2171 Repositories
Python text-mining-analysis Libraries
A Tensorflow model for text recognition (CNN + seq2seq with visual attention) available as a Python package and compatible with Google Cloud ML Engine.
Attention-based OCR Visual attention-based OCR model for image recognition with additional tools for creating TFRecords datasets and exporting the tra
Python-based tools for document analysis and OCR
ocropy OCRopus is a collection of document analysis programs, not a turn-key OCR system. In order to apply it to your documents, you may need to do so
kaldi-asr/kaldi is the official location of the Kaldi project.
Kaldi Speech Recognition Toolkit To build the toolkit: see ./INSTALL. These instructions are valid for UNIX systems including various flavors of Linux
MXNet OCR implementation. Including text recognition and detection.
insightocr Text Recognition Accuracy on Chinese dataset by caffe-ocr Network LSTM 4x1 Pooling Gray Test Acc SimpleNet N Y Y 99.37% SE-ResNet34 N Y Y 9
A tool for extracting text from scanned documents (via OCR), with user-defined post-processing.
The project is based on older versions of tesseract and other tools, and is now superseded by another project which allows for more granular control o
Tensorflow-based CNN+LSTM trained with CTC-loss for OCR
Overview This collection demonstrates how to construct and train a deep, bidirectional stacked LSTM using CNN features as input with CTC loss to perfo
A pure pytorch implemented ocr project including text detection and recognition
ocr.pytorch A pure pytorch implemented ocr project. Text detection is based CTPN and text recognition is based CRNN. More detection and recognition me
The first open-source library that detects the font of a text in a image.
Typefont Typefont is an experimental library that detects the font of a text in a image. Usage Import the main function and invoke it like in the foll
PSENet - Shape Robust Text Detection with Progressive Scale Expansion Network.
News Python3 implementations of PSENet [1], PAN [2] and PAN++ [3] are released at https://github.com/whai362/pan_pp.pytorch. [1] W. Wang, E. Xie, X. L
Textboxes : Image Text Detection Model : python package (tensorflow)
shinTB Abstract A python package for use Textboxes : Image Text Detection Model implemented by tensorflow, cv2 Textboxes Paper Review in Korean (My Bl
TextBoxes: A Fast Text Detector with a Single Deep Neural Network https://github.com/MhLiao/TextBoxes 基于SSD改进的文本检测算法,textBoxes_note记录了之前整理的笔记。
TextBoxes: A Fast Text Detector with a Single Deep Neural Network Introduction This paper presents an end-to-end trainable fast scene text detector, n
TextBoxes++: A Single-Shot Oriented Scene Text Detector
TextBoxes++: A Single-Shot Oriented Scene Text Detector Introduction This is an application for scene text detection (TextBoxes++) and recognition (CR
Packaged, Pytorch-based, easy to use, cross-platform version of the CRAFT text detector
CRAFT: Character-Region Awareness For Text detection Packaged, Pytorch-based, easy to use, cross-platform version of the CRAFT text detector | Paper |
CRAFT-Pyotorch:Character Region Awareness for Text Detection Reimplementation for Pytorch
CRAFT-Reimplementation Note:If you have any problems, please comment. Or you can join us weChat group. The QR code will update in issues #49 . Reimple
Official implementation of Character Region Awareness for Text Detection (CRAFT)
CRAFT: Character-Region Awareness For Text detection Official Pytorch implementation of CRAFT text detector | Paper | Pretrained Model | Supplementary
Tool which allow you to detect and translate text.
Text detection and recognition This repository contains tool which allow to detect region with text and translate it one by one. Description Two pretr
Text Detection from images using OpenCV
EAST Detector for Text Detection OpenCV’s EAST(Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detection ) text detector is a deep learning model, based on a novel
PyTorch Re-Implementation of EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector
Description This is a PyTorch Re-Implementation of EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector. Only RBOX part is implemented. Using dice loss
EAST for ICPR MTWI 2018 Challenge II (Text detection of network images)
EAST_ICPR2018: EAST for ICPR MTWI 2018 Challenge II (Text detection of network images) Introduction This is a repository forked from argman/EAST for t
Forked from argman/EAST for the ICPR MTWI 2018 CHALLENGE
EAST_ICPR: EAST for ICPR MTWI 2018 CHALLENGE Introduction This is a repository forked from argman/EAST for the ICPR MTWI 2018 CHALLENGE. Origin Reposi
This is a pytorch re-implementation of EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector.
EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector Description: This version will be updated soon, please pay attention to this work. The motivation
Implementation of EAST scene text detector in Keras
EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector This is a Keras implementation of EAST based on a Tensorflow implementation made by argman. The or
AdvancedEAST is an algorithm used for Scene image text detect, which is primarily based on EAST, and the significant improvement was also made, which make long text predictions more accurate.https://github.com/huoyijie/raspberrypi-car
AdvancedEAST AdvancedEAST is an algorithm used for Scene image text detect, which is primarily based on EAST:An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Dete
A tensorflow implementation of EAST text detector
EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector Introduction This is a tensorflow re-implementation of EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text
Detecting Text in Natural Image with Connectionist Text Proposal Network (ECCV'16)
Detecting Text in Natural Image with Connectionist Text Proposal Network The codes are used for implementing CTPN for scene text detection, described
keras复现场景文本检测网络CPTN: 《Detecting Text in Natural Image with Connectionist Text Proposal Network》;欢迎试用,关注,并反馈问题...
keras-ctpn [TOC] 说明 预测 训练 例子 4.1 ICDAR2015 4.1.1 带侧边细化 4.1.2 不带带侧边细化 4.1.3 做数据增广-水平翻转 4.2 ICDAR2017 4.3 其它数据集 toDoList 总结 说明 本工程是keras实现的CPTN: Detecti
text detection mainly based on ctpn model in tensorflow, id card detect, connectionist text proposal network
text-detection-ctpn Scene text detection based on ctpn (connectionist text proposal network). It is implemented in tensorflow. The origin paper can be
TensorFlow Implementation of FOTS, Fast Oriented Text Spotting with a Unified Network.
FOTS: Fast Oriented Text Spotting with a Unified Network I am still working on this repo. updates and detailed instructions are coming soon! Table of
An Implementation of the FOTS: Fast Oriented Text Spotting with a Unified Network
FOTS: Fast Oriented Text Spotting with a Unified Network Introduction This is a pytorch re-implementation of FOTS: Fast Oriented Text Spotting with a
Recognizing cropped text in natural images.
ASTER: Attentional Scene Text Recognizer with Flexible Rectification ASTER is an accurate scene text recognizer with flexible rectification mechanism.
TextField: Learning A Deep Direction Field for Irregular Scene Text Detection (TIP 2019)
TextField: Learning A Deep Direction Field for Irregular Scene Text Detection Introduction The code and trained models of: TextField: Learning A Deep
This repository provides train&test code, dataset, det.&rec. annotation, evaluation script, annotation tool, and ranking.
SCUT-CTW1500 Datasets We have updated annotations for both train and test set. Train: 1000 images [images][annos] Additional point annotation for each
Single Shot Text Detector with Regional Attention
Single Shot Text Detector with Regional Attention Introduction SSTD is initially described in our ICCV 2017 spotlight paper. A third-party implementat
An Implementation of the seglink alogrithm in paper Detecting Oriented Text in Natural Images by Linking Segments
Tips: A more recent scene text detection algorithm: PixelLink, has been implemented here: https://github.com/ZJULearning/pixel_link Contents: Introduc
Implementation of our paper 'PixelLink: Detecting Scene Text via Instance Segmentation' in AAAI2018
Code for the AAAI18 paper PixelLink: Detecting Scene Text via Instance Segmentation, by Dan Deng, Haifeng Liu, Xuelong Li, and Deng Cai. Contributions
A PyTorch implementation of ECCV2018 Paper: TextSnake: A Flexible Representation for Detecting Text of Arbitrary Shapes
TextSnake: A Flexible Representation for Detecting Text of Arbitrary Shapes A PyTorch implement of TextSnake: A Flexible Representation for Detecting
Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Corner Localization and Region Segmentation
This is the official implementation of "Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Corner Localization and Region Segmentation". For more details, please
This is a tensorflow re-implementation of PSENet: Shape Robust Text Detection with Progressive Scale Expansion Network.My blog:
PSENet: Shape Robust Text Detection with Progressive Scale Expansion Network Introduction This is a tensorflow re-implementation of PSENet: Shape Robu
Scene text detection and recognition based on Extremal Region(ER)
Scene text recognition A real-time scene text recognition algorithm. Our system is able to recognize text in unconstrain background. This algorithm is
Code for the paper STN-OCR: A single Neural Network for Text Detection and Text Recognition
STN-OCR: A single Neural Network for Text Detection and Text Recognition This repository contains the code for the paper: STN-OCR: A single Neural Net
Code for the AAAI 2018 publication "SEE: Towards Semi-Supervised End-to-End Scene Text Recognition"
SEE: Towards Semi-Supervised End-to-End Scene Text Recognition Code for the AAAI 2018 publication "SEE: Towards Semi-Supervised End-to-End Scene Text
A novel region proposal network for more general object detection ( including scene text detection ).
DeRPN: Taking a further step toward more general object detection DeRPN is a novel region proposal network which concentrates on improving the adaptiv
This is a c++ project deploying a deep scene text reading pipeline with tensorflow. It reads text from natural scene images. It uses frozen tensorflow graphs. The detector detect scene text locations. The recognizer reads word from each detected bounding box.
DeepSceneTextReader This is a c++ project deploying a deep scene text reading pipeline. It reads text from natural scene images. Prerequsites The proj
This project modify tensorflow object detection api code to predict oriented bounding boxes. It can be used for scene text detection.
This is an oriented object detector based on tensorflow object detection API. Most of the code is not changed except for those related to the need of
Source code of RRPN ---- Arbitrary-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Rotation Proposals
Paper source Arbitrary-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Rotation Proposals https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.01086 News We update RRPN in pytorch 1.0! View
caffe re-implementation of R2CNN: Rotational Region CNN for Orientation Robust Scene Text Detection
R2CNN: Rotational Region CNN for Orientation Robust Scene Text Detection Abstract This is a caffe re-implementation of R2CNN: Rotational Region CNN fo
Implement 'Single Shot Text Detector with Regional Attention, ICCV 2017 Spotlight'
SSTDNet Implement 'Single Shot Text Detector with Regional Attention, ICCV 2017 Spotlight' using pytorch. This code is work for general object detecti
RRD: Rotation-Sensitive Regression for Oriented Scene Text Detection
RRD: Rotation-Sensitive Regression for Oriented Scene Text Detection For more details, please refer to our paper. Citing Please cite the related works
textspotter - An End-to-End TextSpotter with Explicit Alignment and Attention
An End-to-End TextSpotter with Explicit Alignment and Attention This is initially described in our CVPR 2018 paper. Getting Started Installation Clone
An Implementation of the alogrithm in paper IncepText: A New Inception-Text Module with Deformable PSROI Pooling for Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection
InceptText-Tensorflow An Implementation of the alogrithm in paper IncepText: A New Inception-Text Module with Deformable PSROI Pooling for Multi-Orien
The code of "Mask TextSpotter: An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Spotting Text with Arbitrary Shapes"
Mask TextSpotter A Pytorch implementation of Mask TextSpotter along with its extension can be find here Introduction This is the official implementati
End-to-end pipeline for real-time scene text detection and recognition.
Real-time-Scene-Text-Detection-and-Recognition-System End-to-end pipeline for real-time scene text detection and recognition. The detection model use
Character-Region-Awareness-for-Text-Detection- https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.01941 Train You can train SynthText data use python source/train_SynthText.p
Repository for Scene Text Detection with Supervised Pyramid Context Network with tensorflow.
Scene-Text-Detection-with-SPCNET Unofficial repository for [Scene Text Detection with Supervised Pyramid Context Network][https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.0
Pytorch implementation of PSEnet with Pyramid Attention Network as feature extractor
Scene Text-Spotting based on PSEnet+CRNN Pytorch implementation of an end to end Text-Spotter with a PSEnet text detector and CRNN text recognizer. We
Scene text recognition
AttentionOCR for Arbitrary-Shaped Scene Text Recognition Introduction This is the ranked No.1 tensorflow based scene text spotting algorithm on ICDAR2
CUTIE (TensorFlow implementation of Convolutional Universal Text Information Extractor)
CUTIE TensorFlow implementation of the paper "CUTIE: Learning to Understand Documents with Convolutional Universal Text Information Extractor." Xiaohu
Text language identification using Wikipedia data
Text language identification using Wikipedia data The aim of this project is to provide high-quality language detection over all the web's languages.
👄 The most accurate natural language detection library for Java and the JVM, suitable for long and short text alike
Quick Info this library tries to solve language detection of very short words and phrases, even shorter than tweets makes use of both statistical and
Use Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network to recognize the Handwritten line text image without pre segmentation into words or characters. Use CTC loss Function to train.
Handwritten Line Text Recognition using Deep Learning with Tensorflow Description Use Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network to recognize the Handwrit
Deep Learning framework for Line-level Handwritten Text Recognition Short presentation of our project Introduction Installation 2.a Install conda envi
OCR software for recognition of handwritten text
Handwriting OCR The project tries to create software for recognition of a handwritten text from photos (also for Czech language). It uses computer vis
Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) system implemented with TensorFlow.
Handwritten Text Recognition with TensorFlow Update 2021: more robust model, faster dataloader, word beam search decoder also available for Windows Up
This repository lets you train neural networks models for performing end-to-end full-page handwriting recognition using the Apache MXNet deep learning frameworks on the IAM Dataset.
Handwritten Text Recognition (OCR) with MXNet Gluon These notebooks have been created by Jonathan Chung, as part of his internship as Applied Scientis
Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) using TensorFlow 2.x
Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) system implemented using TensorFlow 2.x and trained on the Bentham/IAM/Rimes/Saint Gall/Washington offline HTR data
Let's explore how we can extract text from forms
Form Segmentation Let's explore how we can extract text from any forms / scanned pages. Objectives The goal is to find an algorithm that can extract t
Document Layout Analysis
Eynollah Document Layout Analysis Introduction This tool performs document layout analysis (segmentation) from image data and returns the results as P
a deep learning model for page layout analysis / segmentation.
OCR Segmentation a deep learning model for page layout analysis / segmentation. dependencies tensorflow1.8 python3 dataset: uw3-framed-lines-degraded-
Layout Analysis Evaluator for the ICDAR 2017 competition on Layout Analysis for Challenging Medieval Manuscripts
LayoutAnalysisEvaluator Layout Analysis Evaluator for: ICDAR 2019 Historical Document Reading Challenge on Large Structured Chinese Family Records ICD
ocroseg - This is a deep learning model for page layout analysis / segmentation.
ocroseg This is a deep learning model for page layout analysis / segmentation. There are many different ways in which you can train and run it, but by
Page to PAGE Layout Analysis Tool
P2PaLA Page to PAGE Layout Analysis (P2PaLA) is a toolkit for Document Layout Analysis based on Neural Networks. 💥 Try our new DEMO for online baseli
A simple document layout analysis using Python-OpenCV
Run the application: python main.py *Note: For first time running the application, create a folder named "output". The application is a simple documen
Document Layout Analysis Projects
Layout_Analysis Introduction This is an implementation of RLSA and X-Y Cut with OpenCV Dependencies OpenCV 3.0+ How to use Compile with g++ : g++ -std
Deep learning based page layout analysis
Deep Learning Based Page Layout Analyze This is a Python implementaion of page layout analyze tool. The goal of page layout analyze is to segment page
A semi-automatic open-source tool for Layout Analysis and Region EXtraction on early printed books.
LAREX LAREX is a semi-automatic open-source tool for layout analysis on early printed books. It uses a rule based connected components approach which
Deep Learning Chinese Word Segment
引用 本项目模型BiLSTM+CRF参考论文:http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/N16-1030 ,IDCNN+CRF参考论文:https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.02098 构建 安装好bazel代码构建工具,安装好tensorflow(目前本项目需
Detect handwritten words in a text-line (classic image processing method).
Word segmentation Implementation of scale space technique for word segmentation as proposed by R. Manmatha and N. Srimal. Even though the paper is fro
Detect and fix skew in images containing text
Alyn Skew detection and correction in images containing text Image with skew Image after deskew Install and use via pip! Recommended way(using virtual
Deskew is a command line tool for deskewing scanned text documents. It uses Hough transform to detect "text lines" in the image. As an output, you get an image rotated so that the lines are horizontal.
Deskew by Marek Mauder https://galfar.vevb.net/deskew https://github.com/galfar/deskew v1.30 2019-06-07 Overview Deskew is a command line tool for des
Text page dewarping using a "cubic sheet" model
page_dewarp Page dewarping and thresholding using a "cubic sheet" model - see full writeup at https://mzucker.github.io/2016/08/15/page-dewarping.html
Perspective recovery of text using transformed ellipses
unproject_text Perspective recovery of text using transformed ellipses. See full writeup at https://mzucker.github.io/2016/10/11/unprojecting-text-wit
MORAN: A Multi-Object Rectified Attention Network for Scene Text Recognition
MORAN: A Multi-Object Rectified Attention Network for Scene Text Recognition Python 2.7 Python 3.6 MORAN is a network with rectification mechanism for
DECAF: Deep Extreme Classification with Label Features
DECAF DECAF: Deep Extreme Classification with Label Features @InProceedings{Mittal21, author = "Mittal, A. and Dahiya, K. and Agrawal, S. and Sain
Implementation of Kalman Filter in Python
Kalman Filter in Python This is a basic example of how Kalman filter works in Python. I do plan on refactoring and expanding this repo in the future.
Negative sampling for solving the unlabeled entity problem in NER. ICLR-2021 paper: Empirical Analysis of Unlabeled Entity Problem in Named Entity Recognition.
Negative Sampling for NER Unlabeled entity problem is prevalent in many NER scenarios (e.g., weakly supervised NER). Our paper in ICLR-2021 proposes u
PyTorch implementations of the paper: "Learning Independent Instance Maps for Crowd Localization"
IIM - Crowd Localization This repo is the official implementation of paper: Learning Independent Instance Maps for Crowd Localization. The code is dev
Unofficial implementation of "TTNet: Real-time temporal and spatial video analysis of table tennis" (CVPR 2020)
TTNet-Pytorch The implementation for the paper "TTNet: Real-time temporal and spatial video analysis of table tennis" An introduction of the project c
A powerful text editor for MATE
Pluma - The MATE text editor General Information Pluma (pluma) is a small and lightweight UTF-8 text editor for the MATE environment. It started as a
Implementation / replication of DALL-E, OpenAI's Text to Image Transformer, in Pytorch
Implementation / replication of DALL-E, OpenAI's Text to Image Transformer, in Pytorch
TensorFlowTTS: Real-Time State-of-the-art Speech Synthesis for Tensorflow 2 (supported including English, Korean, Chinese, German and Easy to adapt for other languages)
🤪 TensorFlowTTS provides real-time state-of-the-art speech synthesis architectures such as Tacotron-2, Melgan, Multiband-Melgan, FastSpeech, FastSpeech2 based-on TensorFlow 2. With Tensorflow 2, we can speed-up training/inference progress, optimizer further by using fake-quantize aware and pruning, make TTS models can be run faster than real-time and be able to deploy on mobile devices or embedded systems.
Simple command line tool for text to image generation using OpenAI's CLIP and Siren (Implicit neural representation network)
Simple command line tool for text to image generation using OpenAI's CLIP and Siren (Implicit neural representation network)
Send text to girlfriend in the morning
Girlfriend Text Send text to girlfriend (or really anyone with a phone number) in the morning 1. Configure your settings in utils.py. phone_number = "
📔️ Generate a text-based journal from a template file.
JGen 📔️ Generate a text-based journal from a template file. Contents Getting Started Example Overview Usage Details Reserved Keywords Gotchas Getting
SpiderFoot automates OSINT collection so that you can focus on analysis.
SpiderFoot is an open source intelligence (OSINT) automation tool. It integrates with just about every data source available and utilises a range of m
Cowrie SSH/Telnet Honeypot https://cowrie.readthedocs.io
Cowrie Welcome to the Cowrie GitHub repository This is the official repository for the Cowrie SSH and Telnet Honeypot effort. What is Cowrie Cowrie is
Python library to make development of portfolio analysis faster and easier
Trafalgar Python library to make development of portfolio analysis faster and easier Installation 🔥 For the moment, Trafalgar is still in beta develo
oppo-text-match 小布助手对话短文本语义匹配的一个baseline 模型 参考:https://kexue.fm/archives/8213 base版本线下大概0.952,线上0.866(单模型,没做K-flod融合)。 训练 测试环境:tensorflow 1.15 + keras
Sentello is python script that simulates the anti-evasion and anti-analysis techniques used by malware.
sentello Sentello is a python script that simulates the anti-evasion and anti-analysis techniques used by malware. For techniques that are difficult t
CLIP+FFT text-to-image
Aphantasia This is a text-to-image tool, part of the artwork of the same name. Based on CLIP model, with FFT parameterizer from Lucent library as a ge
Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors
Alphalens Alphalens is a Python Library for performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors. Alphalens works great with the Zipline open sour