4712 Repositories
Python Image-Captioning-on-google-cloud-platform-based-on-iot Libraries
A web-based app that allows easy, simple - and if desired high-throughput - analysis of qPCR data
qpcr-Analyser A web-based GUI for the qpcr package that allows easy, simple and high-throughput analysis of qPCR data. As is described in more detail
Aria & Qbittorent Mirror Bot
Eunha Mirror Eunha Mirror is a multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive. Features su
Chatbot for the Chatango messaging platform
BroiestBot The baddest bot in the game right now. Uses the ch.py framework for joining Chantango rooms and responding to user messages. Commands If a
Audio pitch-shifting & re-sampling utility, based on the EMU SP-1200
Pitcher.py Free & OS emulation of the SP-12 & SP-1200 signal chain (now with GUI) Pitch shift / bitcrush / resample audio files Written and tested in
Finally decent dictionaries based on Wiktionary for your beloved eBook reader.
eBook Reader Dictionaries Finally, decent dictionaries based on Wiktionary for your beloved eBook reader. Dictionaries Catalan 🚧 Ελληνικά (help welco
Chromepass - Hacking Chrome Saved Passwords
Chromepass - Hacking Chrome Saved Passwords and Cookies View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About the Project AV Detection Gett
An embedded application for toy-car controlling based on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and AlphaBot2-Pi.
An embedded application for toy-car controlling based on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and AlphaBot2-Pi. This is the source codes of my programming assignmen
A telegram bot writen in python for mirroring files on the internet to our beloved Google Drive
[] Mirror Bot This is a telegram bot writen in python for mirroring files on the internet to our beloved Google Drive. Deploying on Heroku Give Star &
VolumeGAN - 3D-aware Image Synthesis via Learning Structural and Textural Representations
VolumeGAN - 3D-aware Image Synthesis via Learning Structural and Textural Representations 3D-aware Image Synthesis via Learning Structural and Textura
Latte: Cross-framework Python Package for Evaluation of Latent-based Generative Models
Cross-framework Python Package for Evaluation of Latent-based Generative Models Latte Latte (for LATent Tensor Evaluation) is a cross-framework Python
High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models
Latent Diffusion Models arXiv | BibTeX High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models Robin Rombach*, Andreas Blattmann*, Dominik Lorenz
Python library that finds the size / type of an image given its URI by fetching as little as needed
FastImage This is an implementation of the excellent Ruby library FastImage - but for Python. FastImage finds the size or type of an image given its u
A modern message based async agent framework
Munggoggo A modern message based async agent framework An asyncio based agent platform written in Python and based on RabbitMQ. Agents are isolated pr
YAML-formatted plain-text file based models for Flask backed by Flask-SQLAlchemy
Flask-FileAlchemy Flask-FileAlchemy is a Flask extension that lets you use Markdown or YAML formatted plain-text files as the main data store for your
Built for streamlining development of Google Assistant Actions
Apprentice Apprentice is a framework built for developing Google Actions via Dialogflow and Google Cloud (serverless) Functions. Includes: plug-and-pl
Imports an object based on a string import_string('package.module:function_name')() - Based on werkzeug.utils
DEPRECATED don't use it. Please do: import importlib foopath = 'src.apis.foo.Foo' module_name = '.'.join(foopath.split('.')[:-1]) # to get src.apis.f
Drover is a command-line utility for deploying Python packages to Lambda functions.
drover drover: a command-line utility for deploying Python packages to Lambda functions. Background This utility aims to provide a simple, repeatable,
A CLI framework based on asyncio
asynccli A CLI framework based on asyncio. Note This is still in active development. Things will change. For now, the basic framework is operational.
⚡ Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions
⚡ Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions & more! –
The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
gRPC - An RPC library and framework gRPC is a modern, open source, high-performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework that can run anywhere. gRPC
Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools used by millions of developers all over the world.
cocos2d-x Win32 Others cocos2d-x is a multi-platform framework for building 2d games, interactive books, demos and other graphical applications. It is
A set of procedures that can realize covid19 virus detection based on blood.
A set of procedures that can realize covid19 virus detection based on blood.
A modular sequencer based on Pi Pico & EuroPi
PicoSequencer A modular sequencer based on Pi Pico & EuroPi by Zeno Van Moerkerke / Keurslager Kurt For now it is 'only' a trigger sequencer, but I si
Differential rendering based motion capture blender project.
TraceArmature Summary TraceArmature is currently a set of python scripts that allow for high fidelity motion capture through the use of AI pose estima
Mazda Connected Service API wrapper based on pymazda and Flask.
Mazda Connected Service Relay Mazda Connected Service API wrapper based on pymazda and Flask. Usage Make POST calls to https://mymazda.herokuapp.com/{
This repository provides a set of easy to understand and tested Python samples for using Acronis Cyber Platform API.
Base Acronis Cyber Platform API operations with Python !!! info Copyright © 2019-2021 Acronis International GmbH. This is distributed under MIT licens
Used python functional programming to make this Ai assistant
Python-based-AI-Assistant I have used python functional programming to make this Ai assistant. Inspiration of project : we have seen in our daily life
Starter project for python based lambda project.
Serverless Python Starter Starter project for python based lambda project. Features FastAPI - Frontend dev with Hot Reload API Gateway Integration (+r
Pytorch implementation of "MOSNet: Deep Learning based Objective Assessment for Voice Conversion"
MOSNet pytorch implementation of "MOSNet: Deep Learning based Objective Assessment for Voice Conversion" https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.08352 Dependency L
Official PyTorch repo for JoJoGAN: One Shot Face Stylization
JoJoGAN: One Shot Face Stylization This is the PyTorch implementation of JoJoGAN: One Shot Face Stylization. Abstract: While there have been recent ad
TeachMyAgent is a testbed platform for Automatic Curriculum Learning methods in Deep RL.
TeachMyAgent: a Benchmark for Automatic Curriculum Learning in Deep RL Paper Website Documentation TeachMyAgent is a testbed platform for Automatic Cu
Code for MentorNet: Learning Data-Driven Curriculum for Very Deep Neural Networks
MentorNet: Learning Data-Driven Curriculum for Very Deep Neural Networks This is the code for the paper: MentorNet: Learning Data-Driven Curriculum fo
A library that allows you to easily mock out tests based on AWS infrastructure.
Moto - Mock AWS Services Install $ pip install moto[ec2,s3,all] In a nutshell Moto is a library that allows your tests to easily mock out AWS Services
This repository contains a CBIR system that uses swin transformer to extract image's feature.
Swin-transformer based CBIR This repository contains a CBIR(content-based image retrieval) system. Here we use Swin-transformer to extract query image
Pass2Pwn: a simple python3 tool created to assist penetration testers generate possible passwords for a targeted system based solely on the organization's name
Pass2Pwn is a simple python3 tool created to assist penetration testers generate possible passwords for a targeted system based solely on the organization's name
Flashback is an awesome, retro IRC based app built using Django
Flashback Flashback is an awesome, retro IRC based app built using Django (and the Django Rest Framework) for the backend as well as React for the fro
Python / C++ based particle reaction-diffusion simulator
ReaDDy (Reaction Diffusion Dynamics) is an open source particle based reaction-diffusion simulator that can be configured and run via Python. Currentl
Fast syllable estimation library based on pattern matching.
Syllables: A fast syllable estimator for Python Syllables is a fast, simple syllable estimator for Python. It's intended for use in places where speed
Python samples for Google Cloud Platform products.
Google Cloud Platform Python Samples Python samples for Google Cloud Platform products. Setup Install pip and virtualenv if you do not already have th
ONNX Runtime: cross-platform, high performance ML inferencing and training accelerator
ONNX Runtime is a cross-platform inference and training machine-learning accelerator. ONNX Runtime inference can enable faster customer experiences an
AI-based, context-driven network device ranking
Batea A batea is a large shallow pan of wood or iron traditionally used by gold prospectors for washing sand and gravel to recover gold nuggets. Batea
Codes for “A Deeply Supervised Attention Metric-Based Network and an Open Aerial Image Dataset for Remote Sensing Change Detection”
DSAMNet The pytorch implementation for "A Deeply-supervised Attention Metric-based Network and an Open Aerial Image Dataset for Remote Sensing Change
Code release for the paper “Worldsheet Wrapping the World in a 3D Sheet for View Synthesis from a Single Image”, ICCV 2021.
Worldsheet: Wrapping the World in a 3D Sheet for View Synthesis from a Single Image This repository contains the code for the following paper: R. Hu,
This repository contains the code used in the paper "Prompt-Based Multi-Modal Image Segmentation".
Prompt-Based Multi-Modal Image Segmentation This repository contains the code used in the paper "Prompt-Based Multi-Modal Image Segmentation". The sys
StyleSwin: Transformer-based GAN for High-resolution Image Generation
StyleSwin This repo is the official implementation of "StyleSwin: Transformer-based GAN for High-resolution Image Generation". By Bowen Zhang, Shuyang
Integrated physics-based and ligand-based modeling.
ComBind ComBind integrates data-driven modeling and physics-based docking for improved binding pose prediction and binding affinity prediction. Given
Semantically Contrastive Learning for Low-light Image Enhancement
Semantically Contrastive Learning for Low-light Image Enhancement Here, we propose an effective semantically contrastive learning paradigm for Low-lig
Level Based Customer Segmentation
level_based_customer_segmentation Level Based Customer Segmentation Persona Veri Seti kullanılarak müşteri segmentasyonu yapılmıştır. KOLONLAR : PRICE
Platform-agnostic AI Framework 🔥
🇬🇧 TensorLayerX is a multi-backend AI framework, which can run on almost all operation systems and AI hardwares, and support hybrid-framework progra
Official Pytorch implementation of the paper: "Locally Shifted Attention With Early Global Integration"
Locally-Shifted-Attention-With-Early-Global-Integration Pretrained models You can download all the models from here. Training Imagenet python -m torch
An efficient PyTorch library for Global Wheat Detection using YOLOv5. The project is based on this Kaggle competition Global Wheat Detection (2021).
Global-Wheat-Detection An efficient PyTorch library for Global Wheat Detection using YOLOv5. The project is based on this Kaggle competition Global Wh
Official code for the publication "HyFactor: Hydrogen-count labelled graph-based defactorization Autoencoder".
HyFactor Graph-based architectures are becoming increasingly popular as a tool for structure generation. Here, we introduce a novel open-source archit
blind SQLIpy sebuah alat injeksi sql yang menggunakan waktu sql untuk mendapatkan sebuah server database.
blind SQLIpy Alat blind SQLIpy ini merupakan alat injeksi sql yang menggunakan metode time based blind sql injection metode tersebut membutuhkan waktu
A Japanese tokenizer based on recurrent neural networks
Nagisa is a python module for Japanese word segmentation/POS-tagging. It is designed to be a simple and easy-to-use tool. This tool has the following
Terraform Cloud CLI for Managing Workspace Terraform Versions
Terraform Cloud Version Manager This tiny script makes it easy to update the Terraform Version on all of the Workspaces inside Terraform Cloud. It wil
Dumps the payload.bin image found in Android update images.
payload dumper Dumps the payload.bin image found in Android update images. Has significant performance gains over other tools due to using multiproces
A unet implementation for Image semantic segmentation
Unet-pytorch a unet implementation for Image semantic segmentation 参考网上的Unet做分割的代码,做了一个针对kaggle地盐识别的,请去以下地址获取数据集: https://www.kaggle.com/c/tgs-salt-id
Image-Adaptive YOLO for Object Detection in Adverse Weather Conditions
Image-Adaptive YOLO for Object Detection in Adverse Weather Conditions Accepted by AAAI 2022 [arxiv] Wenyu Liu, Gaofeng Ren, Runsheng Yu, Shi Guo, Jia
No-reference Image Quality Assessment(NIQA) Algorithms (BRISQUE, NIQE, PIQE, RankIQA, MetaIQA)
No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Algorithms No-reference Image Quality Assessment(NIQA) is a task of evaluating an image without a reference imag
Implementation for paper "STAR: A Structure-aware Lightweight Transformer for Real-time Image Enhancement" (ICCV 2021).
STAR-pytorch Implementation for paper "STAR: A Structure-aware Lightweight Transformer for Real-time Image Enhancement" (ICCV 2021). CVF (pdf) STAR-DC
This project aims to explore the deployment of Swin-Transformer based on TensorRT, including the test results of FP16 and INT8.
Swin Transformer This project aims to explore the deployment of SwinTransformer based on TensorRT, including the test results of FP16 and INT8. Introd
Jug: A Task-Based Parallelization Framework
Jug: A Task-Based Parallelization Framework Jug allows you to write code that is broken up into tasks and run different tasks on different processors.
An enhanced discord.py, based off of the now-archived discord.py project
enhanced-discord.py A modern, maintained, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. The Future of enhanced
Find exposed API keys based on RegEx and get exploitation methods for some of keys that are found
dora Features Blazing fast as we are using ripgrep in backend Exploit/PoC steps for many of the API key, allowing to write a good report for bug bount
An A-SOUL Text Generator Based on CPM-Distill.
ASOUL-Generator-Backend 本项目为 https://asoul.infedg.xyz/ 的后端。 模型为基于 CPM-Distill 的 transformers 转化版本 CPM-Generate-distill 训练而成。
Install and manage Proton-GE and Luxtorpeda for Steam and Wine-GE for Lutris with this graphical user interface. Based on AUNaseef's ProtonUp, made with Python 3 and Qt 6.
ProtonUp-Qt Qt-based graphical user interface to install and manage Proton-GE installations for Steam and Wine-GE installations for Lutris. Based on A
Tmux Based Dropdown Dashboard For Python
sextans It's a private configuration and an ongoing experiment while I use Archlinux. A simple drop down dashboard based on tmux. It includes followin
Official codebase for running the small, filtered-data GLIDE model from GLIDE: Towards Photorealistic Image Generation and Editing with Text-Guided Diffusion Models.
GLIDE This is the official codebase for running the small, filtered-data GLIDE model from GLIDE: Towards Photorealistic Image Generation and Editing w
Depth image based mouse cursor visual haptic
Depth image based mouse cursor visual haptic How to run it. Install pyqt5. Install python modules pip install Pillow pip install numpy For illustrati
High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models
Latent Diffusion Models Requirements A suitable conda environment named ldm can be created and activated with: conda env create -f environment.yaml co
fhempy is a FHEM binding to write modules in Python language
fhempy (BETA) fhempy allows the usage of Python 3 (NOT 2!) language to write FHEM modules. Python 3.7 or higher is required, therefore I recommend usi
Implementation of a hadoop based movie recommendation system
Implementation-of-a-hadoop-based-movie-recommendation-system 通过编写代码,设计一个基于Hadoop的电影推荐系统,通过此推荐系统的编写,掌握在Hadoop平台上的文件操作,数据处理的技能。windows 10 hadoop 2.8.3 p
A script to search, scrape and scan for Apache Log4j CVE-2021-44228 affected files using Google dorks
Log4j dork scanner This is an auto script to search, scrape and scan for Apache Log4j CVE-2021-44228 affected files using Google dorks. Installation:
PyTorch implementation of our paper: Decoupling and Recoupling Spatiotemporal Representation for RGB-D-based Motion Recognition
Decoupling and Recoupling Spatiotemporal Representation for RGB-D-based Motion Recognition, arxiv This is a PyTorch implementation of our paper. 1. Re
A Comparative Review of Recent Kinect-Based Action Recognition Algorithms (TIP2020, Matlab codes)
A Comparative Review of Recent Kinect-Based Action Recognition Algorithms This repo contains: the HDG implementation (Matlab codes) for 'Analysis and
PyTorch implementation of DeepUME: Learning the Universal Manifold Embedding for Robust Point Cloud Registration (BMVC 2021)
DeepUME: Learning the Universal Manifold Embedding for Robust Point Cloud Registration [video] [paper] [supplementary] [data] [thesis] Introduction De
A terminal based web shell controller
shell-hack Tribute to Chinese ant sword; A Powerful terminal based webshell controller; Usage : Usage : python3 shell-hack.py --url [URL] --w
A carrot-based color palette you didn't know you needed.
A package to produce a carrot-inspired color palette for python/matplotlib. Install: pip install carrotColors Update: pip install --upgrade carrotColo
A basic duplicate image detection service using perceptual image hash functions and nearest neighbor search, implemented using faiss, fastapi, and imagehash
Duplicate Image Detection Getting Started Install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt Run service python main.py Testing Test with pytest How
Software Platform for solving and manipulating multiparametric programs in Python
PPOPT Python Parametric OPtimization Toolbox (PPOPT) is a software platform for solving and manipulating multiparametric programs in Python. This pack
Data Platform com AWS CDK
Welcome to your CDK Python project! This is a blank project for Python development with CDK. The cdk.json file tells the CDK Toolkit how to execute yo
You can draw the corresponding bounding box into the image and save it according to the result file (txt format) run by the tracker.
You can draw the corresponding bounding box into the image and save it according to the result file (txt format) run by the tracker.
Deep Reinforcement Learning based autonomous navigation for quadcopters using PPO algorithm.
PPO-based Autonomous Navigation for Quadcopters This repository contains an implementation of Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) for autonomous naviga
Repository for GNSS-based position estimation using a Deep Neural Network
Code repository accompanying our work on 'Improving GNSS Positioning using Neural Network-based Corrections'. In this paper, we present a Deep Neural
Scrapegoat is a python library that can be used to scrape the websites from internet based on the relevance of the given topic irrespective of language using Natural Language Processing
Scrapegoat is a python library that can be used to scrape the websites from internet based on the relevance of the given topic irrespective of language using Natural Language Processing. It can be mainly used for non-English language to get accurate and relevant scraped text.
Braje: a python based credit hacker tool. Hack unlimited RAJE LIKER app Credit
#ReCoded Evan Al Mahmud Irfan ✨ ථ BRAJE 1.0 AUTO LIKER, AUTO COMMENT AND AUTO FOLLOWER APP CREDIT HACKER TOOL About Braje: Braje is a python based cre
MISSFormer: An Effective Medical Image Segmentation Transformer
MISSFormer Code for paper "MISSFormer: An Effective Medical Image Segmentation Transformer". Please read our preprint at the following link: paper_add
Streaming over lightweight data transformations
Description Data augmentation libarary for Deep Learning, which supports images, segmentation masks, labels and keypoints. Furthermore, SOLT is fast a
computer vision, image processing and machine learning on the web browser or node.
Image processing and Machine learning labs computer vision, image processing and machine learning on the web browser or node note Fast Fourier Trans
A basic reminder tool written in Python.
A simple Python Reminder Here's a basic reminder tool written in Python that speaks to the user and sends a notification. Run pip3 install pyttsx3 w
A telegram bot to translate 100+ Languages
🔥 GOOGLE TRANSLATER 🔥 The owner would not be responsible for any kind of bans due to the bot. • ⚡ INSTALLING ⚡ • • 🔰 Deploy To Railway 🔰 • • ✅ OFF
Example for how to package a Python library based on Cython.
Cython sample module This project is an example of a module that can be built using Cython. It is an upgrade from a similar model developed by Arin Kh
Build and Push docker image in Python (luigi + docker-py)
Docker build images workflow in Python Since docker hub stopped building images for free accounts, I've been looking for another way to do it. I could
A simple CLI based any Download Tool, that find files and let you stream or download thorugh WebTorrent CLI or Aria or any command tool
Privateer A simple CLI based any Download Tool, that find files and let you stream or download thorugh WebTorrent CLI or Aria or any command tool How
A warping based image translation model focusing on upper body synthesis.
Pose2Img Upper body image synthesis from skeleton(Keypoints). Sub module in the ICCV-2021 paper "Speech Drives Templates: Co-Speech Gesture Synthesis
Auto-Lama combines object detection and image inpainting to automate object removals
Auto-Lama Auto-Lama combines object detection and image inpainting to automate object removals. It is build on top of DE:TR from Facebook Research and
An end-to-end image translation model with weight-map for color constancy
CCUnet An end-to-end image translation model with weight-map for color constancy 1. Download the dataset (take Colorchecker_recommended dataset as an
Complete system for facial identity system
Complete system for facial identity system. Include one-shot model, database operation, features visualization, monitoring
Pytorch implementation of the paper Improving Text-to-Image Synthesis Using Contrastive Learning
T2I_CL This is the official Pytorch implementation of the paper Improving Text-to-Image Synthesis Using Contrastive Learning Requirements Linux Python
Prototype-based Incremental Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
Prototype-based Incremental Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation Fabio Cermelli, Massimiliano Mancini, Yongqin Xian, Zeynep Akata, Barbara Caputo -- BMVC 20