5533 Repositories
Python multiple-instance-learning Libraries
Deep learning with TensorFlow and earth observation data.
Deep Learning with TensorFlow and EO Data Complete file set for Jupyter Book Autor: Development Seed Date: 04 October 2021 ISBN: (to come) Notebook tu
GANfolk: Using AI to create portraits of fictional people to sell as NFTs
GANfolk are AI-generated renderings of fictional people. Each image in the collection was created by a pair of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) with names and backstories also created with AI. The GANs were trained using portraits from artists like Renoir, Turner, and Modigliani in addition to open-source, modern photos.
Finding a method to objectively quantify skill expression in games, using reinforcement learning
Analyzing Skill Expression in Games This is a repo where I describe a method to measure the amount of skill expression games have. Table of Contents M
Machine learning and Deep learning models, deploy on telegram (the best social media)
Semi Intelligent BOT The project involves : Classifying fake news Classifying objects such as aeroplane, automobile, bird, cat, deer, dog, frog, horse
This repository contains the exercises and its solution contained in the book "An Introduction to Statistical Learning" in python.
An-Introduction-to-Statistical-Learning This repository contains the exercises and its solution contained in the book An Introduction to Statistical L
Notebooks for my "Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2 and Keras" course
Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2 and Keras – Notebooks This project accompanies my Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2 and Keras trainings. It contains the
🎁 3,000,000+ Unsplash images made available for research and machine learning
The Unsplash Dataset The Unsplash Dataset is made up of over 250,000+ contributing global photographers and data sourced from hundreds of millions of
Machine Learning Course with Python:
A Machine Learning Course with Python Table of Contents Download Free Deep Learning Resource Guide Slack Group Introduction Motivation Machine Learnin
Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Library for Scientists and Engineers 🔥
TensorLayer is a novel TensorFlow-based deep learning and reinforcement learning library designed for researchers and engineers. It provides an extens
Trax — Deep Learning with Clear Code and Speed
Trax — Deep Learning with Clear Code and Speed Trax is an end-to-end library for deep learning that focuses on clear code and speed. It is actively us
An educational resource to help anyone learn deep reinforcement learning.
Status: Maintenance (expect bug fixes and minor updates) Welcome to Spinning Up in Deep RL! This is an educational resource produced by OpenAI that ma
A collection of machine learning examples and tutorials.
machine_learning_examples A collection of machine learning examples and tutorials.
Flappy Bird hack using Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep Q-learning).
Using Deep Q-Network to Learn How To Play Flappy Bird 7 mins version: DQN for flappy bird Overview This project follows the description of the Deep Q
deep learning for image processing including classification and object-detection etc.
深度学习在图像处理中的应用教程 前言 本教程是对本人研究生期间的研究内容进行整理总结,总结的同时也希望能够帮助更多的小伙伴。后期如果有学习到新的知识也会与大家一起分享。 本教程会以视频的方式进行分享,教学流程如下: 1)介绍网络的结构与创新点 2)使用Pytorch进行网络的搭建与训练 3)使用Te
Translate darknet to tensorflow. Load trained weights, retrain/fine-tune using tensorflow, export constant graph def to mobile devices
Intro Real-time object detection and classification. Paper: version 1, version 2. Read more about YOLO (in darknet) and download weight files here. In
Natural Language Processing Best Practices & Examples
NLP Best Practices In recent years, natural language processing (NLP) has seen quick growth in quality and usability, and this has helped to drive bus
Easy-to-use,Modular and Extendible package of deep-learning based CTR models .
DeepCTR DeepCTR is a Easy-to-use,Modular and Extendible package of deep-learning based CTR models along with lots of core components layers which can
The repository is about 100+ python programming exercise problem discussed, explained, and solved in different ways
Break The Ice With Python A journey of 100+ simple yet interesting problems which are explained, solved, discussed in different pythonic ways Introduc
Machine Learning University: Accelerated Natural Language Processing Class
Machine Learning University: Accelerated Natural Language Processing Class This repository contains slides, notebooks and datasets for the Machine Lea
This repo contains the implementation of YOLOv2 in Keras with Tensorflow backend.
Easy training on custom dataset. Various backends (MobileNet and SqueezeNet) supported. A YOLO demo to detect raccoon run entirely in brower is accessible at https://git.io/vF7vI (not on Windows).
Notes on the Deep Learning book from Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville (2016)
The Deep Learning Book - Goodfellow, I., Bengio, Y., and Courville, A. (2016) This content is part of a series following the chapter 2 on linear algeb
Code and data accompanying Natural Language Processing with PyTorch
Natural Language Processing with PyTorch Build Intelligent Language Applications Using Deep Learning By Delip Rao and Brian McMahan Welcome. This is a
Gathers machine learning and Tensorflow deep learning models for NLP problems, 1.13 Tensorflow 2.0
NLP-Models-Tensorflow, Gathers machine learning and tensorflow deep learning models for NLP problems, code simplify inside Jupyter Notebooks 100%. Tab
🙄 Difficult algorithm, Simple code.
🎉TensorFlow2.0-Examples🎉! "Talk is cheap, show me the code." ----- Linus Torvalds Created by YunYang1994 This tutorial was designed for easily divin
FMA: A Dataset For Music Analysis
FMA: A Dataset For Music Analysis Michaël Defferrard, Kirell Benzi, Pierre Vandergheynst, Xavier Bresson. International Society for Music Information
Pure python implementations of popular ML algorithms.
Minimal ML algorithms This repo includes minimal implementations of popular ML algorithms using pure python and numpy. The purpose of these notebooks
Housing Price Prediction Using Machine Learning.
HOUSING PRICE PREDICTION USING MACHINE LEARNING DESCRIPTION Housing Price Prediction Using Machine Learning is to predict the data of housings. Here I
Research into Forex price prediction from price history using Deep Sequence Modeling with Stacked LSTMs.
Forex Data Prediction via Recurrent Neural Network Deep Sequence Modeling Research Paper Our research paper can be viewed here Installation Clone the
A collection of data structures and algorithms I'm writing while learning
Data Structures and Algorithms: This is a collection of data structures and algorithms that I write while learning the subject Stack: stack.py A stack
Repository for the paper : Meta-FDMixup: Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning Guided byLabeled Target Data
1 Meta-FDMIxup Repository for the paper : Meta-FDMixup: Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning Guided byLabeled Target Data. (ACM MM 2021) paper News! the rep
Official Implementation for Fast Training of Neural Lumigraph Representations using Meta Learning.
Fast Training of Neural Lumigraph Representations using Meta Learning Project Page | Paper | Data Alexander W. Bergman, Petr Kellnhofer, Gordon Wetzst
Transfer Learning for Pose Estimation of Illustrated Characters
bizarre-pose-estimator Transfer Learning for Pose Estimation of Illustrated Characters Shuhong Chen *, Matthias Zwicker * WACV2022 [arxiv] [video] [po
Meta Learning Backpropagation And Improving It (VSML)
Meta Learning Backpropagation And Improving It (VSML) This is research code for the NeurIPS 2021 publication Kirsch & Schmidhuber 2021. Many concepts
To attract customers, the hotel chain has added to its website the ability to book a room without prepayment
To attract customers, the hotel chain has added to its website the ability to book a room without prepayment. We need to predict whether the customer is going to reject the booking or not. Since in case of refusal, the hotel incurs losses.
Deep Learning pipeline for motor-imagery classification.
BCI-ToolBox 1. Introduction BCI-ToolBox is deep learning pipeline for motor-imagery classification. This repo contains five models: ShallowConvNet, De
MLops tools review for execution on multiple cluster types: slurm, kubernetes, dask...
MLops tools review focused on execution using multiple cluster types: slurm, kubernetes, dask...
Using machine learning to predict undergrad college admissions.
College-Prediction Project- Overview: Many have tried, many have failed. Few trailblazers are ambitious enought to chase acceptance into the top 15 un
Neural-net-from-scratch - A simple Neural Network from scratch in Python using the Pymathrix library
A Simple Neural Network from scratch A Simple Neural Network from scratch in Pyt
Auto_code_complete is a auto word-completetion program which allows you to customize it on your needs
auto_code_complete is a auto word-completetion program which allows you to customize it on your needs. the model for this program is one of the deep-learning NLP(Natural Language Process) model structure called 'GRU(gated recurrent unit)'.
PyTorch GPU implementation of the ES-RNN model for time series forecasting
Fast ES-RNN: A GPU Implementation of the ES-RNN Algorithm A GPU-enabled version of the hybrid ES-RNN model by Slawek et al that won the M4 time-series
Implementation of deep learning models for time series in PyTorch.
List of Implementations: Currently, the reimplementation of the DeepAR paper(DeepAR: Probabilistic Forecasting with Autoregressive Recurrent Networks
Fully Convlutional Neural Networks for state-of-the-art time series classification
Deep Learning for Time Series Classification As the simplest type of time series data, univariate time series provides a reasonably good starting poin
Machine Learning for Time-Series with Python.Published by Packt
Machine-Learning-for-Time-Series-with-Python Become proficient in deriving insights from time-series data and analyzing a model’s performance Links Am
Deep Learning for Time Series Classification
Deep Learning for Time Series Classification This is the companion repository for our paper titled "Deep learning for time series classification: a re
U-Time: A Fully Convolutional Network for Time Series Segmentation
U-Time & U-Sleep Official implementation of The U-Time [1] model for general-purpose time-series segmentation. The U-Sleep [2] model for resilient hig
Tensorflow implementation of paper: Learning to Diagnose with LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks.
Multilabel time series classification with LSTM Tensorflow implementation of model discussed in the following paper: Learning to Diagnose with LSTM Re
Anomaly detection analysis and labeling tool, specifically for multiple time series (one time series per category)
taganomaly Anomaly detection labeling tool, specifically for multiple time series (one time series per category). Taganomaly is a tool for creating la
The Wearables Development Toolkit - a development environment for activity recognition applications with sensor signals
Wearables Development Toolkit (WDK) The Wearables Development Toolkit (WDK) is a framework and set of tools to facilitate the iterative development of
DeltaPy - Tabular Data Augmentation (by @firmai)
DeltaPy — Tabular Data Augmentation & Feature Engineering Finance Quant Machine Learning ML-Quant.com - Automated Research Repository Introduction T
A Python package for time series augmentation
tsaug tsaug is a Python package for time series augmentation. It offers a set of augmentation methods for time series, as well as a simple API to conn
Deep learning PyTorch library for time series forecasting, classification, and anomaly detection
Deep learning for time series forecasting Flow forecast is an open-source deep learning for time series forecasting framework. It provides all the lat
Library for time-series-forecasting-as-a-service.
TIMEX TIMEX (referred in code as timexseries) is a framework for time-series-forecasting-as-a-service. Its main goal is to provide a simple and generi
Python implementation of the Learning Time-Series Shapelets method, that learns a shapelet-based time-series classifier with gradient descent.
shaplets Python implementation of the Learning Time-Series Shapelets method by Josif Grabocka et al., that learns a shapelet-based time-series classif
Elastic weight consolidation technique for incremental learning.
Overcoming-Catastrophic-forgetting-in-Neural-Networks Elastic weight consolidation technique for incremental learning. About Use this API if you dont
Algorithms for outlier, adversarial and drift detection
Alibi Detect is an open source Python library focused on outlier, adversarial and drift detection. The package aims to cover both online and offline d
Automated Time Series Forecasting
AutoTS AutoTS is a time series package for Python designed for rapidly deploying high-accuracy forecasts at scale. There are dozens of forecasting mod
Machine Learning Time-Series Platform
cesium: Open-Source Platform for Time Series Inference Summary cesium is an open source library that allows users to: extract features from raw time s
An API-first distributed deployment system of deep learning models using timeseries data to analyze and predict systems behaviour
Gordo Building thousands of models with timeseries data to monitor systems. Table of content About Examples Install Uninstall Developer manual How to
(JMLR' 19) A Python Toolbox for Scalable Outlier Detection (Anomaly Detection)
Python Outlier Detection (PyOD) Deployment & Documentation & Stats & License PyOD is a comprehensive and scalable Python toolkit for detecting outlyin
Forecast dynamically at scale with this unique package. pip install scalecast
🌄 Scalecast: Dynamic Forecasting at Scale About This package uses a scaleable forecasting approach in Python with common scikit-learn and statsmodels
Hierarchical Time Series Forecasting with a familiar API
scikit-hts Hierarchical Time Series with a familiar API. This is the result from not having found any good implementations of HTS on-line, and my work
An open source python library for automated feature engineering
"One of the holy grails of machine learning is to automate more and more of the feature engineering process." ― Pedro Domingos, A Few Useful Things to
WTTE-RNN a framework for churn and time to event prediction
WTTE-RNN Weibull Time To Event Recurrent Neural Network A less hacky machine-learning framework for churn- and time to event prediction. Forecasting p
Code to accompany our paper "Continual Learning Through Synaptic Intelligence" ICML 2017
Continual Learning Through Synaptic Intelligence This repository contains code to reproduce the key findings of our path integral approach to prevent
PyTorch implementation of "Continual Learning with Deep Generative Replay", NIPS 2017
pytorch-deep-generative-replay PyTorch implementation of Continual Learning with Deep Generative Replay, NIPS 2017 Results Continual Learning on Permu
A PyTorch implementation of the continual learning experiments with deep neural networks
Brain-Inspired Replay A PyTorch implementation of the continual learning experiments with deep neural networks described in the following paper: Brain
Software Engineer Salary Prediction
Based on 2021 stack overflow data, this machine learning web application helps one predict the salary based on years of experience, level of education and the country they work in.
Medical appointments No-Show classifier
Medical Appointments No-shows Why do 20% of patients miss their scheduled appointments? A person makes a doctor appointment, receives all the instruct
Regularization and Feature Selection in Least Squares Temporal Difference Learning
Regularization and Feature Selection in Least Squares Temporal Difference Learning Description This is Python implementations of Least Angle Regressio
Sign Language Recognition service utilizing a deep learning model with Long Short-Term Memory to perform sign language recognition.
Sign Language Recognition Service This is a Sign Language Recognition service utilizing a deep learning model with Long Short-Term Memory to perform s
Arquivos do curso online sobre a estatística voltada para ciência de dados e aprendizado de máquina.
Estatistica para Ciência de Dados e Machine Learning Arquivos do curso online sobre a estatística voltada para ciência de dados e aprendizado de máqui
Deepchecks is a Python package for comprehensively validating your machine learning models and data with minimal effort
Deepchecks is a Python package for comprehensively validating your machine learning models and data with minimal effort
PASSL包含 SimCLR,MoCo,BYOL,CLIP等基于对比学习的图像自监督算法以及 Vision-Transformer,Swin-Transformer,BEiT,CVT,T2T,MLP_Mixer等视觉Transformer算法
PASSL Introduction PASSL is a Paddle based vision library for state-of-the-art Self-Supervised Learning research with PaddlePaddle. PASSL aims to acce
PyTorch EO aims to make Deep Learning for Earth Observation data easy and accessible to real-world cases and research alike.
Pytorch EO Deep Learning for Earth Observation applications and research. 🚧 This project is in early development, so bugs and breaking changes are ex
Repository of continual learning papers
Continual learning paper repository This repository contains an incomplete (but dynamically updated) list of papers exploring continual learning in ma
A modular, open and non-proprietary toolkit for core robotic functionalities by harnessing deep learning
A modular, open and non-proprietary toolkit for core robotic functionalities by harnessing deep learning Website • About • Installation • Using OpenDR
A self-supervised learning framework for audio-visual speech
AV-HuBERT (Audio-Visual Hidden Unit BERT) Learning Audio-Visual Speech Representation by Masked Multimodal Cluster Prediction Robust Self-Supervised A
A curated list of the top 10 computer vision papers in 2021 with video demos, articles, code and paper reference.
The Top 10 Computer Vision Papers of 2021 The top 10 computer vision papers in 2021 with video demos, articles, code, and paper reference. While the w
A calibre plugin that generates Word Wise and X-Ray files then sends them to Kindle. Supports KFX, AZW3 and MOBI eBooks. X-Ray supports 18 languages.
WordDumb A calibre plugin that generates Word Wise and X-Ray files then sends them to Kindle. Supports KFX, AZW3 and MOBI eBooks. Languages X-Ray supp
examify-io is an online examination system that offers automatic grading , exam statistics , proctoring and programming tests , multiple user roles
examify-io is an online examination system that offers automatic grading , exam statistics , proctoring and programming tests , multiple user roles ( Examiner , Supervisor , Student )
A simple wrapper to analyse and visualise reinforcement learning agents' behaviour in the environment.
Visrl Visrl (pronounced "visceral") is a simple wrapper to analyse and visualise reinforcement learning agents' behaviour in the environment. Reinforc
Covid-polygraph - a set of Machine Learning-driven fact-checking tools
Covid-polygraph, a set of Machine Learning-driven fact-checking tools that aim to address the issue of misleading information related to COVID-19.
Tutorial on scikit-learn and IPython for parallel machine learning
Parallel Machine Learning with scikit-learn and IPython Video recording of this tutorial given at PyCon in 2013. The tutorial material has been rearra
Datasets, tools, and benchmarks for representation learning of code.
The CodeSearchNet challenge has been concluded We would like to thank all participants for their submissions and we hope that this challenge provided
General Assembly's 2015 Data Science course in Washington, DC
DAT8 Course Repository Course materials for General Assembly's Data Science course in Washington, DC (8/18/15 - 10/29/15). Instructor: Kevin Markham (
Ipython notebook presentations for getting starting with basic programming, statistics and machine learning techniques
Data Science 45-min Intros Every week*, our data science team @Gnip (aka @TwitterBoulder) gets together for about 50 minutes to learn something. While
🔅 Shapash makes Machine Learning models transparent and understandable by everyone
🎉 What's new ? Version New Feature Description Tutorial 1.6.x Explainability Quality Metrics To help increase confidence in explainability methods, y
SphereFace: Deep Hypersphere Embedding for Face Recognition
SphereFace: Deep Hypersphere Embedding for Face Recognition By Weiyang Liu, Yandong Wen, Zhiding Yu, Ming Li, Bhiksha Raj and Le Song License SphereFa
Creative Applications of Deep Learning w/ Tensorflow
Creative Applications of Deep Learning w/ Tensorflow This repository contains lecture transcripts and homework assignments as Jupyter Notebooks for th
A Collection of Cheatsheets, Books, Questions, and Portfolio For DS/ML Interview Prep
Here are the sections: Data Science Cheatsheets Data Science EBooks Data Science Question Bank Data Science Case Studies Data Science Portfolio Data J
Deep Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng, deeplearning.ai.
Deep Learning Specialization on Coursera Master Deep Learning, and Break into AI This is my personal projects for the course. The course covers deep l
GAT - Graph Attention Network (PyTorch) 💻 + graphs + 📣 = ❤️
GAT - Graph Attention Network (PyTorch) 💻 + graphs + 📣 = ❤️ This repo contains a PyTorch implementation of the original GAT paper ( 🔗 Veličković et
Apache Spark & Python (pySpark) tutorials for Big Data Analysis and Machine Learning as IPython / Jupyter notebooks
Spark Python Notebooks This is a collection of IPython notebook/Jupyter notebooks intended to train the reader on different Apache Spark concepts, fro
🤖 ⚡ scikit-learn tips
🤖 ⚡ scikit-learn tips New tips are posted on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. 👉 Sign up to receive 2 video tips by email every week! 👈 List of all
A series of Jupyter notebooks with Chinese comment that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in python using Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow.
Hands-on-Machine-Learning 目的 这份笔记旨在帮助中文学习者以一种较快较系统的方式入门机器学习, 是在学习Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow这本书的 时候做的个人笔记: 此项目的可取之处 原书的
Introduction to Statistics and Basics of Mathematics for Data Science - The Hacker's Way
HackerMath for Machine Learning “Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible.” ― Richard
List of papers, code and experiments using deep learning for time series forecasting
Deep Learning Time Series Forecasting List of state of the art papers focus on deep learning and resources, code and experiments using deep learning f
Jupyter Notebook tutorials on solving real-world problems with Machine Learning & Deep Learning using PyTorch
Jupyter Notebook tutorials on solving real-world problems with Machine Learning & Deep Learning using PyTorch. Topics: Face detection with Detectron 2, Time Series anomaly detection with LSTM Autoencoders, Object Detection with YOLO v5, Build your first Neural Network, Time Series forecasting for Coronavirus daily cases, Sentiment Analysis with BERT.
Koç University deep learning framework.
Knet Knet (pronounced "kay-net") is the Koç University deep learning framework implemented in Julia by Deniz Yuret and collaborators. It supports GPU
Setup and customize deep learning environment in seconds.
Deepo is a series of Docker images that allows you to quickly set up your deep learning research environment supports almost all commonly used deep le