11240 Repositories
Python language-python Libraries
dragonscales is a highly customizable asynchronous job-scheduler framework
dragonscales 🐉 dragonscales is a highly customizable asynchronous job-scheduler framework. This framework is used to scale the execution of multiple
Obfuscate your python code into a string of integers. De-obfuscate also supported.
int-obfuscator Obfuscate your python code into a string of integers. De-obfuscate also supported. How it works: Each printable character gets replaced
A tensorflow model that predicts if the image is of a cat or of a dog.
Quick intro Hello and thank you for your interest in my project! This is the backend part of a two-repo application. The other part can be found here
Professor Wordlist is a free open source command line tool written in python
Professor Wordlist is a free open source command line tool written in python, With the aim of generating custom wordlists with a variety of unique parameters and functions providing many possibilities.
A bash-like intrepreted language
A Bash-like interpreted scripting language.
This is a custom made virus code in python, using tkinter module.
skeleterrorBetaV0.1-Virus-code This is a custom made virus code in python, using tkinter module. This virus is not harmful to the computer, it only ma
The first Python 1v1.lol triggerbot working with colors !
1v1.lol TriggerBot Afin d'utiliser mon triggerbot, vous devez activer le plein écran sur 1v1.lol sur votre naviguateur (quelque-soit ce dernier). Vous
This Country Hangman game written in Python.
country-name-guess-hangman-game This Country Hangman game written in Python. Visit https://example.com to play the game. Description How to play this
K-means clustering is a method used for clustering analysis, especially in data mining and statistics.
K Means Algorithm What is K Means This algorithm is an iterative algorithm that partitions the dataset according to their features into K number of pr
🐲 Powerfull Discord Token Stealer made in python
🐲 Follow me here 🐲 Discord | YouTube | Github ☕ Usage 💻 Downloading git clone https://github.com/KanekiWeb/Powerfull-Token-Stealer
A project that uses optical flow and machine learning to detect aimhacking in video clips.
waldo-anticheat A project that aims to use optical flow and machine learning to visually detect cheating or hacking in video clips from fps games. Che
Anomaly Detection Based on Hierarchical Clustering of Mobile Robot Data
We proposed a new approach to detect anomalies of mobile robot data. We investigate each data seperately with two clustering method hierarchical and k-means. There are two sub-method that we used for produce an anomaly score. Then, we merge these two score and produce merged anomaly score as a result.
Implementation of PersonaGPT Dialog Model
PersonaGPT An open-domain conversational agent with many personalities PersonaGPT is an open-domain conversational agent cpable of decoding personaliz
(Python, R, C/C++) Isolation Forest and variations such as SCiForest and EIF, with some additions (outlier detection + similarity + NA imputation)
IsoTree Fast and multi-threaded implementation of Extended Isolation Forest, Fair-Cut Forest, SCiForest (a.k.a. Split-Criterion iForest), and regular
SpeechBrain is an open-source and all-in-one speech toolkit based on PyTorch.
The SpeechBrain Toolkit SpeechBrain is an open-source and all-in-one speech toolkit based on PyTorch. The goal is to create a single, flexible, and us
This repository contains the implementation of the paper: "Towards Frequency-Based Explanation for Robust CNN"
RobustFreqCNN About This repository contains the implementation of the paper "Towards Frequency-Based Explanation for Robust CNN" arxiv. It primarly d
This repo is all about different data structures and algorithms..
Data Structure and Algorithm : Want to learn data strutrues and algorithms ??? Then Stop thinking more and start to learn today. This repo will help y
Discord Token Generator - Python (Generates Tokens and Joins your Server Automatically) hCaptcha Bypass **FREE**
Best Discord Token Generator {hCaptcha bypass FREE Unlimited Memberboost} Install few requirements & run main.py it will redirect you to the Download
this is a basic python project that I made using python
this is a basic python project that I made using python. This project is only for practice because my python skills are still newbie.
Python module for creating the circuit simulation definitions for Elmer FEM
elmer_circuitbuilder Python module for creating the circuit simulation definitions for Elmer FEM. The circuit definitions enable easy setup of coils (
Verify file hashes of downloaded files easily in a GUI
HASH-verify Verify file hashes of downloaded files easily in a GUI What it does... This gui based Python3 app calculates 3 types of file hashes and ca
A python program to cut longer MP3 files (i.e. recordings of several songs) into the individual tracks.
I'm writing a python script to cut longer MP3 files (i.e. recordings of several songs) into the individual tracks called ReCut. So far there are two
Python package to easily work with selenium and manage tabs effectively.
Simple Selenium The aim of this package is to quickly get started with working with selenium for simple browser automation tasks. Installation Install
Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django
Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django Skills Python Django djangorestframework Aws Git Use the below Git commands in the Windows Command Promp
BoxToolBox is a simple python application built around the openCV library
BoxToolBox is a simple python application built around the openCV library. It is not a full featured application to guide you through the w
This is raw connection between redis server and django python app
Django_Redis This repository contains the code for this blogpost. Running the Application Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/xxl4tomxu9
A Higher-Lower web game made in Python using Flask framework.
Higher Lower Web Game Guess the random number from 0 to 9 in this web game made with Python and Flask Framework Modules that were used Random Flask In
an opensourced roblox group finder writen in python 100% free and virus-free
Roblox-Group-Finder an opensourced roblox group finder writen in python 100% free and virus-free note : if you don't want install python or just use w
Leyna's Visualizing Data With Python
Leyna's Visualizing Data Below is information on the number of bilingual students in three school districts in Massachusetts. You will also find infor
A python module for extract domains
A python module for extract domains
This is a python package that turns any images into MIDI files that views the same as them
image_to_midi This is a python package that turns any images into MIDI files that views the same as them. This package firstly convert the image to AS
marching Squares algorithm in python with clean code.
Marching Squares marching Squares algorithm in python with clean code. Tools Python 3 EasyDraw Creators Mohammad Dori Run the Code Installation Requir
FlappyBird game with python and pygame
FlappyBird game with python and pygame
A simple API example in Python (Flask framework)
API-Example A simple API in Python(Flask) ✨ Features An API i guess? 💁♀️ How to use first download the main.py install python then install flask fra
Easy way to build a SaaS application using Python and Dash
EasySaaS This project will be attempt to make a great starting point for your next big business as easy and efficent as possible. This project will cr
A simple subdomain scanner in python
Subdomain-Scanner A simple subdomain scanner in python ✨ Features scans subdomains of a domain thats it! 💁♀️ How to use first download the scanner.p
a Geolocator made in python
Geolocator A Geolocator made in python ✨ Features locates ur location using ur ip thats it! 💁♀️ How to use first download the locator.py file instal
Demo Python project using Conda and Poetry
Conda Poetry This is a demonstration of how Conda and Poetry can be used in a Python project for dev dependency management and production deployment.
Rick and Morty Data Visualization with python
Rick and Morty Data Visualization For this project I looked at data for the TV show Rick and Morty Number of Episodes at a Certain Location Here is th
Some useful extensions for Matplotlib.
mplx Some useful extensions for Matplotlib. Contour plots for functions with discontinuities plt.contour mplx.contour(max_jump=1.0) Matplotlib has pro
Create a visualization for Trump's Tweeted Words Using Python
Data Trump's Tweeted Words This plot illustrates twitter word occurences. We already did the coding I needed for this plot, so I was very inspired to
This is a small repository for me to implement my simply Data Visualisation skills through Python.
Data Visualisations This is a small repository for me to implement my simply Data Visualisation skills through Python. Steam Population Chart from 10/
pipx — Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated Environments
Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated Environments
TrackTech: Real-time tracking of subjects and objects on multiple cameras
TrackTech: Real-time tracking of subjects and objects on multiple cameras This project is part of the 2021 spring bachelor final project of the Bachel
A lightweight python AUTOmatic-arRAY library.
A lightweight python AUTOmatic-arRAY library. Write numeric code that works for: numpy cupy dask autograd jax mars tensorflow pytorch ... and indeed a
PoseCamera is python based SDK for human pose estimation through RGB webcam.
PoseCamera PoseCamera is python based SDK for human pose estimation through RGB webcam. Install install posecamera package through pip pip install pos
Simple PyTorch hierarchical models.
A python package adding basic hierarchal networks in pytorch for classification tasks. It implements a simple hierarchal network structure based on feed-backward outputs.
Generate custom detailed survey paper with topic clustered sections and proper citations, from just a single query in just under 30 mins !!
Auto-Research A no-code utility to generate a detailed well-cited survey with topic clustered sections (draft paper format) and other interesting arti
jel - Japanese Entity Linker - is Bi-encoder based entity linker for japanese.
jel: Japanese Entity Linker jel - Japanese Entity Linker - is Bi-encoder based entity linker for japanese. Usage Currently, link and question methods
Revisiting Oxford and Paris: Large-Scale Image Retrieval Benchmarking
Revisiting Oxford and Paris: Large-Scale Image Retrieval Benchmarking We revisit and address issues with Oxford 5k and Paris 6k image retrieval benchm
Repository for playing the computer vision apps: People analytics on Raspberry Pi.
play-with-torch Repository for playing the computer vision apps: People analytics on Raspberry Pi. Tools Tested Hardware RasberryPi 4 Model B here, RA
A method for cleaning and classifying text using transformers.
NLP Translation and Classification The repository contains a method for classifying and cleaning text using NLP transformers. Overview The input data
Simple python script for automated network scans with random name generator(useful for CTF boxes).
📄 Automated NMAP script Description Simple python script for automated network scans with random name generator(useful for CTF boxes). Requirements 1
A simple note taker CLI program written in python
note-taker A simple note taker program written in python This allows you to snip your todo's, notes, and your tasks easily without extra charges Requi
Small Python Tracker clone of Electra
Discord Bot Tracker - Python Simply Track your Bots (Status) to get notified when one of those go offline/online. Paste IDs into the config.py files,
Python Package for Reflection Ultrasound Computed Tomography (RUCT) Delay And Sum (DAS) Algorithm
pyruct Python Package for Reflection Ultrasound Computed Tomography (RUCT) Delay And Sum (DAS) Algorithm The imaging setup is explained in these paper
Aero is an open source airplane intelligence tool. Aero supports more than 13,000 airlines and 250 countries. Any flight worldwide at your fingertips.
Aero Aero supports more than 13,000 airlines and 250 countries. Any flight worldwide at your fingertips. Features Main : Flight lookup Aircraft lookup
A utility for functional piping in Python that allows you to access any function in any scope as a partial.
WithPartial Introduction WithPartial is a simple utility for functional piping in Python. The package exposes a context manager (used with with) calle
Yet another basic python package.
ironmelts A basic python package. Easy to use. Minimum requirements. Installing Linux python3 -m pip install -U ironmelts macOS python3 -m pip install
Python IDE or notebook to generate a basic Kepler.gl data visualization
geospatial-data-analysis [readme] Use this code in your Python IDE or notebook to generate a basic Kepler.gl data visualization, without pre-configura
These data visualizations were created for my introductory computer science course using Python
Homework 2: Matplotlib and Data Visualization Overview These data visualizations were created for my introductory computer science course using Python
Count the frequency of letters or words in a text file and show a graph.
Word Counter By EBUS Coding Club Count the frequency of letters or words in a text file and show a graph. Requirements Python 3.9 or higher matplotlib
Site de gestion de cave à vin utilisant une BDD manipulée avec SQLite3 via Python
cave-vin Site de gestion de cave à vin utilisant une bdd manipulée avec MySQL ACCEDER AU SITE : Pour accéder à votre cave vous aurez besoin de lancer
Python Program to connect to different VPN servers autoatically using Windscribe VPN.
AutomateVPN What is VPN ? VPN stands for Virtual Private Network , it is a technology that creates a safe and encrypted connectionover a less secure n
Render your templates using .txt files
PizzaX About Run Run tests To run the tests, open your terminal and type python tests.py (WIN) or python3 tests.py (UNX) Using the function To use the
eoplatform is a Python package that aims to simplify Remote Sensing Earth Observation by providing actionable information on a wide swath of RS platforms and provide a simple API for downloading and visualizing RS imagery
An Earth Observation Platform Earth Observation made easy. Report Bug | Request Feature About eoplatform is a Python package that aims to simplify Rem
A simple anti-ghostping python bot made using diskord.
Anti Ghostping A simple Anti-Ghostping python bot made with ❤ using Diskord Requirements No one will use this but, all you need for this bot is: Pytho
A script that trains a model to recognize handwritten digits using the MNIST data set.
handwritten-digits-recognition A script that trains a model to recognize handwritten digits using the MNIST data set. Then it loads external files and
Language Models for the legal domain in Spanish done @ BSC-TEMU within the "Plan de las Tecnologías del Lenguaje" (Plan-TL).
Spanish legal domain Language Model ⚖️ This repository contains the page for two main resources for the Spanish legal domain: A RoBERTa model: https:/
code for generating data set ES-ImageNet with corresponding training code
es-imagenet-master code for generating data set ES-ImageNet with corresponding training code dataset generator some codes of ODG algorithm The variabl
Team Enigma at ArgMining 2021 Shared Task: Leveraging Pretrained Language Models for Key Point Matching
Team Enigma at ArgMining 2021 Shared Task: Leveraging Pretrained Language Models for Key Point Matching This is our attempt of the shared task on Quan
Implementation of PersonaGPT Dialog Model
PersonaGPT An open-domain conversational agent with many personalities PersonaGPT is an open-domain conversational agent cpable of decoding personaliz
🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
English | 简体中文 | 繁體中文 | 한국어 State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for Jax, PyTorch and TensorFlow 🤗 Transformers provides thousands of pretrai
Automation application was made by me using Google, Sheet and Slack APIs with Python.
README This application is used to transfer the data in the xlsx document we have to the Google Drive environment and calculate the "total budget" wit
This simple python script uses cv2 to create and mail certificates to participants of workshops.
This simple python script uses cv2 to create and mail certificates to participants of workshops. Just collect the names and email ids of participants in a csv file (i used google docs), and place it in the project folder as given and run the script! Make sure to have 'Allow less secured apps' enabled for your gmail for smtp auth!
Read configuration settings from python configuration files.
Maison Read configuration settings from python configuration files. Motivation When developing a python application, e.g a command-line tool, it can b
Online-update est un programme python permettant de mettre a jour des dossier et de fichier depuis une adresse web.
Démarrage rapide Online-update est un programme python permettant de mettre a jour des dossier et de fichier depuis une adresse web. Mode préconfiguré
Solutions to all 6 programming assignments in Dan Boneh's course Cryptography I, in statically typed Python.
Solutions to Cryptography I programming exercises Dan Boneh from Stanford University has an excellent online course on cryptography, hosted on Courser
A proof-of-concept CherryPy inspired Python micro framework
Varmkorv Varmkorv is a CherryPy inspired micro framework using Werkzeug. This is just a proof of concept. You are free to use it if you like, or find
marching rectangles algorithm in python with clean code.
Marching Rectangles marching rectangles algorithm in python with clean code. Tools Python 3 EasyDraw Creators Mohammad Dori Run the Code Installation
A simple voice detection system which can be applied practically for designing a device with capability to detect a baby’s cry and automatically turning on music
Auto-Baby-Cry-Detection-with-Music-Player A simple voice detection system which can be applied practically for designing a device with capability to d
Anti-Nuke capabilities, powerful moderation features, auto punishments, captcha-verification and more.
Server-Security-Discord-Bot Anti-Nuke capabilities, powerful moderation features, auto punishments, captcha-verification and more. Installation Instal
Python Fstab Generator is a small Python script to write and generate /etc/fstab files based on yaml file on Unix-like systems.
PyFstab Generator PyFstab Generator is a small Python script to write and generate /etc/fstab files based on yaml file on Unix-like systems. NOTE : Th
An advanced telegram language translator bot
Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License License - https://github.com/FayasNoushad/Translator-Bot-V3/blob/main/LICE
WithPipe is a simple utility for functional piping in Python.
A utility for functional piping in Python that allows you to access any function in any scope as a partial.
One-Stop Destination for codes of all Data Structures & Algorithms
CodingSimplified_GK This repository is aimed at creating a One stop Destination of codes of all Data structures and Algorithms along with basic explai
Automatically render tens of thousands of unique NFT images individually as png's.
Blend_My_NFTs Description This project is a work in progress (as of Oct 24th, 2021) and will eventually be an add on to Blender. Blend_My_NFTs is bing
A web app that is written entirely in Python
University Project About I made this web app to finish a project assigned by my teacher. It is written entirely in Python, thanks to streamlit to make
Easy to use, fast, git sourced based, C/C++ package manager.
Yet Another C/C++ Package Manager Easy to use, fast, git sourced based, C/C++ package manager. Features No need to install a program, just include the
Django e-commerce website with Advanced Features and SEO Friendly
MyTech® - Your Technology Django e-commerce website with Advanced Features and SEO Friendly Images and Prices are only used for Demo purpose and does
Visualize the electric field of a point charge network.
ElectriPy ⚡ Visualize the electric field of a point charges network. 🔌 Installation Install ElectriPy package: $ pip install electripy You are all d
Python package to monitor the power consumption of any algorithm
CarbonAI This project aims at creating a python package that allows you to monitor the power consumption of any python function. Documentation The com
A Proof of concept of a modern python CLI with click, pydantic, rich and anyio
httpcli This project is a proof of concept of a modern python networking cli which can be simple and easy to maintain using some of the best packages
Module for working with the site dnevnik.ru with python
dnevnikru Module for working with the site dnevnik.ru with python Dnevnik object accepts login and password from the dnevnik.ru account Methods: homew
A Minecraft clone written in python and pyglet.
PyCraft A Minecraft clone written in python and pyglet. Running PyCraft To run PyCraft, run the following code: git clone https://github.com/TheWebCra
wger Workout Manager is a free, open source web application that helps you manage your personal workouts, weight and diet plans and can also be used as a simple gym management utility.
wger (ˈvɛɡɐ) Workout Manager is a free, open source web application that helps you manage your personal workouts, weight and diet plans and can also be used as a simple gym management utility.
Tools to easily create permissioned CRUD endpoints in graphene-django.
graphene-django-plus Tools to easily create permissioned CRUD endpoints in graphene-django. Install pip install graphene-django-plus To make use of ev
ARA Records Ansible and makes it easier to understand and troubleshoot.
ARA Records Ansible ARA Records Ansible and makes it easier to understand and troubleshoot. It's another recursive acronym. What it does Simple to ins
With Django Hijack, admins can log in and work on behalf of other users without having to know their credentials.
Django Hijack With Django Hijack, admins can log in and work on behalf of other users without having to know their credentials. Docs 3.x docs are avai
Shape Detection - It's a shape detection project with OpenCV and Python.
Shape Detection It's a shape detection project with OpenCV and Python. Setup pip install opencv-python for doing AI things. pip install simpleaudio fo