1740 Repositories
Python traindex-api-query Libraries
Bot that embeds a random hysterical meme from Reddit into your text channel as an embedded message, using an API call.
Discord_Meme_Bot 🤣 Bot that embeds a random hysterical meme from Reddit into your text channel as an embedded message, using an API call. Add the bot
PyDiscord, a maintained fork of discord.py, is a python wrapper for the Discord API.
discord.py A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. The Future of discord.py Please read the gi
Automatically commits and pushes changes from a specified directory to remote repository
autopush a simple python program that checks a directory for updates and automatically commits any updated files (and optionally pushes them) installa
PHOTONAI is a high level python API for designing and optimizing machine learning pipelines.
PHOTONAI is a high level python API for designing and optimizing machine learning pipelines. We've created a system in which you can easily select and
Multi-query Video Retreival
Multi-query Video Retreival
Programa de código abierto para probar el API de Bitso, el exchange más importante de América Latina.
Bitso Semiautomático Programa de código abierto para probar el API de Bitso, el exchange más importante de América Latina. Desarrollador Fernando Mire
An API that uses NLP and AI to let you predict possible diseases and symptoms based on a prompt of what you're feeling.
Disease detection API for MediSearch An API that uses NLP and AI to let you predict possible diseases and symptoms based on a prompt of what you're fe
Pure Python implementation of the Windows API method IDvdInfo2::GetDiscID.
pydvdid-m Pure Python implementation of the Windows API method IDvdInfo2::GetDiscID. This is a modification of sjwood's pydvdid. The Windows API metho
A Python wrapper around the Pushbullet API to send different types of push notifications to your phone or/and computer.
pushbullet-python A Python wrapper around the Pushbullet API to send different types of push notifications to your phone or/and computer. Installation
A simple chat api that can also work with ipb4 and chatbox+
SimpleChatApi API for chatting that can work on its own or work with Invision Community and Chatbox+. You are also welcome to create frontend for this
Calibre Libgen Non-fiction / Sci-tech store plugin
CalibreLibgenSci A Libgen Non-Fiction/Sci-tech store plugin for Calibre Installation Download the latest zip file release from here Open Calibre Navig
Just-Music - Spotify API Driven Music Web app, that allows to listen and control and share songs
Just Music... Just Music Is A Web APP That Allows Users To Play Song Using Spoti
Procscan is a quick and dirty python script used to look for potentially dangerous api call patterns in a Procmon PML file.
PROCSCAN Procscan is a quick and dirty python script used to look for potentially dangerous api call patterns in a Procmon PML file. Installation git
Generate daily updated visualizations of user and repository statistics from the GitHub API using GitHub Actions
Generate daily updated visualizations of user and repository statistics from the GitHub API using GitHub Actions for any combination of private and public repositories - dark mode supported
trade bot connected to binance API/ websocket.,, include dashboard in plotly dash to visualize trades and balances
Crypto trade bot 1. What it is Trading bot connected to Binance API. This project made for fun. So ... Do not use to trade live before you have backte
Asynchronous Python API Wrapper for phisherman.gg
Asynchronous Python API Wrapper for phisherman.gg
Automatically pick a winner who Retweeted, Commented, and Followed your Twitter account!
AutomaticTwitterGiveaways automates selecting winners for "Retweet, Comment, Follow" type Twitter giveaways.
An agnostic Canvas API for the browser-less and insane
Apollo An agnostic Canvas API for the browser-less and mildly insane. Project Apollo is a Pythonic re-imagining of HTML Canvas element implementati
Automatically pulls specified repository whenever a specified file is pushed. Great for working collaboratively when you need to run something locally.
autopull Simple python tool that allows you to automatically pull from a github repository whenever a file with a specified name is uploaded installat
Fully Automated YouTube Channel ▶️with Added Extra Features.
Fully Automated Youtube Channel ▒█▀▀█ █▀▀█ ▀▀█▀▀ ▀▀█▀▀ █░░█ █▀▀▄ █▀▀ █▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▄ █░░█ ░░█░░ ░▒█░░ █░░█ █▀▀▄ █▀▀ █▄▄▀ ▒█▄▄█ ▀▀▀▀ ░░▀░░ ░▒█░░ ░▀▀▀ ▀▀▀░
Flask RestAPI Project - Transimage Rest API For Python
[ 이미지 변환 플라스크 Rest API ver01 ] 0. Flask Rest API - in SunnyWeb : 이미지 변환 웹의 Flask
Clash of Clans developer unofficial api Wrapper to generate ip based token
Clash of Clans developer unofficial api Wrapper to generate ip based token
Match-making API for OpenSanctions
OpenSanctions Match-making API This directory contains code and a Docker image for running an API to match data against OpenSanctions. It is intended
A passive-recon tool that parses through found assets and interacts with the Hackerone API
Hackerone Passive Recon Tool A passive-recon tool that parses through found assets and interacts with the Hackerone API. Setup Simply run setup.sh to
Program your own vulkan.gpuinfo.org query in Python. Used to determine baseline hardware for WebGPU.
query-gpuinfo-data License This software is not presently released under a license. The data in data/ is obtained under CC BY 4.0 as specified there.
In this project , I play with the YouTube data API and extract trending videos in Nigeria on a particular day
YouTubeTrendingVideosAnalysis In this project , I played with the YouTube data API and extracted trending videos in Nigeria on a particular day. This
A simple message content sniping Discord bot which you can run yourself! Sniping API pulled from isobot and Arch bot
Discord Snipe Bot This is a bot made with the same message content sniping API from isobot and Arch bot. It's default prefix is -, however you can als
A supercharged Git/GitHub command line interface (CLI)
A supercharged Git/GitHub command line interface (CLI).
API Server for VoIP analysis (CDR + Audio CODECs)
Swagger generated server Overview This server was generated by the swagger-codegen project. By using the OpenAPI-Spec from a remote server, you can ea
A tiny, pedagogical neural network library with a pytorch-like API.
candl A tiny, pedagogical implementation of a neural network library with a pytorch-like API. The primary use of this library is for education. Use th
Simple proxy scraper made by using ProxyScrape's api.
What is Moon? Moon is a lightweight and fast proxy scraper made by using ProxyScrape's api. What can i do with this? You can use proxies for varietys
A security system to warn you when people enter your room 🎥
Get Out My Room v0.1 I hate people coming in my room when i'm not there. Get Out My Room is a simple security system that sends notifications with vid
BSDotPy, A module to get a bombsquad player's account data.
BSDotPy BSDotPy, A module to get a bombsquad player's account data from bombsquad's servers. Badges Provided By: shields.io Acknowledgements Issues Pu
A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python.
disfork A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. Key Features Modern Pythonic API using async a
Python functions for opentargets.org API
What is opy_Targets? Opentargets.org uses GraphQL API to explore it's content via coding. This ensemble of functions aim is to make it easy to use the
🤖 Automated follow/unfollow bot for GitHub. Uses GitHub API. Written in python.
GitHub Follow Bot Table of Contents Disclaimer How to Use Install requirements Authenticate Get a GitHub Personal Access Token Add your GitHub usernam
Apilytics for Python - Easy API analytics for Python backends
apilytics-python Installation Sign up and get your API key from https://apilytics.io - we offer a completely free trial with no credit card required!
official ( API ) for the zAmericanEnglish app in [ Google play ] and [ App store ]
official ( API ) for the zAmericanEnglish app in [ Google play ] and [ App store ]
A command line interface to interact with the Hypixel api allowing the user to get stats, leaderboards, etc
HyConsole is a way to get data on players and leaderboards from the Hypixel Minecraft server from the command line. Keep in mind I have no a
Gathers machine learning and Tensorflow deep learning models for NLP problems, 1.13 Tensorflow 2.0
NLP-Models-Tensorflow, Gathers machine learning and tensorflow deep learning models for NLP problems, code simplify inside Jupyter Notebooks 100%. Tab
A simple Blogging Backend app created with Fast API
This is a simple blogging app backend built with FastAPI. This project is created to simulate a real CRUD blogging system. It is built to be used by s
SpamSMS - SPAM SMS menggunakan api web INDIHOME
SPAM SMS Unlimited SPAM SMS menggunakan api web INDIHOME Cara Install Di Termux
Discord bot that shows valorant your daily store by using the Ingame API
Valorant store checker - Discord Bot Discord bot that shows valorant your daily store by using the Ingame API. written using Python and the Pycord lib
Moji sends text and fun facts from different APIs wit da use of a notification deamon
Moji sends text and fun facts from different APIs wit da use of a notification deamon. Can be runned via dmenu or rofi.
An easy way to access the Scratch API!
The majority of people are likely here because they want to easily access the Scratch API!
Hydro Quebec API wrapper.
HydroQC Hydro Quebec API wrapper. This is a package to access some functionalities of Hydro Quebec API that are not documented. Documentation https://
Python client for numerbay.ai - the Numerai community marketplace
NumerBay Python API Programmatic interaction with numerbay.ai - the Numerai community marketplace. If you encounter a problem or have suggestions, fee
An API-first distributed deployment system of deep learning models using timeseries data to analyze and predict systems behaviour
Gordo Building thousands of models with timeseries data to monitor systems. Table of content About Examples Install Uninstall Developer manual How to
Hierarchical Time Series Forecasting with a familiar API
scikit-hts Hierarchical Time Series with a familiar API. This is the result from not having found any good implementations of HTS on-line, and my work
Template repo for a GCP-hosted REST API with automatic API versioning and custom domain mapping
Python + Poetry REST API with FastAPI, hosted on GCP This template will get you ready to deploy a FastAPI app in Google Cloud with automatic API versi
Мои личные наработки по новому API Тинькофф. Не официально.
TinkoffNewAPI Мои личные наработки по новому API Тинькофф. Не официально. Официально по ссылке: https://github.com/Tinkoff/investAPI/ Выложено по прос
Python 3 SDK/Wrapper for Huobi Crypto Exchange Api
This packages intents to be an idiomatic PythonApi wrapper for https://www.huobi.com/ Huobi Api Doc: https://huobiapi.github.io/docs Showcase TODO Con
examify-io is an online examination system that offers automatic grading , exam statistics , proctoring and programming tests , multiple user roles
examify-io is an online examination system that offers automatic grading , exam statistics , proctoring and programming tests , multiple user roles ( Examiner , Supervisor , Student )
Asynchronous python aria2 mirror bot Telegram.
aioaria2-mirror-bot A Bot for Telegram made with Python using Pyrogram library. It needs Python 3.9 or newer to run. THIS BOT IS INTENDED TO BE USED O
CLI tool to build, test, debug, and deploy Serverless applications using AWS SAM
AWS SAM The AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) is an open-source framework for building serverless applications. It provides shorthand syntax to e
Low code web framework for real world applications, in Python and Javascript
Full-stack web application framework that uses Python and MariaDB on the server side and a tightly integrated client side library.
Bitcoin-chance-wheel - Try your luck at getting bitcoins
Program Features - ✍️ Why did we name this tool the Lucky Wheel? - ✍️ This tool
WhatsApp Api Python - This documentation aims to exemplify the use of Moorse Whatsapp API in Python
WhatsApp API Python ChatBot Este repositório contém uma aplicação que se utiliza
Storefront - A store App developed using Django, RESTFul API, JWT
Storefront A store App developed using Django, RESTFul API, JWT. SQLite has been
API for SpeechAnalytics integration with FreePBX/Asterisk
freepbx_speechanalytics_api API for SpeechAnalytics integration with FreePBX/Asterisk Скопировать файл settings.py.sample в settings.py и отредактиров
Gpt2-WebAPI - The objective of this API is to provide the 3 best possible responses to sentences that the user would input via http GET request as a parameter
This repository is a modification of: https://github.com/openai/gpt-2 for our sp
Popcorn-time-api - Python API for interacting with the Popcorn Time Servers
Popcorn Time API 📝 CONTRIBUTIONS Before doing any contribution read CONTRIBUTIN
Seamlessly Connecting Notion Database with Python Pandas DataFrame
notion-df: Seamlessly Connecting Notion Database with Pandas DataFrame Please Note: This project is currently in pre-alpha stage. The code are not app
A simple Python API wrapper for Cloudflare Stream's API.
python-cloudflare-stream A basic Python API wrapper for working with Cloudflare Stream. Arbington.com started off using Cloudflare Stream. We used the
A Telegram crawler to search groups and channels automatically and collect any type of data from them.
Introduction This is a crawler I wrote in Python using the APIs of Telethon months ago. This tool was not intended to be publicly available for a numb
NewpaperNews-API - Json data of the news with python
NewsAPI API Documentation BASE_URL = "https://saurav.tech/NewsAPI/" top_headline
Find graph motifs using intuitive notation
d o t m o t i f Find graph motifs using intuitive notation DotMotif is a library that identifies subgraphs or motifs in a large graph. It looks like t
Process incoming JSON-RPC requests in Python
August 16, 2021: Version 5 has been released. Read about the changes in version 5, or read the full documentation. Version 5 is for Python 3.8+ only.
Python Client for Algorithmia Algorithms and Data API
Algorithmia Common Library (python) Python client library for accessing the Algorithmia API For API documentation, see the PythonDocs Algorithm Develo
Python bindings for Podman's RESTful API
podman-py This python package is a library of bindings to use the RESTful API of Podman. It is currently under development and contributors are welcom
Python library for Spurwing API to schedule appointments, manage calendars and custom integrations.
Spurwing API Python Library Lightweight Python library for Spurwing's API. Spurwing's API makes it easy to add robust scheduling and booking to your a
An API wrapper around the pythonanywhere's API.
pyaww An API wrapper around the pythonanywhere's API. The name stands for pythonanywherewrapper. 100% API coverage Most of the codebase is documented
Wrapper for the undocumented CodinGame API. Can be used both synchronously and asynchronlously.
codingame API wrapper Pythonic wrapper for the undocumented CodinGame API. Installation Python 3.6 or higher is required. Install codingame with pip:
SOLSEA-NFT-EXPLORE - Using Streamlit to build a simple UI on top of the Solana API
SOLSEA NFT Explorer Using Streamlit to build a simple UI on top of the Solana AP
Shorten-Link - Make shorten URL with Cuttly API
Shorten-Link This Script make shorten URL with custom slashtag The script take f
WhatsApp API Python ChatBot
WhatsApp Api Python - Esta documentação tem como objetivo exemplificar o uso do Moorse Whatsapp API na linguagem Python.
A CLI/Shell supporting OpenRobot API and more!
A CLI/Shell supporting JeyyAPI, OpenRobot API and RePI API.
Stock trading bot made using the Robinhood API / Python library...
High-Low Stock trading bot made using the Robinhood API / Python library... Index Installation Use Development Notes Installation To Install and run t
Script hecho en python para sacar la informacion del numero de telefono, Hecha con el API de numverify
Script hecho en python para sacar la informacion del numero de telefono, Hecha con el API de numverify
This is a python api to scrape search results from a url.
googlescrape Installation Installation is simple! # Stable version pip install googlescrape Examples from googlescrape import client scrapeClient=cli
Crunchdao - Python API for the Crunchdao machine learning tournament
Python API for the Crunchdao machine learning tournament Interact with the Crunc
Pygitstats - a package that allows you to use the GitHub GraphQL API with ease in your Python programs
Pygitstats - a package that allows you to use the GitHub GraphQL API with ease in your Python programs
This tool is a free and unlimited python CLI for google translate. based on google_trans_new.
GoTransPy A free and unlimited python CLI for google translate based on google_trans_new. It's very easy to use and solve the problem that the old api
A Python bot that uses the Reddit API to send users inspiring messages.
AnonBot By Edric Antoine A Python bot that uses the Reddit API to send users inspiring messages. When a message includes 'What would Anon do?', the bo
WaifuGen - A program made in waifuGen that generates SFW and NSFW waifus from the waifu.pics API
waifuGen A program made in waifuGen that generates SFW and NSFW waifus from the
Firebase Admin Console is a centralized platform for easy viewing and maintenance of Firestore database, the back-end API is a Python Flask app.
Firebase Admin Console is a centralized platform for easy viewing and maintenance of Firestore database, the back-end API is a Python Flask app. A starting template for developers to customize, build, and even deploy the desired admin console for their DB.
🚀 An end-to-end ML applications using PyTorch, W&B, FastAPI, Docker, Streamlit and Heroku
🚀 An end-to-end ML applications using PyTorch, W&B, FastAPI, Docker, Streamlit and Heroku
Racers-API - a game where you have to go around racing with your car, earning money
Racers-API About Racers API is a game where you have to go around racing with yo
Histology images query (unsupervised)
110-1-NTU-DBME5028-Histology-images-query Final Project: Histology images query (unsupervised) Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/c/histology-images-query
pyDuinoCoin is a simple python integration for the DuinoCoin REST API, that allows developers to communicate with DuinoCoin Master Server
PyDuinoCoin PyDuinoCoin is a simple python integration for the DuinoCoin REST API, that allows developers to communicate with DuinoCoin Main Server. I
An Object Oriented Programming (OOP) interface for Ontology Web language (OWL) ontologies.
Enabling a developer to use Ontology Web Language (OWL) along with its reasoning capabilities in an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm, by pro
Pf-flask-rest-com - Flask REST API Common Implementation by Problem Fighter Library
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. PF-Flask-Rest-Com Docu
Data-Scrapping SEO - the project uses various data scrapping and Google autocompletes API tools to provide relevant points of different keywords so that search engines can be optimized
Data-Scrapping SEO - the project uses various data scrapping and Google autocompletes API tools to provide relevant points of different keywords so that search engines can be optimized; as this information is gathered, the marketing team can target the top keywords to get your company’s website higher on a results page.
CryptoApp - Python code to pull wallet balances from a variety of different chains through nothing other than your public key.
CryptoApp - Python code to pull wallet balances from a variety of different chains through nothing other than your public key.
Lumi-Bot - Discord bot that fetches cryptocurrency prices utilizing CoinGeko API
Lumi-Bot Discord bot that fetches and monitors cryptocurrency prices utilizing C
Using Streamlit to build a simple UI on top of the OpenSea API
OpenSea API Explorer Using Streamlit to build a simple UI on top of the OpenSea API. 🤝 Contributing Contributions, issues and feature requests are we
Boamp-extractor - Script d'extraction des AOs publiés au BOAMP
BOAMP Extractor BOAMP-Extractor permet d'extraire les offres de marchés publics publiées au bulletin officiel des annonces des marchés publics (BOAMP)
AmiEviL - This program uses the Virus Total API to determine if your suspicious file is malicious or not
AmiEviL - This program uses the Virus Total API to determine if your suspicious file is malicious or not. The program requests the hash of the file and outputs information (if any). This version will output: the file type, names seen in the wild, the number of security vendors that have flagged it as malicious, undetected, and unable to process the file.