9101 Repositories
Python Getting-Started-with-Docker-and-Flask Libraries
:P Some basic stuff I'm gonna use for my upcoming Agile Software Development and Devops
reverse-image-search-py bash script.sh img_name.jpg Requirements pip install requests pip install pyshorteners Dry run [kunal@Gordonfreeman]$ bash sc
Cryptocurrency application that displays instant cryptocurrency prices and reads prices with the Google Text-to-Speech library.
📈 Cryptocurrency Price App 💰 ◽ Cryptocurrency application that displays instant cryptocurrency prices and reads prices with the Google Text-to-Speec
Gets instagram public username and returns usefull informations like profilepic(b64), video_urls etc.
InstaSucker Gets instagram public username and returns usefull informations like profilepic(b64), video_urls etc. Information this project contains a
Scrapes mcc-mnc.com and outputs 3 files with the data (JSON, CSV & XLSX)
mcc-mnc.com-webscraper Scrapes mcc-mnc.com and outputs 3 files with the data (JSON, CSV & XLSX) A Python script for web scraping mcc-mnc.com Link: mcc
A python package that fetches tweets and user information in a very pythonic manner.
Tweetsy Tweetsy uses Twitter's underlying API to fetch user information and tweets and present it in a human-friendly way. What makes Tweetsy special
Code for the Paper: Alexandra Lindt and Emiel Hoogeboom.
Discrete Denoising Flows This repository contains the code for the experiments presented in the paper Discrete Denoising Flows [1]. To give a short ov
Small project to recursively calculate and plot each successive order of the Hilbert Curve
hilbert-curve Small project to recursively calculate and plot each successive order of the Hilbert Curve. After watching 3Blue1Brown's video on Hilber
Full featured multi arch/os debugger built on top of PyQt5 and frida
Full featured multi arch/os debugger built on top of PyQt5 and frida
Program that mathematically generates and validates CPF numbers
✔️ Gerador e Validador de CPF Programa que gera e valida números de CPF Requisitos • Como usar • Capturas de Tela Requisitos Antes de começar, você va
A flexible ML framework built to simplify medical image reconstruction and analysis experimentation.
meddlr Getting Started Meddlr is a config-driven ML framework built to simplify medical image reconstruction and analysis problems. Installation To av
Exploratory analysis and data visualization of aircraft accidents and incidents in Brazil.
Exploring aircraft accidents in Brazil Occurrencies with aircraft in Brazil are investigated by the Center for Investigation and Prevention of Aircraf
Telegram Bot for generating and decoding QR-codes
Telegram openqrgen_bot Telegram Bot that generates from user's messages and decodes QR-codes from photos. Also contains rickroll detection :) Just typ
A programming language with logic of Python, and syntax of all languages.
Pytov The idea was to take all well known syntaxes, and combine them into one programming language with many posabilities. Installation Install using
A Python package to facilitate research on building and evaluating automated scoring models.
Rater Scoring Modeling Tool Introduction Automated scoring of written and spoken test responses is a growing field in educational natural language pro
NES development tool made with Python and Lua
NES Builder NES development and romhacking tool made with Python and Lua Current Stage: Alpha Features Open source "Build" project, which exports vari
Python tools for querying and manipulating BIDS datasets.
PyBIDS is a Python library to centralize interactions with datasets conforming BIDS (Brain Imaging Data Structure) format.
scap is a tool for putting code in places and for other purposes
Scap is the deployment script used by Wikimedia Foundation to publish code and configuration on production web servers.
Autodrive is designed to make it as easy as possible to interact with the Google Drive and Sheets APIs via Python
Autodrive Autodrive is designed to make it as easy as possible to interact with the Google Drive and Sheets APIs via Python. It is especially designed
Schemdule is a tiny tool using script as schema to schedule one day and remind you to do something during a day.
Schemdule is a tiny tool using script as schema to schedule one day and remind you to do something during a day. Platform Python Install Use pip: pip
A Simple but Powerful cross-platform port scanning & and network automation tool.
DEDMAP is a Simple but Powerful, Clever and Flexible Cross-Platform Port Scanning tool made with ease to use and convenience in mind. Both TCP
Desktop application for Windows/macOS users to rotate through custom, preset, and searched-for collections of backgrounds with scheduling and additional settings
Background Revolution (In Development, Alpha Release) What? This will be an application for users to customize their windows backgrounds by uploading
Watches your earnings on EarnApp and notifies you when you earned balance or received an payout.
EarnApp-Earning-Monitor Watches your earnings on EarnApp and notifies you when you earned balance or received an payout. Installation Install Python3
Projects and assets from Wireframe #56
Wireframe56 Projects and assets from Wireframe #56 Make a Boulder Dash level editor in Python, pages 50-57, by Mark Vanstone. Code an homage to Bubble
A System Metrics Monitoring Tool Built using Python3 , rabbitmq,Grafana and InfluxDB. Setup using docker compose. Use to monitor system performance with graphical interface of grafana , storage of influxdb and message queuing of rabbitmq
SystemMonitoringRabbitMQGrafanaInflux This repository has code to setup a system monitoring tool The tools used are the follows Python3.6 Docker Rabbi
Package that allows for validate and sanitize of string values.
py.validator A library of string validators and sanitizers Insipired by validator.js Strings only This library validates and sanitizes strings only. P
Code repo for "RBSRICNN: Raw Burst Super-Resolution through Iterative Convolutional Neural Network" (Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences workshop in NeurIPS 2021).
RBSRICNN: Raw Burst Super-Resolution through Iterative Convolutional Neural Network An official PyTorch implementation of the RBSRICNN network as desc
Find unused resource keys in properties files in a Salesforce Commerce Cloud project and get rid of them.
Find Unused Resource Keys Find unused resource keys in properties files in a Salesforce Commerce Cloud project and get rid of them. It looks through a
A Python module and command line utility for working with web archive data using the WACZ format specification
py-wacz The py-wacz repository contains a Python module and command line utility for working with web archive data using the WACZ format specification
A real data analysis and modeling project - restaurant inspections
A real data analysis and modeling project - restaurant inspections Jafar Pourbemany 9/27/2021 This project represents data analysis and modeling of re
Free and Open Source Machine Translation API. 100% self-hosted, offline capable and easy to setup.
LibreTranslate Try it online! | API Docs | Community Forum Free and Open Source Machine Translation API, entirely self-hosted. Unlike other APIs, it d
In this Repo a simple Sklearn Model will be trained and pushed to MLFlow
SKlearn_to_MLFLow In this Repo a simple Sklearn Model will be trained and pushed to MLFlow Install This Repo is based on poetry python3 -m venv .venv
Auto HMM: Automatic Discrete and Continous HMM including Model selection
Auto HMM: Automatic Discrete and Continous HMM including Model selection
This tool helps you to reverse any regex and gives you the opposite/allowed Letters,numerics and symbols.
Regex-Reverser This tool helps you to reverse any regex and gives you the opposite/allowed Letters,numerics and symbols. Screenshots Usage/Examples py
An advanced 2D image manipulation with features such as edge detection and image segmentation built using OpenCV
OpenCV-ToothPaint3-Advanced-Digital-Image-Editor This application named ‘Tooth Paint’ version TP_2020.3 (64-bit) or version 3 was developed within a w
python scripts and other files to generate induction encoder PCBs in Kicad
induction_encoder python scripts and other files to generate induction encoder PCBs in Kicad Targeting the Renesas IPS2200 encoder chips.
This is a python script to navigate and extract the FSD50K dataset
FSD50K navigator This is a script I use to navigate the sound dataset from FSK50K.
edaSQL is a library to link SQL to Exploratory Data Analysis and further more in the Data Engineering.
edaSQL is a python library to bridge the SQL with Exploratory Data Analysis where you can connect to the Database and insert the queries. The query results can be passed to the EDA tool which can give greater insights to the user.
Unauthenticated enumeration of services, roles, and users in an AWS account or in every AWS account in existence.
Quiet Riot 🎶 C'mon, Feel The Noise 🎶 An enumeration tool for scalable, unauthenticated validation of AWS principals; including AWS Acccount IDs, roo
Skyformer: Remodel Self-Attention with Gaussian Kernel and Nystr\"om Method (NeurIPS 2021)
Skyformer This repository is the official implementation of Skyformer: Remodel Self-Attention with Gaussian Kernel and Nystr"om Method (NeurIPS 2021).
An python flask app with webserver example
python-flask-example-keepalive How it works? Basically its just a python flask webserver which can be used to keep any repl/herokuapp or any other ser
A collection of some leetcode challenges in python and JavaScript
Python and Javascript Coding Challenges Some leetcode questions I'm currently working on to open up my mind to better ways of problem solving. Impleme
Stock Analysis dashboard Using Streamlit and Python
StDashApp Stock Analysis Dashboard Using Streamlit and Python If you found the content useful and want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee! Th
📷 Face Recognition using Haar-Cascade Classifier, OpenCV, and Python
Face-Recognition-System Face Recognition using Haar-Cascade Classifier, OpenCV and Python. This project is based on face detection and face recognitio
KiKi bare dogs can share your joys and sorrows with you.
Kiki-FangLee-DiscordBot KiKi bare dogs can share your joys and sorrows with you. $help: Kiki will show you my talent, aw-aw. $list: Show Kiki's knowle
A python script to run any executable and pass test cases to it's stdin and compare stdout with correct output.
quera_testcase_checker A python script to run any executable and pass test cases to it's stdin and compare stdout with correct output. proper way to u
A datetime parser in Python by Ari24-cb24 and NekoFantic
datetimeparser A datetime parser in Python by Ari24-cb24 and NekoFantic V 1.0 Erinnerung für den Parser Auf falsche Eingaben überprüfen Liste an Event
A faster and highly-compatible implementation of the Python programming language.
Pyston Pyston is a fork of CPython 3.8.8 with additional optimizations for performance. It is targeted at large real-world applications such as web se
A program to read, edit, and write save files for the game Railroads! Online
RROSE - v0.3.6 This program is intended to be used as an external tool to Railroads Online server hosts. It will read save files, allow to modify entr
UAV-Networks-Routing is a Python simulator for experimenting routing algorithms and mac protocols on unmanned aerial vehicle networks.
UAV-Networks Simulator - Autonomous Networking - A.A. 20/21 UAV-Networks-Routing is a Python simulator for experimenting routing algorithms and mac pr
a discord bot for searching your movies, and bot return movie url for you :)
IMDb Discord Bot how to run this bot. the first step you must create prefixes.json file the second step you must create a virtualenv if you use window
This is a basic encryption and decryption program made in python.
A basic encryption and decryption program to visualize how the process of protecting data works.
This is a real life mario project using python and mediapipe
real-life-mario This is a real life mario project using python and mediapipe How to run to run this just run - realMario.py file requirements This req
⚡️ Get notified as soon as your next CPU, GPU, or game console is in stock
Inventory Hunter This bot helped me snag an RTX 3070... hopefully it will help you get your hands on your next CPU, GPU, or game console. Requirements
Perturb-and-max-product: Sampling and learning in discrete energy-based models
Perturb-and-max-product: Sampling and learning in discrete energy-based models This repo contains code for reproducing the results in the paper Pertur
Readings for "A Unified View of Relational Deep Learning for Polypharmacy Side Effect, Combination Therapy, and Drug-Drug Interaction Prediction."
Polypharmacy - DDI - Synergy Survey The Survey Paper This repository accompanies our survey paper A Unified View of Relational Deep Learning for Polyp
Data-Driven Operational Space Control for Adaptive and Robust Robot Manipulation
OSCAR Project Page | Paper This repository contains the codebase used in OSCAR: Data-Driven Operational Space Control for Adaptive and Robust Robot Ma
This creates a ohlc timeseries from downloaded CSV files from NSE India website and makes a SQLite database for your research.
NSE-timeseries-form-CSV-file-creator-and-SQL-appender- This creates a ohlc timeseries from downloaded CSV files from National Stock Exchange India (NS
Perform sentiment analysis and keyword extraction on Craigslist listings
craiglist-helper synopsis Perform sentiment analysis and keyword extraction on Craigslist listings Background I love Craigslist. I've found most of my
Download and save Bing wallpapers and set as background for GNOME desktop
Save Bing wallpapers and set as background for GNOME desktop This script downloads the Bing wallpaper and sets it in the background of your gnome desk
Small python-gtk application, which helps the user to merge or split pdf documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive and intuitive graphical interface
Small python-gtk application, which helps the user to merge or split pdf documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive and intuitive graphical interface
Fetch PRs from GitHub and analyze which ones are unmergeable
Set up token Generate a personal access token on GitHub. Add repo permissions. export GH_TOKEN="abcdefg" Pull PR data make Usually, GitHub doesn't h
Automated GitHub profile content using the USGS API, Plotly and GitHub Actions.
Top 20 Largest Earthquakes in the Past 24 Hours Location Mag Date and Time (UTC) 92 km SW of Sechura, Peru 5.2 11-05-2021 23:19:50 113 km NNE of Lobuj
TgMusicBot is a telegram userbot for playing songs in telegram voice calls based on Pyrogram and PyTgCalls.
TgMusicBot [Stable] TgMusicBot is a telegram userbot for playing songs in telegram voice calls based on Pyrogram and PyTgCalls. Commands !start / !hel
gwcheck is a tool to check .gnu.warning.* sections in ELF object files and display their content.
gwcheck Description gwcheck is a tool to check .gnu.warning.* sections in ELF object files and display their content. For an introduction to .gnu.warn
Python functions to run WASS stereo wave processing executables, and load and post process WASS output files.
wass-pyfuns Python functions to run the WASS stereo wave processing executables, and load and post process the WASS output files. General WASS (Waves
Minesweeper clone with 3 modes of difficulty, UI scaling and custom games feature.
Insect Sweeper Minesweeper clone with 3 modes of difficulty, UI scaling and custom games feature. Mines are replaced with random insects that a player
A Telegram bot for Download songs in mp3 format from YouTube and Extract lyrics from Genius.com ❤️
MeudsaMusic A Telegram bot for Download songs in mp3 format from YouTube and Extract lyrics from Genius.com ❤️ Commands Reach @MedusaMusic on Telegram
Simple Python script I use to manage and build my Reflux themes.
Simple Python script I use to manage and build my Reflux themes. Built for personal use, but anyone can easily fork and tweak to suit thier needs.
This is an AI that runs in the terminal. It is a voice assistant that can do common activities and can also help in your coding doubts like
This is an AI that runs in the terminal. It is a voice assistant that can do common activities and can also help in your coding doubts like
A simple python program to record security cam footage by detecting a face and body of a person in the frame.
SecurityCam A simple python program to record security cam footage by detecting a face and body of a person in the frame. This code was created by me,
A windows post exploitation tool that contains a lot of features for information gathering and more.
Crowbar - A windows post exploitation tool Status - ✔️ This project is now considered finished. Any updates from now on will most likely be new script
Python-based tools for document analysis and OCR
ocropy OCRopus is a collection of document analysis programs, not a turn-key OCR system. In order to apply it to your documents, you may need to do so
Tools for Optuna, MLflow and the integration of both.
HPOflow - Sphinx DOC Tools for Optuna, MLflow and the integration of both. Detailed documentation with examples can be found here: Sphinx DOC Table of
A collection of Scikit-Learn compatible time series transformers and tools.
tsfeast A collection of Scikit-Learn compatible time series transformers and tools. Installation Create a virtual environment and install: From PyPi p
simple project management tool for educational purposes
Taskcamp This software is used for educational and demonstrative purposes. It's a simple project management tool powered by Django Framework Install B
Python package to parse and generate C/C++ code as context aware preprocessor.
Devana Devana is a python tool that make it easy to parsing, format, transform and generate C++ (or C) code. This tool uses libclang to parse the code
Tool which allow you to detect and translate text.
Text detection and recognition This repository contains tool which allow to detect region with text and translate it one by one. Description Two pretr
This tool parses log data and allows to define analysis pipelines for anomaly detection.
logdata-anomaly-miner This tool parses log data and allows to define analysis pipelines for anomaly detection. It was designed to run the analysis wit
A tool for batch processing large fasta files and accompanying metadata table to upload to repositories via API
Fasta Uploader A tool for batch processing large fasta files and accompanying metadata table to repositories via API The python fasta_uploader.py scri
Tools for manipulating and evaluating the hOCR format for representing multi-lingual OCR results by embedding them into HTML.
hocr-tools About About the code Installation System-wide with pip System-wide from source virtualenv Available Programs hocr-check -- check the hOCR f
A collection of robust and fast processing tools for parsing and analyzing web archive data.
ChatNoir Resiliparse A collection of robust and fast processing tools for parsing and analyzing web archive data. Resiliparse is part of the ChatNoir
Suite of tools for retrieving USGS NWIS observations and evaluating National Water Model (NWM) data.
Documentation OWPHydroTools GitHub pages documentation Motivation We developed OWPHydroTools with data scientists in mind. We attempted to ensure the
A tool and a library for SVG path data transformations.
SVG path data transformation toolkit A tool and a library for SVG path data transformations. Currently it supports a translation and a scaling. Usage
Digital Earth Australia notebooks and tools repository
Repository for Digital Earth Australia Jupyter Notebooks: tools and workflows for geospatial analysis with Open Data Cube and xarray
A Google sheet which keeps track of the locations that want to visit and a price cutoff
FlightDeals Here's how the program works. First, I have a Google sheet which keeps track of the locations that I want to visit and a price cutoff. It
Simple Pixelbot for Diablo 2 Resurrected written in python and opencv.
Simple Pixelbot for Diablo 2 Resurrected written in python and opencv. Obviously only use it in offline mode as it is against the TOS of Blizzard to use it in online mode!
Python module and its web equivalent, to hide text within text by manipulating bits
cacherdutexte.github.io This project contains : Python modules (binary and decimal system 6) with a dedicated tkinter program to use it. A web version
AQP is a modular pipeline built to enable the comparison and testing of different quality metric configurations.
Audio Quality Platform - AQP An Open Modular Python Platform for Objective Speech and Audio Quality Metrics AQP is a highly modular pipeline designed
Deep-learning X-Ray Micro-CT image enhancement, pore-network modelling and continuum modelling
EDSR modelling A Github repository for deep-learning image enhancement, pore-network and continuum modelling from X-Ray Micro-CT images. The repositor
Learning Multiresolution Matrix Factorization and its Wavelet Networks on Graphs
Project Learning Multiresolution Matrix Factorization and its Wavelet Networks on Graphs, https://arxiv.org/pdf/2111.01940.pdf. Authors Truong Son Hy
Repository for the paper "From global to local MDI variable importances for random forests and when they are Shapley values"
From global to local MDI variable importances for random forests and when they are Shapley values Antonio Sutera ([email protected]) Gilles Lou
For the paper entitled ''A Case Study and Qualitative Analysis of Simple Cross-Lingual Opinion Mining''
Summary This is the source code for the paper "A Case Study and Qualitative Analysis of Simple Cross-Lingual Opinion Mining", which was accepted as fu
The project of phase's key role in complex and real NN
Phase-in-NN This is the code for our project at Princeton (co-authors: Yuqi Nie, Hui Yuan). The paper title is: "Neural Network is heterogeneous: Phas
Experiments and code to generate the GINC small-scale in-context learning dataset from "An Explanation for In-context Learning as Implicit Bayesian Inference"
GINC small-scale in-context learning dataset GINC (Generative In-Context learning Dataset) is a small-scale synthetic dataset for studying in-context
Modifications of the official PyTorch implementation of StyleGAN3. Let's easily generate images and videos with StyleGAN2/2-ADA/3!
Alias-Free Generative Adversarial Networks (StyleGAN3) Official PyTorch implementation of the NeurIPS 2021 paper Alias-Free Generative Adversarial Net
Official implementation of "Multi-Glimpse Network: A Robust and Efficient Classification Architecture based on Recurrent Downsampled Attention" (BMVC 2021).
Multi-Glimpse Network Multi-Glimpse Network: A Robust and Efficient Classification Architecture based on Recurrent Downsampled Attention arXiv Require
Code for ICMI2020 and ICMI2021 papers: "Studying Person-Specific Pointing and Gaze Behavior for Multimodal Referencing of Outside Objects from a Moving Vehicle" and "ML-PersRef: A Machine Learning-based Personalized Multimodal Fusion Approach for Referencing Outside Objects From a Moving Vehicle"
ML-PersRef This repository has python code (in jupyter notebooks) for both of the following papers: ML-PersRef: A Machine Learning-based Personalized
Official implementations of PSENet, PAN and PAN++.
News (2021/11/03) Paddle implementation of PAN, see Paddle-PANet. Thanks @simplify23. (2021/04/08) PSENet and PAN are included in MMOCR. Introduction