1527 Repositories
Python fastapi-project-template Libraries
This project is the implementation template for HW 0 and HW 1 for both the programming and non-programming tracks
This project is the implementation template for HW 0 and HW 1 for both the programming and non-programming tracks
This project generates news headlines using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network.
News Headlines Generator bunnysaini/Generate-Headlines Goal This project aims to generate news headlines using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural
Exadel CompreFace is a free and open-source face recognition GitHub project
Exadel CompreFace is a leading free and open-source face recognition system Exadel CompreFace is a free and open-source face recognition service that
ChromiumJniGenerator - Jni Generator module extracted from Chromium project
ChromiumJniGenerator - Jni Generator module extracted from Chromium project
Tweesent-back - Tweesent backend uses fastAPI as the web framework
TweeSent Backend Tweesent backend. This repo uses fastAPI as the web framework.
IdeasBot - Funny telegram bot to generate ideas for a project
Repository of PIdeas_bot About Funny telegram bot for generating projects ideas.
Video-Captioning - A machine Learning project to generate captions for video frames indicating the relationship between the objects in the video
Video-Captioning - A machine Learning project to generate captions for video frames indicating the relationship between the objects in the video
The project's goal is to show a real world application of image segmentation using k means algorithm
The project's goal is to show a real world application of image segmentation using k means algorithm
This was supposed to be a web scraping project, but somehow I've turned it into a spamming project
Introduction This was supposed to be a web scraping project, but somehow I've turned it into a spamming project.
This project is all about building an amazing application that will help users manage their passwords and even generate new passwords for them
An amazing application that will help us manage our passwords and even generate new passwords for us.
Bootstraparse is a personal project started with a specific goal in mind: creating static html pages for direct display from a markdown-like file
Bootstraparse is a personal project started with a specific goal in mind: creating static html pages for direct display from a markdown-like file
FastAPI Server Session is a dependency-based extension for FastAPI that adds support for server-sided session management
FastAPI Server-sided Session FastAPI Server Session is a dependency-based extension for FastAPI that adds support for server-sided session management.
Real life contra a deep learning project built using mediapipe and openc
real-life-contra Description A python script that translates the body movement into in game control. Welcome to all new real life contra a deep learni
IPV4 network calculation project in Python
Curso de Python 3 do Básico ao Avançado Desafio: Calculando redes IPV4 Criar um programa que obtem um numero de IP com o prefixo da mascara de rede. O
Discord bot template.py
discord_bot_template.py A minimal and open-source discord.py boilerplate for kick-starting bot projects. I spend a lot of time developing bots for dif
This is an analysis and prediction project for house prices in King County, USA based on certain features of the house
This is a project for analysis and estimation of House Prices in King County USA The .csv file contains the data of the house and the .ipynb file con
NBT-Project: This is a APP for building NBT's
NBT-Project This is an APP for building NBT's When using this you select a box on kit maker You input the name and enchant in there related boxes Then
In this project, we'll be making our own screen recorder in Python using some libraries.
Screen Recorder in Python Project Description: In this project, we'll be making our own screen recorder in Python using some libraries. Requirements:
Deep Learning: Architectures & Methods Project: Deep Learning for Audio Super-Resolution
Deep Learning: Architectures & Methods Project: Deep Learning for Audio Super-Resolution Figure: Example visualization of the method and baseline as a
This project has Classification and Clustering done Via kNN and K-Means respectfully
This project has Classification and Clustering done Via kNN and K-Means respectfully. It later tests its efficiency via F1/accuracy/recall/precision for kNN and Davies-Bouldin Index for Clustering. The Data is also visually represented.
CO2Ampel - This RaspberryPi project uses weather data to estimate the share of renewable energy in the power grid
CO2Ampel This RaspberryPi project uses weather data to estimate the share of ren
T‘rex Park is a Youzan sponsored project. Offering Chinese NLP and image models pretrained from E-commerce datasets
T‘rex Park is a Youzan sponsored project. Offering Chinese NLP and image models pretrained from E-commerce datasets (product titles, images, comments, etc.).
The scope of this project will be to build a data ware house on Google Cloud Platform that will help answer common business questions as well as powering dashboards
The scope of this project will be to build a data ware house on Google Cloud Platform that will help answer common business questions as well as powering dashboards.
Cmsc11 arcade - Final Project for CMSC11
cmsc11_arcade Final Project for CMSC11 Developers: Limson, Mark Vincent Peñafiel
Shopping-card - Shopping Card Project With Python
Shopping Card Project this application was built to handle problems with saving
dbt-subdocs is a python CLI you can used to generate a dbt-docs for a subset of your dbt project
dbt-subdocs dbt-subdocs is a python CLI you can used to generate a dbt-docs for a subset of your dbt project 🤔 Description This project is useful if
Fuzzware is a project for automated, self-configuring fuzzing of firmware images
Fuzzware Fuzzware is a project for automated, self-configuring fuzzing of firmware images. The idea of this project is to configure the memory ranges
Project made in Qt Designer + Python, for evaluation in the subject Introduction to Programming in IFPE - Paulista campus.
Project made in Qt Designer + Python, for evaluation in the subject Introduction to Programming in IFPE - Paulista campus.
This is a python project which detects color of an image when you double click on it.
This is a python project which detects color of an image when you double click on it. You have to press ESC button to close the pop-up Image window. There are mainly two library CV2 and Pandas that are used in this project.
Dockerized web application on Starlite, SQLAlchemy1.4, PostgreSQL
Production-ready dockerized async REST API on Starlite with SQLAlchemy and PostgreSQL
A template that help you getting started with Pycord.
A Pycord Template with some example! Getting Started: Clone this repository using git clone https://github.com/AungS8430/pycord-template.git If you ha
This project is a small tool for processing url-containing texts delivered by HUAWEI Share on Windows.
hwshare_helper This project is a small tool for handling url-containing texts delivered by HUAWEI Share on Windows. config Before use, please install
An image processing project uses Viola-jones technique to detect faces and then use SIFT algorithm for recognition.
Attendance_System An image processing project uses Viola-jones technique to detect faces and then use LPB algorithm for recognition. Face Detection Us
In this project, we compared Spanish BERT and Multilingual BERT in the Sentiment Analysis task.
Applying BERT Fine Tuning to Sentiment Classification on Amazon Reviews Abstract Sentiment analysis has made great progress in recent years, due to th
Firebase + Cloudrun + Machine learning
A simple end to end consumer lending decision engine powered by Google Cloud Platform (firebase hosting and cloudrun)
Forkable, Minimal Template for Starknet Projects.
Forkable, Minimal Template for Starknet Projects.
Python-boilerplate - Python Boilerplate Project Structure
python-boilerplate Python Boilerplate Project Structure Folder Structure .github
This project is an Algorithm Visualizer where a user can visualize algorithms like Bubble Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Selection Sort, Linear Search and Binary Search.
Algo_Visualizer This project is an Algorithm Visualizer where a user can visualize common algorithms like "Bubble Sort", "Merge Sort", "Quick Sort", "
A project for the Qvault Hackathon, 2022-01-17
musical-octo-engine Steps to run brew install python-tk brew install portaudio
WebScrapping Project - G1 Latest News
Web Scrapping com Python Esse projeto consiste em um código para o usuário buscar as últimas nóticias sobre um termo qualquer, no site G1. Para esse p
A computational optimization project towards the goal of gerrymandering the results of a hypothetical election in the UK.
A computational optimization project towards the goal of gerrymandering the results of a hypothetical election in the UK.
Explicit, strict and automatic project version management based on semantic versioning.
Explicit, strict and automatic project version management based on semantic versioning. Getting started End users Semantic versioning Project version
All Assignments , Test , Quizzes and Exams with solutions from NIT Patna B.Tech CSE 5th Semester.
A 🌟 to repo would be delightful, just do it ✔️ it is inexpensive. All Assignments , Quizzes and Exam papers at one place with clean and elegant solut
Detect roadway lanes using Python OpenCV for project during the 5th semester at DHBW Stuttgart for lecture in digital image processing.
Find Line Detection (Image Processing) Identifying lanes of the road is very common task that human driver performs. It's important to keep the vehicl
Final report with code for KAIST Course KSE 801.
Orthogonal collocation is a method for the numerical solution of partial differential equations
This is just a funny project that we want to see AutoEncoder (AE) can actually work to enhance the features we want
Funny_muscle_enhancer :) 1.Discription: This is just a funny project that we want to see AutoEncoder (AE) can actually work on the some features. We w
This project is for finding a solution to use Security Onion Elastic data with Jupyter Notebooks.
This project is for finding a solution to use Security Onion Elastic data with Jupyter Notebooks. The goal is to successfully use this notebook project below with Security Onion for beacon detection capabilities.
a little project to make custom discord invites over a url
custom-dc-invite a little project to make custom discord invites over a url how it works you create a account for
Dex-scrapper - Hobby project for scrapping dex data on VeChain
Folders /zumo_abis # abi extracted from zumo repo /zumo_pools # runtime e
This is a Web scraping project using BeautifulSoup and Python to scrape basic information of all the Test matches played till Jan 2022.
Scraping-test-matches-data This is a Web scraping project using BeautifulSoup and Python to scrape basic information of all the Test matches played ti
React.JS - Django Application Template
OTS React.JS - DJango Web Application (UNTESTED) This repository servers as a template for creating React.JS - Django Web Applications. Note that the
This was my test project when i started to learn Python Tkinter. Its the simplest interface possible.
Rock-Paper-Scissors-Game- Project Description: This was my test project when i started to learn Python Tkinter. Its the simplest interface possible. R
Project for QVault Hackathon which plays sounds based on the letters of a user's name
virtual_instrument Project for QVault Hackathon which plays sounds based on the letters of a user's name I created a virtual instrument using Python a
An end-to-end project on customer segmentation
End-to-end Customer Segmentation Project Note: This project is in progress. Tools Used in This Project Prefect: Orchestrate workflows hydra: Manage co
VGG16 model-based classification project about brain tumor detection.
Brain-Tumor-Classification-with-MRI VGG16 model-based classification project about brain tumor detection. First, you can check what people are doing o
Code for my FastAPI tutorial
FastAPI tutorial Code for my video tutorial FastAPI tutorial What is FastAPI? FastAPI is a high-performant REST API framework for Python. It's built o
Workon - A simple project manager for conda, windows 10 and vscode
WORK ON A simple project manager for conda, windows 10 and vscode Installation p
[CVPR 2021] "Multimodal Motion Prediction with Stacked Transformers": official code implementation and project page.
mmTransformer Introduction This repo is official implementation for mmTransformer in pytorch. Currently, the core code of mmTransformer is implemented
As a part of the HAKE project, includes the reproduced SOTA models and the corresponding HAKE-enhanced versions (CVPR2020).
HAKE-Action HAKE-Action (TensorFlow) is a project to open the SOTA action understanding studies based on our Human Activity Knowledge Engine. It inclu
learn python in 100 days, a simple step could be follow from beginner to master of every aspect of python programming and project also include side project which you can use as demo project for your personal portfolio
learn python in 100 days, a simple step could be follow from beginner to master of every aspect of python programming and project also include side project which you can use as demo project for your personal portfolio
This repo is about implementing different approaches of pose estimation and also is a sub-task of the smart hospital bed project :smile:
Pose-Estimation This repo is a sub-task of the smart hospital bed project which is about implementing the task of pose estimation 😄 Many thanks to th
Semiconductor Machine learning project
Wafer Fault Detection Problem Statement: Wafer (In electronics), also called a slice or substrate, is a thin slice of semiconductor, such as a crystal
Spooky Castle Project
Spooky Castle Project Here is a repository where I have placed a few workflow scripts that could be used to automate the blender to godot sprite pipel
Fast and easy way to rollout on multiple GitLab project file a particular content.
Volatile Fast and easy way to rollout on multiple GitLab project file a particular content. Why ? After looking for a tool to simply enforce a develop
In this project, we aim to achieve the task of predicting emojis from tweets. We aim to investigate the relationship between words and emojis.
Making Emojis More Predictable by Karan Abrol, Karanjot Singh and Pritish Wadhwa, Natural Language Processing (CSE546) under the guidance of Dr. Shad
A starter template for building a backend with Django and django-rest-framework using docker with PostgreSQL as the primary DB.
Django-Rest-Template! This is a basic starter template for a backend project with Django as the server and PostgreSQL as the database. About the templ
NW 2022 Hackathon Project by Angelique Clara Hanzel, Aryan Sonik, Damien Fung, Ramit Brata Biswas
Spiral-Data-Visualizer NW 2022 Hackathon Project by Angelique Clara Hanzell, Aryan Sonik, Damien Fung, Ramit Brata Biswas Description This project vis
The project aims to develop a personal-assistant for Windows & Linux-based systems
The project aims to develop a personal-assistant for Windows & Linux-based systems. Samiksha draws its inspiration from virtual assistants like Cortana for Windows, and Siri for iOS. It has been designed to provide a user-friendly interface for carrying out a variety of tasks by employing certain well-defined commands.
Project NII pytorch scripts
project-NII-pytorch-scripts By Xin Wang, National Institute of Informatics, since 2021 I am a new pytorch user. If you have any suggestions or questio
StableSims is an open-source project aimed at simulating MakerDAO's Dai stablecoin system
StableSims is an open-source project aimed at simulating MakerDAO's Dai stablecoin system, initially used for researching optimal incentive parameters for Liquidations 2.0.
This project aims at building a real-time wide band channel sounder using USRPs
RFNoC-HLS-WINLAB Bhargav Gokalgandhi [email protected] Prasanthi Maddala [email protected] Ivan Seskar [email protected]
Deeplearning project at The Technological University of Denmark (DTU) about Neural ODEs for finding dynamics in ordinary differential equations and real world time series data
Authors Marcus Lenler Garsdal, [email protected] Valdemar Søgaard, [email protected] Simon Moe Sørensen, [email protected] Introduction This repo contains the
Intellicards-backend - A Django project bootstrapped with django-admin startproject mysite
Intellicards-backend - A Django project bootstrapped with django-admin startproject mysite
This is a good project to train your logic game with python language
JO-KEN-PÔ!!! | Description | basic. I make this game only to train. This is a good project to train your logic game with python language. This game is
Jingju baseline - A baseline model of our project of Beijing opera script generation
Jingju Baseline It is a baseline of our project about Beijing opera script gener
This project consists of data analysis and data visualization (done using python)of all IPL seasons from 2008 to 2019 and answering the most asked questions about the IPL.
IPL-data-analysis This project consists of data analysis and data visualization of all IPL seasons from 2008 to 2019 and answering the most asked ques
A cpp project template that uses CMake to build and Google Test / Github Actions to provide a CI
A cpp project template that uses CMake to build and Google Test / Github Actions to provide a CI
The final project of "Applying AI to 2D Medical Imaging Data" of "AI for Healthcare" nanodegree - Udacity.
Pneumonia Detection from X-Rays Project Overview In this project, you will apply the skills that you have acquired in this 2D medical imaging course t
Project dự đoán giá cổ phiếu bằng thuật toán LSTM gồm: code train và code demo
Web predicts stock prices using Long - Short Term Memory algorithm Give me some start please!!! User interface image: Choose: DayBegin, DayEnd, Stock
This project intends to use SVM supervised learning to determine whether or not an individual is diabetic given certain attributes.
Diabetes Prediction Using SVM I explore a diabetes prediction algorithm using a Diabetes dataset. Using a Support Vector Machine for my prediction alg
The final project for "Applying AI to Wearable Device Data" course from "AI for Healthcare" - Udacity.
Motion Compensated Pulse Rate Estimation Overview This project has 2 main parts. Develop a Pulse Rate Algorithm on the given training data. Then Test
Project for the discipline of Visual Data Analysis at EMAp FGV.
Analysis of the dissemination of fake news about COVID-19 on Twitter This project was the final work for the discipline of Visual Data Analysis of the
The final project of "Applying AI to EHR Data" of "AI for Healthcare" nanodegree - Udacity.
Patient Selection for Diabetes Drug Testing Project Overview EHR data is becoming a key source of real-world evidence (RWE) for the pharmaceutical ind
The final project of "Applying AI to 3D Medical Imaging Data" from "AI for Healthcare" nanodegree - Udacity.
Quantifying Hippocampus Volume for Alzheimer's Progression Background Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that result
A machine learning project which can detect and predict the skin disease through image recognition.
ML-Project-2021 A machine learning project which can detect and predict the skin disease through image recognition. The dataset used for this is the H
This is the DBMS Project done in 5th sem of B.E CS.
Student-Result-Management-System This is the DBMS Project done in 5th sem of B.E CS. You need to install SQlite DB Browser in your pc or laptop to ope
SuperSaaSFastAPI - Python SaaS Boilerplate for building Software-as-Service (SAAS) apps with FastAPI, Vue.js & Tailwind
Python SaaS Boilerplate for building Software-as-Service (SAAS) apps with FastAP
Elgamal-and-peer2peer-communication - This project simulates the message transportation between two clients using elgamal cryptography
elgamal-and-peer2peer-communication This project simulates the message transport
An Embedded Linux Project Build and Compile Tool -- An Bitbake UI Extension
Dianshao - An Embedded Linux Project Build and Compile Tool
This Code is Property of Rehyann Saini. Feel Free to use this Project.
Email-Spammer Rehyann Saini in Collabration With Fe13 Productions This is an easy to use Dev Friendly Email spammer... #Important Things to know..! St
This repository is a basic Machine Learning train & validation Template (Using PyTorch)
pytorch_ml_template This repository is a basic Machine Learning train & validation Template (Using PyTorch) TODO Markdown 사용법 Build Docker 사용법 Anacond
Iptvcrawl - A scrapy project for crawl IPTV playlist
iptvcrawl a scrapy project for crawl IPTV playlist. Dependency Python3 pip insta
Synci - Learning project to create a websocket based client server messaging application
Synci Learning project to create a websocket based client server messaging appli
This project is related to a No-SQL database, whose data are referred to autoctone botanic species
This project is related to a No-SQL database, whose data are referred to autoctone botanic species. The final goal is creating a function that performs the estimation of the ornamental value, given the specific characteristics of a single species.
This repository introduces a short project about Transfer Learning for Classification of MRI Images.
Transfer Learning for MRI Images Classification This repository introduces a short project made during my stay at Neuromatch Summer School 2021. This
This is the course project of AI3602: Data Mining of SJTU
This is the course project of AI3602: Data Mining of SJTU. Group Members include Jinghao Feng, Mingyang Jiang and Wenzhong Zheng.
This repo contains a small project i've done using PILLOW module in python
This repo contains a small project i've done using PILLOW module in python. I wrote an automated script which generates more than 5k+ unique nfts with 0 hassle in less time.
Text mining project; Using distilBERT to predict authors in the classification task authorship attribution.
DistilBERT-Text-mining-authorship-attribution Dataset used: https://www.kaggle.com/azimulh/tweets-data-for-authorship-attribution-modelling/version/2
webfest Django project @innovaccer
inno-doctor webfest Django project @innovaccer setup guide create new directory for project clone the repo with url into the directory make sure pytho
Flask RestAPI Project - Transimage Rest API For Python
[ 이미지 변환 플라스크 Rest API ver01 ] 0. Flask Rest API - in SunnyWeb : 이미지 변환 웹의 Flask