861 Repositories
Python rn-fastapi-app Libraries
🐍Pywork is a Yeoman generator to scaffold a Bare-bone Python Application
Pywork python app yeoman generator Yeoman | Npm Pywork | Home PyWork is a Yeoman generator for a basic python-worker project that makes use of Pipenv,
🚢 Docker images and utilities to power your Python APIs and help you ship faster. With support for Uvicorn, Gunicorn, Starlette, and FastAPI.
🚢 inboard 🐳 Docker images and utilities to power your Python APIs and help you ship faster. Description This repository provides Docker images and a
Feature rich robust FastAPI template.
Flexible and Lightweight general-purpose template for FastAPI. Usage ⚠️ Git, Python and Poetry must be installed and accessible ⚠️ Poetry version must
An extension library for FastAPI framework
FastLab An extension library for FastAPI framework Features Logging Models Utils Routers Installation use pip to install the package: pip install fast
That is a example of a Book app on Python, made with support of all JS libraries on React framework
React+Python Books App You can use this repository whenever you want Used for a video Create the database: python -m dbutils Start the web server: pyt
App customer segmentation cohort rfm clustering
CUSTOMER SEGMENTATION COHORT RFM CLUSTERING TỔNG QUAN VỀ HỆ THỐNG DỮ LIỆU Nên chuyển qua theme màu dark thì sẽ nhìn đẹp hơn https://customer-segmentat
A machine learning web application for binary classification using streamlit
Machine Learning web App This is a machine learning web application for binary classification using streamlit options this application contains 3 clas
A Streamlit web-app for a data-science project that aims to evaluate if the answer to a question is helpful.
How useful is the aswer? A Streamlit web-app for a data-science project that aims to evaluate if the answer to a question is helpful. If you want to l
Erpnext app for make employee salary on payroll entry based on one or more project with percentage for all project equal 100 %
Project Payroll this app for make payroll for employee based on projects like project on 30 % and project 2 70 % as account dimension it makes genral
FastAPI CRUD template using Deta Base
Deta Base FastAPI CRUD FastAPI CRUD template using Deta Base Setup Install the requirements for the CRUD: pip3 install -r requirements.txt Add your D
Get realtime updates in your mobile/web app from frappe and erpnext
Fsocket Extend frappe's websocket server using socket.io and redis Installation Use frappe bench to add fsocket in your project $ bench get-app https:
Car Price Predictor App used to predict the price of the car based on certain input parameters created using python's scikit-learn, fastapi, numpy and joblib packages.
Pricefy Car Price Predictor App used to predict the price of the car based on certain input parameters created using python's scikit-learn, fastapi, n
Message Encrypt and decrypt software // allows you to encrypt the secrete message and decrypt Another Encryption Message. |
Message-Encrypy-Decrypt-App Message Encrypt and decrypt software // allows you to encrypt the secrete message and decrypt Another Encryption Message.
Пример использования GraphQL Ariadne с FastAPI и сравнение его с GraphQL Graphene FastAPI
FastAPI Ariadne Example Пример использования GraphQL Ariadne с FastAPI и сравнение его с GraphQL Graphene FastAPI - GitHub ###Запуск на локальном окру
A web application using [FastAPI + streamlit + Docker] Neural Style Transfer (NST) refers to a class of software algorithms that manipulate digital images
Neural Style Transfer Web App - [FastAPI + streamlit + Docker] NST - application based on the Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super
Ready-to-use and customizable users management for FastAPI
FastAPI Users Ready-to-use and customizable users management for FastAPI Documentation: https://fastapi-users.github.io/fastapi-users/ Source Code: ht
Christmas face app for Decathlon xmas coding party!
Christmas Face Application Use this library to create the perfect picture for your christmas cards! Done by Hasib Zunair, Guillaume Brassard and Samue
A simple flashcard app built as a final project for a databases class.
CS2300 Final Project - Flashcard app 'FlashStudy' Tech stack Backend Python (Language) Django (Web framework) SQLite (Database) Frontend HTML/CSS/Java
A service made with Flask and Python to help you find the weather of your favorite cities.
Weather-App A service made with Flask and Python to help you find the weather of your favorite cities. Features Backend using Flask and Jinja Weather
Pydantic model generator for easy conversion of JSON, OpenAPI, JSON Schema, and YAML data sources.
datamodel-code-generator This code generator creates pydantic model from an openapi file and others. Help See documentation for more details. Supporte
Generate modern Python clients from OpenAPI
openapi-python-client Generate modern Python clients from OpenAPI 3.x documents. This generator does not support OpenAPI 2.x FKA Swagger. If you need
Realtime Web Apps and Dashboards for Python and R
H2O Wave Realtime Web Apps and Dashboards for Python and R New! R Language API Build and control Wave dashboards using R! New! Easily integrate AI/ML
A Django app that creates automatic web UIs for Python scripts.
Wooey is a simple web interface to run command line Python scripts. Think of it as an easy way to get your scripts up on the web for routine data anal
The Python-Weather-App is a service that provides weather data
The Python-Weather-App is a service that provides weather data, including current weather data to the developers of web services and mobile applications.
Frappe app for authentication, can be used with FrappeVue-AdminLTE
Frappeauth App Frappe app for authentication, can be used with FrappeVue-AdminLTE
This is a small notes web app, with python and flask microframework. Using sqlite3
Python Notes App. This is a small web application maked with flask-python for add notes easily and quickly. Dependencies. You can create a virtual env
Python Dash app that tracks whale activity in cryptocurrency markets.
Introduction Welcome! This is a Python-based Dash app meant to track whale activity in buy / sell walls on crypto-currency exchanges (presently just o
This app is to use algorithms to find the root of the equation
In this repository, I made an amazing app with tkinter python language and other libraries the idea of this app is to use algorithms to find the root of the equation I used three methods from numerical analysis method that find the root and I made property draw function that draws almost any equation
Analyse the limit order book in seconds. Zoom to tick level or get yourself an overview of the trading day.
Analyse the limit order book in seconds. Zoom to tick level or get yourself an overview of the trading day. Correlate the market activity with the Apple Keynote presentations.
API using python and Fastapi framework
Welcome 👋 CFCApi is a API DEVELOPMENT PROJECT UNDER CODE FOR COMMUNITY ! Project Walkthrough 🚀 CFCApi run on Python using FASTapi Framework Docs The
Fastapi performans monitoring
Fastapi-performans-monitoring This project is a simple performance monitoring for FastAPI. License This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT
Ansible Inventory Plugin, created to get hosts from HTTP API.
ansible-ws-inventory-plugin Ansible Inventory Plugin, created to get hosts from HTTP API. Features: Database compatible with MongoDB and Filesystem (J
The Python client library for the Tuneup Technology App.
Tuneup Technology App Python Client Library The Python client library for the Tuneup Technology App. This library allows you to interact with the cust
Force SSL on your Flask app.
Flask-SSLify This is a simple Flask extension that configures your Flask application to redirect all incoming requests to HTTPS. The extension is no l
A Nepali Dictionary API made using FastAPI.
Nepali Dictionary API A Nepali dictionary api created using Fast API and inspired from https://github.com/nirooj56/Nepdict. You can say this is just t
Guitar tabs web app for guitar fans, powered by Python/Flask
Guitar123 version 0.8.5 Guitar tabs web app for guitar fans, powered by Python/Flask Features Guitar tabs search and browse Easy to use for end user a
A solid foundation for your flask app
Flask Foundation There is a cookiecutter version of this repo at https://github.com/JackStouffer/cookiecutter-Flask-Foundation. Documentation is locat
Template for a rest app with flask, flask-rest and more...
Flask REST Template About the project (some comments): The ideia behind the project is to create an useful and simple template for an rest app . Besid
A small Django app to easily broadcast an announcement across a website.
django-site-broadcasts The site broadcast application allows users to define short messages and announcements that should be displayed across a site.
Pynavt is a cli tool to create clean architecture app for you including Fastapi, bcrypt and jwt.
Pynavt _____ _ | __ \ | | | |__) | _ _ __ __ ___ _| |_ | ___/ | | | '_ \ / _` \ \ / /
Final project for Intro to CS class.
Financial Analysis Web App https://share.streamlit.io/mayurk1/fin-web-app-final-project/webApp.py 1. Project Description This project is a technical a
Keycloack plugin for FastApi.
FastAPI Keycloack Keycloack plugin for FastApi. Your aplication receives the claims decoded from the access token. Usage Run keycloak on port 8080 and
Cube-CRUD is a simple example of a REST API CRUD in a context of rubik's cube review service.
Cube-CRUD is a simple example of a REST API CRUD in a context of rubik's cube review service. It uses Sqlalchemy ORM to manage the connection and database operations.
Easy and secure implementation of Azure AD for your FastAPI APIs 🔒 Single- and multi-tenant support.
Easy and secure implementation of Azure AD for your FastAPI APIs 🔒 Single- and multi-tenant support.
django app that allows capture application metrics by each user individually
Django User Metrics django app that allows capture application metrics by each user individually, so after you can generate reports with aggregation o
A data driven app for bicycle hiring in London(UK)
bicycle_hiring_app_deployed A data driven app for bicycle hiring in London(UK). It predicts expected number of bicycle hire in London. It asks users t
Very Simple 2 Message Spammer!
Very Simple 2 Message Spammer!
Town / City geolocations with FastAPI & Mongo
geolocations-api United Kingdom Town / City geolocations with FastAPI & Mongo Build container To build a custom image or extend the api run the follow
✨️🐍 SPARQL endpoint built with RDFLib to serve machine learning models, or any other logic implemented in Python
✨ SPARQL endpoint for RDFLib rdflib-endpoint is a SPARQL endpoint based on a RDFLib Graph to easily serve machine learning models, or any other logic
Forza painter app with python
forza-painter Discord: A-Dawg#0001 (AE) Supports: Forza Horizon 5 Offically (OTHER v1.405.2.0, MS STORE v3.414.967.0, STEAM v1.414.967.0) Unofficially
MLflow App Using React, Hooks, RabbitMQ, FastAPI Server, Celery, Microservices
Katana ML Skipper This is a simple and flexible ML workflow engine. It helps to orchestrate events across a set of microservices and create executable
Python web-app (Flask) to browse Tandoor recipes on the local network
RecipeBook - Tandoor Python web-app (Flask) to browse Tandoor recipes on the local network. Designed for use with E-Ink screens. For a version that wo
This GUI app was created to show the detailed information about the weather in any city selected by user
WeatherApp Content Brief description Tools Features Hotkeys How it works Screenshots Ways to improve the project Installation Brief description This G
A docker container (Docker Desktop) for a simple python Web app few unit tested
Short web app using Flask, tested with unittest on making massive requests, responses of the website, containerized
🍕 A small app with capabilities ordering food and listing them with pub/sub pattern
food-ordering A small app with capabilities ordering food and listing them. Prerequisites Docker Run Tests docker-compose run --rm web ./manage.py tes
A minimal FastAPI implementation for Django !
Caution!!! This project is in early developing stage. So use it at you own risk. Bug reports / Fix PRs are welcomed. Installation pip install django-m
Deploying a Text Summarization NLP use case on Docker Container Utilizing Nvidia GPU
GPU Docker NLP Application Deployment Deploying a Text Summarization NLP use case on Docker Container Utilizing Nvidia GPU, to setup the enviroment on
Encriptificator is a text editor app developed by me as a personal project.
Encriptificator is a text editor app developed by me as a personal project. It provides all basic features of a text editor with the additional feature of encrypting your files. To know more about how to use the encryption features , please read the readme file.
Monochrome's API, implemented with Deta Base and Deta Drive.
Monochrome Monochrome's API, implemented with Deta Base and Deta Drive. Create a free account on Deta to test this out! Most users will prefer the Mon
Toolkit for developing and maintaining ML models
modelkit Python framework for production ML systems. modelkit is a minimalist yet powerful MLOps library for Python, built for people who want to depl
A little script and trick to make your heroku app run forever without being concerned about dyno hours.
A little script and trick to make your heroku app run forever without being concerned about dyno hours.
A simple URL shortener app using Python AWS Chalice, AWS Lambda and AWS Dynamodb.
url-shortener-chalice A simple URL shortener app using AWS Chalice. Please make sure you configure your AWS credentials using AWS CLI before starting
A kedro-plugin to serve Kedro Pipelines as API
General informations Software repository Latest release Total downloads Pypi Code health Branch Tests Coverage Links Documentation Deployment Activity
Opinionated authorization package for FastAPI
FastAPI Authorization Installation pip install fastapi-authorization Usage Currently, there are two models available: RBAC: Role-based Access Control
Um keylogger que se disfarça de um app que tira print da tela.
Keylogger_ Um keylogger que se disfarça de um app que tira print da tela. Este programa captura o print da tela e salva ,normalmente, na pasta Picture
FastAPI native extension, easy and simple JWT auth
fastapi-jwt FastAPI native extension, easy and simple JWT auth
Async and Sync wrapper client around httpx, fastapi, date stuff
lazyapi Async and Sync wrapper client around httpx, fastapi, and datetime stuff. Motivation This library is forked from an internal project that works
Awesome Django Blog App
Awesome-Django-Blog-App Made with love django as the backend and Bootstrap as the frontend ! i hope that can help !! Project Title Django provides mul
Django Rest Framework App wih JWT Authentication and other DRF stuff
Django Queries App with JWT authentication, Class Based Views, Serializers, Swagger UI, CI/CD and other cool DRF stuff API Documentaion /swagger - Swa
Django Audit is a simple Django app that tracks and logs requests to your application.
django-audit Django Audit is a simple Django app that tracks and logs requests to your application. Quick Start Install django-audit pip install dj-au
Practice-python is a simple Fast api project for dealing with modern rest api technologies.
Practice Python Practice-python is a simple Fast api project for dealing with modern rest api technologies. Deployment with docker Go to the project r
Learning objective: Use React.js, Axios, and CSS to build a responsive YouTube clone app
Learning objective: Use React.js, Axios, and CSS to build a responsive YouTube clone app to search for YouTube videos, channels, playlists, and live events via wrapper around Google YouTube API.
Simple command line tool to train and deploy your machine learning models with AWS SageMaker
metamaker Simple command line tool to train and deploy your machine learning models with AWS SageMaker Features metamaker enables you to: Build a dock
A very simple and lightweight ToDo app using python that can be used from the command line
A very simple and lightweight ToDo app using python that can be used from the command line
Fully reponsive Chat Application built with django, javascript, materialUi, bootstrap4, html and css.
Chat app (Full Stack Frameworks with Django Project) Fully reponsive Chat Application built with django, javascript, materialUi, bootstrap4, html and
🗂️ 🔍 Geospatial Data Management and Search API - Django Apps
Geospatial Data API in Django Resonant GeoData (RGD) is a series of Django applications well suited for cataloging and searching annotated geospatial
A lightweight Python module and command-line tool for generating NATO APP-6(D) compliant military symbols from both ID codes and natural language names
Python military symbols This is a lightweight Python module, including a command-line script, to generate NATO APP-6(D) compliant military symbol icon
PatientDB is a flask app to store patient information.
PatientDB PatientDB on Heroku "PatientDB is a simple web app that stores patient information, able to edit the information, and able to query the data
This repository contains learning resources for Python Fast API Framework and Docker
This repository contains learning resources for Python Fast API Framework and Docker, Build High Performing Apps With Python BootCamp by Lux Academy and Data Science East Africa.
A Django app to initialize Sentry client for your Django applications
Dj_sentry This Django application intialize Sentry SDK to your Django application. How to install You can install this packaging by using: pip install
Basic fastapi blockchain - An api based blockchain with full functionality
Basic fastapi blockchain - An api based blockchain with full functionality
Simple macOS StatusBar app to remind you to unplug your laptop when sufficiently charged
ChargeMon Simple macOS StatusBar app to monitor battery charge status and remind you to unplug your Mac when the battery is sufficiently charged Overv
An Android app that runs Elm in a webview. And a Python script to build the app or install it on the device.
Requirements You need to have installed: the Android SDK Elm Python git Starting a project Clone this repo and cd into it: $ git clone https://github.
GitHub action for AppSweep Mobile Application Security Testing
GitHub action for AppSweep can be used to continuously integrate app scanning using AppSweep into your Android app build process
RangDev Notepad App With Python
RangDev Notepad-App-With-Python Take down quick and speedy notes! This is a small project of a notepad app built with Tkinter and SQLite3. Database cr
Developing a python based app prototype with KivyMD framework for a competition :))
Developing a python based app prototype with KivyMD framework for a competition :))
Signalling for FastAPI.
fastapi-signals Signalling for FastAPI.
Pydantic based mock data generation
This library offers powerful mock data generation capabilities for pydantic based models. It can also be used with other libraries that use pydantic as a foundation, for example SQLModel, Beanie and ormar.
Flask-app scaffold, generate flask restful backend
Flask-app scaffold, generate flask restful backend
Complete Fundamental to Expert Codes of FastAPI for creating API's
FastAPI FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3 based on standard Python type hints. The key featu
OCR Streamlit App is used to extract text from images using python's easyocr, pytorch and streamlit packages
OCR-Streamlit-App OCR Streamlit App is used to extract text from images using python's easyocr, pytorch and streamlit packages OCR app gets an image a
Katana project is a template for ASAP 🚀 ML application deployment
Katana project is a FastAPI template for ASAP 🚀 ML API deployment
Tesla App Update Differences Extractor
Tesla App Update Differences Extractor Python program that finds the differences between two versions of the Tesla App. When Tesla updates the app a l
A streamlit app for exploring image search results from HuggingPics
title emoji colorFrom colorTo sdk app_file pinned huggingpics-explorer 🤗 blue red streamlit app.py false huggingpics-explorer A streamlit app for exp
PVE with tcaledger app for payments and simulation of payment requests
tcaledger PVE with tcaledger app for payments and simulation of payment requests. The purpose of this API is to empower users to accept cryptocurrenci
Lingtrain Alignment Studio is an ML based app for texts alignment on different languages.
Lingtrain Alignment Studio Intro Lingtrain Alignment Studio is the ML based app for accurate texts alignment on different languages. Extracts parallel
A Discord Rich Presence App to set your own custom rich presence.
discord-rich-presence A Discord Rich Presence App to set your own custom rich presence. #BUILDS Ready to use package are available inside "finalpackag
This is a simple Todo web application built Django (back-end) and React JS (front-end)
Django REST Todo app This is a simple Todo web application built with Django (back-end) and React JS (front-end). The project enables you to systemati
An educational platform for students
Watch N Learn About Watch N Learn is an educational platform for students. Watch N Learn incentivizes students to learn with fun activities and reward