CenterFace(size of 7.3MB) is a practical anchor-free face detection and alignment method for edge devices.




CenterFace(size of 7.3MB) is a practical anchor-free face detection and alignment method for edge devices.


Recent Update

  • 2019.09.13 CenterFace is released.


  • OpenCV 4.1.0
  • Numpy
  • Python3.6+


  • Results on val set of WIDER FACE:
Model Version Easy Set Medium Set Hard Set
FaceBoxes 0.840 0.766 0.395
FaceBoxes3.2× 0.798 0.802 0.715
RetinaFace-mnet 0.896 0.871 0.681
LFFD-v1 0.910 0.881 0.780
LFFD-v2 0.837 0.835 0.729
CenterFace 0.935 0.924 0.875
CenterFace-small 0.931 0.924 0.870
  • Results on test set of WIDER FACE:
Model Version Easy Set Medium Set Hard Set
FaceBoxes 0.839 0.763 0.396
FaceBoxes3.2× 0.791 0.794 0.715
RetinaFace-mnet 0.896 0.871 0.681
LFFD-v1 0.910 0.881 0.780
LFFD-v2 0.837 0.835 0.729
CenterFace 0.932 0.921 0.873
  • RetinaFace-mnet is short for RetinaFace-MobileNet-0.25 from excellent work insightface.
  • LFFD-v1 is from prefect work LFFD.
  • CenterFace/CenterFace-small evaluation is under MULTI-SCALE, FLIP.
  • For SIO(Single Inference on the Original) evaluation schema, CenterFace also produces 92.2% (Easy), 91.1% (Medium) and 78.2% (Hard) for validation set.
  • Results on FDDB:
Model Version Disc ROC curves score
RetinaFace-mnet 96.0@1000
LFFD-v1 97.3@1000
LFFD-v2 97.2@1000
CenterFace 97.9@1000
CenterFace-small 98.1@1000

Inference Latency

  • Latency on NVIDIA RTX 2080TI:
Resolution-> 640×480 1280×720(704) 1920×1080(1056)
RetinaFace-mnet 5.40ms 6.31ms 10.26ms
LFFD-v1 7.24ms 14.58ms 28.36ms
CenterFace 5.5ms 6.4ms 8.7ms
CenterFace-small 4.4ms 5.7ms 7.3ms

Results: Face as Point





Welcome to join in QQ Group(229042802) for more discussion, including but not limited to face detection, face anti-spoofing and so on.



If you benefit from our work in your research and product, please consider to cite the following related papers:

title={CenterFace: Joint Face Detection and Alignment Using Face as Point},
author={Xu, Yuanyuan and Yan, Wan and Sun, Haixin and Yang, Genke and Luo, Jiliang},
  • The Tensorrt inference does not release memory after execution

    The Tensorrt inference does not release memory after execution

    When using tensorrt model for video, it keeps eating more and more GPU memory until causing OOM.

    [TensorRT] ERROR: ../rtSafe/safeRuntime.cpp (25) - Cuda Error in allocate: 2 (out of memory)
    [TensorRT] ERROR: FAILED_ALLOCATION: std::exception
    opened by xxxpsyduck 10
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    Bad Accuracy..Real world accuracy is half

    I have tested this model on my own 5000 images and the accuracy seems to be half of the claimed.

    5 faces detected in the following is a disaster.

    opened by dexception 5
  • prj-tensorrt reshape issue

    prj-tensorrt reshape issue

    Hi, I am using this repo's code together with the zhihu tutorial provided here. Thank you for opensource the code in the first hand and I have some problem. Because I am using tensorrt, I use the given onnx model to regenerate the trt file. However, when I run the code provided in the prj-tensorrt folder, I get the following error ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 4177920 into shape (1,1,120,160) This error remains there after I change the onnx model to onnx_1920_1080 follow the code from the zhihu tutorial, only the size change from some other value to this 4177920. do you have any suggestion on how to solve this reshape value error? Thanks in advance.

    opened by Harryqu123 4
  • Error when using different image sizes after loading model!

    Error when using different image sizes after loading model!

    Hello, I am facing an issue of getting wrong result when using your file in this folder "prj-python". Firstly, I load the model. After that, I check the results with different image sizes in a folder. The first image is ok, but then I only get very bad results with other images that have different sizes with the first one. Please help me with this problem. Thank you

    opened by KhanhDinhDuy 3
  • Pycuda error during Tensorrt inference

    Pycuda error during Tensorrt inference

    I converted onnx model into trt file on jetson nano using tensorrt 5, cuda 10, python 3.6... But I'm getting the error related to pycuda. Traceback is: File "", line 30, in test_image_tensorrt() File "", line 13, in test_image_tensorrt dets, lms = centerface(frame, h, w, threshold=0.35) File "/ML/CenterFace/prj-tensorrt/", line 21, in call return self.inference_tensorrt(img, threshold) File "/ML/CenterFace/prj-tensorrt/", line 91, in inference_tensorrt trt_outputs = do_inference(context, bindings=bindings, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, stream=stream) # numpy data File "/ML/CenterFace/prj-tensorrt/", line 60, in do_inference [cuda.memcpy_htod_async(inp.device,, stream) for inp in inputs] File "/ML/CenterFace/prj-tensorrt/", line 60, in [cuda.memcpy_htod_async(inp.device,, stream) for inp in inputs] pycuda._driver.LogicError: cuMemcpyHtoDAsync failed: invalid argument

    opened by PankajJ08 3
  • About MAP

    About MAP

    Hi, I make a test on WIDERFACE val dataset,the input size of centerface network is 1920x1088(width x height), So the map result is:

    Easy Val AP: 0.8841115597905682 Medium Val AP: 0.8755813460085787 Hard Val AP: 0.7423266548239988

    Please, What is the network input size of the author ? and how to test for the same results as the author ?


    opened by oyrq 3
  • The key points are not calculated as described in the paper?

    The key points are not calculated as described in the paper?

    why the key points are not calculated as described in the paper?

    the regression of the five facial landmarks adopts the target normalization method based on the center position however the code is based on the left-top point. facebox.landmarks[2*j] = x1 + lm[(2*j+1)*spacial_size+index] * s1

    opened by chenjun2hao 3
  • the tensorrt version and devices

    the tensorrt version and devices

    I can't run tensorrt demo, python: engine.cpp:1104: bool nvinfer1::rt::Engine::deserialize(const void*, std::size_t, nvinfer1::IGpuAllocator&, nvinfer1::IPluginFactory*): Assertion `size >= bsize && "Mismatch between allocated memory size and expected size of serialized engine."' failed.

    would you tell me the tensorrt version and devices?

    opened by Samonsix 2
  • About whether use BatchNorm in network head

    About whether use BatchNorm in network head

    Hi, in your published ncnn model, its network head below: 02-2 it doesn't use Batchnorm after 3x3 conv.

    but in onnx model, its network head below: 02-3 it uses Batchnorm after 3x3 conv.

    So whether to use BN after 3x3 conv?

    opened by ujsyehao 2
  • the train image size

    the train image size

    I'm trying to reproduce the results of the paper, and this is result I have now.

    Easy   Val AP: 0.9136305801084846
    Medium Val AP: 0.9004443217585435
    Hard   Val AP: 0.7486346101347016

    i test the val dataset with 800*800,but can not reach the accuracy in papers.Do you follow the training details in the paper。 thanks.

    opened by chenjun2hao 2
  • Failed to execute prj-opencv-cpp

    Failed to execute prj-opencv-cpp

    When excute ./demo ../../models/onnx your_image_path will return terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): OpenCV(4.1.1) ../modules/dnn/src/onnx/onnx_importer.cpp:57: error: (-210:Unsupported format or combination of formats) Failed to parse onnx model in function 'ONNXImporter' Do you know how to solve it? Thanks!

    opened by ruoyuryc 2
  • Video predictive acceleration

    Video predictive acceleration

    Hello, I need help. When I was using the PRJ-Python demo for video prediction, I found that the video played very slowly. How can I speed it up? How can I use the GPU to speed up the prediction? for example: cpu times = 0:00:00.607373 cpu times = 0:00:00.600722 cpu times = 0:00:00.605358 cpu times = 0:00:00.595381 cpu times = 0:00:00.600362 cpu times = 0:00:00.597402 cpu times = 0:00:00.600776 cpu times = 0:00:00.613360 cpu times = 0:00:00.604355 cpu times = 0:00:00.617489 cpu times = 0:00:00.601388 cpu times = 0:00:00.602388

    opened by zuihu 0
  • how to find model_path in cpp version

    how to find model_path in cpp version

    """ int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    std::string model_path = argv[1];
    std::string image_file = argv[2];

    """ how can i find the model_path and image_file in CPP demo.cpp

    opened by likecu 0
  • CMake error: include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/cpp)d

    CMake error: include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/cpp)d

    CMake Error at C:Repos\CenterFace\prj-opencv-cpp\CMakeLists.txt:15: Parse error. Expected a newline, got identifier with text "d". demo C:\Repos\CenterFace\prj-opencv-cpp\CMakeLists.txt 15

    code: include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/cpp)d

    opened by likecu 0
  • Update


    you will find the following errors that the gpu‘s’ memory would be exhausted if you run the code in a loop so i try amend the code to make sure the program is normal


    opened by sxj731533730 0
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