298 Repositories
Python nonebot-plugin Libraries
A wagtail plugin to replace the login by an OAuth2.0 Authorization Server
Wagtail OAuth2.0 Login Plugin to replace Wagtail default login by an OAuth2.0 Authorization Server. What is wagtail-oauth2 OAuth2.0 is an authorizatio
Wagtail + Lottie is a Wagtail package for playing Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with Bodymovin.
Wagtail Lottie Wagtail + Lottie is a Wagtail package for playing Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with Bodymovin. Usage Export your ani
CTO (Call Tree Overviewer) is an IDA plugin for creating a simple and efficiant function call tree graph
CTO (Call Tree Overviewer) CTO (Call Tree Overviewer) is an IDA plugin for creating a simple and efficiant function call tree graph. It can also summa
pytest plugin providing a function to check if pytest is running.
pytest-is-running pytest plugin providing a function to check if pytest is running. Installation Install with: python -m pip install pytest-is-running
Lsp Plugin for working with Python virtual environments
py_lsp.nvim What is py_lsp? py_lsp.nvim is a neovim plugin that helps with using the lsp feature for python development. It tackles the problem about
Example platform plugin that fixes fentry calls in Binja
Example Binja Platform Plugin This is an example Binja platform plugin which fixes up linux kernel module calls to __fentry__. __fentry__ is the linux
An audnexus client, providing rich author and audiobook data to Plex via it's legacy plugin agent system.
Audnexus.bundle An audnex.us client, providing rich author and audiobook data to Plex via it's legacy plugin agent system. 📝 Table of Contents About
IDA Pro Python plugin to analyze and annotate Linux kernel alternatives
About This is an IDA Pro (Interactive Disassembler) plugin allowing to automatically analyze and annotate Linux kernel alternatives (content of .altin
Node Editor Plug for Blender
NodeEditor Blender的程序化建模插件 Show Current 基本框架:自定义的tree-node-socket、tree中的node与socket采用字典查询、基于socket入度的拓扑排序 数据传递和处理依靠Tree中的字典,socket传递字典key TODO 增加更多的节点
Napari 3D Ortho Viewer - an ortho viewer for napari for 3D images
napari-3d-ortho-viewer Napari 3D Ortho Viewer - an ortho viewer for napari for 3D images This napari plugin was generated with Cookiecutter using @nap
A kedro-plugin to serve Kedro Pipelines as API
General informations Software repository Latest release Total downloads Pypi Code health Branch Tests Coverage Links Documentation Deployment Activity
A simple plugin to view APR images in napari
napari-apr-viewer A simple plugin to view APR images in napari This napari plugin was generated with Cookiecutter using @napari's cookiecutter-napari-
buildseg is a building extraction plugin of QGIS based on PaddlePaddle.
buildseg buildseg is a building extraction plugin of QGIS based on PaddlePaddle. TODO Extract building on 512x512 remote sensing images. Extract build
A simple image-level annotation tool supporting multi-channel images for napari.
napari-labelimg4classification A simple image-level annotation tool supporting multi-channel images for napari. This napari plugin was generated with
This repo holds custom callback plugin, so your Ansible could write everything in the PostgreSQL database.
English What is it? This is callback plugin that dumps most of the Ansible internal state to the external PostgreSQL database. What is this for? If yo
Python plugin for Krita that assists with making python plugins for Krita
Krita-PythonPluginDeveloperTools Python plugin for Krita that assists with making python plugins for Krita Introducing Python Plugin developer Tools!
This plugin generates json files used by deovr allowing you to play 2d and 3d video's using the player
deovr-plugin This plugin generates json files used by deovr allowing you to play 2d and 3d video's using the player. Deovr looks for an index file /de
A plugin for managing mod installers in Mod Organizer 2
Reinstaller v1.0.* Introduction Reinstaller allows you to conveninetly backup mod installers to re-run later, without risk of them cluttering up your
ACPOA plugin creation helper
ACPOA Plugin What is ACPOA ACPOA is the acronym for "Application Core for Plugin Oriented Applications". It's a tool to create flexible and extendable
Lightweight and beneficial Dependency Injection plugin for apscheduler
Implementation of dependency injection for apscheduler Prerequisites: apscheduler-di solves the problem since apscheduler doesn't support Dependency I
Napari simpleitk image processing
napari-simpleitk-image-processing (n-SimpleITK) Process images using SimpleITK in napari Usage Filters of this napari plugin can be found in the Tools
Pytest plugin for testing the idempotency of a function.
pytest-idempotent Pytest plugin for testing the idempotency of a function. Usage pip install pytest-idempotent Documentation Suppose we had the follo
flake8 plugin which checks that there is no use of sleep in the code.
flake8-sleep flake8 plugin which checks for use of sleep function. installation Using Pypi: pip install flake8-sleep flake8 codes Code Description SLP
flake8 plugin to catch useless `assert` statements
flake8-useless-assert flake8 plugin to catch useless assert statements Download or install on the PyPI page Violations Code Description Example ULA001
Bringing emacs' greatest feature to neovim - Tetris!
nvim-tetris Bringing emacs' greatest feature to neovim - Tetris! This plugin is written in Fennel using Olical's project Aniseed for creating the proj
Image process framework based on plugin like imagej, it is esay to glue with scipy.ndimage, scikit-image, opencv, simpleitk, mayavi...and any libraries based on numpy
Introduction ImagePy is an open source image processing framework written in Python. Its UI interface, image data structure and table data structure a
go-cqhttp API typing annoations, return data models and utils for nonebot
go-cqhttp API typing annoations, return data models and utils for nonebot
Napari plugin for iteratively improving 3D instance segmentation of cells (u-net x watershed)
iterseg napari plugin for iteratively improving unet-watershed segmentation This napari plugin was generated with Cookiecutter using @napari's cookiec
Pelican plugin that adds site search capability
Search: A Plugin for Pelican This plugin generates an index for searching content on a Pelican-powered site. Why would you want this? Static sites are
A Sublime Text package that allows a user to view all the available core/plugin commands for Sublime Text and Sublime Merge, along with their documentation/source.
CommandsBrowser A Sublime Text package that allows a user to view all the available core/plugin commands for Sublime Text and Sublime Merge, along wit
SomaFM Plugin for Kodi
SomaFM XBMC Plugin This description is a bit outdated. You can simply install this addon by browsing the official repositories from within Kodi. Insta
Kite IntelliJ plugin
Handbook Supported platforms The Kite plugin supports the following environments: PyCharm Community PyCharm Professional IntelliJ Community with the P
Python plugin/extra to load data files from an external source (such as AWS S3) to a local directory
Data Loader Plugin - Python Table of Content (ToC) Data Loader Plugin - Python Table of Content (ToC) Overview References Python module Python virtual
Live coding in Python with PyCharm, Emacs, Sublime Text, or even a browser
Live Coding in Python Visualize your Python code while you type it in PyCharm, Emacs, Sublime Text, or even your browser. To see how to use one of the
A meta plugin for processing timelapse data timepoint by timepoint in napari
napari-time-slicer A meta plugin for processing timelapse data timepoint by timepoint. It enables a list of napari plugins to process 2D+t or 3D+t dat
LED effects plugin for klipper
This plugin allows Klipper to run effects and animations on addressable LEDs, such as Neopixels, WS2812 or SK6812.
CreamySoup - a helper script for automated SourceMod plugin updates management.
CreamySoup/"Creamy SourceMod Updater" (or just soup for short), a helper script for automated SourceMod plugin updates management.
A nonebot2 plugin, send news information in a picture form.
A nonebot2 plugin, send news information in a picture form.
This Ivy plugin adds support for TOML file headers.
This Ivy plugin adds support for TOML file headers as an alternative to YAML.
A burp-suite plugin that extract all parameter names from in-scope requests
ParamsExtractor A burp-suite plugin that extract all parameters name from in-scope requests. You can run the plugin while you are working on the targe
VSCode extension to sort and refactor python imports using reorder-python-imports.
reorder-python-imports VSCode extension to sort and refactor python imports using reorder-python-imports. Unlike other import organizers, reorder-pyth
Keypirinha plugin to install packages via Chocolatey
Keypiriniha Chocolatey This is a package for the fast keystroke launcher keypirinha (http://keypirinha.com/) It allows you to search & install package
thonny plugin for gitonic
thonny-gitonic thonny plugin for gitonic open gitonic in thonny by pressing Control+Shift+g, or via tools menu press ESC key to minimize gitonic windo
A napari plugin to inspect data within a cisTEM project
napari-cistem A plugin to inspect data within a cisTEM project This napari plugin was generated with Cookiecutter using with @napari's cookiecutter-na
Controller state monitor plugin for EVA ICS
eva-plugin-cmon Controller status monitor plugin for EVA ICS Monitors connected controllers status in SFA and pushes measurements into an external Inf
🛠️ Plugin to integrate Chuy with Poetry
Archived This is bundled with Chuy since v1.3.0. Poetry Chuy Plugin This plugin integrates Chuy with Poetry. Note: This only works in Poetry 1.2.0 or
openBrowsser is a Sublime Text plug-in, which allows you to add a keyboard shortcut, to directly access a website from a selection.
openBrowsser is a Sublime Text plug-in, which allows you to add a keyboard shortcut, to directly access a website from a selection. Instal
🤖️ Plugin for Sentry which allows sending notification via DingTalk robot.
Sentry DingTalk Sentry 集成钉钉机器人通知 Requirments sentry = 21.5.1 特性 发送异常通知到钉钉 支持钉钉机器人webhook设置关键字 配置环境变量 DINGTALK_WEBHOOK: Optional(string) DINGTALK_CUST
D-810 is an IDA Pro plugin which can be used to deobfuscate code at decompilation time by modifying IDA Pro microcode.
Introduction fork from https://gitlab.com/eshard/d810 What is D-810 D-810 is an IDA Pro plugin which can be used to deobfuscate code at decompilation
Tensorboard plugin 3d with python
tensorboard-plugin-3d Overview In this example, we render a run selector dropdown component. When the user selects a run, it shows a preview of all sc
A napari plugin for visualising and interacting with electron cryotomograms
napari-subboxer A napari plugin for visualising and interacting with electron cryotomograms. Installation You can install napari-subboxer via pip: pip
Freaky fast fuzzy Denite/CtrlP matcher for vim/neovim
Freaky fast fuzzy Denite/CtrlP matcher for vim/neovim This is a matcher plugin for denite.nvim and CtrlP.
A minimalist Vim plugin manager.
A minimalist Vim plugin manager. Pros. Easy to set up: Single file. No boilerplate code required. Easy to use: Concise, intuitive syntax Super-fast pa
🐍The nx-python plugin allows users to create a basic python application using nx commands.
🐍 NxPy: Nx Python plugin This project was generated using Nx. The nx-python plugin allows users to create a basic python application using nx command
JupyterLite as a Datasette plugin
datasette-jupyterlite JupyterLite as a Datasette plugin Installation Install this plugin in the same environment as Datasette. $ datasette install dat
A hackers attempt at an MVP anki plugin
my anki plugin if you have found this by accident, you should probably run away this is nothing more than a hackers attempt at an MVP anki plugin I re
Sync any your configuration file to remote. Currently only support gist.
Sync your configuration to remote, such as vimrc. You can use EscSync to manage your configure of editor, shell, etc.
A CLI Spigot plugin manager that adheres to Unix conventions and Python best practices.
Spud A cross-platform, Spigot plugin manager that adheres to the Unix philosophy and Python best practices. Some focuses of the project are: Easy and
Driver Buddy Reloaded is an IDA Pro Python plugin that helps automate some tedious Windows Kernel Drivers reverse engineering tasks.
Driver Buddy Reloaded Quickstart Table of Contents Installation Usage About Driver Buddy Reloaded Finding DispatchDeviceControl Labelling WDM & WDF St
A NetBox Plugin that gives a UI for generating, comparing and deploying configurations to devices.
netbox_config_plugin - A plugin to generate, compare and deploy configurations This plugin allows you to execute your code to generate a config for a
Automatically render tens of thousands of unique NFT images individually as png's.
Blend_My_NFTs Description This project is a work in progress (as of Oct 24th, 2021) and will eventually be an add on to Blender. Blend_My_NFTs is bing
Lima is an alternative to using Docker Desktop on your Mac.
lima-xbar-plugin Table of Contents Description Installation Dependencies Lima is an alternative to using Docker Desktop on your Mac. Description This
AutoLoader is a plugin for Pelican, a static site generator written in Python.
AutoLoader AutoLoader is a plugin for Pelican, a static site generator written in Python. AutoLoader is designed to autoload the other Pelican plugins
This OctoPrint plugin will make the initial connection to 3D Hub a breeze
3D Hub Connector This OctoPrint plugin will make the initial connection to 3D Hub a breeze. In future it will help in setting up a tunnel connection a
A napari plugin for visualising and interacting with electron cryotomograms.
napari-tomoslice A napari plugin for visualising and interacting with electron cryotomograms. Installation You can install napari-tomoslice via pip: p
Napari plugin for loading Bitplane Imaris files .ims
napari-imaris-loader Napari plugin for loading Bitplane Imaris files '.ims'. Notes: For this plugin to work "File/Preferences/Experimental/Render Imag
OpenStack Keystone auth plugin for HTTPie
httpie-keystone-auth OpenStack Keystone auth plugin for HTTPie. Installation $ pip install --upgrade httpie-keystone-auth You should now see keystone
A plugin to simplify creating multi-page Dash apps
Multi-Page Dash App Plugin A plugin to simplify creating multi-page Dash apps. This is a preview of functionality that will of Dash 2.1. Background Th
EODAG is a command line tool and a plugin-oriented Python framework for searching, aggregating results and downloading remote sensed images while offering a unified API for data access regardless of the data provider
EODAG (Earth Observation Data Access Gateway) is a command line tool and a plugin-oriented Python framework for searching, aggregating results and downloading remote sensed images while offering a unified API for data access regardless of the data provider
Download every approved Obsidian.md community Plugin and Theme
obsidian-repos-downloader Contents What? Why? Setup Requirements Download Run Getting Started Usage - all the arguments Output Directories Flatter Str
The dynamic code loading framework used in LocalStack
localstack-plugin-loader localstack-plugin-loader is the dynamic code loading framework used in LocalStack. Install pip install localstack-plugin-load
A D3.js plugin that produces flame graphs from hierarchical data.
d3-flame-graph A D3.js plugin that produces flame graphs from hierarchical data. If you don't know what flame graphs are, check Brendan Gregg's post.
A JSON Web Token authentication plugin for the Django REST Framework.
Simple JWT Abstract Simple JWT is a JSON Web Token authentication plugin for the Django REST Framework. For full documentation, visit django-rest-fram
HashDB Binary Ninja Plugin
HashDB Plugin (v0.1) Author: Vector 35 Inc Plugin for interacting with the OALABS HashDB service. Description: Plugin that can be used to lookup hashe
This is a simple plugin for Vim that allows you to use OpenAI Codex.
🤖 Vim Codex An AI plugin that does the work for you. This is a simple plugin for Vim that will allow you to use OpenAI Codex. To use this plugin you
Tutor plugin for integration of Open edX with a Richie course catalog
Richie plugin for Tutor This is a plugin to integrate Richie, the learning portal CMS, with Open edX. The integration takes the form of a Tutor plugin
HanayoriBot(Twitter插件) ✨ 基于NoneBot2的Twitter推送插件,自带百度翻译接口 ✨ 简介 本插件基于NoneBot2与go-cqhttp,可以及时将Twitter用户的最新推文推送至群聊,并且自带基于百度翻译的推文翻译接口,及时跟进你所关注的Vtuber的外网动态。
This plugin plots the time you spent on a tag as a histogram.
This plugin plots the time you spent on a tag as a histogram.
Examples of usage of GStreamer hlssink3 plugin.
Examples of usage of GStreamer hlssink3 plugin.
cqMore is a CadQuery plugin based on CadQuery 2.1.
cqMore (under construction) cqMore is a CadQuery plugin based on CadQuery 2.1. Installation Please use conda to install CadQuery and its dependencies
A QGIS integration plugin for Kart repositories
QGIS Kart Plugin A plugin to work with Kart repositories Installation The Kart plugin is available in the QGIS Plugins server. To install the latest v
Implementing Cisco Support APIs into NetBox
NetBox Cisco Support API Plugin NetBox plugin using Cisco Support APIs to gather EoX and Contract coverage information for Cisco devices. Compatibilit
HashDB API hash lookup plugin for IDA Pro
HashDB IDA Plugin Malware string hash lookup plugin for IDA Pro. This plugin connects to the OALABS HashDB Lookup Service. Adding New Hash Algorithms
A ZSH plugin that enables you to use OpenAI's powerful Codex AI in the command line.
A ZSH plugin that enables you to use OpenAI's powerful Codex AI in the command line.
IDA plugin for quickly copying disassembly as encoded hex bytes
HexCopy IDA plugin for quickly copying disassembly as encoded hex bytes. This whole plugin just saves you two extra clicks... but if you are frequentl
PlugNik is a simple implementation of plugin repository for JetBrains Application.
PlugNik is a simple implementation of plugin repository for JetBrains Application.
S3-plugin is a high performance PyTorch dataset library to efficiently access datasets stored in S3 buckets.
S3-plugin is a high performance PyTorch dataset library to efficiently access datasets stored in S3 buckets.
A Klipper plugin for accurate Z homing
Stable Z Homing for Klipper A Klipper plugin for accurate Z homing This plugin provides a new G-code command, STABLE_Z_HOME, which homes Z repeatedly
Drop-in replacement of Django admin comes with lots of goodies, fully extensible with plugin support, pretty UI based on Twitter Bootstrap.
Xadmin Drop-in replacement of Django admin comes with lots of goodies, fully extensible with plugin support, pretty UI based on Twitter Bootstrap. Liv
A Sublime Text plugin that displays inline images for single-line comments formatted like `// `.
Inline Images Sometimes ASCII art is not enough. Sometimes an image says more than a thousand words. This Sublime Text plugin can display images inlin
Netbox Dns is a netbox plugin for managing zone, nameserver and record inventory.
Netbox DNS Netbox Dns is a netbox plugin for managing zone, nameserver and record inventory. Features Manage zones (domains) you have. Manage nameserv
Neovim integration for Google Keep, built using gkeepapi
Gkeep.nvim Neovim integration for Google Keep, built using gkeepapi Requirements Neovim 0.5 Python 3.6+ A patched font (optional. Used for icons) Tabl
Crystal Smp plugin for show scoreboards
MCDR-CrystalScoreboards Crystal plugin for show scoreboards | Only 1.12 Usage !!s : Plugin help message !!s hide : Hide scoreboard !!s show : Show Sco
Plugin repository for Macast
Macast-plugins Plugin repository for Macast. How to use third-party player plugin Download Macast from GitHub Release. Download the plugin you want fr
harmonic-percussive-residual separation algorithm wrapped as a VST3 plugin (iPlug2)
Harmonic-percussive-residual separation plug-in This work is a study on the plausibility of a sines-transients-noise decomposition inspired algorithm
A simple IDA Pro plugin to show all HexRays decompiler comments written by user
XRaysComments A simple IDA Pro plugin to show all HexRays decompiler comments written by user Installation Copy the file xray_comments.py to the plugi
tox-gh is a tox plugin which helps running tox on GitHub Actions with multiple different Python versions on multiple workers in parallel
tox-gh is a tox plugin which helps running tox on GitHub Actions with multiple different Python versions on multiple workers in parallel. This project is inspired by tox-travis.
pytest-django allows you to test your Django project/applications with the pytest testing tool.
pytest-django allows you to test your Django project/applications with the pytest testing tool.
Automatically detect obfuscated code and other state machines
Scripts to automatically detect obfuscated code and state machines in binaries.
A plugin for poetry that allows you to execute scripts defined in your pyproject.toml, just like you can in npm or pipenv
poetry-exec-plugin A plugin for poetry that allows you to execute scripts defined in your pyproject.toml, just like you can in npm or pipenv Installat