GitHubPoster - Make everything a GitHub svg poster



Make everything a GitHub svg poster




git clone


pip3 install -r requirements.txt


  • 不同类型按下方指定的使用方式
  • 可以指定年份如 --year 2021, (default) 或年份区间 2012-2021
  • 生成的 svg 在 OUT_FOLDER 内, 用 type 命名(暂时)
  • 默认自动生成不同颜色需要的 number(特殊颜色), 也可以指定如: --special-number1 10 -- special_number2 20
  • 也可以指定颜色: --special-color1 pink --special-color2 '#33C6A4'
  • 其它参数可以见


Make your GPX GitHub poster

把其它软件生成的(like running_page) gpx files 拷贝到 GPX_FOLDER 之后运行,或指定文件夹如我的文件夹是 ~/blog/GPX_OUT/

python3 --type gpx --gpx-dir ~/blog/GPX_OUT/ --year 2013-2021


Make your strava GitHub poster
  1. 注册/登陆 Strava 账号

  2. 登陆成功后打开 Strava Developers -> Create & Manage Your App

  3. 创建 My API Application
    输入下列信息: My API Application 创建成功:

  4. 使用以下链接请求所有权限
    将 ${your_id} 替换为 My API Application 中的 Client ID 后访问完整链接${your_id}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http://localhost/exchange_token&approval_prompt=force&scope=read_all,profile:read_all,activity:read_all,profile:write,activity:write

get_all_permissions 5. 提取授权后返回链接中的 code 值


code 数值为:


get_code 6. 使用 Client_id、Client_secret、Code 请求 refresch_token
终端/iTerm 中执行:

curl -X POST \
-F client_id=${Your Client ID} \
-F client_secret=${Your Client Secret} \
-F code=${Your Code} \
-F grant_type=authorization_code


curl -X POST \
-F client_id=12345 \
-F client_secret=b21******d0bfb377998ed1ac3b0 \
-F code=d09******b58abface48003 \
-F grant_type=authorization_code


  1. 同步数据至 Strava
python3 --type strava --strava_client_id  ${client_id} --strava_client_secret ${client_secret} --strava_refresh_token ${client_secret} --year 2012-2021}


Make your Nintendo Switch GitHub poster

需要下载 家长控制那个 APP(Nintendo Switch Parent Controls) 进行抓包(可以使用 mitmproxy 等抓包软件)

python3 --type ns --ns_session_token ${session_token} --ns_device_id ${device_id} --year 2020-2021


Make your 开心词场 GitHub poster


python3 --type cichang --cichang_user_name ${user_name} --cichang_password ${pass_word} --year 2016-2021 --special-color1 blue --special-color2 pink --me yihong0618


Make your 多邻国(duolingo) GitHub poster

需要找到你的多邻国 id, 从网页抓 xhr 就可以获得如下图 image

python3 --type duolingo --duolingo_user_name ${user_id} --year 2015-2021


Make your 扇贝(shanbay) GitHub poster

需要找到你的扇贝 user_id, 从网页抓 xhr 就可以获得如下图 image

python3 --type shanbay --shanbay_user_name ${user_name} --year 2012-2021 --special-color1 '#33C6A4' --special-color2 '#33C6A4'


Make your Issue GitHub poster

可以参考我的 issue

python3 --type issue --github_issue_number ${issue_number} --github_repo_name ${repo_name} --github_token ${github_token}


  • 任何 Issues PR 均欢迎。
  • 可以提交新的 loader


  • 使用 black 对 Python 代码进行格式化。


  • twitter
  • gitlab
  • GitHub
  • LeetCode
  • GitHub from issues
  • Steam
  • PS
  • Podcast
  • 如何写 loader 的 doc
  • pypi
  • GitHub Actions
  • English README

GitHub Actions

  1. fork or clone this repo
  2. 更改需要的 secrets
  3. 更改需要的 type, 多个 type 用逗号分隔

image image




  • generating duolingo poster failed

    generating duolingo poster failed

    I met this error when generating poster for duolingo


    File "/home/<user>/GitHubPoster/loader/", line 29, in <listcomp>
    month_list = [m for m in month_list if m <]  
    ValueError: Posix spec does not match last transition     

    I think we need to check if the timezone matches?

    opened by dexhunter 27
  • [py38 + mac] OSError: cannot open resource 😭

    [py38 + mac] OSError: cannot open resource 😭

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/xxxxxxxxx/opt/miniconda3/envs/py38/bin/github_poster", line 8, in <module>
      File "/Users/xxxxxxxxx/opt/miniconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/github_poster/", line 118, in main
      File "/Users/xxxxxxxxx/opt/miniconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/github_poster/skyline/", line 115, in make_skyline
        skyline_info_card = self._make_skyline_card(text_info)
      File "/Users/xxxxxxxxx/opt/miniconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/github_poster/skyline/", line 76, in _make_skyline_card
        w, h = measure_text(FONT, TEXT)
      File "/Users/xxxxxxxxx/opt/miniconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sdf/", line 19, in measure_text
        font = ImageFont.truetype(name, 96)
      File "/Users/xxxxxxxxx/opt/miniconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/PIL/", line 855, in truetype
        return freetype(font)
      File "/Users/xxxxxxxxx/opt/miniconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/PIL/", line 852, in freetype
        return FreeTypeFont(font, size, index, encoding, layout_engine)
      File "/Users/xxxxxxxxx/opt/miniconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/PIL/", line 211, in __init__
        self.font = core.getfont(
    OSError: cannot open resource
    opened by RRRoger 9
  • Add feature: WakaTime

    Add feature: WakaTime

    Hi, there.

    I just add the WakaTime feature for this repo.

    Here is a example:


    I'm not so familiar with this project honestly speaking.

    So i just use the second to calculate the counts, maybe your can change it later.

    Here a typical json item is json result:

          "categories": [],
          "dependencies": [],
          "editors": [],
          "grand_total": {
            "digital": "0:00",
            "hours": 0,
            "minutes": 0,
            "text": "0 secs",
            "total_seconds": 0
          "languages": [],
          "machines": [],
          "operating_systems": [],
          "projects": [],
          "range": {
            "date": "2020-01-01",
            "end": "2020-01-01T15:59:59Z",
            "start": "2019-12-31T16:00:00Z",
            "text": "Wed Jan 1st 2020",
            "timezone": "Asia/Shanghai"

    I use item["range"]["date"] for date, and item["grand_total"]["total_seconds"] for value.

    opened by JasonkayZK 7
  • Lazy importing each loaders's dependencies

    Lazy importing each loaders's dependencies

    随着支持的 loader 越来越多,每个 loader 可能会有自己的依赖,导致整个项目的依赖越来越多,但是很多用户实际上并不会用到所有的 loader,导致了一些不必要的依赖安装。

    这个 PR 在不做大的重构的条件下,

    1. 将各个 loader 的依赖放到了独立的 extras_require 中,比如想使用 twitter loader,就需要 pip install github_poster[twitter]。默认情况下也提供了 github_poster[all] 来简化一些小白用户的使用。
    2. 将 loader 的依赖 import 延迟到了真正要使用的时候。为需要额外加载依赖的 loader 提供了 try_import_deps 方法,在使用真正的功能前尝试加载它的依赖,如果 import 失败,抛出异常,提示用户需要安装额外的依赖。
    opened by j178 6
  • make jikeloader can specify statistics type

    make jikeloader can specify statistics type

    Option argument count_type, you can specify statistics type:

    • record: post num (default)
    • like: post be liked num
    • share: post be share num
    • comment: post be comment num
    • repost: post be repost num
    opened by umm233 5
  • [feature] Generate Wakatime poster?

    [feature] Generate Wakatime poster?

    Greatest poster generator ever!

    WakaTime is a widget that can be embedded into lots of IDEs to track coding time.

    Here is a report page demo:

    WakaTime report

    And the corresponding API Doc:

    So i'm wondering if there is any chances generating the WakaTime's poster?

    Thanks a lot!

    opened by JasonkayZK 5
  • win10 python3

    win10 python3

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "F:\github\GitHubPoster\", line 11, in from loader import ( File "F:\github\GitHubPoster\", line 5, in from .github_loader import GitHubLoader File "F:\github\GitHubPoster\loader\", line 1, in from parser import GitHubParser ImportError: cannot import name 'GitHubParser' from 'parser' (unknown location)

    opened by netoearth 5
  • Add script to convert Twitter Archive to JSON data source

    Add script to convert Twitter Archive to JSON data source

    Currently GitHubPoster only supports scraping Twitter data directly from This process is time-consuming and error-prone due to, for instance, network limits.

    If one has a lot of tweets that span a long range of time, it makes more sense to download a Twitter Archive and use that as the data source.

    This PR adds a simple script that converts the Twitter Archive into a simple JSON file that can be fed into GitHubPoster's JSON loader.

    opened by wzyboy 4
  • Add Dockerfile

    Add Dockerfile



    docker build -t github_poster .


    docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/OUT_FOLDER:/app/OUT_FOLDER github_poster duolingo --duolingo_user_name xxxxx --duolingo_password yyyyy --me whoami

    The arguments after image_name (here is github_poster) will pass to python scripts directly.

    opened by deanwong 3
  • feat: add notion loader

    feat: add notion loader

    Add Notion Loader.

    Use your Notion as a CMS, get data from Notion database to generate poster.

    • notion_token: The Notion internal integration token, see here for more detail.
    • database_id: The Notion database id, you can learn from Where can I find my database's ID?
    • prop_name: The Notion database property name which stored the date and time, an ISO 8601 format date, with optional time.


    The prop_name property should be set as Date property type, or the loader won't work properly.

    Property Type Date

    A Notion template as example:


    opened by ruter 3
  • Refactor: use subcommands to group CLI options

    Refactor: use subcommands to group CLI options

    • 使用子命令对命令行参数进行分组、隔离
    • 由于第一条改动,命令行参数去除type名称前缀,不会有歧义
    • 同样由于第一条改动,现在在适当的命令行参数上加上required=True限制
    • 将loader相关参数收拢到loader类中,替代type字典
    • --is-cn 更名为 --cn
    • 合并youtube的两个参数为一个
    • 更新README中说明

    Close #19

    opened by frostming 3
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