222 Repositories
Python format-reader Libraries
Read manga from your favourites websites on telegram.
tg-manga-bot Read manga from your favourites websites on telegram. Current Development Bot @idkpythonbot Telegram Channel tg_manga_bot Commands start
Python library to receive live stream events like comments and gifts in realtime from TikTok LIVE.
TikTokLive A python library to connect to and read events from TikTok's LIVE service A python library to receive and decode livestream events such as
Read Japanese manga inside browser with selectable text.
mokuro Read Japanese manga with selectable text inside a browser. See demo: https://kha-white.github.io/manga-demo mokuro_demo.mp4 Demo contains excer
PyQt6 configuration in yaml format providing the most simple script.
PyamlQt(ぴゃむるきゅーと) PyQt6 configuration in yaml format providing the most simple script. Requirements yaml PyQt6, ( PyQt5 ) Installation pip install Pya
PassAPI is a password generator in hash format and fully developed in Python, with the aim of teaching how to handle and build
simple, elegant and safe Introduction PassAPI is a password generator in hash format and fully developed in Python, with the aim of teaching how to ha
Industry ready custom API payload with an easy format for building Python APIs (Django/Django Rest Framework)
Industry ready custom API payload with an easy format for building Python APIs (Django/Django Rest Framework) Yosh! If you are a django backend develo
Wats2PDF - Convert whatsapp exported chat(without media) into a readable pdf format
Wats2PDF convert whatsApp exported chat into a readable pdf format. convert with
MOT-Tracking-by-Detection-Pipeline - For Tracking-by-Detection format MOT (Multi Object Tracking), is it a framework that separates Detection and Tracking processes?
MOT-Tracking-by-Detection-Pipeline Tracking-by-Detection形式のMOT(Multi Object Trac
A simple one-line quick entry GUI for your Obsidian daily notes in markdown format.
Quick-note-entry-for-Obsidian A simple one-line quick entry GUI for your Obsidian daily notes in markdown format. Log your day quickly with this simpl
Convert Mission Planner (ArduCopter) Waypoint Missions to Litchi CSV Format to execute on DJI Drones
Mission Planner to Litchi Convert Mission Planner (ArduCopter) Waypoint Surveys to Litchi CSV Format to execute on DJI Drones Litchi doesn't support S
Split given PDF document into 4 page groups and convert them to booklet format
PUTO: PDF to Booklet converter Split given PDF document into 4 page groups and convert them to booklet format. It creates a PDF like shown below: Fir
Format click help output nicely with rich.
rich-click Format click help output nicely with Rich. Click is a "Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces". Rich is a "Python li
Adriano's Diets Consulting Bot - Parses and extracts informations about your diet (files in the Adriano's format).
Adriano's Diets Consulting Bot - Parses and extracts informations about your diet (files in the Adriano's format).
A transformer which can randomly augment VOC format dataset (both image and bbox) online.
VocAug It is difficult to find a script which can augment VOC-format dataset, especially the bbox. Or find a script needs complex requirements so it i
Various technical documentation, in electronically parseable format
a-pile-of-documentation Various technical documentation, in electronically parseable format. You will need Python 3 to run the scripts and programs in
According to the received excel file (.xlsx,.xlsm,.xltx,.xltm), it converts to word format with a given table structure and formatting
According to the received excel file (.xlsx,.xlsm,.xltx,.xltm), it converts to word format with a given table structure and formatting
Turn your C++/Java code into a Python-like format for extra style points and to make everyone hates you
Turn your C++/Java code into a Python-like format for extra style points and to make everyone hates you
API that provides Wordle (ES) solutions in JSON format
Wordle (ES) solutions API that provides Wordle (ES) solutions in JSON format.
🧹 Create symlinks for .m2ts files and classify them into directories in yyyy-mm format.
🧹 Create symlinks for .m2ts files and classify them into directories in yyyy-mm format.
A curated list of Machine Learning and Deep Learning tutorials in Jupyter Notebook format ready to run in Google Colaboratory
Awesome Machine Learning Jupyter Notebooks for Google Colaboratory A curated list of Machine Learning and Deep Learning tutorials in Jupyter Notebook
Discord-Token-Formatter - A simple script to convert discord tokens from email token to token only format
Discord-Token-Formatter A simple script to convert discord tokens from email:pas
Buildium-to-stessa - Automation to assist in converting Buildium transactions into Stessa format
Buildium Transactions - Stessa Transactions There is currently no third-party i
Library for working with sound files of the format: .ogg, .mp3, .wav
Library for working with sound files of the format: .ogg, .mp3, .wav. By work is meant - playing sound files in a straight line and in the background, obtaining information about the sound file (author, performer, duration, bitrate, and so on). Playing goes through the pygame, and getting information through the mutagen.
A script written in Python that returns a consensus string and profile matrix of a given DNA string(s) in FASTA format.
A script written in Python that returns a consensus string and profile matrix of a given DNA string(s) in FASTA format.
Mysticbbs-rjam - rJAM splitscreen message reader for MysticBBS A46+
rJAM splitscreen message reader for MysticBBS A46+
Python script to backup/convert your Spotify playlists into the XSPF format.
Python script to backup/convert your Spotify playlists into the XSPF format.
Basis Set Format Converter
Basis Set Format Converter Repository for the online tool that allows you to enter a basis set in the form of text input for a variety of Quantum Chem
An NVDA add-on to split screen reader and audio from other programs to different sound channels
An NVDA add-on to split screen reader and audio from other programs to different sound channels (add-on idea credit: Tony Malykh)
Python-geoarrow - Storing geometry data in Apache Arrow format
geoarrow Storing geometry data in Apache Arrow format Installation $ pip install
An accessible Archive of Our Own reader application written in python.
AO3-A11y. Important disclaimer. This project is under active development. Many features might not yet be present, or some things might not work at all
AIDynamicTextReader - A simple dynamic text reader based on Artificial intelligence
AI Dynamic Text Reader: This is a simple dynamic text reader based on Artificial
A python script for combining multiple native SU2 format meshes into one mesh file for multi-zone simulations.
A python script for combining multiple native SU2 format meshes into one mesh file for multi-zone simulations.
A simple script useful to switch from Dashlane to Bitwarden by converting the password file to the right format.
A simple script useful to switch from Dashlane to Bitwarden by converting the password file to the right format.
Extract gene TSS site form gencode/ensembl/gencode database GTF file and export bed format file.
GetTss python Package extract gene TSS site form gencode/ensembl/gencode database GTF file and export bed format file. Install $ pip install GetTss Us
extract gene TSS/TES site form gencode/ensembl/gencode database GTF file and export bed format file.
GetTsite python Package extract gene TSS/TES site form gencode/ensembl/gencode database GTF file and export bed format file. Install $ pip install Get
Convert shellcode generated using pe_2_shellcode to cdb format.
pe2shc-to-cdb This tool will convert shellcode generated using pe_to_shellcode to cdb format. Cdb.exe is a LOLBIN which can help evade detection & app
Pyconvert is a python script that you can use to convert image files to another image format! (eg. PNG to ICO)
Pyconvert is a python script that you can use to convert image files to another image format! (eg. PNG to ICO)
RSS reader client for CLI (Command Line Interface),
rReader is RSS reader client for CLI(Command Line Interface)
Open Source API and interchange format for editorial timeline information.
OpenTimelineIO is currently in Public Beta. That means that it may be missing some essential features and there are large changes planned. During this phase we actively encourage you to provide feedback, requests, comments, and/or contributions.
A simple code to convert image format and channel as well as resizing and renaming multiple images.
Rename-Resize-and-convert-multiple-images A simple code to convert image format and channel as well as resizing and renaming multiple images. This cod
A Python library that provides basic functions to read / write Aseprite format files
A Python library that provides basic functions to read / write Aseprite format files
Displaying plot of death rates from past years in Poland. Data source from these years is in readme
Average-Death-Rate Displaying plot of death rates from past years in Poland The goal collect the data from a CSV file count the ADR (Average Death Rat
Full LAKH MIDI dataset converted to MuseNet MIDI output format (9 instruments + drums)
LAKH MuseNet MIDI Dataset Full LAKH MIDI dataset converted to MuseNet MIDI output format (9 instruments + drums) Bonus: Choir on Channel 10 Please CC
BarcodeRattler - A Raspberry Pi Powered Barcode Reader to load a game on the Mister FPGA using MBC
Barcode Rattler A Raspberry Pi Powered Barcode Reader to load a game on the Mist
Whisper is a file-based time-series database format for Graphite.
Whisper Overview Whisper is one of three components within the Graphite project: Graphite-Web, a Django-based web application that renders graphs and
Python package for downloading ECMWF reanalysis data and converting it into a time series format.
ecmwf_models Readers and converters for data from the ECMWF reanalysis models. Written in Python. Works great in combination with pytesmo. Citation If
Growtopia server_data.php reader with bypass method, using discord bot
Server_data.php-reader Growtopia server_data.php reader with bypass method, using discord bot How to use 1 install python 2 change your bot token
Cherche (search in French) allows you to create a neural search pipeline using retrievers and pre-trained language models as rankers.
Cherche (search in French) allows you to create a neural search pipeline using retrievers and pre-trained language models as rankers. Cherche is meant to be used with small to medium sized corpora. Cherche's main strength is its ability to build diverse and end-to-end pipelines.
Very efficient backup system based on the git packfile format, providing fast incremental saves and global deduplication
Very efficient backup system based on the git packfile format, providing fast incremental saves and global deduplication (among and within files, including virtual machine images). Current release is 0.31, and the development branch is master. Please post problems or patches to the mailing list for discussion (see the end of the README below).
NVDA, the free and open source Screen Reader for Microsoft Windows
NVDA NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) is a free, open source screen reader for Microsoft Windows. It is developed by NV Access in collaboration with a
A script for creating battle animations in FEGBA format.
AA2 Made by Huichelaar. I heavily referenced FEBuilderGBA. I also referenced circleseverywhere's Animation Assembler. This is also where I took lzss.p
Export watched content from Tautulli to the Letterboxd CSV Import Format
Export watched content from Tautulli to the Letterboxd CSV Import Format
Uproot is a library for reading and writing ROOT files in pure Python and NumPy.
Uproot is a library for reading and writing ROOT files in pure Python and NumPy. Unlike the standard C++ ROOT implementation, Uproot is only an I/O li
Regular Expressions - Use regular expressions to detect date format
A list of all the resources used https://regex101.com/ - To test regex https://w
Pti-file-format - Reverse engineering the Polyend Tracker instrument file format
pti-file-format Reverse engineering the Polyend Tracker instrument file format.
Pydocstringformatter - A tool to automatically format Python docstrings that tries to follow recommendations from PEP 8 and PEP 257.
Pydocstringformatter A tool to automatically format Python docstrings that tries to follow recommendations from PEP 8 and PEP 257. See What it does fo
Browse Hacker News like a haxor: A Hacker News command line interface (CLI).
haxor-news Coworker who sees me looking at something in a browser: "Glad you're not busy; I need you to do this, this, this..." Coworker who sees me s
Xmas-Tree-GIF-Tool - Convert any given animated gif file into an animation in GIFT CSV format
This repo is made to participate in Matt Parker's XmasTree 2021 event. Convert a
Create Python API documentation in Markdown format.
Pydoc-Markdown Pydoc-Markdown is a tool and library to create Python API documentation in Markdown format based on lib2to3, allowing it to parse your
Hspice-Wave-Generator is a tool used to quickly generate stimuli souces of hspice format
Hspice-Wave-Generator is a tool used to quickly generate stimuli souces of hspice format. All the stimuli sources are based on `pwl` function of HSPICE and the specific complex operations of writing hspice description are encapsulated and the user only needs to provide the array input.
Aggregate real-time market data from cryptocurrency exchanges, filter, sort and format as TradingView watchlists.
tvbuddy Aggregate real-time market data from cryptocurrency exchanges, filter, sort and format as TradingView watchlists. Developed and tested on Pyth
Hub is a dataset format with a simple API for creating, storing, and collaborating on AI datasets of any size.
Hub is a dataset format with a simple API for creating, storing, and collaborating on AI datasets of any size. The hub data layout enables rapid transformations and streaming of data while training models at scale. Hub is used by Google, Waymo, Red Cross, Oxford University, and Omdena.
An universal file format tool kit. At present will handle the ico format problem.
An universal file format tool kit. At present will handle the ico format problem.
A Python feed reader library.
reader is a Python feed reader library. It aims to allow writing feed reader applications without any business code, and without enforcing a dependenc
A document format conversion service based on Pandoc.
reformed Document format conversion service based on Pandoc. Usage The API specification for the Reformed server is as follows: GET /api/v1/formats: L
The Sudachi synonym dictionary in Solar format.
solr-sudachi-synonyms The Sudachi synonym dictionary in Solar format. Summary Run a script that checks for updates to the Sudachi dictionary every hou
Finally decent dictionaries based on Wiktionary for your beloved eBook reader.
eBook Reader Dictionaries Finally, decent dictionaries based on Wiktionary for your beloved eBook reader. Dictionaries Catalan 🚧 Ελληνικά (help welco
[Unofficial] Python PEP in EPUB format
PEPs in EPUB format This is a unofficial repository where I stock all valid PEPs in the EPUB format. Repository Cloning git clone --recursive git@gith
Simple pdf editor while preserving structure and format.
SIMPdf Simple pdf editor while preserving structure and format.
CleverCSV is a Python package for handling messy CSV files.
CleverCSV is a Python package for handling messy CSV files. It provides a drop-in replacement for the builtin CSV module with improved dialect detection, and comes with a handy command line application for working with CSV files.
Telegram chats reader with python
Telegram chat reader Программа полностью сливает чаты телеграм в базу данных PostgreSQL. Для использования нужен развернутый сервер постгрес и телегра
An easy FASTA object handler, reader, writer and translator for small to medium size projects without dependencies.
miniFASTA An easy FASTA object handler, reader, writer and translator for small to medium size projects without dependencies. Installation Using pip /
You can draw the corresponding bounding box into the image and save it according to the result file (txt format) run by the tracker.
You can draw the corresponding bounding box into the image and save it according to the result file (txt format) run by the tracker.
Fast Python reader and editor for ASAM MDF / MF4 (Measurement Data Format) files
asammdf is a fast parser and editor for ASAM (Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring Systems) MDF (Measurement Data Format) files
An API wrapper for the file.io web service.
🗃️ File.io An API wrapper for the file.io web service. Install $ pip3 install fileio or
A Python library for rendering ASS subtitle file format using libass.
ass_renderer A Python library for rendering ASS subtitle file format using libass. Installation pip install --user ass-renderer Contributing # Clone
Converts a base copy of Pokemon BDSP's masterdatas into a more readable and editable Pokemon Showdown Format.
Showdown-BDSP-Converter Converts a base copy of Pokemon BDSP's masterdatas into a more readable and editable Pokemon Showdown Format. Download the lat
Provides script to download and format public IP lists related to the Log4j exploit.
Provides script to download and format public IP lists related to the Log4j exploit. Current format includes: plain list, Cisco ASA Network Group.
A simple XLSX/CSV reader - to dictionary converter
sheet2dict A simple XLSX/CSV reader - to dictionary converter Installing To install the package from pip, first run: python3 -m pip install --no-cache
A proof-of-concept implementation of a parallel-decodable PNG format
mtpng A parallelized PNG encoder in Rust by Brion Vibber brion@pobox.com Background Compressing PNG files is a relatively slow operation at large imag
A python library to convert arbitrary strings representing business opening hours into a JSON format that's easier to use in code
A python library to convert arbitrary strings representing business opening hours into a JSON format that's easier to use in code
A voice assistant which can be used to interact with your computer and controls your pc operations
Introduction 👨💻 It is a voice assistant which can be used to interact with your computer and also you have been seeing it in Iron man movies, but t
Read and write TIFF files
Read and write TIFF files Tifffile is a Python library to store numpy arrays in TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) files, and read image and metadata fro
A minimal, standalone viewer for 3D animations stored as stop-motion sequences of individual .obj mesh files.
ObjSequenceViewer V0.5 A minimal, standalone viewer for 3D animations stored as stop-motion sequences of individual .obj mesh files. Installation: pip
Convert long numbers into a human-readable format in Python
Convert long numbers into a human-readable format in Python
A common, beautiful interface to tabular data, no matter the format
rows No matter in which format your tabular data is: rows will import it, automatically detect types and give you high-level Python objects so you can
A wrapper library to read, manipulate and write data in xlsx and xlsm format using openpyxl
pyexcel-xlsx - Let you focus on data, instead of xlsx format pyexcel-xlsx is a tiny wrapper library to read, manipulate and write data in xlsx and xls
Python bindings for MuPDF's rendering library.
PyMuPDF 1.19.3 Release date: December 15, 2021 On PyPI since August 2016: Author Jorj X. McKie, based on original code by Ruikai Liu. Introduction PyM
Integrate clang-format with Sublime Text
Sublime Text Clang Format Plugin This is a minimal plugin integrating clang-format with Sublime Text, with emphasis on the word minimal. It is not rea
🐝 ℹ️ Honeybee extension for export to IES-VE gem file format
honeybee-ies Honeybee extension for export a HBJSON file to IES-VE GEM file format Installation pip install honeybee-ies QuickStart import pathlib fro
A high-performance Python-based I/O system for large (and small) deep learning problems, with strong support for PyTorch.
WebDataset WebDataset is a PyTorch Dataset (IterableDataset) implementation providing efficient access to datasets stored in POSIX tar archives and us
Utility for converting IP Fabric webhooks into a Teams format
IP Fabric Webhook Integration for Microsoft Teams and/or Slack Setup IP Fabric Setup Go to Settings Webhooks Add webhook Provide a name URL will b
A Python module and command-line utility for converting .ANS format ANSI art to HTML
ansipants A Python module and command-line utility for converting .ANS format ANSI art to HTML. Installation pip install ansipants Command-line usage
Utility for converting IP Fabric webhooks into a Teams format.
IP Fabric Webhook Integration for Microsoft Teams and/or Slack Setup IP Fabric Setup Go to Settings Webhooks Add webhook Provide a name URL will b
Parser for the GeoSuite[tm] PRV export format
Parser for the GeoSuite[tm] PRV export format This library provides functionality to parse geotechnical investigation data in .prv files generated by
Utility for converting IP Fabric webhooks into a Teams format.
IP Fabric Webhook Integration for Microsoft Teams Setup IP Fabric Setup Go to Settings Webhooks Add webhook Provide a name URL will be: 'http://Y
A python script for extracting/removing exif data from images by @AbirHasan2005
Image-Exif A Python script for extracting exif metadata from images. How to use? Using this script you can extract exif data from image and save in .c
Dragon Age: Origins toolset to extract/build .erf files, patch language-specific .dlg files, and view the contents of files in the ERF or GFF format
DAOTools This is a set of tools for Dragon Age: Origins modding. It can patch the text lines of .dlg files, extract and build an .erf file, and view t
Convert ONNX model graph to Keras model format.
Convert ONNX model graph to Keras model format.
Script to generate a massive volume of data in sql, csv, json or xml format
DataGenerator Made with Python Open for pull requests 1. Dependencies To install required dependencies run pip install -r requirements.txt 2. Executi