8514 Repositories
Python weird-sort-and-compress Libraries
To Design and Implement Logistic Regression to Classify Between Benign and Malignant Cancer Types
To Design and Implement Logistic Regression to Classify Between Benign and Malignant Cancer Types, from a Database Taken From Dr. Wolberg reports his Clinic Cases.
Source code of paper: "HRegNet: A Hierarchical Network for Efficient and Accurate Outdoor LiDAR Point Cloud Registration".
HRegNet: A Hierarchical Network for Efficient and Accurate Outdoor LiDAR Point Cloud Registration Environments The code mainly requires the following
Double pendulum simulator using a symplectic Euler's method and Hamiltonian mechanics
Symplectic Double Pendulum Simulator Double pendulum simulator using a symplectic Euler's method. The program calculates the momentum and position of
Pcos-prediction - Predicts the likelihood of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome based on patient attributes and symptoms
PCOS Prediction 🥼 Predicts the likelihood of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome based on
In this project , I play with the YouTube data API and extract trending videos in Nigeria on a particular day
YouTubeTrendingVideosAnalysis In this project , I played with the YouTube data API and extracted trending videos in Nigeria on a particular day. This
A simple message content sniping Discord bot which you can run yourself! Sniping API pulled from isobot and Arch bot
Discord Snipe Bot This is a bot made with the same message content sniping API from isobot and Arch bot. It's default prefix is -, however you can als
MariaDB connector using python and flask
MariaDB connector using python and flask This should work with flask and to be deployed on docker. Setting up stuff 1. Docker build and run docker bui
Monitoring plugin to check disk io with Icinga, Nagios and other compatible monitoring solutions
check_disk_io - Monitor disk io This is a monitoring plugin for Icinga, Nagios and other compatible monitoring solutions to check the disk io. It uses
A curated list of awesome Amazon Web Services (AWS) libraries, open source repos, guides, blogs, and other resources.
A curated list of awesome Amazon Web Services (AWS) libraries, open source repos, guides, blogs, and other resources. Featuring the Fiery Meter of AWSome.
Customisable coding font with alternates, ligatures and contextual positioning
Guide Ligature Support Links Log License Guide Live Preview + Download larsenwork.com/monoid Install Quit your editor/program. Unzip and open the fold
Keras code and weights files for popular deep learning models.
Trained image classification models for Keras THIS REPOSITORY IS DEPRECATED. USE THE MODULE keras.applications INSTEAD. Pull requests will not be revi
AI and Machine Learning with Kubeflow, Amazon EKS, and SageMaker
Data Science on AWS - O'Reilly Book Get the book on Amazon.com Book Outline Quick Start Workshop (4-hours) In this quick start hands-on workshop, you
Practical tutorials and labs for TensorFlow used by Nvidia, FFN, CNN, RNN, Kaggle, AE
TensorFlow Tutorial - used by Nvidia Learn TensorFlow from scratch by examples and visualizations with interactive jupyter notebooks. Learn to compete
Scenarios, tutorials and demos for Autonomous Driving
The Autonomous Driving Cookbook (Preview) NOTE: This project is developed and being maintained by Project Road Runner at Microsoft Garage. This is cur
SpautiNoFay - A simple and beautiful music player created with Python
SpautiNoFay A simple and beautiful music player created with Python Why SpautiNo
Minutaria is a basic educational Python timer used to learn python and software testing libraries.
minutaria minutaria is a basic educational Python timer. The project is educational, it aims to teach myself programming, python programming, python's
An effective, simple, and async security library for the Sanic framework.
Sanic Security An effective, simple, and async security library for the Sanic framework. Table of Contents About the Project Getting Started Prerequis
Python package for handling and analyzing PSRFITS files
PyPulse A pure-Python package for handling and analyzing PSRFITS files. Read the documentation here. This is an alternate code base from PSRCHIVE. Req
pybotnet - A Python Library for building Botnet , Trojan or BackDoor for windows and linux with Telegram control panel
pybotnet A Python Library for building botnet , trojan or backdoor for windows and linux with Telegram control panel Disclaimer: Please note that this
Advanced raster and geometry manipulations
buzzard In a nutshell, the buzzard library provides powerful abstractions to manipulate together images and geometries that come from different kind o
Download and process GOES-16 and GOES-17 data from NOAA's archive on AWS using Python.
Download and display GOES-East and GOES-West data GOES-East and GOES-West satellite data are made available on Amazon Web Services through NOAA's Big
Implements a polyglot REPL which supports multiple languages and shared meta-object protocol scope between REPLs.
MetaCall Polyglot REPL Description This repository implements a Polyglot REPL which shares the state of the meta-object protocol between the REPLs. Us
An interactive and multi-function Telegram bot, made especially for Telegram groups.
PyKorone An interaction and fun bot for Telegram groups, having some useful and other useless commands. Created as an experiment and learning bot but
Bug Alert: a service for alerting security and IT professionals of high-impact and 0day vulnerabilities
Bug Alert Bug Alert is a service for alerting security and IT professionals of h
Quickly, simply, and asynchronously download NFT's from an Opensea collection
iRightClick Quickly, simply, and asynchronously download NFT's from an Opensea collection. NOTICE This tool is not developed to encourage or facilitat
Mina - A Telegram Music Bot 5 mandatory Assistant written in Python using Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls
Mina - A Telegram Music Bot 5 mandatory Assistant written in Python using Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls
The GUI application by Python3.8. Using QT Design draw UI and generator UI XML file provides to PySide2 build GUI components
The GUI application by Python3.8. Using QT Design draw UI and generator UI XML file provides to PySide2 build GUI components. Total adopt OOD design class, service, and abstract class. OOP implemented this project.
Lock a program and kills it indefinitely if it is started.
Kill By Lock Lock a program and kills it indefinitely if it is started. How start it? It' simple, you just have to double-click on the python file (.p
A Python library to create and validate authentication tokens
handshake A Python library to create and validate authentication tokens. handshake is used to generate and validate arbitrary authentication tokens th
My usage of Real-ESRGAN to upscale anime, some test and results in the test_img folder
anime upscaler My usage of Real-ESRGAN to upscale anime, I hope to use this on a proper GPU cuz doing this on CPU is completely shit 😂 , I even tried
To design and implement the Identification of Iris Flower species using machine learning using Python and the tool Scikit-Learn.
To design and implement the Identification of Iris Flower species using machine learning using Python and the tool Scikit-Learn.
The RAP community of practice includes all analysts and data scientists who are interested in adopting the working practices included in reproducible analytical pipelines (RAP) at NHS Digital.
The RAP community of practice includes all analysts and data scientists who are interested in adopting the working practices included in reproducible analytical pipelines (RAP) at NHS Digital.
A simple program to recolour simple png icon-like pictures with just one colour + transparent or white background. Resulting images all have transparent background and a new colour.
A simple program to recolour simple png icon-like pictures with just one colour + transparent or white background. Resulting images all have transparent background and a new colour.
Python 3.9.4 Graphics and Compute Shader Framework and Primitives with no external module dependencies
pyshader Python 3.9.4 Graphics and Compute Shader Framework and Primitives with no external module dependencies Fully programmable shader model (even
Python implementation of MULTIseq barcode alignment using fuzzy string matching and GMM barcode assignment
Python implementation of MULTIseq barcode alignment using fuzzy string matching and GMM barcode assignment.
Monitoring plugin to check network interfaces with Icinga, Nagios and other compatible monitoring solutions
check_network_interface - Monitor network interfaces This is a monitoring plugin for Icinga, Nagios and other compatible monitoring solutions to check
KivyPassword - A password generator using both Kivy framework and SQL in order to create a local database for users to generate strong passwords and store them
KivyPassword A password generator using both Kivy framework and SQL in order t
Contains analysis of trends from Fitbit Dataset (source: Kaggle) to see how the trends can be applied to Bellabeat customers and Bellabeat products
Contains analysis of trends from Fitbit Dataset (source: Kaggle) to see how the trends can be applied to Bellabeat customers and Bellabeat products.
I-Spy is a discord and twitter bot 🤖 that keeps a check on usage foul language, hate-speech and NSFW contents
I-Spy is a discord and twitter bot 🤖 that keeps a check on usage foul language, hate-speech and NSFW contents. It is the one stop solution to monitor your discord servers and twitter handles against community demons by offering content moderation.
A Transformer Implementation that is easy to understand and customizable.
Simple Transformer I've written a series of articles on the transformer architecture and language models on Medium. This repository contains an implem
Udacity - Data Analyst Nanodegree - Project 4 - Wrangle and Analyze Data
WeRateDogs Twitter Data from 2015 to 2017 Udacity - Data Analyst Nanodegree - Project 4 - Wrangle and Analyze Data Table of Contents Introduction Proj
Addition of pseudotorsion caclulation eta, theta, eta', and theta' to barnaba package
Addition to Original Barnaba Code: This is modified version of Barnaba package to calculate RNA pseudotorsion angles eta, theta, eta', and theta'. Ple
Lab course materials for IEMBA 8/9 course "Coding and Artificial Intelligence"
IEMBA 8/9 - Coding and Artificial Intelligence Dear IEMBA 8/9 students, welcome to our IEMBA 8/9 elective course Coding and Artificial Intelligence, t
A task scheduler with task scheduling, timing and task completion time tracking functions
A task scheduler with task scheduling, timing and task completion time tracking functions. Could be helpful for time management in daily life.
Unofficial PyTorch reimplementation of the paper Swin Transformer V2: Scaling Up Capacity and Resolution
PyTorch reimplementation of the paper Swin Transformer V2: Scaling Up Capacity and Resolution [arXiv 2021].
Security-TXT is a python package for retrieving, parsing and manipulating security.txt files.
Security-TXT is a python package for retrieving, parsing and manipulating security.txt files.
A project to work with databases in 4 worksheets, insert, update, select, delete using Python and MySqI
A project to work with databases in 4 worksheets, insert, update, select, delete using Python and MySqI As a small project for school or college hope it is useful
Impelmentation for paper Feature Generation and Hypothesis Verification for Reliable Face Anti-Spoofing
FGHV Impelmentation for paper Feature Generation and Hypothesis Verification for Reliable Face Anti-Spoofing Requirements Python 3.6 Pytorch 1.5.0 Cud
Code corresponding to The Introspective Agent: Interdependence of Strategy, Physiology, and Sensing for Embodied Agents
The Introspective Agent: Interdependence of Strategy, Physiology, and Sensing for Embodied Agents This is the code corresponding to The Introspective
Using knowledge-informed machine learning on the PRONOSTIA (FEMTO) and IMS bearing data sets. Predict remaining-useful-life (RUL).
Knowledge Informed Machine Learning using a Weibull-based Loss Function Exploring the concept of knowledge-informed machine learning with the use of a
CHERRY is a python library for predicting the interactions between viral and prokaryotic genomes
CHERRY is a python library for predicting the interactions between viral and prokaryotic genomes. CHERRY is based on a deep learning model, which consists of a graph convolutional encoder and a link prediction decoder.
Pytorch implementation of local motion and contrast prior driven deep network (MoCoPnet)
MoCoPnet: Exploring Local Motion and Contrast Priors for Infrared Small Target Super-Resolution Pytorch implementation of local motion and contrast pr
Code examples and benchmarks from the paper "Understanding Entropy Coding With Asymmetric Numeral Systems (ANS): a Statistician's Perspective"
Code For the Paper "Understanding Entropy Coding With Asymmetric Numeral Systems (ANS): a Statistician's Perspective" Author: Robert Bamler Date: 22 D
Tackling the Class Imbalance Problem of Deep Learning Based Head and Neck Organ Segmentation
Info This is the code repository of the work Tackling the Class Imbalance Problem of Deep Learning Based Head and Neck Organ Segmentation from Elias T
Reference models and tools for Cloud TPUs.
Cloud TPUs This repository is a collection of reference models and tools used with Cloud TPUs. The fastest way to get started training a model on a Cl
This is the source code for generating the ASL-Skeleton3D and ASL-Phono datasets. Check out the README.md for more details.
ASL-Skeleton3D and ASL-Phono Datasets Generator The ASL-Skeleton3D contains a representation based on mapping into the three-dimensional space the coo
Logistic Bandit experiments. Official code for the paper "Jointly Efficient and Optimal Algorithms for Logistic Bandits".
Code for the paper Jointly Efficient and Optimal Algorithms for Logistic Bandits, by Louis Faury, Marc Abeille, Clément Calauzènes and Kwang-Sun Jun.
This package implements the algorithms introduced in Smucler, Sapienza, and Rotnitzky (2020) to compute optimal adjustment sets in causal graphical models.
optimaladj: A library for computing optimal adjustment sets in causal graphical models This package implements the algorithms introduced in Smucler, S
social humanoid robots with GPGPU and IoT
Social humanoid robots with GPGPU and IoT Social humanoid robots with GPGPU and IoT Paper Authors Mohsen Jafarzadeh, Stephen Brooks, Shimeng Yu, Balak
BERN2: an advanced neural biomedical namedentity recognition and normalization tool
BERN2 We present BERN2 (Advanced Biomedical Entity Recognition and Normalization), a tool that improves the previous neural network-based NER tool by
R-package accompanying the paper "Dynamic Factor Model for Functional Time Series: Identification, Estimation, and Prediction"
dffm The goal of dffm is to provide functionality to apply the methods developed in the paper “Dynamic Factor Model for Functional Time Series: Identi
Easy and Efficient Object Detector
EOD Easy and Efficient Object Detector EOD (Easy and Efficient Object Detection) is a general object detection model production framework. It aim on p
Source code for the plant extraction workflow introduced in the paper “Agricultural Plant Cataloging and Establishment of a Data Framework from UAV-based Crop Images by Computer Vision”
Plant extraction workflow Source code for the plant extraction workflow introduced in the paper "Agricultural Plant Cataloging and Establishment of a
Active Transport Analytics Model: A new strategic transport modelling and data visualization framework
{ATAM} Active Transport Analytics Model Active Transport Analytics Model (“ATAM”
Birthday program - A program that lookups a birthday txt file and compares to the current date to check for birthdays
Birthday Program This is a program that lookups a birthday txt file and compares
Disctopia-c2 - Windows Backdoor that is controlled through Discord
Disctopia Disctopia Command and Control What is Disctopia? Disctopia is an open
Video lie detector using xgboost - A video lie detector using OpenFace and xgboost
video_lie_detector_using_xgboost a video lie detector using OpenFace and xgboost
YT-Spammer-Purge - Allows you easily scan for and delete scam comments using several methods
YouTube Spammer Purge What Is This? - Allows you to filter and search for spamme
In this repo, I will put all the code related to data science using python libraries like Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn and many more.
Python-for-DS In this repo, I will put all the code related to data science using python libraries like Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn and many mo
Discovering local read-level DNA methylation patterns and DNA methylation heterogeneity in intermediately methylated regions
Discovering local read-level DNA methylation patterns and DNA methylation heterogeneity in intermediately methylated regions
That project takes as input special TXT File, divides its content into lsit of HTML objects and then creates HTML file from them.
That project takes as input special TXT File, divides its content into lsit of HTML objects and then creates HTML file from them.
Two predictive attributes (Speed and Angle) and one attribute target (Power)
Two predictive attributes (Speed and Angle) and one attribute target (Power). A container crane has the function of transporting containers from one point to another point. The difficulty of this task lies in the fact that the container is connected to the bridge crane by cables causing an opening angle while the container is being transported, interfering with the operation at high speeds due to oscillation that occurs at the end point, which could cause accidents.
Active Transport Analytics Model (ATAM) is a new strategic transport modelling and data visualization framework for Active Transport as well as emerging micro-mobility modes
{ATAM} Active Transport Analytics Model Active Transport Analytics Model (“ATAM”) is a new strategic transport modelling and data visualization framew
A sprite ripper and converter for Com2uS' 2007 game Music World.
Music World Sprite Dumper This repository contains a python script reads an UNCOMPRESSED Music World pxo file and attempts to dump sprites from it. Th
A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python.
disfork A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. Key Features Modern Pythonic API using async a
A concurrent sync tool which works with multiple sources and targets.
Concurrent Sync A concurrent sync tool which works similar to rsync. It supports syncing given sources with multiple targets concurrently. Requirement
A wrapper around ffmpeg to make it work in a concurrent and memory-buffered fashion.
Media Fixer Have you ever had a film or TV show that your TV wasn't able to play its audio? Well this program is for you. Media Fixer is a program whi
A tool for fixing inconsistent timestamp metadata (atime, ctime, and mtime).
Mtime Fixer Mtime Fixer is a tool for fixing inconsistent timestamp metadata (atime, ctime, and mtime). Sometimes timestamp metadata of folders are in
Validate arbitrary image uploads from incoming data urls while preserving file integrity but removing EXIF and unwanted artifacts and RCE exploit potential
Validate arbitrary base64-encoded image uploads as incoming data urls while preserving image integrity but removing EXIF and unwanted artifacts and mitigating RCE-exploit potential.
All in One CRACKER911181's Tool. This Tool For Hacking and Pentesting.🎭
This is A Python & Bash Programming Based Termux-Tool Created By CRACKER911181. This Tool Created For Hacking and Pentesting. If You Use This Tool To Evil Purpose,The Owner Will Never be Responsible For That.
A simple python script and it's used for mp4 type video downloading from youtube.
This is a simple python script and it's used for mp4 type video downloading from youtube. also, it's used inbuilt python module pytube. Furthermore, I know we have so many apps and online websites to do the same thing so it's just an experiment to study how to do those things in python.
This is a simple website crawler which asks for a website link from the user to crawl and find specific data from the given website address.
This is a simple website crawler which asks for a website link from the user to crawl and find specific data from the given website address.
Deep learning with TensorFlow and earth observation data.
Deep Learning with TensorFlow and EO Data Complete file set for Jupyter Book Autor: Development Seed Date: 04 October 2021 ISBN: (to come) Notebook tu
A Python package that can be used to download post and comment data from Reddit.
Reddit Data Collector Reddit Data Collector is a Python package that allows a user to collect post and comment data from Reddit. It is built on top of
Predicting future trajectories of people in cameras of novel scenarios and views.
Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Predicting future trajectories of pedestrians in cameras of novel scenarios and views. This repository contains the c
WebApp Maker make web apps (Duh). It is open source and make with python and shell.
WebApp Maker make web apps (Duh). It is open source and make with python and shell. This app can take any website and turn it into an app. I highly recommend turning these few websites into webapps: - Krunker.io (Fps Game) - play.fancade.com (Minigame Arcade) - Your Own Website If You Have One Apart from that enjoy my app By 220735540 (a.k.a RP400)
Collection of tools to be more productive in your work environment and to avoid certain repetitive tasks. 💛💙💚
Collection of tools to be more productive in your work environment and to avoid certain repetitive tasks. 💛💙💚
official ( API ) for the zAmericanEnglish app in [ Google play ] and [ App store ]
official ( API ) for the zAmericanEnglish app in [ Google play ] and [ App store ]
A Python script to parse Fortinet products serial numbers, and detect the associated model and version.
ParseFortinetSerialNumber A Python script to parse Fortinet products serial numbers, and detect the associated model and version. Example $ ./ParseFor
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, NUS CS4243, 2022
CS4243_2022 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, NUS CS4243, 2022 Cloud Machine #1 : Google Colab (Free GPU) Follow this Notebook installation : h
Machine learning and Deep learning models, deploy on telegram (the best social media)
Semi Intelligent BOT The project involves : Classifying fake news Classifying objects such as aeroplane, automobile, bird, cat, deer, dog, frog, horse
Script and models for clustering LAION-400m CLIP embeddings.
clustering-laion400m Script and models for clustering LAION-400m CLIP embeddings. Models were fit on the first million or so image embeddings. A subje
A python script to pull the transactions of an Algorand wallet and put them into a CSV file.
AlgoCSV A python script to pull the transactions of an Algorand wallet and put them into a CSV file. Dependancies: Requests Main features: Groups: Com
PyQt5 simple files , youtube videos and youtube playlist downloader
PyQt5 simple files , youtube videos and youtube playlist downloader
Exploiting CVE-2021-44228 in VMWare Horizon for remote code execution and more.
Log4jHorizon Exploiting CVE-2021-44228 in VMWare Horizon for remote code execution and more. BLOG COMING SOON Code and README.md this time around are
FBChecker Account using python , package requests and web old facebook
fbcek FBChecker Account using python , package requests and web old facebook using python 3.x apt upgrade -y apt update -y pkg install bash -y pkg ins
A vanilla 3D face modeling on pose-invariant and multi-lightning image data
3D-Face-Modeling A vanilla 3D face modeling on pose-invariant and multi-lightning image data Table of Contents Background Install Usage Contributing B
Text classification on IMDB dataset using Keras and Bi-LSTM network
Text classification on IMDB dataset using Keras and Bi-LSTM Text classification on IMDB dataset using Keras and Bi-LSTM network. Usage python3 main.py
A python command line tool to calculate options max pain for a given company symbol and options expiry date.
Options-Max-Pain-Calculator A python command line tool to calculate options max pain for a given company symbol and options expiry date. Overview - Ma
An executor that wraps 3D mesh models and encodes 3D content documents to d-dimension vector.
3D Mesh Encoder An Executor that receives Documents containing point sets data in its blob attribute, with shape (N, 3) and encodes it to embeddings o