2164 Repositories
Python google-sheets-library Libraries
A python based all-in-one tool for Google Drive
gdrive-tools A python based all-in-one tool for Google Drive Uses For Gdrive-Tools ✓ generate SA ✓ Add the SA and Add them to TD automatically ✓ Gener
This tool ability to analyze software packages of different programming languages that are being or will be used in their codes, providing information that allows them to know in advance if this library complies with processes.
This tool gives developers, researchers and companies the ability to analyze software packages of different programming languages that are being or will be used in their codes, providing information that allows them to know in advance if this library complies with processes. secure development, if currently supported, possible backdoors (malicious embedded code), typosquatting analysis, the history of versions and reported vulnerabilities (CVEs) of the package.
Google translator bot using pyTelegramBotAPI
iTranslator-bot Super google translator bot using pyTelegramBotAPI A bot is a professional bot that automatically detects a language in texts or capti
A Python library for differentiable optimal control on accelerators.
A Python library for differentiable optimal control on accelerators.
🖍️This is a feature-complete clone of the awesome Chalk (JavaScript) library.
Terminal string styling done right This is a feature-complete clone of the awesome Chalk (JavaScript) library. All credits go to Sindre Sorhus. Highli
PyGCL: Graph Contrastive Learning Library for PyTorch
PyGCL: Graph Contrastive Learning for PyTorch PyGCL is an open-source library for graph contrastive learning (GCL), which features modularized GCL com
Scenic: A Jax Library for Computer Vision and Beyond
Scenic Scenic is a codebase with a focus on research around attention-based models for computer vision. Scenic has been successfully used to develop c
Google Project: Search and auto-complete sentences within given input text files, manipulating data with complex data-structures.
Auto-Complete Google Project In this project there is an implementation for one feature of Google's search engines - AutoComplete. Autocomplete, or wo
A lightweight encryption library in python.
XCrypt About This was initially a project to prove that I could make a strong encryption but I decided to publish it so that the internet peoples coul
A library for finding knowledge neurons in pretrained transformer models.
knowledge-neurons An open source repository replicating the 2021 paper Knowledge Neurons in Pretrained Transformers by Dai et al., and extending the t
A library for uncertainty representation and training in neural networks.
Epistemic Neural Networks A library for uncertainty representation and training in neural networks. Introduction Many applications in deep learning re
A library for finding knowledge neurons in pretrained transformer models.
knowledge-neurons An open source repository replicating the 2021 paper Knowledge Neurons in Pretrained Transformers by Dai et al., and extending the t
pydsinternals - A Python native library containing necessary classes, functions and structures to interact with Windows Active Directory.
pydsinternals - Directory Services Internals Library A Python native library containing necessary classes, functions and structures to interact with W
Camelot is a Python library that can help you extract tables from PDFs!
A Python library to extract tabular data from PDFs
ANNchor is a python library which constructs approximate k-nearest neighbour graphs for slow metrics.
Fast k-NN graph construction for slow metrics
A Discord BOT that uses Google Sheets for storing the roles and permissions of a discord server.
Discord Role Manager Bot Role Manager is a discord BOT that utilizes Google Sheets for the organization of a server's hierarchy and permissions. Detai
PyTorch implementation of "Efficient Neural Architecture Search via Parameters Sharing"
Efficient Neural Architecture Search (ENAS) in PyTorch PyTorch implementation of Efficient Neural Architecture Search via Parameters Sharing. ENAS red
TensorFlow Ranking is a library for Learning-to-Rank (LTR) techniques on the TensorFlow platform
TensorFlow Ranking is a library for Learning-to-Rank (LTR) techniques on the TensorFlow platform
Pandas Machine Learning and Quant Finance Library Collection
Pandas Machine Learning and Quant Finance Library Collection
MoviePy is a Python library for video editing, can read and write all the most common audio and video formats
MoviePy is a Python library for video editing: cutting, concatenations, title insertions, video compositing (a.k.a. non-linear editing), video processing, and creation of custom effects. See the gallery for some examples of use.
Create VSCode Extensions with python
About Create vscode extensions with python. Installation Stable version: pip install vscode-ext Why use this? Why should you use this for building VSc
CobraML: Completely Customizable A python ML library designed to give the end user full control
CobraML: Completely Customizable What is it? CobraML is a python library built on both numpy and numba. Unlike other ML libraries CobraML gives the us
RapidFuzz is a fast string matching library for Python and C++
RapidFuzz is a fast string matching library for Python and C++, which is using the string similarity calculations from FuzzyWuzzy
🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
English | 简体中文 | 繁體中文 State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for Jax, PyTorch and TensorFlow 🤗 Transformers provides thousands of pretrained mo
A Python library to utilize AWS API Gateway's large IP pool as a proxy to generate pseudo-infinite IPs for web scraping and brute forcing.
A Python library to utilize AWS API Gateway's large IP pool as a proxy to generate pseudo-infinite IPs for web scraping and brute forcing.
A library for generating fake data and populating database tables.
Knockoff Factory A library for generating mock data and creating database fixtures that can be used for unit testing. Table of content Installation Ch
Implementation of QuickDraw - an online game developed by Google, combined with AirGesture - a simple gesture recognition application
QuickDraw - AirGesture Introduction Here is my python source code for QuickDraw - an online game developed by google, combined with AirGesture - a sim
🪄 Auto-generate Streamlit UI from Pydantic Models and Dataclasses.
Streamlit Pydantic Auto-generate Streamlit UI elements from Pydantic models. Getting Started • Documentation • Support • Report a Bug • Contribution •
Google Translater v2
Google_Translater_V2 Features Supporting 100 More Languages You can Set Your Custom Languages Supporting in Group Configs TG_BOT_TOKEN - Get bot token
PIX is an image processing library in JAX, for JAX.
PIX PIX is an image processing library in JAX, for JAX. Overview JAX is a library resulting from the union of Autograd and XLA for high-performance ma
A Python library for reading, writing and visualizing the OMEGA Format
A Python library for reading, writing and visualizing the OMEGA Format, targeted towards storing reference and perception data in the automotive context on an object list basis with a focus on an urban use case.
An open source Python library for the Snake retro game.
An open source Python library for the Snake retro game.
🤖 A Python library for learning and evaluating knowledge graph embeddings
PyKEEN PyKEEN (Python KnowlEdge EmbeddiNgs) is a Python package designed to train and evaluate knowledge graph embedding models (incorporating multi-m
The Incredible PyTorch: a curated list of tutorials, papers, projects, communities and more relating to PyTorch.
This is a curated list of tutorials, projects, libraries, videos, papers, books and anything related to the incredible PyTorch. Feel free to make a pu
ocaml-torch provides some ocaml bindings for the PyTorch tensor library.
ocaml-torch provides some ocaml bindings for the PyTorch tensor library. This brings to OCaml NumPy-like tensor computations with GPU acceleration and tape-based automatic differentiation.
A tool that automatically creates fuzzing harnesses based on a library
AutoHarness is a tool that automatically generates fuzzing harnesses for you. This idea stems from a concurrent problem in fuzzing codebases today: large codebases have thousands of functions and pieces of code that can be embedded fairly deep into the library. It is very hard or sometimes even impossible for smart fuzzers to reach that codepath. Even for large fuzzing projects such as oss-fuzz, there are still parts of the codebase that are not covered in fuzzing. Hence, this program tries to alleviate this problem in some capacity as well as provide a tool that security researchers can use to initially test a code base. This program only supports code bases which are coded in C and C++.
HyperPose is a library for building high-performance custom pose estimation applications.
HyperPose is a library for building high-performance custom pose estimation applications.
RetinaFace: Deep Face Detection Library in TensorFlow for Python
RetinaFace is a deep learning based cutting-edge facial detector for Python coming with facial landmarks.
A library of multi-agent reinforcement learning components and systems
Mava: a research framework for distributed multi-agent reinforcement learning Table of Contents Overview Getting Started Supported Environments System
CL-Gym: Full-Featured PyTorch Library for Continual Learning
CL-Gym: Full-Featured PyTorch Library for Continual Learning CL-Gym is a small yet very flexible library for continual learning research and developme
A python library for extracting text from PDFs without losing the formatting of the PDF content.
Multilingual PDF to Text Install Package from Pypi Install it using pip. pip install multilingual-pdf2text The library uses Tesseract which can be ins
Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) in locally, no API key, no signup required
Local SERP Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) in locally, no API key, no signup required Make sure the chromedriver and required package are in
Deepak Clouds Torrent is a multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive.
Deepak Clouds Torrent is a multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive.
domhttpx is a google search engine dorker with HTTP toolkit built with python, can make it easier for you to find many URLs/IPs at once with fast time.
domhttpx is a google search engine dorker with HTTP toolkit built with python, can make it easier for you to find many URLs/IPs at once with fast time
MooGBT is a library for Multi-objective optimization in Gradient Boosted Trees.
MooGBT is a library for Multi-objective optimization in Gradient Boosted Trees. MooGBT optimizes for multiple objectives by defining constraints on sub-objective(s) along with a primary objective. The constraints are defined as upper bounds on sub-objective loss function. MooGBT uses a Augmented Lagrangian(AL) based constrained optimization framework with Gradient Boosted Trees, to optimize for multiple objectives.
Command Line Text-To-Speech using Google TTS
cli-tts Thanks to gTTS by @pndurette! This is an interactive command line text-to-speech tool using Google TTS. Just type text and the voice will be p
Python library to decrypt Airtag reports, as well as a InfluxDB/Grafana self-hosted dashboard example
Openhaystack-python This python daemon will allow you to gather your Openhaystack-based airtag reports and display them on a Grafana dashboard. You ca
a small simple library for generating documentation from docstrings
inkpot a small simple library for generating documentation from docstrings inkpot is available on pip. Please give it a star if you like it! To know m
Datargsing is a data management and manipulation Python library
Datargsing What is It? Datargsing is a data management and manipulation Python library which is currently in deving Why this library is good? This Pyt
Large dataset storage format for Pytorch
H5Record Large dataset ( 100G, = 1T) storage format for Pytorch (wip) Support python 3 pip install h5record Why? Writing large dataset is still a
Tomli is a Python library for parsing TOML
Tomli A lil' TOML parser Table of Contents generated with mdformat-toc Intro Installation Usage Parse a TOML string Parse a TOML file Handle invalid T
This repo is related to Google Coding Challenge, given to Bright Network Internship Experience 2021.
BrightNetworkUK-GCC-2021 This repo is related to Google Coding Challenge, given to Bright Network Internship Experience 2021. Language used here is py
PPLNN is a Primitive Library for Neural Network is a high-performance deep-learning inference engine for efficient AI inferencing
PPLNN is a Primitive Library for Neural Network is a high-performance deep-learning inference engine for efficient AI inferencing
Graph4nlp is the library for the easy use of Graph Neural Networks for NLP
Graph4NLP Graph4NLP is an easy-to-use library for R&D at the intersection of Deep Learning on Graphs and Natural Language Processing (i.e., DLG4NLP).
A large dataset of 100k Google Satellite and matching Map images, resembling pix2pix's Google Maps dataset.
Larger Google Sat2Map dataset This dataset extends the aerial ⟷ Maps dataset used in pix2pix (Isola et al., CVPR17). The provide script download_sat2m
A python library to build Model Trees with Linear Models at the leaves.
A python library to build Model Trees with Linear Models at the leaves.
Python library to download bulk of images from Bing.com
Python library to download bulk of images form Bing.com. This package uses async url, which makes it very fast while downloading.
PyMedPhys is an open-source Medical Physics python library
PyMedPhys is an open-source Medical Physics python library built by an open community that values and prioritises code sharing, review, improvement, and learning from each other. I
AllenNLP integration for Shiba: Japanese CANINE model
Allennlp Integration for Shiba allennlp-shiab-model is a Python library that provides AllenNLP integration for shiba-model. SHIBA is an approximate re
LibTraffic is a unified, flexible and comprehensive traffic prediction library based on PyTorch
LibTraffic is a unified, flexible and comprehensive traffic prediction library, which provides researchers with a credibly experimental tool and a convenient development framework. Our library is implemented based on PyTorch, and includes all the necessary steps or components related to traffic prediction into a systematic pipeline.
A simple google translator telegram bot version 2
Translator-Bot-V2 A simple google translator telegram bot version 2 Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License License
Unofficial Python Library to communicate with SESAME 3 series products from CANDY HOUSE, Inc.
pysesame3 Unofficial Python Library to communicate with SESAME 3 series products from CANDY HOUSE, Inc. This project aims to control SESAME 3 series d
MolRep: A Deep Representation Learning Library for Molecular Property Prediction
MolRep: A Deep Representation Learning Library for Molecular Property Prediction Summary MolRep is a Python package for fairly measuring algorithmic p
PyTorch Implementation of Google Brain's WaveGrad 2: Iterative Refinement for Text-to-Speech Synthesis
WaveGrad2 - PyTorch Implementation PyTorch Implementation of Google Brain's WaveGrad 2: Iterative Refinement for Text-to-Speech Synthesis. Status (202
SmartSim Infrastructure Library.
Home Install Documentation Slack Invite Cray Labs SmartSim SmartSim makes it easier to use common Machine Learning (ML) libraries like PyTorch and Ten
JittorVis is a deep neural network computational graph visualization library based on Jittor.
JittorVis - Visual understanding of deep learning model.
The `rtdl` library + The official implementation of the paper
The `rtdl` library + The official implementation of the paper "Revisiting Deep Learning Models for Tabular Data"
TorchX is a library containing standard DSLs for authoring and running PyTorch related components for an E2E production ML pipeline.
TorchX is a library containing standard DSLs for authoring and running PyTorch related components for an E2E production ML pipeline
Senginta is All in one Search Engine Scrapper for used by API or Python Module. It's Free!
Senginta is All in one Search Engine Scrapper. With traditional scrapping, Senginta can be powerful to get result from any Search Engine, and convert to Json. Now support only for Google Product Search Engine (GShop, GVideo and many too) and Baidu Search Engine.
Tomli is a Python library for parsing TOML. Tomli is fully compatible with TOML v1.0.0.
Tomli A lil' TOML parser Table of Contents generated with mdformat-toc Intro Installation Usage Parse a TOML string Parse a TOML file Handle invalid T
Pagination for your discord.py bot using the discord_components library!
Paginator - discord_components This repository is just an example code for how to carry out pagination using the discord_components library for python
一个关于摩斯密码解密与加密的库 / A library about encoding and decoding Morse code.
Morsecoder By Lemonix 介绍 一个关于摩斯密码解密与加密的库
flexible time-series processing & feature extraction
tsflex is a toolkit for flexible time-series processing & feature extraction, making few assumptions about input data. Useful links Documentation Exam
C++ library for urlencode.
liburlencode C library for urlencode.
darts is a Python library for easy manipulation and forecasting of time series.
A python library for easy manipulation and forecasting of time series.
App and Python library for parsing, writing, and validation of the STAND013 file format.
python-stand013 python-stand013 is a Python app and library for parsing, writing, and validation of the STAND013 file format. Features The following i
DistML is a Ray extension library to support large-scale distributed ML training on heterogeneous multi-node multi-GPU clusters
DistML is a Ray extension library to support large-scale distributed ML training on heterogeneous multi-node multi-GPU clusters
A cross platform OCR Library based on PaddleOCR & OnnxRuntime
A cross platform OCR Library based on PaddleOCR & OnnxRuntime
Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART) - Python Library for Machine Learning Security - Evasion, Poisoning, Extraction, Inference - Red and Blue Teams
Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART) is a Python library for Machine Learning Security. ART provides tools that enable developers and researchers to defend and evaluate Machine Learning models and applications against the adversarial threats of Evasion, Poisoning, Extraction, and Inference. ART supports all popular machine learning frameworks (TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, MXNet, scikit-learn, XGBoost, LightGBM, CatBoost, GPy, etc.), all data types (images, tables, audio, video, etc.) and machine learning tasks (classification, object detection, speech recognition, generation, certification, etc.).
DeepLab2: A TensorFlow Library for Deep Labeling
DeepLab2 is a TensorFlow library for deep labeling, aiming to provide a unified and state-of-the-art TensorFlow codebase for dense pixel labeling tasks.
Import Notion Tasks to
Notion-to-Google-Calendar (1 way) Import Notion Tasks to Google Calendar NO MORE UPDATES WILL BE MADE TO THIS REPO. Attention has been put on a 2-way
PyToQlik is a library that allows you to integrate Qlik Desktop with Jupyter notebooks
PyToQlik is a library that allows you to integrate Qlik Desktop with Jupyter notebooks. With it you can: Open and edit a Qlik app inside a Ju
Small Python library that adds password hashing methods to ORM objects
Password Mixin Mixin that adds some useful methods to ORM objects Compatible with Python 3.5 = 3.9 Install pip install password-mixin Setup first cre
Scripts to download files and folders programmatically from Google Drive
Google Drive Downloader Scripts Every time I need to download a lot of files from Google Drive (e.g. a dataset), it's always incredibly frustrating an
AugLy is a data augmentations library that currently supports four modalities (audio, image, text & video) and over 100 augmentations
AugLy is a data augmentations library that currently supports four modalities (audio, image, text & video) and over 100 augmentations. Each modality’s augmentations are contained within its own sub-library. These sub-libraries include both function-based and class-based transforms, composition operators, and have the option to provide metadata about the transform applied, including its intensity.
It is a personal assistant chatbot, capable to perform many tasks same as Google Assistant plus more extra features...
PersonalAssistant It is an Personal Assistant, capable to perform many tasks with some unique features, that you haven'e seen yet.... Features / Tasks
easySpeech is an open-source Python wrapper for google speech to text API that doesn't require PyAudio(So you especially windows user don't have to deal with the errors while installing PyAudio) and also works with hugging face transformers
easySpeech easySpeech is an open source python wrapper for google speech to text api that doesn't require PyAaudio(So you specially windows user don't
alpaca-trade-api-python is a python library for the Alpaca Commission Free Trading API.
alpaca-trade-api-python is a python library for the Alpaca Commission Free Trading API. It allows rapid trading algo development easily, with support for both REST and streaming data interfaces
Library for RadiaCode-101
RadiaCode Библиотека для работы с дозиметром RadiaCode-101, находится в разработке - API не стабилен и возможны изменения. Пример использования (backe
Google Foobar challenge solutions from my experience and other's on the web.
Google Foobar challenge Google Foobar challenge solutions from my experience and other's on the web. Note: Problems indicated with "Mine" are tested a
Hand gesture recognition based whiteboard that allows you to write on live webcam. This is the first version and has features like 4 different colors, eraser and a recording option that records your session and saves it in a "recordings" folder. Use index finger to draw and two or more fingers to move around and select items. Future version will contain more functionalities like changeable thickness, color palette, integration with zoom and google meet etc.
hand-write Hand gesture recognition based whiteboard that allows you to write on live webcam. This is the first version and has features like 4 differ
modelvshuman is a Python library to benchmark the gap between human and machine vision
modelvshuman is a Python library to benchmark the gap between human and machine vision. Using this library, both PyTorch and TensorFlow models can be evaluated on 17 out-of-distribution datasets with high-quality human comparison data.
Deep reinforcement learning library built on top of Neural Network Libraries
Deep Reinforcement Learning Library built on top of Neural Network Libraries NNablaRL is a deep reinforcement learning library built on top of Neural
An unofficial library for discord components (under-development)
discord-components An unofficial library for discord components (under-development) Welcome! Discord components are cool, but discord.py will support
A site devoted to celebrating to matching books with readers and readers with books. Inspired by the Readers' Advisory process in library science, Literati, and Stitch Fix.
Welcome to Readers' Advisory Greetings, fellow book enthusiasts! Visit Readers' Advisory! Menu Technologies Key Features Database Schema Front End Rou
banditml is a lightweight contextual bandit & reinforcement learning library designed to be used in production Python services.
banditml is a lightweight contextual bandit & reinforcement learning library designed to be used in production Python services. This library is developed by Bandit ML and ex-authors of Facebook's applied reinforcement learning platform, Reagent.
Audio augmentations library for PyTorch for audio in the time-domain
Audio augmentations library for PyTorch for audio in the time-domain, with support for stochastic data augmentations as used often in self-supervised / contrastive learning.
This is a Python Module For Encryption, Hashing And Other stuff
EnroCrypt This is a Python Module For Encryption, Hashing And Other Basic Stuff You Need, With Secure Encryption And Strong Salted Hashing You Can Do
Deep Learning Package based on TensorFlow
White-Box-Layer is a Python module for deep learning built on top of TensorFlow and is distributed under the MIT license. The project was started in M
A simple in-process python scheduler library, designed to be integrated seamlessly with the `datetime` standard library.
scheduler A simple in-process python scheduler library, designed to be integrated seamlessly with the datetime standard library. Due to the support of