2335 Repositories
Python sketch-based-modeling Libraries
A simple string parser based on CLR to check whether a string is acceptable or not for a given grammar.
A simple string parser based on CLR to check whether a string is acceptable or not for a given grammar.
A PyTorch implementation of deep-learning-based registration
DiffuseMorph Implementation A PyTorch implementation of deep-learning-based registration. Requirements OS : Ubuntu / Windows Python 3.6 PyTorch 1.4.0
Code, environments, and scripts for the paper: "How Private Is Your RL Policy? An Inverse RL Based Analysis Framework"
Privacy-Aware Inverse RL (PRIL) Analysis Framework Code, environments, and scripts for the paper: "How Private Is Your RL Policy? An Inverse RL Based
Code for the submitted paper Surrogate-based cross-correlation for particle image velocimetry
Surrogate-based cross-correlation (SBCC) This repository contains code for the submitted paper Surrogate-based cross-correlation for particle image ve
Official PyTorch implementation of the paper "Graph-based Generative Face Anonymisation with Pose Preservation" in ICIAP 2021
Contents AnonyGAN Installation Dataset Preparation Generating Images Using Pretrained Model Train and Test New Models Evaluation Acknowledgments Citat
Ml based project which uses regression technique to predict the price.
Price-Predictor Ml based project which uses regression technique to predict the price. I have used various regression models and finds the model with
Rule Based Classification Project For Python
Rule-Based-Classification-Project (ENG) Business Problem: A game company wants to create new level-based customer definitions (personas) by using some
Rule Based Classification Project
Kural Tabanlı Sınıflandırma ile Potansiyel Müşteri Getirisi Hesaplama İş Problemi: Bir oyun şirketi müşterilerinin bazı özelliklerini kullanaraknseviy
A PowSyBl and Python integration based on GraalVM native image
PyPowSyBl The PyPowSyBl project gives access PowSyBl Java framework to Python developers. This Python integration relies on GraalVM to compile Java co
A GUI-based audio player with support for a large variety of formats
Miza-Player A GUI-based audio player with support for a large variety of formats, able to play from web-hosted media platforms such as YouTube, includ
A Python Based Utility for Processing GST-Return JSON Files to Multiple Formats
GSTR 1/2A Utility by Shan.tk Open Source GSTR 1/GSTR 2A JSON to Excel utility based on Python. Useful for Auditors in Verifying GSTR 1 Return Invoices
A HDF5-based python pickle replacement
Hickle Hickle is an HDF5 based clone of pickle, with a twist: instead of serializing to a pickle file, Hickle dumps to an HDF5 file (Hierarchical Data
Mmdetection3d Noted - MMDetection3D is an open source object detection toolbox based on PyTorch
MMDetection3D is an open source object detection toolbox based on PyTorch
Unfinished Python library based on ndspy, for Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.
zed An unfinished library and toolset by me, for viewing and editing files from The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and The Legend of Zelda: Spirit
Comprehensive OpenAPI schema generator for Django based on pydantic
🗡️ Djagger Automated OpenAPI documentation generator for Django. Djagger helps you generate a complete and comprehensive API documentation of your Dj
Users can free try their models on SIDD dataset based on this code
SIDD benchmark 1 Train python train.py If you want to train your network, just modify the yaml in the options folder. 2 Validation python validation.p
ESL: Event-based Structured Light
ESL: Event-based Structured Light Video (click on the image) This is the code for the 2021 3DV paper ESL: Event-based Structured Light by Manasi Mugli
Watch faces morph into each other with StyleGAN 2, StyleGAN, and DCGAN!
FaceMorpher FaceMorpher is an innovative project to get a unique face morph (or interpolation for geeks) on a website. Yes, this means you can see fac
Official implementation of the AAAI 2022 paper "Learning Token-based Representation for Image Retrieval"
Token: Token-based Representation for Image Retrieval PyTorch training code for Token-based Representation for Image Retrieval. We propose a joint loc
An open source bike computer based on Raspberry Pi Zero (W, WH) with GPS and ANT+. Including offline map and navigation.
Pi Zero Bikecomputer An open-source bike computer based on Raspberry Pi Zero (W, WH) with GPS and ANT+ https://github.com/hishizuka/pizero_bikecompute
🌈 Generate color palettes based on Neovim colorschemes.
Iris Iris is a Neovim plugin that generates a normalized color palette based on your colorscheme. It is named for the goddess Iris of Greek mythology,
An efficient toolkit for Face Stylization based on the paper "AgileGAN: Stylizing Portraits by Inversion-Consistent Transfer Learning"
MMGEN-FaceStylor English | 简体中文 Introduction This repo is an efficient toolkit for Face Stylization based on the paper "AgileGAN: Stylizing Portraits
GTK and Python based, system performance and usage monitoring tool
System Monitoring Center GTK3 and Python 3 based, system performance and usage monitoring tool. Features: Detailed system performance and usage usage
Official code for "Maximum Likelihood Training of Score-Based Diffusion Models", NeurIPS 2021 (spotlight)
Maximum Likelihood Training of Score-Based Diffusion Models This repo contains the official implementation for the paper Maximum Likelihood Training o
Simple VLC-based media player that can play multiple videos at the same time
Screenshots About Simple VLC-based media player that can play multiple videos at the same time. You can play as many videos as you like, the only limi
Codes for CyGen, the novel generative modeling framework proposed in "On the Generative Utility of Cyclic Conditionals" (NeurIPS-21)
On the Generative Utility of Cyclic Conditionals This repository is the official implementation of "On the Generative Utility of Cyclic Conditionals"
Python3 library that can retrieve Chrome-based browser's saved login info.
Passax EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY Python3 library that can retrieve Chrome-based browser's saved login info. Requirements secretstorage~=3.3.1 pywin32=
Automatic and platform-independent unpacker for Windows binaries based on emulation
_ _ __ _ __ _ | | | | / / (_) \ \ | | | | | |_ __ | | _ | | _ __ __ _ ___| | _____ _ __
a flask zipkin extension based on py_zipkin.
flask-zipkin a flask zipkin extension based on py_zipkin. Installation pip install flask_zipkin usage you can simply use it as other flask extensions.
rastrainer is a QGIS plugin to training remote sensing semantic segmentation model based on PaddlePaddle.
rastrainer rastrainer is a QGIS plugin to training remote sensing semantic segmentation model based on PaddlePaddle. UI TODO Init UI. Add Block. Add l
Code for the AAAI-2022 paper: Imagine by Reasoning: A Reasoning-Based Implicit Semantic Data Augmentation for Long-Tailed Classification
Imagine by Reasoning: A Reasoning-Based Implicit Semantic Data Augmentation for Long-Tailed Classification (AAAI 2022) Prerequisite PyTorch = 1.2.0 P
Machine learning Bot detection technique, based on United States election dataset
Machine learning Bot detection technique, based on United States election dataset (2020). Current github repo provides implementation described in pap
This is the official code for the paper "Learning with Nested Scene Modeling and Cooperative Architecture Search for Low-Light Vision"
RUAS This is the official code for the paper "Learning with Nested Scene Modeling and Cooperative Architecture Search for Low-Light Vision" A prelimin
Implementation of the paper Recurrent Glimpse-based Decoder for Detection with Transformer.
REGO-Deformable DETR By Zhe Chen, Jing Zhang, and Dacheng Tao. This repository is the implementation of the paper Recurrent Glimpse-based Decoder for
Continuously update some NLP practice based on different tasks.
NLP_practice We will continuously update some NLP practice based on different tasks. prerequisites Software pytorch = 1.10 torchtext = 0.11.0 sklear
Codes for TIM2021 paper "Anchor-Based Spatio-Temporal Attention 3-D Convolutional Networks for Dynamic 3-D Point Cloud Sequences"
Codes for TIM2021 paper "Anchor-Based Spatio-Temporal Attention 3-D Convolutional Networks for Dynamic 3-D Point Cloud Sequences"
A team blog based on Flask
A team blog based on Flask This project isn't supported at the moment, please see a newer pypress-tornado Thanks for flask_website and newsmeme at [ht
A clean and simple blog system based on Flask and MongoDB
CleanBlog A clean and simple blog system based on Flask and MongoDB You can access CleanBlog This is the source code of Flask Tutorial Pro,you can buy
R3Det based on mmdet 2.19.0
R3Det: Refined Single-Stage Detector with Feature Refinement for Rotating Object Installation # install mmdetection first if you haven't installed it
Class-Balanced Loss Based on Effective Number of Samples. CVPR 2019
Class-Balanced Loss Based on Effective Number of Samples Tensorflow code for the paper: Class-Balanced Loss Based on Effective Number of Samples Yin C
A high-performance Python-based I/O system for large (and small) deep learning problems, with strong support for PyTorch.
WebDataset WebDataset is a PyTorch Dataset (IterableDataset) implementation providing efficient access to datasets stored in POSIX tar archives and us
Parallel TTS web demo based on Flask + Vue (Vuetify).
Parallel TTS web demo based on Flask + Vue (Vuetify).
buildseg is a building extraction plugin of QGIS based on PaddlePaddle.
buildseg buildseg is a Building Extraction plugin for QGIS based on PaddlePaddle. How to use Download and install QGIS and clone the repo : git clone
GB-CosFace: Rethinking Softmax-based Face Recognition from the Perspective of Open Set Classification
GB-CosFace: Rethinking Softmax-based Face Recognition from the Perspective of Open Set Classification This is the official pytorch implementation of t
Systemic Evolutionary Chemical Space Exploration for Drug Discovery
SECSE SECSE: Systemic Evolutionary Chemical Space Explorer Chemical space exploration is a major task of the hit-finding process during the pursuit of
SimMIM: A Simple Framework for Masked Image Modeling
SimMIM By Zhenda Xie*, Zheng Zhang*, Yue Cao*, Yutong Lin, Jianmin Bao, Zhuliang Yao, Qi Dai and Han Hu*. This repo is the official implementation of
A simple, elegant Python based web templating engine (part of web.py).
Templator Simple, elegant Python based web templating (part of web.py). If you are familiar with Python, there is no new syntax to learn. This is a st
3X Fast Telethon Based Bot
📺 YouTube Song Downloader Bot For Telegram 🔮 3X Fast Telethon Based Bot ⚜ Easy To Deploy 🤗
Implementation of paper "Decision-based Black-box Attack Against Vision Transformers via Patch-wise Adversarial Removal"
Patch-wise Adversarial Removal Implementation of paper "Decision-based Black-box Attack Against Vision Transformers via Patch-wise Adversarial Removal
A new framework, collaborative cascade prediction based on graph neural networks (CCasGNN) to jointly utilize the structural characteristics, sequence features, and user profiles.
CCasGNN A new framework, collaborative cascade prediction based on graph neural networks (CCasGNN) to jointly utilize the structural characteristics,
RaceBERT -- A transformer based model to predict race and ethnicty from names
RaceBERT -- A transformer based model to predict race and ethnicty from names Installation pip install racebert Using a virtual environment is highly
Python implementation of ADD: Frequency Attention and Multi-View based Knowledge Distillation to Detect Low-Quality Compressed Deepfake Images, AAAI2022.
ADD: Frequency Attention and Multi-View based Knowledge Distillation to Detect Low-Quality Compressed Deepfake Images Binh M. Le & Simon S. Woo, "ADD:
MLPs for Vision and Langauge Modeling (Coming Soon)
MLP Architectures for Vision-and-Language Modeling: An Empirical Study MLP Architectures for Vision-and-Language Modeling: An Empirical Study (Code wi
A simple Tornado based framework designed to accelerate web service development
Toto Toto is a small framework intended to accelerate web service development. It is built on top of Tornado and can currently use MySQL, MongoDB, Pos
A gui-script-editor(Based on pyqt5, pyautogui) to writing your gui script.
gui-script-editor A gui-script-editor(Based on pyqt5, pyautogui) to writing your gui script. ##更新说明 版本号:1.0.0 版本说明:实现了脚本编辑器雏形,未实现执行报告,自动化脚本管理(只支持单个脚本运
A community based economy bot with python works only with python 3.7.8 as web3 requires cytoolz
A community based economy bot with python works only with python 3.7.8 as web3 requires cytoolz has some issues building with python 3.10
Self-Supervised Learning of Event-based Optical Flow with Spiking Neural Networks
Self-Supervised Learning of Event-based Optical Flow with Spiking Neural Networks Work accepted at NeurIPS'21 [paper, video]. If you use this code in
A Python r2pipe script to automatically create a Frida hook to intercept TLS traffic for Flutter based apps
boring-flutter A Python r2pipe script to automatically create a Frida hook to intercept TLS traffic for Flutter based apps. Currently only supporting
Plot-configurations for scientific publications, purely based on matplotlib
TUEplots Plot-configurations for scientific publications, purely based on matplotlib. Usage Please have a look at the examples in the example/ directo
PyTorch implementation for OCT-GAN Neural ODE-based Conditional Tabular GANs (WWW 2021)
OCT-GAN: Neural ODE-based Conditional Tabular GANs (OCT-GAN) Code for reproducing the experiments in the paper: Jayoung Kim*, Jinsung Jeon*, Jaehoon L
Simple Python project using Opencv and datetime package to recognise faces and log attendance data in a csv file.
Attendance-System-based-on-Facial-recognition-Attendance-data-stored-in-csv-file- Simple Python project using Opencv and datetime package to recognise
Correcting typos in a word based on the frequency dictionary
Auto-correct text Correcting typos in a word based on the frequency dictionary. This algorithm is based on the distance between words according to the
A web RTSP play platform based on websocket and tornado, websocket use blob binaryType read as ArrayBuffer
A web RTSP play platform based on websocket and tornado, websocket use blob binaryType read as ArrayBuffer
A simple Python library that allows you to customize your CLI based output on Linux
Terminal-Colored-Print About A small module that allows to simply decorate strings on Linux terminals. I personally use it for multi-threaded project,
EPViz is a tool to aid researchers in developing, validating, and reporting their predictive modeling outputs.
EPViz (EEG Prediction Visualizer) EPViz is a tool to aid researchers in developing, validating, and reporting their predictive modeling outputs. A lig
My tensorflow implementation of "A neural conversational model", a Deep learning based chatbot
Deep Q&A Table of Contents Presentation Installation Running Chatbot Web interface Results Pretrained model Improvements Upgrade Presentation This wor
Local server that gives you your OAuth 2.0 tokens needed to interact with the Conta Azul's API
What's this? This is a django project meant to be run locally that gives you your OAuth 2.0 tokens needed to interact with Conta Azul's API Prerequisi
Scratch2py or S2py is a easy to use, versatile tool to communicate with the Scratch API Based of Scratch2py
Scratch2py Scratch2py or S2py is a easy to use, versatile tool to communicate with the Scratch API Based of Scratch2py Installation Run this command i
Simple python crypto bot to trade crypto on Binance based on RSI. Utilizing web sockets to get real-time prices
Py Crypto Bot Using Binance WebSocket API to get real-time price data for cryptocurrencies. Using the TA-Lib library to calculate the RSI and execute
A file-based quote bot written in Python
Let's Write a Python Quote Bot! This repository will get you started with building a quote bot in Python. It's meant to be used along with the Learnin
Python based YouTube video Downloader GUI Application.
Youtube video Downloader Python based Youtube video Downloader GUI Application. Installation Python Dependencies Import pytube pip install pytube Im
Code for "My(o) Armband Leaks Passwords: An EMG and IMU Based Keylogging Side-Channel Attack" paper
Myo Keylogging This is the source code for our paper My(o) Armband Leaks Passwords: An EMG and IMU Based Keylogging Side-Channel Attack by Matthias Ga
This is Official implementation for "Pose-guided Feature Disentangling for Occluded Person Re-Identification Based on Transformer" in AAAI2022
PFD:Pose-guided Feature Disentangling for Occluded Person Re-identification based on Transformer This repo is the official implementation of "Pose-gui
BERTMap: A BERT-Based Ontology Alignment System
BERTMap: A BERT-based Ontology Alignment System Important Notices The relevant paper was accepted in AAAI-2022. Arxiv version is available at: https:/
Rewrite ultralytics/yolov5 v6.0 opencv inference code based on numpy, no need to rely on pytorch
Rewrite ultralytics/yolov5 v6.0 opencv inference code based on numpy, no need to rely on pytorch; pre-processing and post-processing using numpy instead of pytroch.
pubmex.py - a script to get a fancy paper title based on given DOI or PMID
pubmex.py is a script to get a fancy paper title based on given DOI or PMID (can be also combined with macOS Finder)
A GUI Based Figlet Maker
Figlet Creation Create Figlets easily using this application created using PySimpleGUI. Installation Old-school Straight Pip pip install psg-figlet pi
Command Line Based Todo Script
Todo-CLI Features Full-Fledged Command Line Based Todo List with the following features planned: Interactive Interface OS Notifications Save and Remov
Confidence Propagation Cluster aims to replace NMS-based methods as a better box fusion framework in 2D/3D Object detection
CP-Cluster Confidence Propagation Cluster aims to replace NMS-based methods as a better box fusion framework in 2D/3D Object detection, Instance Segme
Tiny-NewsRec: Efficient and Effective PLM-based News Recommendation
Tiny-NewsRec The source codes for our paper "Tiny-NewsRec: Efficient and Effective PLM-based News Recommendation". Requirements PyTorch == 1.6.0 Tensor
Experiments with the Robust Binary Interval Search (RBIS) algorithm, a Query-Based prediction algorithm for the Online Search problem.
OnlineSearchRBIS Online Search with Best-Price and Query-Based Predictions This is the implementation of the Robust Binary Interval Search (RBIS) algo
Official PyTorch implementation of our AAAI22 paper: TransMEF: A Transformer-Based Multi-Exposure Image Fusion Framework via Self-Supervised Multi-Task Learning. Code will be available soon.
Official-PyTorch-Implementation-of-TransMEF Official PyTorch implementation of our AAAI22 paper: TransMEF: A Transformer-Based Multi-Exposure Image Fu
TFIDF-based QA system for AIO2 competition
AIO2 TF-IDF Baseline This is a very simple question answering system, which is developed as a lightweight baseline for AIO2 competition. In the traini
Fast visualization of radar_scenes based on oleschum/radar_scenes
RadarScenes Tools About This python package provides fast visualization for the RadarScenes dataset. The Open GL based visualizer is smoother than ole
Aggressor script that gets the latest commands from CobaltStrikes web site and creates an aggressor script based on tool options.
opsec-aggressor Aggressor script that gets the latest commands from CobaltStrikes opsec page and creates an aggressor script based on tool options. Gr
Modular Python-based Twitch bot optimized for customizability and ease of use.
rasbot Modular Python-based Twitch bot optimized for customizability and ease of use. rasbot is a Python-based Twitch bot that runs on your Twitch acc
An python based Timer and Digital Clock
Python-based-Timer- An python based Timer and Digital Clock How to contribute to this repo ❓ Step 1: Fork the this repository Step 2: Clone your fork
A auto clock-in script based on python3 for BJUTer.
Introduction A auto clock-in script based on python3 for BJUTer. It could clock in at 9:00 a.m everyday. The script is inspired by tsosunchia What can
Out-of-the-box support register, sign in, email verification and password recovery workflows for websites based on Django and MongoDB
Using djmongoauth What is it? djmongoauth provides out-of-the-box support for basic user management and additional operations including user registrat
English dictionary using Django based on freecodecamp
English Dictionary Hi there, i made this english dictionary using Django based on freecodecamp.org tutorial :) Table of Contents Preview Technologies
🔪 Elimination based Lightweight Neural Net with Pretrained Weights
ELimNet ELimNet: Eliminating Layers in a Neural Network Pretrained with Large Dataset for Downstream Task Removed top layers from pretrained Efficient
Brief idea about our project is mentioned in project presentation file.
Brief idea about our project is mentioned in project presentation file. You just have to run attendance.py file in your suitable IDE but we prefer jupyter lab.
Official implementation for the paper: Permutation Invariant Graph Generation via Score-Based Generative Modeling
Permutation Invariant Graph Generation via Score-Based Generative Modeling This repo contains the official implementation for the paper Permutation In
Implementation of "Adversarial purification with Score-based generative models", ICML 2021
Adversarial Purification with Score-based Generative Models by Jongmin Yoon, Sung Ju Hwang, Juho Lee This repository includes the official PyTorch imp
Noise Conditional Score Networks (NeurIPS 2019, Oral)
Generative Modeling by Estimating Gradients of the Data Distribution This repo contains the official implementation for the NeurIPS 2019 paper Generat
The official PyTorch implementation for NCSNv2 (NeurIPS 2020)
Improved Techniques for Training Score-Based Generative Models This repo contains the official implementation for the paper Improved Techniques for Tr
PyTorch Implementation of DSB for Score Based Generative Modeling. Experiments managed using Hydra.
Diffusion Schrödinger Bridge with Applications to Score-Based Generative Modeling This repository contains the implementation for the paper Diffusion
Score-Based Point Cloud Denoising (ICCV'21)
Score-Based Point Cloud Denoising (ICCV'21) [Paper] https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.10981 Installation Recommended Environment The code has been tested in
Scalable machine learning based time series forecasting
mlforecast Scalable machine learning based time series forecasting. Install PyPI pip install mlforecast Optional dependencies If you want more functio
A collection of resources and papers on Diffusion Models, a darkhorse in the field of Generative Models
This repository contains a collection of resources and papers on Diffusion Models and Score-based Models. If there are any missing valuable resources