushad/Telegram-Info/blob/main/LICENSE
This repo. is an implementation of ACFFNet, which is accepted for in Image and Vision Computing.
Attention-Guided-Contextual-Feature-Fusion-Network-for-Salient-Object-Detection This repo. is an implementation of ACFFNet, which is accepted for in I
Automatic Proxy scraper and Proxy-rotating Nitro Generator.
Automatic Proxy scraper and Proxy-rotating Nitro Generator.
Morphological edge detection or object's boundary detection using erosion and dialation in OpenCV python
Morphologycal-edge-detection-using-erosion-and-dialation the task is to detect object boundary using erosion or dialation . Here, use the kernel or st
This repo is the code release of EMNLP 2021 conference paper "Connect-the-Dots: Bridging Semantics between Words and Definitions via Aligning Word Sense Inventories".
Connect-the-Dots: Bridging Semantics between Words and Definitions via Aligning Word Sense Inventories This repo is the code release of EMNLP 2021 con
A Python training and inference implementation of Yolov5 helmet detection in Jetson Xavier nx and Jetson nano
yolov5-helmet-detection-python A Python implementation of Yolov5 to detect head or helmet in the wild in Jetson Xavier nx and Jetson nano. In Jetson X
A CLI that searches and download Youtube videos in mp3 format.
A CLI that searches and download Youtube videos in mp3 format.
Production First and Production Ready End-to-End Keyword Spotting Toolkit
Production First and Production Ready End-to-End Keyword Spotting Toolkit
Hypersearch weight debugging and losses tutorial
tutorial Activate tensorboard option Running TensorBoard remotely When working on a remote server, you can use SSH tunneling to forward the port of th
Python interface for reading and appending tar files
Python interface for reading and appending tar files, while keeping a fast index for finding and reading files in the archive. This interface has been
A modern,feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python
discord.io A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. Key Features Modern Pythonic API using asyn
JSON and CSV data for Swahili dictionary with over 16600+ words
kamusi JSON and CSV data for swahili dictionary with over 16600+ words. This repo consists of data from swahili dictionary with about 16683 words toge
Bulk send personalized emails using a .csv file and Gmail API (via EZGmail)
GSender Bulk send personalized emails using a .csv file and Gmail API (via EZGmail). Installation Install requirements.txt. Follow the EZGmail Install
Just to play with my kids: create a secret alphabet and exchange encrypted messages
Secret Alphabet Description This project allows you to randomly generate an alphabet (a set of characters) and its corresponding translation. For the
Implementation of the bachelor's thesis "Real-time stock predictions with deep learning and news scraping".
Real-time stock predictions with deep learning and news scraping This repository contains a partial implementation of my bachelor's thesis "Real-time
Retrieve bank transactions and categorize for budgeting use
Budgeting After trying out some budgeting software, I decided to make my own. selenium_scraper Using the selenium package, this script runs an instanc
Bionic is Python Framework for crafting beautiful, fast user experiences for web and is free and open source
Bionic is fast. It's powered core python without any extra dependencies. Bionic offers stateful hot reload, allowing you to make changes to your code and see the results instantly without restarting your app or losing its state.
Implementation of TTS with combination of Tacotron2 and HiFi-GAN
Tacotron2-HiFiGAN-master Implementation of TTS with combination of Tacotron2 and HiFi-GAN for Mandarin TTS. Inference In order to inference, we need t
This is a keylogger in python for Windows, Mac and Linux!
Python-Keylogger This is a keylogger in python for Windows, Mac and Linux! #How to use it by downloading the zip file? Download the zip file first The
On the 11/11/21 the apache 2.4.49-2.4.50 remote command execution POC has been published online and this is a loader so that you can mass exploit servers using this.
ApacheRCE ApacheRCE is a small little python script that will allow you to input the apache version 2.4.49-2.4.50 and then input a list of ip addresse
REST API with FastAPI and PostgreSQL
REST API with FastAPI and PostgreSQL To have the same data in db: create table CLIENT_DATA (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, fullname VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,email
Log processor for nginx or apache that extracts user and user sessions and calculates other types of useful data for bot detection or traffic analysis
Log processor for nginx or apache that extracts user and user sessions and calculates other types of useful data for bot detection or traffic analysis
In this project, we are going to display the battery notification and the time left for the battery to drain out using the battery capacity value.
In this project, we are going to display the battery notification and the time left for the battery to drain out using the battery capacity value.
ObjTables: Tools for creating and reusing high-quality spreadsheets
ObjTables: Tools for creating and reusing high-quality spreadsheets ObjTables is a toolkit which makes it easy to use spreadsheets (e.g., XLSX workboo
Py2neo is a client library and toolkit for working with Neo4j from within Python
Py2neo Py2neo is a client library and toolkit for working with Neo4j from within Python applications. The library supports both Bolt and HTTP and prov
CaterApp is a cross platform, remotely data sharing tool created for sharing files in a quick and secured manner.
CaterApp is a cross platform, remotely data sharing tool created for sharing files in a quick and secured manner. It is aimed to integrate this tool with several more features including providing a User Interface.
Pytools is an open source library containing general machine learning and visualisation utilities for reuse
pytools is an open source library containing general machine learning and visualisation utilities for reuse, including: Basic tools for API developmen
Prototype application for GCM bias-correction and downscaling
dodola Prototype application for GCM bias-correction and downscaling This is an unstable prototype. This is under heavy development. Features Nothing!
AutoPilot is a game where the player controls a car and tries to get the highest score he can while not dying under falling cement blocks.
AutoPilot AutoPilot is a game where the player controls a car and tries to get the highest score he can while not dying under falling cement blocks. C
A scuffed remake of Kahoot... Made by Y9 and Y10 SHSB
A scuffed remake of Kahoot... Made by Y9 and Y10 SHSB
This is an example of how to automate Ridit Analysis for a dataset with large amount of questions and many item attributes
This is an example of how to automate Ridit Analysis for a dataset with large amount of questions and many item attributes
A simple polling app made in Django and Bootstrap
DjangoPolls A Simple Polling app made with Django Instructions Make sure you have Python installed Step 1. Open a terminal Step 2. Paste the given cod
A object detecting neural network powered by the yolo architecture and leveraging the PyTorch framework and associated libraries.
Yolo-Powered-Detector A object detecting neural network powered by the yolo architecture and leveraging the PyTorch framework and associated libraries
Appointment Tracker that allows user to input client information and update if needed.
Appointment-Tracker Appointment Tracker allows an assigned admin to input client information regarding their appointment and their appointment time. T
NetConfParser is a tool that helps you analyze the rpcs coming and going from a netconf client to a server
NetConfParser is a tool that helps you analyze the rpcs coming and going from a netconf client to a server
Collaboration project to creating bank application maded by Anzhelica Sakun and Yuriy Konyukh
Collaboration project to creating bank application maded by Anzhelica Sakun and Yuriy Konyukh
MIRACLE (Missing data Imputation Refinement And Causal LEarning)
MIRACLE (Missing data Imputation Refinement And Causal LEarning) Code Author: Trent Kyono This repository contains the code used for the "MIRACLE: Cau
Image Segmentation using U-Net, U-Net with skip connections and M-Net architectures
Brain-Image-Segmentation Segmentation of brain tissues in MRI image has a number of applications in diagnosis, surgical planning, and treatment of bra
Supervised multi-SNE (S-multi-SNE): Multi-view visualisation and classification
S-multi-SNE Supervised multi-SNE (S-multi-SNE): Multi-view visualisation and classification A repository containing the code to reproduce the findings
Code for the paper Hybrid Spectrogram and Waveform Source Separation
Demucs Music Source Separation This is the 3rd release of Demucs (v3), featuring hybrid source separation. For the waveform only Demucs (v2): Go this
A generalist algorithm for cell and nucleus segmentation.
Cellpose | A generalist algorithm for cell and nucleus segmentation. Cellpose was written by Carsen Stringer and Marius Pachitariu. To learn about Cel
Head and Neck Tumour Segmentation and Prediction of Patient Survival Project
Head-and-Neck-Tumour-Segmentation-and-Prediction-of-Patient-Survival Welcome to the Head and Neck Tumour Segmentation and Prediction of Patient Surviv
The repository for our EMNLP 2021 paper "Finnish Dialect Identification: The Effect of Audio and Text"
Finnish Dialect Identification The repository for our EMNLP 2021 paper "Finnish Dialect Identification: The Effect of Audio and Text". We present a te
Source code for the paper: Variance-Aware Machine Translation Test Sets (NeurIPS 2021 Datasets and Benchmarks Track)
Variance-Aware-MT-Test-Sets Variance-Aware Machine Translation Test Sets License See LICENSE. We follow the data licensing plan as the same as the WMT
Source code, data, and evaluation details for “Cross-Lingual Citations in English Papers: A Large-Scale Analysis of Prevalence, Formation, and Ramifications”
Analysis of cross-lingual citations in English papers Contents initial_analysis Source code, data, and evaluation details as published at ICADL2020 ci
Laser device for neutralizing - mosquitoes, weeds and pests
Laser device for neutralizing - mosquitoes, weeds and pests (in progress) Here I will post information for creating a laser device. A warning!! How It
We present a regularized self-labeling approach to improve the generalization and robustness properties of fine-tuning.
Overview This repository provides the implementation for the paper "Improved Regularization and Robustness for Fine-tuning in Neural Networks", which
AI-UPV at IberLEF-2021 EXIST task: Sexism Prediction in Spanish and English Tweets Using Monolingual and Multilingual BERT and Ensemble Models
AI-UPV at IberLEF-2021 EXIST task: Sexism Prediction in Spanish and English Tweets Using Monolingual and Multilingual BERT and Ensemble Models Descrip
Graph Robustness Benchmark: A scalable, unified, modular, and reproducible benchmark for evaluating the adversarial robustness of Graph Machine Learning.
Homepage | Paper | Datasets | Leaderboard | Documentation Graph Robustness Benchmark (GRB) provides scalable, unified, modular, and reproducible evalu
AI-UPV at IberLEF-2021 DETOXIS task: Toxicity Detection in Immigration-Related Web News Comments Using Transformers and Statistical Models
AI-UPV at IberLEF-2021 DETOXIS task: Toxicity Detection in Immigration-Related Web News Comments Using Transformers and Statistical Models Description
A set of tools to pre-calibrate and calibrate (multi-focus) plenoptic cameras (e.g., a Raytrix R12) based on the libpleno.
COMPOTE: Calibration Of Multi-focus PlenOpTic camEra. COMPOTE is a set of tools to pre-calibrate and calibrate (multifocus) plenoptic cameras (e.g., a
Projects for AI/ML and IoT integration for games and other presented at re:Invent 2021.
Playground4AWS Projects for AI/ML and IoT integration for games and other presented at re:Invent 2021. Architecture Minecraft and Lamps This project i
Erosion and dialation using structure element in OpenCV python
Erosion and dialation using structure element in OpenCV python
ETHGreen blockchain is a fork from STAI and Chia blockchain including features implemented by Covid blockchain.
Welcome to ETHGreen Blockchain ETHGreen blockchain is a fork from STAI and Chia blockchain including features implemented by Covid blockchain. About t